All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Count, Lafew, and Parolles.Enter Bertram, Lafew, and Parolles AW II.iii.1
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
They say miracles are past, and we haue ourThey say miracles are past, and we have our AW II.iii.1
Philosophicall persons, to make moderne and familiarphilosophical persons to make modern and familiar,modern (adj.)

old form: moderne
ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday
AW II.iii.2
things supernaturall and causelesse. Hence is it, thatthings supernatural and causeless. Hence is it thatcauseless (adj.)

old form: causelesse
outside the normal course of nature, inexplicable by natural causes
AW II.iii.3
we make trifles of terrours, ensconcing our selues into we make trifles of terrors, ensconcing ourselves intoensconce, insconce (v.)
protect, conceal, shelter
AW II.iii.4
seeming knowledge, when we should submit our seluesseeming knowledge when we should submit ourselvesseeming (adj.)
apparent, convincing in appearance
AW II.iii.5
to an vnknowne an unknown fear. AW II.iii.6
Why 'tis the rarest argument of wonder, thatWhy, 'tis the rarest argument of wonder thatargument (n.)
subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic
AW II.iii.7
hath shot out in our latter times.hath shot out in our latter times.shoot out (v.)
appear suddenly, come up, emerge
AW II.iii.8
And so 'tis.And so 'tis. AW II.iii.9
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
To be relinquisht of the Artists.To be relinquished of the artistsrelinquish (v.)

old form: relinquisht
abandon, desert, give up [by]
AW II.iii.10
artist (n.)
medical practitioner, physician
So I say both of Galen and Paracelsus.So I say – both of Galen and Paracelsus.Galen (n.)
[pron: 'gaylen] Greek physician, 2nd-c
AW II.iii.11
Paracelsus (n.)
Swiss physician and alchemist,16th-c
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
Of all the learned and authenticke fellowes.Of all the learned and authentic fellowsfellow (n.)

old form: fellowes
practitioner, specialist, expert
AW II.iii.12
authentic (adj.)

old form: authenticke
qualified, accredited, authorized
Right so I say.Right, so I say. AW II.iii.13
Ol. Laf. LAFEW 
That gaue him out incureable.That gave him out incurable –  AW II.iii.14
Why there 'tis, so say I too.Why, there 'tis, so say I too. AW II.iii.15
Ol. Laf. LAFEW 
Not to be help'd.Not to be helped. AW II.iii.16
Right, as 'twere a man assur'd of a------ Right, as 'twere a man assured of a –  AW II.iii.17
Ol. Laf. LAFEW 
Vncertaine life, and sure death.Uncertain life and sure death. AW II.iii.18
Iust, you say well: so would I haue said.Just, you say well. So would I have said. AW II.iii.19
Ol. Laf. LAFEW 
I may truly say, it is a noueltie to the world.I may truly say it is a novelty to the world. AW II.iii.20
It is indeede if you will haue it in shewing, youIt is indeed. If you will have it in showing, youshowing (n.)

old form: shewing
visible form, printed form, visual representation
AW II.iii.21
shall reade it in what do ye call there.shall read it in what-do-ye-call there. AW II.iii.22
Ol. Laf. LAFEW 
A shewing of a heauenly effect in an earthly Actor.A showing of a heavenly effect in an earthly (n.)
doer, performer
AW II.iii.23
That's it, I would haue said, the verie same.That's it, I would have said the very same. AW II.iii.24
Ol. Laf. LAFEW 
Why your Dolphin is not lustier: fore mee I speakeWhy, your dolphin is not lustier. 'Fore me, I speaklusty (adj.)
vigorous, strong, robust, eager
AW II.iii.25
afore, 'fore (prep.)
before, in front of
in respect--- in respect –  AW II.iii.26
Nay 'tis strange, 'tis very straunge, that is theNay, 'tis strange, 'tis very strange, that is the AW II.iii.27
breefe and the tedious of it, and he's of a most facinerious brief and the tedious of it; and he's of a most facineriousfacinerious (adj.)
extremely wicked, villainous, criminal
AW II.iii.28
brief and the long / tedious, the

old form: breefe
the long and the short
spirit, that will not acknowledge it to be the--- spirit that will not acknowledge it to be the –  AW II.iii.29
Very hand of heauen.Very hand of heaven. AW II.iii.30
I, so I say.Ay, so I say. AW II.iii.31
Ol.Laf. LAFEW 
In a most weake---In a most weak –  AW II.iii.32
And debile minister great power, greatAnd debile minister, great power, greatdebile (adj.)
feeble, weak, puny
AW II.iii.33
trancendence, which should indeede giue vs a furthertranscendence, which should indeed give us a further AW II.iii.34
vse to be made, then alone the recou'ry of the king, asuse to be made than alone the recovery of the King, as AW II.iii.35
to beeto be –  AW II.iii.36
Old Laf.LAFEW 
Generally thankfull.Generally thankful.generally (adv.)
universally, without exception, in the eyes of all
AW II.iii.37
Enter King, Hellen, and attendants.Enter the King, Helena, and attendants AW II.iii.38
I would haue said it, you say well: heere comesI would have said it, you say well. Here comes AW II.iii.38
the King.the King. AW II.iii.39
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
Lustique, as the Dutchman saies: Ile like a maideLustique, as the Dutchman says. I'll like a maidlustique (adj.)
lusty, lively, sportive
AW II.iii.40
Dutchman (n.)
the Better whil'st I haue a tooth in my head: why he'sthe better, whilst I have a tooth in my head. Why, he'stooth (n.)
taste for pleasure, sweet tooth
AW II.iii.41
able to leade her a to lead her a coranto.coranto (n.)

old form: Carranto
lively dance with quick running steps
AW II.iii.42
Mor du vinager, is not this Helen?Mor du vinager! Is not this Helen? AW II.iii.43
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
Fore God I thinke so.'Fore God, I think so.afore, 'fore (prep.)
before, in front of
AW II.iii.44
Goe call before mee all the Lords in Court,Go, call before me all the lords in court. AW II.iii.45
Exit an attendant AW II.iii.45
Sit my preseruer by thy patients side,Sit, my preserver, by thy patient's side, AW II.iii.46
And with this healthfull hand whose banisht senceAnd with this healthful hand, whose banished sensehealthful (adj.)

old form: healthfull
healthy, wholesome, fit [in health]
AW II.iii.47
Thou hast repeal'd, a second time receyueThou hast repealed, a second time receiverepeal (v.)

old form: repeal'd
recall, call back [from exile]
AW II.iii.48
The confirmation of my promis'd guift,The confirmation of my promised gift, AW II.iii.49
Which but attends thy naming.Which but attends thy naming.attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
AW II.iii.50
Enter 3 or 4 Lords.Enter four Lords AW II.iii.51.1
Faire Maide send forth thine eye, this youthfull parcellFair maid, send forth thine eye. This youthful parcelparcel (n.)

old form: parcell
small group, company, party
AW II.iii.51
Of Noble Batchellors, stand at my bestowing,Of noble bachelors stand at my bestowing, AW II.iii.52
Ore whom both Soueraigne power, and fathers voiceO'er whom both sovereign power and father's voice AW II.iii.53
I haue to vse; thy franke election make,I have to use. Thy frank election make;election (n.)
choice, preference
AW II.iii.54
frank (adj.)

old form: franke
free, unconstrained, unrestricted
Thou hast power to choose, and they none to forsake.Thou hast power to choose, and they none to forsake.forsake (v.)
refuse, decline, reject
AW II.iii.55
To each of you, one faire and vertuous Mistris;To each of you one fair and virtuous mistress AW II.iii.56
Fall when loue please, marry to each but one.Fall, when love please! Marry, to each but one!marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
AW II.iii.57
Old Laf.LAFEW 
I'de giue bay curtall, and his furnitureI'd give bay curtal and his furniturefurniture (n.)
trappings, harness
AW II.iii.58
curtal (adj.)

old form: curtall
with a docked tail; common, household
My mouth no more were broken then these boyes,My mouth no more were broken than these boys',broken (adj.)
broken in [as a horse]; or: in pieces [as of teeth]
AW II.iii.59
And writ as little beard.And writ as little beard.write (v.)
claim, bear, exhibit
AW II.iii.60.1
Peruse them well:Peruse them well. AW II.iii.60.2
Not one of those, but had a Noble father.Not one of those but had a noble father. AW II.iii.61
She addresses her to a Lord.Helena addresses the Lords AW II.iii.62
Gentlemen,Gentlemen, AW II.iii.62
heauen hath through me, restor'd the king to health.Heaven hath through me restored the King to health. AW II.iii.63
We vnderstand it, and thanke heauen for you.We understand it, and thank heaven for you. AW II.iii.64
I am a simple Maide, and therein wealthiestI am a simple maid, and therein wealthiest AW II.iii.65
That I protest, I simply am a Maide:That I protest I simply am a maid. AW II.iii.66
Please it your Maiestie, I haue done already:Please it your majesty, I have done already. AW II.iii.67
The blushes in my cheekes thus whisper mee,The blushes in my cheeks thus whisper me: AW II.iii.68
We blush that thou shouldst choose, but be refused;‘ We blush that thou shouldst choose, but, be refused, AW II.iii.69
Let the white death sit on thy cheeke for euer,Let the white death sit on thy cheek for ever, AW II.iii.70
Wee'l nere come there againe.We'll ne'er come there again.’ AW II.iii.71.1
Make choise and see,Make choice and see, AW II.iii.71.2
Who shuns thy loue, shuns all his loue in mee.Who shuns thy love shuns all his love in me. AW II.iii.72
Now Dian from thy Altar do I fly,Now, Dian, from thy altar do I fly,Diana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
AW II.iii.73
And to imperiall loue, that God most highAnd to imperial Love, that god most high, AW II.iii.74
Do my sighes streame: Sir, wil you heare my suite?Do my sighs stream. (To First Lord) Sir, will you hear my suit?suit (n.)
formal request, entreaty, petition
AW II.iii.75
And grant it.And grant it. AW II.iii.76.1
Thankes sir, all the rest is mute.Thanks, sir. All the rest is mute. AW II.iii.76.2
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
I had rather be in this choise, then throw / Ames-aceI had rather be in this choice than throw ames-aceames-ace (n.)
double ace [the lowest throw at dice]
AW II.iii.77
for my life.for my life. AW II.iii.78
(to Second Lord) AW II.iii.79
The honor sir that flames in your faire eyes,The honour, sir, that flames in your fair eyes AW II.iii.79
Before I speake too threatningly replies:Before I speak, too threateningly replies. AW II.iii.80
Loue make your fortunes twentie times aboueLove make your fortunes twenty times above AW II.iii.81
Her that so wishes, and her humble loue.Her that so wishes, and her humble love! AW II.iii.82
No better if you please.No better, if you please. AW II.iii.83.1
My wish receiue,My wish receive, AW II.iii.83.2
Which great loue grant, and so I take my leaue.Which great Love grant. And so I take my leave. AW II.iii.84
Ol. Laf.LAFEW 
Do all they denie her? And they were sons of mine,Do all they deny her? An they were sons of mineand, an (conj.)
if, even if
AW II.iii.85
I'de haue them whip'd, or I would send them toI'd have them whipped, or I would send them to AW II.iii.86
'th Turke to make Eunuches' Turk to make eunuchs of.Turk (n.)
Sultan of Turkey
AW II.iii.87
(to Third Lord) AW II.iii.88
Be not afraid that I your hand should take,Be not afraid that I your hand should take; AW II.iii.88
Ile neuer do you wrong for your owne sake:I'll never do you wrong, for your own sake. AW II.iii.89
Blessing vpon your vowes, and in your bedBlessing upon your vows, and in your bed AW II.iii.90
Finde fairer fortune, if you euer wed.Find fairer fortune if you ever wed! AW II.iii.91
Old Laf.LAFEW 
These boyes are boyes of Ice, they'le none haue heere: These boys are boys of ice; they'll none have her. AW II.iii.92
sure they are bastards to the English, the French nereSure, they are bastards to the English; the French ne'er AW II.iii.93
got 'em.get (v.)
beget, conceive, breed
AW II.iii.94
(to Fourth Lord) AW II.iii.95
You are too young, too happie, and too goodYou are too young, too happy, and too good AW II.iii.95
To make your selfe a sonne out of my blood.To make yourself a son out of my blood. AW II.iii.96
Faire one, I thinke not so.Fair one, I think not so. AW II.iii.97
Ol. Lord. LAFEW 
There's one grape yet, I am sure thy father drunkeThere's one grape yet. I am sure thy father drunk AW II.iii.98
wine. But if thou be'st not an asse, I am a youth of fourteene:wine; but if thou beest not an ass, I am a youth of fourteen; AW II.iii.99
I haue knowne thee already.I have known thee already.know (v.)

old form: knowne
see through, find out about
AW II.iii.100
(to Bertram) AW II.iii.101
I dare not say I take you, but I giueI dare not say I take you, but I give AW II.iii.101
Me and my seruice, euer whilst I liueMe and my service, ever whilst I live, AW II.iii.102
Into your guiding power: This is the man.Into your guiding power. This is the man.power (n.)
control, influence, sway
AW II.iii.103
King KING 
Why then young Bertram take her shee's thy wife.Why, then, young Bertram, take her, she's thy wife. AW II.iii.104
My wife my Leige? I shal beseech your highnesMy wife, my liege! I shall beseech your highness, AW II.iii.105
In such a busines, giue me leaue to vseIn such a business give me leave to use AW II.iii.106
The helpe of mine owne eies.The help of mine own eyes. AW II.iii.107.1
King KING 
Know'st thou not Bertram what shee ha'sKnowest thou not, Bertram, AW II.iii.107.2
done for mee?What she has done for me? AW II.iii.108.1
Yes my good Lord,Yes, my good lord, AW II.iii.108.2
but neuer hope to know why I should marrie her.But never hope to know why I should marry her. AW II.iii.109
King KING 
Thou know'st shee ha's rais'd me from my sickly bed.Thou knowest she has raised me from my sickly bed.sickly (adj.)
of sickness, invalid
AW II.iii.110
But followes it my Lord, to bring me downeBut follows it, my lord, to bring me down AW II.iii.111
Must answer for your raising? I knowe her well:Must answer for your raising? I know her well: AW II.iii.112
Shee had her breeding at my fathers charge:She had her breeding at my father's charge.breeding (n.)
raising, upbringing
AW II.iii.113
A poore Physitians daughter my wife? DisdaineA poor physician's daughter my wife! Disdain AW II.iii.114
Rather corrupt me euer.Rather corrupt me ever!corrupt (v.)
ruin, defile, debase
AW II.iii.115
Tis onely title thou disdainst in her, the which'Tis only title thou disdainest in her, the whichtitle (n.)
name, label, designation
AW II.iii.116
I can build vp: strange is it that our bloodsI can build up. Strange is it that our bloods, AW II.iii.117
Of colour, waight, and heat, pour'd all together,Of colour, weight, and heat, poured all together, AW II.iii.118
Would quite confound distinction: yet stands offWould quite confound distinction, yet stands offstand off (v.)
be distinguishable, differ, remain separate
AW II.iii.119
confound (v.)
challenge, defy, overturn
In differences so mightie. If she beeIn differences so mighty. If she be AW II.iii.120
All that is vertuous (saue what thou dislik'st)All that is virtuous, save what thou dislikestdislike (v.)

old form: dislik'st
disapprove of, take exception to
AW II.iii.121
A poore Phisitians daughter, thou dislik'stA poor physician's daughter – thou dislikest AW II.iii.122
Of vertue for the name: but doe not so:Of virtue for the name. But do not so. AW II.iii.123
From lowest place, whence vertuous things proceed,From lowest place when virtuous things proceed,place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
AW II.iii.124
The place is dignified by th' doers deede.The place is dignified by th' doer's deed. AW II.iii.125
Where great additions swell's, and vertue none,Where great additions swell's, and virtue none,swell (v.)
exalt, magnify, puff up
AW II.iii.126
addition (n.)
title, name
It is a dropsied honour. Good alone,It is a dropsied honour. Good alonedropsied (adj.)
puffed up, turgid, pretentious
AW II.iii.127
Is good without a name? Vilenesse is so:Is good, without a name: vileness is so; AW II.iii.128
The propertie by what is is, should go,The property by what it is should go,go (v.)
pass as current, be valued
AW II.iii.129
Not by the title. Shee is young, wise, faire,Not by the title. She is young, wise, fair;title (n.)
name, label, designation
AW II.iii.130
In these, to Nature shee's immediate heire:In these to nature she's immediate heir,immediate (adj.)
close in succession, proximate, direct
AW II.iii.131
And these breed honour: that is honours scorne,And these breed honour; that is honour's scorn AW II.iii.132
Which challenges it selfe as honours borne,Which challenges itself as honour's born AW II.iii.133
And is not like the sire: Honours thriue,And is not like the sire. Honours thrive AW II.iii.134
When rather from our acts we them deriueWhen rather from our acts we them derive AW II.iii.135
Then our fore-goers: the meere words, a slaueThan our foregoers. The mere word's a slave,foregoer (n.)

old form: fore-goers
forebear, predecessor, ancestor
AW II.iii.136
Debosh'd on euerie tombe, on euerie graue:Debauched on every tomb, on every gravedeboshed, deboyst (adj.)

old form: Debosh'd
debauched, corrupted, depraved
AW II.iii.137
A lying Trophee, and as oft is dumbe,A lying trophy, and as oft is dumboft (adv.)
AW II.iii.138
Where dust, and damn'd obliuion is the Tombe.Where dust and damned oblivion is the tomb AW II.iii.139
Of honour'd bones indeed, what should be saide?Of honoured bones indeed. What should be said? AW II.iii.140
If thou canst like this creature, as a maide,If thou canst like this creature as a maid, AW II.iii.141
I can create the rest: Vertue, and sheeI can create the rest. Virtue and she AW II.iii.142
Is her owne dower: Honour and wealth, from mee.Is her own dower; honour and wealth from me.dower (n.)
dowry, property or wealth given with a wife
AW II.iii.143
I cannot loue her, nor will striue to doo't.I cannot love her nor will strive to do't. AW II.iii.144
Thou wrong'st thy selfe, if thou shold'st striue to choose.Thou wrongest thyself if thou shouldst strive to choose. AW II.iii.145
That you are well restor'd my Lord, I'me glad:That you are well restored, my lord, I'm glad. AW II.iii.146
Let the rest go.Let the rest go. AW II.iii.147
My Honor's at the stake, which to defeateMy honour's at the stake, which to defeat,stake, at the
[bear-baiting] under attack; or [gambling]: at risk
AW II.iii.148
I must produce my power. Heere, take her hand,I must produce my power. Here, take her hand, AW II.iii.149
Proud scornfull boy, vnworthie this good gift,Proud, scornful boy, unworthy this good gift, AW II.iii.150
That dost in vile misprision shackle vpThat dost in vile misprision shackle upmisprision (n.)
contempt, scorn, disdain
AW II.iii.151
My loue, and her desert: that canst not dreame,My love and her desert; that canst not dreamdesert, desart (n.)
deserving, due recompense, right
AW II.iii.152
We poizing vs in her defectiue scale,We, poising us in her defective scale,poise (v.)

old form: poizing
balance, weigh, make even
AW II.iii.153
Shall weigh thee to the beame: That wilt not know,Shall weigh thee to the beam; that wilt not knowbeam (n.)

old form: beame
balance, scales, counterpoise
AW II.iii.154
It is in Vs to plant thine Honour, whereIt is in us to plant thine honour where AW II.iii.155
We please to haue it grow. Checke thy contempt:We please to have it grow. Check thy contempt. AW II.iii.156
Obey Our will, which trauailes in thy good:Obey our will which travails in thy good.travail, travel (v.)

old form: trauailes
labour, make an effort, work hard [for] [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel']
AW II.iii.157
Beleeue not thy disdaine, but presentlieBelieve not thy disdain, but presentlypresently (adv.)

old form: presentlie
immediately, instantly, at once
AW II.iii.158
Do thine owne fortunes that obedient rightDo thine own fortunes that obedient rightobedient (adj.)
of obedience, dutiful
AW II.iii.159
Which both thy dutie owes, and Our power claimes,Which both thy duty owes and our power claims;power (n.)
exercise of power, authoritative action
AW II.iii.160
Or I will throw thee from my care for euerOr I will throw thee from my care for ever AW II.iii.161
Into the staggers, and the carelesse lapseInto the staggers and the careless lapsecareless (adj.)

old form: carelesse
uncared for, untended
AW II.iii.162
lapse (n.)
fall, moral decline
staggers (n.)
unsteadiness, reeling, giddiness
Of youth and ignorance: both my reuenge and hateOf youth and ignorance, both my revenge and hate AW II.iii.163
Loosing vpon thee, in the name of iustice,Loosing upon thee in the name of justice, AW II.iii.164
Without all termes of pittie. Speake, thine answer.Without all terms of pity. Speak. Thine answer.term (n.)

old form: termes
respect, consideration, form
AW II.iii.165
Pardon my gracious Lord: for I submitPardon, my gracious lord; for I submit AW II.iii.166
My fancie to your eies, when I considerMy fancy to your eyes. When I considerfancy (n.)

old form: fancie
love, amorousness, infatuation
AW II.iii.167
What great creation, and what dole of honourWhat great creation and what dole of honourdole (n.)
share, part, portion, lot
AW II.iii.168
Flies where you bid it: I finde that she which lateFlies where you bid it, I find that she, which latelate (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
AW II.iii.169
Was in my Nobler thoughts, most base: is nowWas in my nobler thoughts most base, is nowbase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
AW II.iii.170
The praised of the King, who so ennobled,The praised of the King; who, so ennobled, AW II.iii.171
Is as 'twere borne so.Is as 'twere born so. AW II.iii.172.1
Take her by the hand,Take her by the hand AW II.iii.172.2
And tell her she is thine: to whom I promiseAnd tell her she is thine: to whom I promise AW II.iii.173
A counterpoize: If not to thy estate,A counterpoise, if not to thy estate, AW II.iii.174
A ballance more repleat.A balance more replete. AW II.iii.175.1
I take her hand.I take her hand. AW II.iii.175.2
Good fortune, and the fauour of the KingGood fortune and the favour of the King AW II.iii.176
Smile vpon this Contract: whose CeremonieSmile upon this contract, whose ceremony AW II.iii.177
Shall seeme expedient on the now borne briefe,Shall seem expedient on the now-born brief,expedient (adj.)
speedy, rapid, expeditious
AW II.iii.178
brief (n.)

old form: briefe
summary; contract
And be perform'd to night: the solemne FeastAnd be performed tonight. The solemn feast AW II.iii.179
Shall more attend vpon the coming space,Shall more attend upon the coming space,space (n.)
space of time, while
AW II.iii.180
attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
Expecting absent friends. As thou lou'st her,Expecting absent friends. As thou lovest her AW II.iii.181
Thy loue's to me Religious: else, do's erre. Thy love's to me religious; else, does err. AW II.iii.182
ExeuntExeunt all but Parolles and Lafew, AW II.iii.182
Parolles and Lafew stay behind, commenting of this wedding.who stay behind, commenting on this wedding AW II.iii.183
Do you heare Monsieur? A word with you.Do you hear, monsieur? A word with you. AW II.iii.183
Your pleasure sir.Your pleasure, sir. AW II.iii.184
Your Lord and Master did well to make hisYour lord and master did well to make his AW II.iii.185
recantation. recantation. AW II.iii.186
Recantation? My Lord? my Master?Recantation! My lord! My master! AW II.iii.187
I: Is it not a Language I speake?Ay. Is it not a language I speak? AW II.iii.188
A most harsh one, and not to bee vnderstoodeA most harsh one, and not to be understood AW II.iii.189
without bloudie succeeding. My Master?without bloody succeeding. My master!succeeding (n.)
consequence, result, outcome
AW II.iii.190
bloody (adj.)

old form: bloudie
able to cause bloodshed
Are you Companion to the Count Rosillion?Are you companion to the Count Rossillion?companion (n.)
associate, aide, comrade
AW II.iii.191
To any Count, to all Counts: to what is man.To any Count, to all Counts, to what is man. AW II.iii.192
To what is Counts man: Counts maister is ofTo what is Count's man; Count's master is of AW II.iii.193
another stile.another (n.)

old form: stile
mode of address, formal title
AW II.iii.194
You are too old sir: Let it satisfie you, you areYou are too old, sir; let it satisfy you, you are AW II.iii.195
too old.too old. AW II.iii.196
I must tell thee sirrah, I write Man: to whichI must tell thee, sirrah, I write man, to whichsirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
AW II.iii.197
write (v.)
call oneself, claim to be
title age cannot bring thee.title age cannot bring thee. AW II.iii.198
What I dare too well do, I dare not do.What I dare too well do, I dare not do. AW II.iii.199
I did thinke thee for two ordinaries: to bee a prettieI did think thee for two ordinaries to be a prettyordinary (n.)
regular meal, standard fare, mealtime
AW II.iii.200
wise fellow, thou didst make tollerable vent of thywise fellow. Thou didst make tolerable vent of thyvent (n.)
airing, utterance, telling
AW II.iii.201
trauell, it might passe: yet the scarffes and the banneretstravel; it might pass. Yet the scarfs and the banneretsscarf (n.)

old form: scarffes
military sash, shoulder band
AW II.iii.202
banneret (n.)
small banner, ornamental streamer
about thee, did manifoldlie disswade me from beleeuingabout thee did manifoldly dissuade me from believingmanifoldly (adv.)

old form: manifoldlie
in manifold ways, each in its own way
AW II.iii.203
thee a vessell of too great a burthen. I haue now foundthee a vessel of too great a burden. I have now foundfind (v.)
find out, see through
AW II.iii.204
burden, burthen (n.)
capacity, load, weight
thee, when I loose thee againe, I care not: yet art thouthee; when I lose thee again I care not. Yet art thou AW II.iii.205
good for nothing but taking vp, and that th'ourt scarcegood for nothing but taking up, and that thou'rt scarcetake up (v.)

old form: vp
arrest, seize, apprehend
AW II.iii.206
worth.worth. AW II.iii.207
Hadst thou not the priuiledge of Antiquity vponHadst thou not the privilege of antiquity uponantiquity (n.)
old age, seniority
AW II.iii.208
thee.thee –  AW II.iii.209
Do not plundge thy selfe to farre in anger, least thouDo not plunge thyself too far in anger, lest thou AW II.iii.210
hasten thy triall: which if, Lord haue mercie on thee forhasten thy trial; which if – Lord have mercy on thee for AW II.iii.211
a hen, so my good window of Lettice fare thee well, thya hen! So, my good window of lattice, fare thee well; thylattice (n.)

old form: Lettice
lattice-work, criss-cross adornment; also: tavern symbol
AW II.iii.212
fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
casement I neede not open, for I look through thee. Giuecasement I need not open, for I look through thee. Givecasement (n.)
window [on hinges and able to be opened]
AW II.iii.213
me thy thy hand. AW II.iii.214
My Lord, you giue me most egregiousMy lord, you give me most egregiousegregious (adj.)
shocking, outrageous, flagrant
AW II.iii.215
indignity.indignity. AW II.iii.216
I with all my heart, and thou art worthy of it.Ay, with all my heart; and thou art worthy of it. AW II.iii.217
I haue not my Lord deseru'd it.I have not, my lord, deserved it. AW II.iii.218
Yes good faith, eu'ry dramme of it, and I will notYes, good faith, every dram of it, and I will notdram (n.)

old form: dramme
tiny amount, small quantity
AW II.iii.219
bate thee a scruple.bate thee a scruple.scruple (n.)
tiny amount, last ounce
AW II.iii.220
bate (v.)
[of quantities] lessen, reduce, deduct
Well, I shall be wiser.Well, I shall be wiser. AW II.iii.221
Eu'n as soone as thou can'st, for thou hast to pull atEven as soon as thou canst, for thou hast to pull atpull at (v.)
drink up, swallow, draw in
AW II.iii.222
a smacke a'th contrarie. If euer thou bee'st bound in thy a smack o'th' contrary. If ever thou beest bound in thysmack (n.)

old form: smacke
taste, quantity, mouthful
AW II.iii.223
skarfe and beaten, thou shall finde what it is to be proud ofscarf and beaten, thou shalt find what it is to be proud ofscarf (n.)

old form: skarfe
military sash, shoulder band
AW II.iii.224
thy bondage, I haue a desire to holde my acquaintancethy bondage. I have a desire to hold my acquaintance AW II.iii.225
with thee, or rather my knowledge, that I may say in thewith thee, or rather my knowledge, that I may say, in the AW II.iii.226
default, he is a man I know.default, ‘He is a man I know'.default (n.)
[unclear meaning] absence, lack, want
AW II.iii.227
My Lord you do me most insupportableMy lord, you do me most insupportable AW II.iii.228
vexation. vexation. AW II.iii.229
I would it were hell paines for thy sake, and myI would it were hell-pains for thy sake, and my AW II.iii.230
poore doing eternall: for doing I am past, as I will bypoor doing eternal; for doing I am past, as I will by AW II.iii.231
thee, in what motion age will giue me leaue. thee, in what motion age will give me leave.motion (n.)
act of moving, movement, stirring
AW II.iii.232
Exit.Exit AW II.iii.232
Well, thou hast a sonne shall take this disgraceWell, thou hast a son shall take this disgrace AW II.iii.233
off me; scuruy, old, filthy, scuruy Lord: Well, I must beoff me, scurvy, old, filthy, scurvy lord! Well, I must bescurvy (adj.)

old form: scuruy
contemptible, despicable, wretched
AW II.iii.234
patient, there is no fettering of authority. Ile beate himpatient, there is no fettering of authority. I'll beat him, AW II.iii.235
(by my life) if I can meete him with any conuenience, andby my life, if I can meet him with any convenience, anand, an (conj.)
if, even if
AW II.iii.236
he were double and double a Lord. Ile haue no morehe were double and double a lord. I'll have no moredouble (adv.)
doubly, for the second time, twice over
AW II.iii.237
pittie of his age then I would haue of------ Ile beate him, and ifpity of his age than I would have of – I'll beat him an ifan if (conj.)
AW II.iii.238
I could but meet him agen.I could but meet him again. AW II.iii.239
Enter Lafew.Enter Lafew AW II.iii.240
Sirra, your Lord and masters married, there'sSirrah, your lord and master's married, there's AW II.iii.240
newes for you: you haue a new for you; you have a new mistress. AW II.iii.241
I most vnfainedly beseech your Lordshippe toI most unfeignedly beseech your lordship tounfeignedly (adv.)

old form: vnfainedly
genuinely, sincerely, honestly
AW II.iii.242
make some reseruation of your wrongs. He is my goodmake some reservation of your wrongs. He is my goodreservation (n.)

old form: reseruation
concealment, secrecy, keeping out of sight
AW II.iii.243
Lord, whom I serue aboue is my master.lord: whom I serve above is my master. AW II.iii.244
Who? God.Who? God? AW II.iii.245
I sir.Ay, sir. AW II.iii.246
The deuill it is, that's thy master. Why dooest thouThe devil it is that's thy master. Why dost thou AW II.iii.247
garter vp thy armes a this fashion? Dost make hose ofgarter up thy arms o' this fashion? Dost make hose ofhose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
AW II.iii.248
thy sleeues? Do other seruants so? Thou wert best setthy sleeves? Do other servants so? Thou wert best set AW II.iii.249
thy lower part where thy nose stands. By mine Honor,thy lower part where thy nose stands. By mine honour, AW II.iii.250
if I were but two houres yonger, I'de beate thee:if I were but two hours younger I'd beat thee. AW II.iii.251
mee-think'st thou art a generall offence, and euery man sholdMethinkst thou art a general offence and every man should AW II.iii.252
beate thee: I thinke thou wast created for men to breathbeat thee. I think thou wast created for men to breathebreathe (v.)

old form: breath
exercise, exhaust, tire out
AW II.iii.253
themselues vpon thee.themselves upon thee. AW II.iii.254
This is hard and vndeserued measure myThis is hard and undeserved measure, my AW II.iii.255
Lord.lord. AW II.iii.256
Go too sir, you were beaten in Italy for picking aGo to, sir. You were beaten in Italy for picking a AW II.iii.257
kernell out of a Pomgranat, you are a vagabond, and nokernel out of a pomegranate. You are a vagabond and no AW II.iii.258
true traueller: you are more sawcie with Lordes andtrue traveller. You are more saucy with lords and AW II.iii.259
honourable personages, then the Commission of yourhonourable personages than the commission of yourcommission (n.)
warrant, authority [to act]
AW II.iii.260
birth and vertue giues you Heraldry. You are not worthbirth and virtue gives you heraldry. You are not worth AW II.iii.261
another word, else I'de call you knaue. I leaue you.another word, else I'd call you knave. I leave you.knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
AW II.iii.262
ExitExit AW II.iii.262
Enter Count Rossillion.Enter Bertram AW II.iii.263
Good, very good, it is so then: good, veryGood, very good, it is so then. Good, very AW II.iii.263
good, let it be conceal'd awhile.good; let it be concealed awhile. AW II.iii.264
Vndone, and forfeited to cares for euer.Undone and forfeited to cares for ever!undone (adj.)

old form: Vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down
AW II.iii.265
What's the matter sweet-heart?What's the matter, sweetheart? AW II.iii.266
Rossill. BERTRAM 
Although before the solemne Priest I haue sworne,Although before the solemn priest I have sworn, AW II.iii.267
I will not bed her.I will not bed her. AW II.iii.268
What? what sweet heart?What, what, sweetheart? AW II.iii.269
O my Parrolles they haue married me:O my Parolles, they have married me! AW II.iii.270
Ile to the Tuscan warres, and neuer bed her.I'll to the Tuscan wars and never bed her. AW II.iii.271
France is a dog-hole, and it no more merits,France is a dog-hole and it no more merits AW II.iii.272
The tread of a mans foot: too'th warres.The tread of a man's foot. To th' wars! AW II.iii.273
There's letters from my mother: What th' import is,There's letters from my mother: what th' import is AW II.iii.274
I know not yet.I know not yet. AW II.iii.275
I that would be knowne: too'th warrs my boy, too'th warres:Ay, that would be known. To th' wars, my boy, to th' wars! AW II.iii.276
He weares his honor in a boxe vnseene,He wears his honour in a box unseen AW II.iii.277
That hugges his kickie wickie heare at home,That hugs his kicky-wicky here at home,kicky-wicky (n.)

old form: kickie wickie
[jocular] girl-friend, wife
AW II.iii.278
Spending his manlie marrow in her armesSpending his manly marrow in her arms, AW II.iii.279
Which should sustaine the bound and high curuetWhich should sustain the bound and high curvetcurvet (n.)

old form: curuet
[horse-riding] type of high leap
AW II.iii.280
Of Marses fierie steed: to other Regions,Of Mars's fiery steed. To other regions!Mars (n.)
Roman god of war
AW II.iii.281
France is a stable, wee that dwell in't Iades,France is a stable, we that dwell in't jades.jade (n.)

old form: Iades
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
AW II.iii.282
Therefore too'th warre.Therefore, to th' war! AW II.iii.283
It shall be so, Ile send her to my house,It shall be so. I'll send her to my house, AW II.iii.284
Acquaint my mother with my hate to her,Acquaint my mother with my hate to her AW II.iii.285
And wherefore I am fled: Write to the KingAnd wherefore I am fled; write to the King AW II.iii.286
That which I durst not speake. His present giftThat which I durst not speak. His present gift AW II.iii.287
Shall furnish me to those Italian fieldsShall furnish me to those Italian fieldsfield (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
AW II.iii.288
furnish (v.)
provide for, prepare, make ready
Where noble fellowes strike: Warres is no strifeWhere noble fellows strike. Wars is no strife AW II.iii.289
To the darke house, and the detected wife.To the dark house and the detested wife. AW II.iii.290
Will this Caprichio hold in thee, art sure?Will this capriccio hold in thee, art sure?capriccio (n.)

old form: Caprichio
[Italian] caprice, whim, fancy
AW II.iii.291
Go with me to my chamber, and aduice me.Go with me to my chamber and advise me. AW II.iii.292
Ile send her straight away: To morrow,I'll send her straight away. Tomorrow AW II.iii.293
Ile to the warres, she to her single sorrow.I'll to the wars, she to her single sorrow. AW II.iii.294
Why these bals bound, ther's noise in it. Tis hardWhy, these balls bound, there's noise in it. 'Tis hard:bound (v.)
bounce, rebound
AW II.iii.295
A yong man maried, is a man that's mard:A young man married is a man that's marred. AW II.iii.296
Therefore away, and leaue her brauely: go,Therefore away, and leave her bravely; go. AW II.iii.297
The King ha's done you wrong: but hush 'tis so. The King has done you wrong, but hush, 'tis so. AW II.iii.298
ExitExeunt AW II.iii.298
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