First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Enobarbus and Lepidus. | Enter Enobarbus and Lepidus | | AC II.ii.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Good Enobarbus, 'tis a worthy deed, | Good Enobarbus, 'tis a worthy deed, | | AC II.ii.1 | |
And shall become you well, to intreat your Captaine | And shall become you well, to entreat your captain | captain (n.) commander, chief, leader | AC II.ii.2 | |
| | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | | |
To soft and gentle speech. | To soft and gentle speech. | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | AC II.ii.3.1 | |
Enob. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
I shall intreat him | I shall entreat him | | AC II.ii.3.2 | |
To answer like himselfe: if Casar moue him, | To answer like himself. If Caesar move him, | move (v.) move to anger, provoke, exasperate | AC II.ii.4 | |
Let Anthony looke ouer Casars head, | Let Antony look over Caesar's head | | AC II.ii.5 | |
And speake as lowd as Mars. By Iupiter, | And speak as loud as Mars. By Jupiter, | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | AC II.ii.6 | |
| | Jupiter, Jove (n.) Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno | | |
Were I the wearer of Anthonio's Beard, | Were I the wearer of Antonio's beard, | | AC II.ii.7 | |
I would not shaue't to day. | I would not shave't today. | | AC II.ii.8.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
'Tis not a time | 'Tis not a time | | AC II.ii.8.2 | |
for priuate stomacking. | For private stomaching. | stomaching (n.) cherishing bitterness, feeling resentful | AC II.ii.9.1 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Euery time | Every time | | AC II.ii.9.2 | |
serues for the matter that is then borne in't. | Serves for the matter that is then born in't. | | AC II.ii.10 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
But small to greater matters must giue way. | But small to greater matters must give way. | | AC II.ii.11 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Not if the fmall come first. | Not if the small come first. | | AC II.ii.12.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Your speech is passion: | Your speech is passion; | passion (n.) passionate outburst, emotional passage | AC II.ii.12.2 | |
but pray you stirre / No Embers vp. Heere comes | But pray you stir no embers up. Here comes | | AC II.ii.13 | |
the Noble Anthony. | The noble Antony. | | AC II.ii.14.1 | |
Enter Anthony and Ventidius. | Enter Antony and Ventidius | | AC II.ii.14 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
And yonder Casar. | And yonder Caesar. | | AC II.ii.14.2 | |
Enter Casar, Mecenas, and Agrippa. | Enter Caesar, Maecenas, and Agrippa | | AC II.ii.15.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
If we compose well heere, to Parthia: | If we compose well here, to Parthia. | compose (v.) reach agreement, make a settlement | AC II.ii.15 | |
Hearke Ventidius. | Hark, Ventidius. | | AC II.ii.16.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
I do not know | I do not know, | | AC II.ii.16.2 | |
Mecenas, aske Agrippa. | Maecenas; ask Agrippa. | | AC II.ii.17.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
| (to Caesar and Antony) | | AC II.ii.17 | |
Noble Friends: | Noble friends, | | AC II.ii.17.2 | |
That which combin'd vs was most great, and let not | That which combined us was most great, and let not | | AC II.ii.18 | |
A leaner action rend vs. What's amisse, | A leaner action rend us. What's amiss, | lean (adj.) slight, mean, poor | AC II.ii.19 | |
| | action (n.) campaign, military action, strategy | | |
May it be gently heard. When we debate | May it be gently heard. When we debate | debate (v.) discuss, argue over, dispute about | AC II.ii.20 | |
Our triuiall difference loud, we do commit | Our trivial difference loud, we do commit | | AC II.ii.21 | |
Murther in healing wounds. Then Noble Partners, | Murder in healing wounds. Then, noble partners, | | AC II.ii.22 | |
The rather for I earnestly beseech, | The rather for I earnestly beseech, | | AC II.ii.23 | |
Touch you the sowrest points with sweetest tearmes, | Touch you the sourest points with sweetest terms, | touch (v.) refer to, treat of, deal with | AC II.ii.24 | |
Nor curstnesse grow to'th'matter. | Nor curstness grow to th' matter. | curstness (n.) ill humour, bad temper | AC II.ii.25.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
'Tis spoken well: | 'Tis spoken well. | | AC II.ii.25.2 | |
Were we before our Armies, and to fight, | Were we before our armies, and to fight, | | AC II.ii.26 | |
I should do thus. | I should do thus. | | AC II.ii.27 | |
Flourish. | Flourish | | AC II.ii.28 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Welcome to Rome. | Welcome to Rome. | | AC II.ii.28 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Thanke you. | Thank you. | | AC II.ii.29 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Sit. | Sit. | | AC II.ii.30 | |
Ant, | ANTONY | | | |
Sit sir. | Sit, sir. | | AC II.ii.31 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Nay then. | Nay then. | | AC II.ii.32 | |
| They sit | | AC II.ii.33.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
I learne, you take things ill, which are not so: | I learn you take things ill which are not so, | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | AC II.ii.33 | |
Or being, concerne you not. | Or, being, concern you not. | | AC II.ii.34.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
I must be laught at, | I must be laughed at | | AC II.ii.34.2 | |
if or for nothing, or a little, I | If, or for nothing or a little, I | | AC II.ii.35 | |
Should say my selfe offended, and with you | Should say myself offended, and with you | | AC II.ii.36 | |
Chiefely i'th'world. More laught at, that I should | Chiefly i'th' world; more laughed at that I should | | AC II.ii.37 | |
Once name you derogately: when to sound your name | Once name you derogately, when to sound your name | sound (v.) cry out, declare, proclaim | AC II.ii.38 | |
| | derogately (adv.) disparagingly, in a derogatory way | | |
It not concern'd me. | It not concerned me. | | AC II.ii.39.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
My being in Egypt Caesar, | My being in Egypt, Caesar, | | AC II.ii.39.2 | |
what was't to you? | What was't to you? | | AC II.ii.40 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
No more then my reciding heere at Rome | No more than my residing here at Rome | | AC II.ii.41 | |
Might be to you in Egypt: yet if you there | Might be to you in Egypt. Yet if you there | | AC II.ii.42 | |
Did practise on my State, your being in Egypt | Did practise on my state, your being in Egypt | practise (v.) plot, scheme, conspire | AC II.ii.43 | |
| | state (n.) welfare, well-being, prosperity | | |
Might be my question. | Might be my question. | question (n.) point at issue, problem, business | AC II.ii.44.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
How intend you, practis'd? | How intend you – practised? | intend (v.) mean, imply, suggest | AC II.ii.44.2 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
You may be pleas'd to catch at mine intent, | You may be pleased to catch at mine intent | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | AC II.ii.45 | |
| | catch at (v.) grasp, gather, infer | | |
By what did heere befall me. Your Wife and Brother | By what did here befall me. Your wife and brother | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen to, come to | AC II.ii.46 | |
Made warres vpon me, and their contestation | Made wars upon me, and their contestation | contestation (n.) joint action as enemies, shared antagonism | AC II.ii.47 | |
Was Theame for you, you were the word of warre. | Was theme for you You were the word of war. | word (n.) declaration, affirmation, proclamation | AC II.ii.48 | |
| | theme (n.) reason for acting, ground of belief | | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
You do mistake your busines, my Brother neuer | You do mistake your business. My brother never | | AC II.ii.49 | |
Did vrge me in his Act: I did inquire it, | Did urge me in his act. I did inquire it, | urge (v.) bring forward, advocate, represent | AC II.ii.50 | |
And haue my Learning from some true reports | And have my learning from some true reports | report (n.) account, description | AC II.ii.51 | |
| | true (adj.) reliable, trustworthy, dependable | | |
That drew their swords with you, did he not rather | That drew their swords with you. Did he not rather | | AC II.ii.52 | |
Discredit my authority with yours, | Discredit my authority with yours, | | AC II.ii.53 | |
And make the warres alike against my stomacke, | And make the wars alike against my stomach, | stomach (n.) wish, inclination, desire | AC II.ii.54 | |
Hauing alike your cause. Of this, my Letters | Having alike your cause? Of this, my letters | | AC II.ii.55 | |
Before did satisfie you. If you'l patch a quarrell, | Before did satisfy you. If you'll patch a quarrel, | patch (v.) fabricate, make up [as in patchwork] | AC II.ii.56 | |
As matter whole you haue to make it with, | As matter whole you have to make it with, | matter (n.) reason, cause, ground | AC II.ii.57 | |
It must not be with this. | It must not be with this. | | AC II.ii.58.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
You praise your selfe, | You praise yourself | | AC II.ii.58.2 | |
by laying defects of iudgement to me: but | By laying defects of judgement to me, but | lay (v.) attribute, ascribe, impute | AC II.ii.59 | |
you patcht vp your excuses. | You patched up your excuses. | patch up (v.) invent in haste, fabricate, make | AC II.ii.60.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
Not so, not so: | Not so, not so; | | AC II.ii.60.2 | |
I know you could not lacke, I am certaine on't, | I know you could not lack, I am certain on't, | | AC II.ii.61 | |
Very necessity of this thought, that I | Very necessity of this thought, that I, | | AC II.ii.62 | |
Your Partner in the cause 'gainst which he fought, | Your partner in the cause 'gainst which he fought, | | AC II.ii.63 | |
Could not with gracefull eyes attend those Warres | Could not with graceful eyes attend those wars | graceful (adj.) favourable, friendly, approving | AC II.ii.64 | |
| | attend (v.) regard, consider | | |
Which fronted mine owne peace. As for my wife, | Which fronted mine own peace. As for my wife, | front (v.) oppose, confront, be hostile to | AC II.ii.65 | |
I would you had her spirit, in such another, | I would you had her spirit in such another; | | AC II.ii.66 | |
The third oth'world is yours, which with a Snaffle, | The third o'th' world is yours, which with a snaffle | snaffle (n.) bridle-bit | AC II.ii.67 | |
You may pace easie, but not such a wife. | You may pace easy, but not such a wife. | pace (v.) train to move, control the course of | AC II.ii.68 | |
Enobar. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Would we had all such wiues, that the men | Would we had all such wives, that the men | | AC II.ii.69 | |
might go to Warres with the women. | might go to wars with the women. | | AC II.ii.70 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
So much vncurbable, her Garboiles (Casar) | So much uncurbable, her garboils, Caesar, | garboil (n.) trouble, disturbance, commotion | AC II.ii.71 | |
Made out of her impatience: which not wanted | Made out of her impatience – which not wanted | want (v.) lack, need, be without | AC II.ii.72 | |
Shrodenesse of policie to: I greeuing grant, | Shrewdness of policy too – I grieving grant | | AC II.ii.73 | |
Did you too much disquiet, for that you must, | Did you too much disquiet. For that you must | | AC II.ii.74 | |
But say I could not helpe it. | But say I could not help it. | | AC II.ii.75.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
I wrote to you, | I wrote to you | | AC II.ii.75.2 | |
when rioting in Alexandria you | When, rioting in Alexandria, you | | AC II.ii.76 | |
Did pocket vp my Letters: and with taunts | Did pocket up my letters, and with taunts | | AC II.ii.77 | |
Did gibe my Misiue out of audience. | Did gibe my missive out of audience. | missive (n.) messenger, emissary, courier | AC II.ii.78.1 | |
| | gibe (v.) scoff, jeer, ridicule | | |
| | audience (n.) audience-chamber, presence | | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Sir, | Sir, | | AC II.ii.78.2 | |
he fell vpon me, ere admitted, then: | He fell upon me, ere admitted, then. | | AC II.ii.79 | |
Three Kings I had newly feasted, and did want | Three kings I had newly feasted, and did want | want (v.) fall short [of], be deficient [in] | AC II.ii.80 | |
Of what I was i'th'morning: but next day | Of what I was i'th' morning; but next day | | AC II.ii.81 | |
I told him of my selfe, which was as much | I told him of myself, which was as much | | AC II.ii.82 | |
As to haue askt him pardon. Let this Fellow | As to have asked him pardon. Let this fellow | | AC II.ii.83 | |
Be nothing of our strife: if we contend | Be nothing of our strife; if we contend, | contend (v.) fight, engage in combat, struggle | AC II.ii.84 | |
Out of our question wipe him. | Out of our question wipe him. | | AC II.ii.85.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
You haue broken | You have broken | | AC II.ii.85.2 | |
the Article of your oath, which you shall neuer | The article of your oath, which you shall never | article (n.) clause, term, provision | AC II.ii.86 | |
haue tongue to charge me with. | Have tongue to charge me with. | | AC II.ii.87.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Soft Casar. | Soft, Caesar! | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | AC II.ii.87.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
No Lepidus, let him speake, | No, Lepidus; let him speak. | | AC II.ii.88 | |
The Honour is Sacred which he talks on now, | The honour is sacred which he talks on now, | | AC II.ii.89 | |
Supposing that I lackt it: but on Casar, | Supposing that I lacked it. But on, Caesar: | | AC II.ii.90 | |
The Article of my oath. | The article of my oath – | | AC II.ii.91 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
To lend me Armes, and aide when I requir'd them, | To lend me arms and aid when I required them, | | AC II.ii.92 | |
the which you both denied. | The which you both denied. | | AC II.ii.93.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
Neglected rather: | Neglected rather; | | AC II.ii.93.2 | |
And then when poysoned houres had bound me vp | And then when poisoned hours had bound me up | bind up (v.) prevent, keep away, impede | AC II.ii.94 | |
From mine owne knowledge, as neerely as I may, | From mine own knowledge. As nearly as I may, | | AC II.ii.95 | |
Ile play the penitent to you. But mine honesty, | I'll play the penitent to you; but mine honesty | | AC II.ii.96 | |
Shall not make poore my greatnesse, nor my power | Shall not make poor my greatness, nor my power | | AC II.ii.97 | |
Worke without it. Truth is, that Fuluia, | Work without it. Truth is that Fulvia, | | AC II.ii.98 | |
To haue me out of Egypt, made Warres heere, | To have me out of Egypt, made wars here, | | AC II.ii.99 | |
For which my selfe, the ignorant motiue, do | For which myself, the ignorant motive, do | | AC II.ii.100 | |
So farre aske pardon, as befits mine Honour | So far ask pardon as befits mine honour | | AC II.ii.101 | |
To stoope in such a case. | To stoop in such a case. | | AC II.ii.102.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
'Tis Noble spoken. | 'Tis noble spoken. | | AC II.ii.102.2 | |
Mece. | MAECENAS | | | |
If it might please you, to enforce no further | If it might please you to enforce no further | | AC II.ii.103 | |
The griefes betweene ye: to forget them quite, | The griefs between ye: to forget them quite | grief (n.) grievance, complaint, hurt, injury | AC II.ii.104 | |
Were to remember: that the present neede, | Were to remember that the present need | present (adj.) occurring at this time, taking place now | AC II.ii.105 | |
Speakes to attone you. | Speaks to atone you. | atone (v.) unite, join, reconcile | AC II.ii.106.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Worthily spoken Mecenas. | Worthily spoken, Maecenas. | | AC II.ii.106.2 | |
Enobar. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Or if you borrow one anothers Loue for the | Or, if you borrow one another's love for the | | AC II.ii.107 | |
instant, you may when you heare no more words of | instant, you may, when you hear no more words of | | AC II.ii.108 | |
Pompey returne it againe: you shall haue time to wrangle | Pompey, return it again: you shall have time to wrangle | | AC II.ii.109 | |
in, when you haue nothing else to do. | in when you have nothing else to do. | | AC II.ii.110 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
Thou art a Souldier, onely speake no more. | Thou art a soldier only. Speak no more. | | AC II.ii.111 | |
Enob. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
That trueth should be silent, I had almost | That truth should be silent I had almost | | AC II.ii.112 | |
forgot. | forgot. | | AC II.ii.113 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
You wrong this presence, therefore speake no more. | You wrong this presence; therefore speak no more. | presence (n.) royal assembly, eminent company | AC II.ii.114 | |
Enob. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Go too then: your Considerate stone. | Go to, then; your considerate stone. | considerate (adj.) considering, thoughtful, reflecting | AC II.ii.115 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
I do not much dislike the matter, but | I do not much dislike the matter, but | matter (n.) subject-matter, content, substance | AC II.ii.116 | |
The manner of his speech: for't cannot be, | The manner of his speech; for't cannot be | | AC II.ii.117 | |
We shall remaine in friendship, our conditions | We shall remain in friendship, our conditions | condition (n.) disposition, temper, mood, character | AC II.ii.118 | |
So diffring in their acts. Yet if I knew, | So diff'ring in their acts. Yet if I knew | act (n.) action (upon a person), effect | AC II.ii.119 | |
What Hoope should hold vs staunch from edge to edge | What hoop should hold us staunch, from edge to edge | staunch, stanch (adj.) water-tight, steadfast, firm | AC II.ii.120 | |
Ath'world: I would persue it. | O'th' world I would pursue it. | | AC II.ii.121.1 | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Giue me leaue Casar. | Give me leave, Caesar. | | AC II.ii.121.2 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
Speake Agrippa. | Speak, Agrippa. | | AC II.ii.122 | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Thou hast a Sister by the Mothers side, | Thou hast a sister by the mother's side, | | AC II.ii.123 | |
admir'd Octauia: Great Mark Anthony | Admired Octavia. Great Mark Antony | admired (adj.) regarded with admiration, wondered at | AC II.ii.124 | |
is now a widdower. | Is now a widower. | | AC II.ii.125.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
Say not, say Agrippa; | Say not so, Agrippa. | | AC II.ii.125.2 | |
if Cleopater heard you, your proofe | If Cleopatra heard you, your reproof | | AC II.ii.126 | |
were well deserued of rashnesse. | Were well deserved of rashness. | | AC II.ii.127 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
I am not marryed Casar: let me heere | I am not married, Caesar. Let me hear | | AC II.ii.128 | |
Agrippa further speake. | Agrippa further speak. | | AC II.ii.129 | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
To hold you in perpetuall amitie, | To hold you in perpetual amity, | | AC II.ii.130 | |
To make you Brothers, and to knit your hearts | To make you brothers, and to knit your hearts | | AC II.ii.131 | |
With an vn-slipping knot, take Anthony, | With an unslipping knot, take Antony | | AC II.ii.132 | |
Octauia to his wife: whose beauty claimes | Octavia to his wife; whose beauty claims | | AC II.ii.133 | |
No worse a husband then the best of men: | No worse a husband than the best of men; | | AC II.ii.134 | |
whose / Vertue, and whose generall graces, speake | Whose virtue and whose general graces speak | | AC II.ii.135 | |
That which none else can vtter. By this marriage, | That which none else can utter. By this marriage | | AC II.ii.136 | |
All little Ielousies which now seeme great, | All little jealousies, which now seem great, | jealousy (n.) suspicion, mistrust, apprehension | AC II.ii.137 | |
And all great feares, which now import their dangers, | And all great fears, which now import their dangers, | import (v.) involve as a consequence, carry along | AC II.ii.138 | |
Would then be nothing. Truth's would be tales, | Would then be nothing. Truths would be tales, | | AC II.ii.139 | |
Where now halfe tales be truth's: her loue to both, | Where now half-tales be truths. Her love to both | | AC II.ii.140 | |
Would each to other, and all loues to both | Would each to other, and all loves to both, | | AC II.ii.141 | |
Draw after her. Pardon what I haue spoke, | Draw after her. Pardon what I have spoke, | | AC II.ii.142 | |
For 'tis a studied not a present thought, | For 'tis a studied, not a present thought, | present (adj.) sudden, spur-of-the-moment | AC II.ii.143 | |
By duty ruminated. | By duty ruminated. | | AC II.ii.144.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
Will Casar speake? | Will Caesar speak? | | AC II.ii.144.2 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
Not till he heares how Anthony is toucht, | Not till he hears how Antony is touched | touch (v.) affect, move, stir | AC II.ii.145 | |
With what is spoke already. | With what is spoke already. | | AC II.ii.146.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
What power is in Agrippa, | What power is in Agrippa, | | AC II.ii.146.2 | |
If I would say Agrippa, be it so, | If I would say, ‘ Agrippa, be it so,’ | | AC II.ii.147 | |
To make this good? | To make this good? | | AC II.ii.148.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
The power of Casar, / And | The power of Caesar, and | | AC II.ii.148.2 | |
his power, vnto Octauia. | His power unto Octavia. | | AC II.ii.149.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
May I neuer | May I never | | AC II.ii.149.2 | |
(To this good purpose, that so fairely shewes) | To this good purpose, that so fairly shows, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | AC II.ii.150 | |
| | fairly (adv.) promisingly, favourably, propitiously | | |
Dreame of impediment: let me haue thy hand | Dream of impediment! Let me have thy hand. | | AC II.ii.151 | |
Further this act of Grace: and from this houre, | Further this act of grace, and from this hour | grace (n.) honour, favour, recognition, respect | AC II.ii.152 | |
The heart of Brothers gouerne in our Loues, | The heart of brothers govern in our loves | | AC II.ii.153 | |
And sway our great Designes. | And sway our great designs. | | AC II.ii.154.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
There's my hand: | There's my hand. | | AC II.ii.154.2 | |
A Sister I bequeath you, whom no Brother | A sister I bequeath you whom no brother | | AC II.ii.155 | |
Did euer loue so deerely. Let her liue | Did ever love so dearly. Let her live | | AC II.ii.156 | |
To ioyne our kingdomes, and our hearts, and neuer | To join our kingdoms and our hearts; and never | | AC II.ii.157 | |
Flie off our Loues againe. | Fly off our loves again. | | AC II.ii.158.1 | |
Lepi. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Happily, Amen. | Happily, amen. | | AC II.ii.158.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
I did not think to draw my Sword 'gainst Pompey, | I did not think to draw my sword 'gainst Pompey, | | AC II.ii.159 | |
For he hath laid strange courtesies, and great | For he hath laid strange courtesies and great | strange (adj.) rare, singular, exceptional | AC II.ii.160 | |
Of late vpon me. I must thanke him onely, | Of late upon me. I must thank him only, | | AC II.ii.161 | |
Least my remembrance, suffer ill report: | Lest my remembrance suffer ill report; | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | AC II.ii.162 | |
| | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | | |
At heele of that, defie him. | At heel of that, defy him. | heel (n.) end, completion, termination | AC II.ii.163.1 | |
Lepi. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Time cals vpon's, | Time calls upon's. | | AC II.ii.163.2 | |
Of vs must Pompey presently be sought, | Of us must Pompey presently be sought, | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | AC II.ii.164 | |
Or else he seekes out vs. | Or else he seeks out us. | | AC II.ii.165.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
Where lies he? | Where lies he? | | AC II.ii.165.2 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
About the Mount-Mesena. | About the Mount Misena. | Misena, Mount [pron: mi'sayna] Mount Misenum, port in S Italy | AC II.ii.166.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
What is his strength? | What is his strength? | | AC II.ii.166.2 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
by land / Great, and encreasing: / But by Sea | By land, great and increasing; but by sea | | AC II.ii.167 | |
he is an absolute Master. | He is an absolute master. | | AC II.ii.168.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
So is the Fame, | So is the fame. | fame (n.) report, account, description | AC II.ii.168.2 | |
Would we had spoke together. Hast we for it. | Would we had spoke together! Haste we for it. | speak (v.) encounter, fight, exchange blows | AC II.ii.169 | |
Yet ere we put our selues in Armes, dispatch we | Yet, ere we put ourselves in arms, dispatch we | dispatch, despatch (v.) deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly | AC II.ii.170 | |
The businesse we haue talkt of. | The business we have talked of. | | AC II.ii.171.1 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
With most gladnesse, | With most gladness; | | AC II.ii.171.2 | |
And do inuite you to my Sisters view, | And do invite you to my sister's view, | view (n.) presence, meeting, sight | AC II.ii.172 | |
Whether straight Ile lead you. | Whither straight I'll lead you. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | AC II.ii.173.1 | |
Anth. | ANTONY | | | |
Let vs Lepidus | Let us, Lepidus, | | AC II.ii.173.2 | |
not lacke your companie. | Not lack your company. | | AC II.ii.174.1 | |
Lep. | LEPIDUS | | | |
Noble Anthony, | Noble Antony, | | AC II.ii.174.2 | |
not sickenesse should detaine me. | Not sickness should detain me. | | AC II.ii.175 | |
Flourish. Exit omnes. Manet Enobarbus, | Flourish. Exeunt all but Enobarbus, | | AC II.ii.175.1 | |
Agrippa, Mecenas. | Agrippa, and Maecenas | | AC II.ii.175.2 | |
Mec. | MAECENAS | | | |
Welcome from Agypt Sir. | Welcome from Egypt, sir. | | AC II.ii.176 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Halfe the heart of Casar, worthy Mecenas. | Half the heart of Caesar, worthy Maecenas. | | AC II.ii.177 | |
My honourable Friend Agrippa. | My honourable friend, Agrippa. | | AC II.ii.178 | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Good Enobarbus. | Good Enobarbus. | | AC II.ii.179 | |
Mece. | MAECENAS | | | |
We haue cause to be glad, that matters are so | We have cause to be glad that matters are so | | AC II.ii.180 | |
well disgested: you staid well by't in Egypt. | well disgested. You stayed well by't in Egypt. | stay (v.) remain, continue, endure | AC II.ii.181 | |
| | digest, disgest (v.) arrange, organize, order | | |
Enob. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
I Sir, we did sleepe day out of countenaunce: | Ay, sir, we did sleep day out of countenance | countenance, out of into a disconcerted state | AC II.ii.182 | |
and made the night light with drinking. | and made the night light with drinking. | | AC II.ii.183 | |
Mece. | MAECENAS | | | |
Eight Wilde-Boares rosted whole at a breakfast: | Eight wild boars roasted whole at a breakfast, | | AC II.ii.184 | |
and but twelue persons there. Is this true? | and but twelve persons there. Is this true? | | AC II.ii.185 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
This was but as a Flye by an Eagle: we had | This was but as a fly by an eagle. We had | by (prep.) compared with | AC II.ii.186 | |
much more monstrous matter of Feast, which worthily | much more monstrous matter of feast, which worthily | | AC II.ii.187 | |
deserued noting. | deserved noting. | | AC II.ii.188 | |
Mecenas. | MAECENAS | | | |
She's a most triumphant Lady, if report be | She's a most triumphant lady, if report be | report (n.) rumour, gossip, hearsay | AC II.ii.189 | |
| | triumphant (adj.) triumphal, glorious, celebrating a great victory | | |
square to her. | square to her. | square (adj.) true, accurate, justified | AC II.ii.190 | |
Enob. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
When she first met Marke Anthony, she | When she first met Mark Antony, she | | AC II.ii.191 | |
purst vp his heart vpon the Riuer of Sidnis. | pursed up his heart, upon the river of Cydnus. | purse up (v.) take possession of, put into one's keeping | AC II.ii.192 | |
| | Cydnus (n.) river in Cilicia, S Turkey; meeting place of Cleopatra and Antony, 41 BC | | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
There she appear'd indeed: or my reporter | There she appeared indeed! Or my reporter | | AC II.ii.193 | |
deuis'd well for her. | devised well for her. | devise (v.) invent, imagine, make up [an account] | AC II.ii.194 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
I will tell you, | I will tell you. | | AC II.ii.195 | |
The Barge she sat in, like a burnisht Throne | The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne, | | AC II.ii.196 | |
Burnt on the water: the Poope was beaten Gold, | Burned on the water. The poop was beaten gold; | | AC II.ii.197 | |
Purple the Sailes: and so perfumed that | Purple the sails, and so perfumed that | | AC II.ii.198 | |
The Windes were Loue-sicke. / With them the Owers were Siluer, | The winds were lovesick with them. The oars were silver, | | AC II.ii.199 | |
Which to the tune of Flutes kept stroke, and made | Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke and made | | AC II.ii.200 | |
The water which they beate, to follow faster; | The water which they beat to follow faster, | | AC II.ii.201 | |
As amorous of their strokes. For her owne person, | As amorous of their strokes. For her own person, | | AC II.ii.202 | |
It beggerd all discription, she did lye | It beggared all description. She did lie | beggar (v.) use up all the resources of, exhaust | AC II.ii.203 | |
In her Pauillion, cloth of Gold, of Tissue, | In her pavilion, cloth-of-gold of tissue, | tissue (n.) [type of] rich cloth, sumptuous fabric | AC II.ii.204 | |
| | pavilion (n.) ceremonial tent | | |
O're-picturing that Venns, where we see | O'erpicturing that Venus where we see | overpicture (v.) surpass, outdo, excel | AC II.ii.205 | |
| | Venus (n.) Roman goddess of beauty and love | | |
The fancie out-worke Nature. On each side her, | The fancy outwork nature. On each side her | nature (n.) natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified] | AC II.ii.206 | |
| | outwork (v.) excel in workmanship, transcend | | |
| | fancy (n.) imagination, creativity, inventiveness | | |
Stood pretty Dimpled Boyes, like smiling Cupids, | Stood pretty dimpled boys, like smiling Cupids, | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | AC II.ii.207 | |
With diuers coulour'd Fannes whose winde did seeme, | With divers-coloured fans, whose wind did seem | divers (adj.) different, various, several | AC II.ii.208 | |
To gloue the delicate cheekes which they did coole, | To glow the delicate cheeks which they did cool, | glow (v.) blush, redden, flush | AC II.ii.209 | |
And what they vndid did. | And what they undid did. | | AC II.ii.210.1 | |
Agrip. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Oh rare for Anthony. | O, rare for Antony! | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | AC II.ii.210.2 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Her Gentlewoman, like the Nereides, | Her gentlewomen, like the Nereides, | Nereids (n.) [pron: 'nerayidz] sea-nymphs, daughters of Nereus and Doris, who lived with their father in the depths of the sea | AC II.ii.211 | |
So many Mer-maides tended her i'th'eyes, | So many mermaids, tended her i'th' eyes, | eyes, in the in one's sight, in front of one | AC II.ii.212 | |
| | tend (v.) attend, wait on, serve | | |
And made their bends adornings. At the Helme. | And made their bends adornings. At the helm | adorning (n.) adornment, decoration, ornamentation | AC II.ii.213 | |
| | bend (n.) movement, bending motion, posture | | |
A seeming Mer-maide steeres: The Silken Tackle, | A seeming mermaid steers. The silken tackle | seeming (adj.) apparent, convincing in appearance | AC II.ii.214 | |
| | tackle (n.) [of a ship] rigging and sails | | |
Swell with the touches of those Flower-soft hands, | Swell with the touches of those flower-soft hands, | | AC II.ii.215 | |
That yarely frame the office. From the Barge | That yarely frame the office. From the barge | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | AC II.ii.216 | |
| | frame (v.) perform, manage, carry out | | |
| | yarely (adv.) quickly, briskly, lively | | |
A strange inuisible perfume hits the sense | A strange invisible perfume hits the sense | | AC II.ii.217 | |
Of the adiacent Wharfes. The Citty cast | Of the adjacent wharfs. The city cast | wharf (n.) river bank | AC II.ii.218 | |
Her people out vpon her: and Anthony | Her people out upon her; and Antony, | upon (prep.) on account of | AC II.ii.219 | |
Enthron'd i'th'Market-place, did sit alone, | Enthroned i'th' market-place, did sit alone, | | AC II.ii.220 | |
Whisling to'th'ayre: which but for vacancie, | Whistling to th' air; which, but for vacancy, | vacancy (n.) empty space, nothingness | AC II.ii.221 | |
Had gone to gaze on Cleopater too, | Had gone to gaze on Cleopatra too, | | AC II.ii.222 | |
And made a gap in Nature. | And made a gap in nature. | | AC II.ii.223.1 | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Rare Egiptian. | Rare Egyptian! | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | AC II.ii.223.2 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Vpon her landing, Anthony sent to her, | Upon her landing, Antony sent to her, | | AC II.ii.224 | |
Inuited her to Supper: she replyed, | Invited her to supper. She replied | | AC II.ii.225 | |
It should be better, he became her guest: | It should be better he became her guest; | | AC II.ii.226 | |
Which she entreated, our Courteous Anthony, | Which she entreated. Our courteous Antony, | | AC II.ii.227 | |
Whom nere the word of no woman hard speake, | Whom ne'er the word of ‘ No’ woman heard speak, | | AC II.ii.228 | |
Being barber'd ten times o're, goes to the Feast; | Being barbered ten times o'er, goes to the feast, | | AC II.ii.229 | |
And for his ordinary, paies his heart, | And, for his ordinary, pays his heart | ordinary (n.) regular meal, standard fare, mealtime | AC II.ii.230 | |
For what his eyes eate onely. | For what his eyes eat only. | | AC II.ii.231.1 | |
Agri. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Royall Wench: | Royal wench! | wench (n.) girl, lass | AC II.ii.231.2 | |
She made great Casar lay his Sword to bed, | She made great Caesar lay his sword to bed. | | AC II.ii.232 | |
He ploughed her, and she cropt. | He ploughed her, and she cropped. | crop (v.) bear a crop, have a child | AC II.ii.233.1 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
I saw her once | I saw her once | | AC II.ii.233.2 | |
Hop forty Paces through the publicke streete, | Hop forty paces through the public street; | | AC II.ii.234 | |
And hauing lost her breath, she spoke, and panted, | And, having lost her breath, she spoke, and panted, | | AC II.ii.235 | |
That she did make defect, perfection, | That she did make defect perfection, | | AC II.ii.236 | |
And breathlesse powre breath forth. | And, breathless, power breathe forth. | | AC II.ii.237 | |
Mece. | MAECENAS | | | |
Now Anthony, must leaue her vtterly. | Now Antony must leave her utterly. | | AC II.ii.238 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Neuer he will not: | Never; he will not. | | AC II.ii.239 | |
Age cannot wither her, nor custome stale | Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale | stale (v.) make stale, wear out | AC II.ii.240 | |
Her infinite variety: other women cloy | Her infinite variety. Other women cloy | cloy (v.) satiate, gorge, satisfy | AC II.ii.241 | |
The appetites they feede, but she makes hungry, | The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry | | AC II.ii.242 | |
Where most she satisfies. For vildest things | Where most she satisfies; for vilest things | | AC II.ii.243 | |
Become themselues in her, that the holy Priests | Become themselves in her, that the holy priests | become (v.) put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to | AC II.ii.244 | |
Blesse her, when she is Riggish. | Bless her when she is riggish. | riggish (adj.) licentious, wanton, lascivious | AC II.ii.245 | |
Mece | MAECENAS | | | |
If Beauty, Wisedome, Modesty, can settle | If beauty, wisdom, modesty, can settle | | AC II.ii.246 | |
The heart of Anthony: Octauia is | The heart of Antony, Octavia is | | AC II.ii.247 | |
A blessed Lottery to him. | A blessed lottery to him. | lottery (n.) prize, allotment, award | AC II.ii.248.1 | |
Agrip. | AGRIPPA | | | |
Let vs go. | Let us go. | | AC II.ii.248.2 | |
Good Enobarbus, make your selfe / my guest, | Good Enobarbus, make yourself my guest | | AC II.ii.249 | |
whilst you abide heere. | Whilst you abide here. | | AC II.ii.250.1 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Humbly Sir I thanke you. | Humbly, sir, I thank you. | | AC II.ii.250.2 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | AC II.ii.250 | |