First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Hamlet, and two or three of the Players. | Enter Hamlet and the Players | | Ham III.ii.1 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Speake the Speech I pray you, as I pronounc'd | Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced | | Ham III.ii.1 | |
it to you trippingly on the Tongue: But if you mouth it, | it to you, trippingly on the tongue. But if you mouth it | | Ham III.ii.2 | |
as many of your Players do, I had as liue the Town-Cryer | as many of your players do, I had as lief the town crier | lief, had as should like just as much | Ham III.ii.3 | |
had spoke my Lines: Nor do not saw the Ayre too much | spoke my lines. Nor do not saw the air too much with | | Ham III.ii.4 | |
your hand thus, but vse all gently; for in the verie Torrent, | your hand, thus. But use all gently. For in the very torrent, | use (v.) treat, deal with, manage | Ham III.ii.5 | |
Tempest, and (as I may say) the Whirle-winde of | tempest, and, as I may say, whirlwind of your | | Ham III.ii.6 | |
Passion, you must acquire and beget a Temperance that | passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that | temperance (n.) self-control, calm behaviour, moderation | Ham III.ii.7 | |
| | beget (v.), past form begot obtain, develop, nurture | | |
may giue it Smoothnesse. O it offends mee to the Soule, to | may give it smoothness. O, it offends me to the soul to | | Ham III.ii.8 | |
see a robustious Pery-wig-pated Fellow, teare a Passion to | hear a robustious periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to | passion (n.) passionate outburst, emotional passage | Ham III.ii.9 | |
| | periwig-pated (adj.) bewigged, wearing a wig | | |
| | robustious (adj.) boisterous, noisy, unruly | | |
tatters, to verie ragges, to split the eares of the Groundlings: | tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings, | groundlings (n.) audience standing in a theatre courtyard | Ham III.ii.10 | |
who (for the most part) are capeable of nothing, but | who for the most part are capable of nothing but | capable of appreciative of, able to take in | Ham III.ii.11 | |
inexplicable dumbe shewes, & noise: I could haue such a | inexplicable dumb-shows and noise. I would have such a | | Ham III.ii.12 | |
Fellow whipt for o're-doing Termagant: it out- Herod's | fellow whipped for o'erdoing Termagant. It out-Herods | overdo (v.) outdo, surpass | Ham III.ii.13 | |
| | Termagant (n.) noisy and overbearing character in mystery plays | | |
Herod. Pray you auoid it. | Herod. Pray you avoid it. | Herod (n.) in the Bible, a Judean king, portrayed in medieval mystery plays as a wild and angry figure | Ham III.ii.14 | |
Player. | FIRST PLAYER | | | |
I warrant your Honor. | I warrant your honour. | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | Ham III.ii.15 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Be not too tame neyther: but let your owne Discretion | Be not too tame neither. But let your own discretion | | Ham III.ii.16 | |
be your Tutor. Sute the Action to the Word, the | be your tutor. Suit the action to the word, the | action (n.) movement, demeanour, gesture | Ham III.ii.17 | |
Word to the Action, with this speciall obseruance: That | word to the action, with this special observance, that | | Ham III.ii.18 | |
you ore-stop not the modestie of Nature; for any thing so | you o'erstep not the modesty of nature. For anything so | modesty (n.) moderation, restraint, discipline | Ham III.ii.19 | |
| | nature (n.) human nature | | |
ouer-done, is frõ the purpose of Playing, whose end | o'erdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, | purpose (n.) point at issue, matter in hand | Ham III.ii.20 | |
both at the first and now, was and is, to hold as 'twer | both at the first and now, was and is to hold, as 'twere, | | Ham III.ii.21 | |
the Mirrour vp to Nature; to shew Vertue her owne Feature, | the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, | feature (n.) physical appearance, bodily shape, looks | Ham III.ii.22 | |
Scorne her owne Image, and the verie Age and Bodie of the | scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the | scorn (n.) folly, foolishness | Ham III.ii.23 | |
Time, his forme and pressure. Now, this ouer-done, or come | time his form and pressure. Now this overdone, or come | pressure (n.) impression, stamp, image | Ham III.ii.24 | |
| | form (n.) image, likeness, shape | | |
| | come off (v.) turn out, result | | |
tardie off, though it make the vnskilfull laugh, cannot | tardy off, though it make the unskilful laugh, cannot | tardy (adv.) inadequately | Ham III.ii.25 | |
| | unskilful (adj.) undiscerning, ignorant, uneducated | | |
but make the Iudicious greeue; The censure of the which | but make the judicious grieve; the censure of the which | censure (n.) assessment, opinion, judgement, criticism | Ham III.ii.26 | |
One, must in your allowance o're-way a whole Theater | one must in your allowance o'erweigh a whole theatre | overweigh (v.) outweigh, exceed, prevail over | Ham III.ii.27 | |
| | allowance (n.) acknowledgement, admission, confirmation | | |
of Others. Oh, there bee Players that I haue seene Play, and | of others. O, there be players that I have seen play, and | | Ham III.ii.28 | |
heard others praise, and that highly (not to speake it | heard others praise, and that highly, not to speak it | speak (v.) give an account of, report, describe | Ham III.ii.29 | |
prophanely) that neyther hauing the accent of Christians, | profanely, that, neither having th' accent of Christians | Christian (n.) ordinary person, normal human being | Ham III.ii.30 | |
nor the gate of Christian, Pagan, or Norman, haue so | nor the gait of Christian, pagan, nor man, have so | | Ham III.ii.31 | |
strutted and bellowed, that I haue thought some of | strutted and bellowed that I have thought some of | | Ham III.ii.32 | |
Natures Iouerney-men had made men, and not made | Nature's journeymen had made men, and not made | journeyman (n.) common workman, hireling | Ham III.ii.33 | |
them well, they imitated Humanity so abhominably. | them well, they imitated humanity so abominably. | | Ham III.ii.34 | |
Play. | FIRST PLAYER | | | |
I hope we haue reform'd that indifferently | I hope we have reformed that indifferently | indifferently (adv.) to some extent, fairly well | Ham III.ii.35 | |
with vs, Sir. | with us, sir. | | Ham III.ii.36 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
O reforme it altogether. And let those that play | O, reform it altogether! And let those that play | | Ham III.ii.37 | |
your Clownes, speake no more then is set downe for them. | your clowns speak no more than is set down for them. | | Ham III.ii.38 | |
For there be of them, that will themselues laugh, to set on | For there be of them that will themselves laugh to set on | | Ham III.ii.39 | |
some quantitie of barren Spectators to laugh too, though | some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too, though | barren (adj.) unresponsive, dull, apathetic | Ham III.ii.40 | |
in the meane time, some necessary Question of the Play be | in the meantime some necessary question of the play be | | Ham III.ii.41 | |
then to be considered: that's Villanous, & shewes a | then to be considered. That's villainous, and shows a | | Ham III.ii.42 | |
most pittifull Ambition in the Foole that vses it. | most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it. And then | | Ham III.ii.43 | |
| you have some again that keeps one suit of jests, as a man | | Ham III.ii.44 | |
| is known by one suit of apparel; and gentlemen quote | quote (v.) note, jot, write | Ham III.ii.45 | |
| | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | | |
| his jests down in their tables before they come to the | table (n.) writing tablet, memo pad, notebook | Ham III.ii.46 | |
| play; as thus, ‘ Cannot you stay till I eat my porridge?’, | | Ham III.ii.47 | |
| and ‘ You owe me a quarter's wages,’ and ‘ My coat | | Ham III.ii.48 | |
| wants a cullison,’ and ‘ Your beer is sour,’ and blabbering | want (v.) lack, need, be without | Ham III.ii.49 | |
| | cullison (n.) badge, emblem [= cognizance, in heraldry] | | |
| | blabber (v.) babble, mumble | | |
| with his lips, and thus keeping in his cinquepace of | cinquepace (n.) five-step capering dance | Ham III.ii.50 | |
| jests, when, God knows, the warm clown cannot make a | | Ham III.ii.51 | |
| jest unless by chance, as the blind man catcheth a hare. | | Ham III.ii.52 | |
| Masters, tell him of it. | | Ham III.ii.53 | |
| FIRST PLAYER | | | |
| We will, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.54 | |
| HAMLET | | | |
Go make you readie. | Well, go make you ready. | | Ham III.ii.55 | |
Exit Players. | Exeunt Players | | Ham III.ii.55 | |
Enter Polonius, Rosincrance, and Guildensterne. | Enter Polonius, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern | | Ham III.ii.56.1 | |
How now my Lord, / Will the King heare this peece of | How now, my lord? Will the King hear this piece of | piece (n.) specimen, masterpiece | Ham III.ii.56 | |
Worke? | work? | | Ham III.ii.57 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
And the Queene too, and that presently. | And the Queen too, and that presently. | presently (adv.) after a short time, soon, before long | Ham III.ii.58 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Bid the Players make hast. | Bid the players make haste. | | Ham III.ii.59 | |
Exit Polonius. | Exit Polonius | | Ham III.ii.59 | |
Will you two helpe to hasten them? | Will you two help to hasten them? | | Ham III.ii.60 | |
Both. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
We will my Lord. | Ay, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.61 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Rosencrantz and Guildenstern | | Ham III.ii.61 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
What hoa, Horatio? | What, ho, Horatio! | | Ham III.ii.62 | |
Enter Horatio. | Enter Horatio | | Ham III.ii.63 | |
Hora. | HORATIO | | | |
Heere sweet Lord, at your Seruice. | Here, sweet lord, at your service. | | Ham III.ii.63 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Horatio, thou art eene as iust a man | Horatio, thou art e'en as just a man | just (adj.) honourable, loyal, faithful | Ham III.ii.64 | |
As ere my Conuersation coap'd withall. | As e'er my conversation coped withal. | conversation (n.) social interaction, society, dealings | Ham III.ii.65 | |
| | cope, cope with (v.) encounter, face, have to do [with], come into contact [with] | | |
Hora. | HORATIO | | | |
O my deere Lord. | O my dear lord – | | Ham III.ii.66.1 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Nay, do not thinke I flatter: | Nay, do not think I flatter. | | Ham III.ii.66.2 | |
For what aduancement may I hope from thee, | For what advancement may I hope from thee, | advancement (n.) preferment, elevation, progress | Ham III.ii.67 | |
That no Reuennew hast, but thy good spirits | That no revenue hast but thy good spirits | spirit (n.) (plural) sentiments, faculties, traits of character | Ham III.ii.68 | |
To feed & cloath thee. Why shold the poor be flatter'd? | To feed and clothe thee? Why should the poor be flattered? | | Ham III.ii.69 | |
No, let the Candied tongue, like absurd pompe, | No, let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp, | absurd (adj.) tasteless, insipid, incongruous | Ham III.ii.70 | |
| | candied (adj.) sugared, honeyed, flattering | | |
And crooke the pregnant Hindges of the knee, | And crook the pregnant hinges of the knee | pregnant (adj.) well-disposed, ready, inclined, receptive | Ham III.ii.71 | |
| | crook (v.) bend | | |
Where thrift may follow faining? Dost thou heare, | Where thrift may follow fawning. Dost thou hear? | thrift (n.) profit, advantage, gain | Ham III.ii.72 | |
Since my deere Soule was Mistris of my choyse, | Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice | | Ham III.ii.73 | |
And could of men distinguish, her election | And could of men distinguish her election, | election (n.) choice, preference | Ham III.ii.74 | |
Hath seal'd thee for her selfe. For thou hast bene | Sh'hath sealed thee for herself. For thou hast been | seal (v.) mark [as if by a seal], designate | Ham III.ii.75 | |
As one in suffering all, that suffers nothing. | As one, in suffering all, that suffers nothing, | | Ham III.ii.76 | |
A man that Fortunes buffets, and Rewards | A man that Fortune's buffets and rewards | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | Ham III.ii.77 | |
Hath 'tane with equall Thankes. And blest are those, | Hast ta'en with equal thanks. And blest are those | | Ham III.ii.78 | |
Whose Blood and Iudgement are so well co-mingled, | Whose blood and judgement are so well commeddled | judgement (n.) reason, discernment, good sense | Ham III.ii.79 | |
| | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | | |
| | commeddle, comeddle (v.) mix, blend, mingle together | | |
That they are not a Pipe for Fortunes finger, | That they are not a pipe for Fortune's finger | | Ham III.ii.80 | |
To sound what stop she please. Giue me that man, | To sound what stop she please. Give me that man | stop (n.) note [produced by closing a finger-hole in a wind instrument] | Ham III.ii.81 | |
That is not Passions Slaue, and I will weare him | That is not passion's slave, and I will wear him | | Ham III.ii.82 | |
In my hearts Core: I, in my Heart of heart, | In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart, | | Ham III.ii.83 | |
As I do thee. Something too much of this. | As I do thee. Something too much of this. | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | Ham III.ii.84 | |
There is a Play to night before the King, | There is a play tonight before the King. | | Ham III.ii.85 | |
One Scoene of it comes neere the Circumstance | One scene of it comes near the circumstance, | | Ham III.ii.86 | |
Which I haue told thee, of my Fathers death. | Which I have told thee, of my father's death. | | Ham III.ii.87 | |
I prythee, when thou see'st that Acte a-foot, | I prithee, when thou seest that act afoot, | | Ham III.ii.88 | |
Euen with the verie Comment of my Soule | Even with the very comment of thy soul | comment (n.) observation, consideration | Ham III.ii.89 | |
Obserue mine Vnkle: If his occulted guilt, | Observe my uncle. If his occulted guilt | occulted (adj.) hidden, concealed | Ham III.ii.90 | |
Do not it selfe vnkennell in one speech, | Do not itself unkennel in one speech, | unkennel (v.) reveal, bring to light, expose | Ham III.ii.91 | |
It is a damned Ghost that we haue seene: | It is a damned ghost that we have seen, | | Ham III.ii.92 | |
And my Imaginations are as foule | And my imaginations are as foul | | Ham III.ii.93 | |
As Vulcans Stythe. Giue him needfull note, | As Vulcan's stithy. Give him heedful note. | stithy (n.) smithy, anvil, forge | Ham III.ii.94 | |
| | Vulcan (n.) Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell | | |
For I mine eyes will riuet to his Face: | For I mine eyes will rivet to his face, | | Ham III.ii.95 | |
And after we will both our iudgements ioyne, | And after we will both our judgements join | judgement (n.) opinion, estimation, assessment | Ham III.ii.96 | |
To censure of his seeming. | In censure of his seeming. | seeming (n.) demeanour, outward behaviour | Ham III.ii.97.1 | |
| | censure (n.) assessment, opinion, judgement, criticism | | |
Hora. | HORATIO | | | |
Well my Lord. | Well, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.97.2 | |
If he steale ought the whil'st this Play is Playing, | If 'a steal aught the whilst this play is playing, | steal (v.) hide furtively, conceal stealthily | Ham III.ii.98 | |
| | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | | |
And scape detecting, I will pay the Theft. | And 'scape detecting, I will pay the theft. | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Ham III.ii.99 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
They are comming to the Play: I must be idle. Get | They are coming to the play. I must be idle. Get | idle (adj.) mad, crazy, lunatic | Ham III.ii.100 | |
you a place. | you a place. | | Ham III.ii.101 | |
| Danish march. Flourish | | Ham III.ii.102.1 | |
| Trumpets and kettledrums | | Ham III.ii.102.2 | |
Enter King, Queene, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosincrance, | Enter the King and Queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, | | Ham III.ii.102.3 | |
Guildensterne, and other Lords attendant with | Guildenstern, and other lords attendant, with | | Ham III.ii.102.4 | |
his Guard carrying Torches. Danish March. Sound a Flourish. | the guard carrying torches | | Ham III.ii.102.5 | |
King. | KING | | | |
How fares our Cosin Hamlet? | How fares our cousin Hamlet? | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | Ham III.ii.102 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Excellent Ifaith, of the Camelions dish: I eate | Excellent, i'faith; of the chameleon's dish. I eat | | Ham III.ii.103 | |
the Ayre promise-cramm'd, you cannot feed Capons so. | the air, promise-crammed. You cannot feed capons so. | | Ham III.ii.104 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I haue nothing with this answer Hamlet, these | I have nothing with this answer, Hamlet. These | have (v.) understand, grasp, comprehend | Ham III.ii.105 | |
words are not mine. | words are not mine. | | Ham III.ii.106 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
No, nor mine. Now my Lord, you | No, nor mine now. (to Polonius) My lord, you | | Ham III.ii.107 | |
plaid once i'th'Vniuersity, you say? | played once i'th' university, you say? | | Ham III.ii.108 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
That I did my Lord, and was accounted a | That did I, my lord, and was accounted a | | Ham III.ii.109 | |
good Actor. | good actor. | | Ham III.ii.110 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
And what did you enact? | What did you enact? | | Ham III.ii.111 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
I did enact Iulius Casar, I was kill'd | I did enact Julius Caesar. I was killed | Julius Caesar [pron: 'seezer] Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC | Ham III.ii.112 | |
i'th'Capitol: Brutus kill'd me. | i'th' Capitol. Brutus killed me. | Capitol (n.) geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government | Ham III.ii.113 | |
| | Brutus, Marcus Marcus Junius Brutus; 1st-c BC Roman politician, involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar | | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
It was a bruite part of him, to kill so Capitall a Calfe | It was a brute part of him to kill so capital a calf | calf (n.) fool, dolt, idiot | Ham III.ii.114 | |
there. Be the Players ready? | there. Be the players ready? | | Ham III.ii.115 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
I my Lord, they stay vpon your | Ay, my lord. They stay upon your | stay on / upon (v.) wait for, await | Ham III.ii.116 | |
patience. | patience. | patience (n.) leave, permission, indulgence | Ham III.ii.117 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Come hither my good Hamlet, sit by me. | Come hither, my dear Hamlet, sit by me. | | Ham III.ii.118 | |
Ha. | HAMLET | | | |
No good Mother, here's Mettle more attractiue. | No, good mother. Here's metal more attractive. | | Ham III.ii.119 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
| (to the King) | | Ham III.ii.120.1 | |
Oh ho, do you marke that? | O ho! Do you mark that? | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Ham III.ii.120 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Ladie, shall I lye in your Lap? | Lady, shall I lie in your lap? | | Ham III.ii.121 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
No my Lord. | No, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.122 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I meane, my Head vpon your Lap? | I mean, my head upon your lap? | | Ham III.ii.123 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
I my Lord. | Ay, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.124 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Do you thinke I meant Country matters? | Do you think I meant country matters? | country matters sexual intercourse | Ham III.ii.125 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
I thinke nothing, my Lord. | I think nothing, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.126 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
That's a faire thought to ly between Maids | That's a fair thought – to lie between maids' | | Ham III.ii.127 | |
legs | legs. | | Ham III.ii.128 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
What is my Lord? | What is, my lord? | | Ham III.ii.129 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Nothing. | Nothing. | | Ham III.ii.130 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
You are merrie, my Lord? | You are merry, my lord. | merry (adj.) facetious, droll, jocular | Ham III.ii.131 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Who I? | Who, I? | | Ham III.ii.132 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
I my Lord. | Ay, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.133 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Oh God, your onely Iigge-maker: what should a | O God, your only jig-maker! What should a | only (adj.) outstanding, peerless, pre-eminent | Ham III.ii.134 | |
| | jig-maker (n.) comic performer, jester | | |
man do, but be merrie. For looke you how cheerefully my | man do but be merry? For look you how cheerfully my | | Ham III.ii.135 | |
Mother lookes, and my Father dyed within's two Houres. | mother looks, and my father died within's two hours. | 's (det.) contracted form of ‘this’ | Ham III.ii.136 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Nay, 'tis twice two moneths, my Lord. | Nay, 'tis twice two months, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.137 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
So long? Nay then let the Diuel weare blacke, for | So long? Nay then, let the devil wear black, for | devil wear black, let the to hell with mourning! | Ham III.ii.138 | |
Ile haue a suite of Sables. Oh Heauens! dye two moneths | I'll have a suit of sables. O heavens! Die two months | sable (n.) rich fur [from the animal, sable], expensive garment | Ham III.ii.139 | |
ago, and not forgotten yet? Then there's hope, a great | ago, and not forgotten yet? Then there's hope a great | | Ham III.ii.140 | |
mans Memorie, may out-liue his life halfe a yeare: But | man's memory may outlive his life half a year. But, by'r | | Ham III.ii.141 | |
byrlady he must builde Churches then: or else shall he suffer | Lady, 'a must build churches then, or else shall 'a suffer | | Ham III.ii.142 | |
not thinking on, with the Hoby-horsse, whose Epitaph | not thinking on, with the hobby-horse, whose epitaph | think on (v.) be remembered, be commemorated | Ham III.ii.143 | |
| | with (prep.) like | | |
is, For o, For o, the Hoby-horse is forgot. | is ‘ For O, for O, the hobby-horse is forgot!’ | | Ham III.ii.144 | |
Hoboyes play. | The trumpets sound | | Ham III.ii.145.1 | |
The dumbe shew enters. Enter a King and Queene, very | Dumb-show follows: Enter a King and a Queen very | | Ham III.ii.145.2 | |
louingly; the Queene embracing him. She | lovingly, the Queen embracing him, and he her. She | | Ham III.ii.145.3 | |
kneeles, and makes shew of Protestation vntohim. He | kneels, and makes show of protestation unto him. He | show (n.) appearance, exhibition, display | Ham III.ii.145.4 | |
| | protestation (n.) solemn declaration, affirmation | | |
takes her vp, and dcclines his head vpon her neck. | takes her up, and declines his head upon her neck. He | decline (v.) incline, lean, bend | Ham III.ii.145.5 | |
Layes him downe vpon a Banke of Flowers. She seeing him | lies him down upon a bank of flowers. She, seeing him | | Ham III.ii.145.6 | |
a-sleepe, leaues him. Anon comes in a Fellow, takes | asleep, leaves him. Anon comes in another man; takes | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | Ham III.ii.145.7 | |
off hisCrowne, kisses it, and powres poyson in the Kings | off his crown, kisses it, and pours poison in the sleeper's | | Ham III.ii.145.8 | |
eares, andExits. The Queene returnes, findes the | ears, and leaves him. The Queen returns, finds the | | Ham III.ii.145.9 | |
King dead, andmakes passionate Action. The Poysoner, | King dead, makes passionate action. The poisoner, | | Ham III.ii.145.10 | |
with some two orthree Mutes comes in againe, seeming to lament | with some three or four, comes in again, seem to condole | condole (v.) lament, grieve, express great sorrow | Ham III.ii.145.11 | |
with her. The dead body is carried away: The | with her. The dead body is carried away. The | | Ham III.ii.145.12 | |
Poysoner Wooes the Queene with Gifts, she seemes loath and vnwilling | poisoner woos the Queen with gifts. She seems harsh | | Ham III.ii.145.13 | |
awhile, but in the end, accepts his loue. | awhile, but in the end accepts love | | Ham III.ii.145.14 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt dumb-show | | Ham III.ii.145.15 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
What meanes this, my Lord? | What means this, my lord? | | Ham III.ii.145 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Marry this is Miching Malicho, that meanes | Marry, this is miching mallecho. It means | miching (adj.) [unclear meaning] sneaking, skulking, lurking | Ham III.ii.146 | |
| | mallecho (n.) [unclear meaning] mischief, misdeed | | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
Mischeefe. | mischief. | | Ham III.ii.147 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Belike this shew imports the Argument of the | Belike this show imports the argument of the | import (v.) represent, depict, indicate | Ham III.ii.148 | |
| | show (n.) dumb-show, miming | | |
| | argument (n.) story, subject, plot | | |
| | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | | |
Play? | play. | | Ham III.ii.149 | |
| Enter the Fourth Player as Prologue | | Ham III.ii.150 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
We shall know by these Fellowes: the Players cannot | We shall know by this fellow. The players cannot | | Ham III.ii.150 | |
keepe counsell, they'l tell all. | keep counsel. They'll tell all. | counsel (n.) secrecy, confidence, privacy | Ham III.ii.151 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Will they tell vs what this shew meant? | Will 'a tell us what this show meant? | | Ham III.ii.152 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I, or any shew that you'l shew him. Bee not | Ay, or any show that you will show him. Be not | | Ham III.ii.153 | |
you asham'd to shew, hee'l not shame to tell you what | you ashamed to show, he'll not shame to tell you what | shame (v.) be ashamed, be embarrassed | Ham III.ii.154 | |
it meanes. | it means. | | Ham III.ii.155 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
You are naught, you are naught, Ile marke the | You are naught, you are naught. I'll mark the | naught, nought (adj.) improper, offensive, naughty | Ham III.ii.156 | |
| | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | | |
Play. | play | | Ham III.ii.157 | |
Enter Prologue. | FOURTH PLAYER (as Prologue) | | | |
For vs, and for our Tragedie, | For us and for our tragedy, | | Ham III.ii.158 | |
Heere stooping to your Clemencie: | Here stooping to your clemency, | | Ham III.ii.159 | |
We begge your hearing Patientlie. | We beg your hearing patiently. | | Ham III.ii.160 | |
| Exit | | Ham III.ii.160 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Is this a Prologue, or the Poesie of a Ring? | Is this a prologue, or the posy of a ring? | posy (n.) short piece of poetry [often inscribed inside a ring] | Ham III.ii.161 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
'Tis briefe my Lord. | 'Tis brief, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.162 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
As Womans loue. | As woman's love. | | Ham III.ii.163 | |
Enter King and his Queene. | Enter two Players as King and Queen | | Ham III.ii.164.1 | |
King. | FIRST PLAYER (as King) | | | |
Full thirtie times hath Phoebus Cart gon round, | Full thirty times hath Phoebus' cart gone round | cart (n.) chariot, carriage | Ham III.ii.164 | |
| | Phoebus (n.) [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo | | |
Neptunes salt Wash, and Tellus Orbed ground: | Neptune's salt wash and Tellus' orbed ground, | orbed (adj.) rounded, orb-like, spherical | Ham III.ii.165 | |
| | Tellus (n.) Roman goddess of the earth | | |
| | Neptune Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather | | |
And thirtie dozen Moones with borrowed sheene, | And thirty dozen moons with borrowed sheen | sheen (n.) brightness, shining, radiance | Ham III.ii.166 | |
About the World haue times twelue thirties beene, | About the world have times twelve thirties been | | Ham III.ii.167 | |
Since loue our hearts, and Hymen did our hands | Since love our hearts, and Hymen did our hands, | | Ham III.ii.168 | |
Vnite comutuall, in most sacred Bands. | Unite commutual in most sacred bands. | commutual, comutual (adj.) mutual, joint, answering to each other | Ham III.ii.169 | |
| | band (n.) bond, obligation, tie | | |
Bap. | SECOND PLAYER (as Queen) | | | |
So many iournies may the Sunne and Moone | So many journeys may the sun and moon | | Ham III.ii.170 | |
Make vs againe count o're, ere loue be done. | Make us again count o'er ere love be done! | | Ham III.ii.171 | |
But woe is me, you are so sicke of late, | But woe is me, you are so sick of late, | | Ham III.ii.172 | |
So farre from cheere, and from your forme state, | So far from cheer and from your former state | cheer (n.) cheerfulness, mirth, joy | Ham III.ii.173 | |
That I distrust you: yet though I distrust, | That I distrust you. Yet, though I distrust, | distrust (n.) fear for, be anxious about | Ham III.ii.174 | |
Discomfort you (my Lord) it nothing must: | Discomfort you, my lord, it nothing must. | discomfort (v.) trouble, grieve, worry | Ham III.ii.175 | |
| For women fear too much, even as they love, | | Ham III.ii.176 | |
For womens Feare and Loue, holds quantitie, | And women's fear and love hold quantity, | quantity (n.) equal amount, same proportion | Ham III.ii.177 | |
In neither ought, or in extremity: | In neither aught, or in extremity. | extremity (n.) utmost degree, greatest amount | Ham III.ii.178 | |
| | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | | |
Now what my loue is, proofe hath made you know, | Now what my love is, proof hath made you know, | proof (n.) experience, actual practice, tried knowledge | Ham III.ii.179 | |
And as my Loue is siz'd, my Feare is so. | And as my love is sized, my fear is so. | size (v.) quantify, measure [for size] | Ham III.ii.180 | |
| Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear. | | Ham III.ii.181 | |
| Where little fears grow great, great love grows there. | | Ham III.ii.182 | |
King. | FIRST PLAYER (as King) | | | |
Faith I must leaue thee Loue, and shortly too: | Faith, I must leave thee, love, and shortly too. | | Ham III.ii.183 | |
My operant Powers my Functions leaue to do: | My operant powers their functions leave to do. | operant (adj.) active, vital, potent, functioning | Ham III.ii.184 | |
| | powers (n.) faculties, abilities to act | | |
| | leave (v.) cease, stop, give up | | |
And thou shalt liue in this faire world behinde, | And thou shalt live in this fair world behind, | | Ham III.ii.185 | |
Honour'd, belou'd, and haply, one as kinde. | Honoured, beloved; and haply one as kind | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Ham III.ii.186 | |
For Husband shalt thou----- | For husband shalt thou – | | Ham III.ii.187.1 | |
Bap. | SECOND PLAYER (as Queen) | | | |
Oh confound the rest: | O, confound the rest! | | Ham III.ii.187.2 | |
Such Loue, must needs be Treason in my brest: | Such love must needs be treason in my breast: | | Ham III.ii.188 | |
In second Husband, let me be accurst, | In second husband let me be accursed! | | Ham III.ii.189 | |
None wed the second, but who kill'd the first. | None wed the second but who killed the first. | | Ham III.ii.190 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
| (aside) | | Ham III.ii.191.1 | |
Wormwood, Wormwood. | That's wormwood. | wormwood (n.) bitter substance, bitterness | Ham III.ii.191 | |
Bapt. | SECOND PLAYER (as Queen) | | | |
The instances that second Marriage moue, | The instances that second marriage move | move (v.) encourage, instigate, prompt | Ham III.ii.192 | |
| | instance (n.) reason, motive, cause | | |
Are base respects of Thrift, but none of Loue. | Are base respects of thrift, but none of love. | thrift (n.) profit, advantage, gain | Ham III.ii.193 | |
| | respect (n.) consideration, factor, circumstance | | |
| | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | | |
A second time, I kill my Husband dead, | A second time I kill my husband dead | | Ham III.ii.194 | |
When second Husband kisses me in Bed. | When second husband kisses me in bed. | | Ham III.ii.195 | |
King. | FIRST PLAYER (as King) | | | |
I do beleeue you. Think what now you speak: | I do believe you think what now you speak, | | Ham III.ii.196 | |
But what we do determine, oft we breake: | But what we do determine oft we break. | oft (adv.) often | Ham III.ii.197 | |
Purpose is but the slaue to Memorie, | Purpose is but the slave to memory, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Ham III.ii.198 | |
Of violent Birth, but poore validitie: | Of violent birth, but poor validity, | validity (n.) strength, robustness, stamina | Ham III.ii.199 | |
Which now like Fruite vnripe stickes on the Tree, | Which now, like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree, | | Ham III.ii.200 | |
But fall vnshaken, when they mellow bee. | But fall unshaken when they mellow be. | | Ham III.ii.201 | |
Most necessary 'tis, that we forget | Most necessary 'tis that we forget | necessary (adj.) inevitable, unavoidable, certain | Ham III.ii.202 | |
To pay our selues, what to our selues is debt: | To pay ourselves what to ourselves is debt. | | Ham III.ii.203 | |
What to our selues in passion we propose, | What to ourselves in passion we propose, | passion (n.) powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’] | Ham III.ii.204 | |
The passion ending, doth the purpose lose. | The passion ending, doth the purpose lose. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Ham III.ii.205 | |
The violence of other Greefe or Ioy, | The violence of either grief or joy | | Ham III.ii.206 | |
Their owne ennactors with themselues destroy: | Their own enactures with themselves destroy. | enacture (n.) performance, fulfilment, execution | Ham III.ii.207 | |
Where Ioy most Reuels, Greefe doth most lament; | Where joy most revels, grief doth most lament. | | Ham III.ii.208 | |
Greefe ioyes, Ioy greeues on slender accident. | Grief joys, joy grieves, on slender accident. | slender (adj.) slight, trifling, insignificant | Ham III.ii.209 | |
| | accident (n.) occurrence, event, happening | | |
This world is not for aye, nor 'tis not strange | This world is not for aye, nor 'tis not strange | aye (adv.) always, ever, for eternity | Ham III.ii.210 | |
That euen our Loues should with our Fortunes change. | That even our loves should with our fortunes change. | | Ham III.ii.211 | |
For 'tis a question left vs yet to proue, | For 'tis a question left us yet to prove, | prove (v.) test, try out, make trial [of] | Ham III.ii.212 | |
Whether Loue lead Fortune, or else Fortune Loue. | Whether love lead fortune, or else fortune love. | | Ham III.ii.213 | |
The great man downe, you marke his fauourites flies, | The great man down, you mark his favourite flies. | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Ham III.ii.214 | |
The poore aduanc'd, makes Friends of Enemies: | The poor advanced makes friends of enemies. | | Ham III.ii.215 | |
And hitherto doth Loue on Fortune tend, | And hitherto doth love on fortune tend, | hitherto (adv.) to this extent | Ham III.ii.216 | |
| | tend (v.) attend, wait on, serve | | |
For who not needs, shall neuer lacke a Frend: | For who not needs shall never lack a friend, | | Ham III.ii.217 | |
And who in want a hollow Friend doth try, | And who in want a hollow friend doth try | want (n.) need, requirement, necessity | Ham III.ii.218 | |
| | hollow (adj.) empty, false, insincere | | |
| | try (v.) put to the test, test the goodness [of] | | |
Directly seasons him his Enemie. | Directly seasons him his enemy. | season (v.) turn into, make | Ham III.ii.219 | |
| | directly (adv.) immediately, at once | | |
But orderly to end, where I begun, | But, orderly to end where I begun, | | Ham III.ii.220 | |
Our Willes and Fates do so contrary run, | Our wills and fates do so contrary run | contrary (adv.) in opposite directions, contrarily | Ham III.ii.221 | |
That our Deuices still are ouerthrowne, | That our devices still are overthrown. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Ham III.ii.222 | |
| | device (n.) plan, scheme, intention | | |
Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our owne. | Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own. | end (n.) outcome, result, issue | Ham III.ii.223 | |
So thinke thou wilt no second Husband wed. | So think thou wilt no second husband wed, | | Ham III.ii.224 | |
But die thy thoughts, when thy first Lord is dead. | But die thy thoughts when thy first lord is dead. | | Ham III.ii.225 | |
Bap. | SECOND PLAYER (as Queen) | | | |
Nor Earth to giue me food, nor Heauen light, | Nor earth to me give food, nor heaven light, | | Ham III.ii.226 | |
Sport and repose locke from me day and night: | Sport and repose lock from me day and night, | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | Ham III.ii.227 | |
| To desperation turn my trust and hope, | | Ham III.ii.228 | |
| An anchor's cheer in prison be my scope, | cheer (n.) lifestyle, fare, standard of living | Ham III.ii.229 | |
| | scope (n.) goal, prospect, purpose, aim | | |
| | anchor (n.) anchorite, hermit, recluse | | |
Each opposite that blankes the face of ioy, | Each opposite that blanks the face of joy | opposite (n.) opposing force, adversity | Ham III.ii.230 | |
| | blank (v.) make pale, blanch, drain (colour) | | |
Meet what I would haue well, and it destroy: | Meet what I would have well, and it destroy, | | Ham III.ii.231 | |
Both heere, and hence, pursue me lasting strife, | Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife, | hence (adv.) in the next world | Ham III.ii.232 | |
If once a Widdow, euer I be Wife. | If, once a widow, ever I be wife! | | Ham III.ii.233 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
| (aside) | | Ham III.ii.234 | |
If she should breake it now. | If she should break it now! | | Ham III.ii.234 | |
King. | FIRST PLAYER (as King) | | | |
'Tis deepely sworne: / Sweet, leaue me heere a while, | 'Tis deeply sworn. Sweet, leave me here awhile. | deeply (adv.) solemnly, with great seriousness | Ham III.ii.235 | |
My spirits grow dull, and faine I would beguile | My spirits grow dull, and fain I would beguile | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | Ham III.ii.236 | |
| | beguile (v.) charm away, while away, pass pleasantly | | |
The tedious day with sleepe. | The tedious day with sleep. | | Ham III.ii.237.1 | |
Qu. | SECOND PLAYER (as Queen) | | | |
Sleepe rocke thy Braine, | Sleep rock thy brain, | | Ham III.ii.237.2 | |
And neuer come mischance betweene vs twaine. | And never come mischance between us twain! | mischance (n.) misfortune, calamity, mishap | Ham III.ii.238 | |
| | twain (n.) two | | |
Sleepes Exit | The Player-King sleeps. Exit the Player-Queen | | Ham III.ii.238 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Madam, how like you this Play? | Madam, how like you this play? | | Ham III.ii.239 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
The Lady protests to much me thinkes. | The lady doth protest too much, methinks. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | Ham III.ii.240 | |
| | protest (v.) make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim | | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Oh but shee'l keepe her word. | O, but she'll keep her word. | | Ham III.ii.241 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Haue you heard the Argument, is there no Offence | Have you heard the argument? Is there no offence | argument (n.) story, subject, plot | Ham III.ii.242 | |
in't? | in't? | | Ham III.ii.243 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
No, no, they do but iest, poyson in iest, no | No, no, they do but jest, poison in jest. No | jest (v.) make believe, act, play parts | Ham III.ii.244 | |
Offence i'th'world. | offence i'th' world. | | Ham III.ii.245 | |
King. | KING | | | |
What do you call the Play? | What do you call the play? | | Ham III.ii.246 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
The Mouse-trap: Marry how? Tropically: This | The Mousetrap. Marry, how? Tropically. This | tropically (adv.) figuratively, like a trope [a figure of speech] | Ham III.ii.247 | |
Play is the Image of a murder done in Vienna: Gonzago | play is the image of a murder done in Vienna. Gonzago | image (n.) representation, depiction, portrayal | Ham III.ii.248 | |
is the Dukes name, his wife Baptista: you shall see | is the duke's name; his wife, Baptista. You shall see | | Ham III.ii.249 | |
anon: 'tis a knauish peece of worke: But what o'that? | anon. 'Tis a knavish piece of work. But what of that? | knavish (adj.) rascally, mischievous, roguish | Ham III.ii.250 | |
| | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | | |
Your Maiestie, and wee that haue free soules, it touches vs | Your majesty, and we that have free souls, it touches us | free (adj.) innocent, guiltless | Ham III.ii.251 | |
not: let the gall'd iade winch: our withers are vnrung. | not. Let the galled jade wince. Our withers are unwrung. | withers (n.) [of a horse] ridge between the shoulder-blades | Ham III.ii.252 | |
| | galled (adj.) sore, swollen, inflamed | | |
| | jade (n.) worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag | | |
| | unwrung (adj.) not rubbed sore, not chafed | | |
Enter Lucianus. | Enter the Third Player, as Lucianus | | Ham III.ii.253 | |
This is one Lucianus nephew to the King. | This is one Lucianus, nephew to the King. | | Ham III.ii.253 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
You are a good Chorus, my Lord. | You are as good as a chorus, my lord. | chorus (n.) character in a play who speaks the prologue and comments on the course of events | Ham III.ii.254 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I could interpret betweene you and your loue: if | I could interpret between you and your love, if | interpret (v.) provide a dialogue [as does a puppeteer on behalf of the puppets] | Ham III.ii.255 | |
I could see the Puppets dallying. | I could see the puppets dallying. | dally (v.) flirt, be amorous, engage in love-play | Ham III.ii.256 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
You are keene my Lord, you are keene. | You are keen, my lord, you are keen. | keen (adj.) sharp, cutting, severe | Ham III.ii.257 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
It would cost you a groaning, to take off my | It would cost you a groaning to take off mine | | Ham III.ii.258 | |
edge. | edge. | edge (n.) ardour, keen desire | Ham III.ii.259 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Still better and worse. | Still better, and worse. | | Ham III.ii.260 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
So you mistake Husbands. / Begin Murderer. | So you must take your husbands. – Begin, murderer. | | Ham III.ii.261 | |
Pox, leaue thy damnable Faces, and begin. Come, | Pox, leave thy damnable faces and begin. Come; | pox (n.) venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules | Ham III.ii.262 | |
the croaking Rauen doth bellow for Reuenge. | the croaking raven doth bellow for revenge. | | Ham III.ii.263 | |
Lucian. | THIRD PLAYER (as Lucianus) | | | |
Thoughts blacke, hands apt, / Drugges fit, and Time agreeing: | Thoughts black, hands apt, drugs fit, and time agreeing, | apt (adj.) fit, ready, prepared | Ham III.ii.264 | |
Confederate season, else, no Creature seeing: | Confederate season, else no creature seeing, | season (n.) opportunity, favourable moment | Ham III.ii.265 | |
| | confederate (adj.) acting as an ally, in league | | |
Thou mixture ranke, of Midnight Weeds collected, | Thou mixture rank, of midnight weeds collected, | rank (adj.) foul-smelling, stinking | Ham III.ii.266 | |
With Hecats Ban, thrice blasted, thrice infected, | With Hecat's ban thrice blasted, thrice infected, | Hecat, Hecate (n.) [pron: 'hekat, 'hekatee] Greek goddess of the underworld; associated with magic, ghosts, witchcraft | Ham III.ii.267 | |
| | ban (n.) curse, malediction | | |
| | blast (v.) blight, wither, destroy | | |
Thy naturall Magicke, and dire propertie, | Thy natural magic and dire property | natural (adj.) inherent, intrinsic | Ham III.ii.268 | |
| | magic (n.) special power | | |
| | dire (adj.) dangerous, dreadful, evil | | |
On wholsome life, vsurpe immediately. | On wholesome life usurps immediately. | wholesome (adj.) sound, firm, in good condition | Ham III.ii.269 | |
| | usurp on / upon take wrongful possession of, misappropriate | | |
Powres the poyson in his eares. | He pours the poison in the King's ears | | Ham III.ii.270.1 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
He poysons him i'th'Garden for's estate: His | 'A poisons him i'th' garden for his estate. His | estate (n.) high rank, standing, status | Ham III.ii.270 | |
name's Gonzago: the Story is extant and writ in | name's Gonzago. The story is extant, and written in very | extant (adj.) in existence, living, existing | Ham III.ii.271 | |
choyce Italian. You shall see anon how the Murtherer | choice Italian. You shall see anon how the murderer | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | Ham III.ii.272 | |
gets the loue of Gonzago's wife. | gets the love of Gonzago's wife. | | Ham III.ii.273 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
The King rises. | The King rises. | | Ham III.ii.274 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
What, frighted with false fire. | What, frighted with false fire? | false fire discharge of blank cartridges | Ham III.ii.275 | |
| | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | | |
| | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
How fares my Lord? | How fares my lord? | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | Ham III.ii.276 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
Giue o're the Play. | Give o'er the play. | | Ham III.ii.277 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Giue me some Light. Away. | Give me some light. Away! | | Ham III.ii.278 | |
All. | POLONIUS | | | |
Lights, Lights, Lights. | Lights, lights, lights! | | Ham III.ii.279 | |
Exeunt Manet Hamlet & Horatio. | Exeunt all but Hamlet and Horatio | | Ham III.ii.279 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Why let the strucken Deere go weepe, | Why, let the strucken deer go weep, | | Ham III.ii.280 | |
The Hart vngalled play: | The hart ungalled play. | ungalled (adj.) uninjured, unharmed, unhurt | Ham III.ii.281 | |
For some must watch, while some must sleepe; | For some must watch, while some must sleep. | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | Ham III.ii.282 | |
So runnes the world away. | Thus runs the world away. | runs the world away, thus that's the way of the world | Ham III.ii.283 | |
Would not this Sir, and a Forrest of Feathers, if the rest | Would not this, sir, and a forest of feathers – if the rest | | Ham III.ii.284 | |
of my Fortunes tutne Turke with me; with two Prouinciall | of my fortunes turn Turk with me – with two Provincial | turn Turk change completely, become a renegade [as if in religion, from Christian to infidel] | Ham III.ii.285 | |
| | Provincial (adj.) from Provins or Provence [France] | | |
Roses on my rac'd Shooes, get me a Fellowship in a crie of | roses on my razed shoes, get me a fellowship in a cry of | razed (adj.) cut, slashed, slit | Ham III.ii.286 | |
| | fellowship (n.) partnership, membership, participation | | |
| | cry (n.) company, pack [as of hounds] | | |
Players sir. | players, sir? | | Ham III.ii.287 | |
Hor. | HORATIO | | | |
Halfe a share. | Half a share. | | Ham III.ii.288 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
A whole one I, | A whole one, I. | | Ham III.ii.289 | |
For thou dost know: Oh Damon deere, | For thou dost know, O Damon dear | Damon (n.) ['daymon] man from Syracuse seen as a model of faithful friendship, offering his life to help his friend Pythias | Ham III.ii.290 | |
This Realme dismantled was | This realm dismantled was | dismantle (v.) deprive, strip, divest | Ham III.ii.291 | |
of Ioue himselfe, / And now reignes heere. | Of Jove himself; and now reigns here | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | Ham III.ii.292 | |
A verie verie Paiocke. | A very, very – peacock. | pajock (n.) [unclear meaning] savage, degenerate; or: peacock | Ham III.ii.293 | |
Hora. | HORATIO | | | |
You might haue Rim'd. | You might have rhymed. | | Ham III.ii.294 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Oh good Horatio, Ile take the Ghosts word for a | O good Horatio, I'll take the ghost's word for a | | Ham III.ii.295 | |
thousand pound. Did'st perceiue? | thousand pound. Didst perceive? | | Ham III.ii.296 | |
Hora. | HORATIO | | | |
Verie well my Lord. | Very well, my lord. | | Ham III.ii.297 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Vpon the talke of the poysoning? | Upon the talk of the poisoning? | | Ham III.ii.298 | |
Hora. | HORATIO | | | |
I did verie well note him. | I did very well note him. | | Ham III.ii.299 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Oh, ha? Come some Musick. Come ye Recorders: | Aha! Come, some music! Come, the recorders! | | Ham III.ii.300 | |
For if the King like not the Comedie, | For if the King like not the comedy, | | Ham III.ii.301 | |
Why then belike he likes it not perdie. | Why then, belike he likes it not, perdy. | perdie, perdy (int.) [French 'par Dieu'] by God | Ham III.ii.302 | |
| | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | | |
Come some Musicke. | Come, some music! | | Ham III.ii.303 | |
Enter Rosincrance and Guildensterne. | Enter Rosencrantz and Guildenstern | | Ham III.ii.304.1 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
Good my Lord, vouchsafe me a word | Good my lord, vouchsafe me a word | vouchsafe (v.) allow, permit, grant | Ham III.ii.304 | |
with you. | with you. | | Ham III.ii.305 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Sir, a whole History. | Sir, a whole history. | | Ham III.ii.306 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
The King, sir. | The King, sir – | | Ham III.ii.307 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I sir, what of him? | Ay, sir, what of him? | | Ham III.ii.308 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
Is in his retyrement, maruellous | Is in his retirement marvellous | marvellous (adv.) very, extremely, exceedingly | Ham III.ii.309 | |
| | retirement (n.) withdrawal, returning [to one's rooms] | | |
distemper'd. | distempered. | distempered (adj.) vexed, troubled, ill-humoured | Ham III.ii.310 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
With drinke Sir? | With drink, sir? | | Ham III.ii.311 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
No my Lord, rather with choller. | No, my lord, with choler. | choler (n.) anger, rage, wrath | Ham III.ii.312 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Your wisedome should shew it selfe more richer, to | Your wisdom should show itself more richer to | | Ham III.ii.313 | |
signifie this to his Doctor: for for me to put him to his | signify this to the doctor. For for me to put him to his | signify (v.) report, make known, declare | Ham III.ii.314 | |
Purgation, would perhaps plundge him into farre more Choller. | purgation would perhaps plunge him into more choler. | purgation (n.) purging, cleansing, clearing away | Ham III.ii.315 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
my Lord put your discourse into | Good my lord, put your discourse into | | Ham III.ii.316 | |
some frame, and start not so wildely from my affayre. | some frame, and start not so wildly from my affair. | start (v.) jump away, swerve, turn aside | Ham III.ii.317 | |
| | frame (n.) order, definite form, regular shape | | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I am tame Sir, pronounce. | I am tame, sir. Pronounce. | pronounce (v.) deliver, speak, declare | Ham III.ii.318 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
The Queene your Mother, in most great | The Queen your mother in most great | | Ham III.ii.319 | |
affliction of spirit, hath sent me to you. | affliction of spirit hath sent me to you. | | Ham III.ii.320 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
You are welcome. | You are welcome. | | Ham III.ii.321 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
Nay, good my Lord, this courtesie is not | Nay, good my lord, this courtesy is not | | Ham III.ii.322 | |
of the right breed. If it shall please you to make me a | of the right breed. If it shall please you to make me a | breed (n.) sort, kind, type | Ham III.ii.323 | |
wholsome answer, I will doe your Mothers command'ment: | wholesome answer, I will do your mother's commandment. | wholesome (adj.) reasonable, sensible, rational | Ham III.ii.324 | |
if not, your pardon, and my returne shall bee the | If not, your pardon and my return shall be the | pardon (n.) permission, consent, approval | Ham III.ii.325 | |
end of my Businesse. | end of my business. | | Ham III.ii.326 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Sir, I cannot. | Sir, I cannot. | | Ham III.ii.327 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
What, my Lord? | What, my lord? | | Ham III.ii.328 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Make you a wholsome answere: my wits | Make you a wholesome answer. My wit's | wholesome (adj.) reasonable, sensible, rational | Ham III.ii.329 | |
| | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | | |
diseas'd. But sir, such answers as I can make, you shal | diseased. But, sir, such answer as I can make, you shall | | Ham III.ii.330 | |
command: or rather you say, my Mother: therfore | command; or rather, as you say, my mother. Therefore | command (v.) have at one's disposal, be entrusted with | Ham III.ii.331 | |
no more but to the matter. My Mother you say. | no more, but to the matter. My mother, you say – | matter (n.) subject-matter, content, substance | Ham III.ii.332 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
Then thus she sayes: your behauior hath | Then thus she says: your behaviour hath | | Ham III.ii.333 | |
stroke her into amazement, and admiration. | struck her into amazement and admiration. | amazement (n.) overwhelming wonder | Ham III.ii.334 | |
| | admiration (n.) amazement, astonishment, wonder | | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Oh wonderfull Sonne, that can so astonish a Mother. | O wonderful son, that can so 'stonish a mother! | astonish, 'stonish (v.) stun, dumbfound, strike dumb with dismay | Ham III.ii.335 | |
But is there no sequell at the heeles of this Mothers | But is there no sequel at the heels of this mother's | | Ham III.ii.336 | |
admiration? | admiration? Impart. | impart (v.) tell, make known, communicate | Ham III.ii.337 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
She desires to speake with you in her | She desires to speak with you in her | | Ham III.ii.338 | |
Closset, ere you go to bed. | closet ere you go to bed. | ere (conj.) before | Ham III.ii.339 | |
| | closet (n.) private chamber, study, own room | | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
We shall obey, were she ten times our Mother. | We shall obey, were she ten times our mother. | | Ham III.ii.340 | |
Haue you any further Trade with vs? | Have you any further trade with us? | trade (n.) business, dealings | Ham III.ii.341 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
My Lord, you once did loue me. | My lord, you once did love me. | | Ham III.ii.342 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
So I do still, by these pickers and stealers. | And do still, by these pickers and stealers. | pickers and stealers hands | Ham III.ii.343 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
Good my Lord, what is your cause of distemper? | Good my lord, what is your cause of distemper? | distemper (n.) disaffection, ill humour, strange behaviour | Ham III.ii.344 | |
You do freely barre the doore of your owne | You do surely bar the door upon your own | | Ham III.ii.345 | |
Libertie, if you deny your greefes to your Friend. | liberty if you deny your griefs to your friend. | liberty (n.) liberation, deliverance | Ham III.ii.346 | |
| | deny (v.) refuse to talk about | | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Sir I lacke Aduancement. | Sir, I lack advancement. | | Ham III.ii.347 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
How can that be, when you haue the | How can that be, when you have the | | Ham III.ii.348 | |
voyce of the King himselfe, for your Succession in | voice of the King himself for your succession in | voice (n.) vote, official support | Ham III.ii.349 | |
Denmarke? | Denmark? | | Ham III.ii.350 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I, but while the grasse growes, the Prouerbe | Ay, sir, but ‘ while the grass grows ’ – the proverb | | Ham III.ii.351 | |
is something musty. | is something musty. | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | Ham III.ii.352 | |
Enter one with a Recorder. | Enter a Player with recorders | | Ham III.ii.353.1 | |
O the Recorder. Let me see, to withdraw with | O, the recorders. Let me see one. – To withdraw with | withdraw (v.) turn aside, stand apart | Ham III.ii.353 | |
you, why do you go about to recouer the winde of mee, as | you – why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as | wind, recover the [in hunting] get to the windward side | Ham III.ii.354 | |
if you would driue me into a toyle? | if you would drive me into a toil? | toil (n.) net, snare, trap | Ham III.ii.355 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
O my Lord, if my Dutie be too bold, my | O my lord, if my duty be too bold, my | | Ham III.ii.356 | |
loue is too vnmannerly. | love is too unmannerly. | | Ham III.ii.357 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I do not well vnderstand that. Will you play | I do not well understand that. Will you play | | Ham III.ii.358 | |
vpon this Pipe? | upon this pipe? | | Ham III.ii.359 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
My Lord, I cannot. | My lord, I cannot. | | Ham III.ii.360 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I pray you. | I pray you. | | Ham III.ii.361 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
Beleeue me, I cannot. | Believe me, I cannot. | | Ham III.ii.362 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I do beseech you. | I do beseech you. | | Ham III.ii.363 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
I know no touch of it, my Lord. | I know no touch of it, my lord. | touch (n.) fingering, handling, skill in playing | Ham III.ii.364 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
'Tis as easie as lying: gouerne these Ventiges with | It is as easy as lying. Govern these ventages with | ventage (n.) finger-hole [of an instrument] | Ham III.ii.365 | |
your finger and thumbe, giue it breath with your mouth, | your fingers and thumb; give it breath with your mouth; | | Ham III.ii.366 | |
and it will discourse most excellent Musicke. Looke you, | and it will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, | discourse (v.) sound out, give forth | Ham III.ii.367 | |
these are the stoppes. | these are the stops. | stop (n.) means of closing a finger-hole in a wind instrument | Ham III.ii.368 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
But these cannot I command to any | But these cannot I command to any | | Ham III.ii.369 | |
vtterance of hermony, I haue not the skill. | utterance of harmony. I have not the skill. | | Ham III.ii.370 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Why looke you now, how vnworthy a thing you | Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you | | Ham III.ii.371 | |
make of me: you would play vpon mee; you would seeme | make of me! You would play upon me. You would seem | | Ham III.ii.372 | |
to know my stops: you would pluck out the heart of my | to know my stops. You would pluck out the heart of my | | Ham III.ii.373 | |
Mysterie; you would sound mee from my lowest Note, to | mystery. You would sound me from my lowest note to | mystery (n.) secret matter, inexplicable essence | Ham III.ii.374 | |
| | sound (v.) sound out, question, examine | | |
the top of my Compasse: and there is much Musicke, excellent | the top of my compass. And there is much music, excellent | compass (n.) range, reach, limit, scope | Ham III.ii.375 | |
Voice, in this little Organe, yet cannot you make it. | voice, in this little organ. Yet cannot you make it | organ (n.) musical instrument | Ham III.ii.376 | |
Why do you thinke, that I am easier to bee plaid | speak. 'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played | 'sblood (int.) [oath] God's blood | Ham III.ii.377 | |
on, then a Pipe? Call me what Instrument you will, | on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, | | Ham III.ii.378 | |
though you can fret me, you cannot play vpon me. | though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me. | | Ham III.ii.379 | |
Enter Polonius. | Enter Polonius | | Ham III.ii.380 | |
God blesse you Sir. | God bless you, sir! | | Ham III.ii.380 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
My Lord; the Queene would speak with you, | My lord, the Queen would speak with you, | | Ham III.ii.381 | |
and presently. | and presently. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | Ham III.ii.382 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Do you see that Clowd? that's almost in shape | Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape | | Ham III.ii.383 | |
like a Camell. | of a camel? | | Ham III.ii.384 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
By'th'Misse, and it's like a Camell indeed. | By th'mass, and 'tis like a camel indeed. | | Ham III.ii.385 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Me thinkes it is like a Weazell. | Methinks it is like a weasel. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | Ham III.ii.386 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
It is back'd like a Weazell. | It is backed like a weasel. | | Ham III.ii.387 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Or like a Whale? | Or like a whale. | | Ham III.ii.388 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
Verie like a Whale. | Very like a whale. | | Ham III.ii.389 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Then will I come to my Mother, by and by: | Then I will come to my mother by and by. | by and by (adv.) immediately, straightaway, directly | Ham III.ii.390 | |
They foole me to the top of my bent. / I will | (aside) They fool me to the top of my bent. – I will | bent (n.) degree, capacity, extent [to which a bow can be bent] | Ham III.ii.391 | |
come by and by. | come by and by. | | Ham III.ii.392 | |
Polon. | POLONIUS | | | |
I will say so. | I will say so. | | Ham III.ii.393 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
By and by, is easily said. | ‘ By and by ’ is easily said. | | Ham III.ii.394.1 | |
Exit. | Exit Polonius | | Ham III.ii.394 | |
Leaue me Friends: | Leave me, friends. | | Ham III.ii.394.2 | |
| Exeunt all but Hamlet | | Ham III.ii.394 | |
'Tis now the verie witching time of night, | 'Tis now the very witching time of night, | witching (adj.) witchcraft-practising, spell-casting | Ham III.ii.395 | |
When Churchyards yawne, and Hell it selfe breaths out | When churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out | yawn (v.) open wide, gape | Ham III.ii.396 | |
Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, | Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood | contagion (n.) contagious quality, infecting influence | Ham III.ii.397 | |
And do such bitter businesse as the day | And do such bitter business as the day | | Ham III.ii.398 | |
Would quake to looke on. Soft now, to my Mother: | Would quake to look on. Soft, now to my mother. | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | Ham III.ii.399 | |
Oh Heart, loose not thy Nature; let not euer | O heart, lose not thy nature. Let not ever | | Ham III.ii.400 | |
The Soule of Nero, enter this firme bosome: | The soul of Nero enter this firm bosom. | Nero (n.) [pron: 'neeroh] Roman emperor, 1st-c, who slew his mother, Agrippina; said to have played on his lute while watching Rome burn; considered a model of cruelty | Ham III.ii.401 | |
Let me be cruell, not vnnaturall, | Let me be cruel, not unnatural. | | Ham III.ii.402 | |
I will speake Daggers to her, but vse none: | I will speak daggers to her, but use none. | | Ham III.ii.403 | |
My Tongue and Soule in this be Hypocrites. | My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites. | | Ham III.ii.404 | |
How in my words someuer she be shent, | How in my words somever she be shent, | shent (v.) [from earlier verb ‘shend’] blamed, rebuked, reproached | Ham III.ii.405 | |
| | howsomever, howsome'er, how ... some'er (adv.) however, howsoever, in whatever way [+ subordinate clause] | | |
To giue them Seales, neuer my Soule consent. | To give them seals never, my soul, consent! | seal (n.) authentication, confirmation, attestation | Ham III.ii.406 | |
| Exit | | Ham III.ii.406 | |