Henry IV Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Prince and Poines.Enter Prince and Poins 1H4 II.iv.1.1
Ned, prethee come out of that fat roome, & Ned, prithee come out of that fat room, andfat (adj.)
stuffy, fusty, close
1H4 II.iv.1
lend me thy hand to laugh a little. lend me thy hand to laugh a little. 1H4 II.iv.2
Where hast bene Hall? Where hast been, Hal? 1H4 II.iv.3
With three or foure Logger-heads, amongst With three or four loggerheads, amongstloggerhead (n.)

old form: Logger-heads
blockhead, numbskull, dolt
1H4 II.iv.4
3. or fourescore Hogsheads. I haue sounded the verie three or fourscore hogsheads. I have sounded the veryhogshead (n.)
large cask, barrel [of wine]
1H4 II.iv.5
base string of humility. Sirra, I am sworn brother to a bass string of humility. Sirrah, I am sworn brother to asirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
1H4 II.iv.6
leash of Drawers, and can call them by their leash of drawers, and can call them all by their Christianchristen (adj.)
1H4 II.iv.7
leash (n.)
[hunting] set of three, trio
drawer (n.)
one who draws drink from a cask, tapster, barman
names, as Tom, Dicke, and Francis. They take italready names, as Tom, Dick, and Francis. They take it already 1H4 II.iv.8
vpon their confidence, that though I be but Prince of upon their salvation that though I be but Prince of 1H4 II.iv.9
Wales, yet I am the King of Curtesie: telling me flatly I Wales yet I am the king of courtesy, and tell me flatly I 1H4 II.iv.10
am no proud Iack like Falstaffe, but a Corinthian, a lad of am no proud Jack, like Falstaff, but a Corinthian, a lad ofJack (n.)

old form: Iack
jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave
1H4 II.iv.11
Corinthian (n.)
true drinking companion
mettle, a good boy, and mettle, a good boy – by the Lord, so they call me! – and 1H4 II.iv.12
when I am King of England, I shall command al the when I am King of England I shall command all the 1H4 II.iv.13
good Laddes in East-cheape. They call drinking deepe, good lads in Eastcheap. They call drinking deepEastcheap (n.)
East End street, near Monument, London
1H4 II.iv.14
dying Scarlet; and when you breath in your watering, ‘ dyeing scarlet,’ and when you breathe in your watering 1H4 II.iv.15
then they cry hem, and bid you play it off. To conclude, they cry ‘ Hem!’ and bid you ‘ Play it off!’ To conclude,hem (int.)
[drinking call] make a noise like ‘ahem’; clear the throat
1H4 II.iv.16
play it off
[drinking call] finish it off, down it
I am so good a proficient in one quarter of an houre, that I I am so good a proficient in one quarter of an hour that I 1H4 II.iv.17
can drinke with any Tinker in his owne Language during my can drink with any tinker in his own language during my 1H4 II.iv.18
life. I tell thee Ned, thou hast lost much honor, that life. I tell thee, Ned, thou hast lost much honour that 1H4 II.iv.19
thou wer't not with me in this action: but sweet Ned, thou wert not with me in this action. But, sweet Ned – action (n.)
encounter, engagement, exploit
1H4 II.iv.20
to sweeten which name of Ned, I giue thee this peniworth to sweeten which name of Ned I give thee this pennyworth 1H4 II.iv.21
of Sugar, clapt euen now into my hand by an of sugar, clapped even now into my hand by an 1H4 II.iv.22
vnder Skinker, one that neuer spake other English in his underskinker, one that never spake other English in hisunderskinker (n.)

old form: vnder Skinker
under-wine-waiter, under-tapster
1H4 II.iv.23
life, then Eight shillings and six pence, and, You are life than ‘ Eight shillings and sixpence,’ and ‘ You areshilling (n.)
coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound
1H4 II.iv.24
welcome: with this shril addition, Anon, Anon sir, welcome,’ with this shrill addition, ‘ Anon, anon, sir!anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
1H4 II.iv.25
Score a Pint of Bastard in the Halfe Moone, or so. But Score a pint of bastard in the Half-moon!’, or so. Butscore (v.)
mark up, chalk up, add to the tally
1H4 II.iv.26
bastard (n.)
variety of sweet Spanish wine
Ned, to driue away time till Falstaffe come, I Ned, to drive away the time till Falstaff come – I 1H4 II.iv.27
prythee doe thou stand in some by-roome, while I question prithee do thou stand in some by-room while I questionby-room (n.)

old form: by-roome
side-room, private room
1H4 II.iv.28
my puny Drawer, to what end hee gaue me the Sugar, and my puny drawer to what end he gave me the sugar. Andpuny (adj.)
untried, inexperienced
1H4 II.iv.29
drawer (n.)
one who draws drink from a cask, tapster, barman
do neuer leaue calling Francis, that his Tale to me do thou never leave calling ‘ Francis!’, that his tale to me 1H4 II.iv.30
may be nothing but, Anon: step aside, and Ile shew may be nothing but ‘ Anon.’ Step aside, and I'll showanon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
1H4 II.iv.31
thee a President. thee a precedent.precedent (n.)

old form: President
example, instance, case
1H4 II.iv.32
Exit Poins 1H4 II.iv.32
(within) 1H4 II.iv.33
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.33
Thou art perfect. Thou art perfect. 1H4 II.iv.34
(within) 1H4 II.iv.35
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.35
Enter Drawer.Enter Francis, a Drawer 1H4 II.iv.36
Anon, anon sir; looke downe into the Pomgar-net, Anon, anon, sir. Look down into the Pomgarnet, 1H4 II.iv.36
Ralfe. Ralph. 1H4 II.iv.37
Come hither Francis. Come hither, Francis. 1H4 II.iv.38
My Lord. My lord? 1H4 II.iv.39
How long hast thou to serue, Francis? How long hast thou to serve, Francis? 1H4 II.iv.40
Forsooth fiue yeares, and as much as to--- Forsooth, five years, and as much as to – forsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
1H4 II.iv.41
(within) 1H4 II.iv.42
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.42
Anon, anon sir. Anon, anon, sir. 1H4 II.iv.43
Fiue yeares: Berlady a long Lease for the Five year! By'r lady, a long lease for the 1H4 II.iv.44
clinking of Pewter. But Francis, darest thou be so clinking of pewter. But Francis, darest thou be so 1H4 II.iv.45
valiant, as to play the coward with thy Indenture, & valiant as to play the coward with thy indenture, andindenture (n.)
contract, agreement
1H4 II.iv.46
show it a faire paire of heeles, and run from it? show it a fair pair of heels, and run from it? 1H4 II.iv.47
O Lord sir, Ile be sworne vpon all the Books in O Lord, sir, I'll be sworn upon all the books inbook (n.)
Bible, prayer-book
1H4 II.iv.48
England, I could finde in my heart. England, I could find in my heart –  1H4 II.iv.49
(within) 1H4 II.iv.50
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.50
Anon, anon sir. Anon, sir. 1H4 II.iv.51
How old art thou, Francis? How old art thou, Francis? 1H4 II.iv.52
Let me see, about Michaelmas next I shalbe--- Let me see, about Michaelmas next I shall be – Michaelmas (n.)
in Christian tradition, St Michael's Day, 29 September
1H4 II.iv.53
(within) 1H4 II.iv.54
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.54
Anon sir, pray you stay a little, my Lord. Anon, sir – pray stay a little, my lord. 1H4 II.iv.55
Nay but harke you Francis, for the Sugar Nay but hark you, Francis, for the sugar 1H4 II.iv.56
thou gauest me, 'twas a penyworth, was't not? thou gavest me, 'twas a pennyworth, was it not? 1H4 II.iv.57
O Lord sir, I would it had bene two. O Lord, I would it had been two! 1H4 II.iv.58
I will giue thee for it a thousand pound: I will give thee for it a thousand pound –  1H4 II.iv.59
Aske me when thou wilt, and thou shalt haue it. ask me when thou wilt, and thou shalt have it. 1H4 II.iv.60
(within) 1H4 II.iv.61
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.61
Anon, anon. Anon, anon. 1H4 II.iv.62
Anon Francis? No Francis, but to morrow Anon, Francis? No, Francis, but tomorrow, 1H4 II.iv.63
Francis: or Francis, on thursday: or indeed Francis Francis. Or Francis, a-Thursday. Or indeed Francis, 1H4 II.iv.64
when thou wilt. But Francis. when thou wilt. But Francis! 1H4 II.iv.65
My Lord. My lord? 1H4 II.iv.66
Wilt thou rob this Leatherne Ierkin, Christall button, Wilt thou rob this leathern-jerkin, crystal-button,leathern-jerkin (adj.)wearing a leather jacket1H4 II.iv.67
Not-pated, Agat ring, Puke stocking, Caddice garter, not-pated, agate-ring, puke-stocking, caddis-garter,not-pated (adj.)
crop-headed, short-haired
1H4 II.iv.68
puke-stocking (adj.)

old form: Puke stocking
dark-coloured woollen stocking
caddis-garter (adj.)

old form: Caddice garter
garter made of coloured worsted yarns
Smooth tongue, Spanish pouch. smooth-tongue Spanish pouch?pouch (n.)
purse, wallet
1H4 II.iv.69
O Lord sir, who do you meane? O Lord, sir, who do you mean? 1H4 II.iv.70
Why then your browne Bastard is your onely Why then your brown bastard is your onlybastard (n.)
variety of sweet Spanish wine
1H4 II.iv.71
drinke: for looke you Francis, your white Canuas doublet drink. For look you, Francis, your white canvas doubletdoublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
1H4 II.iv.72
will sulley. In Barbary sir, it cannot come to so much. will sully. In Barbary, sir, it cannot come to so much.sully (v.)

old form: sulley
dim, stain, tarnish
1H4 II.iv.73
Barbary (n.)
Barbary coast of N Africa, famous for its horses
What sir? What, sir? 1H4 II.iv.74
(within) 1H4 II.iv.75
Francis. Francis! 1H4 II.iv.75
Away you Rogue, dost thou heare them Away, you rogue, dost thou not hear them 1H4 II.iv.76
call? call? 1H4 II.iv.77
Heere they both call him, the Drawer stands amazed, Here they both call him; the Drawer stands amazed, 1H4 II.iv.78.1
not knowing which way to go. not knowing which way to go 1H4 II.iv.78.2
Enter Vintner.Enter Vintner 1H4 II.iv.78.3
What, stand'st thou still, and hear'st such a What, standest thou still and hearest such a 1H4 II.iv.78
calling? Looke to the Guests within: calling? Look to the guests within. 1H4 II.iv.79
Exit Francis 1H4 II.iv.79
My Lord, olde Sir Iohn with halfe a dozen more, are at the My lord, old Sir John with half a dozen more are at the 1H4 II.iv.80
doore: shall I let them in? door. Shall I let them in? 1H4 II.iv.81
Let them alone awhile, and then open the Let them alone awhile, and then open the 1H4 II.iv.82
doore. door. 1H4 II.iv.83
Exit Vintner 1H4 II.iv.83
Poines. Poins! 1H4 II.iv.84
Enter Poines.Enter Poins 1H4 II.iv.85
Anon, anon sir. Anon, anon, sir. 1H4 II.iv.85
Sirra, Falstaffe and the rest of the Theeues, Sirrah, Falstaff and the rest of the thieves 1H4 II.iv.86
are at the doore, shall we be merry? are at the door. Shall we be merry? 1H4 II.iv.87
As merrie as Crickets my Lad. But harke yee, What As merry as crickets, my lad. But hark ye, what 1H4 II.iv.88
cunning match haue you made this iest of the cunning match have you made with this jest of thecunning (adj.)
skilfully made, ingenious
1H4 II.iv.89
Drawer? Come, what's the issue? drawer? Come, what's the issue?issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
1H4 II.iv.90
I am now of all humors, that haue shewed I am now of all humours that have showed 1H4 II.iv.91
them-selues humors, since the old dayes of goodman themselves humours since the old days of goodmangoodman (adj.)
[title for a person under the rank of gentleman] mister, master
1H4 II.iv.92
Adam, to the pupill age of this present twelue a clock at Adam to the pupil age of this present twelve o'clock atAdam (n.)
in the Bible, the first human being, in the Garden of Eden, who disobeyed God
1H4 II.iv.93
midnight.midnight. 1H4 II.iv.94
Enter Francis 1H4 II.iv.95
What's a clocke Francis? What's o'clock, Francis? 1H4 II.iv.95
Anon, anon sir. Anon, anon, sir. 1H4 II.iv.96
Exit 1H4 II.iv.96
That euer this Fellow should haue fewer That ever this fellow should have fewer 1H4 II.iv.97
words then a Parret, and yet the sonne of a Woman. His words than a parrot, and yet the son of a woman! His 1H4 II.iv.98
industry is vp-staires and down-staires, his eloquence the industry is upstairs and downstairs, his eloquence the 1H4 II.iv.99
parcell of a reckoning. I am not yet of Percies mind, the parcel of a reckoning. I am not yet of Percy's mind, theparcel (n.)

old form: parcell
part, piece, portion, bit
1H4 II.iv.100
reckoning (n.)
bill [at an inn], settling of account
Hotspurre of the North, he that killes me some sixe or seauen Hotspur of the north, he that kills me some six or seven 1H4 II.iv.101
dozen of Scots at a Breakfast, washes his hands, and saies dozen of Scots at a breakfast, washes his hands, and says 1H4 II.iv.102
to his wife; Fie vpon this quiet life, I want worke. O to his wife, ‘ Fie upon this quiet life, I want work.’ ‘ O 1H4 II.iv.103
my sweet Harry sayes she, how many hast thou kill'd my sweet Harry,’ says she, ‘ how many hast thou killed 1H4 II.iv.104
to day? Giue my Roane horse a drench (sayes hee) and today?’ ‘ Give my roan horse a drench,’ says he, and  1H4 II.iv.105
answeres, some fourteene, an houre after: a trifle, a answers ‘ Some fourteen,’ an hour after, ‘ a trifle, a  1H4 II.iv.106
trifle. I prethee call in Falstaffe, Ile play Percy,and that trifle.’ I prithee call in Falstaff. I'll play Percy, and that 1H4 II.iv.107
damn'd Brawne shall play Dame Mortimer his wife. damned brawn shall play Dame Mortimer his wife. 1H4 II.iv.108
Riuo, sayes the drunkard. Call in Ribs, call in Tallow. Rivo!’ says the drunkard. Call in Ribs, call in Tallow!rivo (int.)

old form: Riuo
[unclear meaning] exclamation used while drinking
1H4 II.iv.109
Enter Falstaffe.Enter Falstaff, Gadshill, Bardolph, and Peto; 1H4 II.iv.110.1
followed by Francis with wine 1H4 II.iv.110.2
Welcome Iacke, where hast thou beene? Welcome, Jack, where hast thou been? 1H4 II.iv.110
A plague of all Cowards I say, and a Vengeance A plague of all cowards, I say, and a vengeance 1H4 II.iv.111
too, marry and Amen. Giue me a cup of Sacke Boy. Ere I too, marry and amen! Give me a cup of sack, boy. Ere Imarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
1H4 II.iv.112
leade this life long, Ile sowe nether stockes, and mend lead this life long, I'll sew nether-stocks, and mendnether-stock (n.)

old form: nether stockes
stocking for the lower leg
1H4 II.iv.113
them too. A plague of all cowards. Giue them and foot them too. A plague of all cowards! Give 1H4 II.iv.114
me a Cup of Sacke, Rogue. Is there no Vertue extant? me a cup of sack, rogue. Is there no virtue extant?virtue (n.)

old form: Vertue
courage, valour, bravery
1H4 II.iv.115
He drinks 1H4 II.iv.116.1
Didst thou neuer see Titan kisse a dish of Didst thou never see Titan kiss a dish ofTitan (n.)
one of the titles of the Roman sun-god, Sol
1H4 II.iv.116
Butter, pittifull hearted Titan that melted at the sweete butter – pitiful-hearted Titan! – that melted at the sweet 1H4 II.iv.117
Tale of the Sunne? If thou didst, then behold that tale of the sun's? If thou didst, then behold that 1H4 II.iv.118
compound. compound.compound (n.)
lump, composition, mass
1H4 II.iv.119
You Rogue, heere's Lime in this Sacke too: there You rogue, here's lime in this sack too. Therelime (n.)
lime-juice [added to wine to improve its sparkle]
1H4 II.iv.120
is nothing but Roguery to be found in Villanous man; yet is nothing but roguery to be found in villainous man, yet 1H4 II.iv.121
a Coward is worse then a Cup of Sack with lime. A a coward is worse than a cup of sack with lime in it. A 1H4 II.iv.122
villanous Coward, go thy wayes old Iacke, die when thou villainous coward! Go thy ways, old Jack, die when thou 1H4 II.iv.123
wilt, if manhood, good manhood be not forgot vpon wilt. If manhood, good manhood, be not forgot upon 1H4 II.iv.124
the face of the earth, then am I a shotten Herring: there the face of the earth, then am I a shotten herring. Thereshotten (adj.)
spawned, that has shot its roe
1H4 II.iv.125
liues not three good men vnhang'd in England, & one live not three good men unhanged in England, and one 1H4 II.iv.126
of them is fat, and growes old, God helpe the while, a bad of them is fat, and grows old. God help the while, a badwhile (n.)
times, age
1H4 II.iv.127
world I say. I would I were a Weauer, I could sing world I say. I would I were a weaver: I could sing 1H4 II.iv.128
all manner of songs. A plague of all Cowards, I say still. psalms – or anything. A plague of all cowards, I say still.still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
1H4 II.iv.129
How now Woolsacke, what mutter you? How now, woolsack, what mutter you? 1H4 II.iv.130
A Kings Sonne? If I do not beate thee out of thy A king's son! If I do not beat thee out of thy 1H4 II.iv.131
Kingdome with a dagger of Lath, and driue all thy Subiects kingdom with a dagger of lath, and drive all thy subjectslath (n.)
thin wood
1H4 II.iv.132
afore thee like a flocke of Wilde-geese, Ile neuer weare haire afore thee like a flock of wild geese, I'll never wear hair 1H4 II.iv.133
on my face more. You Prince of Wales? on my face more. You, Prince of Wales! 1H4 II.iv.134
Why you horson round man? what's the Why, you whoreson round man, what's thewhoreson (adj.)

old form: horson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
1H4 II.iv.135
matter? matter? 1H4 II.iv.136
Are you not a Coward? Answer me to that, Are not you a coward? Answer me to that –  1H4 II.iv.137
and Poines there? and Poins there? 1H4 II.iv.138
Ye fat paunch, and yee call mee Coward, Zounds, ye fat paunch, an ye call me coward byand, an (conj.)
if, whether
1H4 II.iv.139
zounds (int.)
God's wounds
Ile stab thee. the Lord I'll stab thee. 1H4 II.iv.140
I call thee Coward? Ile see thee damn'd ere I I call thee coward? I'll see thee damned ere I 1H4 II.iv.141
call the Coward: but I would giue a thousand pound I call thee coward, but I would give a thousand pound I 1H4 II.iv.142
could run as fast as thou canst. You are straight enough could run as fast as thou canst. You are straight enough 1H4 II.iv.143
in the shoulders, you care not who sees your backe: Call in the shoulders, you care not who sees your back. Call 1H4 II.iv.144
you that backing of your friends? a plague vpon such you that backing of your friends? A plague upon suchbacking (n.)
backing up, being in support
1H4 II.iv.145
backing: giue me them that will face me. Giue me a Cup backing, give me them that will face me! Give me a cup 1H4 II.iv.146
of Sack, I am a Rogue if I drunke to day. of sack! I am a rogue if I drunk today. 1H4 II.iv.147
O Villaine, thy Lippes are scarce wip'd, since O villain! Thy lips are scarce wiped since 1H4 II.iv.148
thou drunk'st last. thou drunkest last. 1H4 II.iv.149
All's one for that. He drinkes. A plague of all All is one for that. (He drinks) A plague of all 1H4 II.iv.150
Cowards still, say I. cowards, still say I. 1H4 II.iv.151
What's the matter? What's the matter? 1H4 II.iv.152
What's the matter? here be foure of vs, What's the matter? There be four of us here 1H4 II.iv.153
haue ta'ne a thousand pound this Morning. have taken a thousand pound this day morning. 1H4 II.iv.154
Where is it, Iack? where is it? Where is it, Jack? where is it? 1H4 II.iv.155
Where is it? taken from vs, it is: a hundred Where is it? Taken from us it is. A hundred 1H4 II.iv.156
vpon poore foure of vs. upon poor four of us. 1H4 II.iv.157
What, a hundred, man? What, a hundred, man? 1H4 II.iv.158
I am a Rogue, if I were not at halfe Sword with a I am a rogue if I were not at half-sword with ahalf-sword, at

old form: halfe Sword
at the length of a small-sized sword, at close quarters
1H4 II.iv.159
dozen of them two houres together. I haue scaped by dozen of them two hours together. I have scaped byscape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
1H4 II.iv.160
miracle. I am eight times thrust through the Doublet, miracle. I am eight times thrust through the doublet,doublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
1H4 II.iv.161
foure through the Hose, my Buckler cut through and four through the hose, my buckler cut through andhose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
1H4 II.iv.162
buckler (n.)
small round shield
through, my Sword hackt like a Hand-saw, ecce through, my sword hacked like a handsaw – ecceecce...
behold the evidence
1H4 II.iv.163
signum. I neuer dealt better since I was a man: all would signum! I never dealt better since I was a man. All woulddeal (v.)
proceed, behave, conduct oneself
1H4 II.iv.164
not doe. A plague of all Cowards: let them speake; if they not do. A plague of all cowards! Let them speak. If they 1H4 II.iv.165
speake more or lesse then truth, they are villaines, and the speak more or less than truth, they are villains and the 1H4 II.iv.166
sonnes of darknesse. sons of darkness. 1H4 II.iv.167
Speake sirs, how was it? Speak, sirs, how was it? 1H4 II.iv.168
We foure set vpon some dozen. We four set upon some dozen –  1H4 II.iv.169
Sixteene, at least, my Lord. Sixteen at least, my lord. 1H4 II.iv.170
And bound them. And bound them. 1H4 II.iv.171
No, no, they were not bound. No, no, they were not bound. 1H4 II.iv.172
You Rogue, they were bound, euery man of You rogue, they were bound, every man of 1H4 II.iv.173
them, or I am a Iew else, an Ebrew Iew. them, or I am a Jew else: an Ebrew Jew.Ebrew (adj.)
1H4 II.iv.174
As we were sharing, some sixe or seuen fresh As we were sharing, some six or seven fresh 1H4 II.iv.175
men set vpon vs. men set upon us –  1H4 II.iv.176
And vnbound the rest, and then come in the And unbound the rest, and then come in the 1H4 II.iv.177
other. other. 1H4 II.iv.178
What, fought yee with them all? What, fought you with them all? 1H4 II.iv.179
All? I know not what yee call all: but if I All? I know not what you call all, but if I 1H4 II.iv.180
fought not with fiftie of them, I am a bunch of Radish: if fought not with fifty of them I am a bunch of radish. If 1H4 II.iv.181
there were not two or three and fiftie vpon poore olde there were not two or three and fifty upon poor old 1H4 II.iv.182
Iack, then am I no two-legg'd Creature. Jack, then am I no two-legg'd creature. 1H4 II.iv.183
Pray Heauen, you haue not murthered some of Pray God you have not murdered some of 1H4 II.iv.184
them. them. 1H4 II.iv.185
Nay, that's past praying for, I haue pepper'd Nay, that's past praying for, I have peppered 1H4 II.iv.186
two of them: Two I am sure I haue payed, two Rogues in two of them. Two I am sure I have paid, two rogues inpay (v.)

old form: payed
kill, settle with, discharge
1H4 II.iv.187
Buckrom Sutes. I tell thee what, Hal, if I tell thee a Lye, buckram suits. I tell thee what, Hal, if I tell thee a lie,buckram, buckrom (n./adj.)

old form: Buckrom
rough cloth, coarse linen
1H4 II.iv.188
spit in my face, call me Horse: thou knowest my olde spit in my face, call me horse. Thou knowest my old 1H4 II.iv.189
word: here I lay, and thus I bore my point; foure Rogues ward – here I lay, and thus I bore my point. Four roguespoint (n.)
1H4 II.iv.190
ward (n.)

old form: word
[fencing] defensive posture, parrying movement
in Buckrom let driue at me. in buckram let drive at me – drive, let

old form: driue
shoot, strike at, aim blows at
1H4 II.iv.191
What, foure? thou sayd'st but two, euen now. What, four? Thou saidst but two even now.even, e'en (adv.)

old form: euen
just [now]
1H4 II.iv.192
Foure Hal, I told thee foure. Four, Hal, I told thee four. 1H4 II.iv.193
I, I, he said foure. Ay, ay, he said four. 1H4 II.iv.194
These foure came all a-front, and mainely thrust These four came all afront, and mainly thrustmainly (adv.)

old form: mainely
greatly, very much, mightily
1H4 II.iv.195
thrust at / in (v.)
make a thrust, lunge, stab [at]
afront, a-front (adv.)
abreast, side by side in front
at me; I made no more adoe, but tooke all their seuen at me. I made me no more ado, but took all their seven 1H4 II.iv.196
points in my Targuet, thus. points in my target, thus!target (n.)

old form: Targuet
light round shield
1H4 II.iv.197
point (n.)
Seuen? why there were but foure, euen Seven? Why, there were but four even 1H4 II.iv.198
now. now. 1H4 II.iv.199
In buckrom. In buckram? 1H4 II.iv.200
I, foure, in Buckrom Sutes. Ay, four, in buckram suits. 1H4 II.iv.201
Seuen, by these Hilts, or I am a Villaine else. Seven, by these hilts, or I am a villain else. 1H4 II.iv.202
Prethee let him alone, we shall haue more Prithee let him alone, we shall have more 1H4 II.vi.203
anon. anon. 1H4 II.iv.204
Doest thou heare me, Hal? Dost thou hear me, Hal? 1H4 II.iv.205
I, and marke thee too, Iack. Ay, and mark thee too, Jack.mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
1H4 II.iv.206
Doe so, for it is worth the listning too: these Do so, for it is worth the listening to. These 1H4 II.iv.207
nine in Buckrom, that I told thee of. nine in buckram that I told thee of –  1H4 II.iv.208
So, two more alreadie. So, two more already. 1H4 II.iv.209
Their Points being broken. Their points being broken – point (n.)
(usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet]
1H4 II.iv.210
Downe fell his Hose. Down fell their hose.hose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
1H4 II.iv.211
Began to giue me ground: but I followed me – began to give me ground. But I followed me 1H4 II.iv.212
close, came in foot and hand; and with a thought, close, came in, foot and hand, and, with a thought,close (adv.)
closely, staying near
1H4 II.iv.213
seuen of the eleuen I pay'd. seven of the eleven I paid.pay (v.)

old form: pay'd
kill, settle with, discharge
1H4 II.iv.214
O monstrous! eleuen Buckrom men growne O monstrous! Eleven buckram men grown 1H4 II.iv.215
out of two? out of two! 1H4 II.iv.216
But as the Deuill would haue it, three But as the devil would have it, three 1H4 II.iv.217
mis-be-gotten Knaues, in Kendall Greene, came at my Back, and misbegotten knaves in Kendal green came at my back and 1H4 II.iv.218
let driue at me; for it was so darke, Hal, that thou could'st let drive at me, for it was so dark, Hal, that thou couldstdrive, let

old form: driue
shoot, strike at, aim blows at
1H4 II.iv.219
not see thy Hand. not see thy hand. 1H4 II.iv.220
These Lyes are like the Father that begets These lies are like their father that begets 1H4 II.iv.221
them, grosse as a Mountaine, open, palpable. Why thou them, gross as a mountain, open, palpable. Why, thougross (adj.)

old form: grosse
large, big, huge
1H4 II.iv.222
Clay-brayn'd Guts, thou Knotty-pated Foole, thou Horson clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou whoreson,knotty-pated (adj.)
block-headed, dull-witted
1H4 II.iv.223
obscene greasie Tallow Catch. obscene, greasy tallow-catchtallow-catch (n.)

old form: Tallow Catch
[unclear meaning] dripping-pan [placed under roasting meat]
1H4 II.iv.224
What, art thou mad? art thou mad? is not the What, art thou mad? Art thou mad? Is not the 1H4 II.iv.225
truth, the truth? truth the truth? 1H4 II.iv.226
Why, how could'st thou know these men in Why, how couldst thou know these men in 1H4 II.iv.227
Kendall Greene, when it was so darke, thou could'st not see Kendal green when it was so dark thou couldst not see 1H4 II.iv.228
thy Hand? Come, tell vs your reason: what say'st thou thy hand? Come, tell us your reason. What sayest thou 1H4 II.iv.229
to this? to this? 1H4 II.iv.230
Come, your reason Iack, your reason. Come, your reason, Jack, your reason! 1H4 II.iv.231
What, vpon compulsion? No: were I What, upon compulsion? Zounds, an I wereand, an (conj.)
if, even if
1H4 II.iv.232
zounds (int.)
God's wounds
at the Strappado, or all the Racks in the World, I would at the strappado, or all the racks in the world, I wouldstrappado (n.)
type of torturing instrument
1H4 II.iv.233
not tell you on compulsion. Giue you a reason on not tell you on compulsion. Give you a reason on 1H4 II.iv.234
compulsion? If Reasons were as plentie as Black-berries, I compulsion? If reasons were as plentiful as blackberries, I 1H4 II.iv.235
would giue no man a Reason vpon compulsion, I. would give no man a reason upon compulsion, I. 1H4 II.iv.236
Ile be no longer guiltie of this sinne. This I'll be no longer guilty of this sin. This 1H4 II.iv.237
sanguine Coward, this Bed-presser, this Hors-back-breaker, sanguine coward, this bed-presser, this horse-back-breaker,sanguine (adj.)
red-faced, ruddy-hued
1H4 II.iv.238
bed-presser (n.)
sluggard, lazy fellow
this huge Hill of Flesh. this huge hill of flesh –  1H4 II.iv.239
Away you Starueling, you Elfe-skin, you dried 'Sblood, you starveling, you elf-skin, you driedelf-skin (n.)

old form: Elfe-skin
shrunken thing, mere nothing
1H4 II.iv.240
starveling (n.)

old form: Starueling
skinny individual, lanky fellow
'sblood (int.)
[oath] God's blood
Neats tongue, Bulles-pissell, you stocke-fish: O for neat's tongue, you bull's-pizzle, you stockfish! O forneat (n.)
ox, cow, cattle
1H4 II.iv.241
pizzle (n.)

old form: pissell
stockfish (n.)

old form: stocke-fish
dried cod
breth to vtter. What is like thee? You Tailors yard, you breath to utter what is like thee! You tailor's-yard, youyard (n.)
yard measure
1H4 II.iv.242
sheath you Bow-case, you vile standing tucke. sheath, you bow-case, you vile standing tuck!standing (adj.)
standing on end, upright, upended
1H4 II.iv.243
tuck (n.)

old form: tucke
rapier, long slender sword
Well, breath a-while, and then to't againe: Well, breathe awhile, and then to it again, 1H4 II.iv.244
and when thou hasttyr'd thy selfe in base comparisons, and when thou hast tired thyself in base comparisonsbase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
1H4 II.iv.245
heare me speake but thus. hear me speak but this. 1H4 II.iv.246
Marke Iacke. Mark, Jack!mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
1H4 II.iv.247
We two, saw you foure set on foure and bound We two saw you four set on four, and bound 1H4 II.iv.248
them, and were Masters of their Wealth: mark now how athem and were masters of their wealth – mark now how a 1H4 II.iv.249
plaine Tale shall put you downe. Then did we two, set on plain tale shall put you down. Then did we two set on 1H4 II.iv.250
you foure, and with a word, outfac'd you from your you four, and, with a word, outfaced you from yourword, with a
in brief, in short
1H4 II.iv.251
prize, and haue it: yea, and can shew it you in the prize, and have it, yea, and can show it you here in the 1H4 II.iv.252
House. And Falstaffe, you caried your Guts away as house. And Falstaff, you carried your guts away as 1H4 II.iv.253
nimbly, with as quicke dexteritie, and roared for mercy, nimbly, with as quick dexterity, and roared for mercy, 1H4 II.iv.254
and still ranne and roar'd, as euer I heard Bull-Calfe. What and still run and roared, as ever I heard bull-calf. Whatstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
1H4 II.iv.255
a Slaue art thou, to hacke thy sword as thou hast done, and a slave art thou to hack thy sword as thou hast done, and 1H4 II.iv.256
then say it was in fight. What trick? what deuice? what then say it was in fight! What trick, what device, what 1H4 II.iv.257
starting hole canst thou now find out, to hide thee from starting-hole, canst thou now find out, to hide thee fromstarting-hole (n.)

old form: starting hole
bolt-hole, loophole, evasion
1H4 II.iv.258
this open and apparant shame? this open and apparent shame?apparent (adj.)

old form: apparant
plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious
1H4 II.iv.259
Come, let's heare Iacke: What tricke hast thou now? Come, let's hear Jack, what trick hast thou now? 1H4 II.iv.260
I knew ye as well as he that made By the Lord, I knew ye as well as he that made 1H4 II.iv.261
ye. Why heare ye my Masters, was it for me to kill the ye. Why, hear you, my masters, was it for me to kill the 1H4 II.iv.262
Heire apparant? Should I turne vpon the true Prince? heir apparent? Should I turn upon the true prince? 1H4 II.iv.263
Why, thou knowest I am as valiant as Hercules: but Why, thou knowest I am as valiant as Hercules. ButHercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
1H4 II.iv.264
beware Instinct, the Lion will not touch the true Prince: beware instinct. The lion will not touch the true prince. 1H4 II.iv.265
Instinct is a great matter. I was a Coward on Instinct is a great matter; I was now a coward on 1H4 II.iv.266
Instinct: I shall thinke the better of my selfe, and thee, instinct. I shall think the better of myself, and thee, 1H4 II.iv.267
during my life: I, for a valiant Lion, and thou for a true during my life – I for a valiant lion, and thou for a true 1H4 II.iv.268
Prince. But Lads, I am glad you haue the prince. But by the Lord lads, I am glad you have the 1H4 II.iv.269
Mony. Hostesse, clap to the doores: watch to night, pray money! Hostess, clap to the doors! Watch tonight, pray clap to (v.)
shut tight, slam shut
1H4 II.iv.270
to morrow. Gallants, Lads, Boyes, Harts of Gold, all the tomorrow! Gallants, lads, boys, hearts of gold, all thegallant (n.)
fine gentleman, man of fashion
1H4 II.iv.271
good Titles of Fellowship come to you. What, shall we be titles of good fellowship come to you! What, shall we be 1H4 II.iv.272
merry? shall we haue a Play extempory. merry? Shall we have a play extempore?extempore (adj./adv.)

old form: extempory
without preparation, improvised, for the occasion
1H4 II.iv.273
Content, and the argument shall be, thy Content, and the argument shall be thycontent (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
1H4 II.iv.274
argument (n.)
story, subject, plot
runing away. running away. 1H4 II.iv.275
A, no more of that Hall, and thou louest me. Ah, no more of that Hal, an thou lovest me.and, an (conj.)
if, whether
1H4 II.iv.276
Enter HostesseEnter Hostess 1H4 II.iv.277
My Lord, the Prince? O Jesu, my lord the Prince! 1H4 II.iv.277
How now my Lady the Hostesse, what How now, my lady the Hostess, what 1H4 II.iv.278
say'st thou to me? sayest thou to me? 1H4 II.iv.279
Marry, my Lord, there is a Noble man of the Court Marry my lord, there is a nobleman of the courtmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
1H4 II.iv.280
at doore would speake with you: hee sayes, hee comes from at door would speak with you. He says he comes from 1H4 II.iv.281
your Father. your father. 1H4 II.iv.282
Giue him as much as will make him a Royall Give him as much as will make him a royalroyal (adj.)

old form: Royall
kingly; also: to the value of the English coin worth half a pound
1H4 II.iv.283
man, and send him backe againe to my Mother. man and send him back again to my mother. 1H4 II.iv.284
What manner of man is hee? What manner of man is he? 1H4 II.iv.285
An old man. An old man. 1H4 II.iv.286
What doth Grauitie out of his Bed at Midnight? What doth gravity out of his bed at midnight?gravity (n.)

old form: Grauitie
old age, the aged, the elderly
1H4 II.iv.287
Shall I giue him his answere? Shall I give him his answer? 1H4 II.iv.288
Prethee doe Iacke. Prithee do, Jack. 1H4 II.iv.289
'Faith, and Ile send him packing.Faith, and I'll send him packing. 1H4 II.iv.290
Exit. Exit 1H4 II.iv.290
Now Sirs: you fought faire; so did Now, sirs, by'r lady, you fought fair, so did 1H4 II.iv.291
you Peto, so did you Bardol: you are Lyons too, you you, Peto, so did you, Bardolph. You are lions too, you 1H4 II.iv.292
ranne away vpon instinct: you will not touch the true ran away upon instinct, you will not touch the truetouch (v.)
wound, hurt, injure
1H4 II.iv.293
Prince; no, fie. prince, no, fie! 1H4 II.iv.294
'Faith, I ranne when I saw others runne. Faith, I ran when I saw others run. 1H4 II.iv.295
Tell mee now in earnest, how came Faith, tell me now in earnest, how came 1H4 II.iv.296
Falstaffes Sword so hackt? Falstaff's sword so hacked? 1H4 II.iv.297
Why, he hackt it with his Dagger, and said, hee Why, he hacked it with his dagger, and said he 1H4 II.iv.298
would sweare truth out of England, but hee would make would swear truth out of England but he would make 1H4 II.iv.299
you beleeue it was done in fight, and perswaded vs to doe you believe it was done in fight, and persuaded us to do 1H4 II.iv.300
the like. the like.like, the
the same
1H4 II.iv.301
Yea, and to tickle our Noses with Spear-grasse, Yea, and to tickle our noses with spear-grass, 1H4 II.iv.302
to make them bleed, and then to beslubber our garments to make them bleed, and then to beslubber our garmentsbeslubber (v.)
besmear, bedaub, spread thickly
1H4 II.iv.303
with it, and sweare it was the blood of true men. I did with it, and swear it was the blood of true men. I didtrue (adj.)
honest, upright, law-abiding
1H4 II.iv.304
that I did not this seuen yeeres before, I blusht to heare that I did not this seven year before: I blushed to hear 1H4 II.iv.305
his monstrous deuices. his monstrous devices. 1H4 II.iv.306
O Villaine, thou stolest a Cup of Sacke eighteene O villain, thou stolest a cup of sack eighteen 1H4 II.iv.307
yeeres agoe, and wert taken with the manner, and euer years ago, and wert taken with the manner, and evermanner (n.)
[legal] thing stolen, stolen goods
1H4 II.iv.308
since thou hast blusht extempore: thou hadst fire and since thou hast blushed extempore. Thou hadst fire andextempore (adj./adv.)
spontaneously, involuntarily, without thinking
1H4 II.iv.309
sword on thy side, and yet thou ranst away; what sword on thy side, and yet thou rannest away. What 1H4 II.iv.310
instinct hadst thou for it? instinct hadst thou for it? 1H4 II.iv.311
My Lord, doe you see these Meteors? doe you My lord, do you see these meteors? Do you 1H4 II.iv.312
behold these Exhalations? behold these exhalations?exhalation (n.)
fiery emanation, flaming body
1H4 II.iv.313
I doe I do. 1H4 II.iv.314
What thinke you they portend? What think you they portend?portend (v.)
mean, signify, import
1H4 II.iv.315
Hot Liuers, and cold Purses. Hot livers, and cold purses.hot (adj.)
feverish, heated, burning
1H4 II.iv.316
liver (n.)

old form: Liuers
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire]
cold (adj.)
empty, bare, lacking life
Choler, my Lord, if rightly taken. Choler, my lord, if rightly taken.choler (n.)
anger, rage, wrath
1H4 II.iv.317
No, if rightly taken, Halter. No, if rightly taken, halter.halter (n.)
rope with a noose [for hanging]
1H4 II.iv.318
Enter Falstaffe.Enter Falstaff 1H4 II.iv.319.1
Heere comes leane Iacke, heere comes bare-bone. How now Here comes lean Jack, here comes bare-bone. How nowbare-bone (n.)
skinny person, fleshless one
1H4 II.iv.319
my sweet Creature of Bombast, how long is't agoe, Iacke, my sweet creature of bombast, how long is't ago, Jack,bombast, bumbast (n.)
wool padding, stuffing; also: high-flown language, empty words
1H4 II.iv.320
since thou saw'st thine owne Knee? since thou sawest thine own knee? 1H4 II.iv.321
My owne Knee? When I was about thy yeeres My own knee? When I was about thy years, 1H4 II.iv.322
(Hal) I was not an Eagles Talent in the Waste, I could haue Hal, I was not an eagle's talon in the waist – I could have 1H4 II.iv.323
crept into any Aldermans Thumbe-Ring: a plague of crept into any alderman's thumb-ring. A plague ofthumb-ring (n.)

old form: Thumbe-Ring
small ring used for sealing documents
1H4 II.iv.324
sighing and griefe, it blowes a man vp like a Bladder. sighing and grief, it blows a man up like a bladder. 1H4 II.iv.325
There's villanous Newes abroad; heere was Sir Iohn There's villainous news abroad. Here was Sir John 1H4 II.iv.326
Braby from your Father; you must goe to the Court in the Bracy from your father. You must to the court in the 1H4 II.iv.327
Morning. The same mad fellow of the North, Percy; morning. That same mad fellow of the north, Percy, 1H4 II.iv.328
and hee of Wales, that gaue Amamon the Bastinado, and and he of Wales that gave Amamon the bastinado, andAmaimon, Amamon (n.)
[pron: a'miymon, a'mamon] in Christian tradition, the name of a devil
1H4 II.iv.329
bastinado (n.)
cudgelling, beating with a stick [esp. on the soles of the feet]
made Lucifer Cuckold, and swore the Deuill his true made Lucifer cuckold, and swore the devil his trueLucifer (n.)
in the Bible, the name of a principal devil; or, the Devil
1H4 II.iv.330
true (adj.)
loyal, firm, faithful in allegiance
cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife
Liege-man vpon the Crosse of a Welch-hooke; what a liegeman upon the cross of a Welsh hook – what ahook (n.)

old form: hooke
pike, bill-hook
1H4 II.iv.331
liegeman (n.)

old form: Liege-man
vassal, subject, follower
plague call you him? plague call you him? 1H4 II.iv.332
O, Glendower. O, Glendower. 1H4 II.iv.333
Owen, Owen; the same, and his Sonne in Law Owen, Owen, the same. And his son-in-law 1H4 II.iv.334
Mortimer, and old Northumberland, and the sprightly Mortimer, and old Northumberland, and that sprightly 1H4 II.iv.335
Scot of Scots, Dowglas, that runnes a Horse-backe vp a Hill Scot of Scots, Douglas, that runs a-horseback up a hill 1H4 II.iv.336
perpendicular. perpendicular –  1H4 II.iv.337
Hee that rides at high speede, and with a He that rides at high speed, and with his 1H4 II.iv.338
Pistoll kills a Sparrow flying. pistol kills a sparrow flying. 1H4 II.iv.339
You haue hit it. You have hit it. 1H4 II.iv.340
So did he neuer the Sparrow. So did he never the sparrow. 1H4 II.iv.341
Well, that Rascall hath good mettall in him, hee Well, that rascal hath good mettle in him, he 1H4 II.iv.342
will not runne. will not run. 1H4 II.iv.343
Why, what a Rascall art thou then, to prayse Why, what a rascal art thou then, to praise 1H4 II.iv.344
him so for running? him so for running! 1H4 II.iv.345
A Horse-backe (ye Cuckoe) but a foot hee will not A-horseback, ye cuckoo, but afoot he will notafoot (adv.)

old form: a foot
on foot
1H4 II.iv.346
budge a foot. budge a foot.budge, bodge (v.)
flinch, shrink, move away
1H4 II.iv.347
Yes Iacke, vpon instinct. Yes, Jack, upon instinct. 1H4 II.iv.348
I grant ye, vpon instinct: Well, hee is there too, I grant ye, upon instinct. Well, he is there too, 1H4 II.iv.349
and one Mordake, and a thousand blew-Cappes more. and one Mordake, and a thousand blue-caps more.blue-cap (n.)

old form: blew-Cappes
[contemptous] one who wears a blue bonnet; Scotsman
1H4 II.iv.350
Worcester is stolne away by Night: thy Fathers Beard is Worcester is stolen away tonight. Thy father's beard is 1H4 II.iv.351
turn'd white with the Newes; you may buy Land now as turned white with the news. You may buy land now as 1H4 II.iv.352
cheape as stinking Mackrell. cheap as stinking mackerel. 1H4 II.iv.353
Then 'tis like, if there come a hot Sunne, Why then, it is like if there come a hot June,like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
1H4 II.iv.354
and this ciuill buffetting hold, wee shall buy Maiden-heads and this civil buffeting hold, we shall buy maidenheads 1H4 II.iv.355
as they buy Hob-nayles, by the Hundreds. as they buy hob-nails, by the hundreds. 1H4 II.iv.356
By the Masse Lad, thou say'st true, it is like wee By the mass, lad, thou sayest true, it is like we 1H4 II.iv.357
shall haue good trading that way. But tell me Hal, art shall have good trading that way. But tell me, Hal, art 1H4 II.iv.358
not thou horrible afear'd? thou being Heire apparant, not thou horrible afeard? Thou being heir apparent,horrible (adv.)
extremely, exceedingly, terribly
1H4 II.iv.359
afeard (adj.)

old form: afear'd
afraid, frightened, scared
could the World picke thee out three such Enemyes againe, could the world pick thee out three such enemies again, 1H4 II.iv.360
as that Fiend Dowglas, that Spirit Percy, and that Deuill as that fiend Douglas, that spirit Percy, and that devilspirit (n.)
troublesome devil, high-spirited fiend
1H4 II.iv.361
Glendower? Art not thou horrible afraid? Doth not thy Glendower? Art thou not horribly afraid? Doth not thy 1H4 II.iv.362
blood thrill at it? blood thrill at it?thrill (v.)
shiver, tremble, feel a pang of emotion
1H4 II.iv.363
Not a whit: I lacke some of thy Not a whit, i'faith, I lack some of thy 1H4 II.iv.364
instinct. instinct. 1H4 II.iv.365
Well, thou wilt be horrible chidde to morrow, Well, thou wilt be horribly chid tomorrow 1H4 II.iv.366
when thou commest to thy Father: if thou doe loue me, when thou comest to thy father. If thou love me, 1H4 II.iv.367
practise an answere. practise an answer. 1H4 II.iv.368
Doe thou stand for my Father, and examine Do thou stand for my father and examine 1H4 II.iv.369
mee vpon the particulars of my Life. me upon the particulars of my life. 1H4 II.iv.370
Shall I? content: This Chayre shall bee my State, Shall I? Content! This chair shall be my state,state (n.)
throne, chair of state
1H4 II.iv.371
content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
this Dagger my Scepter, and this Cushion my Crowne. this dagger my sceptre, and this cushion my crown. 1H4 II.iv.372
Thy State is taken for a Ioyn'd-Stoole, thy Thy state is taken for a joint-stool, thy 1H4 II.iv.373
Golden Scepter for a Leaden Dagger, and thy precious rich golden sceptre for a leaden dagger, and thy precious rich 1H4 II.iv.374
Crowne, for a pittifull bald Crowne. crown for a pitiful bald crown. 1H4 II.iv.375
Well, and the fire of Grace be not quite out of Well, an the fire of grace be not quite out ofand, an (conj.)
if, whether
1H4 II.iv.376
thee now shalt thou be moued. Giue me a Cup of Sacke to thee, now shalt thou be moved. Give me a cup of sack to 1H4 II.iv.377
make mine eyes looke redde, that it may be thought I haue make my eyes look red, that it may be thought I have 1H4 II.iv.378
wept, for I must speake in passion, and I will doe it in wept, for I must speak in passion, and I will do it in 1H4 II.iv.379
King Cambyses vaine. King Cambyses' vein.vein (n.)

old form: vaine
style, manner
1H4 II.iv.380
Cambyses (n.)
[pron: kam'biyseez] 6th-c BC king of the Medes and Persians, as represented in a 16th-c play by Thomas Preston, Cambyses
Well, heere is my Legge. Well, here is my leg.leg (n.)

old form: Legge
bending of a knee, genuflection, obeisance
1H4 II.iv.381
And heere is my speech: stand aside Nobilitie. And here is my speech. Stand aside, nobility. 1H4 II.iv.382
This is excellent sport, yfaith. O Jesu, this is excellent sport, i'faith.sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
1H4 II.iv.383
Weepe not, sweet Queene, for trickling teares are vaine. Weep not, sweet Queen, for trickling tears are vain. 1H4 II.iv.384
O the Father, how hee holdes his countenance? O the Father, how he holds his countenance!hold (v.)

old form: holdes
keep, maintain, observe
1H4 II.iv.385
countenance (n.)
expression, look, face
For Gods sake Lords, conuey my trustfull Queen, For God's sake, lords, convey my tristful Queen,tristful (adj.)

old form: trustfull
sad, sorrowful, dismal
1H4 II.iv.386
For teares doe stop the floud-gates of her eyes. For tears do stop the floodgates of her eyes. 1H4 II.iv.387
O rare, he doth it as like one of these harlotry O Jesu, he doth it as like one of these harlotryharlotry (adj.)
trashy, tawdry, third-rate
1H4 II.iv.388
Players, as euer I see. players as ever I see! 1H4 II.iv.389
Peace good Pint-pot, peace good Peace, good pint-pot, peace, good 1H4 II.iv.390
Tickle-braine. tickle-brain.tickle-brain (n.)

old form: Tickle-braine
type of strong drink
1H4 II.iv.391
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.392
Harry, I doe not onely maruell where thou spendest thy time; Harry, I do not only marvel where thou spendest thy time, 1H4 II.iv.392
but also, how thou art accompanied: For though the Camomile, but also how thou art accompanied. For though the camomile, 1H4 II.iv.393
the more it is troden, the faster it growes; yet Youth, the more it is trodden on the faster it grows, yet youth, 1H4 II.iv.394
the more it is wasted, the sooner it weares. Thou art my the more it is wasted the sooner it wears. That thou art my 1H4 II.iv.395
Sonne: I haue partly thy Mothers Word, partly my Opinion; son, I have partly thy mother's word, partly my own opinion, 1H4 II.iv.396
but chiefely, a villanous tricke of thine Eye, and a foolish hanging but chiefly a villainous trick of thine eye, and a foolish hangingfoolish (adj.)
roguish, lewd; or: ridiculous
1H4 II.iv.397
trick (n.)

old form: tricke
peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinguishing trait
of thy nether Lippe, that doth warrant me. If then thou be of thy nether lip, that doth warrant me. If then thou benether (adj.)
lower, bottom
1H4 II.iv.398
warrant (v.)
tell, assure, give good grounds to
Sonne to mee, heere lyeth the point: why, being Sonne to me, art son to me – here lies the point – why, being son to me, art 1H4 II.iv.399
thou so poynted at? Shall the blessed Sonne of Heauen proue a thou so pointed at? Shall the blessed sun of heaven prove a 1H4 II.iv.400
Micher, and eate Black-berryes? a question not to bee askt. micher, and eat blackberries? A question not to be asked.micher (n.)
truant, absentee, malingerer
1H4 II.iv.401
Shall the Sonne of England proue a Theefe, and take Purses? a Shall the son of England prove a thief, and take purses? A 1H4 II.iv.402
question to be askt. There is a thing, Harry, which thou question to be asked. There is a thing, Harry, which thou 1H4 II.iv.403
hast often heard of, and it is knowne to many in our Land, by hast often heard of, and it is known to many in our land by 1H4 II.iv.404
the Name of Pitch: this Pitch (as ancient Writers doe report) the name of pitch. This pitch – as ancient writers do report – pitch (n.)
black tar-like substance [used to waterproof planks, etc; often, a symbol of defilement]
1H4 II.iv.405
doth defile; so doth the companie thou keepest: for Harry, doth defile, so doth the company thou keepest. For, Harry, 1H4 II.iv.406
now I doe not speake to thee in Drinke, but in Teares; not in now I do not speak to thee in drink, but in tears; not in 1H4 II.iv.407
Pleasure, but in Passion; not in Words onely, but in Woes also: pleasure, but in passion; not in words only, but in woes also. 1H4 II.iv.408
and yet there is a vertuous man, whom I haue often noted in And yet there is a virtuous man whom I have often noted in 1H4 II.iv.409
thy companie, but I know not his Name. thy company, but I know not his name. 1H4 II.iv.410
(as himself) 1H4 II.iv.411.1
What manner of man, and it like your Maiestie? What manner of man, an it like your Majesty?like (v.)
please, suit
1H4 II.iv.411
and, an (conj.)
if, whether
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.412.1
A goodly portly man yfaith, and a corpulent, of a chearefull A goodly portly man, i'faith, and a corpulent; of a cheerfulcorpulent (adj.)
well-made, full-bodied
1H4 II.iv.412
portly (adj.)
stately, majestic, dignified
Looke, a pleasing Eye, and a most noble Carriage, and as I look, a pleasing eye, and a most noble carriage; and, as Icarriage (n.)
bearing, demeanour, manner of behaviour
1H4 II.iv.413
thinke, his age some fiftie, or (byrlady) inclining to threescore; think, his age some fifty, or by'r lady inclining to three score. 1H4 II.iv.414
and now I remember mee, his Name is Falstaffe: if that man And now I remember me, his name is Falstaff. If that man 1H4 II.iv.415
should be lewdly giuen, hee deceiues mee; for Harry, I see should be lewdly given, he deceiveth me, for, Harry, I seelewdly (adv.)
wickedly, evilly, mischievously
1H4 II.iv.416
Vertue in his Lookes. If then the Tree may be knowne by the virtue in his looks. If then the tree may be known by the 1H4 II.iv.417
Fruit, as the Fruit by the Tree, then peremptorily I speake it, fruit, as the fruit by the tree, then peremptorily I speak it,peremptorily (adv.)
assuredly, positively, decisively
1H4 II.iv.418
there is Vertue in that Falstaffe: him keepe with, the rest there is virtue in that Falstaff. Him keep with, the rest 1H4 II.iv.419
banish. And tell mee now, thou naughtie Varlet, tell mee, where banish. And tell me now, thou naughty varlet, tell me wherenaughty (adj.)

old form: naughtie
wicked, evil, vile
1H4 II.iv.420
varlet (n.)
knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian
hast thou beene this moneth? hast thou been this month? 1H4 II.iv.421
Do'st thou speake like a King? doe thou stand Dost thou speak like a king? Do thou stand 1H4 II.iv.422
for mee, and Ile play my Father. for me, and I'll play my father. 1H4 II.iv.423
Depose me: if thou do'st it halfe so grauely, so Depose me? If thou dost it half so gravely, so 1H4 II.iv.424
maiestically, both in word and matter, hang me vp by the majestically, both in word and matter, hang me up by the 1H4 II.iv.425
heeles for a Rabbet-sucker, or a Poulters Hare. heels for a rabbit-sucker, or a poulter's hare.poulter (n.)
1H4 II.iv.426
rabbit-sucker (n.)

old form: Rabbet-sucker
sucking rabbit, baby rabbit
Well, heere I am set. Well, here I am set.set (adj.)
formally seated, arranged in a position of state
1H4 II.iv.427
And heere I stand: iudge my Masters. And here I stand. Judge, my masters. 1H4 II.iv.428
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.429
Now Harry, whence come you? Now, Harry, whence come you? 1H4 II.iv.429
(as HAL) 1H4 II.iv.430.1
My Noble Lord, from East-cheape. My noble lord, from Eastcheap. 1H4 II.iv.430
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.431.1
The complaints I heare of thee, are grieuous. The complaints I hear of thee are grievous. 1H4 II.iv.431
(as HAL) 1H4 II.iv.432.1
Yfaith, my Lord, they are false: 'Sblood, my lord, they are false!'sblood (int.)
[oath] God's blood
1H4 II.iv.432
false (adj.)
wrong, mistaken
Nay, Ile tickle ye for a young Prince. Nay, I'll tickle ye for a young prince, i'faith.tickle (v.)
flatter, gratify, please
1H4 II.iv.433
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.434.1
Swearest thou, vngracious Boy? henceforth ne're looke on me: Swearest thou, ungracious boy? Henceforth ne'er look on me.ungracious (adj.)
wicked, without grace, profane
1H4 II.iv.434
thou art violently carryed away from Grace: there is a Deuill Thou art violently carried away from grace. There is a devil 1H4 II.iv.435
haunts thee, in the likenesse of a fat old Man; a Tunne of Man is haunts thee in the likeness of an old fat man, a tun of man istun (n.)

old form: Tunne
barrel, large cask
1H4 II.iv.436
thy Companion: Why do'st thou conuerse with that Trunke of thy companion. Why dost thou converse with that trunk of 1H4 II.iv.437
Humors, that Boulting-Hutch of Beastlinesse, that swolne humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollenhumour (n.)

old form: Humors
secretion, fluid, juice
1H4 II.iv.438
bolting-hutch (n.)

old form: Boulting-Hutch
sifting-bin [used in filtering flour from bran]
Parcell of Dropsies, that huge Bombard of Sacke, that stuft parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffedbombard, bumbard (n.)
large leather wine jug
1H4 II.iv.439
dropsy (n.)
type of disease in which the body retains watery fluids
Cloake-bagge of Guts, that rosted Manning Tree Oxe with the cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with thecloak-bag (n.)

old form: Cloake-bagge
bag for carrying clothes [such as a cloak], portmanteau
1H4 II.iv.440
Pudding in his Belly, that reuerend Vice, that grey iniquitie, pudding in his belly, that reverend Vice, that grey Iniquity,pudding (n.)
1H4 II.iv.441
grey (adj.)
aged, senescent, very old
vice (n.)
(usually capitalized) buffoon, stage jester; a character representing vice in morality plays
Iniquity (n.)
comic character representing vice in morality plays
that Father Ruffian, that Vanitie in yeeres? wherein is he that Father Ruffian, that Vanity in years? Wherein is heVanity (n.)
character of pride in morality plays
1H4 II.iv.442
Ruffian (n.)
character of a fiend in morality plays
good, but to taste Sacke, and drinke it? wherein neat and good, but to taste sack and drink it? Wherein neat and 1H4 II.iv.443
cleanly, but to carue a Capon, and eat it? wherein Cunning, cleanly, but to carve a capon and eat it? Wherein cunning,cunning (adj.)
knowledgeable, skilful, clever
1H4 II.iv.444
cleanly (adj.)
deft, skilful, clever
capon (n.)
chicken, castrated cockerel [bred for eating]
but in Craft? wherein Craftie, but in Villanie? wherein but in craft? Wherein crafty, but in villainy? Wherein 1H4 II.iv.445
Villanous, but in all things? wherein worthy, but in nothing? villainous, but in all things? Wherein worthy, but in nothing? 1H4 II.iv.446
(as HAL) 1H4 II.iv.447.1
I would your Grace would take me with you: whom meanes I would your grace would take me with you. Whom meanstake me with you
help me understand you
1H4 II.iv.447
your Grace? your grace? 1H4 II.iv.448
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.449
That villanous abhominable mis-leader of Youth, Falstaffe, That villainous abominable misleader of youth, Falstaff, 1H4 II.iv.449
that old white-bearded Sathan. that old white-bearded Satan.Satan (n.)
in Christian tradition, the Devil
1H4 II.iv.450
(as HAL) 1H4 II.iv.451
My Lord, the man I know. My lord, the man I know. 1H4 II.iv.451
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.452
I know thou do'st. I know thou dost. 1H4 II.iv.452
(as HAL) 1H4 II.iv.453
But to say, I know more harme in him then in my selfe, were to But to say I know more harm in him than in myself were to 1H4 II.iv.453
say more then I know. That hee is olde (the more the pittie) his say more than I know. That he is old, the more the pity, his 1H4 II.iv.454
white hayres doe witnesse it: but that hee is (sauing your reuerence)white hairs do witness it, but that he is, saving your reverence, 1H4 II.iv.455
a Whore-master, that I vtterly deny. If Sacke and Sugar a whoremaster, that I utterly deny. If sack and sugarsack (n.)

old form: Sacke
[type of] white wine
1H4 II.iv.456
whoremaster (n.)

old form: Whore-master
fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
bee a fault, Heauen helpe the Wicked: if to be olde and merry, be a be a fault, God help the wicked! If to be old and merry be a 1H4 II.iv.457
sinne, then many an olde Hoste that I know, is damn'd: if to be sin, then many an old host that I know is damned. If to be 1H4 II.iv.458
fat, be to be hated, then Pharaohs leane Kine are to be loued.fat be to be hated, then Pharaoh's lean kine are to be loved.kine (n.)
cattle, cows
1H4 II.iv.459
Pharaoh (n.)
[pron: 'fairoh] in the Bible, an Egyptian ruler
No, my good Lord, banish Peto, banish Bardolph, banish No, my good lord! Banish Peto, banish Bardolph, banish 1H4 II.iv.460
Poines: but for sweete Iacke Falstaffe, kinde Iacke Falstaffe, true Poins – but for sweet Jack Falstaff, kind Jack Falstaff, true 1H4 II.iv.461
Iacke Falstaffe, valiant Iacke Falstaffe, and therefore more Jack Falstaff, valiant Jack Falstaff – and therefore more 1H4 II.iv.462
valiant, being as hee is olde Iack Falstaffe, banish not him thy valiant, being as he is old Jack Falstaff – banish not him thy 1H4 II.iv.463
Harryes companie, banish not him thy Harryes companie; Harry's company, banish not him thy Harry's company. 1H4 II.iv.464
banish plumpe Iacke, and banish all the World. Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world. 1H4 II.iv.465
(as KING) 1H4 II.iv.466
I doe, I will. I do, I will. 1H4 II.iv.466
A knocking heard 1H4 II.iv.467.1
Exeunt Hostess, Francis and Bardolph 1H4 II.iv.467.2
Enter Bardolph running.Enter Bardolph, running 1H4 II.iv.467.3
O, my Lord, my Lord, the Sherife, with a most O my lord, my lord, the sheriff with a most 1H4 II.iv.467
monstrous Watch, is at the doore. monstrous watch is at the door.watch (n.)
watchmen, officers, street patrol
1H4 II.iv.468
Out you Rogue, play out the Play: I haue much Out, ye rogue! Play out the play! I have much 1H4 II.iv.469
to say in the behalfe of that Falstaffe. to say in the behalf of that Falstaff. 1H4 II.iv.470
Enter the Hostesse.Enter the Hostess 1H4 II.iv.471
O, my Lord, my Lord. O Jesu, my lord, my lord! 1H4 II.iv.471
Heigh, heigh, the Deuill rides vpon a Fiddle-sticke: Heigh, heigh, the devil rides upon a fiddlestick. 1H4 II.iv.472
what's the matter? What's the matter? 1H4 II.iv.473
The Sherife and all the Watch are at the doore: The sheriff and all the watch are at the door. 1H4 II.iv.474
they are come to search the House, shall I let them in? They are come to search the house. Shall I let them in? 1H4 II.iv.475
Do'st thou heare Hal, neuer call a true peece of Dost thou hear, Hal? Never call a true piece of 1H4 II.iv.476
Gold a Counterfeit: thou art essentially made, without gold a counterfeit. Thou art essentially made withoutcounterfeit (n.)
false imitation, spurious image
1H4 II.iv.477
seeming so. seeming so. 1H4 II.iv.478
And thou a naturall Coward, without And thou a natural coward without 1H4 II.iv.479
in-stinct. instinct. 1H4 II.iv.480
I deny your Maior: if you will deny the Sherife, I deny your major. If you will deny the sheriff,deny (v.)
refuse admittance to, keep out
1H4 II.iv.481
major (n.)

old form: Maior
major premiss, proposition
so: if not, let him enter. If I become not a Cart as well as so; if not, let him enter. If I become not a cart as well asbecome (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
1H4 II.iv.482
another man, a plague on my bringing vp: I hope I shall another man, a plague on my bringing up! I hope I shallbringing up (n.)

old form: vp
upbringing, breeding
1H4 II.iv.483
as soone be strangled with a Halter, as another. as soon be strangled with a halter as another.halter (n.)
rope with a noose [for hanging]
1H4 II.iv.484
Goe hide thee behinde the Arras, the rest Go hide thee behind the arras. The rest,arras (n.)
tapestry hanging
1H4 II.iv.485
walke vp aboue. Now my Masters, for a true Face and walk up above. Now, my masters, for a true face, andtrue (adj.)
honest, upright, law-abiding
1H4 II.iv.486
good Conscience. good conscience. 1H4 II.iv.487
Both which I haue had: but their date is out, Both which I have had, but their date is out, 1H4 II.iv.488
and therefore Ile hide me. and therefore I'll hide me. 1H4 II.iv.489
Exit.Exeunt all but the Prince and Peto 1H4 II.iv.489
Call in the Sherife. Call in the Sheriff. 1H4 II.iv.490
Enter Sherife and the Carrier.Enter Sheriff and the Carrier 1H4 II.iv.491
Now Master Sherife, what is your will with mee? Now, master Sheriff, what is your will with me? 1H4 II.iv.491
First pardon me, my Lord. A Hue and Cry First, pardon me, my lord. A hue and cryhue and cry (n.)
general pursuit [of a felon]
1H4 II.iv.492
hath followed certaine men vnto this house. Hath followed certain men unto this house. 1H4 II.iv.493
What men? What men? 1H4 II.iv.494
One of them is well knowne, my gracious Lord, One of them is well known my gracious lord, 1H4 II.iv.495
a grosse fat man. A gross fat man.gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
heavy, weighty, bulky
1H4 II.iv.496.1
As fat as Butter. As fat as butter. 1H4 II.iv.496.2
The man, I doe assure you, is not heere, The man I do assure you is not here, 1H4 II.iv.497
For I my selfe at this time haue imploy'd him: For I myself at this time have employed him. 1H4 II.iv.498
And Sherife, I will engage my word to thee, And Sheriff, I will engage my word to thee,engage (v.)
pledge, give the guarantee of
1H4 II.iv.499
That I will by to morrow Dinner time, That I will by tomorrow dinner-time 1H4 II.iv.500
Send him to answere thee, or any man, Send him to answer thee, or any man, 1H4 II.iv.501
For any thing he shall be charg'd withall: For anything he shall be charged withal. 1H4 II.iv.502
And so let me entreat you, leaue the house. And so let me entreat you leave the house. 1H4 II.iv.503
I will, my Lord: there are two Gentlemen I will, my lord. There are two gentlemen 1H4 II.iv.504
Haue in this Robberie lost three hundred Markes. Have in this robbery lost three hundred marks.mark (n.)
accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound)
1H4 II.iv.505
It may be so: if he haue robb'd these men, It may be so. If he have robbed these men 1H4 II.iv.506
He shall be answerable: and so farewell. He shall be answerable. And so, farewell. 1H4 II.iv.507
Good Night, my Noble Lord. Good night, my noble lord. 1H4 II.iv.508
I thinke it is good Morrow, is it not? I think it is good morrow, is it not?morrow (n.)
1H4 II.iv.509
Indeede, my Lord, I thinke it be two a Clocke. Indeed, my lord, I think it be two o'clock. 1H4 II.iv.510
Exit.Exit with Carrier 1H4 II.iv.510
This oyly Rascall is knowne as well as Poules: This oily rascal is known as well as Paul's.Paul's (n.)
St Paul's Cathedral, London
1H4 II.iv.511
goe call him forth. Go call him forth. 1H4 II.iv.512
Falstaffe? fast asleepe behinde the Arras, and snorting Falstaff! Fast asleep behind the arras, and snortingsnort (v.)
1H4 II.iv.513
arras (n.)
tapestry hanging
like a Horse. snorting like a horse. 1H4 II.iv.514
Harke, how hard he fetches breath: Hark how hard he fetches breath. Search 1H4 II.iv.515
search his Pockets. his pockets. 1H4 II.iv.516
He searcheth his Pockets, and findeth certaine Papers. Peto searcheth his pockets, and findeth certain papers 1H4 II.iv.517
What hast thou found? What hast thou found? 1H4 II.iv.517
Nothing but Papers, my Lord. Nothing but papers, my lord. 1H4 II.iv.518
Let's see, what be they? reade them. Let's see what they be, read them. 1H4 II.iv.519
Item, a Capon. ii.s.ii.d. Item a capon . . . . 2s. 2d. 1H4 II.iv.520
Item, Sawce iiii.d. Item sauce . . . . . 4d. 1H4 II.iv.521
Item, Sacke, two Gallons. v.s.viii.d. Item sack two gallons . . . 5s. 8d. 1H4 II.iv.522
Item, Anchoues and Sacke after Supper. ii.s.vi.d. Item anchovies and sack after supper 2s. 6d. 1H4 II.iv.523
Item, Bread. ob. Item bread . . . . . ob.ob (n.)
obolus, halfpenny
1H4 II.iv.524
O monstrous, but one halfe penny-worth of O monstrous! But one halfpennyworth of 1H4 II.iv.525
Bread to this intollerable deale of Sacke? What there is else, bread to this intolerable deal of sack? What there is elseintolerable (adj.)

old form: intollerable
excessive, exorbitant, exceedingly great
1H4 II.iv.526
keepe close, wee'le reade it at more aduantage: there let him keep close, we'll read it at more advantage. There let himadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
right moment, favourable opportunity
1H4 II.iv.527
close (adv.)
safely, secretly, out of sight
sleepe till day. Ile to the Court in the Morning: Wee must sleep till day. I'll to the court in the morning. We must 1H4 II.iv.528
all to the Warres, and thy place shall be honorable. Ile all to the wars, and thy place shall be honourable. I'llplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
1H4 II.iv.529
procure this fat Rogue a Charge of Foot, and I know his procure this fat rogue a charge of foot, and I know hischarge (n.)
company, command
1H4 II.iv.530
foot (n.)
foot-soldiers, infantry
death will be a Match of Twelue-score. The Money shall death will be a march of twelve score. The money shall 1H4 II.iv.531
be pay'd backe againe with aduantage. Be with me betimes be paid back again with advantage. Be with me betimesadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
interest, bonus, addition
1H4 II.iv.532
betimes (adv.)
early in the morning, at an early hour
in the Morning: and so good morrow Peto. in the morning, and so, good morrow, Peto.morrow (n.)
1H4 II.iv.533
Good morrow, good my Lord.Good morrow, good my lord. 1H4 II.iv.534
Exeunt.Exeunt 1H4 II.iv.534
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