Henry IV Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter two Groomes.Enter three Grooms, strewers of rushes 2H4 V.v.1
More Rushes, more Rushes. More rushes, more rushes! 2H4 V.v.1
The Trumpets haue sounded twice. The trumpets have sounded twice. 2H4 V.v.2
It will be two of the Clocke, ere they come from 'Twill be two o'clock ere they come from 2H4 V.v.3
the Coronation. the coronation. Dispatch, dispatch!dispatch, despatch (v.)
hurry up, be quick
2H4 V.v.4
Exit Groo.Exeunt 2H4 V.v.4
Trumpets sound, and the King and his train pass over 2H4 V.v.5.1
Enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Pistoll, the stage. After them enter Falstaff, Shallow, Pistol, 2H4 V.v.5.2
Bardolfe, and Page.Bardolph, and the Page 2H4 V.v.5.3
Stand heere by me, M. Robert Shallow, I will Stand here by me, Master Shallow; I will 2H4 V.v.5
make the King do you Grace. I will leere vpon him, as he make the King do you grace. I will leer upon him as 'aleer (v.)

old form: leere
look sideways, cast a side glance, smile disarmingly
2H4 V.v.6
grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
comes by: and do but marke the countenance that hee comes by, and do but mark the countenance that hemark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
2H4 V.v.7
countenance (n.)
favour, patronage, approval
will giue me. will give me. 2H4 V.v.8
Blesse thy Lungs, good Knight. God bless thy lungs, good knight! 2H4 V.v.9
Come heere Pistol, stand behind me. Come here, Pistol, stand behind me. (To 2H4 V.v.10
O if I had had time to haue made new Shallow) O, if I had had time to have made new 2H4 V.v.11
Liueries, I would haue bestowed the thousand pound I liveries, I would have bestowed the thousand pound Ilivery (n.)

old form: Liueries
uniform, costume, special clothing
2H4 V.v.12
bestow (v.)
give, provide, grant
borrowed of you. But it is no matter, this poore shew doth borrowed of you. But 'tis no matter; this poor show dothshow (n.)

old form: shew
appearance, exhibition, display
2H4 V.v.13
better: this doth inferre the zeale I had to see him. better: this doth infer the zeal I had to see him.infer (v.)

old form: inferre
imply, demonstrate, illustrate
2H4 V.v.14
zeal (n.)

old form: zeale
ardour, fervour; or: loyalty, devotion
It doth so. It doth so. 2H4 V.v.15
It shewes my earnestnesse in affection. It shows my earnestness of affection –  2H4 V.v.16
It doth so. It doth so. 2H4 V.v.17
My deuotion. My devotion –  2H4 V.v.18
It doth, it doth, it doth. It doth, it doth, it doth! 2H4 V.v.19
As it were, to ride day and night, / And not to As it were, to ride day and night; and not to 2H4 V.v.20
deliberate, not to remember, / Not to haue patience to deliberate, not to remember, not to have patience to 2H4 V.v.21
shift me. shift me – shift (v.)
change [clothes]
2H4 V.v.22
It is most certaine. It is best, certain. 2H4 V.v.23
But to stand stained with Trauaile, and sweating But to stand stained with travel, and sweating 2H4 V.v.24
with desire to see him, thinking of nothing else, putting with desire to see him, thinking of nothing else, putting 2H4 V.v.25
all affayres in obliuion, as if there were nothing els all affairs else in oblivion, as if there were nothing else 2H4 V.v.26
to bee done, but to see him. to be done but to see him. 2H4 V.v.27
'Tis semper idem: for obsque hoc nihil est. 'Tis all 'Tis semper idem, for obsque hoc nihil est; 'tis allobsque...
apart from this there is nothing
2H4 V.v.28
always the same
in euery part. in every part. 2H4 V.v.29
'Tis so indeed. 'Tis so, indeed. 2H4 V.v.30
My Knight, I will enflame thy Noble Liuer, My knight, I will inflame thy noble liver,liver (n.)

old form: Liuer
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire]
2H4 V.v.31
and make thee rage. And make thee rage. 2H4 V.v.32
Thy Dol, and Helen of thy noble thoghts Thy Doll, and Helen of thy noble thoughts,Helen (n.)
woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War
2H4 V.v.33
is in base Durance, and contagious prison: Is in base durance and contagious prison,durance (n.)
confinement, imprisonment, incarceration
2H4 V.v.34
contagious (adj.)
pestilential, harmful, noxious
base (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
Hall'd thither Haled thitherhale (v.)

old form: Hall'd
drag, pull, haul
2H4 V.v.35
by most Mechanicall and durty hand. By most mechanical and dirty hand.mechanical (adj.)

old form: Mechanicall
common, servile, menial
2H4 V.v.36
Rowze vppe Reuenge from Ebon den, with fell Alecto's Snake, Rouse up Revenge from ebon den with fell Alecto's snake,ebon (adj.)
dark, sombre
2H4 V.v.37
fell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
Alecto (n.)
[pron: a'lektoh] one of the Furies, whose name means never-ceasing
for Dol is in. Pistol, speakes nought but troth. For Doll is in. Pistol speaks naught but truth.in (adv.)
in prison
2H4 V.v.38
I will deliuer her. I will deliver her.deliver (v.)

old form: deliuer
free, release, liberate
2H4 V.v.39
The Trumpets sound. The trumpets sound 2H4 V.v.40
There roar'd the Sea: and Trumpet Clangour sounds. There roared the sea, and trumpet-clangour sounds. 2H4 V.v.40
Enter King Henrie the Fift, Brothers, Lord Chiefe IusticeEnter the King and his train, the Lord Chief Justice 2H4 V.v.41.1
among them 2H4 V.v.41.2
Saue thy Grace, King Hall, my Royall Hall. God save thy grace, King Hal, my royal Hal! 2H4 V.v.41
The heauens thee guard, and keepe, most royall The heavens thee guard and keep, most royal 2H4 V.v.42
Impe of Fame. imp of fame!imp (n.)
child, scion, son
2H4 V.v.43
fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
'Saue thee my sweet Boy. God save thee, my sweet boy! 2H4 V.v.44
My Lord Chiefe Iustice, speake to that My Lord Chief Justice, speak to that 2H4 V.v.45
vaine man. vain man.vain (adj.)

old form: vaine
foolish, silly, stupid
2H4 V.v.46
Haue you your wits? / Know you Have you your wits? Know you 2H4 V.v.47
what 'tis you speake? what 'tis you speak? 2H4 V.v.48
My King, my Ioue; I speake to thee, my heart. My king! My Jove! I speak to thee, my heart!Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
2H4 V.v.49
I know thee not, old man: Fall to thy Prayers: I know thee not, old man. Fall to thy prayers. 2H4 V.v.50
How ill white haires become a Foole, and Iester? How ill white hairs become a fool and jester.ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
2H4 V.v.51
become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
I haue long dream'd of such a kinde of man, I have long dreamed of such a kind of man, 2H4 V.v.52
So surfeit-swell'd, so old, and so prophane: So surfeit-swelled, so old, and so profane,surfeit-swelled (adj.)

old form: surfeit-swell'd
swollen through over-indulgence
2H4 V.v.53
But being awake, I do despise my dreame. But being awaked I do despise my dream. 2H4 V.v.54
Make lesse thy body (hence) and more thy Grace, Make less thy body hence, and more thy grace;grace (n.)
virtue, fine quality
2H4 V.v.55
Leaue gourmandizing; Know the Graue doth gape Leave gormandizing; know the grave doth gape 2H4 V.v.56
For thee, thrice wider then for other men. For thee thrice wider than for other men. 2H4 V.v.57
Reply not to me, with a Foole-borne Iest, Reply not to me with a fool-born jest. 2H4 V.v.58
Presume not, that I am the thing I was, Presume not that I am the thing I was, 2H4 V.v.59
For heauen doth know (so shall the world perceiue) For God doth know, so shall the world perceive, 2H4 V.v.60
That I haue turn'd away my former Selfe, That I have turned away my former self; 2H4 V.v.61
So will I those that kept me Companie. So will I those that kept me company. 2H4 V.v.62
When thou dost heare I am, as I haue bin, When thou dost hear I am as I have been, 2H4 V.v.63
Approach me, and thou shalt be as thou was't Approach me, and thou shalt be as thou wast, 2H4 V.v.64
The Tutor and the Feeder of my Riots: The tutor and the feeder of my riots;riot (n.)
dissipation, debauchery, wantonness
2H4 V.v.65
Till then, I banish thee, on paine of death, Till then I banish thee, on pain of death, 2H4 V.v.66
As I haue done the rest of my Misleaders, As I have done the rest of my misleaders, 2H4 V.v.67
Not to come neere our Person, by ten mile. Not to come near our person by ten mile. 2H4 V.v.68
For competence of life, I will allow you, For competence of life I will allow you,life (n.)
means of life, way of survival
2H4 V.v.69
competence (n.)
sufficiency, adequate supply
That lacke of meanes enforce you not to euill: That lack of means enforce you not to evils; 2H4 V.v.70
And as we heare you do reforme your selues, And as we hear you do reform yourselves, 2H4 V.v.71
We will according to your strength, and qualities, We will, according to your strengths and qualities, 2H4 V.v.72
Giue you aduancement. Be it your charge (my Lord) Give you advancement. (to the Lord Chief Justice) Be it your charge, my lord, 2H4 V.v.73
To see perform'd the tenure of our word. To see performed the tenor of my word. 2H4 V.v.74
Set on. Set on. 2H4 V.v.75
Exit King.Exeunt King and his train 2H4 V.v.75
Master Shallow, I owe you a thousand pound. Master Shallow, I owe you a thousand pound. 2H4 V.v.76
I marry Sir Iohn, which I beseech you to Yea, marry, Sir John, which I beseech you tomarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
2H4 V.v.77
let me haue home with me. let me have home with me. 2H4 V.v.78
That can hardly be, M. Shallow, do not That can hardly be, Master Shallow. Do not 2H4 V.v.79
you grieue at this: I shall be sent for in priuate to him: you grieve at this. I shall be sent for in private to him 2H4 V.v.80
Looke you, he must seeme thus to the world: feare not Look you, he must seem thus to the world. Fear not 2H4 V.v.81
your aduancement: I will be the man yet, that shall your advancements; I will be the man yet that shalladvancement (n.)

old form: aduancement
preferment, elevation, progress
2H4 V.v.82
make you great. make you great. 2H4 V.v.83
I cannot well perceiue how, vnlesse you should giue me I cannot perceive how, unless you give me 2H4 V.v.84
your Doublet, and stuffe me out with Straw. I beseech your doublet, and stuff me out with straw. I beseechdoublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
2H4 V.v.85
you, good Sir Iohn, let mee haue fiue hundred of my you, good Sir John, let me have five hundred of my 2H4 V.v.86
thousand. thousand. 2H4 V.v.87
Sir, I will be as good as my word. This that Sir, I will be as good as my word. This that 2H4 V.v.88
you heard, was but a colour. you heard was but a colour.colour (n.)
pretext, pretence
2H4 V.v.89
A colour I feare, that you will dye in, Sir Iohn. A colour that I fear you will die in, Sir John.collar, colour (n.)
noose, hangman's halter
2H4 V.v.90
Feare no colours, go with me to dinner: Come Fear no colours. Go with me to dinner. Come,colours, fear no
fear no enemy, fear nothing
2H4 V.v.91
Lieutenant Pistol, come Bardolfe, I shall be sent for Lieutenant Pistol; come, Bardolph. I shall be sent for 2H4 V.v.92
soone at night. soon at night.night, at
at nightfall, this evening
2H4 V.v.93
Enter the Lord Chief Justice and Prince John, with 2H4 V.v.94.1
officers 2H4 V.v.94.2
Go carry Sir Iohn Falstaffe to the Fleete, Go, carry Sir John Falstaff to the Fleet.Fleet (n.)
debtor's prison near Fleet Street, London
2H4 V.v.94
Take all his Company along with him. Take all his company along with him. 2H4 V.v.95
My Lord, my Lord. My lord, my lord –  2H4 V.v.96
I cannot now speake, I will heare you soone: I cannot now speak; I will hear you soon. 2H4 V.v.97
Take them away. Take them away. 2H4 V.v.98
Si fortuna me tormento, spera me contento. Si fortune me tormenta, spero me contenta.si fortune...
if fortune torments me, hope contents me
2H4 V.v.99
Exit. Manent Lancaster andExeunt all but Prince John and 2H4 V.v.100.1
Chiefe Iustice.the Lord Chief Justice 2H4 V.v.100.2
I like this faire proceeding of the Kings: I like this fair proceeding of the King's. 2H4 V.v.100
He hath intent his wonted Followers He hath intent his wonted followersintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
2H4 V.v.101
wonted (adj.)
accustomed, usual, customary
Shall all be very well prouided for: Shall all be very well provided for, 2H4 V.v.102
But all are banisht, till their conuersations But all are banished till their conversationsconversation (n.)

old form: conuersations
way of life, behaviour, manners, conduct
2H4 V.v.103
Appeare more wise, and modest to the world. Appear more wise and modest to the world. 2H4 V.v.104
And so they are. And so they are. 2H4 V.v.105
The King hath call'd his Parliament, My Lord. The King hath called his parliament, my lord. 2H4 V.v.106
He hath. He hath. 2H4 V.v.107
I will lay oddes, that ere this yeere expire, I will lay odds that, ere this year expire, 2H4 V.v.108
We beare our Ciuill Swords, and Natiue fire We bear our civil swords and native firecivil (adj.)

old form: Ciuill
of civil war
2H4 V.v.109
As farre as France. I heare a Bird so sing, As far as France. I heard a bird so sing, 2H4 V.v.110
Whose Musicke (to my thinking) pleas'd the King. Whose music, to my thinking, pleased the King. 2H4 V.v.111
Come, will you hence?Come, will you hence? 2H4 V.v.112
ExeuntExeunt 2H4 V.v.112
FIRST, my Feare: then, my Curtsie: last, my Speech. First, my fear; then, my curtsy; last, my speech.curtsy, curtsey (n.)

old form: Curtsie
act of courteous respect, deferential action, bow
2H4 epilogue.1

My Feare, is your Displeasure: My Curtsie, my Dutie: My fear is your displeasure; my curtsy, my duty; 2H4 epilogue.2
And my speech, to Begge your Pardons. If you looke for a and my speech, to beg your pardons. If you look for a 2H4 epilogue.3
good speech now, you vndoe me: For what I haue to say,good speech now, you undo me, for what I have to sayundo (v.)

old form: vndoe
bring to nought
2H4 epilogue.4
is of mine owne making: and what (indeed) I should say,is of mine own making; and what indeed I should say 2H4 epilogue.5
will (I doubt) prooue mine owne marring. But to thewill, I doubt, prove mine own marring. But to themarring (n.)
harm, detriment, loss
2H4 epilogue.6
doubt (v.)
fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for]
Purpose, and so to the Venture. Be it knowne to you (as itpurpose, and so to the venture. Be it known to you, as itpurpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
2H4 epilogue.7
venture (n.)
risky enterprise, hazardous attempt
is very well) I was lately heere in the end of a displeasing is very well, I was lately here in the end of a displeasinglately (adv.)
recently, of late
2H4 epilogue.8
Play, to pray your Patience for it, and to promise you aplay, to pray your patience for it, and to promise you a 2H4 epilogue.9
Better: I did meane (indeede) to pay you with this, which if better. I meant indeed to pay you with this, which, if 2H4 epilogue.10
(like an ill Venture) it come vnluckily home, I breake; and like an ill venture it come unluckily home, I break, andill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
2H4 epilogue.11
unluckily (adv.)

old form: vnluckily
unsuccessfully, disastrously
venture (n.)
deal, enterprise, business, expedition
break (v.)

old form: breake
break one's promise, not keep one's word
you, my gentle Creditors lose. Heere I promist you I you, my gentle creditors, lose. Here I promised you Igentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
2H4 epilogue.12
would be, and heere I commit my Bodie to your Mercies: would be, and here I commit my body to your mercies. 2H4 epilogue.13
Bate me some, and I will pay you some, and (as most Bate me some, and I will pay you some, and, as mostbate (v.)
[of quantities] lessen, reduce, deduct
2H4 epilogue.14
Debtors do) promise you infinitely. and so kneele downe debtors do, promise you infinitely. And so I kneel down 2H4 epilogue.15
before you; But (indeed) to pray for the Queene. before you – but, indeed, to pray for the Queen. 2H4 epilogue.16

If my Tongue cannot entreate you to acquit me: willIf my tongue cannot entreat you to acquit me, willacquit (v.)
release, free, discharge
2H4 epilogue.17
you command me to use my Legges? And yet that wereyou command me to use my legs? And yet that were 2H4 epilogue.18
but light payment, to Dance out of your debt: But abut light payment, to dance out of your debt. But a 2H4 epilogue.19
good Conscience, will make any possible satisfaction, good conscience will make any possible satisfaction, 2H4 epilogue.20
and so will I. All these Gentlewomen heere, haue forgiuen and so would I. All the gentlewomen here have forgivengentlewoman (n.)
woman of good breeding, well-born lady
2H4 epilogue.21
me, if the Gentlemen will not, then the Gentlemen do me. If the gentlemen will not, then the gentlemen do 2H4 epilogue.22
not agree with the Gentlewomen, which was neuer seene before, not agree with the gentlewomen, which was never seen 2H4 epilogue.23
in such an Assembly. in such an assembly. 2H4 epilogue.24
One word more, I beseech you: if you be not tooOne word more, I beseech you. If you be not too 2H4 epilogue.25
much cloid with Fat Meate, our humble Author will much cloyed with fat meat, our humble author willcloy (v.)

old form: cloid
satiate, gorge, satisfy
2H4 epilogue.26
continue the Story (with Sir Iohn in it) and make you continue the story, with Sir John in it, and make you 2H4 epilogue.27
merry, with faire Katherine of France: where (for any thingmerry with fair Katharine of France – where, for anything 2H4 epilogue.28
I know) Falstaffe shall dye of a sweat, vnlesse already I know, Falstaff shall die of a sweat, unless alreadysweat (n.)
sweating-sickness [type of plague]
2H4 epilogue.29
he be kill'd with your hard Opinions: For Old-Castle dyed 'a be killed with your hard opinions; for Oldcastle died 2H4 epilogue.30
a Martyr, and this is not the man. My Tongue is wearie, martyr, and this is not the man. My tongue is weary; 2H4 epilogue.31
when my Legs are too, I will bid you good night; when my legs are too, I will bid you good night. 2H4 epilogue.33
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