First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Flourish. | Flourish | | JC III.i.1.1 | |
Enter Casar, Brutus, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Metellus, | Enter Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Decius, Metellus, | | JC III.i.1.2 | |
Trebonius, Cynna, Antony, Lepidus, | Trebonius, Cinna, Antony, Lepidus, Popilius, | | JC III.i.1.3 | |
Artimedorus, Publius, and the Soothsayer. | Artemidorus, Publius, and the Soothsayer | | JC III.i.1.4 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
The Ides of March are come. | (to the Soothsayer) The ides of March are come. | ides (n.) [Roman calendar] half-way point in a month | JC III.i.1 | |
Sooth. | SOOTHSAYER | | | |
I Casar, but not gone. | Ay, Caesar, but not gone. | | JC III.i.2 | |
Art. | ARTEMIDORUS | | | |
Haile Casar: Read this Scedule. | Hail, Caesar! Read this schedule. | schedule (n.) document, paper, scroll | JC III.i.3 | |
Deci. | DECIUS | | | |
Trebonius doth desire you to ore-read | Trebonius doth desire you to o'erread, | overread, over-read (v.) read over, read through | JC III.i.4 | |
(At your best leysure) this his humble suite. | At your best leisure, this his humble suit. | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | JC III.i.5 | |
Art. | ARTEMIDORUS | | | |
O Casar, reade mine first: for mine's a suite | O Caesar, read mine first; for mine's a suit | | JC III.i.6 | |
That touches Casar neerer. Read it great Casar. | That touches Caesar nearer. Read it, great Caesar. | touch (v.) refer to, treat of, deal with | JC III.i.7 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
What touches vs our selfe, shall be last seru'd. | What touches us ourself shall be last served. | | JC III.i.8 | |
Art. | ARTEMIDORUS | | | |
Delay not Casar, read it instantly. | Delay not, Caesar. Read it instantly. | | JC III.i.9 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
What, is the fellow mad? | What, is the fellow mad? | | JC III.i.10.1 | |
Pub. | PUBLIUS | | | |
Sirra, giue place. | Sirrah, give place. | place (n.) way, room | JC III.i.10.2 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
What, vrge you your Petitions in the street? | What, urge you your petitions in the street? | | JC III.i.11 | |
Come to the Capitoll. | Come to the Capitol. | Capitol (n.) geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government | JC III.i.12 | |
| Caesar enters the Capitol, the rest following | | JC III.i.13 | |
Popil. | POPILIUS | | | |
I wish your enterprize to day may thriue. | I wish your enterprise today may thrive. | | JC III.i.13 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
What enterprize Popillius? | What enterprise, Popilius? | | JC III.i.14.1 | |
Popil. | POPILIUS | | | |
Fare you well. | Fare you well. | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | JC III.i.14.2 | |
| He goes to speak to Caesar | | JC III.i.15 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
What said Popillius Lena? | What said Popilius Lena? | | JC III.i.15 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
He wisht to day our enterprize might thriue: | He wished today our enterprise might thrive. | | JC III.i.16 | |
I feare our purpose is discouered. | I fear our purpose is discovered. | discover (v.) expose, uncover, give away | JC III.i.17 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Looke how he makes to Casar: marke him. | Look how he makes to Caesar: mark him. | make to (v.) move towards, go in the direction of | JC III.i.18 | |
| | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Caska be sodaine, for we feare preuention. | Casca, be sudden, for we fear prevention. | sudden (adj.) swift, rapid, prompt | JC III.i.19 | |
| | prevention (n.) forestalling action, preventive measure | | |
Brutus what shall be done? If this be knowne, | Brutus, what shall be done? If this be known, | | JC III.i.20 | |
Cassius or Casar neuer shall turne backe, | Cassius or Caesar never shall turn back, | turn back (v.) go back, return alive | JC III.i.21 | |
For I will slay my selfe. | For I will slay myself. | | JC III.i.22.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Cassius be constant: | Cassius, be constant: | | JC III.i.22.2 | |
Popillius Lena speakes not of our purposes, | Popilius Lena speaks not of our purposes; | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | JC III.i.23 | |
For looke he smiles, and Casar doth not change. | For look, he smiles, and Caesar doth not change. | change (v.) change countenance, turn pale | JC III.i.24 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Trebonius knowes his time: for look you Brutus | Trebonius knows his time; for look you, Brutus, | | JC III.i.25 | |
He drawes Mark Antony out of the way. | He draws Mark Antony out of the way. | | JC III.i.26 | |
| Exeunt Antony and Trebonius | | JC III.i.26 | |
Deci. | DECIUS BRUTUS | | | |
Where is Metellus Cimber, let him go, | Where is Metellus Cimber? Let him go, | | JC III.i.27 | |
And presently preferre his suite to Casar. | And presently prefer his suit to Caesar. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | JC III.i.28 | |
| | prefer (v.) promote, advance, recommend | | |
| | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
He is addrest: presse neere, and second him. | He is addressed. Press near and second him. | address (v.) prepare, make ready, poise to act | JC III.i.29 | |
Cin. | CINNA | | | |
Caska, you are the first that reares your hand. | Casca, you are the first that rears your hand. | | JC III.i.30 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Are we all ready? What is now amisse, | Are we all ready? What is now amiss | | JC III.i.31 | |
That Casar and his Senate must redresse? | That Caesar and his senate must redress? | | JC III.i.32 | |
Metel. | METELLUS | | | |
| (kneeling) | | JC III.i.33.1 | |
Most high, most mighty, and most puisant Casar | Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Caesar, | puissant (adj.) powerful, mighty, strong | JC III.i.33 | |
Metellus Cymber throwes before thy Seate | Metellus Cimber throws before thy seat | | JC III.i.34 | |
An humble heart. | An humble heart – | | JC III.i.35.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
I must preuent thee Cymber: | I must prevent thee, Cimber; | prevent (v.) forestall, anticipate | JC III.i.35.2 | |
These couchings, and these lowly courtesies | These couchings, and these lowly courtesies | courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) curtsy, bow, gesture of respect | JC III.i.36 | |
| | couching (n.) bowing, prostration, stooping | | |
Might fire the blood of ordinary men, | Might fire the blood of ordinary men, | | JC III.i.37 | |
And turne pre-Ordinance, and first Decree | And turn pre-ordinance and first decree | pre-ordinance (n.) pre-ordained law, previously established ordinance | JC III.i.38 | |
Into the lane of Children. Be not fond, | Into the law of children. Be not fond, | fond (adj.) foolish, stupid, mad | JC III.i.39 | |
To thinke that Casar beares such Rebell blood | To think that Caesar bears such rebel blood | rebel (adj.) rebellious, uncontrollable, recalcitrant | JC III.i.40 | |
| | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | | |
That will be thaw'd from the true quality | That will be thawed from the true quality | | JC III.i.41 | |
With that which melteth Fooles, I meane sweet words, | With that which melteth fools – I mean sweet words, | | JC III.i.42 | |
Low-crooked-curtsies, and base Spaniell fawning: | Low-crooked curtsies and base spaniel fawning. | spaniel (adj.) obsequious, slavish, submissive | JC III.i.43 | |
| | low-crooked (adj.) low-bending, profound | | |
| | base (adj.) low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank | | |
| | courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) curtsy, bow, gesture of respect | | |
Thy Brother by decree is banished: | Thy brother by decree is banished: | | JC III.i.44 | |
If thou doest bend, and pray, and fawne for him, | If thou dost bend and pray and fawn for him, | | JC III.i.45 | |
I spurne thee like a Curre out of my way: | I spurn thee like a cur out of my way. | spurn (v.) kick, strike, stamp [on], dash | JC III.i.46 | |
Know, Casar doth not wrong, nor without cause | Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without cause | | JC III.i.47 | |
Will he be satisfied. | Will he be satisfied. | | JC III.i.48 | |
Metel. | METELLUS | | | |
Is there no voyce more worthy then my owne, | Is there no voice more worthy than my own, | | JC III.i.49 | |
To sound more sweetly in great Casars eare, | To sound more sweetly in great Caesar's ear | | JC III.i.50 | |
For the repealing of my banish'd Brother? | For the repealing of my banished brother? | repealing (n.) recall, return from banishment | JC III.i.51 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
I kisse thy hand, but not in flattery Casar: | I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery, Caesar, | | JC III.i.52 | |
Desiring thee, that Publius Cymber may | Desiring thee that Publius Cimber may | | JC III.i.53 | |
Haue an immediate freedome of repeale. | Have an immediate freedom of repeal. | repeal (n.) recall, return from banishment | JC III.i.54 | |
| | freedom (n.) concession, privilege, permission | | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
What Brutus? | What, Brutus? | | JC III.i.55.1 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
| (kneeling) | | JC III.i.55 | |
Pardon Casar: Casar pardon: | Pardon, Caesar; Caesar, pardon; | | JC III.i.55.2 | |
As lowe as to thy foote doth Cassius fall, | As low as to thy foot doth Cassius fall, | | JC III.i.56 | |
To begge infranchisement for Publius Cymber. | To beg enfranchisement for Publius Cimber. | enfranchisement (n.) freedom, liberation, release | JC III.i.57 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
I could be well mou'd, if I were as you, | I could be well moved, if I were as you; | | JC III.i.58 | |
If I could pray to mooue, Prayers would mooue me: | If I could pray to move, prayers would move me; | | JC III.i.59 | |
But I am constant as the Northerne Starre, | But I am constant as the northern star, | northern star (n.) pole-star | JC III.i.60 | |
| | constant (adj.) unmoving, unchanging, fixed | | |
Of whose true fixt, and resting quality, | Of whose true-fixed and resting quality | resting (adj.) stationary, unchanging, stable | JC III.i.61 | |
| | true-fixed (adj.) firmly established, immovable, unwavering | | |
There is no fellow in the Firmament. | There is no fellow in the firmament. | | JC III.i.62 | |
The Skies are painted with vnnumbred sparkes, | The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks, | paint (v.) adorn, beautify, enhance | JC III.i.63 | |
| | unnumbered (adj.) innumerable, countless, uncountable | | |
They are all Fire, and euery one doth shine: | They are all fire, and every one doth shine; | | JC III.i.64 | |
But, there's but one in all doth hold his place. | But there's but one in all doth hold his place. | place (n.) precedence, proper place | JC III.i.65 | |
So, in the World; 'Tis furnish'd well with Men, | So in the world: 'tis furnished well with men, | furnish (v.) provide, supply, possess | JC III.i.66 | |
And Men are Flesh and Blood, and apprehensiue; | And men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive; | apprehensive (adj.) quick-learning, perceptive, ever alert | JC III.i.67 | |
Yet in the number, I do know but One | Yet in the number I do know but one | | JC III.i.68 | |
That vnassayleable holds on his Ranke, | That unassailable holds on his rank, | rank (n.) position, place | JC III.i.69 | |
Vnshak'd of Motion: and that I am he, | Unshaked of motion; and that I am he, | | JC III.i.70 | |
Let me a little shew it, euen in this: | Let me a little show it, even in this: | | JC III.i.71 | |
That I was constant Cymber should be banish'd, | That I was constant Cimber should be banished, | | JC III.i.72 | |
And constant do remaine to keepe him so. | And constant do remain to keep him so. | constant (adj.) settled, resolved, decided | JC III.i.73 | |
Cinna. | CINNA | | | |
O Casar. | O Caesar – | | JC III.i.74.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Hence: Wilt thou lift vp Olympus? | Hence! Wilt thou lift up Olympus? | Olympus (n.) mountainous region of N Greece; the home of the gods | JC III.i.74.2 | |
Decius. | DECIUS | | | |
Great Casar. | Great Caesar – | | JC III.i.75.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Doth not Brutus bootlesse kneele? | Doth not Brutus bootless kneel? | bootless (adv.) fruitlessly, uselessly, unsuccessfully, in vain | JC III.i.75.2 | |
Cask. | CASCA | | | |
Speake hands for me. | Speak hands for me! | | JC III.i.76 | |
They stab Casar. | They stab Caesar | | JC III.i.77 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Et Tu Brute? ---Then fall Casar. | Et tu, Brute? – Then fall Caesar! | et tu... and thou, Brutus? | JC III.i.77 | |
Dyes | He dies | | JC III.i.77 | |
Cin. | CINNA | | | |
Liberty, Freedome; Tyranny is dead, | Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! | | JC III.i.78 | |
Run hence, proclaime, cry it about the Streets. | Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets. | | JC III.i.79 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Some to the common Pulpits, and cry out | Some to the common pulpits, and cry out, | pulpit (n.) public speaking place, platform, rostrum | JC III.i.80 | |
Liberty, Freedome, and Enfranchisement. | ‘ Liberty, freedom, and enfranchisement!’ | enfranchisement (n.) freedom, liberation, release | JC III.i.81 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
People and Senators, be not affrighted: | People and senators, be not affrighted. | | JC III.i.82 | |
Fly not, stand still: Ambitions debt is paid. | Fly not; stand still; ambition's debt is paid. | | JC III.i.83 | |
Cask. | CASCA | | | |
Go to the Pulpit Brutus. | Go to the pulpit, Brutus. | pulpit (n.) public speaking place, platform, rostrum | JC III.i.84.1 | |
Dec. | DECIUS | | | |
And Cassius too. | And Cassius too. | | JC III.i.84.2 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Where's Publius? | Where's Publius? | | JC III.i.85 | |
Cin. | CINNA | | | |
Heere, quite confounded with this mutiny. | Here, quite confounded with this mutiny. | mutiny (n.) riot, civil disturbance, state of discord | JC III.i.86 | |
| | confound (v.) amaze, dumbfound, stun | | |
Met. | METELLUS | | | |
Stand fast together, least some Friend of Casars | Stand fast together, lest some friend of Caesar's | | JC III.i.87 | |
Should chance--- | Should chance – | | JC III.i.88 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Talke not of standing. Publius good cheere, | Talk not of standing. Publius, good cheer; | stand (v.) make a stand [against], fight, resist | JC III.i.89 | |
There is no harme intended to your person, | There is no harm intended to your person, | | JC III.i.90 | |
Nor to no Roman else: so tell them Publius. | Nor to no Roman else. So tell them, Publius. | | JC III.i.91 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
And leaue vs Publius, least that the people | And leave us, Publius, lest that the people, | | JC III.i.92 | |
Rushing on vs, should do your Age some mischiefe. | Rushing on us, should do your age some mischief. | age (n.) mature years, old age | JC III.i.93 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Do so, and let no man abide this deede, | Do so; and let no man abide this deed | abide (v.) pay the penalty for, suffer for, take the consequences of | JC III.i.94 | |
But we the Doers. | But we the doers. | | JC III.i.95 | |
Enter Trebonius. | Enter Trebonius | | JC III.i.96 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Where is Antony? | Where is Antony? | | JC III.i.96.1 | |
Treb. | TREBONIUS | | | |
Fled to his House amaz'd: | Fled to his house amazed. | amazed (adj.) dumbfounded, stunned, thunderstruck, overwhelmed | JC III.i.96.2 | |
Men, Wiues, and Children, stare, cry out, and run, | Men, wives, and children stare, cry out, and run, | | JC III.i.97 | |
As it were Doomesday. | As it were doomsday. | | JC III.i.98.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Fates, we will know your pleasures: | Fates, we will know your pleasures. | | JC III.i.98.2 | |
That we shall dye we know, 'tis but the time | That we shall die, we know; 'tis but the time | | JC III.i.99 | |
And drawing dayes out, that men stand vpon. | And drawing days out, that men stand upon. | draw out (v.) extend, prolong, protract | JC III.i.100 | |
| | stand upon (v.) make an issue of, insist upon, bother about | | |
Cask. | CASSIUS | | | |
Why he that cuts off twenty yeares of life, | Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life | | JC III.i.101 | |
Cuts off so many yeares of fearing death. | Cuts off so many years of fearing death. | | JC III.i.102 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Grant that, and then is Death a Benefit: | Grant that, and then is death a benefit: | | JC III.i.103 | |
So are we Casars Friends, that haue abridg'd | So are we Caesar's friends, that have abridged | abridge (v.) shorten, cut short | JC III.i.104 | |
His time of fearing death. Stoope Romans, stoope, | His time of fearing death. Stoop, Romans, stoop, | | JC III.i.105 | |
And let vs bathe our hands in Casars blood | And let us bathe our hands in Caesar's blood | | JC III.i.106 | |
Vp to the Elbowes, and besmeare our Swords: | Up to the elbows, and besmear our swords: | besmear (v.) smear over, bedaub | JC III.i.107 | |
Then walke we forth, euen to the Market place, | Then walk we forth, even to the market-place, | | JC III.i.108 | |
And wauing our red Weapons o're our heads, | And waving our red weapons o'er our heads, | | JC III.i.109 | |
Let's all cry Peace, Freedome, and Liberty. | Let's all cry, ‘ Peace, freedom, and liberty!’ | | JC III.i.110 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Stoop then, and wash. How many Ages hence | Stoop then, and wash. How many ages hence | | JC III.i.111 | |
Shall this our lofty Scene be acted ouer, | Shall this our lofty scene be acted over, | | JC III.i.112 | |
In State vnborne, and Accents yet vnknowne? | In states unborn, and accents yet unknown! | accent (n.) language, tongue | JC III.i.113 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
How many times shall Casar bleed in sport, | How many times shall Caesar bleed in sport, | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | JC III.i.114 | |
That now on Pompeyes Basis lye along, | That now on Pompey's basis lies along, | basis (n.) pedestal | JC III.i.115 | |
| | along (adv.) at full length, stretched out, prostrate | | |
No worthier then the dust? | No worthier than the dust! | | JC III.i.116.1 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
So oft as that shall be, | So oft as that shall be, | oft (adv.) often | JC III.i.116.2 | |
So often shall the knot of vs be call'd, | So often shall the knot of us be called | knot (n.) company, band, assembly | JC III.i.117 | |
The Men that gaue their Country liberty. | The men that gave their country liberty. | | JC III.i.118 | |
Dec. | DECIUS | | | |
What, shall we forth? | What, shall we forth? | | JC III.i.119.1 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
I, euery man away. | Ay, every man away. | | JC III.i.119.2 | |
Brutus shall leade, and we will grace his heeles | Brutus shall lead, and we will grace his heels | grace (v.) favour, add merit to, do honour to | JC III.i.120 | |
With the most boldest, and best hearts of Rome. | With the most boldest and best hearts of Rome. | | JC III.i.121 | |
Enter a Seruant. | Enter a Servant | | JC III.i.122.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Soft, who comes heere? A friend of Antonies. | Soft, who comes here? A friend of Antony's. | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | JC III.i.122 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
| (kneeling) | | JC III.i.123 | |
Thus Brutus did my Master bid me kneele; | Thus, Brutus, did my master bid me kneel; | | JC III.i.123 | |
Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall downe, | Thus did Mark Antony bid me fall down; | | JC III.i.124 | |
And being prostrate, thus he bad me say: | And, being prostrate, thus he bade me say: | bid (v.), past form bade command, order, enjoin, tell | JC III.i.125 | |
Brutus is Noble, Wise, Valiant, and Honest; | Brutus is noble, wise, valiant, and honest; | honest (adj.) honourable, respectable, upright | JC III.i.126 | |
Casar was Mighty, Bold, Royall, and Louing: | Caesar was mighty, bold, royal, and loving: | royal (adj.) generous, munificent, bountiful | JC III.i.127 | |
Say, I loue Brutus, and I honour him; | Say I love Brutus, and I honour him; | | JC III.i.128 | |
Say, I fear'd Casar, honour'd him, and lou'd him. | Say I feared Caesar, honoured him, and loved him. | | JC III.i.129 | |
If Brutus will vouchsafe, that Antony | If Brutus will vouchsafe that Antony | vouchsafe (v.) allow, permit, grant | JC III.i.130 | |
May safely come to him, and be resolu'd | May safely come to him, and be resolved | | JC III.i.131 | |
How Casar hath deseru'd to lye in death, | How Caesar hath deserved to lie in death, | | JC III.i.132 | |
Mark Antony, shall not loue Casar dead | Mark Antony shall not love Caesar dead | | JC III.i.133 | |
So well as Brutus liuing; but will follow | So well as Brutus living; but will follow | | JC III.i.134 | |
The Fortunes and Affayres of Noble Brutus, | The fortunes and affairs of noble Brutus | | JC III.i.135 | |
Thorough the hazards of this vntrod State, | Thorough the hazards of this untrod state, | state (n.) condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs | JC III.i.136 | |
| | thorough (prep.) through | | |
| | untrod (adj.) unprecedented, untraversed | | |
With all true Faith. So sayes my Master Antony. | With all true faith. So says my master Antony. | | JC III.i.137 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Thy Master is a Wise and Valiant Romane, | Thy master is a wise and valiant Roman; | | JC III.i.138 | |
I neuer thought him worse: | I never thought him worse. | | JC III.i.139 | |
Tell him, so please him come vnto this place | Tell him, so please him come unto this place, | | JC III.i.140 | |
He shall be satisfied: and by my Honor | He shall be satisfied; and, by my honour, | | JC III.i.141 | |
Depart vntouch'd. | Depart untouched. | | JC III.i.142.1 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
Ile fetch him presently. | I'll fetch him presently. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | JC III.i.142.2 | |
Exit Seruant. | Exit Servant | | JC III.i.143.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
I know that we shall haue him well to Friend. | I know that we shall have him well to friend. | to (prep.) as | JC III.i.143 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
I wish we may: But yet haue I a minde | I wish we may: but yet have I a mind | mind (n.) feeling, presentiment, misgiving | JC III.i.144 | |
That feares him much: and my misgiuing still | That fears him much; and my misgiving still | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | JC III.i.145 | |
Falles shrewdly to the purpose. | Falls shrewdly to the purpose. | purpose (n.) point at issue, matter in hand | JC III.i.146 | |
| | fall (v.) work out, happen, turn out | | |
| | shrewdly (adv.) seriously, mightily, very much | | |
Enter Antony. | Enter Antony | | JC III.i.147 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
But heere comes Antony: / Welcome Mark Antony. | But here comes Antony. Welcome, Mark Antony. | | JC III.i.147 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
O mighty Casar! Dost thou lye so lowe? | O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? | | JC III.i.148 | |
Are all thy Conquests, Glories, Triumphes, Spoiles, | Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils | | JC III.i.149 | |
Shrunke to this little Measure? Fare thee well. | Shrunk to this little measure? Fare thee well. | measure (n.) extent, size, amount, quantity, mass | JC III.i.150 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
I know not Gentlemen what you intend, | I know not, gentlemen, what you intend, | | JC III.i.151 | |
Who else must be let blood, who else is ranke: | Who else must be let blood, who else is rank: | rank (adj.) foul, festering, diseased | JC III.i.152 | |
| | let blood slaughter, kill, massacre | | |
If I my selfe, there is no houre so fit | If I myself, there is no hour so fit | | JC III.i.153 | |
As Casars deaths houre; nor no Instrument | As Caesar's death's hour; nor no instrument | | JC III.i.154 | |
Of halfe that worth, as those your Swords; made rich | Of half that worth as those your swords, made rich | | JC III.i.155 | |
With the most Noble blood of all this World. | With the most noble blood of all this world. | | JC III.i.156 | |
I do beseech yee, if you beare me hard, | I do beseech ye, if you bear me hard, | bear hard bear ill will towards, feel resentment against | JC III.i.157 | |
Now, whil'st your purpled hands do reeke and smoake, | Now, whilst your purpled hands do reek and smoke, | purpled (adj.) reddened with blood, bloodstained | JC III.i.158 | |
| | reek (v.) steam, smoke, give off vapour | | |
Fulfill your pleasure. Liue a thousand yeeres, | Fulfil your pleasure. Live a thousand years, | | JC III.i.159 | |
I shall not finde my selfe so apt to dye. | I shall not find myself so apt to die; | apt (adj.) fit, ready, prepared | JC III.i.160 | |
No place will please me so, no meane of death, | No place will please me so, no mean of death, | mean (n.) means, way, method | JC III.i.161 | |
As heere by Casar, and by you cut off, | As here by Caesar, and by you cut off, | | JC III.i.162 | |
The Choice and Master Spirits of this Age. | The choice and master spirits of this age. | choice (adj.) chosen, specially worthy, excellent | JC III.i.163 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
O Antony! Begge not your death of vs: | O Antony, beg not your death of us. | | JC III.i.164 | |
Though now we must appeare bloody and cruell, | Though now we must appear bloody and cruel, | | JC III.i.165 | |
As by our hands, and this our present Acte | As by our hands and this our present act | | JC III.i.166 | |
You see we do: Yet see you but our hands, | You see we do, yet see you but our hands | | JC III.i.167 | |
And this, the bleeding businesse they haue done: | And this the bleeding business they have done. | bleeding (adj.) bloody, blood-soaked, bloodstained | JC III.i.168 | |
Our hearts you see not, they are pittifull: | Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; | pitiful (adj.) compassionate, merciful, tender | JC III.i.169 | |
And pitty to the generall wrong of Rome, | And pity to the general wrong of Rome – | | JC III.i.170 | |
As fire driues out fire, so pitty, pitty | As fire drives out fire, so pity, pity – | | JC III.i.171 | |
Hath done this deed on Casar. For your part, | Hath done this deed on Caesar. For your part, | | JC III.i.172 | |
To you, our Swords haue leaden points Marke Antony: | To you our swords have leaden points, Mark Antony; | leaden (adj.) heavy, dull, spiritless | JC III.i.173 | |
Our Armes in strength of malice, and our Hearts | Our arms in strength of malice, and our hearts | | JC III.i.174 | |
Of Brothers temper, do receiue you in, | Of brothers' temper, do receive you in | temper (n.) frame of mind, temperament, disposition | JC III.i.175 | |
With all kinde loue, good thoughts, and reuerence. | With all kind love, good thoughts, and reverence. | | JC III.i.176 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Your voyce shall be as strong as any mans, | Your voice shall be as strong as any man's | | JC III.i.177 | |
In the disposing of new Dignities. | In the disposing of new dignities. | dignity (n.) official position, high office, rule | JC III.i.178 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Onely be patient, till we haue appeas'd | Only be patient till we have appeased | | JC III.i.179 | |
The Multitude, beside themselues with feare, | The multitude, beside themselves with fear, | | JC III.i.180 | |
And then, we will deliuer you the cause, | And then we will deliver you the cause | deliver (v.) report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe | JC III.i.181 | |
Why I, that did loue Casar when I strooke him, | Why I, that did love Caesar when I struck him, | | JC III.i.182 | |
Haue thus proceeded. | Have thus proceeded. | | JC III.i.183.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
I doubt not of your Wisedome: | I doubt not of your wisdom. | | JC III.i.183.2 | |
Let each man render me his bloody hand. | Let each man render me his bloody hand. | | JC III.i.184 | |
First Marcus Brutus will I shake with you; | First, Marcus Brutus, will I shake with you; | | JC III.i.185 | |
Next Caius Cassius do I take your hand; | Next, Caius Cassius, do I take your hand; | | JC III.i.186 | |
Now Decius Brutus yours; now yours Metellus; | Now, Decius Brutus, yours; now yours, Metellus; | | JC III.i.187 | |
Yours Cinna; and my valiant Caska, yours; | Yours, Cinna; and, my valiant Casca, yours; | | JC III.i.188 | |
Though last, not least in loue, yours good Trebonius. | Though last, not least in love, yours, good Trebonius. | | JC III.i.189 | |
Gentlemen all: Alas, what shall I say, | Gentlemen all – alas, what shall I say? | | JC III.i.190 | |
My credit now stands on such slippery ground, | My credit now stands on such slippery ground, | credit (n.) credibility, believing, belief | JC III.i.191 | |
That one of two bad wayes you must conceit me, | That one of two bad ways you must conceit me, | conceit (v.) conceive an idea [of], think, imagine | JC III.i.192 | |
Either a Coward, or a Flatterer. | Either a coward, or a flatterer. | | JC III.i.193 | |
That I did loue thee Casar, O 'tis true: | That I did love thee, Caesar, O, 'tis true! | | JC III.i.194 | |
If then thy Spirit looke vpon vs now, | If then thy spirit look upon us now, | | JC III.i.195 | |
Shall it not greeue thee deerer then thy death, | Shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death, | dear (adv.) sorely, keenly, bitterly | JC III.i.196 | |
To see thy Antony making his peace, | To see thy Antony making his peace, | | JC III.i.197 | |
Shaking the bloody fingers of thy Foes? | Shaking the bloody fingers of thy foes, | | JC III.i.198 | |
Most Noble, in the presence of thy Coarse, | Most noble, in the presence of thy corse? | corse (n.) corpse, dead body | JC III.i.199 | |
Had I as many eyes, as thou hast wounds, | Had I as many eyes as thou hast wounds, | | JC III.i.200 | |
Weeping as fast as they streame forth thy blood, | Weeping as fast as they stream forth thy blood, | | JC III.i.201 | |
It would become me better, then to close | It would become me better than to close | close (v.) agree, come to terms, compromise | JC III.i.202 | |
| | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | | |
In tearmes of Friendship with thine enemies. | In terms of friendship with thine enemies. | | JC III.i.203 | |
Pardon me Iulius, heere was't thou bay'd braue Hart, | Pardon me, Julius! Here wast thou bayed, brave hart; | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | JC III.i.204 | |
| | bay (v.) bring to bay, drive to a last stand | | |
Heere did'st thou fall, and heere thy Hunters stand | Here didst thou fall; and here thy hunters stand, | | JC III.i.205 | |
Sign'd in thy Spoyle, and Crimson'd in thy Lethee. | Signed in thy spoil, and crimsoned in thy lethe. | spoil (n.) slaughter, destruction, ruination | JC III.i.206 | |
| | sign (v.) mark distinctively, bear a signature | | |
| | lethe (n.) [pron: 'leethee] death, oblivion, life-blood | | |
O World! thou wast the Forrest to this Hart, | O world, thou wast the forest to this hart; | | JC III.i.207 | |
And this indeed, O World, the Hart of thee. | And this indeed, O world, the heart of thee. | | JC III.i.208 | |
How like a Deere, stroken by many Princes, | How like a deer, strucken by many princes, | | JC III.i.209 | |
Dost thou heere lye? | Dost thou here lie! | | JC III.i.210 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Mark Antony. | Mark Antony – | | JC III.i.211.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Pardon me Caius Cassius: | Pardon me, Caius Cassius; | | JC III.i.211.2 | |
The Enemies of Casar, shall say this: | The enemies of Caesar shall say this; | | JC III.i.212 | |
Then, in a Friend, it is cold Modestie. | Then, in a friend, it is cold modesty. | modesty (n.) moderation, restraint, discipline | JC III.i.213 | |
| | cold (adj.) calm, cool, deliberate | | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
I blame you not for praising Casar so, | I blame you not for praising Caesar so; | | JC III.i.214 | |
But what compact meane you to haue with vs? | But what compact mean you to have with us? | compact (n.) agreement, contract, covenant | JC III.i.215 | |
Will you be prick'd in number of our Friends, | Will you be pricked in number of our friends, | prick down, prick (v.) mark (down), put on a list, record in writing | JC III.i.216 | |
Or shall we on, and not depend on you? | Or shall we on, and not depend on you? | | JC III.i.217 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Therefore I tooke your hands, but was indeed | Therefore I took your hands, but was indeed | | JC III.i.218 | |
Sway'd from the point, by looking downe on Casar. | Swayed from the point by looking down on Caesar. | | JC III.i.219 | |
Friends am I with you all, and loue you all, | Friends am I with you all, and love you all, | | JC III.i.220 | |
Vpon this hope, that you shall giue me Reasons, | Upon this hope, that you shall give me reasons | | JC III.i.221 | |
Why, and wherein, Casar was dangerous. | Why, and wherein, Caesar was dangerous. | | JC III.i.222 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Or else were this a sauage Spectacle: | Or else were this a savage spectacle. | | JC III.i.223 | |
Our Reasons are so full of good regard, | Our reasons are so full of good regard, | regard (n.) consideration, respect, factor | JC III.i.224 | |
That were you Antony, the Sonne of Casar, | That were you, Antony, the son of Caesar, | | JC III.i.225 | |
You should be satisfied. | You should be satisfied. | | JC III.i.226.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
That's all I seeke, | That's all I seek, | | JC III.i.226.2 | |
And am moreouer sutor, that I may | And am moreover suitor that I may | | JC III.i.227 | |
Produce his body to the Market-place, | Produce his body to the market-place, | | JC III.i.228 | |
And in the Pulpit as becomes a Friend, | And in the pulpit, as becomes a friend, | pulpit (n.) public speaking place, platform, rostrum | JC III.i.229 | |
| | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | | |
Speake in the Order of his Funerall. | Speak in the order of his funeral. | order (n.) arrangement, disposition, direction | JC III.i.230 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
You shall Marke Antony. | You shall, Mark Antony. | | JC III.i.231.1 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
Brutus, a word with you: | Brutus, a word with you. | | JC III.i.231.2 | |
You know not what you do; Do not consent | (aside to Brutus) You know not what you do; do not consent | | JC III.i.232 | |
That Antony speake in his Funerall: | That Antony speak in his funeral. | | JC III.i.233 | |
Know you how much the people may be mou'd | Know you how much the people may be moved | | JC III.i.234 | |
By that which he will vtter. | By that which he will utter? | | JC III.i.235.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
| (aside to Cassius) | | JC III.i.235 | |
By your pardon: | By your pardon: | | JC III.i.235.2 | |
I will my selfe into the Pulpit first, | I will myself into the pulpit first, | | JC III.i.236 | |
And shew the reason of our Casars death. | And show the reason of our Caesar's death. | | JC III.i.237 | |
What Antony shall speake, I will protest | What Antony shall speak, I will protest | protest (v.) make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim | JC III.i.238 | |
He speakes by leaue, and by permission: | He speaks by leave and by permission; | | JC III.i.239 | |
And that we are contented Casar shall | And that we are contented Caesar shall | | JC III.i.240 | |
Haue all true Rites, and lawfull Ceremonies, | Have all true rites and lawful ceremonies, | true (adj.) legitimate, rightful, honourable | JC III.i.241 | |
It shall aduantage more, then do vs wrong. | It shall advantage more than do us wrong. | advantage (v.) benefit, help, aid | JC III.i.242 | |
Cassi. | CASSIUS | | | |
| (aside to Brutus) | | JC III.i.243.1 | |
I know not what may fall, I like it not. | I know not what may fall; I like it not. | fall (v.) work out, happen, turn out | JC III.i.243 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Mark Antony, heere take you Casars body: | Mark Antony, here take you Caesar's body. | | JC III.i.244 | |
You shall not in your Funerall speech blame vs, | You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, | | JC III.i.245 | |
But speake all good you can deuise of Casar, | But speak all good you can devise of Caesar, | | JC III.i.246 | |
And say you doo't by our permission: | And say you do't by our permission; | | JC III.i.247 | |
Else shall you not haue any hand at all | Else shall you not have any hand at all | | JC III.i.248 | |
About his Funerall. And you shall speake | About his funeral. And you shall speak | | JC III.i.249 | |
In the same Pulpit whereto I am going, | In the same pulpit whereto I am going, | | JC III.i.250 | |
After my speech is ended. | After my speech is ended. | | JC III.i.251.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Be it so: | Be it so; | | JC III.i.251.2 | |
I do desire no more. | I do desire no more. | | JC III.i.252 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Prepare the body then, and follow vs. | Prepare the body, then, and follow us. | | JC III.i.253 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | JC III.i.253 | |
Manet Antony. | Antony remains | | JC III.i.254 | |
| ANTONY | | | |
O pardon me, thou bleeding peece of Earth: | O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, | | JC III.i.254 | |
That I am meeke and gentle with these Butchers. | That I am meek and gentle with these butchers. | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | JC III.i.255 | |
Thou art the Ruines of the Noblest man | Thou art the ruins of the noblest man | | JC III.i.256 | |
That euer liued in the Tide of Times. | That ever lived in the tide of times. | time (n.) past time, history | JC III.i.257 | |
| | tide (n.) course, stream, passage | | |
Woe to the hand that shed this costly Blood. | Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood! | | JC III.i.258 | |
Ouer thy wounds, now do I Prophesie, | Over thy wounds now do I prophesy – | | JC III.i.259 | |
(Which like dumbe mouthes do ope their Ruby lips, | Which like dumb mouths do ope their ruby lips, | ope (v.) open | JC III.i.260 | |
To begge the voyce and vtterance of my Tongue) | To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue – | | JC III.i.261 | |
A Curse shall light vpon the limbes of men; | A curse shall light upon the limbs of men; | | JC III.i.262 | |
Domesticke Fury, and fierce Ciuill strife, | Domestic fury and fierce civil strife | domestic (adj.) internal, to do with home affairs, local | JC III.i.263 | |
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy: | Shall cumber all the parts of Italy; | cumber (v.) distress, trouble, burden | JC III.i.264 | |
Blood and destruction shall be so in vse, | Blood and destruction shall be so in use | use (n.) usual practice, habit, custom | JC III.i.265 | |
And dreadfull Obiects so familiar, | And dreadful objects so familiar, | | JC III.i.266 | |
That Mothers shall but smile, when they behold | That mothers shall but smile when they behold | | JC III.i.267 | |
Their Infants quartered with the hands of Warre: | Their infants quartered with the hands of war, | quarter (v.) cut to pieces, hack, mutilate | JC III.i.268 | |
All pitty choak'd with custome of fell deeds, | All pity choked with custom of fell deeds; | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | JC III.i.269 | |
| | custom (n.) habit, usual practice, customary use | | |
And Casars Spirit ranging for Reuenge, | And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge, | range (v.) wander freely, roam, rove | JC III.i.270 | |
With Ate by his side, come hot from Hell, | With Ate by his side, come hot from hell, | Ate (n.) [pron: 'ahtee] Greek goddess of discord and vengeance | JC III.i.271 | |
Shall in these Confines, with a Monarkes voyce, | Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice | confine (n.) territory, region, domain | JC III.i.272 | |
Cry hauocke, and let slip the Dogges of Warre, | Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war, | slip, let let go, allow to leave, unleash | JC III.i.273 | |
| | havoc (n.) [in fighting and hunting: calling for] total slaughter, general devastation | | |
That this foule deede, shall smell aboue the earth | That this foul deed shall smell above the earth | | JC III.i.274 | |
With Carrion men, groaning for Buriall. | With carrion men, groaning for burial. | carrion (adj.) lean as carrion, skeleton-like; or: putrefying | JC III.i.275 | |
Enter Octauio's Seruant. | Enter Octavius's Servant | | JC III.i.276 | |
You serue Octauius Casar, do you not? | You serve Octavius Caesar, do you not? | | JC III.i.276 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
I do Marke Antony. | I do, Mark Antony. | | JC III.i.277 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Casar did write for him to come to Rome. | Caesar did write for him to come to Rome. | | JC III.i.278 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
He did receiue his Letters, and is comming, | He did receive his letters, and is coming, | | JC III.i.279 | |
And bid me say to you by word of mouth--- | And bid me say to you by word of mouth – | | JC III.i.280 | |
O Casar! | O Caesar! | | JC III.i.281 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Thy heart is bigge: get thee a-part and weepe: | Thy heart is big; get thee apart and weep. | big (adj.) pregnant [with], swollen | JC III.i.282 | |
Passion I see is catching from mine eyes, | Passion, I see, is catching, for mine eyes, | passion (n.) suffering, torment, deep grief | JC III.i.283 | |
Seeing those Beads of sorrow stand in thine, | Seeing those beads of sorrow stand in thine, | bead (n.) drop of liquid, tear-drop | JC III.i.284 | |
Began to water. Is thy Master comming? | Began to water. Is thy master coming? | | JC III.i.285 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
He lies to night within seuen Leagues of Rome. | He lies tonight within seven leagues of Rome. | lie (v.) live, dwell, reside, lodge | JC III.i.286 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Post backe with speede, / And tell him what hath chanc'd: | Post back with speed, and tell him what hath chanced. | chance (v.) happen [to], transpire, come about | JC III.i.287 | |
| | post (v.) hasten, speed, ride fast | | |
Heere is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome, | Here is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome, | | JC III.i.288 | |
No Rome of safety for Octauius yet, | No Rome of safety for Octavius yet. | | JC III.i.289 | |
Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet stay a-while, | Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet stay awhile; | hie (v.) hasten, hurry, speed | JC III.i.290 | |
Thou shalt not backe, till I haue borne this course | Thou shalt not back till I have borne this corse | corse (n.) corpse, dead body | JC III.i.291 | |
Into the Market place: There shall I try | Into the market-place; there shall I try, | try (v.) prove, ascertain, find out | JC III.i.292 | |
In my Oration, how the People take | In my oration, how the people take | | JC III.i.293 | |
The cruell issue of these bloody men, | The cruel issue of these bloody men; | issue (n.) action, deed, proceeding | JC III.i.294 | |
According to the which, thou shalt discourse | According to the which, thou shalt discourse | discourse (v.) relate, talk about, recount | JC III.i.295 | |
To yong Octauius, of the state of things. | To young Octavius of the state of things. | | JC III.i.296 | |
Lend me your hand. | Lend me your hand. | | JC III.i.297 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | JC III.i.297 | |