| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter at one doore Derby from Eraunce, At an other doore, Audley with a Drum. | Enter at one door Derby from France, at an other door Audley with a drum | | E3 II.ii.1 | |
Der. | DERBY | | | |
Thrice noble Audley, well incountred heere, | Thrice noble Audley, well encountered here! | | E3 II.ii.1 | |
How is it with oursoueraigne and his peeres? | How is it with our sovereign and his peers? | | E3 II.ii.2 | |
Aud. | AUDLEY | | | |
Tis full a fortnight since I saw his highnes, | 'Tis full a fortnight since I saw his highness, | | E3 II.ii.3 | |
What time he sent me forth to muster men, | What time he sent me forth to muster men, | | E3 II.ii.4 | |
Which I accordingly haue done and bring them hither, | Which I accordingly have done, and bring them hither | | E3 II.ii.5 | |
In faire aray before his maiestie: | In fair array before his majesty. | fair (adj.) fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent | E3 II.ii.6 | |
| | array (n.) readiness for combat, warlike state | | |
King. What newes my Lord of Derby from the Emperor. | What news, my lord of Derby, from the Emperor? | | E3 II.ii.7 | |
Der. | DERBY | | | |
As good as we desire: the Emperor | As good as we desire: the Emperor | | E3 II.ii.8 | |
Hath yeelded to his highnes friendly ayd, | Hath yielded to his highness friendly aid, | | E3 II.ii.9 | |
And makes our king leiuetenant generall | And makes our king lieutenant-general | | E3 II.ii.10 | |
In all his lands and large dominions, | In all his lands and large dominions. | dominion (n.) land, territory, province | E3 II.ii.11 | |
Then via for the spatious bounds of Fraunce; | Then via for the spacious bounds of France! | bound (n.) territory, region, domain | E3 II.ii.12 | |
| | via, fia (int.) forward, onward | | |
Aud. | AUDLEY | | | |
What doth his highnes leap to heare these newes? | What, doth his highness leap to hear these news? | leap (v.) rejoice, enthuse, exult | E3 II.ii.13 | |
Der. | DERBY | | | |
Ihaue not yet found time to open them, | I have not yet found time to open them. | open (v.) announce, communicate, divulge | E3 II.ii.14 | |
The king is in his closet malcontent, | The King is in his closet, malcontent, | malcontent (adj.) discontented, disaffected, dissatisfied | E3 II.ii.15 | |
| | closet (n.) private chamber, study, own room | | |
For what I know not, but he gaue in charge, | For what I know not, but he gave in charge | give in charge give orders, command, direct | E3 II.ii.16 | |
Till after dinner, none should interrupt him: | Till after dinner none should interrupt him. | | E3 II.ii.17 | |
The Countesse Salisbury, and her father Warwike, | The Countess Salisbury and her father Warwick, | | E3 II.ii.18 | |
Artoyes, and all looke vnderneath the browes. | Artois, and all, look underneath the brows. | brow (n.) eyebrow | E3 II.ii.19 | |
Aud. | AUDLEY | | | |
Vndoubtedly then some thing is a misse. | Undoubtedly then something is amiss. | | E3 II.ii.20 | |
| Trumpet within | | E3 II.ii.21.1 | |
Dar. | DERBY | | | |
The Trumpets sound, the king is now abroad, | The trumpets sound; the King is now abroad. | abroad (adv.) around, about, on the move | E3 II.ii.21 | |
Enter the King. | Enter the King | | E3 II.ii.22 | |
Ar. | AUDLEY | | | |
Hhere comes his highnes. | Here comes his highness. | | E3 II.ii.22 | |
Der. | DERBY | | | |
Befall my soueraigne, all my soueraignes wish, | Befall my sovereign all my sovereign's wish! | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen to, come to | E3 II.ii.23 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Ah that thou wert a Witch to make it so. | Ah, that thou wert a witch to make it so! | | E3 II.ii.24 | |
Der. | DERBY | | | |
The Emperour greeteth you. | The Emperor greeteth you – (presenting letters) | | E3 II.ii.25.1 | |
Kin. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Would it were the Countesse. | Would it were the Countess! | | E3 II.ii.25.2 | |
Der. | DERBY | | | |
And hath accorded to your highnes suite, | And hath accorded to your highness' suit – | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | E3 II.ii.26 | |
| | accord (v.) agree, assent, consent | | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Thou lyest she hath not, but I would she had, | Thou liest, she hath not; but I would she had. | | E3 II.ii.27 | |
Au. | AUDLEY | | | |
All loue and duety to my Lord the King. | All love and duty to my lord the king! | | E3 II.ii.28 | |
Kin. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Well all but one is none, what newes with you? | Well, all but one is none. – What news with you? | | E3 II.ii.29 | |
Au. | AUDLEY | | | |
I haue my liege, leuied those horse and foote. | I have, my liege, levied those horse and foot | levy (v.) enlist, conscript, muster | E3 II.ii.30 | |
| | horse (n.) cavalry, horse soldiers | | |
| | foot (n.) foot-soldiers, infantry | | |
| | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | | |
According as your charge, and brought them hither. | According as your charge, and brought them hither. | according as (prep.) according to | E3 II.ii.31 | |
| | charge (n.) command, order, injunction, instruction | | |
Kin. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Then let those foote trudge hence vpon those horse, | Then let those foot trudge hence upon those horse, | trudge (v.) go away, depart, leave | E3 II.ii.32 | |
According too our discharge and be gonne: | According to our discharge, and be gone. – | discharge (n.) dismissal, permission to leave | E3 II.ii.33 | |
Darby Ile looke vpon the Countesse minde anone, | Derby, I'll look upon the Countess' mind anon. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | E3 II.ii.34 | |
Dar. | DERBY | | | |
The Countesse minde my liege. | The Countess' mind, my liege? | | E3 II.ii.35 | |
Kin. | KING EDWARD | | | |
I meane the Emperour, leaue me alone. | I mean the Emperor. – Leave me alone. | | E3 II.ii.36 | |
Au. | AUDLEY | | | |
What is his mind? | What's in his mind? | | E3 II.ii.37.1 | |
Dar. | DERBY | | | |
Lets leaue him to his humor. | Let's leave him to his humour. | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | E3 II.ii.37.2 | |
Exunt. | Exeunt Derby and Audley | | E3 II.ii.38 | |
Ki. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Thus from the harts aboundant speakes the tongue, | Thus from the heart's abundance speaks the tongue: | | E3 II.ii.38 | |
Countesse for Emperour, and indeed why not? | ‘ Countess ’ for ‘ Emperor ’ – and indeed, why not? | | E3 II.ii.39 | |
She is as imperator ouer me, and I to her | She is as imperator over me, and I to her | imperator (n.) emperor, absolute ruler, sovereign | E3 II.ii.40 | |
Am as a kneeling vassaile that obserues, | Am as a kneeling vassal, that observes | vassal (n.) servant, slave, subject | E3 II.ii.41 | |
The pleasure, or displeasure of her eye | The pleasure or displeasure of her eye. | | E3 II.ii.42 | |
Enter Lodwike. | Enter Lodowick | | E3 II.ii.43.1 | |
Ki. What saies the more then Cleopatras match, | What says the more than Cleopatra's match | Cleopatra (n.) Egyptian queen in 1st-c BC | E3 II.ii.43 | |
To Casar now? | To Caesar now? | | E3 II.ii.44.1 | |
Lo. | LODOWICK | | | |
That yet my liege ere night, | That yet, my liege, ere night | | E3 II.ii.44.2 | |
She will resolue your maiestie. | She will resolve your majesty. | resolve (v.) answer, respond to | E3 II.ii.45 | |
| Drum within | | E3 II.ii.46 | |
Ki. | KING EDWARD | | | |
What drum is this that thunders forth this march, | What drum is this that thunders forth this march | | E3 II.ii.46 | |
To start the tender Cupid in my bosome, | To start the tender Cupid in my bosom? | start (v.) startle, alarm, disturb | E3 II.ii.47 | |
| | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | | |
Poore shipskin how it braules with him that beateth it: | Poor sheepskin, how it brawls with him that beateth it! | sheepskin (n.) [descriptive of a] drum [the skin of a sheep being used for the making of drumheads] | E3 II.ii.48 | |
| | brawl (v.) quarrel, squabble, contend | | |
Go breake the thundring parchment bottome out, | Go, break the thund'ring parchment-bottom out, | out (adv.) fully, completely, outright, totally | E3 II.ii.49 | |
| | parchment-bottom (n.) [descriptive of a] drum | | |
| | break (v.) wear out, exhaust | | |
And I will teach it to conduct sweete lynes, | And I will teach it to conduct sweet lines | conduct (v.) carry, convey, direct | E3 II.ii.50 | |
Vnto the bosome of a heauenly Nymph, | Unto the bosom of a heavenly nymph; | | E3 II.ii.51 | |
For I wiii vse it as my writing paper, | For I will use it as my writing paper, | | E3 II.ii.52 | |
And so reduce him from a scoulding drum, | And so reduce him from a scolding drum | | E3 II.ii.53 | |
To be the herald and deare counsaiie bearer, | To be the herald and dear counsel-bearer | counsel-bearer (n.) carrier of private messages | E3 II.ii.54 | |
Betwixt a goddesse, and a mighty king: | Betwixt a goddess and a mighty king. | | E3 II.ii.55 | |
Go bid the drummer learne to touch the Lute, | Go, bid the drummer learn to touch the lute, | touch (v.) finger, sound, play on | E3 II.ii.56 | |
Or hang him in the braces of his drum, | Or hang him in the braces of his drum, | brace (n.) cord, strap, thong | E3 II.ii.57 | |
For now we thinke it an vnciuill thing, | For now we think it an uncivil thing | uncivil (adj.) uncivilized, barbarous, unrefined | E3 II.ii.58 | |
To trouble heauen wrth such harsh resounds, | To trouble heaven with such harsh resounds. | resound (v.) resounding noise, reverberation | E3 II.ii.59 | |
Away. | Away! | | E3 II.ii.60 | |
Exit. | Exit Lodowick | | E3 II.ii.60 | |
The quarrell that I haue requires no armes, | The quarrel that I have requires no arms | | E3 II.ii.61 | |
But these of myne, and these shall meete my foe, | But these of mine; and these shall meet my foe | | E3 II.ii.62 | |
In a deepe march of penytrable grones, | In a deep march of penetrable groans; | march (n.) sequence, rhythmical movement | E3 II.ii.63 | |
| | penetrable (adj.) penetrating, piercing | | |
My eyes shall be my arrowes, and my sighes | My eyes shall be my arrows, and my sighs | | E3 II.ii.64 | |
Shall serue me as the vantage of the winde, | Shall serve me as the vantage of the wind, | vantage (n.) right moment, suitable opportunity | E3 II.ii.65 | |
To wherle away my sweetest artyllerie: | To whirl away my sweetest artillery. | | E3 II.ii.66 | |
Ah but alas she winnes the sunne of me, | Ah, but alas, she wins the sun of me, | | E3 II.ii.67 | |
For that is she her selfe, and thence it comes, | For that is she herself, and thence it comes | | E3 II.ii.68 | |
That Poets tearme, the wanton warriour blinde: | That poets term the wanton warrior blind; | wanton (adj.) unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled | E3 II.ii.69 | |
But loue hath eyes as iudgement to his steps, | But love hath eyes as judgement to his steps, | judgement (n.) guide, leader, director | E3 II.ii.70 | |
Till two much loued glory dazles them? | Till too much loved glory dazzles them. – | glory (n.) splendour, magnificence, brilliance | E3 II.ii.71 | |
How now. | How now? | | E3 II.ii.72 | |
Enter Lodwike. | Enter Lodowick | | E3 II.ii.73.1 | |
Lo. | LODOWICK | | | |
My liege the drum that stroke the lusty march, | My liege, the drum that stroke the lusty march | strike (v.) beat, sound, strike up | E3 II.ii.73 | |
| | lusty (adj.) merry, cheerful, lively | | |
Stands with Prince Edward your thrice valiant sonne. | Stands with Prince Edward, your thrice valiant son. | stand with (v.) accompany, go along with, attend | E3 II.ii.74 | |
Enter Prince Edward. | Enter Prince Edward | | E3 II.ii.75 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
I see the boy, oh how his mothers face, | (aside) I see the boy. Oh, how his mother's face, | | E3 II.ii.75 | |
Modeld in his, corrects my straid desire, | Modelled in his, corrects my strayed desire, | | E3 II.ii.76 | |
And rates my heart, and chides my theeuish eie, | And rates my heart, and chides my thievish eye, | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | E3 II.ii.77 | |
| | rate (v.) berate, reproach, rebuke, scold | | |
Who being rich ennough in seeing her, | Who, being rich enough in seeing her, | | E3 II.ii.78 | |
Yet seekes elsewhere and basest theft is that, | Yet seeks elsewhere: and basest theft is that | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | E3 II.ii.79 | |
Which cannot cloke it selfe on pouertie. | Which cannot cloak itself on poverty. – | cloak (v.) disguise, conceal, mask | E3 II.ii.80 | |
Now boy, what newes? | Now, boy, what news? | | E3 II.ii.81 | |
Pr. E. | PRINCE | | | |
I haue assembled my deare Lord and father, | I have assembled, my dear lord and father, | | E3 II.ii.82 | |
The choysest buds of all our English blood, | The choicest buds of all our English blood | | E3 II.ii.83 | |
For our affaires to Fraunce, and heere we come, | For our affairs to France, and here we come | | E3 II.ii.84 | |
To take direction from your maiestie. | To take direction from your majesty. | | E3 II.ii.85 | |
Kin. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Still do I see in him deliniate, | (aside) Still do I see in him delineate | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | E3 II.ii.86 | |
His mothers visage, those his eies are hers, | His mother's visage: those his eyes are hers, | visage (n.) face, countenance | E3 II.ii.87 | |
Who looking wistely on me, make me blush: | Who looking wistly on me make me blush, | wistly (adv.) intently, attentively, earnestly | E3 II.ii.88 | |
For faults against themselues, giue euidence, | For faults against themselves give evidence. | | E3 II.ii.89 | |
Lust as a fire, and me like lanthorne show, | Lust is a fire, and men like lanthorns show | lanthorn (n.) lantern | E3 II.ii.90 | |
Light lust within them selues; euen through them selues: | Light lust within themselves, even through themselves. | light (adj.) promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton | E3 II.ii.91 | |
A way loose silkes or wauering vanitie, | Away, loose silks of wavering vanity! | wavering (adj.) inconstant, fickle, capricious | E3 II.ii.92 | |
Shall the large limmit offaire Brittayne. | Shall the large limit of fair Brittayne | | E3 II.ii.93 | |
By me be ouerthrowne, and shall I not, | By me be overthrown, and shall I not | | E3 II.ii.94 | |
Master this little mansion of my selfe; | Master this little mansion of myself? | | E3 II.ii.95 | |
Giue me an Armor of eternall steele, | Give me an armour of eternal steel! | | E3 II.ii.96 | |
I go to conquer kings, andshall I not then | I go to conquer kings; and shall I not then | | E3 II.ii.97 | |
Subdue my selfe, and be my enimies friend, | Subdue myself, and be my enemies' friend? | | E3 II.ii.98 | |
It must not be, come boy forward, aduaunce, | It must not be. – Come, boy, forward, advance! | | E3 II.ii.99 | |
Lets with our coullours sweete the Aire of Fraunce. | Let's with our colours sweet the air of France. | sweet (v.) sweeten, make pleasing, fumigate | E3 II.ii.100 | |
| | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | | |
Enter Lodwike. | Enter Lodowick | | E3 II.ii.101.1 | |
Lo. | LODOWICK | | | |
My liege, the Countesse with a smiling cheere. | My liege, the Countess with a smiling cheer | cheer (n.) face, look, expression | E3 II.ii.101 | |
Desires accesse vnto your Maiestie. | Desires access unto your majesty. | | E3 II.ii.102 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Why there it goes, that verie smile of hers, | (aside) Why, there it goes! That very smile of hers | | E3 II.ii.103 | |
Hath ransomed captiue Fraunce, and set the King, | Hath ransomed captive France, and set the king, | | E3 II.ii.104 | |
The Dolphin and the Peeres at liberty, | The Dauphin, and the peers at liberty. – | | E3 II.ii.105 | |
Goe leaue me Ned, and reuell with thy friends. | Go, leave me, Ned, and revel with thy friends. | | E3 II.ii.106 | |
Exit Pr. | Exit Prince | | E3 II.ii.106 | |
Thy mother is but blacke, and thou like her. | Thy mother is but black, and thou, like her, | | E3 II.ii.107 | |
Dost put it in my minde how foule she is, | Dost put it in my mind how foul she is. – | | E3 II.ii.108 | |
Goe fetch the Countesse hether in thy hand, | Go, fetch the Countess hither in thy hand, | hand (n.) care, escort, keeping | E3 II.ii.109 | |
Exit Lod. | Exit Lodowick | | E3 II.ii.109 | |
And let her chase away these winter clouds, | And let her chase away these winter clouds, | | E3 II.ii.110 | |
For shee giues beautie both to heauen and earth, | For she gives beauty both to heaven and earth. | | E3 II.ii.111 | |
The sin is more to hacke and hew poore men, | The sin is more to hack and hew poor men, | | E3 II.ii.112 | |
Then to embrace in an vnlawfull bed, | Than to embrace in an unlawful bed | | E3 II.ii.113 | |
The register of all rarieties, | The register of all rarieties | register (n.) record, catalogue, inventory | E3 II.ii.114 | |
| | rariety (n.) rarity, exceptional quality | | |
Since Letherne Adam, till this youngest howre. | Since leathern Adam till this youngest hour. | leathern (adj.) clothed in animal skins | E3 II.ii.115 | |
| | Adam (n.) in the Bible, the first human being, in the Garden of Eden, who disobeyed God | | |
| | youngest (adj.) latest, most recent | | |
Enter Countesse. | Enter Lodowick and the Countess | | E3 II.ii.116 | |
King. Goe Lodwike, put thy hand into thy purse, | Go, Lod'wick, put thy hand into thy purse, | | E3 II.ii.116 | |
Play, spend, giue, ryot, wast, do what thou wilt, | Play, spend, give, riot, waste, do what thou wilt, | | E3 II.ii.117 | |
So thou wilt hence awhile and leaue me heere. | So thou wilt hence a while and leave me here. | | E3 II.ii.118 | |
| Exit Lodowick | | E3 II.ii.118 | |
Now my soules plaiefellow art thou come, | Now, my soul's playfellow, art thou come | | E3 II.ii.119 | |
To speake the more then heauenly word of yea, | To speak the more than heavenly word of yea | | E3 II.ii.120 | |
To my obiection in thy beautious loue. | To my objection in thy beauteous love? | objection (n.) offer, proposal, claim | E3 II.ii.121 | |
Count. | COUNTESS | | | |
My father on his blessing hath commanded. | My father on his blessing hath commanded – | | E3 II.ii.122 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
That thou shalt yeeld to me. | That thou shalt yield to me. | | E3 II.ii.123 | |
Coun. | COUNTESS | | | |
I deare my liege, your due. | Ay, dear my liege, your due. | | E3 II.ii.124 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
And that my dearest loue, can be no lesse, | And that, my dearest love, can be no less | | E3 II.ii.125 | |
Then right for right, and render loue for loue. | Than right for right, and render love for love. | render (v.) exchange, give in return | E3 II.ii.126 | |
Count. | COUNTESS | | | |
Then wrong for wrong, and endles hate for hate: | Than wrong for wrong, and endless hate for hate. | | E3 II.ii.127 | |
But fith I see your maiestie so bent, | But sith I see your majesty so bent, | | E3 II.ii.128 | |
That my vnwillingnes, my husbands loue, | That my unwillingness, my husband's love, | | E3 II.ii.129 | |
Your high estate, nor no respect respected, | Your high estate, nor no respect respected, | | E3 II.ii.130 | |
Can be my helpe, but that your mightines: | Can be my help, but that your mightiness | | E3 II.ii.131 | |
Will ouerbeare and awe these deare regards, | Will overbear and awe these dear regards, | overbear (v.) overrule, overcome, put down | E3 II.ii.132 | |
| | regard (n.) consideration, respect, factor | | |
| | awe (v.) repress through dread, constrain in fear | | |
I bynd my discontent to my content, | I bind my discontent to my content, | content (n.) pleasure, satisfaction, happiness | E3 II.ii.133 | |
And what I would not, Ile compell I will, | And what I would not, I'll compel I will, | | E3 II.ii.134 | |
Prouided that your selfe remoue those lets, | Provided that yourself remove those lets | let (n.) hindrance, obstacle, snag | E3 II.ii.135 | |
That stand betweene your highnes loue and mine, | That stand between your highness' love and mine. | | E3 II.ii.136 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Name then faire Countesse, and by heauen I will. | Name them, fair Countess, and by heaven I will. | | E3 II.ii.137 | |
Co. | COUNTESS | | | |
It is their liues that stand betweene our loue. | It is their lives that stand between our love | | E3 II.ii.138 | |
That I would haue chokt vp my soueraigne. | That I would have choked up, my sovereign. | choke up (v.) smother, suffocate, stifle | E3 II.ii.139 | |
Ki. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Whose liues my Lady? | Whose lives, my lady? | | E3 II.ii.140.1 | |
Co. | COUNTESS | | | |
My thrice loning liege, | My thrice-loving liege, | | E3 II.ii.140.2 | |
Your Queene, and Salisbury my wedded husband, | Your Queen, and Salisbury, my wedded husband, | | E3 II.ii.141 | |
Who liuing haue that tytle in our loue, | Who living have that title in our love | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | E3 II.ii.142 | |
That we cannot bestow but by their death, | That we cannot bestow but by their death. | bestow (v.) give, provide, grant | E3 II.ii.143 | |
Ki. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Thy opposition is beyond our Law, | Thy opposition is beyond our law. | opposition (n.) counter-proposal, alternative proposition | E3 II.ii.144 | |
Co. | COUNTESS | | | |
So is your desire, if the law | So is your desire. If the law | | E3 II.ii.145 | |
Can hinder you to execute the one, | Can hinder you to execute the one, | execute (v.) carry out, fulfil, perform | E3 II.ii.146 | |
Let it forbid you to attempt the other: | Let it forbid you to attempt the other. | | E3 II.ii.147 | |
I Cannot thinke you loue me as you say, | I cannot think you love me as you say, | | E3 II.ii.148 | |
Vnlesse you do make good what you haue sworne. | Unless you do make good what you have sworn. | | E3 II.ii.149 | |
| KING EDWARD | | | |
No mor, ethy husband and the Queene shall dye, | No more: thy husband and the Queen shall die. | | E3 II.ii.150 | |
Fairer thou art by farre, then Hero was, | Fairer thou art by far than Hero was, | Hero (n.) priestess of Aphrodite, in love with Leander | E3 II.ii.151 | |
Beardles Leander not so strong as I: | Beardless Leander not so strong as I: | Leander (n.) [li'ander] young man in love with Hero, who lived on the opposite side of the Hellespont; each night he swam across, guided by her lamp | E3 II.ii.152 | |
He swome an easie curraunt for his loue, | He swum an easy current for his love, | | E3 II.ii.153 | |
But I will throng a hellie spout of bloud, | But I will through a Hellespont of blood | Hellespont (n.) ['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara | E3 II.ii.154 | |
To arryue at Cestus where my Hero lyes. | To arrive at Sestos, where my Hero lies. | Sestos (n.) location of the temple of Aphrodite, on the Hellespont | E3 II.ii.155 | |
Co. | COUNTESS | | | |
Nay youle do more, youle make the Ryuer to, | Nay, you'll do more: you'll make the river too | | E3 II.ii.156 | |
With their hart bloods, that keepe our loue asunder, | With their heart bloods that keep our love asunder, | | E3 II.ii.157 | |
Of which my husband, and your wife are twayne. | Of which my husband and your wife are twain. | | E3 II.ii.158 | |
Ki. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Thy beauty makes them guilty of their death, | Thy beauty makes them guilty of their death | | E3 II.ii.159 | |
And giues in euidence that they shall dye, | And gives in evidence that they shall die, | | E3 II.ii.160 | |
Vpon which verdict I their Iudge condemne them. | Upon which verdict I their judge condemn them. | | E3 II.ii.161 | |
Co. | COUNTESS | | | |
O periurde beautie, more corrupted Iudge: | (aside) O perjured beauty, more corrupted judge! | | E3 II.ii.162 | |
When to the great Starre-chamber ore our heads, | When to the great Star-chamber o'er our heads | Star-chamber (n.) supreme court of justice | E3 II.ii.163 | |
The vniuersell Sessions cals to count, | The universal sessions calls to 'count | account, accompt (n.) reckoning, judgement [especially by God] | E3 II.ii.164 | |
This packing euill, we both shall tremble for it. | This packing evil, we both shall tremble for it. | packing (adj.) furtive, underhand, plotting | E3 II.ii.165 | |
Ki. | KING EDWARD | | | |
What saies my faire loue, is she resolute? | What says my fair love? Is she resolved? | | E3 II.ii.166 | |
Co. | COUNTESS | | | |
Resolute to be dissolude, and therefote this, | Resolved to be dissolved; and therefore this: | dissolved (adj.) destroyed, ruined; also: annulled | E3 II.ii.167 | |
Keepe but thy word great king, and I am thine, | Keep but thy word, great King, and I am thine. | | E3 II.ii.168 | |
Stand where thou dost, ile part a little from thee | Stand where thou dost – I'll part a little from thee – | | E3 II.ii.169 | |
And see how I will yeeld me to thy hands: | And see how I will yield me to thy hands. | | E3 II.ii.170 | |
Here by my side doth hang my wedding knifes, | Here by my side doth hang my wedding knives: | | E3 II.ii.171 | |
Take thou the one, and with it kill thy Queene | Take thou the one, and with it kill thy queen, | | E3 II.ii.172 | |
And learne by me to finde her where she lies | And learn by me to find her where she lies; | | E3 II.ii.173 | |
And with this other, Ile dispatch my loue, | And with this other I'll dispatch my love, | dispatch, despatch (v.) kill, put to death, make away with, finish off | E3 II.ii.174 | |
Which now lies fast a sleepe within my hart, | Which now lies fast asleep within my heart. | | E3 II.ii.175 | |
When they are gone, then Ile consent to loue: | When they are gone, then I'll consent to love. – | | E3 II.ii.176 | |
Stir not lasciuious king to hinder me, | Stir not, lascivious King, to hinder me. | | E3 II.ii.177 | |
My resolution is more nimbler far, | My resolution is more nimbler far | | E3 II.ii.178 | |
Then thy preuention can be in my rescue, | Than thy prevention can be in my rescue; | prevention (n.) intervention, forestalling, interposing | E3 II.ii.179 | |
And if thou stir, I strike, therefore stand still, | And if thou stir, I strike. Therefore, stand still, | still (adj.) silent, quiet | E3 II.ii.180 | |
And heare the choyce that I will put thee to: | And hear the choice that I will put thee to: | | E3 II.ii.181 | |
Either sweare to leaue thy most vnholie sute, | Either swear to leave thy most unholy suit | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | E3 II.ii.182 | |
And neuer hence forth to solicit me, | And never henceforth to solicit me, | solicit (v.) court, chase after, pursue | E3 II.ii.183 | |
Or else by heauen, this sharpe poynted knyfe, | Or else, by heaven, this sharp-pointed knife | | E3 II.ii.184 | |
Shall staine thy earth, with that which thou would staine: | Shall stain thy earth with that which thou wouldst stain, | | E3 II.ii.185 | |
My poore chast blood, sweare Edward sweare, | My poor chaste blood. Swear, Edward, swear, | | E3 II.ii.186 | |
Or I will strike and die before thee heere. | Or I will strike, and die before thee here. | | E3 II.ii.187 | |
King. | KING EDWARD | | | |
Euen by that power I sweare that giues me now, | Even by that power I swear, that gives me now | power (n.) authority, government | E3 II.ii.188 | |
The power to be ashamed of my selfe, | The power to be ashamed of myself, | | E3 II.ii.189 | |
I neuer meane to part my lips againe, | I never mean to part my lips again | | E3 II.ii.190 | |
In any words that tends to such a sute. | In any words that tends to such a suit. | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | E3 II.ii.191 | |
A rise true English Ladie, whom our Ile | Arise, true English lady, whom our isle | | E3 II.ii.192 | |
May better boast of then euer Romaine might, | May better boast of than ever Roman might | | E3 II.ii.193 | |
Of her whose ransackt treasurie hath taskt, | Of her, whose ransacked treasury hath tasked | treasury (n.) treasure-house | E3 II.ii.194 | |
| | ransacked (adj.) violated, ravished, plundered | | |
The vaine indeuor of so many pens: | The vain endeavour of so many pens; | | E3 II.ii.195 | |
Arise and be my fault, thy honors fame, | Arise, and be my fault thy honour's fame, | | E3 II.ii.196 | |
Which after ages shall enrich thee with, | Which after ages shall enrich thee with. | after (adj.) future, later, following | E3 II.ii.197 | |
I am awaked from this idle dreame, | I am awaked from this idle dream. – | | E3 II.ii.198 | |
Warwike, my Sonne, Darby, Artoys and Audley, | Warwick, my son, Derby, Artois, and Audley, | | E3 II.ii.199 | |
Braue warriours all, where are you all this while? | Brave warriors all, where are you all this while? | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | E3 II.ii.200 | |
Enter all. | Enter all | | E3 II.ii.201 | |
Warwike, I make thee Warden of the North, | Warwick, I make thee Warden of the North. | | E3 II.ii.201 | |
Thou Prince of Wales, and Audley straight to Sea, | Thou, Prince of Wales, and Audley, straight to sea; | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | E3 II.ii.202 | |
Scoure to New-hauen, some there staie for me: | Scour to Newhaven; some there stay for me. | scour (v.) go in haste, move quickly, hurry along | E3 II.ii.203 | |
My selfe, Artoys and Darby will through Flaunders, | Myself, Artois, and Derby will through Flanders | | E3 II.ii.204 | |
To greete our friends there, and to craue their aide, | To greet our friends there and to crave their aid. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | E3 II.ii.205 | |
This night will scarce suffice me to discouer, | This night will scarce suffice me to discover | discover (v.) reveal, show, make known | E3 II.ii.206 | |
My follies seege, against a faithfull louer, | My folly's siege against a faithful lover; | | E3 II.ii.207 | |
For ere the Sunne shal guide the esterne skie, | For ere the sun shall gild the eastern sky, | gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded bring colour to, brighten, illuminate | E3 II.ii.208 | |
Wele wake him with our Marshall harmonie. | We'll wake him with our martial harmony. | | E3 II.ii.209 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | E3 II.ii.209 | |