First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter a Doctor of Physicke, and a Wayting Gentlewoman | Enter a Doctor of Physic and a Waiting-Gentlewoman | physic (n.) medicine, healing, treatment | Mac V.i.1.1 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
I haue too Nights watch'd with you, but can | I have two nights watched with you, but can | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | Mac V.i.1 | |
perceiue no truth in your report. When was it shee last | perceive no truth in your report. When was it she last | | Mac V.i.2 | |
walk'd? | walked? | | Mac V.i.3 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
Since his Maiesty went into the Field, I | Since his majesty went into the field I | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | Mac V.i.4 | |
haue seene her rise from her bed, throw her Night-Gown | have seen her rise from her bed, throw her nightgown | nightgown, night-gown (n.) dressing-gown | Mac V.i.5 | |
vp-pon her, vnlocke her Closset, take foorth paper, folde it, | upon her, unlock her closet, take forth paper, fold it, | closet (n.) private repository for valuables, cabinet | Mac V.i.6 | |
write vpon't, read it, afterwards Seale it, and againe re-turne | write upon't, read it, afterwards seal it, and again return | | Mac V.i.7 | |
to bed; yet all this while in a most fast sleepe. | to bed; yet all this while in a most fast sleep. | | Mac V.i.8 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
A great perturbation in Nature, to receyue at once | A great perturbation in nature, to receive at once | nature (n.) natural powers, normal state [of mind and body] | Mac V.i.9 | |
the benefit of sleep, and do the effects of watching. In | the benefit of sleep and do the effects of watching. In | effect (n.) sign, mark, token, manifestation | Mac V.i.10 | |
| | watching (n.) wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigilance | | |
this slumbry agitation, besides her walking, and other | this slumbery agitation, besides her walking and other | slumbery (adj.) slumbering, sleepy, drowsy | Mac V.i.11 | |
| | agitation (n.) movement, motion, activity [physical, not mental] | | |
actuall performances, what (at any time) haue you heard | actual performances, what, at any time, have you heard | actual (adj.) active, involving specific activity | Mac V.i.12 | |
her say? | her say? | | Mac V.i.13 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
That Sir, which I will not report after her. | That, sir, which I will not report after | | Mac V.i.14 | |
| her. | | Mac V.i.15 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
You may to me, and 'tis most meet you should. | You may to me; and 'tis most meet you should. | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | Mac V.i.16 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
Neither to you, nor any one, hauing no | Neither to you nor anyone, having no | | Mac V.i.17 | |
witnesse to confirme my speech. | witness to confirm my speech. | | Mac V.i.18 | |
Enter Lady, with a Taper. | Enter Lady Macbeth with a taper | | Mac V.i.18 | |
Lo you, heere she comes: This is her very guise, and | Lo you! Here she comes. This is her very guise; and, | guise (n.) way, custom, practice | Mac V.i.19 | |
vp-on my life fast asleepe: obserue her, stand close. | upon my life, fast asleep. Observe her; stand close. | close (adv.) closely, staying near | Mac V.i.20 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
How came she by that light? | How came she by that light? | | Mac V.i.21 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
Why it stood by her: she ha's light by | Why, it stood by her. She has light by | | Mac V.i.22 | |
her con-tinually, 'tis her command. | her continually; 'tis her command. | | Mac V.i.23 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
You see her eyes are open. | You see her eyes are open. | | Mac V.i.24 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
I, but their sense are shut. | Ay, but their sense are shut. | | Mac V.i.25 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
What is it she do's now? Looke how she rubbes her | What is it she does now? Look how she rubs her | | Mac V.i.26 | |
hands. | hands. | | Mac V.i.27 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
It is an accustom'd action with her, to | It is an accustomed action with her to | action (n.) movement, demeanour, gesture | Mac V.i.28 | |
seeme thus washing her hands: I haue knowne her continue | seem thus washing her hands. I have known her continue | | Mac V.i.29 | |
in this a quarter of an houre. | in this a quarter of an hour. | | Mac V.i.30 | |
Lad. | LADY | | | |
Yet heere's a spot. | Yet here's a spot. | | Mac V.i.31 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Heark, she speaks, I will set downe what comes | Hark! She speaks. I will set down what comes | | Mac V.i.32 | |
from her, to satisfie my remembrance the more strongly. | from her, to satisfy my remembrance the more strongly. | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | Mac V.i.33 | |
| | satisfy (v.) provide with information, reassure, convince | | |
La. | LADY | | | |
Out damned spot: out I say. One: Two: Why | Out, damned spot! Out, I say! – One: two: why | | Mac V.i.34 | |
then 'tis time to doo't: Hell is murky. Fye, my Lord, | then, 'tis time to do't. – Hell is murky! – Fie, my lord, | | Mac V.i.35 | |
fie, a Souldier, and affear'd? what need we feare? who | fie! A soldier and afeard? What need we fear who | afeard (adj.) afraid, frightened, scared | Mac V.i.36 | |
knowes it, when none can call our powre to accompt: | knows it, when none can call our power to accompt? – | power (n.) authority, government | Mac V.i.37 | |
| | account, accompt (n.) reckoning, judgement [especially by God] | | |
yet who would haue thought the olde man to haue had so | Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so | | Mac V.i.38 | |
much blood in him. | much blood in him? | | Mac V.i.39 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Do you marke that? | Do you mark that? | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Mac V.i.40 | |
Lad. | LADY | | | |
The Thane of Fife, had a wife: where is she now? | The Thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now? – | | Mac V.i.41 | |
What will these hands ne're be cleane? No more o'that | What, will these hands ne'er be clean? – No more o' that, | | Mac V.i.42 | |
my Lord, no more o'that: you marre all with this star-ting. | my lord, no more o' that. You mar all with this starting. | starting (n.) startle reaction, flinching, recoiling | Mac V.i.43 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Go too, go too: You haue knowne what you should | Go to, go to: you have known what you should | | Mac V.i.44 | |
not. | not. | | Mac V.i.45 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
She ha's spoke what shee should not, I am | She has spoke what she should not, I am | | Mac V.i.46 | |
sure of that: Heauen knowes what she ha's knowne. | sure of that. Heaven knows what she has known. | | Mac V.i.47 | |
La. | LADY | | | |
Heere's the smell of the blood still: all the per-fumes | Here's the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes | | Mac V.i.48 | |
of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh. | of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh! Oh! Oh! | Arabia (n.) region of SW Asia, thought of as a desert area | Mac V.i.49 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
What a sigh is there? The hart is sorely charg'd. | What a sigh is there! The heart is sorely charged. | charged (adj.) burdened, laden, oppressed | Mac V.i.50 | |
| | sorely (adv.) heavily, grievously, profoundly | | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
I would not haue such a heart in my | I would not have such a heart in my | | Mac V.i.51 | |
bosome, for the dignity of the whole body. | bosom for the dignity of the whole body. | | Mac V.i.52 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Well, well, well. | Well, well, well. | | Mac V.i.53 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
Pray God it be sir. | Pray God it be, sir. | | Mac V.i.54 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
This disease is beyond my practise: yet I haue | This disease is beyond my practice; yet I have | | Mac V.i.55 | |
knowne those which haue walkt in their sleep, who haue | known those which have walked in their sleep who have | | Mac V.i.56 | |
dyed holily in their beds. | died holily in their beds. | | Mac V.i.57 | |
Lad. | LADY | | | |
Wash your hands, put on your Night-Gowne, looke not | Wash your hands; put on your nightgown; look not | nightgown, night-gown (n.) dressing-gown | Mac V.i.58 | |
so pale: I tell you yet againe Banquo's buried; he cannot | so pale. I tell you yet again, Banquo's buried; he cannot | | Mac V.i.59 | |
come out on's graue. | come out on's grave. | | Mac V.i.60 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Euen so? | Even so? | | Mac V.i.61 | |
Lady. | LADY | | | |
To bed, to bed: there's knocking at the gate: | To bed, to bed! There's knocking at the gate. | | Mac V.i.62 | |
Come, come, come, come, giue me your hand: What's | Come, come, come, come, give me your hand. What's | | Mac V.i.63 | |
done, cannot be vndone. To bed, to bed, to bed. | done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed. | | Mac V.i.64 | |
Exit Lady. | Exit | | Mac V.i.64 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Will she go now to bed? | Will she go now to bed? | | Mac V.i.65 | |
Gent. | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
Directly. | Directly. | directly (adv.) immediately, at once | Mac V.i.66 | |
Doct. | DOCTOR | | | |
Foule whisp'rings are abroad: vnnaturall deeds | Foul whisperings are abroad; unnatural deeds | unnatural (adj.) abnormal, monstrous, aberrant | Mac V.i.67 | |
Do breed vnnaturall troubles: infected mindes | Do breed unnatural troubles; infected minds | | Mac V.i.68 | |
To their deafe pillowes will discharge their Secrets: | To their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets. | | Mac V.i.69 | |
More needs she the Diuine, then the Physitian: | More needs she the divine than the physician. | | Mac V.i.70 | |
God, God forgiue vs all. Looke after her, | God, God forgive us all! Look after her, | | Mac V.i.71 | |
Remoue from her the meanes of all annoyance, | Remove from her the means of all annoyance | annoyance (n.) injury, harmfulness, danger | Mac V.i.72 | |
And still keepe eyes vpon her: So goodnight, | And still keep eyes upon her. So, good night. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Mac V.i.73 | |
My minde she ha's mated, and amaz'd my sight. | My mind she has mated, and amazed my sight. | mate (v.) astound, amaze, confound | Mac V.i.74 | |
I thinke, but dare not speake. | I think, but dare not speak. | | Mac V.i.75.1 | |
Gent | GENTLEWOMAN | | | |
Good night good Doctor. | Good night, good doctor. | | Mac V.i.75.2 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Mac V.i.75 | |