
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Rodorigo, and Iago.Enter Roderigo and Iago Oth I.i.1
NEuer tell me, I take it much vnkindlyTush, never tell me! I take it much unkindly Oth I.i.1
That thou (Iago) who hast had my purse,That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse Oth I.i.2
As if ye strings were thine, should'st know of this.As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this. Oth I.i.3
But you'l not heare me.'Sblood, but you will not hear me!'sblood (int.)
[oath] God's blood
Oth I.i.4
If euer I did dream / Of such a matter,If ever I did dream of such a matter, Oth I.i.5
abhorre me.Abhor me. Oth I.i.6
Thou told'st me, / Thou did'st hold him in thy hate.Thou told'st me thou didst hold him in thy hate. Oth I.i.7
Despise me / If I do not. Three Great-ones of the Cittie,Despise me, if I do not. Three great ones of the city, Oth I.i.8
(In personall suite to make me his Lieutenant)In personal suit to make me his Lieutenant,suit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
Oth I.i.9
Off-capt to him: and by the faith of manOff-capped to him: and by the faith of man,off-cap (v.)

old form: Off-capt
doff the cap, take off the hat [in respect]
Oth I.i.10
I know my price, I am worth no worsse a place.I know my price, I am worth no worse a place.place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Oth I.i.11
But he (as louing his owne pride, and purposes)But he, as loving his own pride and purposes,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Oth I.i.12
Euades them, with a bumbast Circumstance,Evades them with a bombast circumstancebombast, bumbast (adj.)
bombastic, padded-out, waffly
Oth I.i.13
circumstance (n.)
circumlocution, verbiage, unnecessary detail
Horribly stufft with Epithites of warre,Horribly stuffed with epithets of war,epithet (n.)

old form: Epithites
turn of phrase, expression
Oth I.i.14
And in conclusion Oth I.i.15
Non-suites my Mediators. For certes, saies he,Non-suits my mediators. For, ‘ Certes,’ says he,non-suit (v.)

old form: Non-suites
reject the suit of, refuse
Oth I.i.16
certes (adv.)
certainly, assuredly, without doubt
I haue already chose my Officer.‘ I have already chose my officer.’ Oth I.i.17
And what was he?And what was he? Oth I.i.18
For-sooth, a great Arithmatician,Forsooth, a great arithmetician,forsooth (adv.)

old form: For-sooth
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
Oth I.i.19
arithmetician (n.)

old form: Arithmatician
theoretician, academic
One Michaell Cassio, a Florentine,One Michael Cassio, a FlorentineFlorentine (n.)
someone from Florence, Italy
Oth I.i.20
(A Fellow almost damn'd in a faire Wife)A fellow almost damned in a fair wife – Oth I.i.21
That neuer set a Squadron in the Field,That never set a squadron in the field,squadron (n.)
army detachment, body of soldiers
Oth I.i.22
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
Nor the deuision of a Battaile knowesNor the division of a battle knows Oth I.i.23
More then a Spinster. Vnlesse the Bookish Theoricke:More than a spinster – unless the bookish theoric,theoric (n.)

old form: Theoricke
theory, academic speculation
Oth I.i.24
bookish (adj.)
of mere book-learning, obtained only from books, scholarly
Wherein the Tongued Consuls can proposeWherein the toged consuls can proposepropose (v.)
converse, discourse, hold forth
Oth I.i.25
toged (adj.)
toga-wearing, robed
As Masterly as he. Meere pratle (without practise)As masterly as he. Mere prattle, without practicemere (adj.)

old form: Meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
Oth I.i.26
Is all his Souldiership. But he (Sir) had th'election;Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had th' election: Oth I.i.27
And I (of whom his eies had seene the proofeAnd I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof Oth I.i.28
At Rhodes, at Ciprus, and on others groundsAt Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds Oth I.i.29
Christen'd, and Heathen) must be be-leed, and calm'dChristian and heathen, must be leed and calmedlee (v.)
cut off from the wind, make helpless
Oth I.i.30
calm (v.)

old form: calm'd
becalm, come to a halt, delay
By Debitor, and Creditor. This Counter-caster,By debitor and creditor; this counter-caster,debitor (n.)
debtor [debt column in an account book]
Oth I.i.31
counter-caster (n.)
[contemptuous] one who works things out with the help of counters, arithmetician
He (in good time) must his Lieutenant be,He in good time must his Lieutenant be, Oth I.i.32
And I (blesse the marke) his Mooreships Auntient.And I – God bless the mark! – his Moorship's Ancient.ancient, aunchient (n.)

old form: Auntient
ensign, standard-bearer
Oth I.i.33
By heauen, I rather would haue bin his hangman.By heaven, I rather would have been his hangman. Oth I.i.34
Iago. IAGO 
Why, there's no remedie. / 'Tis the cursse of Seruice;Why, there's no remedy. 'Tis the curse of service: Oth I.i.35
Preferment goes by Letter, and affection,Preferment goes by letter and affection,letter (n.)
[letter of] influence, recommendation, introduction
Oth I.i.36
affection (n.)
fancy, inclination, desire
And not by old gradation, where each secondAnd not by old gradation, where each secondgradation (n.)
seniority, relative rank, career advancement
Oth I.i.37
Stood Heire to'th'first. Now Sir, be iudge your selfe,Stood heir to th' first. Now sir, be judge yourself Oth I.i.38
Whether I in any iust terme am Affin'dWhether I in any just term am affinedaffined (adj.)

old form: Affin'd
constrained, bound, obliged
Oth I.i.39
To loue the Moore?To love the Moor. Oth I.i.40
I would not follow him then.I would not follow him then. Oth I.i.41.1
Iago. IAGO 
O Sir content you.O, sir, content you:content (v.)
calm [down], settle, relax
Oth I.i.41.2
I follow him, to serue my turne vpon him.I follow him to serve my turn upon him. Oth I.i.42
We cannot all be Masters, nor all MastersWe cannot all be masters, nor all masters Oth I.i.43
Cannot be truely follow'd. You shall markeCannot be truly followed. You shall markmark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Oth I.i.44
truly (adv.)

old form: truely
faithfully, loyally, constantly
Many a dutious and knee-crooking knaue;Many a duteous and knee-crooking knaveknave (n.)

old form: knaue
servant, menial, lackey
Oth I.i.45
knee-crooking (adj.)
bowing, kneeling, genuflecting
That (doting on his owne obsequious bondage)That, doting on his own obsequious bondage, Oth I.i.46
Weares out his time, much like his Masters Asse,Wears out his time, much like his master's ass, Oth I.i.47
For naught but Prouender, & when he's old Casheer'd.For naught but provender, and when he's old – cashiered! Oth I.i.48
Whip me such honest knaues. Others there areWhip me such honest knaves. Others there are Oth I.i.49
Who trym'd in Formes, and visages of Dutie,Who, trimmed in forms and visages of duty,visage (n.)
outward appearance, aspect, air
Oth I.i.50
Keepe yet their hearts attending on themselues,Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves,attend (v.)
regard, consider
Oth I.i.51
And throwing but showes of Seruice on their LordsAnd, throwing but shows of service on their lords,show (n.)

old form: showes
appearance, exhibition, display
Oth I.i.52
Doe well thriue by them. / And when they haue lin'd their CoatesDo well thrive by them; and when they have lined their coats, Oth I.i.53
Doe themselues Homage. / These Fellowes haue some soule,Do themselves homage: these fellows have some soul, Oth I.i.54
And such a one do I professe my selfe.And such a one do I profess myself. Oth I.i.55
For (Sir)For, sir, Oth I.i.56
It is as sure as you are Rodorigo,It is as sure as you are Roderigo, Oth I.i.57
Were I the Moore, I would not be Iago:Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago: Oth I.i.58
In following him, I follow but my selfe.In following him, I follow but myself. Oth I.i.59
Heauen is my Iudge, not I for loue and dutie,Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, Oth I.i.60
But seeming so, for my peculiar end:But seeming so for my peculiar end:peculiar (adj.)
particular, private, personal
Oth I.i.61
For when my outward Action doth demonstrateFor when my outward action doth demonstrate Oth I.i.62
The natiue act, and figure of my heartThe native act and figure of my heartnative (adj.)

old form: natiue
innate, inborn, instinctive
Oth I.i.63
figure (n.)
form, design, shape, conception
In Complement externe, 'tis not long afterIn compliment extern, 'tis not long afterextern (adj.)

old form: externe
external, outward, exterior
Oth I.i.64
compliment, complement (n.)

old form: Complement
show, display, exhibition
But I will weare my heart vpon my sleeueBut I will wear my heart upon my sleeve Oth I.i.65
For Dawes to pecke at; I am not what I am.For daws to peck at – I am not what I am.daw (n.)

old form: Dawes
jackdaw [as noted for its stupidity]; dolt, fool
Oth I.i.66
What a fall Fortune do's the Thicks-lips oweWhat a full fortune does the thick-lips oweowe (v.)
own, possess, have
Oth I.i.67
full (adj.)
ideal, perfect, complete
If he can carry't thus?If he can carry't thus!carry (v.)
carry off, get away with
Oth I.i.68.1
Iago. IAGO 
Call vp her Father:Call up her father, Oth I.i.68.2
Rowse him, make after him, poyson his delight,Rouse him, make after him, poison his delight, Oth I.i.69
Proclaime him in the Streets. Incense her kinsmen,Proclaim him in the streets; incense her kinsmen, Oth I.i.70
And though he in a fertile Clymate dwell,And, though he in a fertile climate dwell, Oth I.i.71
Plague him with Flies: though that his Ioy be Ioy,Plague him with flies: though that his joy be joy, Oth I.i.72
Yet throw such chances of vexation on't,Yet throw such chances of vexation on't,chance (n.)
possibility, prospect, aspect
Oth I.i.73
vexation (n.)
agitation, disturbance, turmoil
As it may loose some colour.As it may lose some colour. Oth I.i.74
Heere is her Fathers house, Ile call aloud.Here is her father's house; I'll call aloud. Oth I.i.75
Iago. IAGO 
Doe, with like timerous accent, and dire yell,Do, with like timorous accent and dire yell,like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Oth I.i.76
timorous (adj.)

old form: timerous
causing fear, terrifying, dreadful
As when (by Night and Negligence) the FireAs when, by night and negligence, the fire Oth I.i.77
Is spied in populus Citties.Is spied in populous cities. Oth I.i.78
What hoa: Brabantio, Siginor Brabantio, hoa.What, ho, Brabantio! Signor Brabantio, ho! Oth I.i.79
Iago. IAGO 
Awake: what hoa, Brabantio: Theeues, Theeues.Awake! What, ho, Brabantio! Thieves, thieves! Oth I.i.80
Looke to your house, your daughter, and your Bags,Look to your house, your daughter, and your bags! Oth I.i.81
Theeues, Theeues.Thieves, thieves! Oth I.i.82
Enter Brabantio above, at a window Oth I.i.83
What is the reason of this terrible / Summons?What is the reason of this terrible summons? Oth I.i.83
What is the matter there?What is the matter there?matter (n.)
affair(s), business, real issue
Oth I.i.84
Signior is all your Familie within?Signor, is all your family within? Oth I.i.85
Iago. IAGO 
Are your Doores lock'd?Are your doors locked? Oth I.i.86.1
Why? Wherefore ask you this?Why, wherefore ask you this? Oth I.i.86.2
Iago. IAGO 
Sir, y'are rob'd, for shame put on your Gowne,Zounds, sir, you're robbed; for shame, put on your gown; Oth I.i.87
Your heart is burst, you haue lost halfe your souleYour heart is burst, you have lost half your soul.burst (adj.)
broken, shattered, rent in two
Oth I.i.88
Euen now, now, very now, an old blacke RamEven now, now, very now, an old black ram Oth I.i.89
Is tupping your white Ewe. Arise, arise,Is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise,tup (v.)
copulate with, screw
Oth I.i.90
Awake the snorting Cittizens with the Bell,Awake the snorting citizens with the bell,snorting (adj.)
Oth I.i.91
Or else the deuill will make a Grand-sire of you.Or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. Oth I.i.92
Arise I say.Arise, I say! Oth I.i.93.1
What, haue you lost your wits?What, have you lost your wits?wits, also five wits
faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses)
Oth I.i.93.2
Most reuerend Signior, do you know my voice?Most reverend signor, do you know my voice? Oth I.i.94
Not I: what are you?Not I: what are you? Oth I.i.95.1
My name is Rodorigo.My name is Roderigo. Oth I.i.95.2
The worsser welcome:The worser welcome! Oth I.i.96
I haue charg'd thee not to haunt about my doores:I have charged thee not to haunt about my doors. Oth I.i.97
In honest plainenesse thou hast heard me say,In honest plainness thou hast heard me say Oth I.i.98
My Daughter is not for thee. And now in madnesseMy daughter is not for thee. And now in madness, Oth I.i.99
(Being full of Supper, and distempring draughtes)Being full of supper and distempering draughts,distempering (adj.)

old form: distempring
intoxicating, disturbing, disorienting
Oth I.i.100
Vpon malitious knauerie, dost thou comeUpon malicious bravery dost thou comebravery (n.)
bravado, show of daring, swaggering display
Oth I.i.101
To start my quiet.To start my quiet.start (v.)
startle, alarm, disturb
Oth I.i.102
Sir, Sir, Sir.Sir, sir, sir – Oth I.i.103.1
But thou must needs be sure,But thou must needs be sure Oth I.i.103.2
My spirits and my place haue in their powerMy spirit and my place have in them powerplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Oth I.i.104
To make this bitter to thee.To make this bitter to thee. Oth I.i.105.1
Patience good Sir.Patience, good sir. Oth I.i.105.2
What tell'st thou me of Robbing? / This is Venice : What tell'st thou me of robbing? This is Venice: Oth I.i.106
my house is not a Grange.My house is not a grange.grange (n.)
country house, farmhouse
Oth I.i.107.1
Most graue Brabantio,Most grave Brabantio, Oth I.i.107.2
In simple and pure soule, I come to you.In simple and pure soul I come to you...simple (adj.)
sincere, honest, open, innocent
Oth I.i.108
Sir: you are one of those that will not serueZounds, sir, you are one of those that will not servezounds (int.)
God's wounds
Oth I.i.109
God, if the deuill bid you. Because we come to do you God if the devil bid you. Because we come to do you Oth I.i.110
seruice, and you thinke we are Ruffians, you'le haue yourservice, and you think we are ruffians, you'll have your Oth I.i.111
Daughter couer'd with a Barbary horse, you'le haue yourdaughter covered with a Barbary horse; you'll have yourBarbary (n.)
Barbary coast of N Africa, famous for its horses
Oth I.i.112
Nephewes neigh to you, you'le haue Coursers for Cozens :nephews neigh to you, you'll have coursers for cousins,nephew (n.)

old form: Nephewes
Oth I.i.113
and Gennets for Germaines.and jennets for germans.jennet, gennet (n.)
small Spanish horse
Oth I.i.114
german, germane (n.)

old form: Germaines
near relative, blood relation
What prophane wretch art thou?What profane wretch art thou?profane (adj.)

old form: prophane
blasphemous, irreverent, foul-mouthed
Oth I.i.115
I am one Sir, that comes to tell you, your DaughterI am one, sir, that comes to tell you, your daughter Oth I.i.116
and the Moore, are making the Beast with twoand the Moor are now making the beast with two Oth I.i.117
backs.backs. Oth I.i.118
Thou art a Villaine.Thou art a villain. Oth I.i.119.1
Iago. IAGO 
You are a Senator.You are a Senator. Oth I.i.119.2
This thou shalt answere. I know thee Rodorigo.This thou shalt answer. I know thee, Roderigo.answer (v.)

old form: answere
account for, justify, defend
Oth I.i.120
Sir, I will answere any thing. But I beseech youSir, I will answer anything. But I beseech you Oth I.i.121
If't be your pleasure, and most wise consent,If't be your pleasure and most wise consent,wise (adj.)
informed, well-aware, knowledgeable
Oth I.i.122
(As partly I find it is) that your faire Daughter,As partly I find it is, that your fair daughter,partly (adv.)
slightly, in some measure, a little
Oth I.i.123
At this odde Euen and dull watch o'th'nightAt this odd-even and dull watch o'the night,odd-even (adj.)

old form: odde Euen
between 12 and 1, around midnight
Oth I.i.124
watch (n.)
time interval, period of time
dull (adj.)
dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive
Transported with no worse nor better guard,Transported with no worse nor better guard Oth I.i.125
But with a knaue of common hire, a Gundelier,But with a knave of common hire, a gondolier,knave (n.)

old form: knaue
servant, menial, lackey
Oth I.i.126
To the grosse claspes of a Lasciuious Moore:To the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor – Oth I.i.127
If this be knowne to you, and your Allowance,If this be known to you, and your allowance,allowance (n.)
permission, approval, sanction
Oth I.i.128
We then haue done you bold, and saucie wrongs.We then have done you bold and saucy wrongs;saucy (adj.)

old form: saucie
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
Oth I.i.129
But if you know not this, my Manners tell me,But if you know not this, my manners tell me Oth I.i.130
We haue your wrong rebuke. Do not beleeueWe have your wrong rebuke. Do not believe Oth I.i.131
That from the sence of all Ciuilitie,That from the sense of all civilitycivility (n.)

old form: Ciuilitie
civilized conduct, courteous behaviour, good manners
Oth I.i.132
I thus would play and trifle with your Reuerence.I thus would play and trifle with your reverence. Oth I.i.133
Your Daughter (if you haue not giuen her leaue)Your daughter, if you have not given her leave, Oth I.i.134
I say againe, hath made a grosse reuolt,I say again hath made a gross revolt,revolt (n.)

old form: reuolt
rebellion, act of disobedience
Oth I.i.135
gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
vile, abhorrent, wicked
Tying her Dutie, Beautie, Wit, and FortunesTying her duty, beauty, wit, and fortuneswit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
Oth I.i.136
In an extrauagant, and wheeling Stranger,In an extravagant and wheeling strangerextravagant (adj.)

old form: extrauagant
vagrant, straying, roaming
Oth I.i.137
stranger (n.)
foreigner, alien, outsider
wheeling (adj.)
roving, wandering, drifting
Of here, and euery where: straight satisfie your selfe.Of here and everywhere. Straight satisfy yourself:straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
Oth I.i.138
If she be in her Chamber, or your house,If she be in her chamber or your house, Oth I.i.139
Let loose on me the Iustice of the StateLet loose on me the justice of the state Oth I.i.140
For thus deluding you.For thus deluding you. Oth I.i.141.1
Strike on the Tinder, hoa:Strike on the tinder, ho! Oth I.i.141.2
Giue me a Taper: call vp all my people,Give me a taper; call up all my people!taper (n.)
Oth I.i.142
This Accident is not vnlike my dreame,This accident is not unlike my dream:accident (n.)
occurrence, event, happening
Oth I.i.143
Beleefe of it oppresses me alreadie.Belief of it oppresses me already. Oth I.i.144
Light, I say, light. Light, I say, light! Oth I.i.145.1
Exit.Exit above Oth I.i.145
Iag. IAGO 
Farewell: for I must leaue you.Farewell, for I must leave you. Oth I.i.145.2
It seemes not meete, nor wholesome to my placeIt seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place,place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Oth I.i.146
meet (adj.)

old form: meete
fit, suitable, right, proper
wholesome (adj.)
good, beneficial, advantageous
To be producted, (as if I stay, I shall,)To be produced – as if I stay, I shall – Oth I.i.147
Against the Moore. For I do know the State,Against the Moor. For I do know the state, Oth I.i.148
(How euer this may gall him with some checke)However this may gall him with some check,check (n.)

old form: checke
reprimand, reproof, rebuke
Oth I.i.149
gall (v.)
vex, annoy, irritate
Cannot with safetie cast-him. For he's embark'dCannot with safety cast him; for he's embarkedembark (v.)

old form: embark'd
engage in an enterprise, involve in an undertaking
Oth I.i.150
cast (v.)
cast off, discard, dismiss, reject
With such loud reason to the Cyprus Warres,With such loud reason to the Cyprus wars,loud (adj.)
clamorous, loudly supported; or: pressing, urgent
Oth I.i.151
(Which euen now stands in Act) that for their soulesWhich even now stand in act, that for their soulsact (n.)
progress, operation, action
Oth I.i.152
Another of his Fadome, they haue none,Another of his fathom they have nonefathom (n.)

old form: Fadome
calibre, ability, depth
Oth I.i.153
To lead their Businesse. In which regard,To lead their business. In which regard, Oth I.i.154
Though I do hate him as I do hell apines,Though I do hate him as I do hell pains, Oth I.i.155
Yet, for necessitie of present life,Yet for necessity of present life Oth I.i.156
I must show out a Flag, and signe of Loue,I must show out a flag and sign of love, Oth I.i.157
(Which is indeed but signe) that you shal surely find himWhich is indeed but sign. That you shall surely find him,sign (n.)

old form: signe
mere semblance, token symbol, show
Oth I.i.158
Lead to the Sagitary the raised Search:Lead to the Sagittary the raised search;search (n.)
Oth I.i.159
And there will I be with him. So farewell. And there will I be with him. So farewell. Oth I.i.160
Exit.Exit Oth I.i.160
Enter Brabantio, with Seruants and Enter Brabantio in his nightgown with servants andnightgown, night-gown (n.)
Oth I.i.161.1
Torches.torches Oth I.i.161.2
It is too true an euill. Gone she is,It is too true an evil. Gone she is, Oth I.i.161
And what's to come of my despised time,And what's to come of my despised time Oth I.i.162
Is naught but bitternesse. Now Rodorigo,Is naught but bitterness. Now, Roderigo, Oth I.i.163
Where didst thou see her? (Oh vnhappie Girle)Where didst thou see her? – O unhappy girl! – Oth I.i.164
With the Moore saist thou? (Who would be a Father?)With the Moor, say'st thou? – Who would be a father? – Oth I.i.165
How didst thou know 'twas she? (Oh she deceaues meHow didst thou know 'twas she? – O, she deceives me Oth I.i.166
Past thought:) what said she to you? Get moe Tapers:Past thought! – What said she to you? – Get more tapers.taper (n.)
Oth I.i.167
Raise all my Kindred. Are they married thinke you?Raise all my kindred. – Are they married, think you? Oth I.i.168
Truely I thinke they are.Truly I think they are. Oth I.i.169
Oh Heauen: how got she out? / Oh treason of the blood.O heaven! How got she out? O treason of the blood! Oth I.i.170
Fathers, from hence trust not your Daughters mindsFathers, from hence trust not your daughters' minds Oth I.i.171
By what you see them act. Is there not Charmes,By what you see them act. Is there not charmscharm (n.)

old form: Charmes
magic spell, enchantment
Oth I.i.172
By which the propertie of Youth, and MaidhoodBy which the property of youth and maidhoodmaidhood (n.)
Oth I.i.173
property (n.)

old form: propertie
quality, character, nature
May be abus'd? Haue you not read Rodorigo,May be abused? Have you not read, Roderigo, Oth I.i.174
Of some such thing?Of some such thing? Oth I.i.175.1
Yes Sir: I haue indeed.Yes, sir, I have indeed. Oth I.i.175.2
Call vp my Brother: oh would you had had her.Call up my brother – O would you had had her! Oth I.i.176
Some one way, some another. Doe you knowSome one way, some another. Do you know Oth I.i.177
Where we may apprehend her, and the Moore?Where we may apprehend her and the Moor? Oth I.i.178
I thinke I can discouer him, if you pleaseI think I can discover him, if you please,discover (v.)

old form: discouer
find, uncover, come upon
Oth I.i.179
To get good Guard, and go along with me.To get good guard and go along with me. Oth I.i.180
Pray you lead on. At euery house Ile call,Pray you, lead on. At every house I'll call – Oth I.i.181
(I may command at most) get Weapons (hoa)I may command at most. Get weapons, ho! Oth I.i.182
And raise some speciall Officers of might:And raise some special officers of night. Oth I.i.183
On good Rodorigo, I will deserue your paines. On, good Roderigo, I'll deserve your pains.deserve (v.)

old form: deserue
requite, recompense, pay back
Oth I.i.184
Exeunt.Exeunt Oth I.i.184
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