| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Pericles wette. | Enter Pericles, wet | | Per II.i.1 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
Yet cease your ire you angry Starres of heauen, | Yet cease your ire, you angry stars of heaven! | | Per II.i.1 | |
Wind, Raine, and Thunder, remember earthly man | Wind, rain, and thunder, remember earthly man | | Per II.i.2 | |
Is but a substaunce that must yeeld to you: | Is but a substance that must yield to you, | | Per II.i.3 | |
And I (as fits my nature) do obey you. | And I, as fits my nature, do obey you. | | Per II.i.4 | |
Alasse, the Seas hath cast me on the Rocks, | Alas, the seas hath cast me on the rocks, | | Per II.i.5 | |
Washt me from shore to shore, and left my breath | Washed me from shore to shore, and left my breath | breath (n.) life, spirit, living and breathing existence | Per II.i.6 | |
Nothing to thinke on, but ensuing death: | Nothing to think on but ensuing death. | | Per II.i.7 | |
Let it suffize the greatnesse of your powers, | Let it suffice the greatness of your powers | | Per II.i.8 | |
To haue bereft a Prince of all his fortunes; | To have bereft a prince of all his fortunes, | | Per II.i.9 | |
And hauing throwne him from your watry graue, | And having thrown him from your watery grave | | Per II.i.10 | |
Heere to haue death in peace, is all hee'le craue. | Here to have death in peace is all he'll crave. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | Per II.i.11 | |
| He lies down | | Per II.i.12.1 | |
Enter three Fisher-men. | Enter three Fishermen | | Per II.i.12.2 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
What, to pelch? | What ho, Pilch! | | Per II.i.12 | |
Ha, come and bring away the Nets. | Ha, come and bring away the nets! | | Per II.i.13 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
What Patch-breech, I say. | What, Patchbreech, I say! | | Per II.i.14 | |
3. | THIRD FISHERMAN | | | |
What say you Maister? | What say you, master? | | Per II.i.15 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Looke how thou stirr'st now: Come | Look how thou stirrest now! Come | | Per II.i.16 | |
away, or Ile fetch'th with a wanion. | away, or I'll fetch thee with a wanion. | wanion, with a with a vengeance, with a plague | Per II.i.17 | |
3. | THIRD FISHERMAN | | | |
Fayth Maister, I am thinking of the | Faith, master, I am thinking of the | | Per II.i.18 | |
poore men, / That were cast away before vs euen now. | poor men that were cast away before us even now. | | Per II.i.19 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Alasse poore soules, it grieued my heart | Alas, poor souls, it grieved my heart | | Per II.i.20 | |
to heare, / What pittifull cryes they made to vs, to helpe them, | to hear what pitiful cries they made to us to help them, | | Per II.i.21 | |
When (welladay) we could scarce helpe our selues. | when, well-a-day, we could scarce help ourselves. | well-a-day (int.) exclamation of grief, sorrow, upset, etc | Per II.i.22 | |
3. | THIRD FISHERMAN | | | |
Nay Maister, sayd not I as much, | Nay, master, said not I as much | | Per II.i.23 | |
When I saw the Porpas how he bounst and tumbled? | when I saw the porpoise how he bounced and tumbled? | | Per II.i.24 | |
They say they're halfe fish, halfe flesh: / A plague on them, | They say they're half fish, half flesh. A plague on them, | | Per II.i.25 | |
they nere come but I looke to be washt. / Maister, I | they ne'er come but I look to be washed. Master, I | | Per II.i.26 | |
maruell how the Fishes liue in the Sea? | marvel how the fishes live in the sea? | | Per II.i.27 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Why, as Men doe a-land; / The great | Why, as men do a-land; the great | a-land (adv.) on shore, on land | Per II.i.28 | |
ones eate vp the little ones: I can compare our rich | ones eat up the little ones. I can compare our rich | | Per II.i.29 | |
Misers to nothing so fitly, / As to a Whale; a playes and | misers to nothing so fitly as to a whale; 'a plays and | fitly (adv.) justly, fittingly, aptly | Per II.i.30 | |
tumbles, / Dryuing the poore Fry before him, / And at last, | tumbles, driving the poor fry before him, and at last | | Per II.i.31 | |
deuowre them all at a mouthfull: / Such Whales haue I heard | devour them all at a mouthful. Such whales have I heard | | Per II.i.32 | |
on, a'th land, Who neuer leaue gaping, till they swallow'd | on a-th' land who never leave gaping till they swallowed | | Per II.i.33 | |
The whole Parish, Church, Steeple, Belles and all. | the whole parish, church, steeple, bells, and all. | | Per II.i.34 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
| (aside) | | Per II.i.35 | |
A prettie morall. | A pretty moral! | | Per II.i.35 | |
3. | THIRD FISHERMAN | | | |
But Maister, if I had been the | But, master, if I had been the | | Per II.i.36 | |
Sexton, I would haue been that day in the belfrie. | sexton, I would have been that day in the belfry. | | Per II.i.37 | |
Why, Man? | Why, man? | | Per II.i.38 | |
1. | THIRD FISHERMAN | | | |
Because he should haue swallowed | Because he should have swallowed | | Per II.i.39 | |
mee too, / And when I had been in his belly, I would haue | me too, and when I had been in his belly I would have | | Per II.i.40 | |
kept such a iangling of the Belles, / That he should neuer | kept such a jangling of the bells that he should never | | Per II.i.41 | |
haue left, / Till he cast Belles, Steeple, Church and Parish vp | have left till he cast bells, steeple, church, and parish up | | Per II.i.42 | |
againe: / But if the good King Simonides were of my | again. But if the good King Simonides were of my | | Per II.i.43 | |
minde. | mind– | | Per II.i.44 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
| (aside) | | Per II.i.45 | |
Simonides? | Simonides? | | Per II.i.45 | |
3. | THIRD FISHERMAN | | | |
We would purge the land of these | We would purge the land of these | | Per II.i.46 | |
Drones, / That robbe the Bee of her Hony. | drones that rob the bee of her honey. | | Per II.i.47 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
| (aside) | | Per II.i.48.1 | |
How from the fenny subiect of the Sea, | How from the finny subject of the sea | subject (n.) subjects, people [of a state] | Per II.i.48 | |
| | finny (adj.) provided with fins | | |
These Fishers tell the infirmities of men, | These fishers tell the infirmities of men, | fisher (n.) fisherman | Per II.i.49 | |
And from their watry empire recollect, | And from their watery empire recollect | recollect (v.) gather up, collect, amass | Per II.i.50 | |
All that may men approue, or men detect. | All that may men approve or men detect! – | approve (v.) endorse, support, accept as true | Per II.i.51 | |
Peace be at your labour, honest Fisher-men. | Peace be at your labour, honest fishermen! | | Per II.i.52 | |
Honest good fellow what's | Honest, good fellow? What's | | Per II.i.53 | |
that, if it be a day fits you / Search out of the Kalender, | that? If it be a day fits you, search out of the calendar, | fit (v.) suit, befit, be suitable [for] | Per II.i.54 | |
and no body looke after it? | and nobody look after it. | | Per II.i.55 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
May see the Sea hath cast vpon your coast: | May see the sea hath cast upon your coast – | | Per II.i.56 | |
What a drunken Knaue was the Sea, | What a drunken knave was the sea | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | Per II.i.57 | |
To cast thee in our way? | to cast thee in our way! | cast (v.) cast up, throw up, regurgitate | Per II.i.58 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
A man whom both the Waters and the Winde, | A man whom both the waters and the wind, | | Per II.i.59 | |
In that vast Tennis-court, hath made the Ball | In that vast tennis-court, hath made the ball | | Per II.i.60 | |
For them to play vpon, intreates you pittie him: | For them to play upon entreats you pity him. | | Per II.i.61 | |
Hee askes of you, that neuer vs'd to begge. | He asks of you that never used to beg. | | Per II.i.62 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
No friend, cannot you begge? Heer's | No, friend, cannot you beg? Here's | | Per II.i.63 | |
them in our countrey of Greece, / Gets more with begging, | them in our country of Greece gets more with begging | | Per II.i.64 | |
then we can doe with working. | than we can do with working. | | Per II.i.65 | |
Canst thou catch any Fishes then? | Canst thou catch any fishes then? | | Per II.i.66 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
I neuer practizde it. | I never practised it. | practise (v.) engage in, carry on, take up | Per II.i.67 | |
Nay then thou wilt starue sure: | Nay then, thou wilt starve, sure, | | Per II.i.68 | |
for heer's nothing to be got now-adayes, vnlesse thou canst | for here's nothing to be got nowadays unless thou canst | | Per II.i.69 | |
fish for't. | fish for't. | | Per II.i.70 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
What I haue been, I haue forgot to know; | What I have been I have forgot to know; | | Per II.i.71 | |
But what I am, want teaches me to thinke on: | But what I am, want teaches me to think on: | | Per II.i.72 | |
A man throng'd vp with cold, my Veines are chill, | A man thronged up with cold; my veins are chill, | throng up (v.) cram, fill, burden | Per II.i.73 | |
And haue no more of life then may suffize, | And have no more of life than may suffice | | Per II.i.74 | |
To giue my tongue that heat to aske your helpe: | To give my tongue that heat to ask your help; | | Per II.i.75 | |
Which if you shall refuse, when I am dead, | Which if you shall refuse, when I am dead, | | Per II.i.76 | |
For that I am a man, pray you see me buried. | For that I am a man, pray see me buried. | | Per II.i.77 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Die, ke-tha; now Gods forbid't, and I | Die, quotha! Now gods forbid it an I | quoth a, quotha (int.) did he say?, indeed! | Per II.i.78 | |
| | and, an (conj.) if, whether | | |
haue a Gowne heere, come put it on, keepe thee warme: | have a gown here! Come, put it on, keep thee warm. | gown (n.) loose upper garment worn by men | Per II.i.79 | |
now afore mee a handsome fellow : Come, thou shalt goe | Now, afore me, a handsome fellow! Come, thou shalt go | afore, 'fore (prep.) before, in front of | Per II.i.80 | |
home, and wee'le haue Flesh for all day, Fish for fasting-dayes | home, and we'll have flesh for holidays, fish for fasting-days, | flesh (n.) meat | Per II.i.81 | |
and more; or Puddinges and Flap-iackes, and thou | and moreo'er puddings and flapjacks, and thou | pudding (n.) type of large savoury dish; dumpling, pasty | Per II.i.82 | |
shalt be welcome. | shalt be welcome. | | Per II.i.83 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
I thanke you sir. | I thank you, sir. | | Per II.i.84 | |
Harke you my friend: You sayd you | Hark you, my friend, you said you | | Per II.i.85 | |
could not beg? | could not beg? | | Per II.i.86 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
I did but craue. | I did but crave. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | Per II.i.87 | |
But craue? Then Ile turne Crauer | But crave? Then I'll turn craver | craver (n.) beggar, asker, supplicant | Per II.i.88 | |
too, and so I shall scape whipping. | too, and so I shall 'scape whipping. | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Per II.i.89 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
Why, are you Beggers whipt then? | Why, are your beggars whipped then? | | Per II.i.90 | |
Oh not all, my friend, not all: for if | O, not all, my friend, not all, for if | | Per II.i.91 | |
all your Beggers were whipt, I would wish no better | all your beggars were whipped, I would wish no better | | Per II.i.92 | |
office, then to be Beadle: But Maister, Ile goe draw vp the | office than to be beadle. But, master, I'll go draw up the | office (n.) role, position, place, function | Per II.i.93 | |
Net. | net. | | Per II.i.94 | |
| Exit Second and Third Fisherman | | Per II.i.94 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
| (aside) | | Per II.i.95 | |
How well this honest mirth becomes their labour? | How well this honest mirth becomes their labour! | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | Per II.i.95.1 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Harke you sir; doe you know where yee | Hark you, sir, do you know where ye | | Per II.i.96 | |
are? | are? | | Per II.i.97 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
Not well. | Not well. | | Per II.i.98 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Why Ile tell you, this I cald | Why, I'll tell you. This is called | | Per II.i.99 | |
Pantapoles, / And our King, the good Symonides. | Pentapolis, and our king the good Simonides. | Pentapolis (n.) [pron: pen'tapolis] city region on N African coast, modern Libya | Per II.i.100 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
The good Symonides, doe you call him? | The good Simonides do you call him? | | Per II.i.101 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
I sir, and he deserues so to be \ | Ay, sir, and he deserves so to be | | Per II.i.102 | |
cal'd, / For his peaceable raigne, and good gouernement. | called for his peaceable reign and good government. | | Per II.i.103 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
He is a happy King, since he gaines from / His | He is a happy king, since he gains from his | | Per II.i.104 | |
subiects the name of good, by his gouernment. How farre | subjects the name of good by his government. How far | | Per II.i.105 | |
is his Court distant from this shore? | is his court distant from this shore? | | Per II.i.106 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Mary sir, halfe a dayes iourney: And | Marry, sir, half a day's journey. And | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | Per II.i.107 | |
Ile tell you, / He hath a faire Daughter, and to morrow | I'll tell you, he hath a fair daughter, and tomorrow | | Per II.i.108 | |
is her birth-day, / And there are Princes and Knights come | is her birthday, and there are princes and knights come | | Per II.i.109 | |
from all partes of the World, to Iust and Turney for her | from all parts of the world to joust and tourney for her | tourney (v.) take part in a tournament | Per II.i.110 | |
loue. | love. | | Per II.i.111 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
Were my fortunes equall to my desires, I could | Were my fortunes equal to my desires, I could | | Per II.i.112 | |
wish to make one there. | wish to make one there. | | Per II.i.113 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
O sir, things must be as they may: | O, sir, things must be as they may; | | Per II.i.114 | |
and what a man can not get, he may lawfully deale for his | and what a man cannot get, he may lawfully deal for his | | Per II.i.115 | |
Wiues soule. | wife's soul. | | Per II.i.116 | |
Enter the two Fisher-men, drawing vp a Net. | Enter the two Fishermen, drawing up a net | | Per II.i.117 | |
Helpe Maister helpe; heere's a Fish | Help, master, help! Here's a fish | | Per II.i.117 | |
hanges in the Net, / Like a poore mans right in the law: t'will | hangs in the net like a poor man's right in the law; 'twill | | Per II.i.118 | |
hardly come out. / Ha bots on't, tis come at last; & tis | hardly come out. Ha, bots on't, 'tis come at last, and 'tis | bots (n.) stomach worm affecting horses | Per II.i.119 | |
turnd to a rusty Armour. | turned to a rusty armour. | | Per II.i.120 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
An Armour friends; I pray you let me see it? | An armour, friends? I pray you let me see it. | | Per II.i.121 | |
Thankes Fortune, yet that after all crosses, | Thanks, Fortune, yet that after all thy crosses | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | Per II.i.122 | |
Thou giuest me somewhat to repaire my selfe: | Thou givest me somewhat to repair myself, | | Per II.i.123 | |
And though it was mine owne part of my heritage, | And though it was mine own, part of my heritage, | | Per II.i.124 | |
Which my dead Father did bequeath to me, | Which my dead father did bequeath to me, | | Per II.i.125 | |
With this strict charge euen as he left his life, | With this strict charge, even as he left his life: | | Per II.i.126 | |
Keepe it my Perycles, it hath been a Shield | ‘ Keep it, my Pericles; it hath been a shield | | Per II.i.127 | |
Twixt me and death, and poynted to this brayse, | 'Twixt me and death,’ and pointed to this brace, | brace (n.) armoured covering for the arms; or: coat of armour | Per II.i.128 | |
For that it saued me, keepe it in like necessitie: | ‘ For that it saved me, keep it. In like necessity, | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | Per II.i.129 | |
The which the Gods protect thee, Fame may defend thee: | The which the gods protect thee from, may't defend thee.’ | | Per II.i.130 | |
It kept where I kept, I so dearely lou'd it, | It kept where I kept, I so dearly loved it, | keep (v.) lodge, live, dwell | Per II.i.131 | |
Till the rough Seas, that spares not any man, | Till the rough seas, that spares not any man, | | Per II.i.132 | |
Tooke it in rage, though calm'd, haue giuen't againe: | Took it in rage, though calmed have given't again. | | Per II.i.133 | |
I thanke thee for't, my shipwracke now's no ill, | I thank thee for't. My shipwreck now's no ill, | ill (n.) trouble, affliction, misfortune | Per II.i.134 | |
Since I haue heere my Father gaue in his Will. | Since I have here my father gave in his will. | | Per II.i.135 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
What meane you sir? | What mean you, sir? | | Per II.i.136 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
To begge of you (kind friends) this Coate of worth, | To beg of you, kind friends, this coat of worth, | | Per II.i.137 | |
For it was sometime Target to a King; | For it was sometime target to a king. | target (n.) light round shield | Per II.i.138 | |
| | sometime (adv.) formerly, at one time, once | | |
I know it by this marke: he loued me dearely, | I know it by this mark. He loved me dearly, | | Per II.i.139 | |
And for his sake, I wish the hauing of it; | And for his sake I wish the having of it, | | Per II.i.140 | |
And that you'd guide me to your Soueraignes Court, | And that you'd guide me to your sovereign's court, | | Per II.i.141 | |
Where with it, I may appeare a Gentleman: | Where with it I may appear a gentleman. | appear (v.) present oneself as, have the character of | Per II.i.142 | |
And if that euer my low fortune's better, | And if that ever my low fortune's better, | | Per II.i.143 | |
Ile pay your bounties; till then, rest your debter. | I'll pay your bounties; till then rest your debtor. | pay (v.) repay, requite, recompense | Per II.i.144 | |
| | bounty (n.) act of kindness, good turn | | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Why wilt thou turney for the Lady? | Why, wilt thou tourney for the lady? | tourney (v.) take part in a tournament | Per II.i.145 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
Ile shew the vertue I haue borne in Armes. | I'll show the virtue I have borne in arms. | virtue (n.) quality, accomplishment, ability | Per II.i.146 | |
1. | FIRST FISHERMAN | | | |
Why do'e take it: and the Gods giue | Why, d'ye take it, and the gods give | | Per II.i.147 | |
thee good an't. | thee good on't. | | Per II.i.148 | |
I but harke you my friend, t'was | Ay, but hark you, my friend, 'twas | | Per II.i.149 | |
wee that made vp this Garment through the rough seames | we that made up this garment through the rough seams | | Per II.i.150 | |
of the Waters: there are certaine Condolements, certaine | of the waters. There are certain condolements, certain | condolement (n.) [unclear meaning] share-out, tangible expression of thanks | Per II.i.151 | |
Vailes: I hope sir, if you thriue, you'le remember from | vails. I hope, sir, if you thrive, you'll remember from | vail (n.) [textiles: remnant of cloth, leftover of material] tip, gratuity, perk | Per II.i.152 | |
whence you had them. | whence you had them. | | Per II.i.153 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
Beleeue't, I will: | Believe't, I will. | | Per II.i.154 | |
By your furtherance I am cloth'd in Steele, | By your furtherance I am clothed in steel, | furtherance (n.) aid, assistance, help | Per II.i.155 | |
And spight of all the rupture of the Sea, | And spite of all the rapture of the sea | rapture (n.) seizure, plundering, carrying away | Per II.i.156 | |
This Iewell holdes his buylding on my arme: | This jewel holds his building on my arm. | building (n.) position, fixed place, location | Per II.i.157 | |
Vnto thy value I will mount my selfe | Unto thy value I will mount myself | | Per II.i.158 | |
Vpon a Courser, whose delight steps, | Upon a courser, whose delightful steps | delightful (adj.) full of delight, experiencing great pleasure | Per II.i.159 | |
| | courser (n.) swift horse, sprinter, charger | | |
Shall make the gazer ioy to see him tread; | Shall make the gazer joy to see him tread. | | Per II.i.160 | |
Onely (my friend) I yet am vnprouided | Only, my friend, I yet am unprovided | | Per II.i.161 | |
of a paire of Bases. | Of a pair of bases. | base (n.) [plural] type of knee-length skirt worn by a knight on horseback | Per II.i.162 | |
Wee'le sure prouide, thou shalt | We'll sure provide. Thou shalt | | Per II.i.163 | |
haue / My best Gowne to make thee a paire; / And Ile bring | have my best gown to make thee a pair, and I'll bring | gown (n.) loose upper garment worn by men | Per II.i.164 | |
thee to the Court my selfe. | thee to the court myself. | | Per II.i.165 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
Then Honour be but a Goale to my Will, | Then honour be but a goal to my will, | | Per II.i.166 | |
This day Ile rise, or else adde ill to ill. | This day I'll rise, or else add ill to ill. | ill (n.) trouble, affliction, misfortune | Per II.i.167 | |
| Exeunt | | Per II.i.167 | |