| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Dioniza, with Leonine. | Enter Dionyza with Leonine | | Per IV.i.1 | |
Dion. | DIONYZA | | | |
Thy oath remember, thou hast sworne to doo't, | Thy oath remember. Thou hast sworn to do't. | | Per IV.i.1 | |
tis but a blowe which neuer shall bee knowne, | 'Tis but a blow, which never shall be known. | | Per IV.i.2 | |
thou canst not doe a thing in the worlde so soone | Thou canst not do a thing in the world so soon | soon (adv.) quickly, in a short time | Per IV.i.3 | |
to yeelde thee so much profite: let not conscience | To yield thee so much profit. Let not conscience, | | Per IV.i.4 | |
which is but cold, in flaming, thy loue bosome, | Which is but cold, inflaming love in thy bosom, | | Per IV.i.5 | |
enflame too nicelie, nor let pittie which | Inflame too nicely; nor let pity, which | nicely (adv.) scrupulously, punctiliously, meticulously, fastidiously | Per IV.i.6 | |
euen women haue cast off, melt thee, but be | Even women have cast off, melt thee, but be | | Per IV.i.7 | |
a souldier to thy purpose. | A soldier to thy purpose. | soldier (n.) dedicated person, committed individual | Per IV.i.8.1 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
I will doo't, | I will do't – | | Per IV.i.8.2 | |
but yet she is a goodly creature. | But yet she is a goodly creature. | goodly (adj.) good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely | Per IV.i.9 | |
Dion. | DIONYZA | | | |
The fitter then the Gods should haue her. | The fitter then the gods should have her. | | Per IV.i.10 | |
Here she comes weeping for her onely Mistresse death, | Here she comes weeping for her only mistress' death. | | Per IV.i.11 | |
Thou art resolude. | Thou art resolved? | | Per IV.i.12.1 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
I am resolude. | I am resolved. | | Per IV.i.12.2 | |
Enter Marina with a Basket of flowers. | Enter Marina with a basket of flowers | | Per IV.i.13.1 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
No: I will rob Tellus of her weede | No, I will rob Tellus of her weed | weed (n.) garment, piece of clothing | Per IV.i.13 | |
| | Tellus (n.) Roman goddess of the earth | | |
to strowe thy greene with Flowers, the yellowes, blewes, | To strew thy green with flowers. The yellows, blues, | green (n.) grass-covered land, grassy mound | Per IV.i.14 | |
the purple Violets, and Marigolds, | The purple violets, and marigolds | | Per IV.i.15 | |
shall as a Carpet hang vpon thy graue, | Shall as a carpet hang upon thy grave | carpet (n.) tapestry, piece of embroidered fabric | Per IV.i.16 | |
while Sommer dayes doth last: Aye me poore maid, | While summer days doth last. Ay me, poor maid, | | Per IV.i.17 | |
borne in a tempest, when my mother dide, | Born in a tempest when my mother died, | | Per IV.i.18 | |
this world to me is a lasting storme, | This world to me is like a lasting storm, | | Per IV.i.19 | |
whirring me from my friends. | Whirring me from my friends. | whir (v.) whirl, rush along, carry | Per IV.i.20 | |
Dion. | DIONYZA | | | |
How now Marina, why doe yow keep alone? | How now, Marina? Why do you keep alone? | keep (v.) continue, carry on, remain | Per IV.i.21 | |
How chaunce my daughter is not with you? | How chance my daughter is not with you? | chance (v.) happen [to], transpire, come about | Per IV.i.22 | |
Doe not consume your bloud with sorrowing, | Do not consume your blood with sorrowing; | | Per IV.i.23 | |
Haue you a nurse of me? Lord how your fauours | You have a nurse of me. Lord, how your favour's | favour (n.) [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks | Per IV.i.24 | |
Changd with this vnprofitable woe: | Changed with this unprofitable woe! | | Per IV.i.25 | |
Come giue me your flowers, ere the sea marre it, | Come, give me your flowers. On the sea-margent | sea-margent (n.) seashore, edge of the sea | Per IV.i.26 | |
Walke with Leonine, the ayre is quicke there, | Walk with Leonine. The air is quick there, | quick (adj.) fresh, invigorating, sharp | Per IV.i.27 | |
And it perces and sharpens the stomacke, | And it pierces and sharpens the stomach. | stomach (n.) appetite, desire [for food] | Per IV.i.28 | |
Come Leonine take her by the arme, walke with her. | Come, Leonine. Take her by the arm, walk with her. | | Per IV.i.29 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
No I pray you, Ile not bereaue you of your seruat. | No, I pray you. I'll not bereave you of your servant. | | Per IV.i.30 | |
Dion. | DIONYZA | | | |
Come, come, | Come, come. | | Per IV.i.31 | |
I loue the king your father, and your selfe, | I love the King your father and yourself | | Per IV.i.32 | |
with more then forraine heart, wee euery day | With more than foreign heart. We every day | | Per IV.i.33 | |
expect him here, when he shall come and find | Expect him here. When he shall come and find | | Per IV.i.34 | |
our Paragon to all reports thus blasted, | Our paragon to all reports thus blasted, | | Per IV.i.35 | |
He will repent the breadth of his great voyage, | He will repent the breadth of his great voyage, | | Per IV.i.36 | |
blame both my Lord and me, that we haue taken | Blame both my lord and me that we have taken | | Per IV.i.37 | |
no care to your best courses, go I pray you, | No care to your best courses. Go, I pray you. | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | Per IV.i.38 | |
walke and be chearfull once againe, reserue | Walk and be cheerful once again. Reserve | reserve (v.) preserve, retain, keep | Per IV.i.39 | |
that excellent complexion, which did steale | That excellent complexion which did steal | | Per IV.i.40 | |
the eyes of yong and old. Care not for me, | The eyes of young and old. Care not for me; | | Per IV.i.41 | |
I can goe home alone. | I can go home alone. | | Per IV.i.42.1 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
Well, I will goe, | Well, I will go, | | Per IV.i.42.2 | |
but yet I haue no desire too it. | But yet I have no desire to it. | | Per IV.i.43 | |
Dion. | DIONYZA | | | |
Come, come, I know tis good for you, | Come, come, I know 'tis good for you. | | Per IV.i.44 | |
walke halfe an houre Leonine, at the least, | Walk half an hour, Leonine, at the least. | | Per IV.i.45 | |
remember what I haue sed. | Remember what I have said. | | Per IV.i.46 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
I warrant you Madam. | I warrant you, madam. | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | Per IV.i.47 | |
Dion. | DIONYZA | | | |
Ile leaue you my sweete Ladie, for a while, | I'll leave you, my sweet lady, for a while. | | Per IV.i.48 | |
pray walke softly, doe not heate your bloud, | Pray walk softly, do not heat your blood. | softly (adv.) slowly, gently | Per IV.i.49 | |
what, I must haue care of you. | What! I must have care of you. | | Per IV.i.50.1 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
My thanks sweete Madame, | My thanks, sweet madam. | | Per IV.i.50.2 | |
| Exit Dionyza | | Per IV.i.50 | |
Is this wind Westerlie that blowes? | Is this wind westerly that blows? | | Per IV.i.51.1 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
Southwest. | South-west. | | Per IV.i.51.2 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
When I was borne the wind was North. | When I was born the wind was north. | | Per IV.i.52.1 | |
Leon | LEONINE | | | |
Wast so? | Was't so? | | Per IV.i.52.2 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
My father, as nurse ses, did neuer feare, | My father, as nurse says, did never fear, | | Per IV.i.53 | |
but cryed good sea-men to the Saylers, galling | But cried ‘ Good seaman!’ to the sailors, galling | gall (v.) chafe, rub, make sore | Per IV.i.54 | |
his kingly hands haling ropes, | His kingly hands haling ropes, | hale (v.) drag, pull, haul | Per IV.i.55 | |
and clasping to the Mast, endured a | And, clasping to the mast, endured a sea | clasp (v.) cling, hold tight, hang on | Per IV.i.56 | |
sea that almost burst the decke. | That almost burst the deck. | | Per IV.i.57 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
When was this? | When was this? | | Per IV.i.58 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
When I was borne, | When I was born. | | Per IV.i.59 | |
neuer was waues nor winde more violent, | Never was waves nor wind more violent, | | Per IV.i.60 | |
and from the ladder tackle, washes off | And from the ladder-tackle washes off | ladder-tackle (n.) rope-ladder in the rigging | Per IV.i.61 | |
a canuas clymer, ha ses one, wolt out? | A canvas-climber. ‘ Ha!’ says one, ‘ wolt out?’ | canvas-climber (n.) mariner climbing to trim the sails, sailor | Per IV.i.62 | |
and with a dropping industrie they skip | And with a dropping industry they skip | dropping (adj.) dripping-wet, soaked, drenched | Per IV.i.63 | |
from sterne to sterne, the Boatswaine whistles, and | From stem to stern. The boatswain whistles, and | stem (n.) prow, bows | Per IV.i.64 | |
the Maister calles and trebles their confusion. | The master calls and trebles their confusion. | | Per IV.i.65 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
Come say your prayers. | Come, say your prayers. | | Per IV.i.66 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
What meane you? | What mean you? | | Per IV.i.67 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
If you require a little space for praier, | If you require a little space for prayer, | | Per IV.i.68 | |
I graunt it, pray, but bee not tedious, for | I grant it. Pray; but be not tedious, for | | Per IV.i.69 | |
the Gods are quicke of eare, and I am sworne | The gods are quick of ear, and I am sworn | | Per IV.i.70 | |
to do my worke with haste. | To do my work with haste. | | Per IV.i.71.1 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
Why will you kill me? | Why will you kill me? | | Per IV.i.71.2 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
To satisfie my Ladie. | To satisfy my lady. | | Per IV.i.72 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
Why would shee haue mee kild | Why would she have me killed? | | Per IV.i.73 | |
now? as I can remember by my troth, | Now, as I can remember, by my troth, | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | Per IV.i.74 | |
I neuer did her hurt in all my life, | I never did her hurt in all my life. | | Per IV.i.75 | |
I neuer spake bad worde, nor did ill turne | I never spake bad word nor did ill turn | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | Per IV.i.76 | |
to anie liuing creature: Beleeue me law, | To any living creature. Believe me, law, | law (int.) indeed | Per IV.i.77 | |
I neuer killd a Mouse, nor hurt a Fly: | I never killed a mouse, nor hurt a fly. | | Per IV.i.78 | |
I trode vpon a worme against my will, | I trod upon a worm against my will, | | Per IV.i.79 | |
but I wept fort. How haue I offended, | But I wept for't. How have I offended, | | Per IV.i.80 | |
wherein my death might yeeld her anie profit, | Wherein my death might yield her any profit, | | Per IV.i.81 | |
or my life imply her any danger? | Or my life imply her any danger? | | Per IV.i.82 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
My Commission | My commission | | Per IV.i.83 | |
is not to reason of the deed, but doo't. | Is not to reason of the deed, but do't. | | Per IV.i.84 | |
Mari. | MARINA | | | |
You will not doo't for all the world I hope: | You will not do't for all the world, I hope. | | Per IV.i.85 | |
you are well fauoured, and your lookes foreshew | You are well-favoured, and your looks foreshow | well-favoured (adj.) good-looking, attractive in appearance | Per IV.i.86 | |
| | foreshow (v.) display, indicate, show forth | | |
you haue a gentle heart, I saw you latelie | You have a gentle heart. I saw you lately | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | Per IV.i.87 | |
when you caught hurt in parting two that fought: | When you caught hurt in parting two that fought. | | Per IV.i.88 | |
good sooth it shewde well in you, do so now, | Good sooth, it showed well in you. Do so now. | sooth (n.) truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] | Per IV.i.89 | |
your Ladie seekes my life Come, you betweene, | Your lady seeks my life; come you between, | | Per IV.i.90 | |
and saue poore mee the weaker. | And save poor me, the weaker. | | Per IV.i.91.1 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
I am sworne | I am sworn, | | Per IV.i.91.2 | |
and will dispatch. | And will dispatch. | dispatch, despatch (v.) kill, put to death, make away with, finish off | Per IV.i.92 | |
| He seizes her | | Per IV.i.93.1 | |
Enter Pirats. | Enter Pirates | | Per IV.i.93.2 | |
Pirat.1. | FIRST PIRATE | | | |
Hold villaine. | Hold, villain! | | Per IV.i.93 | |
| Leonine runs away | | Per IV.i.93 | |
Pira.2. | SECOND PIRATE | | | |
A prize, a prize. | A prize, a prize! | | Per IV.i.94 | |
Pirat.3. | THIRD PIRATE | | | |
Halfe part mates, halfe part. Come lets | Half-part, mates, half-part. Come, let's | half-part (n.) half each, fair shares | Per IV.i.95 | |
haue her aboord sodainly. | have her aboard suddenly. | | Per IV.i.96 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Pirates, carrying off Marina | | Per IV.i.96 | |
Enter Leonine. | Enter Leonine | | Per IV.i.97.1 | |
Leon. | LEONINE | | | |
These rogueing theeues serue the great Pyrato Valdes, | These roguing thieves serve the great pirate Valdes, | roguing (adj.) living like rogues, villainous, rascally | Per IV.i.97 | |
and they haue seizd Marina, let her goe, | And they have seized Marina. Let her go. | | Per IV.i.98 | |
ther's no hope shee will returne, Ile sweare shees dead, | There's no hope she will return. I'll swear she's dead, | | Per IV.i.99 | |
and throwne into the Sea, but ile see further: | And thrown into the sea. But I'll see further. | | Per IV.i.100 | |
perhappes they will but please themselues vpon her, | Perhaps they will but please themselves upon her, | | Per IV.i.101 | |
not carrie her aboord, if shee remaine | Not carry her aboard. If she remain, | | Per IV.i.102 | |
Whome they haue rauisht, must by mee be slaine. | Whom they have ravished must by me be slain. | | Per IV.i.103 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Per IV.i.103 | |