| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Hymen with a Torch burning: a Boy, in | Music. Enter Hymen with a torch burning; a boy in | Hymen (n.) [pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute | TNK I.i.1.1 | |
a white Robe before singing, and strewing Flowres: | a white robe before, singing and strewing flowers; | | TNK I.i.1.2 | |
After Hymen, a Nimph, encompast in her Tresses, | after Hymen, a nymph, encompassed in her tresses, | | TNK I.i.1.3 | |
bearing a wheaten Garland. Then Theseus betweene two | bearing a wheaten garland; then Theseus between two | Theseus (n.) [pron: 'theesius] legendary king of Athens; killer of the Minotaur; he conquered the Amazons and married their queen, Hippolyta | TNK I.i.1.4 | |
other Nimphs with wheaten Chaplets on their heades. | other nymphs with wheaten chaplets on their heads; | chaplet (n.) garland, wreath | TNK I.i.1.5 | |
Then Hipolita the Bride, lead by Theseus, and another | then Hippolyta the bride, led by Pirithous, and another | Hippolyta (n.) [pron: hi'polita] queen of the Amazons | TNK I.i.1.6 | |
holding a Garland over her head (her Tresses likewise | holding a garland over her head, her tresses likewise | | TNK I.i.1.7 | |
hanging.) After her Emilia holding up her Traine. | hanging; after her, Emilia holding up her train; | | TNK I.i.1.8 | |
The Song, | then Artesius and attendants | | TNK I.i.1.9 | |
| BOY | | | |
Musike. | (sings) | | TNK I.i.1 | |
ROses their sharpe spines being gon, | Roses, their sharp spines being gone, | | TNK I.i.1 | |
Not royall in their smels alone, | Not royal in their smells alone, | | TNK I.i.2 | |
But in their hew. | But in their hue, | | TNK I.i.3 | |
Maiden Pinckes, of odour faint, | Maiden pinks, of odour faint, | | TNK I.i.4 | |
Dazies smel-lesse, yet most quaint | Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint, | quaint (adj.) pretty, attractive, lovely | TNK I.i.5 | |
And sweet Time true. | And sweet thyme true, | | TNK I.i.6 | |
Prim-rose first borne, child of Ver, | Primrose, first-born child of Ver, | Ver (n.) [personification of] spring, springtime | TNK I.i.7 | |
Merry Spring times Herbinger, | Merry springtime's harbinger, | harbinger (n.) forerunner, herald, precursor | TNK I.i.8 | |
With her bels dimme. | With harebells dim, | dim (adj.) dull, pale-coloured, lacking lustre | TNK I.i.9 | |
Oxlips, in their Cradles growing, | Oxlips, in their cradles growing, | | TNK I.i.10 | |
Mary-golds, on death beds blowing, | Marigolds, on deathbeds blowing, | death-bed (n.) grave | TNK I.i.11 | |
| | blow (v.) blossom, bloom, flower | | |
Larkes-heeles trymme. | Lark's-heels trim, | lark's-heels (n.) larkspur | TNK I.i.12 | |
All deere natures children: sweete- | All dear Nature's children sweet, | | TNK I.i.13 | |
Ly fore Bride and Bridegroomes feete | Lie 'fore bride and bridegroom's feet, | | TNK I.i.14 | |
Blessing their sence. | Blessing their sense. | sense (n.) senses, sensation, organs of sense | TNK I.i.15 | |
Strew Flowers. | He strews flowers | | TNK I.i.16 | |
Not an angle of the aire, | Not an angel of the air, | | TNK I.i.16 | |
Bird melodious, or bird faire, | Bird melodious or bird fair, | | TNK I.i.17 | |
Is absent hence. | Is absent hence; | | TNK I.i.18 | |
The Crow, the slaundrous Cuckoe, nor | The crow, the slanderous cuckoo, nor | | TNK I.i.19 | |
The boding Raven, nor Clough hee | The boding raven, nor chough hoar, | chough (n.) jackdaw | TNK I.i.20 | |
| | hoar (adj.) grey-white, hoary | | |
| | boding (adj.) ominous, full of foreboding | | |
Nor chattring Pie, | Nor chattering pie, | pie (n.) magpie | TNK I.i.21 | |
May on our Bridehouse pearch or sing, | May on our bridehouse perch or sing, | bridehouse (n.) house where a wedding is held | TNK I.i.22 | |
Or with them any discord bring | Or with them any discord bring, | | TNK I.i.23 | |
But from it fly. | But from it fly. | | TNK I.i.24 | |
Enter 3. Queenes in Blacke, with vailes staind, with | Enter three Queens in black, with veils stained, with | stained (adj.) dyed black | TNK I.i.25.1 | |
imperiall Crownes. The 1. Queene fals downe at the | imperial crowns. The First Queen falls down at the | | TNK I.i.25.2 | |
foote of Theseus; The 2. fals downe at the foote of | foot of Theseus; the Second falls down at the foot of | | TNK I.i.25.3 | |
Hypolita. The 3. before Emilia. | Hippolyta; the Third before Emilia | | TNK I.i.25.4 | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
For pitties sake and true gentilities, | For pity's sake and true gentility's, | gentility (n.) nobility, good birth | TNK I.i.25 | |
Heare, and respect me. | Hear and respect me! | respect (v.) pay attention to, heed | TNK I.i.26.1 | |
2. Qu. | SECOND QUEEN | | | |
For your Mothers sake, | For your mother's sake, | | TNK I.i.26.2 | |
And as you wish your womb may thrive with faire ones, | And as you wish your womb may thrive with fair ones, | | TNK I.i.27 | |
Heare and respect me, | Hear and respect me! | | TNK I.i.28 | |
3. Qu. | THIRD QUEEN | | | |
Now for the love of him whom Iove hath markd | Now for the love of him whom Jove hath marked | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | TNK I.i.29 | |
The honour of your Bed, and for the sake | The honour of your bed, and for the sake | | TNK I.i.30 | |
Of cleere virginity, be Advocate | Of clear virginity, be advocate | clear (adj.) pure, spotless, faultless | TNK I.i.31 | |
For us, and our distresses: This good deede | For us and our distresses! This good deed | | TNK I.i.32 | |
Shall raze you out o'th Booke of Trespasses | Shall raze you out o'th' book of trespasses | raze, raze out erase, obliterate, wipe out | TNK I.i.33 | |
All you are set downe there. | All you are set down there | | TNK I.i.34 | |
Theseus. | THESEUS | | | |
Sad Lady rise. | Sad lady, rise. | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | TNK I.i.35.1 | |
Hypol. | HIPPOLYTA | | | |
Stand up. | Stand up. | | TNK I.i.35.2 | |
Emil. | EMILIA | | | |
No knees to me. | No knees to me. | | TNK I.i.35.3 | |
What woman I may steed that is distrest, | What woman I may stead that is distressed | stead (v.) help, assist, benefit | TNK I.i.36 | |
Does bind me to her. | Does bind me to her. | bind (v.), past form bound oblige, make grateful, indebt | TNK I.i.37 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
What's your request? Deliver you for all. | What's your request? Deliver you for all. | for (prep.) on behalf of | TNK I.i.38 | |
| | deliver (v.) report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe | | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
We are 3. Queenes, whose Soveraignes fel before | We are three queens, whose sovereigns fell before | | TNK I.i.39 | |
The wrath of cruell Creon; who endured | The wrath of cruel Creon; who endured | Creon (n.) [pron: 'krayon] king of Thebes who gave orders that any who died attacking Thebes should be left unburied | TNK I.i.40 | |
The Beakes of Ravens, Tallents of the Kights, | The beaks of ravens, talons of the kites, | | TNK I.i.41 | |
And pecks of Crowes, in the fowle feilds of Thebs. | And pecks of crows in the foul fields of Thebes. | Thebes (n.) [theebz] city-state in Boeotia, SE Greece; associated with wisdom and learning | TNK I.i.42 | |
He will not suffer us to burne their bones, | He will not suffer us to burn their bones, | | TNK I.i.43 | |
To urne their ashes, nor to take th' offence | To urn their ashes, nor to take th' offence | | TNK I.i.44 | |
Of mortall loathsomenes from the blest eye | Of mortal loathsomeness from the blest eye | | TNK I.i.45 | |
Of holy Phaebus, but infects the windes | Of holy Phoebus, but infects the winds | Phoebus (n.) [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo | TNK I.i.46 | |
With stench of our slaine Lords. O pitty Duke, | With stench of our slain lords. O, pity, Duke! | | TNK I.i.47 | |
Thou purger of the earth, draw thy feard Sword | Thou purger of the earth, draw thy feared sword | | TNK I.i.48 | |
That does good turnes to'th world; give us the Bones | That does good turns to th' world; give us the bones | | TNK I.i.49 | |
Of our dead Kings, that we may Chappell them; | Of our dead kings, that we may chapel them; | | TNK I.i.50 | |
And of thy boundles goodnes take some note | And of thy boundless goodness take some note | | TNK I.i.51 | |
That for our crowned heades we have no roofe, | That for our crowned heads we have no roof, | | TNK I.i.52 | |
Save this which is the Lyons, and the Beares, | Save this which is the lion's and the bear's, | | TNK I.i.53 | |
And vault to every thing. | And vault to everything. | vault (n.) roof, covering, ceiling | TNK I.i.54.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Pray you kneele not, | Pray you kneel not; | | TNK I.i.54.2 | |
I was transported with your Speech, and suffer'd | I was transported with your speech, and suffered | transport (v.) carry away, captivate, enrapture | TNK I.i.55 | |
| | suffer (v.) allow, permit, let | | |
Your knees to wrong themselves; I have heard the fortunes | Your knees to wrong themselves. I have heard the fortunes | | TNK I.i.56 | |
Of your dead Lords, which gives me such lamenting | Of your dead lords, which gives me such lamenting | | TNK I.i.57 | |
As wakes my vengeance, and revenge for 'em. | As wakes my vengeance and revenge for 'em. | | TNK I.i.58 | |
King Capaneus, was your Lord the day | King Capaneus was your lord; the day | Capaneus (n.) [kapa'nayus] one of seven champions – the 'Seven against Thebes' – who attacked Thebes to deprive Eteocles of his kingship | TNK I.i.59 | |
That he should marry you, at such a season, | That he should marry you, at such a season | | TNK I.i.60 | |
As now it is with me, I met your Groome, | As now it is with me, I met your groom. | | TNK I.i.61 | |
By Marsis Altar, you were that time faire; | By Mars's altar, you were that time fair; | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | TNK I.i.62 | |
Not Iunos Mantle fairer then your Tresses, | Not Juno's mantle fairer then your tresses, | mantle (n.) loose sleeveless cloak | TNK I.i.63 | |
| | Juno (n.) Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity | | |
Nor in more bounty spread her. Your wheaten wreathe | Nor in more bounty spread her; your wheaten wreath | spread (v.) cover, envelop, enfold | TNK I.i.64 | |
Was then nor threashd, nor blasted; Fortune at you | Was then nor threshed nor blasted; Fortune at you | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | TNK I.i.65 | |
| | blast (v.) blight, wither, destroy | | |
Dimpled her Cheeke with smiles: Hercules our kinesman | Dimpled her cheeks with smiles. Hercules our kinsman – | Hercules (n.) [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements | TNK I.i.66 | |
(Then weaker than your eies) laide by his Club, | Then weaker than your eyes – laid by his club; | | TNK I.i.67 | |
He tumbled downe upon his Nenuan hide | He tumbled down upon his Nemean hide | Nemean lion monstrous lion, reputably invulnerable, from the region of Nemea; its destruction was one of the twelve labours of Hercules | TNK I.i.68 | |
And swore his sinews thawd: O greife, and time, | And swore his sinews thawed. O grief and time, | thaw (v.) dissolve, soften, melt | TNK I.i.69 | |
| | sinew (n.) muscle | | |
Fearefull consumers, you will all devoure. | Fearful consumers, you will all devour! | | TNK I.i.70 | |
1, Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
O I hope some God, | O, I hope some god, | | TNK I.i.71 | |
Some God hath put his mercy in your manhood | Some god hath put his mercy in your manhood, | manhood (n.) manliness, courage, valour | TNK I.i.72 | |
Whereto heel infuse powre, and presse you forth | Whereto he'll infuse power, and press you forth | press (v.) urge, compel, spur | TNK I.i.73 | |
Our undertaker. | Our undertaker. | undertaker (n.) champion, helper, upholder | TNK I.i.74.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
O no knees, none Widdow, | O, no knees, none, widow; | | TNK I.i.74.2 | |
Vnto the Helmeted-Belona use them, | Unto the helmeted Bellona use them, | Bellona (n.) [pron: bel'ohna] Roman goddess of war | TNK I.i.75 | |
And pray for me your Souldier. Troubled I am. | And pray for me, your soldier; troubled I am. | | TNK I.i.76 | |
turnes away. | He turns away | | TNK I.i.77 | |
2. Qu. | SECOND QUEEN | | | |
Honoured Hypolita | Honoured Hippolyta, | | TNK I.i.77 | |
Most dreaded Amazonian, that ha'st slaine | Most dreaded Amazonian, that hast slain | Amazon, Amazonian (n.) one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war | TNK I.i.78 | |
The Sith-tuskd-Bore; that with thy Arme as strong | The scythe-tusked boar, that with thy arm as strong | | TNK I.i.79 | |
As it is white, wast neere to make the male | As it is white wast near to make the male | | TNK I.i.80 | |
To thy Sex captive; but that this thy Lord | To thy sex captive, but that this thy lord, | | TNK I.i.81 | |
Borne to uphold Creation, in that honour | Born to uphold creation in that honour | | TNK I.i.82 | |
First nature stilde it in, shrunke thee into | First Nature styled it in, shrunk thee into | style (v.) appoint, order, assign | TNK I.i.83 | |
The bownd thou wast ore-flowing; at once subduing | The bound thou wast o'erflowing, at once subduing | bound (n.) limit, boundary, confine, barrier | TNK I.i.84 | |
Thy force, and thy affection: Soldiresse | Thy force and thy affection; soldieress, | soldieress (n.) female soldier | TNK I.i.85 | |
That equally canst poize sternenes with pitty, | That equally canst poise sternness with pity, | poise (v.) balance, weigh, make even | TNK I.i.86 | |
Whom now I know hast much more power on him | Whom now I know hast much more power on him | power (n.) control, influence, sway | TNK I.i.87 | |
Then ever he had on thee, who ow'st his strength, | Then ever he had on thee, who owest his strength | owe (v.) own, possess, have | TNK I.i.88 | |
And his, Love too: who is a Servant for | And his love too, who is a servant for | servant (n.) devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover | TNK I.i.89 | |
The Tenour of the Speech. Deere Glasse of Ladies | The tenor of thy speech; dear glass of ladies, | tenor, tenour (n.) meaning, purpose, intention | TNK I.i.90 | |
| | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | | |
Bid him that we whom flaming war doth scortch, | Bid him that we whom flaming war doth scorch | | TNK I.i.91 | |
Vnder the shaddow of his Sword, may coole us: | Under the shadow of his sword may cool us; | | TNK I.i.92 | |
Require him he advance it ore our heades; | Require him he advance it o'er our heads; | require (v.) request, ask, beg | TNK I.i.93 | |
Speak't in a womans key: like such a woman | Speak't in a woman's key, like such a woman | key (n.) tone, voice, manner of expression | TNK I.i.94 | |
As any of us three; weepe ere you faile; | As any of us three; weep ere you fail. | ere (conj.) rather than | TNK I.i.95 | |
lend us a knee; | Lend us a knee; | | TNK I.i.96 | |
But touch the ground for us no longer time | But touch the ground for us no longer time | | TNK I.i.97 | |
Then a Doves motion, when the head's pluckt off: | Then a dove's motion when the head's plucked off; | | TNK I.i.98 | |
Tell him if he i'th blood cizd field, lay swolne | Tell him, if he i'th' blood-sized field lay swollen, | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | TNK I.i.99 | |
| | blood-sized (adj.) blood-soaked, smeared with blood | | |
Showing the Sun his Teeth; grinning at the Moone | Showing the sun his teeth, grinning at the moon, | | TNK I.i.100 | |
What you would doe. | What you would do. | | TNK I.i.101.1 | |
Hip. | HIPPOLYTA | | | |
Poore Lady, say no more: | Poor lady, say no more; | | TNK I.i.101.2 | |
I had as leife trace this good action with you | I had as lief trace this good action with you | trace (v.) imitate, pursue, follow in one's footsteps | TNK I.i.102 | |
| | lief, had as should like just as much | | |
As that whereto I am going, and never yet | As that whereto I am going, and never yet | | TNK I.i.103 | |
Went I so willing, way. My Lord is taken | Went I so willing way. My lord is taken | | TNK I.i.104 | |
Hart deepe with your distresse: Let him consider: | Heart-deep with your distress; let him consider. | | TNK I.i.105 | |
Ile speake anon. | I'll speak anon. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | TNK I.i.106.1 | |
3. Qu. | THIRD QUEEN | | | |
kneele to Emilia. | (to Emilia) | | TNK I.i.106 | |
O my petition was | O, my petition was | | TNK I.i.106.2 | |
Set downe in yce, which by hot greefe uncandied | Set down in ice, which by hot grief uncandied | uncandied (adj.) thawed, dissolved, melted | TNK I.i.107 | |
Melts into drops, so sorrow wanting forme | Melts into drops; so sorrow wanting form | want (v.) lack, need, be without | TNK I.i.108 | |
Is prest with deeper matter. | Is pressed with deeper matter. | press (v.) impress [as a stamp on a coin], imprint, mark | TNK I.i.109.1 | |
| | matter (n.) subject-matter, content, substance | | |
Emilia. | EMILIA | | | |
Pray stand up, | Pray stand up; | | TNK I.i.109.2 | |
Your greefe is written in your cheeke. | Your grief is written in your cheek. | | TNK I.i.110.1 | |
3. Qu. | THIRD QUEEN | | | |
O woe, | O woe, | | TNK I.i.110.2 | |
You cannot reade it there; there through my teares, | You cannot read it there; there through my tears, | | TNK I.i.111 | |
Like wrinckled peobles in a glasse streame | Like wrinkled pebbles in a glassy stream, | | TNK I.i.112 | |
You may behold 'em (Lady, Lady, alacke) | You may behold 'em. Lady, lady, alack, | | TNK I.i.113 | |
He that will all the Treasure know o'th earth | He that will all the treasure know o'th' earth | | TNK I.i.114 | |
Must know the Center too; he that will fish | Must know the centre too; he that will fish | | TNK I.i.115 | |
For my least minnow, let him lead his line | For my least minnow, let him lead his line | lead (v.) put lead weights on | TNK I.i.116 | |
To catch one at my heart. O pardon me, | To catch one at my heart. O, pardon me! | | TNK I.i.117 | |
Extremity that sharpens sundry wits | Extremity that sharpens sundry wits | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | TNK I.i.118 | |
Makes me a Foole. | Makes me a fool. | | TNK I.i.119.1 | |
Emili. | EMILIA | | | |
Pray you say nothing, pray you, | Pray you say nothing, pray you; | | TNK I.i.119.2 | |
Who cannot feele, nor see the raine being in't, | Who cannot feel nor see the rain, being in't, | | TNK I.i.120 | |
Knowes neither wet, nor dry, if that you were | Knows neither wet nor dry. If that you were | | TNK I.i.121 | |
The ground-peece of some Painter, I would buy you | The ground-piece of some painter, I would buy you | ground-piece (n.) [unclear meaning] painting used as a teaching-aid | TNK I.i.122 | |
T'instruct me gainst a Capitall greefe indeed | T' instruct me 'gainst a capital grief, indeed | capital (adj.) mortal, deadly, fatal | TNK I.i.123 | |
Such heart peirc'd demonstration; but alas | Such heart-pierced demonstration; but alas, | | TNK I.i.124 | |
Being a naturall Sister of our Sex | Being a natural sister of our sex, | | TNK I.i.125 | |
Your sorrow beates so ardently upon me, | Your sorrow beats so ardently upon me | ardently (adv.) burningly, intensely, passionately | TNK I.i.126 | |
That it shall make a counter reflect gainst | That it shall make a counter-reflect 'gainst | counter-reflect (n.) reflection back again | TNK I.i.127 | |
My Brothers heart, and warme it to some pitty | My brother's heart, and warm it to some pity | | TNK I.i.128 | |
Though it were made of stone: pray have good comfort. | Though it were made of stone. Pray have good comfort. | | TNK I.i.129 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Forward to'th Temple, leave not out a Iot | Forward to th' temple! Leave not out a jot | | TNK I.i.130 | |
O'th sacred Ceremony. | O'th' sacred ceremony. | | TNK I.i.131.1 | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
O This Celebration | O, this celebration | | TNK I.i.131.2 | |
Will long last, and be more costly then, | Will longer last and be more costly than | | TNK I.i.132 | |
Your Suppliants war: Remember that your Fame | Your suppliants' war. Remember that your fame | | TNK I.i.133 | |
Knowles in the eare, o'th world: what you doe quickly, | Knolls in the ear o'th' world; what you do quickly | knoll (v.) toll, ring, peal | TNK I.i.134 | |
Is not done rashly; your first thought is more. | Is not done rashly; your first thought is more | | TNK I.i.135 | |
Then others laboured meditance: your premeditating | Than others' laboured meditance, your premeditating | meditance (n.) meditation, reflection, contemplation | TNK I.i.136 | |
More then their actions: But oh Iove, your actions | More than their actions. But O Jove, your actions, | | TNK I.i.137 | |
Soone as they mooves as Asprayes doe the fish, | Soon as they move, as ospreys do the fish, | | TNK I.i.138 | |
Subdue before they touch, thinke, deere Duke thinke | Subdue before they touch. Think, dear Duke, think | | TNK I.i.139 | |
What beds our slaine Kings have. | What beds our slain kings have. | | TNK I.i.140.1 | |
2. Qu. | SECOND QUEEN | | | |
What greifes our beds | What griefs our beds, | | TNK I.i.140.2 | |
That our deere Lords have none. | That our dear lords have none. | | TNK I.i.141.1 | |
3, Qu. | THIRD QUEEN | | | |
None fit for'th dead: | None fit for th' dead. | | TNK I.i.141.2 | |
Those that with Cordes, Knives, drams precipitance, | Those that with cords, knives, drams, precipitance, | precipitance (n.) jumping from a great height, headlong fall | TNK I.i.142 | |
| | dram (n.) [small dose of] poison | | |
Weary of this worlds light, have to themselves | Weary of this world's light, have to themselves | | TNK I.i.143 | |
Beene deathes most horrid Agents, humaine grace | Been death's most horrid agents, human grace | | TNK I.i.144 | |
Affords them dust and shaddow. | Affords them dust and shadow. | | TNK I.i.145.1 | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
But our Lords | But our lords | | TNK I.i.145.2 | |
Ly blistring fore the visitating Sunne, | Lie blistering 'fore the visitating sun, | visitating (adj.) visiting, attending, observing | TNK I.i.146 | |
And were good Kings, when living. | And were good kings when living. | | TNK I.i.147.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
It is true. | It is true, | | TNK I.i.147.2 | |
and I will give you comfort, | And I will give you comfort, | | TNK I.i.148 | |
To give your dead Lords graves: / The which to doe, | To give your dead lords graves; the which to do | | TNK I.i.149 | |
must make some worke with Creou; | Must make some work with Creon. | | TNK I.i.150.1 | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
And that worke | And that work | | TNK I.i.150.2 | |
presents it selfe to'th doing: | Presents itself to th' doing. | present (v.) put forward [for immediate action] | TNK I.i.151 | |
Now twill take forme, the heates are gone to morrow. | Now 'twill take form; the heats are gone tomorrow. | | TNK I.i.152 | |
Then, booteles toyle must recompence it selfe, | Then, bootless toil must recompense itself | bootless (adj.) useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing | TNK I.i.153 | |
With it's owne sweat; Now he's secure, | With its own sweat; now, he's secure, | secure (adj.) over-confident, unsuspecting, too self-confident | TNK I.i.154 | |
Not dreames, we stand before your puissance | Not dreams we stand before your puissance, | puissance (n.) power, might, force | TNK I.i.155 | |
Wrinching our holy begging in our eyes | Rinsing our holy begging in our eyes | | TNK I.i.156 | |
To make petition cleere. | To make petition clear. | | TNK I.i.157.1 | |
2. Qu. | SECOND QUEEN | | | |
Now you may take him, | Now you may take him, | | TNK I.i.157.2 | |
Drunke with his victory. | Drunk with his victory. | | TNK I.i.158.1 | |
3. Qu. | THIRD QUEEN | | | |
And his Army full | And his army full | | TNK I.i.158.2 | |
Of Bread, and sloth. | Of bread and sloth. | | TNK I.i.159.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Artesuis that best knowest | Artesius, that best knowest | | TNK I.i.159.2 | |
How to draw out fit to this enterpise, | How to draw out fit to this enterprise | fit (adj.) suited, fitting, appropriate | TNK I.i.160 | |
| | draw out (v.) choose, select, find | | |
The prim'st for this proceeding, and the number | The primest for this proceeding, and the number | primest (n./adj.) best, finest, most supreme | TNK I.i.161 | |
To carry such a businesse, forth and levy | To carry such a business, forth and levy | forth (adv.) forward | TNK I.i.162 | |
| | carry (v.) carry out, manage, conduct | | |
Our worthiest Instruments, whilst we despatch | Our worthiest instruments, whilst we dispatch | instrument (n.) agent, servant, retainer | TNK I.i.163 | |
This grand act of our life, this daring deede | This grand act of our life, this daring deed | | TNK I.i.164 | |
Of Fate in wedlocke. | Of fate in wedlock. | | TNK I.i.165.1 | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
Dowagers, take hands | Dowagers, take hands. | | TNK I.i.165.2 | |
Let us be Widdowes to our woes, delay | Let us be widows to our woes; delay | | TNK I.i.166 | |
Commends us to a famishing hope. | Commends us to a famishing hope. | commend (v.) commit, entrust, hand over | TNK I.i.167.1 | |
All. | ALL QUEENS | | | |
Farewell. | Farewell. | | TNK I.i.167.2 | |
2. Qu. | SECOND QUEEN | | | |
We come unseasonably: But when could greefe | We come unseasonably; but when could grief | | TNK I.i.168 | |
Cull forth as unpanged judgement can, fit'st time | Cull forth, as unpanged judgement can, fittest time | unpanged (adj.) undistracted by pain, untormented | TNK I.i.169 | |
| | cull forth (v.) select, pick out, choose | | |
For best solicitation. | For best solicitation? | | TNK I.i.170.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Why good Ladies, | Why, good ladies, | | TNK I.i.170.2 | |
This is a service, whereto I am going, | This is a service, whereto I am going, | | TNK I.i.171 | |
Greater then any was; it more imports me | Greater than any war; it more imports me | import (v.) be of importance to, concern, matter to | TNK I.i.172 | |
Then all the actions that I have foregone, | Than all the actions that I have foregone | forego (v.) perform before, carry out in the past | TNK I.i.173 | |
| | action (n.) engagement, combat, fighting | | |
Or futurely can cope. | Or futurely can cope. | futurely (adv.) in the future, hereafter | TNK I.i.174.1 | |
| | cope, cope with (v.) encounter, face, have to do [with], come into contact [with] | | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
The more proclaiming | The more proclaiming | | TNK I.i.174.2 | |
Our suit shall be neglected, when her Armes | Our suit shall be neglected, when her arms, | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | TNK I.i.175 | |
Able to locke Iove from a Synod, shall | Able to lock Jove from a synod, shall | synod (n.) assembly, council, gathering | TNK I.i.176 | |
| | lock (v.) keep captive, keep away, detain | | |
By warranting Moone-light corslet thee, oh when | By warranting moonlight corslet thee; O, when | warrant (v.) authorize, sanction, license | TNK I.i.177 | |
| | corslet (v.) hold tightl embrace [like a corslet = defensive armour] | | |
Her twyning Cherries shall their sweetnes fall | Her twinning cherries shall their sweetness fall | cherries (n.) [metaphor for] lips | TNK I.i.178 | |
Vpon thy tastefull lips, what wilt thou thinke | Upon thy tasteful lips, what wilt thou think | | TNK I.i.179 | |
Of rotten Kings or blubberd Queenes, what care | Of rotten kings or blubbered queens, what care | blubbered (adj.) tear-stained, disfigured with weeping [no comic overtones] | TNK I.i.180 | |
For what thou feelst not? what thou feelst being able | For what thou feelest not, what thou feelest being able | | TNK I.i.181 | |
To make Mars spurne his Drom. O if thou couch | To make Mars spurn his drum? O, if thou couch | spurn (v.) reject, scorn, despise, treat with contempt | TNK I.i.182 | |
| | couch (v.) lie, sleep, go to bed | | |
But one night with her, every howre in't will | But one night with her, every hour in't will | | TNK I.i.183 | |
Take hostage of thee for a hundred, and | Take hostage of thee for a hundred, and | | TNK I.i.184 | |
Thou shalt remember nothing more, then what | Thou shalt remember nothing more than what | | TNK I.i.185 | |
That Banket bids thee too. | That banquet bids thee to. | banquet, banket (n.) appetizer, first course, hors d'oeuvres | TNK I.i.186.1 | |
| | bid (v.), past form bade invite, ask, entice | | |
Hip. | HIPPOLYTA | | | |
| (kneels) | | TNK I.i.186 | |
Though much unlike | Though much unlike | unlike (adj.) unlikely, improbable, doubtful | TNK I.i.186.2 | |
You should be so transported, as much sorry | You should be so transported, as much sorry | transport (v.) carry away, captivate, enrapture | TNK I.i.187 | |
I should be such a Suitour; yet I thinke | I should be such a suitor; yet I think | | TNK I.i.188 | |
Did I not by th'abstayning of my joy | Did I not by th' abstaining of my joy, | | TNK I.i.189 | |
Which breeds a deeper longing, cure their surfeit | Which breeds a deeper longing, cure their surfeit | surfeit (n.) sickness brought on by excess | TNK I.i.190 | |
That craves a present medcine, I should plucke | That craves a present medicine, I should pluck | pluck (v.) draw down, bring down | TNK I.i.191 | |
| | crave (v.) need, demand, require | | |
All Ladies scandall on me. Therefore Sir | All ladies' scandal on me. Therefore, sir, | | TNK I.i.192 | |
As I shall here make tryall of my prayres, | As I shall here make trial of my prayers, | | TNK I.i.193 | |
Either presuming them to have some force, | Either presuming them to have some force | | TNK I.i.194 | |
Or sentencing for ay their vigour dombe, | Or sentencing for aye their vigour dumb, | aye (adv.) always, ever, for eternity | TNK I.i.195 | |
Prorogue this busines, we are going about, and hang | Prorogue this business we are going about, and hang | prorogue (v.) postpone, delay, defer | TNK I.i.196 | |
Your Sheild afore your Heart, about that necke | Your shield afore your heart, about that neck | afore, 'fore (prep.) before, in front of | TNK I.i.197 | |
Which is my ffee, and which I freely lend | Which is my fee, and which I freely lend | fee (n.) possession, property | TNK I.i.198 | |
To doe these poore Queenes service. | To do these poor queens service. | | TNK I.i.199.1 | |
All Queens. | ALL QUEENS | | | |
| (to Emilia) | | TNK I.i.199 | |
Oh helpe now | O, help now! | | TNK I.i.199.2 | |
Our Cause cries for your knee. | Our cause cries for your knee. | | TNK I.i.200.1 | |
Emil. | EMILIA | | | |
| (kneels) | | TNK I.i.200 | |
If you grant not | If you grant not | | TNK I.i.200.2 | |
My Sister her petition in that force, | My sister her petition in that force, | force (n.) energy, power, conviction | TNK I.i.201 | |
With that Celerity, and nature which | With that celerity and nature which | | TNK I.i.202 | |
Shee makes it in: from henceforth ile not dare | She makes it in, from henceforth I'll not dare | | TNK I.i.203 | |
To aske you any thing, nor be so hardy | To ask you anything, nor be so hardy | hardy (adj.) bold, daring, forward | TNK I.i.204 | |
Ever to take a Husband. | Ever to take a husband. | | TNK I.i.205.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Pray stand up. | Pray stand up. | | TNK I.i.205.2 | |
I am entreating of my selfe to doe | I am entreating of myself to do | | TNK I.i.206 | |
That which you kneele to have me; | That which you kneel to have me. | | TNK I.i.207.1 | |
| All the ladies rise | | TNK I.i.207 | |
Pyrithous | Pirithous, | | TNK I.i.207.2 | |
Leade on the Bride; get you and pray the Gods | Lead on the bride; get you and pray the gods | | TNK I.i.208 | |
For successe, and returne, omit not any thing | For success and return; omit not anything | | TNK I.i.209 | |
In the pretended Celebration: Queenes | In the pretended celebration. Queens, | pretended (adj.) intended, purposed, proposed | TNK I.i.210 | |
Follow your Soldier (as before) hence you | Follow your soldier. (To Artesius) As before, hence you, | | TNK I.i.211 | |
And at the banckes of Anly meete us with | And at the banks of Aulis meet us with | Aulis (n.) [pron: 'awlis] seaport in Boeotia, SE Greece | TNK I.i.212 | |
| | bank (n.) coast, shore | | |
The forces you can raise, where we shall finde | The forces you can raise, where we shall find | | TNK I.i.213 | |
The moytie of a number, for a busines, | The moiety of a number for a business | moiety (n.) share, portion, part | TNK I.i.214 | |
More bigger look't; since that our Theame is haste | More bigger-looked. (To Hippolyta) Since that our theme is haste, | bigger-looked (adj.) of more daunting appearance | TNK I.i.215 | |
I stamp this kisse upon thy currant lippe, | I stamp this kiss upon thy current lip; | stamp (v.) press, impress, coin | TNK I.i.216 | |
| | current (adj.) [as of a coin] authentic, genuine, valid | | |
| (he kisses her) | | TNK I.i.217 | |
Sweete keepe it as my Token; Set you forward | Sweet, keep it as my token. – Set you forward, | | TNK I.i.217 | |
For I will see you gone. | For I will see you gone. | | TNK I.i.218 | |
Exeunt towards the Temple. | The marriage procession moves towards the temple | | TNK I.i.219 | |
Farewell my beauteous Sister: Pyrithous | Farewell, my beauteous sister. Pirithous, | | TNK I.i.219 | |
Keepe the feast full, bate not an howre on't. | Keep the feast full, bate not an hour on't. | full (adv.) fully, completely, properly | TNK I.i.220.1 | |
| | bate (v.) omit, lose, leave out | | |
Pirithous. | PIRITHOUS | | | |
Sir | Sir, | | TNK I.i.220.2 | |
Ile follow you at heeles; The Feasts solempnity | I'll follow you at heels; the feast's solemnity | heels, at close behind, in close pursuit | TNK I.i.221 | |
| | solemnity (n.) ritual, ceremony, celebration | | |
Shall want till your returne. | Shall want till your return. | want (v.) lack, need, be without | TNK I.i.222.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
Cosen I charge you | Cousin, I charge you, | | TNK I.i.222.2 | |
Boudge not from Athens; We shall be returning | Budge not from Athens. We shall be returning | | TNK I.i.223 | |
Ere you can end this Feast; of which I pray you | Ere you can end this feast, of which I pray you | | TNK I.i.224 | |
Make no abatement; once more farewell all. | Make no abatement. Once more, farewell all. | abatement (n.) lessening, decrease, diminution | TNK I.i.225 | |
| The procession goes out | | TNK I.i.225 | |
1. Qu. | FIRST QUEEN | | | |
Thus do'st thou still make good the tongue o'th world. | Thus dost thou still make good the tongue o'th' world. | make good justify, vindicate, confirm | TNK I.i.226 | |
| | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | | |
2. Qu. | SECOND QUEEN | | | |
And earnst a Deity equal with Mars, | And earn'st a deity equal with Mars. | | TNK I.i.227 | |
3. Qu. | THIRD QUEEN | | | |
If not above him, for | If not above him, for | | TNK I.i.228 | |
Thou being but mortall makest affections bend | Thou being but mortal makest affections bend | affection (n.) emotion, feeling | TNK I.i.229 | |
| | bend (v.) give way, bow, submit | | |
To Godlike honours; they themselves some say | To godlike honours; they themselves, some say, | | TNK I.i.230 | |
Grone under such a Mastry. | Groan under such a mastery. | | TNK I.i.231.1 | |
Thes. | THESEUS | | | |
As we are men | As we are men, | | TNK I.i.231.2 | |
Thus should we doe, being sensually subdude | Thus should we do; being sensually subdued, | subdued (adj.) overcome, overwhelmed, subjugated | TNK I.i.232 | |
We loose our humane tytle; good cheere Ladies. | We lose our human title. Good cheer, ladies; | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | TNK I.i.233 | |
Now turne we towards your Comforts. | Now turn we towards your comforts. | | TNK I.i.234 | |
Florish. Exeunt. | Flourish. Exeunt | | TNK I.i.234 | |