First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Richard. | Enter Richard alone | | R2 V.v.1.1 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
I haue bin studying, how to compare | I have been studying how I may compare | study (v.) deliberate, meditate, reflect [on] | R2 V.v.1 | |
This Prison where I liue, vnto the World: | This prison where I live unto the world; | | R2 V.v.2 | |
And for because the world is populous, | And for because the world is populous, | | R2 V.v.3 | |
And heere is not a Creature, but my selfe, | And here is not a creature but myself, | | R2 V.v.4 | |
I cannot do it: yet Ile hammer't out. | I cannot do it. Yet I'll hammer it out. | hammer out (v.) puzzle out, work hard at, work out | R2 V.v.5 | |
My Braine, Ile proue the Female to my Soule, | My brain I'll prove the female to my soul, | | R2 V.v.6 | |
My Soule, the Father: and these two beget | My soul the father, and these two beget | | R2 V.v.7 | |
A generation of still breeding Thoughts; | A generation of still-breeding thoughts, | generation (n.) family, progeny | R2 V.v.8 | |
| | still-breeding (adj.) always reproducing, perpetually generating | | |
And these same Thoughts, people this Little World | And these same thoughts people this little world, | | R2 V.v.9 | |
In humors, like the people of this world, | In humours like the people of this world. | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | R2 V.v.10 | |
For no thought is contented. The better sort, | For no thought is contented; the better sort, | | R2 V.v.11 | |
As thoughts of things Diuine, are intermixt | As thoughts of things divine, are intermixed | | R2 V.v.12 | |
With scruples, and do set the Faith it selfe | With scruples, and do set the word itself | scruple (n.) scrupulousness, introspective doubt | R2 V.v.13 | |
| | word (n.) word of God | | |
Against the Faith: as thus: Come litle ones: | Against the word; as thus: ‘ Come, little ones ’; | | R2 V.v.14 | |
& then again, | And then again, | | R2 V.v.15 | |
It is as hard to come, as for a Camell | ‘ It is as hard to come as for a camel | | R2 V.v.16 | |
To thred the posterne of a Needles eye. | To thread the postern of a small needle's eye.’ | postern (n.) entrance, side gate, back door | R2 V.v.17 | |
| | thread (v.) trace a path through, make a way through | | |
Thoughts tending to Ambition, they do plot | Thoughts tending to ambition, they do plot | | R2 V.v.18 | |
Vnlikely wonders; how these vaine weake nailes | Unlikely wonders – how these vain weak nails | | R2 V.v.19 | |
May teare a passage through the Flinty ribbes | May tear a passage through the flinty ribs | | R2 V.v.20 | |
Of this hard world, my ragged prison walles: | Of this hard world, my ragged prison walls, | ragged (adj.) rough-hewn, dilapidated, rugged | R2 V.v.21 | |
And for they cannot, dye in their owne pride. | And for they cannot, die in their own pride. | | R2 V.v.22 | |
Thoughts tending to Content, flatter themselues, | Thoughts tending to content flatter themselves | content (n.) acceptance, acquiescence | R2 V.v.23 | |
That they are not the first of Fortunes slaues, | That they are not the first of Fortune's slaves, | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | R2 V.v.24 | |
Nor shall not be the last. Like silly Beggars, | Nor shall not be the last; like seely beggars, | silly (adj.) helpless, defenceless, vulnerable | R2 V.v.25 | |
| | seely (adj.) miserable, pathetic; or: simple-minded | | |
Who sitting in the Stockes, refuge their shame | Who, sitting in the stocks, refuge their shame | refuge (v.) shelter from, take refuge from | R2 V.v.26 | |
That many haue, and others must sit there; | That many have, and others must sit there. | | R2 V.v.27 | |
And in this Thought, they finde a kind of ease, | And in this thought they find a kind of ease, | | R2 V.v.28 | |
Bearing their owne misfortune on the backe | Bearing their own misfortunes on the back | | R2 V.v.29 | |
Of such as haue before indur'd the like. | Of such as have before endured the like. | like, the the same | R2 V.v.30 | |
Thus play I in one Prison, many people, | Thus play I in one person many people, | | R2 V.v.31 | |
And none contented. Sometimes am I King; | And none contented. Sometimes am I king. | | R2 V.v.32 | |
Then Treason makes me wish my selfe a Beggar, | Then treasons make me wish myself a beggar; | | R2 V.v.33 | |
And so I am. Then crushing penurie, | And so I am. Then crushing penury | | R2 V.v.34 | |
Perswades me, I was better when a King: | Persuades me I was better when a king. | | R2 V.v.35 | |
Then am I king'd againe: and by and by, | Then am I kinged again; and by and by | | R2 V.v.36 | |
Thinke that I am vn-king'd by Bullingbrooke, | Think that I am unkinged by Bolingbroke, | unking (v.) depose, dethrone, deprive of kingship | R2 V.v.37 | |
And straight am nothing. But what ere I am, Musick | And straight am nothing. But whate'er I be, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | R2 V.v.38 | |
Nor I, nor any man, that but man is, | Nor I, nor any man that but man is, | | R2 V.v.39 | |
With nothing shall be pleas'd, till he be eas'd | With nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased | | R2 V.v.40 | |
With being nothing. Musicke do I heare? | With being nothing. (The music plays) Music do I hear. | | R2 V.v.41 | |
Ha, ha? keepe time: How sowre sweet Musicke is, | Ha, ha; keep time! How sour sweet music is | | R2 V.v.42 | |
When Time is broke, and no Proportion kept? | When time is broke, and no proportion kept. | proportion (n.) proper rhythm, correct value [of notes] | R2 V.v.43 | |
| | time (n.) rhythm, tempo, measure | | |
So is it in the Musicke of mens liues: | So is it in the music of men's lives; | | R2 V.v.44 | |
And heere haue I the daintinesse of eare, | And here have I the daintiness of ear | | R2 V.v.45 | |
To heare time broke in a disorder'd string: | To check time broke in a disordered string, | check (v.) rebuke, scold, reprimand | R2 V.v.46 | |
| | time (n.) rhythm, tempo, measure | | |
| | string (n.) stringed instrument | | |
But for the Concord of my State and Time, | But for the concord of my state and time, | | R2 V.v.47 | |
Had not an eare to heare my true Time broke. | Had not an ear to hear my true time broke. | time (n.) circumstance, particular occasion | R2 V.v.48 | |
I wasted Time, and now doth Time waste me: | I wasted time, and now doth time waste me; | | R2 V.v.49 | |
For now hath Time made me his numbring clocke; | For now hath time made me his numbering clock. | numbering (adj.) counting out, measuring | R2 V.v.50 | |
My Thoughts, are minutes; and with Sighes they iarre, | My thoughts are minutes, and with sighs they jar | jar (v.) [unclear meaning] make tick; strike; make discordant | R2 V.v.51 | |
Their watches on vnto mine eyes, the outward Watch, | Their watches on unto mine eyes, the outward watch | watch (n.) time interval, period of time | R2 V.v.52 | |
| | watch (n.) dial, clock face | | |
Whereto my finger, like a Dialls point, | Whereto my finger, like a dial's point, | point (n.) finger, hand, pointer | R2 V.v.53 | |
| | dial (n.) watch, timepiece, pocket sundial | | |
Is pointing still, in cleansing them from teares. | Is pointing still in cleansing them from tears. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | R2 V.v.54 | |
Now sir, the sound that tels what houre it is, | Now, sir, the sound that tells what hour it is | | R2 V.v.55 | |
Are clamorous groanes, that strike vpon my heart, | Are clamorous groans which strike upon my heart, | | R2 V.v.56 | |
Which is the bell: so Sighes, and Teares, and Grones, | Which is the bell. So sighs, and tears, and groans | | R2 V.v.57 | |
Shew Minutes, Houres, and Times: but my Time | Show minutes, times, and hours. But my time | time (n.) time interval, specific period of time | R2 V.v.58 | |
Runs poasting on, in Bullingbrookes proud ioy, | Runs posting on in Bolingbroke's proud joy, | post (v.) hasten, speed, ride fast | R2 V.v.59 | |
While I stand fooling heere, his iacke o'th' Clocke. | While I stand fooling here, his jack of the clock. | jack (n.) figure of a man who strikes a bell on the outside of a clock | R2 V.v.60 | |
This Musicke mads me, let it sound no more, | This music mads me. Let it sound no more; | mad (v.) madden, exasperate, infuriate | R2 V.v.61 | |
For though it haue holpe madmen to their wits, | For though it have holp madmen to their wits, | | R2 V.v.62 | |
In me it seemes, it will make wise-men mad: | In me it seems it will make wise men mad. | | R2 V.v.63 | |
Yet blessing on his heart that giues it me; | Yet blessing on his heart that gives it me; | | R2 V.v.64 | |
For 'tis a signe of loue, and loue to Richard, | For 'tis a sign of love, and love to Richard | | R2 V.v.65 | |
Is a strange Brooch, in this all-hating world. | Is a strange brooch in this all-hating world. | strange (adj.) rare, singular, exceptional | R2 V.v.66 | |
| | all-hating (adj.) hating everything, hateful | | |
| | brooch (n.) jewel, ornament | | |
Enter Groome. | Enter a Groom of the stable | | R2 V.v.67 | |
Groo. | GROOM | | | |
Haile Royall Prince. | Hail, royal prince! | royal (adj.) kingly; also: to the value of the English coin worth half a pound | R2 V.v.67.1 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Thankes Noble Peere, | Thanks, noble peer. | | R2 V.v.67.2 | |
The cheapest of vs, is ten groates too deere. | The cheapest of us is ten groats too dear. | groat (n.) fourpenny piece | R2 V.v.68 | |
What art thou? And how com'st thou hither? | What art thou, and how comest thou hither | | R2 V.v.69 | |
Where no man euer comes, but that sad dogge | Where no man never comes but that sad dog | sad (adj.) dismal, morose, sullen | R2 V.v.70 | |
| | dog (n.) fellow, individual | | |
That brings me food, to make misfortune liue? | That brings me food to make misfortune live? | | R2 V.v.71 | |
Groo. | GROOM | | | |
I was a poore Groome of thy Stable (King) | I was a poor groom of thy stable, King, | | R2 V.v.72 | |
When thou wer't King: who trauelling towards Yorke, | When thou wert king; who travelling towards York | | R2 V.v.73 | |
With much adoo, at length haue gotten leaue | With much ado at length have gotten leave | | R2 V.v.74 | |
To looke vpon my (sometimes Royall) masters face. | To look upon my sometimes royal master's face. | sometimes (adj.) sometime, former, at one time | R2 V.v.75 | |
O how it yern'd my heart, when I beheld | O, how it earned my heart when I beheld | earn (v.) grieve, sadden, wound | R2 V.v.76 | |
In London streets, that Coronation day, | In London streets, that coronation day, | | R2 V.v.77 | |
When Bullingbrooke rode on Roane Barbary, | When Bolingbroke rode on roan Barbary, | roan (adj.) with a coat of mixed colour | R2 V.v.78 | |
That horse, that thou so often hast bestrid, | That horse that thou so often hast bestrid, | | R2 V.v.79 | |
That horse, that I so carefully haue drest. | That horse that I so carefully have dressed! | dress (v.) [of horses] train, break in; groom | R2 V.v.80 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Rode he on Barbary? Tell me gentle Friend, | Rode he on Barbary? Tell me, gentle friend, | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | R2 V.v.81 | |
How went he vnder him? | How went he under him? | | R2 V.v.82 | |
Groo. | GROOM | | | |
So proudly, as if he had disdain'd the ground. | So proudly as if he disdained the ground. | | R2 V.v.83 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
So proud, that Bullingbrooke was on his backe; | So proud that Bolingbroke was on his back! | | R2 V.v.84 | |
That Iade hath eate bread from my Royall hand. | That jade hath eat bread from my royal hand; | jade (n.) worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag | R2 V.v.85 | |
This hand hath made him proud with clapping him. | This hand hath made him proud with clapping him. | clap (v.) pat, slap on the back [as an endearment] | R2 V.v.86 | |
Would he not stumble? Would he not fall downe | Would he not stumble, would he not fall down – | | R2 V.v.87 | |
(Since Pride must haue a fall) and breake the necke | Since pride must have a fall – and break the neck | | R2 V.v.88 | |
Of that proud man, that did vsurpe his backe? | Of that proud man that did usurp his back? | | R2 V.v.89 | |
Forgiuenesse horse: Why do I raile on thee, | Forgiveness, horse! Why do I rail on thee, | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | R2 V.v.90 | |
Since thou created to be aw'd by man | Since thou, created to be awed by man, | awe (v.) control, restrain, master | R2 V.v.91 | |
Was't borne to beare? I was not made a horse, | Wast born to bear? I was not made a horse, | | R2 V.v.92 | |
And yet I beare a burthen like an Asse, | And yet I bear a burden like an ass, | | R2 V.v.93 | |
Spur-gall'd, and tyrd by iauncing Bullingbrooke. | Spurred, galled, and tired by jauncing Bolingbroke. | gall (v.) chafe, rub, make sore | R2 V.v.94 | |
| | jauncing (adj.) prancing, romping, gambolling | | |
Enter Keeper with a Dish. | Enter Keeper to Richard with meat | meat (n.) food, nourishment | R2 V.v.95.1 | |
Keep. | KEEPER | | | |
| (to Groom) | | R2 V.v.95.2 | |
Fellow, giue place, heere is no longer stay. | Fellow, give place. Here is no longer stay. | place (n.) way, room | R2 V.v.95 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
| (to Groom) | | R2 V.v.96 | |
If thou loue me, 'tis time thou wer't away. | If thou love me, 'tis time thou wert away. | | R2 V.v.96 | |
Groo. | GROOM | | | |
What my tongue dares not, that my heart shall say. | What my tongue dares not, that my heart shall say. | | R2 V.v.97 | |
Exit. | Exit | | R2 V.v.97 | |
Keep. | KEEPER | | | |
My Lord, wilt please you to fall too? | My lord, will't please you to fall to? | fall to, fall to it (v.) set to work, begin eating | R2 V.v.98 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Taste of it first, as thou wer't wont to doo. | Taste of it first, as thou art wont to do. | wont (v.) be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of | R2 V.v.99 | |
Keep. | KEEPER | | | |
My Lord I dare not: Sir Pierce of Exton, | My lord, I dare not. Sir Pierce of Exton, | | R2 V.v.100 | |
Who lately came from th' King, commands the contrary. | Who lately came from the King, commands the contrary. | | R2 V.v.101 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
| (attacks the keeper) | | R2 V.v.102 | |
The diuell take Henrie of Lancaster, and thee; | The devil take Henry of Lancaster, and thee. | | R2 V.v.102 | |
Patience is stale, and I am weary of it. | Patience is stale, and I am weary of it. | | R2 V.v.103 | |
Keep. | KEEPER | | | |
Helpe, helpe, helpe. | Help, help, help! | | R2 V.v.104 | |
Enter Exton and Seruants. | The murderers, Exton and servants, rush in | | R2 V.v.105.1 | |
Ri. | RICHARD | | | |
How now? what meanes Death in this rude assalt? | How now! What means death in this rude assault? | rude (adj.) violent, harsh, unkind | R2 V.v.105 | |
Villaine, thine owne hand yeelds thy deaths instrument, | Villain, thy own hand yields thy death's instrument. | | R2 V.v.106 | |
| He snatches a weapon from a servant and kills him | | R2 V.v.107.1 | |
Go thou and fill another roome in hell. | Go thou, and fill another room in hell. | room (n.) place, space | R2 V.v.107 | |
Exton strikes him | He kills another servant. Here Exton strikes him | | R2 V.v.108.1 | |
downe. | down | | R2 V.v.108.2 | |
That hand shall burne in neuer-quenching fire, | That hand shall burn in never-quenching fire | | R2 V.v.108 | |
That staggers thus my person. Exton, thy fierce hand, | That staggers thus my person. Exton, thy fierce hand | stagger (v.) make stagger, cause to reel | R2 V.v.109 | |
Hath with the Kings blood, stain'd the Kings own land. | Hath with the King's blood stained the King's own land. | | R2 V.v.110 | |
Mount, mount my soule, thy seate is vp on high, | Mount, mount, my soul. Thy seat is up on high, | | R2 V.v.111 | |
Whil'st my grosse flesh sinkes downward, heere to dye. | Whilst my gross flesh sinks downward here to die. | | R2 V.v.112 | |
| He dies | | R2 V.v.112 | |
Exton. | EXTON | | | |
As full of Valor, as of Royall blood, | As full of valour as of royal blood. | | R2 V.v.113 | |
Both haue I spilt: Oh would the deed were good. | Both have I spilled. O, would the deed were good! | | R2 V.v.114 | |
For now the diuell, that told me I did well, | For now the devil, that told me I did well, | | R2 V.v.115 | |
Sayes, that this deede is chronicled in hell. | Says that this deed is chronicled in hell. | | R2 V.v.116 | |
This dead King to the liuing King Ile beare, | This dead King to the living King I'll bear. | | R2 V.v.117 | |
Take hence the rest, and giue them buriall heere. | Take hence the rest, and give them burial here. | | R2 V.v.118 | |
Exit. | Exeunt with the bodies | | R2 V.v.118 | |