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Mr.W.H. / ALL.HAPPINESSE. | MR. W. H. ALL HAPPINESS | | Sonn.d3 | |
PROMISED. | PROMISED | | Sonn.d5 | |
BY. | BY | | Sonn.d6 | |
WISHETH. | WISHETH | | Sonn.d8 | |
T.T. | T.T. | | Sonn.d12 | |
| | | | |
1 | 1 | | Sonn.1 | |
FRom fairest creatures we desire increase, | From fairest creatures we desire increase, | creature (n.) created being | Sonn.1.1 | |
That thereby beauties Rose might neuer die, | That thereby beauty's rose might never die, | | Sonn.1.2 | |
But as the riper should by time decease, | But as the riper should by time decease, | | Sonn.1.3 | |
His tender heire might beare his memory: | His tender heir might bear his memory: | | Sonn.1.4 | |
But thou contracted to thine owne bright eyes, | But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes, | contract (v.) betroth, engage | Sonn.1.5 | |
Feed'st thy lights flame with selfe substantiall fewell, | Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, | self-substantial (adj.) using substance from one's own body | Sonn.1.6 | |
Making a famine where aboundance lies, | Making a famine where abundance lies, | | Sonn.1.7 | |
Thy selfe thy foe, to thy sweet selfe too cruell: | Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel. | | Sonn.1.8 | |
Thou that art now the worlds fresh ornament, | Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament | | Sonn.1.9 | |
And only herauld to the gaudy spring, | And only herald to the gaudy spring, | gaudy (adj.) bright, brilliant, shining | Sonn.1.10 | |
Within thine owne bud buriest thy content, | Within thine own bud buriest thy content, | content (n.) contentment, peace of mind | Sonn.1.11 | |
And tender chorle makst wast in niggarding: | And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding. | churl (n.) [term of endearment] wretch, miser, villain | Sonn.1.12 | |
| | niggarding (n.) hoarding, begrudging, acting in a mean manner | | |
Pitty the world, or else this glutton be, | Pity the world, or else this glutton be, | | Sonn.1.13 | |
To eate the worlds due, by the graue and thee. | To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee. | | Sonn.1.14 | |
| | | | |
2 | 2 | | Sonn.2 | |
WHen fortie Winters shall beseige thy brow, | When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.2.1 | |
And digge deep trenches in thy beauties field, | And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field, | | Sonn.2.2 | |
Thy youthes proud liuery so gaz'd on now, | Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now, | livery (n.) uniform, costume, special clothing | Sonn.2.3 | |
Wil be a totter'd weed of smal worth held : | Will be a tattered weed of small worth held: | weed (n.) garment, piece of clothing | Sonn.2.4 | |
| | tattered (adj.) torn, ragged | | |
Then being askt, where all thy beautie lies, | Then being asked where all thy beauty lies, | | Sonn.2.5 | |
Where all the treasure of thy lusty daies; | Where all the treasure of thy lusty days, | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | Sonn.2.6 | |
To say within thine owne deepe sunken eyes, | To say, within thine own deep-sunken eyes, | | Sonn.2.7 | |
Were an all-eating shame, and thriftlesse praise. | Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise. | thriftless (adj.) useless, worthless, unprofitable | Sonn.2.8 | |
How much more praise deseru'd thy beauties vse, | How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use, | | Sonn.2.9 | |
If thou couldst answere this faire child of mine | If thou could'st answer: this fair child of mine | | Sonn.2.10 | |
Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse | Shall sum my count and make my old excuse, | count (n.) account, reckoning | Sonn.2.11 | |
| | sum (v.) audit, count up, enumerate | | |
Proouing his beautie by succession thine. | Proving his beauty by succession thine. | succession (n.) inheritance, birthright | Sonn.2.12 | |
| | prove (v.) demonstrate, establish, show to be true | | |
This were to be new made when thou art ould,. | This were to be new made when thou art old, | | Sonn.2.13 | |
And see thy blood warme when thou feel'st it could, | And see thy blood warm when thou feel'st it cold. | | Sonn.2.14 | |
| | | | |
3 | 3 | | Sonn.3 | |
LOoke in thy glasse and tell the face thou vewest, | Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.3.1 | |
Now is the time that face should forme an other, | Now is the time that face should form another, | | Sonn.3.2 | |
Whose fresh repaire if now thou not renewest, | Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest, | | Sonn.3.3 | |
Thou doo'st beguile the world, vnblesse some mother. | Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother. | beguile (v.) cheat, deceive, trick | Sonn.3.4 | |
| | unbless (v.) deprive of a blessing, deny happiness to | | |
For where is she so faire whose vn-eard wombe | For where is she so fair whose uneared womb | uneared (adj.) unsown, unploughed, untilled | Sonn.3.5 | |
Disdaines the tillage of thy husbandry? | Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry? | tillage (n.) tilling, cultivation | Sonn.3.6 | |
| | husbandry (n.) farming, land management | | |
Or who is he so fond will be the tombe, | Or who is he so fond will be the tomb | fond (adj.) foolish, stupid, mad | Sonn.3.7 | |
Of his selfe loue to stop posterity? | Of his self-love to stop posterity? | | Sonn.3.8 | |
Thou art thy mothers glasse and she in thee | Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.3.9 | |
Calls backe the louely Aprill of her prime, | Calls back the lovely April of her prime. | | Sonn.3.10 | |
So thou through windowes of thine age shalt see, | So thou through windows of thine age shalt see | | Sonn.3.11 | |
Dispight of wrinkles this thy goulden time. | Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time. | | Sonn.3.12 | |
But if thou liue remembred not to be, | But if thou live remembered not to be, | | Sonn.3.13 | |
Die single and thine Image dies with thee. | Die single and thine image dies with thee. | | Sonn.3.14 | |
| | | | |
4 | 4 | | Sonn.4 | |
VNthrifty louelinesse why dost thou spend, | Unthrifty loveliness, why dost thou spend | unthrifty (adj.) prodigal, profligate, wasteful | Sonn.4.1 | |
Vpon thy selfe thy beauties legacy? | Upon thyself thy beauty's legacy? | | Sonn.4.2 | |
Natures bequest giues nothing but doth lend, | Nature's bequest gives nothing but doth lend, | | Sonn.4.3 | |
And being franck she lends to those are free: | And being frank she lends to those are free. | frank (adj.) generous, liberal, bounteous | Sonn.4.4 | |
| | free (adj.) liberal, lavish, generous | | |
Then beautious nigard why doost thou abuse, | Then, beauteous niggard, why dost thou abuse | abuse (v.) misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong | Sonn.4.5 | |
| | niggard (n.) miser, mean person, skinflint | | |
The bountious largesse giuen thee to giue? | The bounteous largess given thee to give? | | Sonn.4.6 | |
Profitles vserer why doost thou vse | Profitless usurer, why dost thou use | usurer (n.) money-lender, one who charges excessive interest | Sonn.4.7 | |
So great a summe of summes yet can'st not liue? | So great a sum of sums yet canst not live? | | Sonn.4.8 | |
For hauing traffike with thy selfe alone, | For having traffic with thyself alone, | traffic (n.) trade, commerce, business, merchandise | Sonn.4.9 | |
Thou of thy selfe thy sweet selfe dost deceaue, | Thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive. | deceive (v.) delude, mislead, take in | Sonn.4.10 | |
Then how when nature calls thee to be gone, | Then how, when Nature calls thee to be gone, | | Sonn.4.11 | |
What acceptable Audit can'st thou leaue? | What acceptable audit canst thou leave? | audit (n.) account, reckoning [especially: in the face of God] | Sonn.4.12 | |
Thy vnus'd beauty must be tomb'd with thee, | Thy unused beauty must be tombed with thee, | | Sonn.4.13 | |
Which vsed liues th'executor to be. | Which used lives th' executor to be. | | Sonn.4.14 | |
| | | | |
5 | 5 | | Sonn.5 | |
THose howers that with gentle worke did frame, | Those hours that with gentle work did frame | frame (v.) fashion, make, form, create | Sonn.5.1 | |
| | gentle (adj.) refined, discriminating, sophisticated | | |
The louely gaze where euery eye doth dwell | The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell | | Sonn.5.2 | |
Will play the tirants to the very same, | Will play the tyrants to the very same, | | Sonn.5.3 | |
And that vnfaire which fairely doth excell: | And that unfair which fairly doth excel: | fairly (adv.) neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully | Sonn.5.4 | |
| | unfair (v.) deprive of beauty, make ugly | | |
For neuer resting time leads Summer on, | For never resting time leads summer on | | Sonn.5.5 | |
To hidious winter and confounds him there, | To hideous winter and confounds him there; | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | Sonn.5.6 | |
| | hideous (adj.) terrifying, frightful, horrifying | | |
Sap checkt with frost and lustie leau's quite gon. | Sap checked with frost and lusty leaves quite gone, | lusty (adj.) vigorous, strong, robust, eager | Sonn.5.7 | |
| | check (v.) restrain, stop, hold back | | |
Beauty ore-snow'd and barenes euery where, | Beauty o'er-snowed and bareness everywhere | oversnow (v.) snow over, make white with snow | Sonn.5.8 | |
Then were not summers distillation left | Then were not summer's distillation left | | Sonn.5.9 | |
A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glasse, | A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass, | | Sonn.5.10 | |
Beauties effect with beauty were bereft, | Beauty's effect with beauty were bereft, | | Sonn.5.11 | |
Nor it nor noe remembrance what it was. | Nor it nor no remembrance what it was. | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | Sonn.5.12 | |
But flowers distil'd though they with winter meete, | But flowers distilled though they with winter meet, | | Sonn.5.13 | |
Leese but their show, their substance still liues sweet. | Leese but their show; their substance still lives sweet. | leese (v.) lose, fail to preserve | Sonn.5.14 | |
| | | | |
6 | 6 | | Sonn.6 | |
THen let not winters wragged hand deface, | Then let not winter's ragged hand deface | deface (v.) [heraldry] efface, obliterate, blot out | Sonn.6.1 | |
| | ragged (adj.) rough, harsh | | |
In thee thy summer ere thou be distil'd: | In thee thy summer, ere thou be distilled: | | Sonn.6.2 | |
Make sweet some viall; treasure thou some place, | Make sweet some vial; treasure thou some place | vial (n.) phial, small bottle, flask | Sonn.6.3 | |
With beautits treasure ere it be selfe kil'd: | With beauty's treasure ere it be self killed. | | Sonn.6.4 | |
That vse is not forbidden vsery, | That use is not forbidden usury, | use (n.) profit, interest, premium | Sonn.6.5 | |
Which happies those that pay the willing lone; | Which happies those that pay the willing loan; | happy (v.) make happy, delight, content | Sonn.6.6 | |
That 's for thy selfe to breed an other thee, | That's for thyself to breed another thee, | | Sonn.6.7 | |
Or ten times happier be it ten for one, | Or ten times happier, be it ten for one; | | Sonn.6.8 | |
Ten times thy selfe were happier then thou art, | Ten times thyself were happier than thou art, | | Sonn.6.9 | |
If ten of thine ten times refigur'd thee, | If ten of thine ten times refigured thee: | refigure (v.) make a new likeness of, replicate | Sonn.6.10 | |
Then what could death doe if thou should'st depart, | Then what could death do, if thou shouldst depart, | | Sonn.6.11 | |
Leauing thee liuing in posterity? | Leaving thee living in posterity? | | Sonn.6.12 | |
Be not selfe-wild for thou art much too faire, | Be not self-willed, for thou art much too fair | fair (adj.) handsome, good-looking, beautiful | Sonn.6.13 | |
To be deaths conquest and make wormes thine heire. | To be death's conquest and make worms thine heir. | | Sonn.6.14 | |
| | | | |
7 | 7 | | Sonn.7 | |
LOe in the Orient when the gracious light, | Lo, in the Orient when the gracious light | gracious (adj.) showing favour, displaying benevolence | Sonn.7.1 | |
| | orient (n.) eastern part of the sky [where the sun rises] | | |
Lifts vp his burning head, each vnder eye | Lifts up his burning head, each under eye | | Sonn.7.2 | |
Doth homage to his new appearing sight, | Doth homage to his new appearing sight, | | Sonn.7.3 | |
Seruing with lookes his sacred maiesty, | Serving with looks his sacred majesty; | | Sonn.7.4 | |
And hauing climb'd the steepe vp heauenly hill, | And having climbed the steep-up heavenly hill, | steep-up (adj.) precipitous, virtually perpendicular, sudden | Sonn.7.5 | |
Resembling strong youth in his middle age, | Resembling strong youth in his middle age, | | Sonn.7.6 | |
Yet mortall lookes adore his beauty still, | Yet mortal looks adore his beauty still, | | Sonn.7.7 | |
Attending on his goulden pilgrimage: | Attending on his golden pilgrimage: | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | Sonn.7.8 | |
But when from high-most pich with wery car, | But when from highmost pitch with weary car | car (n.) carriage, cart, chariot [often of the sun god] | Sonn.7.9 | |
| | pitch (n.) height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping] | | |
| | highmost, high-most (adj.) highest, topmost | | |
Like feeble age he reeleth from the day, | Like feeble age he reeleth from the day, | reel (v.) waver, become unsteady, turn suddenly | Sonn.7.10 | |
The eyes (fore dutious) now conuerted are | The eyes ('fore duteous) now converted are | | Sonn.7.11 | |
From his low tract and looke an other way: | From his low tract and look another way: | tract (n.) course, process, track | Sonn.7.12 | |
So thou, thy selfe out-going in thy noon: | So thou, thyself outgoing in thy noon, | | Sonn.7.13 | |
Vnlok'd on diest vnlesse thou get a sonne. | Unlooked on diest unless thou get a son. | get (v.) beget, conceive, breed | Sonn.7.14 | |
| | | | |
8 | 8 | | Sonn.8 | |
MVsick to heare, why hear'st thou musick sadly, | Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly? | | Sonn.8.1 | |
Sweets with sweets warre not, ioy delights in ioy: | Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy: | sweet (n.) sweetness, pleasure, delight | Sonn.8.2 | |
Why lou'st thou that which thou receaust not gladly, | Why lov'st thou that which thou receiv'st not gladly, | | Sonn.8.3 | |
Or else receau'st with pleasure thine annoy? | Or else receiv'st with pleasure thine annoy? | annoy (n.) trouble, vexation, distress | Sonn.8.4 | |
If the true concord of well tuned sounds, | If the true concord of well-tuned sounds | | Sonn.8.5 | |
By vnions married do offend thine eare, | By unions married do offend thine ear, | | Sonn.8.6 | |
They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds | They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | Sonn.8.7 | |
| | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | | |
In singlenesse the parts that thou should'st beare: | In singleness the parts that thou should'st bear. | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | Sonn.8.8 | |
Marke how one string sweet husband to an other, | Mark how one string, sweet husband to another, | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Sonn.8.9 | |
Strikes each in each by mutuall ordering; | Strikes each in each by mutual ordering, | | Sonn.8.10 | |
Resembling sier, and child, and happy mother, | Resembling sire, and child, and happy mother, | | Sonn.8.11 | |
Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing: | Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing: | | Sonn.8.12 | |
Whose speechlesse song being many, seeming one, | Whose speechless song being many, seeming one, | | Sonn.8.13 | |
Sings this to thee thou single wilt proue none. | Sings this to thee: thou single wilt prove none. | | Sonn.8.14 | |
| | | | |
9 | 9 | | Sonn.9 | |
IS it for feare to wet a widdowes eye, | Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye | | Sonn.9.1 | |
That thou consum'st thy selfe in single life? | That thou consum'st thyself in single life? | | Sonn.9.2 | |
Ah; if thou issulesse shalt hap to die, | Ah; if thou issueless shalt hap to die, | hap (v.) happen, take place, come to pass | Sonn.9.3 | |
| | issueless (adj.) childless, without an heir | | |
The world will waile thee like a makelesse wife, | The world will wail thee like a makeless wife; | wail (v.) bewail, lament, grieve [for] | Sonn.9.4 | |
| | makeless (adj.) mateless, husbandless | | |
The world wilbe thy widdow and still weepe, | The world will be thy widow and still weep | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.9.5 | |
That thou no forme of thee hast left behind, | That thou no form of thee hast left behind, | | Sonn.9.6 | |
When euery priuat widdow well may keepe, | When every private widow well may keep, | | Sonn.9.7 | |
By childrens eyes, her husbands shape in minde: | By children's eyes, her husband's shape in mind: | | Sonn.9.8 | |
Looke what an vnthrift in the world doth spend | Look what an unthrift in the world doth spend | unthrift (n.) spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel | Sonn.9.9 | |
| | look what (conj.) whatever | | |
Shifts but his place, for still the world inioyes it | Shifts but his place, for still the world enjoys it: | | Sonn.9.10 | |
But beauties waste hath in the world an end, | But beauty's waste hath in the world an end, | | Sonn.9.11 | |
And kept vnvsde the vser so destroyes it: | And kept unused the user so destroys it. | | Sonn.9.12 | |
No loue toward others in that bosome sits | No love toward others in that bosom sits | | Sonn.9.13 | |
That on himselfe such murdrous shame commits. | That on himself such murd'rous shame commits. | | Sonn.9.14 | |
| | | | |
10 | 10 | | Sonn.10 | |
FOr shame deny that thou bear'st loue to any | For shame, deny that thou bear'st love to any | | Sonn.10.1 | |
Who for thy selfe art so vnprouident | Who for thyself art so unprovident: | | Sonn.10.2 | |
Graunt if thou wilt, thou art belou'd of many, | Grant, if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many, | | Sonn.10.3 | |
But that thou none lou'st is most euident: | But that thou none lov'st is most evident: | | Sonn.10.4 | |
For thou art so possest with murdrous hate, | For thou art so possessed with murd'rous hate | | Sonn.10.5 | |
That gainst thy selfe thou stickst not to conspire, | That 'gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire, | stick (v.) hesitate, linger, think twice | Sonn.10.6 | |
Seeking that beautious roofe to ruinate | Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate | ruinate (v.) reduce to ruins, bring to destruction | Sonn.10.7 | |
Which to repaire should be thy chiefe desire: | Which to repair should be thy chief desire: | | Sonn.10.8 | |
O change thy thought, that I may change my minde, | O change thy thought, that I may change my mind! | thought (n.) intention, purpose, design | Sonn.10.9 | |
Shall hate be fairer log'd then gentle loue? | Shall hate be fairer lodged than gentle love? | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | Sonn.10.10 | |
Be as thy presence is gracious and kind, | Be, as thy presence is, gracious and kind, | gracious (adj.) showing favour, displaying benevolence | Sonn.10.11 | |
| | presence (n.) appearance, bearing, demeanour | | |
Or to thy selfe at least kind harted proue, | Or to thyself at least kind-hearted prove: | | Sonn.10.12 | |
Make thee an other selfe for loue of me, | Make thee another self, for love of me, | | Sonn.10.13 | |
That beauty still may liue in thine or thee. | That beauty still may live in thine or thee. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.10.14 | |
| | | | |
11 | 11 | | Sonn.11 | |
AS fast as thou shalt wane so fast thou grow'st, | As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st, | fast (adv.) constantly, firmly, steadfastly | Sonn.11.1 | |
In one of thine, from that which thou departest, | In one of thine, from that which thou departest, | | Sonn.11.2 | |
And that fresh bloud which yongly thou bestow'st, | And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st | youngly (adv.) in youth, early in life | Sonn.11.3 | |
| | blood (n.) vital fluid, life-giving juice | | |
Thou maist call thine, when thou from youth conuertest, | Thou mayst call thine, when thou from youth convertest. | convert (v.) change, transform, alter | Sonn.11.4 | |
Herein liues wisdome, beauty, and increase, | Herein lives wisdom, beauty, and increase; | | Sonn.11.5 | |
Without this follie, age, and could decay, | Without this, folly, age, and cold decay: | | Sonn.11.6 | |
If all were minded so, the times should cease, | If all were minded so, the times should cease, | time (n.) (the) world, (the) age, society | Sonn.11.7 | |
| | mind (v.) purpose, intend, hold an opinion | | |
And threescoore yeare would make the world away: | And threescore year would make the world away: | make away (v.) put an end to, do away with | Sonn.11.8 | |
Let those whom nature hath not made for store, | Let those whom Nature hath not made for store, | store (n.) increasing the population, begetting children | Sonn.11.9 | |
Harsh, featurelesse, and rude, barrenly perrish, | Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish: | rude (adj.) rough, wild, harsh-looking | Sonn.11.10 | |
Looke whom she best indow'd. she gaue the more; | Look whom she best endowed, she gave the more, | look whom (conj.) whomsoever | Sonn.11.11 | |
Which bountious guift thou shouldst in bounty cherrish, | Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish: | bounty (n.) great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence | Sonn.11.12 | |
She caru'd thee for her seale, and ment therby, | She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby | | Sonn.11.13 | |
Thou shouldst print more, not let that coppy die. | Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die. | copy (n.) original, master-copy | Sonn.11.14 | |
| | | | |
12 | 12 | | Sonn.12 | |
WHen I doe count the clock that tels the time, | When I do count the clock that tells the time, | | Sonn.12.1 | |
And see the braue day sunck in hidious night, | And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; | brave (adj.) fine, excellent, splendid, impressive | Sonn.12.2 | |
| | hideous (adj.) terrifying, frightful, horrifying | | |
When I behold the violet past prime, | When I behold the violet past prime, | | Sonn.12.3 | |
And sable curls or siluer'd ore with white: | And sable curls all silvered o'er with white; | sable (adj.) black | Sonn.12.4 | |
When lofty trees I see barren of leaues, | When lofty trees I see barren of leaves, | | Sonn.12.5 | |
Which erst from heat did canopie the herd | Which erst from heat did canopy the herd, | erst (adv.) formerly, once, before | Sonn.12.6 | |
| | canopy (v.) curtain, veil, cover [as if by a canopy] | | |
And Sommers greene all girded vp in sheaues | And Summer's green all girded up in sheaves | gird up (v.) tie round, truss up | Sonn.12.7 | |
| | green (n.) greenery, grass, vegetation | | |
Borne on the beare with white and bristly beard: | Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard: | | Sonn.12.8 | |
Then of thy beauty do I question make | Then of thy beauty do I question make | question (n.) debating, discussion, investigation | Sonn.12.9 | |
That thou among the wastes of time must goe, | That thou among the wastes of time must go, | | Sonn.12.10 | |
Since sweets and beauties do them-selues forsake, | Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake, | sweet (n.) sweetness, pleasure, delight | Sonn.12.11 | |
And die as fast as they see others grow, | And die as fast as they see others grow; | | Sonn.12.12 | |
And nothing gainst Times sieth can make defence | And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence | | Sonn.12.13 | |
Saue breed to braue him, when he takes thee hence. | Save breed to brave him, when he takes thee hence. | brave (v.) challenge, defy, confront, provoke | Sonn.12.14 | |
| | breed (n.) children, offspring | | |
| | | | |
13 | 13 | | Sonn.13 | |
O That you were your selfe, but loue you are | O that you were yourself, but, love, you are | love (n.) very dear friend | Sonn.13.1 | |
No longer yours, then you your selfe here liue, | No longer yours than you yourself here live: | | Sonn.13.2 | |
Against this cumming end you should prepare, | Against this coming end you should prepare, | | Sonn.13.3 | |
And your sweet semblance to some other giue. | And your sweet semblance to some other give. | semblance (n.) appearance, outward show | Sonn.13.4 | |
So should that beauty which you hold in lease | So should that beauty which you hold in lease | | Sonn.13.5 | |
Find no determination, then you were | Find no determination, then you were | determination (n.) ending, termination, endpoint | Sonn.13.6 | |
You selfe again after your selfes decease, | Yourself again after yourself's decease, | | Sonn.13.7 | |
When your sweet issue your sweet forme should beare. | When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear. | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | Sonn.13.8 | |
Who lets so faire a house fall to decay, | Who lets so fair a house fall to decay, | | Sonn.13.9 | |
Which husbandry in honour might vphold, | Which husbandry in honour might uphold | husbandry (n.) thrift, good economy, careful management | Sonn.13.10 | |
Against the stormy gusts of winters day | Against the stormy gusts of winter's day | | Sonn.13.11 | |
And barren rage of deaths eternall cold? | And barren rage of death's eternal cold? | | Sonn.13.12 | |
O none but vnthrifts, deare my loue you know, | O, none but unthrifts! Dear my love, you know | unthrift (n.) spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel | Sonn.13.13 | |
You had a Father, let your Son say so. | You had a Father, let your Son say so. | | Sonn.13.14 | |
| | | | |
14 | 14 | | Sonn.14 | |
NOt from the stars do I my iudgement plucke, | Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck, | pluck (v.) extract, snatch, pull out | Sonn.14.1 | |
And yet me thinkes I haue Astronomy, | And yet methinks I have astronomy, | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | Sonn.14.2 | |
| | astronomy (n.) knowledge of astrology | | |
But not to tell of good, or euil lucke, | But not to tell of good, or evil luck, | | Sonn.14.3 | |
Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons quallity, | Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons' quality; | dearth (n.) scarcity, shortage, lack [of food], famine | Sonn.14.4 | |
Nor can I fortune to breefe mynuits tell; | Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell, | | Sonn.14.5 | |
Pointing to each his thunder, raine and winde, | Pointing to each his thunder, rain, and wind, | | Sonn.14.6 | |
Or say with Princes if it shal go wel | Or say with Princes if it shall go well, | | Sonn.14.7 | |
By oft predict that I in heauen finde. | By oft predict that I in heaven find. | oft (adv.) often | Sonn.14.8 | |
| | predict (n.) prediction, foretelling | | |
But from thine eies my knowledge I deriue, | But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive, | | Sonn.14.9 | |
And constant stars in them I read such art | And constant stars; in them I read such art | | Sonn.14.10 | |
As truth and beautie shal together thriue | As truth and beauty shall together thrive, | | Sonn.14.11 | |
If from thy selfe, to store thou wouldst conuert: | If from thyself to store thou wouldst convert: | store (n.) increasing the population, begetting children | Sonn.14.12 | |
Or else of thee this I prognosticate, | Or else of thee this I prognosticate, | | Sonn.14.13 | |
Thy end is Truthes and Beauties doome and date. | Thy end is Truth's and Beauty's doom and date. | date (n.) limit, term, endpoint | Sonn.14.14 | |
| | doom (n.) final destiny, deciding fate, death and destruction | | |
| | end (n.) death, ending [of life] | | |
| | | | |
15 | 15 | | Sonn.15 | |
WHen I consider euery thing that growes | When I consider everything that grows | | Sonn.15.1 | |
Holds in perfection but a little moment. | Holds in perfection but a little moment, | | Sonn.15.2 | |
That this huge stage presenteth nought but showes | That this huge stage presenteth nought but shows | | Sonn.15.3 | |
Whereon the Stars in secret influence comment. | Whereon the stars in secret influence comment; | | Sonn.15.4 | |
When I perceiue that men as plants increase, | When I perceive that men as plants increase, | | Sonn.15.5 | |
Cheared and checkt euen by the selfe-same skie: | Cheered and checked even by the selfsame sky, | check (v.) restrain, stop, hold back | Sonn.15.6 | |
| | cheer (v.) encourage, urge on, galvanize | | |
Vaunt in their youthfull sap, at height decrease, | Vaunt in their youthful sap, at height decrease, | vaunt (v.) exult, rejoice, revel | Sonn.15.7 | |
And were their braue state out of memory. | And wear their brave state out of memory; | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | Sonn.15.8 | |
Then the conceit of this inconstant stay, | Then the conceit of this inconstant stay | conceit (n.) notion, idea, thought | Sonn.15.9 | |
| | stay (n.) staying, remaining, continued presence | | |
Sets you most rich in youth before my sight, | Sets you most rich in youth before my sight, | | Sonn.15.10 | |
Where wastfull time debateth with decay | Where wasteful time debateth with decay, | debate (v.) discuss, argue over, dispute about | Sonn.15.11 | |
| | decay (n.) decline, downturn, falling off | | |
To change your day of youth to sullied night, | To change your day of youth to sullied night; | sullied (adj.) tarnished, blemished, polluted | Sonn.15.12 | |
And all in war with Time for loue of you | And all in war with Time for love of you, | | Sonn.15.13 | |
As he takes from you, I ingraft you new. | As he takes from you, I engraft you new. | ingraft, engraft (v.) graft in, insert new growth into | Sonn.15.14 | |
| | | | |
16 | 16 | | Sonn.16 | |
BVt wherefore do not you a mightier waie | But wherefore do not you a mightier way | | Sonn.16.1 | |
Make warre vppon this bloudie tirant time? | Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time? | | Sonn.16.2 | |
And fortifie your selfe in your decay | And fortify yourself in your decay | | Sonn.16.3 | |
With meanes more blessed then my barren rime? | With means more blessed than my barren rhyme? | | Sonn.16.4 | |
Now stand you on the top of happie houres, | Now stand you on the top of happy hours, | | Sonn.16.5 | |
And many maiden gardens yet vnset, | And many maiden gardens yet unset | | Sonn.16.6 | |
With vertuous wish would beare your liuing flowers, | With virtuous wish would bear your living flowers, | | Sonn.16.7 | |
Much liker then your painted counterfeit: | Much liker than your painted counterfeit: | counterfeit (n.) likeness, portrait, image | Sonn.16.8 | |
| | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | | |
So should the lines of life that life repaire | So should the lines of life that life repair, | repair (v.) restore, renew, revive | Sonn.16.9 | |
Which this (Times pensel or my pupill pen) | Which this (Time's pencil or my pupil pen) | | Sonn.16.10 | |
Neither in inward worth nor outward faire | Neither in inward worth nor outward fair | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | Sonn.16.11 | |
Can make you liue your selfe in eies of men, | Can make you live yourself in eyes of men. | | Sonn.16.12 | |
To giue away your selfe, keeps your selfe still, | To give away yourself keeps yourself still, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.16.13 | |
And you must liue drawne by your owne sweet skill, | And you must live drawn by your own sweet skill. | | Sonn.16.14 | |
| | | | |
17 | 17 | | Sonn.17 | |
WHo will beleeue my verse in time to come | Who will believe my verse in time to come, | | Sonn.17.1 | |
If it were fild with your most high deserts? | If it were filled with your most high deserts? | | Sonn.17.2 | |
Though yet heauen knowes it is but as a tombe | Though yet heaven knows it is but as a tomb | | Sonn.17.3 | |
Which hides your life, and shewes not halfe your parts: | Which hides your life, and shows not half your parts: | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | Sonn.17.4 | |
If I could write the beauty of your eyes, | If I could write the beauty of your eyes, | | Sonn.17.5 | |
And in fresh numbers number all your graces, | And in fresh numbers number all your graces, | number (n.) (plural) verses, lines | Sonn.17.6 | |
The age to come would say this Poet lies, | The age to come would say this poet lies: | | Sonn.17.7 | |
Such heauenly touches nere toucht earthly faces. | Such heavenly touches ne'er touched earthly faces. | | Sonn.17.8 | |
So should my papers (yellowed with their age) | So should my papers (yellowed with their age) | | Sonn.17.9 | |
Be scorn'd, like old men of lesse truth then tongue, | Be scorned like old men of less truth than tongue, | | Sonn.17.10 | |
And your true rights be termd a Poets rage, | And your true rights be termed a poet's rage | | Sonn.17.11 | |
And stretched miter of an Antique song. | And stretched metre of an antique song. | stretched (adj.) strained, dislocated, tortured | Sonn.17.12 | |
| | song (n.) poem, set of verses, composition | | |
| | antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) old-fashioned, old-world, antiquated | | |
But were some childe of yours aliue that time, | But were some child of yours alive that time, | | Sonn.17.13 | |
You should liue twise in it, and in my rime. | You should live twice, in it and in my rhyme. | | Sonn.17.14 | |
| | | | |
18 | 18 | | Sonn.18 | |
SHall I compare thee to a Summers day? | Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? | | Sonn.18.1 | |
Thou art more louely and more temperate: | Thou art more lovely and more temperate: | | Sonn.18.2 | |
Rough windes do shake the darling buds of Maie, | Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, | | Sonn.18.3 | |
And Sommers lease hath all too short a date: | And summer's lease hath all too short a date: | date (n.) due date, agreed day [for the end of a contract] | Sonn.18.4 | |
Sometime too hot the eye of heauen shines, | Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | Sonn.18.5 | |
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd, | And often is his gold complexion dimmed, | | Sonn.18.6 | |
And euery faire from faire some-time declines, | And every fair from fair sometime declines, | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | Sonn.18.7 | |
By chance, or natures changing course vntrim'd: | By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed: | untrimmed (adj.) unadorned, lacking ornament | Sonn.18.8 | |
But thy eternall Sommer shall not fade, | But thy eternal summer shall not fade, | | Sonn.18.9 | |
Nor loose possession of that faire thou ow'st, | Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st; | owe (v.) own, possess, have | Sonn.18.10 | |
Nor shall death brag thou wandr'st in his shade, | Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, | | Sonn.18.11 | |
When in eternall lines to time thou grow'st, | When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st: | | Sonn.18.12 | |
So long as men can breath or eyes can see, | So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, | | Sonn.18.13 | |
So long liues this, and this giues life to thee, | So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. | | Sonn.18.14 | |
| | | | |
19 | 19 | | Sonn.19 | |
DEvouring time blunt thou the Lyons pawes, | Devouring Time, blunt thou the lion's paws, | | Sonn.19.1 | |
And make the earth deuoure her owne sweet brood, | And make the earth devour her own sweet brood; | | Sonn.19.2 | |
Plucke the keene teeth from the fierce Tygers yawes, | Pluck the keen teeth from the fierce tiger's jaws, | | Sonn.19.3 | |
And burne the long liu'd Phanix in her blood, | And burn the long-lived phoenix in her blood; | | Sonn.19.4 | |
Make glad and sorry seasons as thou fleet'st, | Make glad and sorry seasons as thou fleet'st, | | Sonn.19.5 | |
And do what ere thou wilt swift-footed time | And do whate'er thou wilt, swift-footed Time, | | Sonn.19.6 | |
To the wide world and all her fading sweets: | To the wide world and all her fading sweets; | sweet (n.) sweetness, pleasure, delight | Sonn.19.7 | |
But I forbid thee one most hainous crime, | But I forbid thee one most heinous crime: | | Sonn.19.8 | |
O carue not with thy howers my loues faire brow, | O carve not with thy hours my love's fair brow, | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.19.9 | |
Nor draw noe lines there with thine antique pen, | Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen; | antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) fantastic, bizarre, weird | Sonn.19.10 | |
Him in thy course vntainted doe allow, | Him in thy course untainted do allow | allow (v.) approve, sanction, encourage | Sonn.19.11 | |
| | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | | |
| | untainted (adj.) unblemished, unsullied, pure | | |
For beauties patterne to succeding men. | For beauty's pattern to succeeding men. | pattern (n.) picture, model, specimen, example | Sonn.19.12 | |
Yet doe thy worst ould Time dispight thy wrong, | Yet do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong, | | Sonn.19.13 | |
My loue shall in my verse euer liue young. | My love shall in my verse ever live young. | | Sonn.19.14 | |
| | | | |
20 | 20 | | Sonn.20 | |
A Womans face with natures owne hand painted, | A woman's face with Nature's own hand painted | | Sonn.20.1 | |
Haste thou the Master Mistris of my passion, | Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion; | passion (n.) passionate outburst, emotional passage | Sonn.20.2 | |
A womans gentle hart but not acquainted | A woman's gentle heart, but not acquainted | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | Sonn.20.3 | |
With shifting change as is false womens fashion, | With shifting change, as is false women's fashion; | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Sonn.20.4 | |
| | change (n.) change of mind, changeableness, caprice | | |
An eye more bright then theirs, lesse false in rowling: | An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling, | | Sonn.20.5 | |
Gilding the obiect where-vpon it gazeth, | Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth; | gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded bring colour to, brighten, illuminate | Sonn.20.6 | |
A man in hew all Hews in his controwling, | A man in hue, all hues in his controlling, | hue (n.) appearance, complexion | Sonn.20.7 | |
Which steales mens eyes and womens soules amaseth. | Which steals men's eyes and women's souls amazeth. | | Sonn.20.8 | |
And for a woman wert thou first created, | And for a woman wert thou first created, | | Sonn.20.9 | |
Till nature as she wrought thee fell a dotinge, | Till Nature as she wrought thee fell a-doting, | | Sonn.20.10 | |
And by addition me of thee defeated, | And by addition me of thee defeated, | defeat (v.) defraud, deprive | Sonn.20.11 | |
By adding one thing to my purpose nothing. | By adding one thing to my purpose nothing. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Sonn.20.12 | |
But since she prickt thee out for womens pleasure, | But since she pricked thee out for women's pleasure, | prick out (v.) choose, select, mark down | Sonn.20.13 | |
Mine be thy loue and thy loues vse their treasure. | Mine be thy love and thy love's use their treasure. | | Sonn.20.14 | |
| | | | |
21 | 21 | | Sonn.21 | |
SO is it not with me as with that Muse, | So is it not with me as with that Muse, | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.21.1 | |
Stird by a painted beauty to his verse, | Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse, | stir (v.) move, rouse, excite | Sonn.21.2 | |
Who heauen it selfe for ornament doth vse, | Who heaven itself for ornament doth use, | | Sonn.21.3 | |
And euery faire with his faire doth reherse, | And every fair with his fair doth rehearse, | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | Sonn.21.4 | |
Making a coopelment of proud compare | Making a couplement of proud compare | couplement (n.) couple, pair | Sonn.21.5 | |
| | compare (n.) comparison, simile, analogy | | |
With Sunne and Moone, with earth and seas rich gems: | With Sun and Moon, with earth and sea's rich gems, | | Sonn.21.6 | |
With Aprills first borne flowers and all things rare, | With April's first-born flowers and all things rare | rare (adj.) unusual, striking, exceptional | Sonn.21.7 | |
That heauens ayre in this huge rondure hems, | That heaven's air in this huge rondure hems. | rondure (n.) roundness; sphere of the earth and the accompanying heavens | Sonn.21.8 | |
O let me true in loue but truly write, | O let me, true in love, but truly write, | | Sonn.21.9 | |
And then beleeue me, my loue is as faire, | And then believe me, my love is as fair | | Sonn.21.10 | |
As any mothers childe, though not so bright | As any mother's child, though not so bright | | Sonn.21.11 | |
As those gould candells fixt in heauens ayer: | As those gold candles fixed in heaven's air: | | Sonn.21.12 | |
Let them say more that like of heare-say well, | Let them say more that like of hearsay well; | | Sonn.21.13 | |
I will not prayse that purpose not to sell. | I will not praise that purpose not to sell. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Sonn.21.14 | |
| | | | |
22 | 22 | | Sonn.22 | |
MY glasse shall not perswade me I am ould, | My glass shall not persuade me I am old, | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.22.1 | |
So long as youth and thou are of one date, | So long as youth and thou are of one date, | | Sonn.22.2 | |
But when in thee times forrwes I behould, | But when in thee time's furrows I behold, | | Sonn.22.3 | |
Then look I death my daies should expiate. | Then look I death my days should expiate. | look (v.) expect, anticipate, hope, await the time | Sonn.22.4 | |
| | expiate (v.) extinguish, bring to an end | | |
For all that beauty that doth couer thee, | For all that beauty that doth cover thee | | Sonn.22.5 | |
Is but the seemely rayment of my heart, | Is but the seemly raiment of my heart, | raiment (n.) clothing, clothes, dress | Sonn.22.6 | |
Which in thy brest doth liue, as thine in me, | Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me: | | Sonn.22.7 | |
How can I then be elder then thou art? | How can I then be elder than thou art? | | Sonn.22.8 | |
O therefore loue be of thy selfe so wary, | O therefore, love, be of thyself so wary | | Sonn.22.9 | |
As I not for my selfe, but for thee will, | As I, not for myself, but for thee will, | | Sonn.22.10 | |
Bearing thy heart which I will keepe so chary | Bearing thy heart which I will keep so chary | chary (adv.) carefully, dearly, with cherishing | Sonn.22.11 | |
As tender nurse her babe from faring ill, | As tender nurse her babe from faring ill. | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | Sonn.22.12 | |
| | fare (v.) go, happen, turn out | | |
Presume not on thy heart when mine is slaine, | Presume not on thy heart when mine is slain; | presume on (v.) take insufficiently into account, rely too readily on | Sonn.22.13 | |
Thou gau'st me thine not to giue backe againe. | Thou gav'st me thine, not to give back again. | | Sonn.22.14 | |
| | | | |
23 | 23 | | Sonn.23 | |
AS an vnperfect actor on the stage, | As an unperfect actor on the stage, | unperfect (adj.) imperfect; not word perfect, unskilled | Sonn.23.1 | |
Who with his feare is put besides his part, | Who with his fear is put besides his part, | | Sonn.23.2 | |
Or some fierce thing repleat with too much rage, | Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage, | | Sonn.23.3 | |
Whose strengths abondance weakens his owne heart; | Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart; | | Sonn.23.4 | |
So I for feare of trust, forget to say, | So I, for fear of trust, forget to say | | Sonn.23.5 | |
The perfect ceremony of loues right, | The perfect ceremony of love's rite, | | Sonn.23.6 | |
And in mine owne loues strength seeme to decay, | And in mine own love's strength seem to decay, | | Sonn.23.7 | |
Ore-charg'd with burthen of mine owne loues might: | O'ercharged with burthen of mine own love's might: | overcharged (adj.) overburdened, overtaxed, overwrought | Sonn.23.8 | |
O let my books be then the eloquence, | O let my books be then the eloquence | book (n.) writing, written composition | Sonn.23.9 | |
And domb presagers of my speaking brest, | And dumb presagers of my speaking breast, | presager (n.) indicator, interpreter, announcer | Sonn.23.10 | |
Who pleade for loue, and look for recompence, | Who plead for love, and look for recompense, | | Sonn.23.11 | |
More then that tonge that more hath more exprest. | More than that tongue that more hath more expressed. | | Sonn.23.12 | |
O learne to read what silent loue hath writ, | O learn to read what silent love hath writ: | | Sonn.23.13 | |
To heare wit eies belongs to loues fine wiht. | To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit . | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | Sonn.23.14 | |
| | | | |
24 | 24 | | Sonn.24 | |
MIne eye hath play'd the painter and hath steeld, | Mine eye hath played the painter and hath steeled | steel (v.) engrave, inscribe, make a permanent image of | Sonn.24.1 | |
Thy beauties forme in table of my heart, | Thy beauty's form in table of my heart; | table (n.) tablet, surface, paintbook | Sonn.24.2 | |
My body is the frame wherein ti's held, | My body is the frame wherein 'tis held, | frame (n.) framework, structure, construction | Sonn.24.3 | |
And perspectiue it is best Painters art. | And perspective it is best painter's art. | | Sonn.24.4 | |
For through the Painter must you see his skill, | For through the painter must you see his skill, | | Sonn.24.5 | |
To finde where your true Image pictur'd lies, | To find where your true image pictured lies, | | Sonn.24.6 | |
Which in my bosomes shop is hanging stil, | Which in my bosom's shop is hanging still, | | Sonn.24.7 | |
That hath his windowes glazed with thine eyes: | That hath his windows glazed with thine eyes. | | Sonn.24.8 | |
Now see what good-turnes eyes for eies haue done, | Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done: | | Sonn.24.9 | |
Mine eyes haue drawne thy shape, and thine for me | Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thine for me | | Sonn.24.10 | |
Are windowes to my brest, where-through the Sun | Are windows to my breast, where-through the Sun | where-through (adv.) through which | Sonn.24.11 | |
Delights to peepe, to gaze therein on thee | Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee. | | Sonn.24.12 | |
Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art | Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art; | want (v.) require, demand, need | Sonn.24.13 | |
| | cunning (n.) skill, ability, expertise | | |
They draw but what they see, know not the hart. | They draw but what they see, know not the heart. | | Sonn.24.14 | |
| | | | |
25 | 25 | | Sonn.25 | |
LEt those who are in fauor with their stars, | Let those who are in favour with their stars | | Sonn.25.1 | |
Of publike honour and proud titles bost, | Of public honour and proud titles boast, | | Sonn.25.2 | |
Whilst I whome fortune of such tryumph bars | Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars, | | Sonn.25.3 | |
Vnlookt for ioy in that I honour most; | Unlooked-for joy in that I honour most. | | Sonn.25.4 | |
Great Princes fauorites their faire leaues spread, | Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread | | Sonn.25.5 | |
But as the Marygold at the suns eye, | But as the marigold at the sun's eye, | | Sonn.25.6 | |
And in them-selues their pride lies buried, | And in themselves their pride lies buried, | | Sonn.25.7 | |
For at a frowne they in their glory die. | For at a frown they in their glory die. | | Sonn.25.8 | |
The painefull warrier famosed for worth, | The painful warrior famoused for worth, | painful (adj.) painstaking, diligent, laborious | Sonn.25.9 | |
| | famous (v.) make famous, become celebrated | | |
After a thousand victories once foild, | After a thousand victories once foiled, | foil (v.) defeat, overcome; throw [in wrestling] | Sonn.25.10 | |
Is from the booke of honour rased quite, | Is from the book of honour razed forth, | raze forth (v.) erase, delete, remove | Sonn.25.11 | |
And all the rest forgot for which he toild: | And all the rest forgot for which he toiled: | | Sonn.25.12 | |
Then happy I that loue and am beloued | Then happy I that love and am beloved | | Sonn.25.13 | |
Where I may not remoue, nor be remoued. | Where I may not remove, nor be removed. | | Sonn.25.14 | |
| | | | |
26 | 26 | | Sonn.26 | |
LOrd of my loue, to whome in vassalage | Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage | vassalage (n.) servitude, subjection, total allegiance | Sonn.26.1 | |
Thy merrit hath my dutie strongly knit; | Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit, | | Sonn.26.2 | |
To thee I send this written ambassage | To thee I send this written ambassage | embassage, ambassage (n.) message, errand, business, mission | Sonn.26.3 | |
To witnesse duty, not to shew my wit. | To witness duty, not to show my wit: | witness (v.) be a sign of, foreshadow, betoken | Sonn.26.4 | |
| | witness (v.) bear witness to, attest, testify to | | |
| | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | | |
Duty so great, which wit so poore as mine | Duty so great, which wit so poor as mine | | Sonn.26.5 | |
May make seeme bare, in wanting words to shew it; | May make seem bare, in wanting words to show it; | | Sonn.26.6 | |
But that I hope some good conceipt of thine | But that I hope some good conceit of thine | conceit (n.) notion, idea, thought | Sonn.26.7 | |
In thy soules thought (all naked) will bestow it: | In thy soul's thought (all naked) will bestow it: | | Sonn.26.8 | |
Til whatsoeuer star that guides my mouing, | Till whatsoever star that guides my moving | | Sonn.26.9 | |
Points on me gratiously with faire aspect, | Points on me graciously with fair aspect, | aspect (n.) [astrology] influential phase, direction of alignment | Sonn.26.10 | |
And puts apparrell on my tottered louing, | And puts apparel on my tattered loving, | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | Sonn.26.11 | |
| | tattered (adj.) torn, ragged | | |
To show me worthy of their sweet respect, | To show me worthy of thy sweet respect: | | Sonn.26.12 | |
Then may I dare to boast how I doe loue thee, | Then may I dare to boast how I do love thee, | | Sonn.26.13 | |
Til then, not show my head where thou maist proue me | Till then not show my head where thou mayst prove me. | prove (v.) test, try out, make trial [of] | Sonn.26.14 | |
| | | | |
27 | 27 | | Sonn.27 | |
WEary with toyle, I hast me to my bed, | Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, | | Sonn.27.1 | |
The deare repose for lims with trauaill tired, | The dear repose for limbs with travel tired, | travail, travel (n.) journeying, travel [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour'] | Sonn.27.2 | |
| | travail, travel (n.) labour, effort, exertion [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel'] | | |
But then begins a iourny in my head | But then begins a journey in my head | | Sonn.27.3 | |
To worke my mind, when boddies work's expired. | To work my mind, when body's work's expired. | work (v.), past form wrought activate, galvanize, make work | Sonn.27.4 | |
For then my thoughts (from far where I abide) | For then my thoughts (from far where I abide) | abide (v.) live, dwell, reside | Sonn.27.5 | |
Intend a zelous pilgrimage to thee; | Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee, | zealous (adj.) earnest, fervent, ardent | Sonn.27.6 | |
| | intend (v.) be determined to make, plan to take | | |
And keepe my drooping eye-lids open wide, | And keep my drooping eyelids open wide, | | Sonn.27.7 | |
Looking on darknes which the blind doe see. | Looking on darkness which the blind do see, | | Sonn.27.8 | |
Saue that my soules imaginary sight | Save that my soul's imaginary sight | save that (conj.) except (that), were it not that | Sonn.27.9 | |
Presents their shaddoe to my sightles view, | Presents thy shadow to my sightless view, | | Sonn.27.10 | |
Which like a iewell (hunge in gastly night) | Which like a jewel (hung in ghastly night) | ghastly (adj.) terrifying, terrible, deathly | Sonn.27.11 | |
Makes blacke night beautious, and her old face new. | Makes black night beauteous, and her old face new. | | Sonn.27.12 | |
Loe thus by day my lims, by night my mind, | Lo, thus by day my limbs, by night my mind, | | Sonn.27.13 | |
For thee, and for my selfe, noe quiet finde. | For thee, and for myself, no quiet find. | | Sonn.27.14 | |
| | | | |
28 | 28 | | Sonn.28 | |
HOw can I then returne in happy plight | How can I then return in happy plight | plight (n.) good shape, health, fit condition | Sonn.28.1 | |
That am debard the benifit of rest? | That am debarred the benefit of rest? | | Sonn.28.2 | |
When daies oppression is not eazd by night, | When day's oppression is not eased by night, | | Sonn.28.3 | |
But day by night and night by day oprest. | But day by night and night by day oppressed? | | Sonn.28.4 | |
And each (though enimes to ethers raigne) | And each (though enemies to either's reign) | | Sonn.28.5 | |
Doe in consent shake hands to torture me, | Do in consent shake hands to torture me, | | Sonn.28.6 | |
The one by toyle, the other to complaine | The one by toil, the other to complain | | Sonn.28.7 | |
How far I toyle, still farther off from thee. | How far I toil, still farther off from thee. | | Sonn.28.8 | |
I tell the Day to please him thou art bright, | I tell the day to please him thou art bright, | | Sonn.28.9 | |
And do'st him grace when clouds doe blot the heauen: | And dost him grace when clouds do blot the heaven: | | Sonn.28.10 | |
So flatter I the swart complexiond night, | So flatter I the swart-complexioned night, | swart-complexioned (adj.) dark-faced, black-looking | Sonn.28.11 | |
When sparkling stars twire not thou guil'st th' eauen. | When sparkling stars twire not thou gild'st th' even. | even (n.) evening | Sonn.28.12 | |
| | twire (v.) twinkle, peep out, shine out | | |
| | gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded bring colour to, brighten, illuminate | | |
But day doth daily draw my sorrowes longer, | But day doth daily draw my sorrows longer, | draw (v.) draw out, extend, prolong | Sonn.28.13 | |
And night doth nightly make greefes length seeme stronger | And night doth nightly make grief's length seem stronger. | | Sonn.28.14 | |
| | | | |
29 | 29 | | Sonn.29 | |
WHen in disgrace with Fortune and mens eyes, | When, in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes, | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | Sonn.29.1 | |
I all alone beweepe my out-cast state, | I all alone beweep my outcast state, | beweep (v.) weep over, wet with tears | Sonn.29.2 | |
And trouble deafe heauen with my bootlesse cries, | And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, | bootless (adj.) useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing | Sonn.29.3 | |
And looke vpon my selfe and curse my fate. | And look upon myself and curse my fate, | | Sonn.29.4 | |
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, | Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, | | Sonn.29.5 | |
Featur'd like him, like him with friends possest, | Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, | | Sonn.29.6 | |
Desiring this mans art, and that mans skope, | Desiring this man's art and that man's scope, | art (n.) accomplishment, achievement, skill | Sonn.29.7 | |
| | scope (n.) opportunity, liberty, free course of action | | |
With what I most inioy contented least, | With what I most enjoy contented least; | enjoy (v.) possess with delight, take pleasure [in], savour | Sonn.29.8 | |
Yet in these thoughts my selfe almost despising, | Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, | | Sonn.29.9 | |
Haplye I thinke on thee, and then my state, | Haply I think on thee, and then my state | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Sonn.29.10 | |
(Like to the Larke at breake of daye arising) | (Like to the lark at break of day arising) | | Sonn.29.11 | |
From sullen earth sings himns at Heauens gate, | From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven's gate; | sullen (adj.) dull, drab, sombre | Sonn.29.12 | |
For thy sweet loue remembred such welth brings, | For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings | | Sonn.29.13 | |
That then I skorne to change my state with Kings. | That then I scorn to change my state with kings. | change (v.) exchange, trade | Sonn.29.14 | |
| | | | |
30 | 30 | | Sonn.30 | |
WHen to the Sessions of sweet silent thought, | When to the sessions of sweet silent thought | session, sessions (n.) judicial assembly, trial, court | Sonn.30.1 | |
I sommon vp remembrance of things past, | I summon up remembrance of things past, | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | Sonn.30.2 | |
I sigh the lacke of many a thing I sought, | I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, | | Sonn.30.3 | |
And with old woes new waile my deare times waste: | And with old woes new wail my dear times' waste: | | Sonn.30.4 | |
Then can I drowne an eye (vn-vs'd to flow) | Then can I drown an eye (unused to flow) | | Sonn.30.5 | |
For precious friends hid in deaths dateles night, | For precious friends hid in death's dateless night, | dateless (adj.) everlasting, eternal, endless | Sonn.30.6 | |
And weepe a fresh loues long since canceld woe, | And weep afresh love's long-since cancelled woe, | cancelled (adj.) made null and void, invalidated | Sonn.30.7 | |
And mone th'expence of many a vannisht sight. | And moan th' expense of many a vanished sight: | expense (n.) loss, using up, expending | Sonn.30.8 | |
Then can I greeue at greeuances fore-gon, | Then can I grieve at grievances foregone, | grievance (n.) distress, suffering, pain | Sonn.30.9 | |
| | foregone (adj.) previous, prior, earlier | | |
And heauily from woe to woe tell ore | And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er | heavily (adv.) sorrowfully, sadly, gloomily | Sonn.30.10 | |
The sad account of fore-bemoned mone, | The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan, | fore-bemoaned (adj.) previously lamented | Sonn.30.11 | |
| | moan (n.) grief, lamentation, sorrow, complaint | | |
| | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | | |
Which I new pay, as if not payd before. | Which I new pay, as if not paid before. | | Sonn.30.12 | |
But if the while I thinke on thee (deare friend) | But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, | | Sonn.30.13 | |
All losses are restord, and sorrowes end. | All losses are restored, and sorrows end. | | Sonn.30.14 | |
| | | | |
31 | 31 | | Sonn.31 | |
Thy bosome is indeared with all hearts, | Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts, | endeared (adj.) made more precious, increased in value | Sonn.31.1 | |
| | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | | |
Which I by lacking haue supposed dead, | Which I by lacking have supposed dead, | | Sonn.31.2 | |
And there raignes Loue and all Loues louing parts, | And there reigns Love and all Love's loving parts, | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | Sonn.31.3 | |
And all those friends which I thought buried. | And all those friends which I thought buried. | | Sonn.31.4 | |
How many a holy and obsequious teare | How many a holy and obsequious tear | obsequious (adj.) dutiful [without suggesting servility]; appropriate after a death | Sonn.31.5 | |
Hath deare religious loue stolne from mine eye, | Hath dear religious love stol'n from mine eye, | religious (adj.) devout, conscientious, scrupulous | Sonn.31.6 | |
As interest of the dead, which now appeare, | As interest of the dead, which now appear, | | Sonn.31.7 | |
But things remou'd that hidden in there lie. | But things removed that hidden in thee lie. | | Sonn.31.8 | |
Thou art the graue where buried loue doth liue, | Thou art the grave where buried love doth live, | | Sonn.31.9 | |
Hung with the tropheis of my louers gon, | Hung with the trophies of my lovers gone, | | Sonn.31.10 | |
Who all their parts of me to thee did giue, | Who all their parts of me to thee did give; | | Sonn.31.11 | |
That due of many, now is thine alone. | That due of many now is thine alone. | | Sonn.31.12 | |
Their images I lou'd, I view in thee, | Their images I loved, I view in thee, | | Sonn.31.13 | |
And thou (all they) hast all the all of me. | And thou (all they) hast all the all of me. | | Sonn.31.14 | |
| | | | |
32 | 32 | | Sonn.32 | |
IF thou suruiue my well contented daie, | If thou survive my well-contented day, | | Sonn.32.1 | |
When that churle death my bones with dust shall couer | When that churl Death my bones with dust shall cover, | churl (n.) villain, contemptible fellow | Sonn.32.2 | |
And shalt by fortune once more re-suruay: | And shalt by fortune once more re-survey | | Sonn.32.3 | |
These poore rude lines of thy deceased Louer: | These poor rude lines of thy deceased lover, | rude (adj.) amateurish, inexpert, lacking polish | Sonn.32.4 | |
Compare them with the bett'ring of the time, | Compare them with the bett'ring of the time, | | Sonn.32.5 | |
And though they be out-stript by euery pen, | And though they be outstripped by every pen, | | Sonn.32.6 | |
Reserue them for my loue, not for their rime, | Reserve them for my love, not for their rhyme, | reserve (v.) preserve, retain, keep | Sonn.32.7 | |
Exceeded by the hight of happier men. | Exceeded by the height of happier men. | | Sonn.32.8 | |
Oh then voutsafe me but this louing thought, | Oh then vouchsafe me but this loving thought: | | Sonn.32.9 | |
Had my friends Muse growne with this growing age, | Had my friend's Muse grown with this growing age, | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.32.10 | |
A dearer birth then this his loue had brought | A dearer birth than this his love had brought | dear (adj.) of great worth, valuable, precious | Sonn.32.11 | |
| | bring (v.) bring forth, give birth to | | |
To march in ranckes of better equipage: | To march in ranks of better equipage: | equipage (n.) equipment, fitted-out condition | Sonn.32.12 | |
But since he died and Poets better proue, | But since he died and poets better prove, | | Sonn.32.13 | |
Theirs for their stile ile read, his for his loue. | Theirs for their style I'll read, his for his love. | | Sonn.32.14 | |
| | | | |
33 | 33 | | Sonn.33 | |
FVll many a glorious morning haue I seene, | Full many a glorious morning have I seen | | Sonn.33.1 | |
Flatter the mountaine tops with soueraine eie, | Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye, | | Sonn.33.2 | |
Kissing with golden face the meddowes greene; | Kissing with golden face the meadows green, | | Sonn.33.3 | |
Guilding pale streames with heauenly alcumy: | Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy: | alchemy, alchymy (n.) wondrous transformation, miraculous transmutation | Sonn.33.4 | |
Anon permit the basest cloudes to ride, | Anon permit the basest clouds to ride | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | Sonn.33.5 | |
| | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | | |
With ougly rack on his celestiall face, | With ugly rack on his celestial face, | rack (n.) [of clouds] driven accumulation, billowing movement | Sonn.33.6 | |
And from the for-lorne world his visage hide | And from the forlorn world his visage hide, | visage (n.) face, countenance | Sonn.33.7 | |
Stealing vnseene to west with this disgrace: | Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace: | disgrace (n.) disfigurement, marring | Sonn.33.8 | |
Euen so my Sunne one early morne did shine, | Even so my Sun one early morn did shine | morn (n.) morning, dawn | Sonn.33.9 | |
With all triumphant splendor on my brow, | With all triumphant splendour on my brow; | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.33.10 | |
But out alack, he was but one houre mine, | But out, alack, he was but one hour mine; | out (adv.) at an end, finished | Sonn.33.11 | |
The region cloude hath mask'd him from me now. | The region cloud hath masked him from me now. | region (adj.) in the sky, of the air | Sonn.33.12 | |
Yet him for this, my loue no whit disdaineth, | Yet him for this, my love no whit disdaineth; | | Sonn.33.13 | |
Suns of the world may staine, whẽ heauens sun stainteh. | Suns of the world may stain, when heaven's sun staineth. | | Sonn.33.14 | |
| | | | |
34 | 34 | | Sonn.34 | |
WHy didst thou promise such a beautious day, | Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day, | | Sonn.34.1 | |
And make me trauaile forth without my cloake, | And make me travel forth without my cloak, | travail, travel (v.) travel, journey [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour'] | Sonn.34.2 | |
To let bace cloudes ore-take me in my way, | To let base clouds o'ertake me in my way, | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | Sonn.34.3 | |
Hiding thy brau'ry in their rotten smoke. | Hiding thy brav'ry in their rotten smoke? | bravery (n.) splendour, fine display, ostentation | Sonn.34.4 | |
| | smoke (n.) mist, fog, vapours | | |
Tis not enough that through the cloude thou breake, | 'Tis not enough that through the cloud thou break, | | Sonn.34.5 | |
To dry the raine on my storme-beaten face, | To dry the rain on my storm-beaten face | | Sonn.34.6 | |
For no man well of such a salue can speake, | For no man well of such a salve can speak | salve (n.) healing ointment | Sonn.34.7 | |
That heales the wound, and cures not the disgrace: | That heals the wound and cures not the disgrace: | | Sonn.34.8 | |
Nor can thy shame giue phisicke to my griefe, | Nor can thy shame give physic to my grief; | physic (n.) medicine, healing, treatment | Sonn.34.9 | |
| | grief (n.) pain, torment, distress | | |
Though thou repent, yet I haue still the losse, | Though thou repent, yet I have still the loss: | | Sonn.34.10 | |
Th' offenders sorrow lends but weake reliefe | Th' offender's sorrow lends but weak relief | | Sonn.34.11 | |
To him that beares the strong offenses losse. | To him that bears the strong offence's cross. | cross (n.) trial, affliction, trouble | Sonn.34.12 | |
Ah but those teares are pearle which thy loue sheeds, | Ah, but those tears are pearl which thy love sheds, | sheed (v.) shed | Sonn.34.13 | |
And they are ritch, and ransome all ill deeds. | And they are rich, and ransom all ill deeds. | ill (adj.) evil, wicked, immoral | Sonn.34.14 | |
| | | | |
35 | 35 | | Sonn.35 | |
NO more bee greeu'd at that which thou hast done, | No more be grieved at that which thou hast done: | | Sonn.35.1 | |
Roses haue thornes, and siluer fountaines mud, | Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud; | | Sonn.35.2 | |
Cloudes and eclipses staine both Moone and Sunne, | Clouds and eclipses stain both Moon and Sun, | stain (v.) obscure, hide, blot out | Sonn.35.3 | |
And loathsome canker liues in sweetest bud. | And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud. | canker (n./adj.) grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite | Sonn.35.4 | |
All men make faults, and euen I in this, | All men make faults, and even I in this, | | Sonn.35.5 | |
Authorizing thy trespas with compare, | Authorizing thy trespass with compare, | compare (n.) comparison, simile, analogy | Sonn.35.6 | |
My selfe corrupting saluing thy amisse, | Myself corrupting, salving thy amiss, | amiss (n.) fault, offence, misdeed | Sonn.35.7 | |
| | salve (v.) heal, remedy, make good | | |
Excusing their sins more then their sins are: | Excusing thy sins more than thy sins are: | | Sonn.35.8 | |
For to thy sensuall fault I bring in sence, | For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense, | | Sonn.35.9 | |
Thy aduerse party is thy Aduocate, | Thy adverse party is thy advocate, | | Sonn.35.10 | |
And gainst my selfe a lawfull plea commence, | And 'gainst myself a lawful plea commence: | | Sonn.35.11 | |
Such ciuill war is in my loue and hate, | Such civil war is in my love and hate | | Sonn.35.12 | |
That I an accessary needs must be, | That I an accessory needs must be | | Sonn.35.13 | |
To that sweet theefe which sourely robs from me, | To that sweet thief which sourly robs from me. | | Sonn.35.14 | |
| | | | |
36 | 36 | | Sonn.36 | |
LEt me confesse that we two must be twaine, | Let me confess that we two must be twain, | confess (v.) acknowledge, recognize, admit | Sonn.36.1 | |
| | twain (adj.) separated, not united, estranged | | |
Although our vndeuided loues are one: | Although our undivided loves are one: | | Sonn.36.2 | |
So shall those blots that do with me remaine, | So shall those blots that do with me remain, | blot (n.) stain, disgrace, blemish | Sonn.36.3 | |
Without thy helpe, by me be borne alone. | Without thy help, by me be borne alone. | | Sonn.36.4 | |
In our two loues there is but one respect, | In our two loves there is but one respect, | respect (n.) consideration, factor, circumstance | Sonn.36.5 | |
Though in our liues a seperable spight, | Though in our lives a separable spite, | separable (adj.) which causes separation, with divisive power | Sonn.36.6 | |
| | spite (n.) annoyance, vexation, irritation | | |
Which though it alter not loues sole effect, | Which though it alter not love's sole effect, | sole (adj.) unique, unrivalled, singular | Sonn.36.7 | |
Yet doth it steale sweet houres from loues delight, | Yet doth it steal sweet hours from love's delight. | | Sonn.36.8 | |
I may not euer-more acknowledge thee, | I may not evermore acknowledge thee, | | Sonn.36.9 | |
Least my bewailed guilt should do thee shame, | Lest my bewailed guilt should do thee shame, | | Sonn.36.10 | |
Nor thou with publike kindnesse honour me, | Nor thou with public kindness honour me, | | Sonn.36.11 | |
Vnlesse thou take that honour from thy name: | Unless thou take that honour from thy name: | | Sonn.36.12 | |
But doe not so, I loue thee in such sort, | But do not so; I love thee in such sort | sort (n.) way, manner | Sonn.36.13 | |
As thou being mine, mine is thy good report. | As, thou being mine, mine is thy good report. | | Sonn.36.14 | |
| | | | |
37 | 37 | | Sonn.37 | |
AS a decrepit father takes delight, | As a decrepit father takes delight | | Sonn.37.1 | |
To see his actiue childe do deeds of youth, | To see his active child do deeds of youth, | | Sonn.37.2 | |
So I, made lame by Fortunes dearest spight | So I, made lame by Fortune's dearest spite, | spite (n.) malice, ill-will, hatred | Sonn.37.3 | |
| | dear (adj.) dire, grievous, hard | | |
| | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | | |
Take all my comfort of thy worth and truth. | Take all my comfort of thy worth and truth. | | Sonn.37.4 | |
For whether beauty, birth, or wealth, or wit, | For whether beauty, birth, or wealth, or wit, | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | Sonn.37.5 | |
Or any of these all, or all, or more | Or any of these all, or all, or more, | | Sonn.37.6 | |
Intitled in their parts, do crowned sit, | Entitled in thy parts, do crowned sit, | entitle, intitle (v.) have a rightful claim [to] | Sonn.37.7 | |
| | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | | |
I make my loue ingrafted to this store: | I make my love engrafted to this store: | ingrafted, engrafted (adj.) closely fastened, firmly fixed | Sonn.37.8 | |
So then I am not lame, poore, nor dispis'd, | So then I am not lame, poor, nor despised, | | Sonn.37.9 | |
Whilst that this shadow doth such substance giue, | Whilst that this shadow doth such substance give, | | Sonn.37.10 | |
That I in thy abundance am suffic'd, | That I in thy abundance am sufficed, | suffice (v.) satisfy, nourish, provide for | Sonn.37.11 | |
And by a part of all thy glory liue: | And by a part of all thy glory live. | | Sonn.37.12 | |
Looke what is best, that best I wish in thee, | Look what is best, that best I wish in thee: | look what (conj.) whatever | Sonn.37.13 | |
This wish I haue, then ten times happy me. | This wish I have, then ten times happy me! | | Sonn.37.14 | |
| | | | |
38 | 38 | | Sonn.38 | |
HOw can my Muse want subiect to inuent | How can my Muse want subject to invent, | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.38.1 | |
| | invent (v.) create, compose, write creatively | | |
| | want (v.) lack, need, be without | | |
While thou dost breath that poor'st into my verse, | While thou dost breathe that pour'st into my verse | | Sonn.38.2 | |
Thine owne sweet argument, to excellent, | Thine own sweet argument, too excellent | argument (n.) subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic | Sonn.38.3 | |
For euery vulgar paper to rehearse: | For every vulgar paper to rehearse? | vulgar (n.) familiar, ordinary, everyday | Sonn.38.4 | |
| | paper (n.) piece of writing, composition | | |
| | rehearse (v.) relate, recount, give an account of | | |
Oh giue thy selfe the thankes if ought in me, | Oh give thyself the thanks if aught in me | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | Sonn.38.5 | |
Worthy perusal stand against thy sight, | Worthy perusal stand against thy sight; | | Sonn.38.6 | |
For who's so dumbe that cannot write to thee, | For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee, | | Sonn.38.7 | |
When thou thy selfe dost giue inuention light? | When thou thyself dost give invention light? | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | Sonn.38.8 | |
Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth | Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.38.9 | |
Then those old nine which rimers inuocate, | Than those old nine which rhymers invocate, | rhymer (n.) [disparaging] versifier, rhymester | Sonn.38.10 | |
And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth | And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth | | Sonn.38.11 | |
Eternal numbers to out-liue long date. | Eternal numbers to outlive long date. | number (n.) (plural) verses, lines | Sonn.38.12 | |
| | eternal (adj.) immortal, everlasting | | |
If my slight Muse doe please these curious daies, | If my slight Muse do please these curious days, | slight (adj.) worthless, insignificant, good-for-nothing | Sonn.38.13 | |
| | curious (adj.) particular, difficult to satisfy, hard to please | | |
| | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | | |
The paine be mine, but thine shal be the praise. | The pain be mine, but thine shall be the praise. | | Sonn.38.14 | |
| | | | |
39 | 39 | | Sonn.39 | |
OH how thy worth with manners may I singe, | Oh how thy worth with manners may I sing, | | Sonn.39.1 | |
When thou art all the better part of me? | When thou art all the better part of me? | | Sonn.39.2 | |
What can mine owne praise to mine owne selfe bring; | What can mine own praise to mine own self bring? | | Sonn.39.3 | |
And what is't but mine owne when I praise thee, | And what is't but mine own when I praise thee? | | Sonn.39.4 | |
Euen for this, let vs deuided liue, | Even for this, let us divided live, | | Sonn.39.5 | |
And our deare loue loose name of single one, | And our dear love lose name of single one, | | Sonn.39.6 | |
That by this seperation I may giue: | That by this separation I may give | | Sonn.39.7 | |
That due to thee which thou deseru'st alone: | That due to thee which thou deserv'st alone. | | Sonn.39.8 | |
Oh absence what a torment wouldst thou proue, | Oh absence, what a torment wouldst thou prove, | | Sonn.39.9 | |
Were it not thy soure leisure gaue sweet leaue, | Were it not thy sour leisure gave sweet leave | | Sonn.39.10 | |
To entertaine the time with thoughts of loue, | To entertain the time with thoughts of love, | entertain (v.) while away, pass away | Sonn.39.11 | |
Which time and thoughts so sweetly dost deceiue. | Which time and thoughts so sweetly doth deceive, | | Sonn.39.12 | |
And that thou teachest how to make one twaine, | And that thou teachest how to make one twain, | | Sonn.39.13 | |
By praising him here who doth hence remaine. | By praising him here who doth hence remain. | | Sonn.39.14 | |
| | | | |
40 | 40 | | Sonn.40 | |
TAke all my loues, my loue, yea take them all, | Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all; | | Sonn.40.1 | |
What hast thou then more then thou hadst before? | What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? | | Sonn.40.2 | |
No loue, my loue, that thou maist true loue call, | No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call; | | Sonn.40.3 | |
All mine was thine, before thou hadst this more: | All mine was thine before thou hadst this more: | | Sonn.40.4 | |
Then if for my loue, thou my loue receiuest, | Then if for my love, thou my love receivest, | | Sonn.40.5 | |
I cannot blame thee, for my loue thou vsest, | I cannot blame thee, for my love thou usest; | | Sonn.40.6 | |
But yet be blam'd, if thou this selfe deceauest | But yet be blamed, if thou thyself deceivest | | Sonn.40.7 | |
By wilfull taste of what thy selfe refusest. | By wilful taste of what thyself refusest. | | Sonn.40.8 | |
I doe forgiue thy robb'rie gentle theefe | I do forgive thy robb'ry, gentle thief, | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | Sonn.40.9 | |
Although thou steale thee all my pouerty: | Although thou steal thee all my poverty: | | Sonn.40.10 | |
And yet loue knowes it is a greater griefe | And yet love knows it is a greater grief | grief (n.) pain, torment, distress | Sonn.40.11 | |
To beare loues wrong, then hates knowne iniury. | To bear love's wrong than hate's known injury. | | Sonn.40.12 | |
Lasciuious grace, in whom all il wel showes, | Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows, | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | Sonn.40.13 | |
Kill me with spights yet we must not be foes. | Kill me with spites; yet we must not be foes. | | Sonn.40.14 | |
| | | | |
41 | 41 | | Sonn.41 | |
THose pretty wrongs that liberty commits, | Those petty wrongs that liberty commits, | pretty (adj.) childish, trifling, naive | Sonn.41.1 | |
| | liberty (n.) unrestrained act, improper licence, reckless freedom | | |
When I am some-time absent from thy heart, | When I am sometime absent from thy heart, | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | Sonn.41.2 | |
Thy beautie, and thy yeares full well befits, | Thy beauty and thy years full well befits, | | Sonn.41.3 | |
For still temptation followes where thou art. | For still temptation follows where thou art. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.41.4 | |
Gentle thou art, and therefore to be wonne, | Gentle thou art, and therefore to be won, | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | Sonn.41.5 | |
Beautious thou art, therefore to be assailed. | Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assailed; | assail (v.) approach with offers of love, woo with vigour, attempt to seduce | Sonn.41.6 | |
And when a woman woes, what womans sonne, | And when a woman woos, what woman's son | | Sonn.41.7 | |
Will sourely leaue her till he haue preuailed. | Will sourly leave her till he have prevailed? | prevail (v.) succeed in seduction, have one's way [in a sexual encounter] | Sonn.41.8 | |
Aye me, but yet thou mighst my seate forbeare, | Ay me, but yet thou mightst my seat forbear, | forbear (v.) leave alone, avoid, stay away [from] | Sonn.41.9 | |
And chide thy beauty, and thy straying youth, | And chide thy beauty and thy straying youth, | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | Sonn.41.10 | |
Who lead thee in their ryot euen there | Who lead thee in their riot even there | riot (n.) dissipation, debauchery, wantonness | Sonn.41.11 | |
Where thou art forst to breake a two-fold truth: | Where thou art forced to break a twofold truth: | truth (n.) loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness | Sonn.41.12 | |
Hers by thy beauty tempting her to thee, | Hers by thy beauty tempting her to thee, | | Sonn.41.13 | |
Thine by thy beautie beeing false to me. | Thine by thy beauty being false to me. | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Sonn.41.14 | |
| | | | |
42 | 42 | | Sonn.42 | |
THat thou hast her it is not all my griefe, | That thou hast her it is not all my grief, | grief (n.) pain, torment, distress | Sonn.42.1 | |
And yet it may be said I lou'd her deerely, | And yet it may be said I loved her dearly; | | Sonn.42.2 | |
That she hath thee is of my wayling cheefe, | That she hath thee is of my wailing chief, | | Sonn.42.3 | |
A losse in loue that touches me more neerely. | A loss in love that touches me more nearly. | touch (v.) affect, move, stir | Sonn.42.4 | |
Louing offendors thus I will excuse yee, | Loving offenders, thus I will excuse ye: | | Sonn.42.5 | |
Thou doost loue her, because thou knowst I loue her, | Thou dost love her, because thou know'st I love her, | | Sonn.42.6 | |
And for my sake euen so doth she abuse me, | And for my sake even so doth she abuse me, | abuse (v.) misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong | Sonn.42.7 | |
Suffring my friend for my sake to approoue her, | Suff'ring my friend for my sake to approve her. | approve (v.) commend, praise, show to be worthy | Sonn.42.8 | |
| | suffer (v.) allow, permit, let | | |
If I loose thee, my losse is my loues gaine, | If I lose thee, my loss is my love's gain, | | Sonn.42.9 | |
And loosing her, my friend hath found that losse, | And losing her, my friend hath found that loss; | | Sonn.42.10 | |
Both finde each other, and I loose both twaine, | Both find each other, and I lose both twain, | | Sonn.42.11 | |
And both for my sake lay on me this crosse, | And both for my sake lay on me this cross: | cross (n.) trial, affliction, trouble | Sonn.42.12 | |
But here's the ioy, my friend and I are one, | But here's the joy: my friend and I are one; | | Sonn.42.13 | |
Sweete flattery, then she loues but me alone. | Sweet flattery, then she loves but me alone. | flattery (n.) pleasing plausibility, gratifying deception, self-delusion | Sonn.42.14 | |
| | | | |
43 | 43 | | Sonn.43 | |
WHen most I winke then doe mine eyes best see. | When most I wink then do mine eyes best see, | wink (v.) shut one's eyes | Sonn.43.1 | |
For all the day they view things vnrespected, | For all the day they view things unrespected; | unrespected (adj.) of little value, lacking real interest | Sonn.43.2 | |
But when I sleepe, in dreames they looke on thee, | But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee, | | Sonn.43.3 | |
And darkely bright, are bright in darke directed. | And darkly bright are bright in dark directed. | | Sonn.43.4 | |
Then thou whose shaddow shaddowes doth make bright, | Then thou whose shadow shadows doth make bright, | shadow (n.) shade, seclusion, place of retirement | Sonn.43.5 | |
| | shadow (n.) illusion, unreal image, delusion | | |
How would thy shadowes forme, forme happy show, | How would thy shadow's form form happy show | shadow (n.) illusion, unreal image, delusion | Sonn.43.6 | |
| | form (n.) substance, essence, true meaning | | |
To the cleere day with thy much cleerer light, | To the clear day with thy much clearer light, | | Sonn.43.7 | |
When to vn-seeing eyes thy shade shines so? | When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so? | shade (n.) shadow, unreal image, unsubstantial semblance | Sonn.43.8 | |
How would (I say) mine eyes be blessed made, | How would (I say) mine eyes be blessed made | | Sonn.43.9 | |
By looking on thee in the liuing day? | By looking on thee in the living day, | | Sonn.43.10 | |
When in dead night their faire imperfect shade, | When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade | shade (n.) shadow, unreal image, unsubstantial semblance | Sonn.43.11 | |
Through heauy sleepe on sightlesse eyes doth stay? | Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay? | | Sonn.43.12 | |
All dayes are nights to see till I see thee, | All days are nights to see till I see thee, | | Sonn.43.13 | |
And nights bright daies when dreams do shew thee me. | And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me. | | Sonn.43.14 | |
| | | | |
44 | 44 | | Sonn.44 | |
IF the dull substance of my flesh were thought, | If the dull substance of my flesh were thought, | dull (adj.) dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive | Sonn.44.1 | |
Iniurious distance should not stop my way, | Injurious distance should not stop my way, | stop (v.) block, hinder, impede, obstruct | Sonn.44.2 | |
| | injurious (adj.) causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust | | |
For then dispight of space I would be brought, | For then despite of space I would be brought | | Sonn.44.3 | |
From limits farre remote, where thou doost stay, | From limits far remote where thou dost stay. | limit (n.) delimited territory, precinct, bounded region | Sonn.44.4 | |
No matter then although my foote did stand | No matter then although my foot did stand | | Sonn.44.5 | |
Vpon the farthest earth remoou'd from thee, | Upon the farthest earth removed from thee, | | Sonn.44.6 | |
For nimble thought can iumpe both sea and land, | For nimble thought can jump both sea and land, | | Sonn.44.7 | |
As soone as thinke the place where he would be. | As soon as think the place where he would be. | | Sonn.44.8 | |
But ah, thought kills me that I am not thought | But ah, thought kills me that I am not thought | | Sonn.44.9 | |
To leape large lengths of miles when thou art gone, | To leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone, | | Sonn.44.10 | |
But that so much of earth and water wrought, | But that so much of earth and water wrought | | Sonn.44.11 | |
I must attend, times leasure with my mone. | I must attend time's leisure with my moan, | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | Sonn.44.12 | |
| | moan (n.) grief, lamentation, sorrow, complaint | | |
Receiuing naughts by elements so sloe, | Receiving nought by elements so slow, | | Sonn.44.13 | |
But heauie teares, badges of eithers woe. | But heavy tears, badges of either's woe. | badge (n.) outward sign, symbol, mark | Sonn.44.14 | |
| | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | | |
| | | | |
45 | 45 | | Sonn.45 | |
THe other two, slight ayre, and purging fire, | The other two, slight air and purging fire, | slight (adj.) light, insubstantial, lacking solidity | Sonn.45.1 | |
Are both with thee, where euer I abide, | Are both with thee, wherever I abide; | | Sonn.45.2 | |
The first my thought, the other my desire, | The first my thought, the other my desire, | | Sonn.45.3 | |
These present absent with swift motion slide. | These present absent with swift motion slide. | | Sonn.45.4 | |
For when these quicker Elements are gone | For when these quicker elements are gone | quick (adj.) living, vital, full of life | Sonn.45.5 | |
In tender Embassie of loue to thee, | In tender embassy of love to thee, | embassy (n.) message [especially via an ambassador] | Sonn.45.6 | |
My life being made of foure, with two alone, | My life, being made of four, with two alone | | Sonn.45.7 | |
Sinkes downe to death, opprest with melancholie, | Sinks down to death, oppressed with melancholy, | | Sonn.45.8 | |
Vntill liues composition be recured, | Until life's composition be recured | recure (v.) heal, make whole, restore to health | Sonn.45.9 | |
| | composition (n.) constitution, make-up, state [of mind and body] | | |
By those swift messengers return'd from thee, | By those swift messengers returned from thee, | | Sonn.45.10 | |
Who euen but now come back againe assured, | Who even but now come back again, assured | | Sonn.45.11 | |
Of their faire health, recounting it to me. | Of thy fair health, recounting it to me. | fair (adj.) healthy, sound, fit | Sonn.45.12 | |
This told, I ioy, but then no longer glad, | This told, I joy, but then no longer glad, | joy (v.) feel joy, be happy, rejoice | Sonn.45.13 | |
I send them back againe and straight grow sad. | I send them back again and straight grow sad. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | Sonn.45.14 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
| | | | |
46 | 46 | | Sonn.46 | |
MIne eye and heart are at a mortall warre, | Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war, | | Sonn.46.1 | |
How to deuide the conquest of thy sight, | How to divide the conquest of thy sight; | | Sonn.46.2 | |
Mine eye, my heart their pictures sight would barre, | Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar, | | Sonn.46.3 | |
My heart, mine eye the freeedome of that right, | My heart mine eye the freedom of that right. | | Sonn.46.4 | |
My heart doth plead that thou in him doost lye, | My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie | | Sonn.46.5 | |
(A closet neuer pearst with christall eyes) | (A closet never pierced with crystal eyes) | closet (n.) enclosure surrounding the heart, pericardium | Sonn.46.6 | |
But the defendant doth that plea deny, | But the defendant doth that plea deny, | | Sonn.46.7 | |
And sayes in him their faire appearance lyes. | And says in him thy fair appearance lies. | | Sonn.46.8 | |
To side this title is impannelled | To 'cide this title is impannelled | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | Sonn.46.9 | |
| | impannel, empannel (v.) enrol, oblige to appear in a court | | |
| | 'cide (v.) decide | | |
A quest of thoughts, all tennants to the heart, | A quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart, | quest (n.) jury, body of persons appointed to hold an inquiry | Sonn.46.10 | |
And by their verdict is determined | And by their verdict is determined | determine (v.) resolve, decide, settle [on] | Sonn.46.11 | |
The cleere eyes moyitie, and the deare hearts part. | The clear eye's moiety and the dear heart's part: | moiety (n.) share, portion, part | Sonn.46.12 | |
As thus, mine eyes due is their outward part, | As thus: mine eye's due is thy outward part, | | Sonn.46.13 | |
And my hearts right, their inward loue of heart. | And my heart's right thy inward love of heart. | | Sonn.46.14 | |
| | | | |
47 | 47 | | Sonn.47 | |
BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league is tooke, | Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took, | | Sonn.47.1 | |
And each doth good turnes now vnto the other, | And each doth good turns now unto the other: | | Sonn.47.2 | |
When that mine eye is famisht for a looke, | When that mine eye is famished for a look, | | Sonn.47.3 | |
Or heart in loue with sighes himselfe doth smother; | Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother, | | Sonn.47.4 | |
With my loues picture then my eye doth feast, | With my love's picture then my eye doth feast | | Sonn.47.5 | |
And to the painted banquet bids my heart: | And to the painted banquet bids my heart: | | Sonn.47.6 | |
An other time mine eye is my hearts guest, | Another time mine eye is my heart's guest, | | Sonn.47.7 | |
And in his thoughts of loue doth share a part. | And in his thoughts of love doth share a part. | share (v.) take, receive, have [as one's share] | Sonn.47.8 | |
So either by thy picture or my loue, | So either by thy picture or my love, | | Sonn.47.9 | |
Thy seife away, are present still with me, | Thyself away art present still with me, | | Sonn.47.10 | |
For thou nor farther then my thoughts canst moue, | For thou not farther than my thoughts canst move, | | Sonn.47.11 | |
And I am still with them, and they with thee. | And I am still with them, and they with thee; | | Sonn.47.12 | |
Or if they sleepe, thy picture in my sight | Or, if they sleep, thy picture in my sight | | Sonn.47.13 | |
Awakes my heart, to hearts and eyes delight. | Awakes my heart to heart's and eye's delight. | | Sonn.47.14 | |
| | | | |
48 | 48 | | Sonn.48 | |
HOw carefull was I when I tooke my way, | How careful was I when I took my way, | | Sonn.48.1 | |
Each trifle vnder truest barres to thrust, | Each trifle under truest bars to thrust, | true (adj.) reliable, trustworthy, dependable | Sonn.48.2 | |
| | bar (n.) lock, barrier, barricade | | |
That to my vse it might vn-vsed stay | That to my use it might unused stay | stay (v.) remain, continue, endure | Sonn.48.3 | |
From hands of falsehood, in sure wards of trust? | From hands of falsehood, in sure wards of trust! | ward (n.) guard, protection, defence | Sonn.48.4 | |
But thou, to whom my iewels trifles are, | But thou, to whom my jewels trifles are, | | Sonn.48.5 | |
Most worthy comfort, now my greatest griefe, | Most worthy comfort, now my greatest grief, | | Sonn.48.6 | |
Thou best of deerest, and mine onely care, | Thou best of dearest and mine only care, | care (n.) responsibility, duty, matter of concern | Sonn.48.7 | |
Art left the prey of euery vulgar theefe. | Art left the prey of every vulgar thief. | | Sonn.48.8 | |
Thee haue I not lockt vp in any chest, | Thee have I not locked up in any chest, | | Sonn.48.9 | |
Saue where thou art not, though I feele thou art, | Save where thou art not, though I feel thou art, | | Sonn.48.10 | |
Within the gentle closure of my brest, | Within the gentle closure of my breast, | closure (n.) enclosure, bound, limit | Sonn.48.11 | |
| | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | | |
| | gentle (adj.) peaceful, calm, free from violence | | |
From whence at pleasure thou maist come and part, | From whence at pleasure thou mayst come and part; | | Sonn.48.12 | |
And euen thence thou wilt be stolne I feare, | And even thence thou wilt be stol'n, I fear, | | Sonn.48.13 | |
For truth prooues theeuish for a prize so deare. | For truth proves thievish for a prize so dear. | | Sonn.48.14 | |
| | | | |
49 | 49 | | Sonn.49 | |
AGainst that time (if cuer that time come) | Against that time (if ever that time come) | against, 'gainst (prep.) in preparation for, in anticipation of | Sonn.49.1 | |
When I shall see thee frowne on my defects, | When I shall see thee frown on my defects, | | Sonn.49.2 | |
When as thy loue hath cast his vtmost summe, | Whenas thy love hath cast his utmost sum, | | Sonn.49.3 | |
Cauld to that audite by aduis'd respects, | Called to that audit by advised respects; | audit (n.) account, reckoning [especially: in the face of God] | Sonn.49.4 | |
| | advised, avised (adj.) judicious, wise, prudent | | |
| | respect (n.) consideration, factor, circumstance | | |
Against that time when thou shalt strangely passe, | Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass, | strangely (adv.) like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner | Sonn.49.5 | |
And scarcely greete me with that sunne thine eye, | And scarcely greet me with that sun thine eye, | | Sonn.49.6 | |
When loue conuerted from the thing it was | When love converted from the thing it was | convert (v.) change, transform, alter | Sonn.49.7 | |
Shall reasons finde of setled grauitie. | Shall reasons find of settled gravity; | settled (adj.) calm, steadfast, composed | Sonn.49.8 | |
| | gravity (n.) respectability, authority, dignified position | | |
Against that time do I insconce me here | Against that time do I ensconce me here | ensconce, insconce (v.) secure, establish oneself firmly | Sonn.49.9 | |
Within the knowledge of mine owne desart, | Within the knowledge of mine own desart, | desert, desart (n.) worth, merit, deserving | Sonn.49.10 | |
And this my hand, against my selfe vpreare, | And this my hand against myself uprear | uprear (v.) upraise, lift up | Sonn.49.11 | |
To guard the lawfull reasons on thy part, | To guard the lawful reasons on thy part: | guard (v.) safeguard, protect, justify | Sonn.49.12 | |
To leaue poore me, thou hast the strength of lawes, | To leave poor me thou hast the strength of laws, | | Sonn.49.13 | |
Since why to loue, I can alledge no cause. | Since why to love I can allege no cause. | | Sonn.49.14 | |
| | | | |
50 | 50 | | Sonn.50 | |
HOw heauie doe I iourney on the way, | How heavy do I journey on the way, | heavy (adj.) weary, exhausted, worn out | Sonn.50.1 | |
When what I seeke (my wearie trauels end) | When what I seek (my weary travel's end) | | Sonn.50.2 | |
Doth teach that ease and that repose to say | Doth teach that ease and that repose to say | | Sonn.50.3 | |
Thus farre the miles are measurde from thy friend. | Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend. | | Sonn.50.4 | |
The beast that beares me, tired with my woe, | The beast that bears me, tired with my woe, | | Sonn.50.5 | |
Plods duly on, to beare that waight in me, | Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me, | | Sonn.50.6 | |
As if by some instinct the wretch did know | As if by some instinct the wretch did know | | Sonn.50.7 | |
His rider lou'd not speed being made from thee: | His rider loved not speed being made from thee: | | Sonn.50.8 | |
The bloody spurre cannot prouoke him on, | The bloody spur cannot provoke him on | | Sonn.50.9 | |
That some-times anger thrusts into his hide, | That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide, | | Sonn.50.10 | |
Which heauily he answers with a grone, | Which heavily he answers with a groan, | | Sonn.50.11 | |
More sharpe to me then spurring to his side, | More sharp to me than spurring to his side; | | Sonn.50.12 | |
For that same grone doth put this in my mind, | For that same groan doth put this in my mind: | | Sonn.50.13 | |
My greefe lies onward and my ioy behind. | My grief lies onward and my joy behind. | | Sonn.50.14 | |
| | | | |
51 | 51 | | Sonn.51 | |
THus can my loue excuse the slow offence, | Thus can my love excuse the slow offence | | Sonn.51.1 | |
Of my dull bearer, when from thee I speed, | Of my dull bearer, when from thee I speed: | speed (v.) travel speedily, make a hasty expedition | Sonn.51.2 | |
From where thou art, why shoulld I hast me thence, | From where thou art why should I haste me thence? | | Sonn.51.3 | |
Till I returne of posting is noe need. | Till I return, of posting is no need. | posting (n.) haste, speed, rush | Sonn.51.4 | |
O what excuse will my poore beast then find, | O, what excuse will my poor beast then find, | | Sonn.51.5 | |
When swift extremity can seeme but slow, | When swift extremity can seem but slow? | | Sonn.51.6 | |
Then should I spurre though mounted on the wind, | Then should I spur, though mounted on the wind; | | Sonn.51.7 | |
In winged speed no motion shall I know, | In winged speed no motion shall I know: | | Sonn.51.8 | |
Then can no horse with my desire keepe pace, | Then can no horse with my desire keep pace; | | Sonn.51.9 | |
Therefore desire (of perfects loue being made) | Therefore desire (of perfect'st love being made) | | Sonn.51.10 | |
Shall naigh noe dull flesh in his fiery race, | Shall neigh, no dull flesh in his fiery race, | | Sonn.51.11 | |
But loue, for loue, thus shall excuse my iade, | But love, for love, thus shall excuse my jade; | jade (n.) worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag | Sonn.51.12 | |
Since from thee going, he went wilfull slow, | Since from thee going he went wilful slow, | wilful (adv.) wilfully, deliberately | Sonn.51.13 | |
Towards thee ile run, and giue him leaue to goe. | Towards thee I'll run, and give him leave to go. | | Sonn.51.14 | |
| | | | |
52 | 52 | | Sonn.52 | |
SO am I as the rich whose blessed key, | So am I as the rich, whose blessed key | | Sonn.52.1 | |
Can bring him to his sweet vp-locked treasure, | Can bring him to his sweet uplocked treasure, | uplocked (adj.) locked up, hidden safely away | Sonn.52.2 | |
The which he will not eu'ry hower suruay, | The which he will not ev'ry hour survey, | | Sonn.52.3 | |
For blunting the fine point of seldome pleasure. | For blunting the fine point of seldom pleasure. | seldom (adj.) rare, infrequent, uncommon | Sonn.52.4 | |
Therefore are feasts so sollemne and so rare, | Therefore are feasts so solemn and so rare, | rare (adj.) infrequent, uncommon, few in number | Sonn.52.5 | |
Since sildom comming in the long yeare set, | Since, seldom coming in the long year set, | | Sonn.52.6 | |
Like stones of worth they thinly placed are, | Like stones of worth they thinly placed are, | | Sonn.52.7 | |
Or captaine Iewells in the carconet. | Or captain jewels in the carcanet. | carcanet (n.) jewelled necklace | Sonn.52.8 | |
| | captain (adj.) principal, pre-eminent, chief | | |
So is the time that keepes you as my chest, | So is the time that keeps you as my chest, | | Sonn.52.9 | |
Or as the ward-robe which the robe doth hide, | Or as the wardrobe which the robe doth hide, | | Sonn.52.10 | |
To make some speciall instant speciall blest, | To make some special instant special blest, | | Sonn.52.11 | |
By new vnfoulding his imprison'd pride. | By new unfolding his imprisoned pride. | | Sonn.52.12 | |
Blessed are you whose worthinesse giues skope, | Blessed are you whose worthiness gives scope, | | Sonn.52.13 | |
Being had to tryumph, being lackt to hope. | Being had, to triumph, being lacked, to hope. | | Sonn.52.14 | |
| | | | |
53 | 53 | | Sonn.53 | |
WHat is your substance, whereof are you made, | What is your substance, whereof are you made, | | Sonn.53.1 | |
That millions of strange shaddowes on you tend? | That millions of strange shadows on you tend? | tend on / upon (v.) serve, follow, wait upon, escort | Sonn.53.2 | |
| | strange (adj.) of another person, not one's own | | |
| | shadow (n.) spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost | | |
Since euery one, hath euery one, one shade, | Since every one hath, every one, one shade, | shade (n.) shadow, unreal image, unsubstantial semblance | Sonn.53.3 | |
And you but one, can euery shaddow lend : | And you but one, can every shadow lend. | | Sonn.53.4 | |
Describe Adonis and the counterfet, | Describe Adonis, and the counterfeit | counterfeit (n.) likeness, portrait, image | Sonn.53.5 | |
| | Adonis (n.) [pron: a'dohnis] handsome young man loved by Aphrodite (Greek goddess of sexual love) or (in Roman mythology) Venus | | |
Is poorely immitated after you, | Is poorly imitated after you; | | Sonn.53.6 | |
On Hellens cheeke all art of beautie set, | On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set, | Helen (n.) woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War | Sonn.53.7 | |
And you in Grecian tires are painted new: | And you in Grecian tires are painted new: | tire (n.) head-dress, ornament for the head, raiment | Sonn.53.8 | |
Speake of the spring, and foyzon of the yeare, | Speak of the spring and foison of the year, | foison, foizon (n.) [pron: 'foyzn] abundance, plenty, profusion | Sonn.53.9 | |
The one doth shaddow of your beautie show, | The one doth shadow of your beauty show, | shadow (n.) reflection, reflected image | Sonn.53.10 | |
The other as your bountie doth appeare, | The other as your bounty doth appear, | bounty (n.) great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence | Sonn.53.11 | |
And you in euery blessed shape we know. | And you in every blessed shape we know. | | Sonn.53.12 | |
In all externall grace you haue some part, | In all external grace you have some part, | | Sonn.53.13 | |
But you like none, none you for constant heart. | But you like none, none you, for constant heart. | | Sonn.53.14 | |
| | | | |
54 | 54 | | Sonn.54 | |
OH how much more doth beautie beautious seeme, | Oh how much more doth beauty beauteous seem | | Sonn.54.1 | |
By that sweet ornament which truth doth giue, | By that sweet ornament which truth doth give! | | Sonn.54.2 | |
The Rose lookes faire, but fairer we it deeme | The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem | | Sonn.54.3 | |
For that sweet odor, which doth in it liue: | For that sweet odour which doth in it live. | | Sonn.54.4 | |
The Canker bloomes haue full as deepe a die, | The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye | canker-bloom (n.) blossom of the wild rose | Sonn.54.5 | |
As the perfumed tincture of the Roses, | As the perfumed tincture of the roses, | tincture (n.) tinge, hint, flavour | Sonn.54.6 | |
Hang on such thornes, and play as wantonly, | Hang on such thorns, and play as wantonly, | wantonly (adv.) playfully, frolicsomely, unrestrainedly | Sonn.54.7 | |
When sommers breath their masked buds discloses: | When summer's breath their masked buds discloses: | disclose (v.) open up, unfold, unclose | Sonn.54.8 | |
But for their virtue only is their show, | But, for their virtue only is their show, | | Sonn.54.9 | |
They liue vnwoo'd, and vnrespected fade, | They live unwooed, and unrespected fade, | | Sonn.54.10 | |
Die to themselues. Sweet Roses doe not so, | Die to themselves. Sweet roses do not so; | | Sonn.54.11 | |
Of their sweet deathes, are sweetest odors made : | Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made: | | Sonn.54.12 | |
And so of you, beautious and louely youth, | And so of you, beauteous and lovely youth, | | Sonn.54.13 | |
When that shall vade, by verse distils your truth. | When that shall fade, my verse distils your truth. | vade (v.) fade, pass away, disappear | Sonn.54.14 | |
| | | | |
55 | 55 | | Sonn.55 | |
NOt marble, nor the guilded monument, | Not marble, nor the gilded monuments | | Sonn.55.1 | |
Of Princes shall out-liue this powrefull rime, | Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme, | | Sonn.55.2 | |
But you shall shine more bright in these contents | But you shall shine more bright in these contents | | Sonn.55.3 | |
Then vnswept stone, besmeer'd with sluttish time. | Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time. | | Sonn.55.4 | |
When wastefull warre shall Statues ouer-turne, | When wasteful war shall statues overturn, | wasteful (adj.) destructive, devastating, ruinous | Sonn.55.5 | |
And broiles roote out the worke of masonry, | And broils root out the work of masonry, | broil (n.) turmoil, confused fighting, battle | Sonn.55.6 | |
Nor Mars his sword, nor warres quick fire shall burne: | Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burn | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | Sonn.55.7 | |
The liuing record of your memory. | The living record of your memory. | | Sonn.55.8 | |
Gainst death, and all obliuious emnity | 'Gainst death and all-oblivious enmity | all-oblivious forgetting everything | Sonn.55.9 | |
Shall you pace forth, your praise shall stil finde roome, | Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.55.10 | |
Euen in the eyes of all posterity | Even in the eyes of all posterity | | Sonn.55.11 | |
That weare this world out to the ending doome. | That wear this world out to the ending doom. | | Sonn.55.12 | |
So til the iudgement that your selfe arise, | So, till the judgement that yourself arise, | judgement (n.) judgement day | Sonn.55.13 | |
You liue in this, and dwell in louers eies. | You live in this, and dwell in lover's eyes. | | Sonn.55.14 | |
| | | | |
56 | 56 | | Sonn.56 | |
Sweet loue renew thy force, be it not said | Sweet love, renew thy force; be it not said | | Sonn.56.1 | |
Thy edge should blunter be then apetite, | Thy edge should blunter be than appetite, | appetite (n.) sexual desire, passion | Sonn.56.2 | |
Which but too daie by feeding is alaied, | Which but today by feeding is allayed, | | Sonn.56.3 | |
To morrow sharpned in his former might. | Tomorrow sharpened in his former might. | | Sonn.56.4 | |
So loue be thou, although too daie thou fill | So, love, be thou; although today thou fill | | Sonn.56.5 | |
Thy hungrie eies, euen till they winck with fulnesse, | Thy hungry eyes, even till they wink with fulness, | wink (v.) shut one's eyes | Sonn.56.6 | |
Too morrow see againe, and doe not kill | Tomorrow see again, and do not kill | | Sonn.56.7 | |
The spirit of Loue, with a perpetual dulnesse: | The spirit of love with a perpetual dullness. | dullness, dulness (n.) lethargy, sluggishness, inactivity | Sonn.56.8 | |
Let this sad Intrim like the Ocean be | Let this sad interim like the ocean be | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | Sonn.56.9 | |
| | interim (n.) interval, break, interlude | | |
Which parts the shore, where two contracted new, | Which parts the shore, where two contracted new | | Sonn.56.10 | |
Come daily to the banckes, that when they see: | Come daily to the banks, that when they see | bank (n.) coast, shore | Sonn.56.11 | |
Returne of loue, more blest may be the view. | Return of love, more blest may be the view. | | Sonn.56.12 | |
As cal it Winter, which being ful of care, | Else call it winter, which being full of care, | | Sonn.56.13 | |
Makes Sõmers welcome, thrice more wish'd, more rare. | Makes summer's welcome thrice more wished, more rare. | wish (v.) hope, desire | Sonn.56.14 | |
| | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | | |
| | | | |
57 | 57 | | Sonn.57 | |
BEing your slaue what should I doe but tend, | Being your slave, what should I do but tend | tend (v.) attend, wait on, serve | Sonn.57.1 | |
Vpon the houres, and times of your desire? | Upon the hours and times of your desire? | | Sonn.57.2 | |
I haue no precious time at al to spend; | I have no precious time at all to spend, | | Sonn.57.3 | |
Nor seruices to doe til you require. | Nor services to do, till you require. | | Sonn.57.4 | |
Nor dare I chide the world without end houre, | Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour, | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | Sonn.57.5 | |
Whilst I (my soueraine) watch the clock for you, | Whilst I (my sovereign) watch the clock for you, | | Sonn.57.6 | |
Nor thinke the bitternesse of absence sowre, | Nor think the bitterness of absence sour, | | Sonn.57.7 | |
When you haue bid your seruant once adieue. | When you have bid your servant once adieu. | | Sonn.57.8 | |
Nor dare I question with my iealious thought, | Nor dare I question with my jealous thought | | Sonn.57.9 | |
Where you may be, or your affaires suppose, | Where you may be, or your affairs suppose, | suppose (v.) guess at, speculate about | Sonn.57.10 | |
But like a sad slaue stay and thinke of nought | But like a sad slave stay and think of nought | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | Sonn.57.11 | |
Saue where you are, how happy you make those. | Save where you are, how happy you make those. | | Sonn.57.12 | |
So true a foole is loue, that in your Will, | So true a fool is love, that in your will, | | Sonn.57.13 | |
(Though you doe any thing) he thinkes no ill. | Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill. | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | Sonn.57.14 | |
| | | | |
58 | 58 | | Sonn.58 | |
THat God forbid, that made me first your slaue, | That god forbid that made me first your slave, | | Sonn.58.1 | |
I should in thought controule your times of pleasure, | I should in thought control your times of pleasure, | | Sonn.58.2 | |
Or at your hand th' account of houres to craue, | Or at your hand th' account of hours to crave, | | Sonn.58.3 | |
Being your vassail bound to staie your leisure. | Being your vassal, bound to stay your leisure. | vassal (n.) servant, slave, subject | Sonn.58.4 | |
| | leisure (n.) opportunity, moment, available time | | |
| | stay (v.) wait (for), await | | |
Oh let me suffer (being at your beck) | Oh let me suffer (being at your beck) | suffer (v.) bear, endure, stand | Sonn.58.5 | |
| | beck (n.) beckoning, command, call | | |
Th' imprison'd absence of your libertie, | Th' imprisoned absence of your liberty, | | Sonn.58.6 | |
And patience tame, to sufferance bide each check, | And patience tame to sufferance bide each check, | bide (v.) endure, suffer, undergo | Sonn.58.7 | |
| | check (n.) repulse, reverse, resistance | | |
| | tame (adj.) submissive, resigned, habituated | | |
| | sufferance (n.) distress, suffering, hardship | | |
Without accusing you of iniury. | Without accusing you of injury. | | Sonn.58.8 | |
Be where you list, your charter is so strong, | Be where you list, your charter is so strong | charter (n.) right, privilege, prerogative | Sonn.58.9 | |
| | list (v.) wish, like, please | | |
That you your selfe may priuiledge your time | That you yourself may privilege your time | privilege (v.) authorize, license, sanction | Sonn.58.10 | |
To what you will, to you it doth belong, | To what you will, to you it doth belong, | | Sonn.58.11 | |
Your selfe to pardon of selfe-doing crime. | Yourself to pardon of self-doing crime. | | Sonn.58.12 | |
I am to waite, though waiting so be hell, | I am to wait, though waiting so be hell, | | Sonn.58.13 | |
Not blame your pleasure be it ill or well. | Not blame your pleasure, be it ill or well. | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | Sonn.58.14 | |
| | | | |
59 | 59 | | Sonn.59 | |
IF their bee nothing new, but that which is, | If there be nothing new, but that which is | | Sonn.59.1 | |
Hath beene before, how are our braines beguild, | Hath been before, how are our brains beguiled, | beguile (v.) cheat, deceive, trick | Sonn.59.2 | |
Which laboring for inuention beare amisse | Which labouring for invention bear amiss | amiss (adv.) wrongly, improperly, in an unseemly way | Sonn.59.3 | |
| | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | | |
The second burthen of a former child? | The second burthen of a former child? | burden, burthen (n.) birth, state of pregnancy | Sonn.59.4 | |
Oh that record could with a back-ward looke, | Oh that record could with a backward look, | record (n.) recollection, memory | Sonn.59.5 | |
Euen of hue hundreth courses of the Sunne, | Even of five hundred courses of the sun, | | Sonn.59.6 | |
Show me your image in some antique booke, | Show me your image in some antique book, | antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) ancient, olden, former | Sonn.59.7 | |
Since minde at first in carrecter was done. | Since mind at first in character was done. | character (n.) handwriting, style of writing, lettering | Sonn.59.8 | |
That I might see what the old world could say, | That I might see what the old world could say | | Sonn.59.9 | |
To this composed wonder of your frame, | To this composed wonder of your frame, | | Sonn.59.10 | |
Whether we are mended, or where better they, | Whether we are mended, or where better they, | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | Sonn.59.11 | |
Or whether reuolution be the same. | Or whether revolution be the same. | | Sonn.59.12 | |
Oh sure I am the wits of former daies, | Oh sure I am, the wits of former days | wit (n.) lively person, sharp-minded individual | Sonn.59.13 | |
To subiects worse haue giuen admiring praise. | To subjects worse have given admiring praise. | | Sonn.59.14 | |
| | | | |
60 | 60 | | Sonn.60 | |
LIke as the waues make towards the pibled shore, | Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, | like as (conj.) just as | Sonn.60.1 | |
So do our minuites hasten to their end, | So do our minutes hasten to their end, | | Sonn.60.2 | |
Each changing place with that which goes before, | Each changing place with that which goes before, | | Sonn.60.3 | |
In sequent toile all forwards do contend. | In sequent toil all forwards do contend. | contend (v.) make great efforts, strive vigorously | Sonn.60.4 | |
| | sequent (adj.) sequential, successive, one after another | | |
Natiuity once in the maine of light. | Nativity once in the main of light | main (n.) broad expanse, open view | Sonn.60.5 | |
Crawles to maturity, wherewith being crown'd, | Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crowned, | | Sonn.60.6 | |
Crooked eclipses gainst his glory fight, | Crooked eclipses 'gainst his glory fight, | crooked (adj.) malignant, perverse, contrary, devious | Sonn.60.7 | |
| | glory (n.) splendour, magnificence, brilliance | | |
And time that gaue, doth now his gift confound. | And Time that gave doth now his gift confound. | | Sonn.60.8 | |
Time doth transfixe the florish set on youth, | Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth, | | Sonn.60.9 | |
And delues the paralels in beauties brow, | And delves the parallels in beauty's brow, | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.60.10 | |
Feedes on the rarities of natures truth, | Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth, | | Sonn.60.11 | |
And nothing stands but for his sieth to mow. | And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow. | | Sonn.60.12 | |
And yet to times in hope, my verse shall stand | And yet to times in hope, my verse shall stand | | Sonn.60.13 | |
Praising thy worth, dispight his cruell hand. | Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand. | | Sonn.60.14 | |
| | | | |
61 | 61 | | Sonn.61 | |
IS it thy wil, thy Image should keepe open | Is it thy will, thy image should keep open | | Sonn.61.1 | |
My heauy eielids to the weary night? | My heavy eyelids to the weary night? | | Sonn.61.2 | |
Dost thou desire my slumbers should be broken, | Dost thou desire my slumbers should be broken, | | Sonn.61.3 | |
While shadowes like to thee do mocke my sight? | While shadows like to thee do mock my sight? | mock (v.) deceive, delude, mislead | Sonn.61.4 | |
| | shadow (n.) illusion, unreal image, delusion | | |
Is it thy spirit that thou send'st from thee | Is it thy spirit that thou send'st from thee | | Sonn.61.5 | |
So farre from home into my deeds to prye, | So far from home into my deeds to pry, | | Sonn.61.6 | |
To find out shames and idle houres in me, | To find out shames and idle hours in me, | | Sonn.61.7 | |
The skope and tenure of thy Ielousie? | The scope and tenure of thy jealousy? | | Sonn.61.8 | |
O no, thy loue though much, is not so great, | O no, thy love, though much, is not so great: | | Sonn.61.9 | |
It is my loue that keepes mine eie awake, | It is my love that keeps mine eye awake; | | Sonn.61.10 | |
Mine owne true loue that doth my rest defeat, | Mine own true love that doth my rest defeat, | | Sonn.61.11 | |
To plaie the watch-man euer for thy sake. | To play the watchman ever for thy sake: | | Sonn.61.12 | |
For thee watch I, whilst thou dost wake elsewhere, | For thee watch I, whilst thou dost wake elsewhere, | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | Sonn.61.13 | |
| | wake (v.) remain awake, stay up | | |
From me farre of, with others all to neere. | From me far off, with others all too near. | | Sonn.61.14 | |
| | | | |
62 | 62 | | Sonn.62 | |
SInne of selfe-loue possesseth al mine eie, | Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye, | | Sonn.62.1 | |
And all my soule, and al my euery part; | And all my soul, and all my every part; | | Sonn.62.2 | |
And for this sinne there is no remedie, | And for this sin there is no remedy, | | Sonn.62.3 | |
It is so grounded inward in my heart. | It is so grounded inward in my heart. | inward (adv.) internally, inside | Sonn.62.4 | |
| | grounded (adj.) firmly established, deep-rooted, strongly founded | | |
Me thinkes no face so gratious is as mine, | Methinks no face so gracious is as mine, | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | Sonn.62.5 | |
No shape so true, no truth of such account, | No shape so true, no truth of such account, | true (adj.) well-proportioned, clean-cut, good-looking | Sonn.62.6 | |
And for my selfe mine owne worth do define, | And for myself mine own worth do define, | | Sonn.62.7 | |
As I all other in all worths surmount. | As I all other in all worths surmount. | worth (n.) worthiness, value, excellence | Sonn.62.8 | |
| | surmount (v.) excel, surpass, outshine | | |
But when my glasse shewes me my selfe indeed | But when my glass shows me myself indeed, | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.62.9 | |
Beated and chopt with tand antiquitie, | Beated and chopped with tanned antiquity, | chopped, chopt (adj.) dried up, fissured, cracked | Sonn.62.10 | |
| | antiquity (n.) old age, seniority | | |
Mine owne selfe loue quite contrary I read | Mine own self-love quite contrary I read; | | Sonn.62.11 | |
Selfe, so selfe louing were iniquity, | Self so self-loving were iniquity. | | Sonn.62.12 | |
T'is thee (my selfe) that for my selfe I praise, | 'Tis thee (my self) that for myself I praise, | | Sonn.62.13 | |
Painting my age with beauty of thy daies, | Painting my age with beauty of thy days. | age (n.) mature years, old age | Sonn.62.14 | |
| | paint (v.) adorn, beautify, enhance | | |
| | | | |
63 | 63 | | Sonn.63 | |
AGainst my loue shall be as I am now | Against my love shall be as I am now | | Sonn.63.1 | |
With times iniurious hand chrusht and ore-worne, | With Time's injurious hand crushed and o'erworn, | overworn (adj.) faded, worn out, worse for wear | Sonn.63.2 | |
| | injurious (adj.) causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust | | |
When houres haue dreind his blood and fild his brow | When hours have drained his blood and filled his brow | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.63.3 | |
With lines and wrincles, when his youthfull morne | With lines and wrinkles, when his youthful morn | morn (n.) morning, dawn | Sonn.63.4 | |
Hath trauaild on to Ages steepie night, | Hath travelled on to age's steepy night, | steepy (adj.) steep, precipitous, difficult to ascend | Sonn.63.5 | |
| | travail, travel (v.) travel, journey [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour'] | | |
And all those beauties whereof now he's King | And all those beauties whereof now he's king | | Sonn.63.6 | |
Are vanishing, or vanisht out of sight, | Are vanishing or vanished out of sight, | | Sonn.63.7 | |
Stealing away the treasure of his Spring. | Stealing away the treasure of his spring. | | Sonn.63.8 | |
For such a time do I now fortifie | For such a time do I now fortify | | Sonn.63.9 | |
Against confounding Ages cruell knife, | Against confounding age's cruel knife, | | Sonn.63.10 | |
That he shall neuer cut from memory | That he shall never cut from memory | | Sonn.63.11 | |
My sweet loues beauty, though my louers life. | My sweet love's beauty, though my lover's life. | | Sonn.63.12 | |
His beautie shall in these blacke lines be seene, | His beauty shall in these black lines be seen, | | Sonn.63.13 | |
And they shall liue, and he in them still greene. | And they shall live, and he in them still green. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.63.14 | |
| | | | |
64 | 64 | | Sonn.64 | |
WHen I haue seene by times fell hand defaced | When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | Sonn.64.1 | |
The rich proud cost of outworne buried age, | The rich proud cost of outworn buried age; | | Sonn.64.2 | |
When sometime loftie towers I see downe rased, | When sometime lofty towers I see down razed, | razed down obliterated, torn down | Sonn.64.3 | |
| | sometime (adj.) former, previous | | |
| | sometime (adv.) formerly, at one time, once | | |
And brasse eternall slaue to mortall rage. | And brass eternal slave to mortal rage; | | Sonn.64.4 | |
When I haue seene the hungry Ocean gaine | When I have seen the hungry ocean gain | | Sonn.64.5 | |
Aduantage on the Kingdome of the shoare, | Advantage on the kingdom of the shore, | advantage (n.) advantageous position, place of vantage, superiority | Sonn.64.6 | |
And the firme soile win of the watry maine, | And the firm soil win of the wat'ry main, | main (n.) open sea, ocean | Sonn.64.7 | |
Increasing store with losse, and losse with store. | Increasing store with loss, and loss with store; | store (n.) abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity | Sonn.64.8 | |
When I haue seene such interchange of state, | When I have seen such interchange of state, | state (n.) condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs | Sonn.64.9 | |
Or state it selfe confounded, to decay, | Or state itself confounded, to decay; | | Sonn.64.10 | |
Ruine hath taught me thus to ruminate | Ruin hath taught me thus to ruminate | | Sonn.64.11 | |
That Time will come and take my loue away. | That Time will come and take my love away. | | Sonn.64.12 | |
This thought is as a death which cannot choose | This thought is as a death which cannot choose | | Sonn.64.13 | |
But weepe to haue, that which it feares to loose. | But weep to have that which it fears to lose. | | Sonn.64.14 | |
| | | | |
65 | 65 | | Sonn.65 | |
SInce brasse, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundlesse sea, | Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea, | | Sonn.65.1 | |
But sad mortallity ore-swaies their power, | But sad mortality o'ersways their power, | oversway (v.) prevail upon, override, overturn | Sonn.65.2 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
How with this rage shall beautie hold a plea, | How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea, | | Sonn.65.3 | |
Whose action is no stronger then a flower? | Whose action is no stronger than a flower? | | Sonn.65.4 | |
O how shall summers hunny breath hold out, | O how shall summer's honey breath hold out | | Sonn.65.5 | |
Against the wrackfull siedge of battring dayes, | Against the wrackful siege of batt'ring days, | siege (n.) onslaught, storm, assail | Sonn.65.6 | |
| | wrackful (adj.) destructive, devastating, damaging | | |
When rocks impregnable are not so stoute, | When rocks impregnable are not so stout, | | Sonn.65.7 | |
Nor gates of steele so strong but time decayes? | Nor gates of steel so strong but Time decays? | | Sonn.65.8 | |
O fearefull meditation, where alack, | O fearful meditation, where alack, | | Sonn.65.9 | |
Shall times best Iewell from times chest lie hid? | Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid? | | Sonn.65.10 | |
Or what strong hand can hold his swift foote back, | Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back, | | Sonn.65.11 | |
Or who his spoile or beautie can forbid? | Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid? | spoil (n.) plundering, pillaging, despoiling | Sonn.65.12 | |
O none, vnlesse this miracle haue might, | O none, unless this miracle have might, | | Sonn.65.13 | |
That in black inck my loue may still shine bright. | That in black ink my love may still shine bright. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.65.14 | |
| | | | |
66 | 66 | | Sonn.66 | |
TYr'd with all these for restfull death I cry, | Tired with all these, for restful death I cry, | | Sonn.66.1 | |
As to behold desert a begger borne, | As, to behold desert a beggar born, | desert, desart (n.) worth, merit, deserving | Sonn.66.2 | |
And needie Nothing trimd in iollitie, | And needy nothing trimmed in jollity, | | Sonn.66.3 | |
And purest faith vnhappily forsworne, | And purest faith unhappily forsworn, | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | Sonn.66.4 | |
And gilded honor shamefully misplast, | And gilded honour shamefully misplaced, | | Sonn.66.5 | |
And maiden vertue rudely strumpeted, | And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, | rudely (adv.) violently, roughly, with great force | Sonn.66.6 | |
| | strumpet (v.) make a whore, pervert, debauch | | |
And right perfection wrongfully disgrac'd, | And right perfection wrongfully disgraced, | right (adj.) veritable, true, good | Sonn.66.7 | |
And strength by limping sway disabled, | And strength by limping sway disabled, | sway (n.) controlling influence, guiding power, direction | Sonn.66.8 | |
And arte made tung-tide by authoritie, | And art made tongue-tied by authority, | art (n.) rhetorical art, verbal artistry | Sonn.66.9 | |
And Folly (Doctor-like) controuling skill, | And folly (doctor-like) controlling skill, | | Sonn.66.10 | |
And simple-Truth miscalde Simplicitie, | And simple truth miscalled simplicity, | simplicity (n.) naivety, foolishness, artlessness | Sonn.66.11 | |
And captiue-good attending Captaine ill. | And captive good attending captain ill: | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | Sonn.66.12 | |
| | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | | |
Tyr'd with all these, from these would I be gone, | Tired with all these, from these would I be gone, | | Sonn.66.13 | |
Saue that to dye, I leaue my loue alone. | Save that, to die, I leave my love alone. | | Sonn.66.14 | |
| | | | |
67 | 67 | | Sonn.67 | |
AH wherefore with infection should he liue, | Ah wherefore with infection should he live, | | Sonn.67.1 | |
And with his presence grace impietie, | And with his presence grace impiety, | | Sonn.67.2 | |
That sinne by him aduantage should atchiue, | That sin by him advantage should achieve, | achieve (v.) gain, obtain, procure | Sonn.67.3 | |
| | advantage (n.) benefit, gain, advancement, profit | | |
And lace it selfe with his societie? | And lace itself with his society? | lace (v.) ornament, trim, bedeck [as if with lace] | Sonn.67.4 | |
Why should false painting immitate his cheeke, | Why should false painting imitate his cheek, | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | Sonn.67.5 | |
And steale dead seeing of his liuing hew? | And steal dead seeing of his living hue? | | Sonn.67.6 | |
Why should poore beautie indirectly seeke, | Why should poor beauty indirectly seek | | Sonn.67.7 | |
Roses of shaddow, since his Rose is true? | Roses of shadow, since his rose is true? | shadow (n.) illusion, unreal image, delusion | Sonn.67.8 | |
Why should he liue, now nature banckrout is, | Why should he live, now Nature bankrupt is, | | Sonn.67.9 | |
Beggerd of blood to blush through liuely vaines, | Beggared of blood to blush through lively veins, | beggar (v.) impoverish, exhaust, drain | Sonn.67.10 | |
For she hath no exchecker now but his, | For she hath no exchequer now but his, | | Sonn.67.11 | |
And proud of many, liues vpon his gaines? | And proud of many, lives upon his gains. | | Sonn.67.12 | |
O him she stores, to show what welth she had, | O him she stores, to show what wealth she had, | | Sonn.67.13 | |
In daies long since, before these last so bad. | In days long since, before these last so bad. | | Sonn.67.14 | |
| | | | |
68 | 68 | | Sonn.68 | |
THus is his cheeke the map of daies out-worne, | Thus in his cheek the map of days outworn, | map (n.) outline, picture, image | Sonn.68.1 | |
When beauty liu'd and dy'ed as flowers do now, | When beauty lived and died as flowers do now, | | Sonn.68.2 | |
Before these bastard signes of faire were borne, | Before these bastard signs of fair were born, | bastard (adj.) illegitimate, spurious, unauthorized | Sonn.68.3 | |
| | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | | |
Or durst inhabit on a liuing brow: | Or durst inhabit on a living brow; | brow (n.) appearance, aspect, countenance | Sonn.68.4 | |
Before the goulden tresses of the dead, | Before the golden tresses of the dead, | | Sonn.68.5 | |
The right of sepulchers, were shorne away, | The right of sepulchres, were shorn away, | | Sonn.68.6 | |
To liue a scond life on second head, | To live a second life on second head, | | Sonn.68.7 | |
Ere beauties dead fleece made another gay: | Ere beauty's dead fleece made another gay: | | Sonn.68.8 | |
In him those holy antique howers are seene, | In him those holy antique hours are seen, | antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) ancient, olden, former | Sonn.68.9 | |
Without all ornament, it selfe and true, | Without all ornament, itself and true, | | Sonn.68.10 | |
Making no summer of an others greene, | Making no summer of another's green, | green (n.) greenery, grass, vegetation | Sonn.68.11 | |
Robbing no ould to dresse his beauty new, | Robbing no old to dress his beauty new; | | Sonn.68.12 | |
And him as for a map doth Nature store, | And him as for a map doth Nature store, | map (n.) epitome, embodiment, incarnation | Sonn.68.13 | |
To shew faulse Art what beauty was of yore. | To show false Art what beauty was of yore. | yore, of of old, formerly, in times long past | Sonn.68.14 | |
| | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | | |
| | | | |
69 | 69 | | Sonn.69 | |
THose parts of thee that the worlds eye doth view, | Those parts of thee that the world's eye doth view | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | Sonn.69.1 | |
Want nothing that the thought of hearts can mend: | Want nothing that the thought of hearts can mend; | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | Sonn.69.2 | |
| | want (v.) lack, need, be without | | |
All toungs (the voice of soules) giue thee that end, | All tongues (the voice of souls) give thee that due, | | Sonn.69.3 | |
Vttring bare truth, euen so as foes Commend. | Uttering bare truth, even so as foes commend. | commend (v.) praise, admire, extol | Sonn.69.4 | |
Their outward thus with outward praise is crownd, | Thine outward thus with outward praise is crowned, | outward (n.) outward show, external appearance, demeanour | Sonn.69.5 | |
But those same toungs that giue thee so thine owne, | But those same tongues that give thee so thine own, | | Sonn.69.6 | |
In other accents doe this praise confound | In other accents do this praise confound | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | Sonn.69.7 | |
| | accent (n.) talk, speech, utterance, words | | |
By seeing farther then the eye hath showne. | By seeing farther than the eye hath shown. | | Sonn.69.8 | |
They looke into the beauty of thy mind, | They look into the beauty of thy mind, | | Sonn.69.9 | |
And that in guesse they measure by thy deeds, | And that, in guess, they measure by thy deeds; | guess (n.) conjecture, opinion, view | Sonn.69.10 | |
Then churls their thoughts (although their eies were kind) | Then, churls, their thoughts, although their eyes were kind, | churl (v.) turn churlish, become ungracious | Sonn.69.11 | |
To thy faire flower ad the rancke smell of weeds, | To thy fair flower add the rank smell of weeds. | rank (adj.) foul-smelling, stinking | Sonn.69.12 | |
But why thy odor matcheth not thy show, | But why thy odour matcheth not thy show, | | Sonn.69.13 | |
The solye is this, that thou doest common grow. | The soil is this, that thou dost common grow. | | Sonn.69.14 | |
| | | | |
70 | 70 | | Sonn.70 | |
THat thou are blam'd shall not be thy defect, | That thou art blamed shall not be thy defect, | | Sonn.70.1 | |
For slanders marke was euer yet the faire, | For slander's mark was ever yet the fair; | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | Sonn.70.2 | |
The ornament of beauty is suspect, | The ornament of beauty is suspect, | suspect (n.) suspicion, mistrust, doubt | Sonn.70.3 | |
A Crow that flies in heauens sweetest ayre. | A crow that flies in heaven's sweetest air. | | Sonn.70.4 | |
So thou be good, slander doth but approue, | So thou be good, slander doth but approve | approve (v.) prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate | Sonn.70.5 | |
Their worth the greater beeing woo'd of time, | Thy worth the greater, being wooed of time, | | Sonn.70.6 | |
For Canker vice the sweetest buds doth loue, | For canker vice the sweetest buds doth love, | canker (n./adj.) grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite | Sonn.70.7 | |
And thou present'st a pure vnstayined prime. | And thou present'st a pure unstained prime. | prime (n.) early years, prime of life, fullness of youth | Sonn.70.8 | |
Thou hast past by the ambush of young daies, | Thou hast passed by the ambush of young days, | | Sonn.70.9 | |
Either not assayld, or victor beeing charg'd, | Either not assailed, or victor being charged; | | Sonn.70.10 | |
Yet this thy praise cannot be soe thy praise, | Yet this thy praise cannot be so thy praise, | | Sonn.70.11 | |
To tye vp enuy, euermore inlarged, | To tie up envy evermore enlarged: | enlarge (v.) release, set at large, discharge | Sonn.70.12 | |
If some suspect of ill maskt not thy show, | If some suspect of ill masked not thy show, | suspect (n.) suspicion, mistrust, doubt | Sonn.70.13 | |
| | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | | |
Then thou alone kingdomes of hearts shouldst owe. | Then thou alone kingdoms of hearts shouldst owe. | owe (v.) own, possess, have | Sonn.70.14 | |
| | | | |
71 | 71 | | Sonn.71 | |
NOe Longer mourne for me when I am dead, | No longer mourn for me when I am dead | | Sonn.71.1 | |
Then you shall heare the surly sullen bell | Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell | surly (adj.) gloomy, dismal, stern | Sonn.71.2 | |
| | sullen (adj.) gloomy, dismal, melancholy, mournful | | |
Giue warning to the world that I am fled | Give warning to the world that I am fled | | Sonn.71.3 | |
From this vile world with vildest wormes to dwell: | From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell: | | Sonn.71.4 | |
Nay if you read this line, remember not, | Nay, if you read this line, remember not | | Sonn.71.5 | |
The hand that writ it, for I loue you so, | The hand that writ it, for I love you so | | Sonn.71.6 | |
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot, | That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot, | | Sonn.71.7 | |
If thinking on me then should make you woe. | If thinking on me then should make you woe. | woe (adj.) sorry, sorrowful, sad | Sonn.71.8 | |
O if (I say) you looke vpon this verse, | O if (I say) you look upon this verse, | | Sonn.71.9 | |
When I (perhaps) compounded am with clay, | When I perhaps compounded am with clay, | compound (v.) mix, mingle, combine | Sonn.71.10 | |
Do not so much as my poore name reherse; | Do not so much as my poor name rehearse, | rehearse (v.) pronounce, speak, utter | Sonn.71.11 | |
But let your loue euen with my life decay. | But let your love even with my life decay | decay (v.) be destroyed, become ruined, fail | Sonn.71.12 | |
Least the wise world should looke into your mone, | Lest the wise world should look into your moan, | moan (n.) grief, lamentation, sorrow, complaint | Sonn.71.13 | |
And mocke you with me after I am gon. | And mock you with me after I am gone. | | Sonn.71.14 | |
| | | | |
72 | 72 | | Sonn.72 | |
O Least the world should taske you to recite, | O lest the world should task you to recite | task (v.) test, try out, challenge | Sonn.72.1 | |
What merit liu'd in me that you should loue | What merit lived in me, that you should love | | Sonn.72.2 | |
After my death (deare loue) for get me quite, | After my death (dear love) forget me quite, | | Sonn.72.3 | |
For you in me can nothing worthy proue. | For you in me can nothing worthy prove. | prove (v.) find, establish, experience | Sonn.72.4 | |
Vnlesse you would deuise some vertuous lye, | Unless you would devise some virtuous lie, | | Sonn.72.5 | |
To doe more for me then mine owne desert, | To do more for me than mine own desert, | desert, desart (n.) worth, merit, deserving | Sonn.72.6 | |
And hang more praise vpon deceased I, | And hang more praise upon deceased I | | Sonn.72.7 | |
Then nigard truth would willingly impart: | Than niggard truth would willingly impart: | niggard (adj.) miserly, parsimonious, sparing | Sonn.72.8 | |
O least your true loue may seeme falce in this, | O lest your true love may seem false in this, | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | Sonn.72.9 | |
That you for loue speake well of me vntrue, | That you for love speak well of me untrue, | untrue (adv.) untruly, unfaithfully | Sonn.72.10 | |
My name be buried where my body is, | My name be buried where my body is, | | Sonn.72.11 | |
And liue no more to shame nor me, nor you. | And live no more to shame nor me nor you. | | Sonn.72.12 | |
For I am shamd by that which I bring forth, | For I am shamed by that which I bring forth, | | Sonn.72.13 | |
And so should you, to loue things nothing worth. | And so should you, to love things nothing worth. | | Sonn.72.14 | |
| | | | |
73 | 73 | | Sonn.73 | |
THat time of yeeare thou maist in me behold, | That time of year thou mayst in me behold, | | Sonn.73.1 | |
When yellow leaues, or none, or few doe hange | When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang | | Sonn.73.2 | |
Vpon those boughes which shake against the could, | Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, | shake (v.) tremble, quake, shiver | Sonn.73.3 | |
Bare rn'wd quiers, where late the sweet birds sang. | Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. | | Sonn.73.4 | |
In me thou seest the twi-light of such day, | In me thou seest the twilight of such day | | Sonn.73.5 | |
As after Sun-set fadeth in the West, | As after sunset fadeth in the West, | | Sonn.73.6 | |
Which by and by blacke night doth take away, | Which by and by black night doth take away, | | Sonn.73.7 | |
Deaths second selfe that seals vp all in rest. | Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. | | Sonn.73.8 | |
In me thou seest the glowing of such fire, | In me thou seest the glowing of such fire | | Sonn.73.9 | |
That on the ashes of his youth doth lye, | That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, | | Sonn.73.10 | |
As the death bed, whereon it must expire, | As the deathbed, whereon it must expire, | | Sonn.73.11 | |
Consum'd with that which it was nurrisht by. | Consumed with that which it was nourished by. | | Sonn.73.12 | |
This thou perceu'st, which makes thy loue more strong, | This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong, | | Sonn.73.13 | |
To loue that well, which thou must leaue ere long. | To love that well, which thou must leave ere long. | | Sonn.73.14 | |
| | | | |
74 | 74 | | Sonn.74 | |
BVt be contented when that fell arest, | But be contented when that fell arrest | fell (adj.) mighty, terrible | Sonn.74.1 | |
With out all bayle shall carry me away, | Without all bail shall carry me away, | | Sonn.74.2 | |
My life hath in this line some interest, | My life hath in this line some interest, | | Sonn.74.3 | |
Which for memoriall still with thee shall stay. | Which for memorial still with thee shall stay. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.74.4 | |
When thou reuewest this, thou doest reuew, | When thou reviewest this, thou dost review | review (v.) survey again, look once more at | Sonn.74.5 | |
| | review (v.) see again, observe once more | | |
The very part was consecrate to thee, | The very part was consecrate to thee; | very (adj.) true, real, genuine | Sonn.74.6 | |
The earth can haue but earth, which is his due, | The earth can have but earth, which is his due; | | Sonn.74.7 | |
My spirit is thine the better part of me, | My spirit is thine, the better part of me. | | Sonn.74.8 | |
So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life, | So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life, | dreg (n.) impurity, corruption, defiling matter | Sonn.74.9 | |
The pray of wormes, my body being dead, | The prey of worms, my body being dead, | | Sonn.74.10 | |
The coward conquest of a wretches knife, | The coward conquest of a wretch's knife, | coward (adj.) cowardly | Sonn.74.11 | |
To base of thee to be remembred, | Too base of thee to be remembered. | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | Sonn.74.12 | |
| | remember (v.) recollect, recall, call to mind | | |
The worth of that, is that which it containes, | The worth of that is that which it contains, | | Sonn.74.13 | |
And that is this, and this with thee remaines. | And that is this, and this with thee remains. | | Sonn.74.14 | |
| | | | |
75 | 75 | | Sonn.75 | |
SO are you to my thoughts as food to life, | So are you to my thoughts as food to life, | | Sonn.75.1 | |
Or as sweet season'd shewers are to the ground; | Or as sweet-seasoned showers are to the ground; | sweet-seasoned (adj.) filled with sweetness, gently falling | Sonn.75.2 | |
And for the peace of you I hold such strife, | And for the peace of you I hold such strife | | Sonn.75.3 | |
As twixt a miser and his wealth is found. | As 'twixt a miser and his wealth is found. | | Sonn.75.4 | |
Now proud as an inioyer, and anon | Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon | enjoyer (n.) possessor, owner | Sonn.75.5 | |
| | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | | |
Doubting the filching age will steale his treasure, | Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure, | | Sonn.75.6 | |
Now counting best to be with you alone, | Now counting best to be with you alone, | | Sonn.75.7 | |
Then betterd that the world may see my pleasure. | Then bettered that the world may see my pleasure. | | Sonn.75.8 | |
Some-time all ful with feasting on your sight, | Sometime all full with feasting on your sight, | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | Sonn.75.9 | |
And by and by cleane starued for a looke, | And by and by clean starved for a look, | clean (adv.) totally, absolutely, utterly | Sonn.75.10 | |
| | by and by (adv.) shortly, soon, before long | | |
Possessing or pursuing no delight | Possessing or pursuing no delight, | | Sonn.75.11 | |
Saue what is had, or must from you be tooke. | Save what is had, or must from you be took. | | Sonn.75.12 | |
Thus do I pine and surfet day by day, | Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day, | surfeit (v.) become sick through having too much | Sonn.75.13 | |
Or gluttoning on all, or all away, | Or gluttoning on all, or all away. | | Sonn.75.14 | |
| | | | |
76 | 76 | | Sonn.76 | |
WHy is my verse so barren of new pride? | Why is my verse so barren of new pride, | | Sonn.76.1 | |
So far from variation or quicke change? | So far from variation or quick change? | quick (adj.) quick-witted, inventive, lively | Sonn.76.2 | |
| | change (n.) variation, modulation | | |
Why with the time do I not glance aside | Why with the time do I not glance aside | glance (v.) turn, move, pass | Sonn.76.3 | |
To new found methods, and to compounds strange? | To new found methods and to compounds strange? | | Sonn.76.4 | |
Why write I still all one, euer the same, | Why write I still all one, ever the same, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.76.5 | |
And keepe inuention in a noted weed, | And keep invention in a noted weed, | noted (adj.) recognizable, well-known, familiar | Sonn.76.6 | |
| | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | | |
| | weed (n.) garment, piece of clothing | | |
That euery word doth almost fel my name, | That every word doth almost tell my name, | | Sonn.76.7 | |
Shewing their birth, and where they did proceed? | Showing their birth, and where they did proceed? | | Sonn.76.8 | |
O know sweet loue I alwaies write of you, | O know sweet love I always write of you, | | Sonn.76.9 | |
And you and loue are still my argument: | And you and love are still my argument; | argument (n.) subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic | Sonn.76.10 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
So all my best is dressing old words new, | So all my best is dressing old words new, | | Sonn.76.11 | |
Spending againe what is already spent: | Spending again what is already spent: | | Sonn.76.12 | |
For as the Sun is daily new and old, | For as the sun is daily new and old, | | Sonn.76.13 | |
So is my loue still telling what is told, | So is my love still telling what is told. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.76.14 | |
| | | | |
77 | 77 | | Sonn.77 | |
THy glasse will shew thee how thy beauties were, | Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear, | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.77.1 | |
Thy dyall how thy pretious mynuits waste, | Thy dial how thy precious minutes waste; | dial (n.) watch, timepiece, pocket sundial | Sonn.77.2 | |
The vacant leaues thy mindes imprint will beare, | The vacant leaves thy mind's imprint will bear, | vacant (adj.) lacking, devoid, deficient | Sonn.77.3 | |
And of this booke, this learning maist thou taste. | And of this book this learning mayst thou taste. | | Sonn.77.4 | |
The wrinckles which thy glasse will truly show, | The wrinkles which thy glass will truly show | | Sonn.77.5 | |
Of mouthed graues will giue thee memorie, | Of mouthed graves will give thee memory; | mouthed (adj.) open-mouthed, yawning, gaping | Sonn.77.6 | |
| | memory (n.) reminder, memento | | |
Thou by thy dyals shady stealth maist know, | Thou by thy dial's shady stealth mayst know | stealth (n.) stealing away, furtive journey, clandestine act | Sonn.77.7 | |
Times theeuish progresse to eternitie. | Time's thievish progress to eternity. | | Sonn.77.8 | |
Looke what thy memorie cannot containe, | Look what thy memory cannot contain, | contain (v.) retain, keep in one's possession | Sonn.77.9 | |
Commit to these waste blacks, and thou shalt finde | Commit to these waste blanks, and thou shalt find | | Sonn.77.10 | |
Those children nurst, deliuerd from thy braine, | Those children nursed, delivered from thy brain, | | Sonn.77.11 | |
To take a new acquaintance of thy minde. | To take a new acquaintance of thy mind. | | Sonn.77.12 | |
These offices, so oft as thou wilt looke, | These offices, so oft as thou wilt look, | oft (adv.) often | Sonn.77.13 | |
| | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | | |
Shall profit thee, and much inrich thy booke. | Shall profit thee, and much enrich thy book. | | Sonn.77.14 | |
| | | | |
78 | 78 | | Sonn.78 | |
SO oft haue I inuok'd thee for my Muse, | So oft have I invoked thee for my Muse, | oft (adv.) often | Sonn.78.1 | |
| | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | | |
And found such faire assistance in my verse, | And found such fair assistance in my verse, | fair (adj.) fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent | Sonn.78.2 | |
As euery Alien pen hath got my vse, | As every alien pen hath got my use, | use (n.) usual practice, habit, custom | Sonn.78.3 | |
And vnder thee their poesie disperse. | And under thee their poesy disperse. | poesy (n.) poetry | Sonn.78.4 | |
Thine eyes, that taught the dumbe on high to sing, | Thine eyes, that taught the dumb on high to sing, | | Sonn.78.5 | |
And heauie ignorance aloft to flee, | And heavy ignorance aloft to fly, | | Sonn.78.6 | |
Haue added fethers to the learneds wing, | Have added feathers to the learned's wing, | | Sonn.78.7 | |
And giuen grace a double Maiestie. | And given grace a double majesty. | | Sonn.78.8 | |
Yet be most proud of that which I compile, | Yet be most proud of that which I compile, | compile (v.) compose, create in writing | Sonn.78.9 | |
Whose influence is thine, and borne of thee, | Whose influence is thine, and born of thee; | | Sonn.78.10 | |
In others workes thou doost but mend the stile, | In others' works thou dost but mend the style, | mend (v.) increase the value of, make more excellent | Sonn.78.11 | |
And Arts with thy sweete graces graced be. | And arts with thy sweet graces graced be. | | Sonn.78.12 | |
But thou art all my art, and doost aduance | But thou art all my art, and dost advance | | Sonn.78.13 | |
As high as learning, my rude ignorance. | As high as learning my rude ignorance. | | Sonn.78.14 | |
| | | | |
79 | 79 | | Sonn.79 | |
WHilst I alone did call vpon thy ayde, | Whilst I alone did call upon thy aid, | | Sonn.79.1 | |
My verse alone had all thy gentle grace, | My verse alone had all thy gentle grace, | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | Sonn.79.2 | |
But now my gracious numbers are decayde, | But now my gracious numbers are decayed, | gracious (adj.) holy, sanctified | Sonn.79.3 | |
| | number (n.) (plural) verses, lines | | |
And my sick Muse doth giue an other place. | And my sick Muse doth give another place. | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.79.4 | |
I grant (sweet loue) thy louely argument | I grant (sweet love) thy lovely argument | argument (n.) subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic | Sonn.79.5 | |
Deserues the trauaile of a worthier pen, | Deserves the travail of a worthier pen, | travail, travel (n.) labour, effort, exertion [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel'] | Sonn.79.6 | |
Yet what of thee thy Poet doth inuent, | Yet what of thee thy poet doth invent | | Sonn.79.7 | |
He robs thee of, and payes it thee againe, | He robs thee of, and pays it thee again. | again (adv.) in return, back [in response] | Sonn.79.8 | |
He lends thee vertue, and he stole that word, | He lends thee virtue, and he stole that word | | Sonn.79.9 | |
From thy behauiour, beautie doth he giue | From thy behaviour; beauty doth he give | | Sonn.79.10 | |
And found it in thy cheeke: he can affoord | And found it in thy cheek; he can afford | afford (v.) have to offer, be capable of supplying | Sonn.79.11 | |
No praise to thee, but what in thee doth liue. | No praise to thee but what in thee doth live. | | Sonn.79.12 | |
Then thanke him not for that which he doth say, | Then thank him not for that which he doth say, | | Sonn.79.13 | |
Since what he owes thee, thou thy selfe doost pay, | Since what he owes thee thou thyself dost pay. | | Sonn.79.14 | |
| | | | |
80 | 80 | | Sonn.80 | |
O How I faint when I of you do write, | O how I faint when I of you do write, | faint (v.) lose courage, show fear, lose heart, take fright | Sonn.80.1 | |
Knowing a better spirit doth vse your name, | Knowing a better spirit doth use your name, | | Sonn.80.2 | |
And in the praise thereof spends all his might, | And in the praise thereof spends all his might | spend (v.) expend, employ, exert | Sonn.80.3 | |
To make me toung-tide speaking of your fame. | To make me tongue-tied, speaking of your fame. | | Sonn.80.4 | |
But since your worth (wide as the Ocean is) | But since your worth (wide as the ocean is) | | Sonn.80.5 | |
The humble as the proudest saile doth beare, | The humble as the proudest sail doth bear, | | Sonn.80.6 | |
My sawsie barke (inferior farre to his) | My saucy bark (inferior far to his) | saucy (adj.) insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant | Sonn.80.7 | |
| | bark, barque (n.) ship, vessel | | |
On your broad maine doth wilfully appeare. | On your broad main doth wilfully appear. | main (n.) open sea, ocean | Sonn.80.8 | |
Your shallowest helpe will hold me vp a floate, | Your shallowest help will hold me up afloat, | | Sonn.80.9 | |
Whilst he vpon your soundlesse deepe doth ride, | Whilst he upon your soundless deep doth ride, | soundless (adj.) beyond the ability to sound, unfathomable | Sonn.80.10 | |
Or (being wrackt) I am a worthlesse bote, | Or (being wrecked) I am a worthless boat, | wrack (v.) wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea | Sonn.80.11 | |
He of tall building, and of goodly pride. | He of tall building and of goodly pride. | tall (adj.) large, fine, grand | Sonn.80.12 | |
| | building (n.) build, construction | | |
| | pride (n.) splendour, magnificence, pomp | | |
| | goodly (adj.) good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely | | |
Then If he thriue and I be cast away, | Then if he thrive and I be cast away, | | Sonn.80.13 | |
The worst was this, my loue was my decay. | The worst was this: my love was my decay. | decay (n.) destruction, downfall, ending | Sonn.80.14 | |
| | | | |
81 | 81 | | Sonn.81 | |
OR I shall liue your Epitaph to make, | Or I shall live your epitaph to make, | | Sonn.81.1 | |
Or you suruiue when I in earth am rotten, | Or you survive when I in earth am rotten; | | Sonn.81.2 | |
From hence your memory death cannot take, | From hence your memory death cannot take, | | Sonn.81.3 | |
Although in me each part will be forgotten. | Although in me each part will be forgotten. | | Sonn.81.4 | |
Your name from hence immortall life shall haue, | Your name from hence immortal life shall have, | | Sonn.81.5 | |
Though I (once gone) to all the world must dye, | Though I (once gone) to all the world must die; | | Sonn.81.6 | |
The earth can yeeld me but a common graue, | The earth can yield me but a common grave, | | Sonn.81.7 | |
When you intombed in mens eyes shall lye, | When you entombed in men's eyes shall lie. | | Sonn.81.8 | |
Your monument shall be my gentle verse, | Your monument shall be my gentle verse, | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | Sonn.81.9 | |
Which eyes not yet created shall ore-read, | Which eyes not yet created shall o'erread, | | Sonn.81.10 | |
And toungs to be, your beeing shall rehearse, | And tongues to be your being shall rehearse | rehearse (v.) relate, recount, give an account of | Sonn.81.11 | |
When all the breathers of this world are dead, | When all the breathers of this world are dead. | breather (n.) living being, creature | Sonn.81.12 | |
You still shall liue (such vertue hath my Pen) | You still shall live (such virtue hath my pen) | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.81.13 | |
Where breath most breaths, euen in the mouths of men. | Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men. | | Sonn.81.14 | |
| | | | |
82 | 82 | | Sonn.82 | |
I Grant thou wert not married to my Muse, | I grant thou wert not married to my Muse, | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.82.1 | |
And therefore maiest without attaint ore-looke | And therefore mayst without attaint o'erlook | attaint (n.) disgrace, dishonour, corruption | Sonn.82.2 | |
The dedicated words which writers vse | The dedicated words which writers use | dedicated (adj.) of dedication, inscribed | Sonn.82.3 | |
Of their faire subiect, blessing euery booke. | Of their fair subject, blessing every book. | | Sonn.82.4 | |
Thou art as faire in knowledge as in hew, | Thou art as fair in knowledge as in hue, | hue (n.) appearance, complexion | Sonn.82.5 | |
Finding thy worth a limmit past my praise, | Finding thy worth a limit past my praise, | | Sonn.82.6 | |
And therefore art inforc'd to seeke anew, | And therefore art enforced to seek anew | | Sonn.82.7 | |
Some fresher stampe of the time bettering dayes. | Some fresher stamp of the time-bettering days. | | Sonn.82.8 | |
And do so loue, yet when they haue deuisde, | And do so, love, yet when they have devised | | Sonn.82.9 | |
What strained touches Rhethorick can lend, | What strained touches rhetoric can lend, | strained (adj.) forced, artificial, feigned | Sonn.82.10 | |
Thou truly faire, wert truly simpathizde, | Thou truly fair wert truly sympathized, | sympathize (v.) capture, represent fittingly, express with feeling | Sonn.82.11 | |
In true plaine words, by thy true telling friend. | In true plain words, by thy true-telling friend. | | Sonn.82.12 | |
And their grosse painting might be better vs'd, | And their gross painting might be better used | gross (adj.) bad, inferior, poor | Sonn.82.13 | |
Where cheekes need blood, in thee it is abus'd. | Where cheeks need blood; in thee it is abused. | abuse (v.) misapply, employ badly | Sonn.82.14 | |
| | | | |
83 | 83 | | Sonn.83 | |
I Never saw that you did painting need, | I never saw that you did painting need, | painting (n.) cosmetics, paint [for the face], beautifying | Sonn.83.1 | |
And therefore to your faire no painting set, | And therefore to your fair no painting set; | set (v.) direct, put, make come | Sonn.83.2 | |
| | fair (n.) fair face, beauty | | |
I found (or thought I found) you did exceed, | I found (or thought I found) you did exceed | | Sonn.83.3 | |
The barren tender of a Poets debt: | The barren tender of a poet's debt; | tender (n.) offer, offering | Sonn.83.4 | |
And therefore haue I slept in your report, | And therefore have I slept in your report, | report (n.) account, description | Sonn.83.5 | |
That you your selfe being extant well might show, | That you yourself being extant well might show | | Sonn.83.6 | |
How farre a moderne quill doth come to short, | How far a modern quill doth come too short, | modern (adj.) ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday | Sonn.83.7 | |
Speaking of worth, what worth in you doth grow, | Speaking of worth, what worth in you doth grow. | | Sonn.83.8 | |
This silence for my sinne you did impute, | This silence for my sin you did impute, | impute (v.) regard, consider, reckon | Sonn.83.9 | |
Which shall be most my glory being dombe, | Which shall be most my glory being dumb, | | Sonn.83.10 | |
For I impaire not beautie being mute, | For I impair not beauty being mute, | | Sonn.83.11 | |
When others would giue life, and bring a tombe. | When others would give life, and bring a tomb. | | Sonn.83.12 | |
There liues more life in one of your faire eyes, | There lives more life in one of your fair eyes | | Sonn.83.13 | |
Then both your Poets can in praise deuise. | Than both your poets can in praise devise. | | Sonn.83.14 | |
| | | | |
84 | 84 | | Sonn.84 | |
WHo is it that sayes most, which can say more, | Who is it that says most, which can say more, | | Sonn.84.1 | |
Then this rich praise, that you alone, are you, | Than this rich praise, that you alone are you, | | Sonn.84.2 | |
In whose confine immured is the store, | In whose confine immured is the store, | immured (adj.) walled up, enclosed, confined | Sonn.84.3 | |
Which should example where your equall grew, | Which should example where your equal grew? | example (v.) find an example for, provide a model for | Sonn.84.4 | |
Leane penurie within that Pen doth dwell, | Lean penury within that pen doth dwell, | | Sonn.84.5 | |
That to his subiect lends not some small glory, | That to his subject lends not some small glory, | | Sonn.84.6 | |
But he that writes of you, if he can tell, | But he that writes of you, if he can tell | | Sonn.84.7 | |
That you are you, so dignifies his story. | That you are you, so dignifies his story, | | Sonn.84.8 | |
Let him but coppy what in you is writ, | Let him but copy what in you is writ, | | Sonn.84.9 | |
Not making worse what nature made so cleere, | Not making worse what nature made so clear, | | Sonn.84.10 | |
And such a counter-part shall fame his wit, | And such a counterpart shall fame his wit, | counterpart (n.) duplicate, copy, counterfeit | Sonn.84.11 | |
| | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | | |
| | fame (v.) make famous, celebrate the fame of | | |
Making his stile admired euery where. | Making his style admired everywhere. | | Sonn.84.12 | |
You to your beautious blessings adde a curse, | You to your beauteous blessings add a curse, | | Sonn.84.13 | |
Being fond on praise, which makes your praises worse. | Being fond on praise, which makes your praises worse. | fond (adj.) eager [for], desirous [of] | Sonn.84.14 | |
| | | | |
85 | 85 | | Sonn.85 | |
MY toung-tide Muse in manners holds her still, | My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still, | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.85.1 | |
| | still (adj.) silent, quiet | | |
While comments of your praise richly compil'd, | While comments of your praise, richly compiled, | | Sonn.85.2 | |
Reserue their Character with goulden quill, | Reserve their character with golden quill, | reserve (v.) preserve, retain, keep | Sonn.85.3 | |
And precious phrase by all the Muses fil'd. | And precious phrase by all the Muses filed. | filed (adj.) refined, smooth, polished | Sonn.85.4 | |
I thinke good thoughts, whilst other write good wordes, | I think good thoughts, whilst other write good words, | | Sonn.85.5 | |
And like vnlettered clarke still crie Amen, | And like unlettered clerk still cry Amen | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.85.6 | |
To euery Himne that able spirit affords, | To every hymn that able spirit affords, | | Sonn.85.7 | |
In polisht forme of well refined pen. | In polished form of well-refined pen. | | Sonn.85.8 | |
Hearing you praisd, I say 'tis so, 'tis true, | Hearing you praised, I say 'tis so, 'tis true, | | Sonn.85.9 | |
And to the most of praise adde some-thing more, | And to the most of praise add something more, | most (adj.) utmost, maximum | Sonn.85.10 | |
But that is in my thought, whose loue to you | But that is in my thought, whose love to you | | Sonn.85.11 | |
(Though words come hind-most) holds his ranke before, | (Though words come hindmost) holds his rank before. | | Sonn.85.12 | |
Then others, for the breath of words respect, | Then others for the breath of words respect, | respect (v.) value, have regard for, prize | Sonn.85.13 | |
Me for my dombe thoughts, speaking in effect. | Me for my dumb thoughts, speaking in effect. | effect (n.) sign, mark, token, manifestation | Sonn.85.14 | |
| | | | |
86 | 86 | | Sonn.86 | |
WAs it the proud full saile of his great verse, | Was it the proud full sail of his great verse, | | Sonn.86.1 | |
Bound for the prize of (all to precious) you, | Bound for the prize of (all too precious) you, | | Sonn.86.2 | |
That did my ripe thoughts in my braine inhearce, | That did my ripe thoughts in my brain inhearse, | inhearse (v.) bury, place in a coffin | Sonn.86.3 | |
Making their tombe the wombe wherein they grew? | Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew? | | Sonn.86.4 | |
Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write, | Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write | spirit (n.) disposition, temperament, frame of mind | Sonn.86.5 | |
Aboue a mortall pitch, that struck me dead? | Above a mortal pitch, that struck me dead? | pitch (n.) height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping] | Sonn.86.6 | |
| | mortal (adj.) human, subject to death, characterized by mortality | | |
No, neither he, nor his compiers by night | No, neither he, nor his compeers by night | compeer (n.) companion, associate, fellow | Sonn.86.7 | |
Giuing him ayde, my verse astonished. | Giving him aid, my verse astonished. | astonish, 'stonish (v.) stun, dumbfound, strike dumb with dismay | Sonn.86.8 | |
He nor that affable familiar ghost | He nor that affable familiar ghost | | Sonn.86.9 | |
Which nightly gulls him with intelligence, | Which nightly gulls him with intelligence | intelligence (n.) information, news, communication | Sonn.86.10 | |
| | gull (v.) deceive, dupe, trick | | |
As victors of my silence cannot boast, | As victors of my silence cannot boast; | | Sonn.86.11 | |
I was not sick of any feare from thence. | I was not sick of any fear from thence. | | Sonn.86.12 | |
But when your countinance fild vp his line, | But when your countenance filled up his line, | countenance (n.) expression, look, face | Sonn.86.13 | |
Then lackt I matter, that infeebled mine. | Then lacked I matter; that enfeebled mine. | matter (n.) subject-matter, content, substance | Sonn.86.14 | |
| | | | |
87 | 87 | | Sonn.87 | |
FArewell thou art too deare for my possessing, | Farewell; thou art too dear for my possessing, | | Sonn.87.1 | |
And like enough thou knowst thy estimate, | And like enough thou know'st thy estimate; | estimate (n.) value, esteem, estimation | Sonn.87.2 | |
| | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | | |
The Cha ter of thy worth giues thee releasing: | The charter of thy worth gives thee releasing; | charter (n.) right, privilege, prerogative | Sonn.87.3 | |
My bonds in thee are all determinate. | My bonds in thee are all determinate. | bond (n.) tie, binding, obligation | Sonn.87.4 | |
| | determinate (adj.) determined, fixed, decided | | |
For how do I hold thee but by thy granting, | For how do I hold thee but by thy granting, | | Sonn.87.5 | |
And for that ritches where is my deseruing? | And for that riches where is my deserving? | deserving (n.) reward, recompense, desert | Sonn.87.6 | |
The cause of this faire guift in me is wanting, | The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting, | | Sonn.87.7 | |
And so my pattent back againe is sweruing. | And so my patent back again is swerving. | patent (n.) privilege, right, title | Sonn.87.8 | |
Thy selfe thou gau'st, thy owne worth then not knowing, | Thyself thou gav'st, thy own worth then not knowing, | | Sonn.87.9 | |
Or mee to whom thou gau'st it, else mistaking, | Or me, to whom thou gav'st it, else mistaking; | mistake (v.) misunderstand, take wrongly, misconceive | Sonn.87.10 | |
So thy great guift vpon misprision growing, | So thy great gift, upon misprision growing, | misprision (n.) mistake, error, misunderstanding, misconception | Sonn.87.11 | |
Comes home againe, on better iudgement making. | Comes home again, on better judgement making. | | Sonn.87.12 | |
Thus haue I had thee as a dreame doth flatter, | Thus have I had thee as a dream doth flatter, | flatter (v.) deceive, beguile | Sonn.87.13 | |
In sleepe a King, but waking no such matter. | In sleep a king, but waking no such matter. | | Sonn.87.14 | |
| | | | |
88 | 88 | | Sonn.88 | |
WHen thou shalt be dispode to set me light, | When thou shalt be disposed to set me light, | light (adv.) slightly, as of little value | Sonn.88.1 | |
| | disposed (adj.) of a particular disposition, with a turn of mind | | |
| | set (v.) value, rate, esteem | | |
And place my merrit in the eie of skorne, | And place my merit in the eye of scorn, | | Sonn.88.2 | |
Vpon thy side, against my selfe ile fight, | Upon thy side against myself I'll fight, | | Sonn.88.3 | |
And proue thee virtuous, though thou art forsworne: | And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | Sonn.88.4 | |
With mine owne weakenesse being best acquainted, | With mine own weakness being best acquainted, | | Sonn.88.5 | |
Vpon thy part I can set downe a story | Upon thy part I can set down a story | story (n.) account, recital, narrative | Sonn.88.6 | |
Of faults conceald, wherein I am attainted: | Of faults concealed, wherein I am attainted: | attaint (v.) taint [by treason], corrupt | Sonn.88.7 | |
That thou in loosing me, shall win much glory: | That thou in losing me shalt win much glory. | lose (v.) ruin the reputation of, destroy the credibility of | Sonn.88.8 | |
And I by this wil be a gainer too, | And I by this will be a gainer too, | | Sonn.88.9 | |
For bending all my louing thoughts on thee, | For bending all my loving thoughts on thee, | | Sonn.88.10 | |
The iniuries that to my selfe I doe, | The injuries that to myself I do, | | Sonn.88.11 | |
Doing thee vantage, duble vantage me. | Doing thee vantage, double-vantage me. | vantage (n.) advantage, benefit, advancement, profit | Sonn.88.12 | |
| | vantage (v.) benefit, aid, help | | |
Such is my loue, to thee I so belong, | Such is my love, to thee I so belong, | | Sonn.88.13 | |
That for thy right, my selfe will beare all wrong. | That for thy right, myself will bear all wrong. | | Sonn.88.14 | |
| | | | |
89 | 89 | | Sonn.89 | |
SAy that thou didst forsake mee for some falt, | Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault, | | Sonn.89.1 | |
And I will comment vpon that offence, | And I will comment upon that offence; | comment (v.) meditate, ponder, cogitate | Sonn.89.2 | |
Speake of my lamenesse, and I straight will halt: | Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | Sonn.89.3 | |
Against thy reasons making no defence. | Against thy reasons making no defence. | reason (n.) account, version, explanation | Sonn.89.4 | |
Thou canst not (loue) disgrace me halfe so ill, | Thou canst not (love) disgrace me half so ill, | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | Sonn.89.5 | |
To set a forme vpon desired change, | To set a form upon desired change, | | Sonn.89.6 | |
As ile my selfe disgrace, knowing thy wil, | As I'll myself disgrace; knowing thy will, | | Sonn.89.7 | |
I will acquaintance strangle and looke strange: | I will acquaintance strangle and look strange. | strangle (v.) quench, eclipse, stifle | Sonn.89.8 | |
| | strange (adj.) aloof, distant, reserved | | |
Be absent from thy walkes and in my tongue, | Be absent from thy walks, and in my tongue | walk (n.) garden path, walkway | Sonn.89.9 | |
Thy sweet beloued name no more shall dwell, | Thy sweet beloved name no more shall dwell, | | Sonn.89.10 | |
Least I (too much prophane) should do it wronge: | Lest I (too much profane) should do it wrong, | | Sonn.89.11 | |
And haplie of our old acquaintance tell. | And haply of our old acquaintance tell. | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Sonn.89.12 | |
For thee, against my selfe ile vow debate, | For thee against myself I'll vow debate, | debate (n.) quarrel, wrangling, strife | Sonn.89.13 | |
For I must nere loue him whom thou dost hate. | For I must ne'er love him whom thou dost hate. | | Sonn.89.14 | |
| | | | |
90 | 90 | | Sonn.90 | |
THen hate me when thou wilt, if euer, now, | Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now; | | Sonn.90.1 | |
Now while the world is bent my deeds to crosse, | Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross, | bent (adj.) determined, intent, resolved | Sonn.90.2 | |
| | cross (v.) prevent, thwart, forestall | | |
Ioyne with the spight of fortune, make me bow. | Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow, | | Sonn.90.3 | |
And doe not drop in for an after losse: | And do not drop in for an after-loss: | after-loss (n.) later blow, knock given after others have been suffered | Sonn.90.4 | |
Ah doe not, when my heart hath scapte this sorrow, | Ah do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow, | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Sonn.90.5 | |
Come in the rereward of a conquerd woe, | Come in the rearward of a conquered woe; | rearward (n.) rear, behind the main body of troops | Sonn.90.6 | |
Giue not a windy night a rainie morrow, | Give not a windy night a rainy morrow, | morrow (n.) morning | Sonn.90.7 | |
To linger out a purposd ouer-throw. | To linger out a purposed overthrow. | purposed (adj.) proposed, intended, contemplated | Sonn.90.8 | |
| | linger out (v.) prolong, draw out | | |
If thou wilt leaue me, do not leaue me last, | If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last, | | Sonn.90.9 | |
When other pettie griefes haue done their spight, | When other petty griefs have done their spite, | grief (n.) grievance, complaint, hurt, injury | Sonn.90.10 | |
But in the onset come, so stall I taste | But in the onset come; so shall I taste | | Sonn.90.11 | |
At first the very worst of fortunes might. | At first the very worst of fortune's might, | | Sonn.90.12 | |
And other straines of woe, which now seeme woe, | And other strains of woe, which now seem woe, | strain (n.) [unclear meaning] strand; extreme degree; pang, stress | Sonn.90.13 | |
| | woe (adj.) sorry, sorrowful, sad | | |
Compar'd with losse of thee, will not seeme so. | Compared with loss of thee will not seem so. | | Sonn.90.14 | |
| | | | |
91 | 91 | | Sonn.91 | |
SOme glory in their birth, some in their skill, | Some glory in their birth, some in their skill, | | Sonn.91.1 | |
Some in their wealth, some in their bodies force, | Some in their wealth, some in their body's force, | | Sonn.91.2 | |
Some in their garments though new-fangled ill: | Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill, | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | Sonn.91.3 | |
Some in their Hawkes and Hounds, some in their Horse. | Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse. | | Sonn.91.4 | |
And euery humor hath his adiunct pleasure, | And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure, | adjunct (adj.) connected, associated, annexed | Sonn.91.5 | |
| | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | | |
Wherein it findes a ioy aboue the rest, | Wherein it finds a joy above the rest; | | Sonn.91.6 | |
But these perticulers are not my measure, | But these particulars are not my measure, | particular (n.) private matter, personal business | Sonn.91.7 | |
All these I better in one generall best. | All these I better in one general best. | better (v.) excel, outstrip, have an advantage over | Sonn.91.8 | |
Thy loue is bitter then high birth to me, | Thy love is better than high birth to me, | | Sonn.91.9 | |
Richer then wealth, prouder then garments cost, | Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost, | | Sonn.91.10 | |
Of more delight then Hawkes or Horses bee: | Of more delight than hawks or horses be; | | Sonn.91.11 | |
And hauing thee, of all mens pride I boast. | And having thee, of all men's pride I boast: | | Sonn.91.12 | |
Wretched in this alone, that thou maist take, | Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take | | Sonn.91.13 | |
All this away, and me most wretched make. | All this away, and me most wretched make. | | Sonn.91.14 | |
| | | | |
92 | 92 | | Sonn.92 | |
BVt doe thy worst to steale thy selfe away, | But do thy worst to steal thyself away, | | Sonn.92.1 | |
For tearme of life thou art assured mine, | For term of life thou art assured mine, | assure (v.) assign, pledge, guarantee | Sonn.92.2 | |
And life no longer then thy loue will stay, | And life no longer than thy love will stay, | stay (v.) remain, continue, endure | Sonn.92.3 | |
For it depends vpon that loue of thine. | For it depends upon that love of thine. | depend on / upon (v.) serve, wait on, be a dependant of | Sonn.92.4 | |
Then need I not to feare the worst of wrongs, | Then need I not to fear the worst of wrongs, | | Sonn.92.5 | |
When in the least of them my life hath end, | When in the least of them my life hath end. | | Sonn.92.6 | |
I see, a better state to me belongs | I see a better state to me belongs | | Sonn.92.7 | |
Then that, which on thy humor doth depend. | Than that which on thy humour doth depend. | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | Sonn.92.8 | |
| | humour (n.) fancy, whim, inclination, caprice | | |
Thou canst not vex me with inconstant minde, | Thou canst not vex me with inconstant mind, | vex (v.) afflict, trouble, torment | Sonn.92.9 | |
Since that my life on thy reuolt doth lie, | Since that my life on thy revolt doth lie. | revolt (n.) betrayal, change of heart, faithlessness | Sonn.92.10 | |
Oh what a happy title do I finde, | O, what a happy title do I find, | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | Sonn.92.11 | |
Happy to haue thy loue, happy to die! | Happy to have thy love, happy to die! | | Sonn.92.12 | |
But whats so blessed faire that feares no blot, | But what's so blessed-fair that fears no blot, | blot (n.) stain, disgrace, blemish | Sonn.92.13 | |
| | blessed (adv.) blessedly, happily | | |
| | fair (adj.) handsome, good-looking, beautiful | | |
Thou maist be falce, and yet I know it not. | Thou mayst be false, and yet I know it not. | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Sonn.92.14 | |
| | | | |
93 | 93 | | Sonn.93 | |
SO shall I liue, supposing thou art true, | So shall I live, supposing thou art true, | suppose (v.) presume to be true, believe to be a fact | Sonn.93.1 | |
Like a deceiued husband, so loues face, | Like a deceived husband; so love's face | | Sonn.93.2 | |
May still seeme loue to me, though alter'd new: | May still seem love to me, though altered new; | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.93.3 | |
Thy lookes with me, thy heart in other place. | Thy looks with me, thy heart in other place. | | Sonn.93.4 | |
For their can liue no hatred in thine eye, | For there can live no hatred in thine eye, | | Sonn.93.5 | |
Therefore in that I cannot know thy change, | Therefore in that I cannot know thy change. | | Sonn.93.6 | |
In manies lookes, the falce hearts history | In many's looks, the false heart's history | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Sonn.93.7 | |
Is writ in moods and frounes and wrinckles strange. | Is writ in moods and frowns and wrinkles strange. | | Sonn.93.8 | |
But heauen in thy creation did decree, | But heaven in thy creation did decree | | Sonn.93.9 | |
That in thy face sweet loue should euer dwell, | That in thy face sweet love should ever dwell; | | Sonn.93.10 | |
What ere thy thoughts, or thy hearts workings be, | Whate'er thy thoughts or thy heart's workings be, | | Sonn.93.11 | |
Thy lookes should nothing thence, but sweetnesse tell. | Thy looks should nothing thence but sweetness tell. | tell (v.) communicate, make known | Sonn.93.12 | |
How like Eaues apple doth thy beauty grow, | How like Eve's apple doth thy beauty grow, | | Sonn.93.13 | |
If thy sweet vertue answere not thy show. | If thy sweet virtue answer not thy show. | | Sonn.93.14 | |
| | | | |
94 | 94 | | Sonn.94 | |
THey that haue powre to hurt, and will doe none, | They that have power to hurt, and will do none, | | Sonn.94.1 | |
That doe not do the thing, they most do showe, | That do not do the thing they most do show, | | Sonn.94.2 | |
Who mouing others, are themselues as stone, | Who, moving others, are themselves as stone, | | Sonn.94.3 | |
Vnmooued, could, and to temptation slow: | Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow, | | Sonn.94.4 | |
They rightly do inherrit heauens graces, | They rightly do inherit heaven's graces, | | Sonn.94.5 | |
And husband natures ritches from expence, | And husband nature's riches from expense; | expense (n.) extravagance, expenditure, spending | Sonn.94.6 | |
They are the Lords and owners of their faces, | They are the lords and owners of their faces, | | Sonn.94.7 | |
Others, but stewards of their excellence: | Others but stewards of their excellence. | | Sonn.94.8 | |
The sommers flowre is to the sommer sweet, | The summer's flower is to the summer sweet, | | Sonn.94.9 | |
Though to it selfe, it onely liue and die, | Though to itself it only live and die, | | Sonn.94.10 | |
But if that flowre with base infection meete, | But if that flower with base infection meet, | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | Sonn.94.11 | |
The basest weed out-braues his dignity: | The basest weed outbraves his dignity: | outbrave (v.) outdo in beauty, excel in splendour | Sonn.94.12 | |
For sweetest things turne sowrest by their deedes, | For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; | | Sonn.94.13 | |
Lillies that fester, smell far worse then weeds. | Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. | fester (v.) corrupt, putrify, rot | Sonn.94.14 | |
| | | | |
95 | 95 | | Sonn.95 | |
HOw sweet and louely dost thou make the shame, | How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame, | | Sonn.95.1 | |
Which like a canker in the fragrant Rose, | Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose, | canker (n./adj.) grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite | Sonn.95.2 | |
Doth spot the beautie of thy budding name? | Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name! | spot (v.) stain, blemish, blot | Sonn.95.3 | |
Oh in what sweets doest thou thy sinnes inclose! | Oh in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose! | sweet (n.) sweetness, pleasure, delight | Sonn.95.4 | |
That tongue that tells the story of thy daies, | That tongue that tells the story of thy days | | Sonn.95.5 | |
(Making lasciuious comments on thy sport) | (Making lascivious comments on thy sport) | sport (n.) sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance | Sonn.95.6 | |
Cannot dispraise, but in a kinde of praise, | Cannot dispraise, but in a kind of praise, | dispraise (v.) disparage, belittle, denigrate | Sonn.95.7 | |
| | kind (n.) manner, way, state | | |
Naming thy name, blesses an ill report. | Naming thy name, blesses an ill report. | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | Sonn.95.8 | |
Oh what a mansion haue those vices got, | Oh what a mansion have those vices got | mansion (n.) dwelling-place, home, lodging [not necessarily stately] | Sonn.95.9 | |
Which for their habitation chose out thee, | Which for their habitation chose out thee, | | Sonn.95.10 | |
Where beauties vaile doth couer euery blot, | Where beauty's veil doth cover every blot, | | Sonn.95.11 | |
And all things turnes to faire, that eies can see! | And all things turn to fair that eyes can see! | | Sonn.95.12 | |
Take heed (deare heart) of this large priuiledge, | Take heed (dear heart) of this large privilege; | | Sonn.95.13 | |
The hardest knife ill vs'd doth loose his edge. | The hardest knife ill-used doth lose his edge. | | Sonn.95.14 | |
| | | | |
96 | 96 | | Sonn.96 | |
SOme say thy fault is youth, some wantonesse, | Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness, | wantonness (n.) lust, lasciviousness, promiscuity | Sonn.96.1 | |
Some say thy grace is youth and gentle sport, | Some say thy grace is youth and gentle sport; | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | Sonn.96.2 | |
| | grace (n.) gracefulness, charm, elegance | | |
| | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | | |
Both grace and faults are lou'd of more and lesse: | Both grace and faults are loved of more and less; | more and less men of high and low rank | Sonn.96.3 | |
Thou makst faults graces, that to thee resort: | Thou mak'st faults graces, that to thee resort. | | Sonn.96.4 | |
As on the finger of a throned Queene, | As on the finger of a throned queen | | Sonn.96.5 | |
The basest Iewell wil be well esteem'd: | The basest jewel will be well esteemed, | base (adj.) non-precious, worthless, of low value | Sonn.96.6 | |
So are those errors that in thee are seene, | So are those errors, that in thee are seen, | | Sonn.96.7 | |
To truths translated, and for true things deem'd. | To truths translated, and for true things deemed. | translate (v.) change, transform, alter | Sonn.96.8 | |
How many Lambs might the sterne Wolfe betray, | How many lambs might the stern wolf betray, | | Sonn.96.9 | |
If like a Lambe he could his lookes translate. | If like a lamb he could his looks translate! | | Sonn.96.10 | |
How many gazers mighst thou lead away, | How many gazers mightst thou lead away, | lead away (v.) lead astray, seduce, tempt | Sonn.96.11 | |
If thou wouldst vse the strength of all thy state? | If thou wouldst use the strength of all thy state! | state (n.) status, rank, position | Sonn.96.12 | |
But doe not so, I loue thee in such sort, | But do not so; I love thee in such sort, | sort (n.) way, manner | Sonn.96.13 | |
As thou being mine, mine is thy good report. | As thou being mine, mine is thy good report. | | Sonn.96.14 | |
| | | | |
97 | 97 | | Sonn.97 | |
HOw like a Winter hath my absence beene | How like a winter hath my absence been | | Sonn.97.1 | |
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting yeare? | From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year! | | Sonn.97.2 | |
What freezings haue I felt, what darke daies seene? | What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen! | dark (adj.) sad, melancholic, gloomy | Sonn.97.3 | |
What old Decembers barenesse euery where? | What old December's bareness everywhere! | | Sonn.97.4 | |
And yet this time remou'd was sommers time, | And yet this time removed was summer's time, | | Sonn.97.5 | |
The teeming Autumne big with ritch increase, | The teeming autumn big with rich increase, | teeming (adj.) pregnant, prolific, overfull | Sonn.97.6 | |
Bearing the wanton burthen of the prime, | Bearing the wanton burthen of the prime, | wanton (adj.) luxuriant, flourishing, lush, profuse in growth | Sonn.97.7 | |
| | burden, burthen (n.) birth, state of pregnancy | | |
| | prime (n.) spring, springtime | | |
Like widdowed wombes after their Lords decease: | Like widowed wombs after their lords' decease: | | Sonn.97.8 | |
Yet this aboundant issue seem'd to me, | Yet this abundant issue seemed to me | issue (n.) yield, product, result | Sonn.97.9 | |
But hope of Orphans, and vn-fathered fruite, | But hope of orphans, and unfathered fruit, | unfathered (adj.) unnaturally conceived, illegitimate | Sonn.97.10 | |
For Sommer and his pleasures waite on thee, | For summer and his pleasures wait on thee, | | Sonn.97.11 | |
And thou away, the very birds are mute. | And thou away, the very birds are mute. | | Sonn.97.12 | |
Or if they sing, tis with so dull a cheere, | Or if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer, | cheer (n.) mood, disposition | Sonn.97.13 | |
| | dull (adj.) gloomy, melancholic, sullen | | |
That leaues looke pale, dreading the Winters neere. | That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near. | | Sonn.97.14 | |
| | | | |
98 | 98 | | Sonn.98 | |
FRom you haue I beene absent in the spring, | From you have I been absent in the spring, | | Sonn.98.1 | |
When proud pide Aprill (drest in all his trim) | When proud pied April (dressed in all his trim) | proud (adj.) fine, splendid, luxurious | Sonn.98.2 | |
| | pied (adj.) of different colours, multi-coloured | | |
Hath put a spirit of youth in euery thing: | Hath put a spirit of youth in everything; | | Sonn.98.3 | |
That heauie Saturne laught and leapt with him. | That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him. | Saturn (n.) Roman god of seed time and harvest | Sonn.98.4 | |
| | heavy (adj.) grave, serious, weighty | | |
Yet nor the laies of birds, nor the sweet smell | Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell | lay (n.) song | Sonn.98.5 | |
Of different flowers in odor and in hew, | Of different flowers in odour and in hue, | | Sonn.98.6 | |
Could make me any summers story tell: | Could make me any summer's story tell, | | Sonn.98.7 | |
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew: | Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew; | | Sonn.98.8 | |
Nor did I wonder at the Lillies white, | Nor did I wonder at the lilies white, | | Sonn.98.9 | |
Nor praise the deepe vermillion in the Rose, | Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose; | | Sonn.98.10 | |
They weare but sweet, but figures of delight: | They were but sweet, but figures of delight, | figure (n.) form, design, shape, conception | Sonn.98.11 | |
Drawne after you, you patterne of all those. | Drawn after you, you pattern of all those. | | Sonn.98.12 | |
Yet seem'd it Winter still, and you away, | Yet seemed it winter still, and you away, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.98.13 | |
As with your shaddow I with these did play. | As with your shadow I with these did play. | | Sonn.98.14 | |
| | | | |
99 | 99 | | Sonn.99 | |
THe forward violet thus did I chide, | The forward violet thus did I chide: | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | Sonn.99.1 | |
| | forward (adj.) early, premature | | |
Sweet theefe whence didst thou steale thy sweet that smels | Sweet thief, whence didst thou steal thy sweet that smells, | sweet (n.) sweetness, pleasure, delight | Sonn.99.2 | |
If not from my loues breath, the purple pride, | If not from my love's breath? The purple pride | | Sonn.99.3 | |
Which on thy soft cheeke for complexion dwells? | Which on thy soft cheek for complexion dwells | | Sonn.99.4 | |
In my loues veines thou hast too grosely died; | In my love's veins thou hast too grossly dyed. | grossly (adv.) obviously, plainly, palpably | Sonn.99.5 | |
The Lillie I condemned for thy hand, | The lily I condemned for thy hand, | condemn (v.) discredit, disparage | Sonn.99.6 | |
And buds of marierom had stolne thy haire, | And buds of marjoram had stolen thy hair, | | Sonn.99.7 | |
The Roses fearefully on thornes did stand, | The roses fearfully on thorns did stand, | | Sonn.99.8 | |
Our blushing shame, an other white dispaire: | One blushing shame, another white despair; | | Sonn.99.9 | |
A third nor red, nor white, had stolne of both, | A third, nor red nor white, had stolen of both | | Sonn.99.10 | |
And to his robbry had annext thy breath, | And to his robb'ry had annexed thy breath; | | Sonn.99.11 | |
But for his theft in pride of all his growth | But for his theft in pride of all his growth | | Sonn.99.12 | |
A vengfull canker eate him vp to death. | A vengeful canker eat him up to death. | canker (n./adj.) grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite | Sonn.99.13 | |
More flowers I noted, yet I none could see, | More flowers I noted, yet I none could see | note (v.) observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of] | Sonn.99.14 | |
But sweet, or culler it had stolne from thee. | But sweet or colour it had stolen from thee. | sweet (n.) sweetness, pleasure, delight | Sonn.99.15 | |
| | | | |
100 | 100 | | Sonn.100 | |
WHere art thou Muse that thou forgetst so long, | Where art thou, Muse, that thou forgett'st so long | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.100.1 | |
To speake of that which giues thee all thy might? | To speak of that which gives thee all thy might? | | Sonn.100.2 | |
Spendst thou thy furie on some worthlesse songe, | Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song, | | Sonn.100.3 | |
Darkning thy powre to lend base subiects light. | Dark'ning thy power to lend base subjects light? | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | Sonn.100.4 | |
Returne forgetfull Muse, and straight redeeme, | Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem | redeem (v.) [of time lost] get back, buy back, make amends for | Sonn.100.5 | |
| | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | | |
In gentle numbers time so idely spent, | In gentle numbers time so idly spent; | number (n.) (plural) verses, lines | Sonn.100.6 | |
| | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | | |
Sing to the eare that doth thy laies esteeme, | Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem, | lay (n.) song | Sonn.100.7 | |
And giues thy pen both skill and argument. | And gives thy pen both skill and argument. | | Sonn.100.8 | |
Rise resty Muse, my loues sweet face suruay, | Rise, resty Muse, my love's sweet face survey, | resty (adj.) lazy, sluggish | Sonn.100.9 | |
If time haue any wrincle grauen there, | If Time have any wrinkle graven there; | graven (adj.) engraved, inscribed, sculpted | Sonn.100.10 | |
If any, be a Satire to decay, | If any, be a satire to decay, | satire (n.) satirist, derider | Sonn.100.11 | |
And make times spoiles dispised euery where. | And make Time's spoils despised everywhere. | spoil (n.) slaughter, destruction, ruination | Sonn.100.12 | |
Giue my loue fame faster then time wasts life, | Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life; | | Sonn.100.13 | |
So thou preuenst his sieth, and crooked knife. | So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife. | prevent (v.) take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action | Sonn.100.14 | |
| | crooked (adj.) rounded, curved | | |
| | | | |
101 | 101 | | Sonn.101 | |
OH truant Muse what shalbe thy amends, | O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.101.1 | |
For thy neglect of truth in beauty di'd? | For thy neglect of truth in beauty dyed? | | Sonn.101.2 | |
Both truth and beauty on my loue depends: | Both truth and beauty on my love depends; | depend on / upon (v.) serve, wait on, be a dependant of | Sonn.101.3 | |
So dost thou too, and therein dignifi'd: | So dost thou too, and therein dignified. | | Sonn.101.4 | |
Make answere Muse, wilt thou not haply saie, | Make answer, Muse: wilt thou not haply say, | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Sonn.101.5 | |
Truth needs no collour with his collour fixt, | Truth needs no colour, with his colour fixed; | | Sonn.101.6 | |
Beautie no pensell, beauties truth to lay: | Beauty no pencil, beauty's truth to lay; | pencil (n.) finely-pointed paint-brush | Sonn.101.7 | |
| | lay (v.) put on a surface in layers, add layers of colour to | | |
But best is best, if neuer intermixt. | But best is best, if never intermixed? | | Sonn.101.8 | |
Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb? | Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb? | | Sonn.101.9 | |
Excuse not silence so, for't lies in thee, | Excuse not silence so; for't lies in thee | | Sonn.101.10 | |
To make him much out-liue a gilded tombe: | To make him much outlive a gilded tomb, | | Sonn.101.11 | |
And to be praisd of ages yet to be. | And to be praised of ages yet to be. | | Sonn.101.12 | |
Then do thy office Muse, I teach thee how, | Then do thy office, Muse; I teach thee how, | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | Sonn.101.13 | |
To make him seeme long hence, as he showes now. | To make him seem long hence, as he shows now. | | Sonn.101.14 | |
| | | | |
102 | 102 | | Sonn.102 | |
MY loue is strengthned though more weake in seeming | My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming; | seeming (n.) appearance, look, aspect | Sonn.102.1 | |
I loue not lesse, thogh lesse the show appeare, | I love not less, though less the show appear; | | Sonn.102.2 | |
That loue is marchandiz'd, whose ritch esteeming, | That love is merchandised whose rich esteeming | merchandise (v.) commercialise, turn into merchandise | Sonn.102.3 | |
The owners tongue doth publish euery where. | The owner's tongue doth publish everywhere. | publish (v.) announce, make public, make generally known | Sonn.102.4 | |
Our loue was new, and then but in the spring, | Our love was new, and then but in the spring, | | Sonn.102.5 | |
When I was wont to greet it with my laies, | When I was wont to greet it with my lays, | wont (v.) be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of | Sonn.102.6 | |
| | lay (n.) song | | |
As Philomell in summers front doth singe, | As Philomel in summer's front doth sing, | front (n.) beginning, start, opening | Sonn.102.7 | |
And stops his pipe in growth of riper daies: | And stops her pipe in growth of riper days. | | Sonn.102.8 | |
Not that the summer is lesse pleasant now | Not that the summer is less pleasant now | | Sonn.102.9 | |
Then when her mournefull himns did hush the night, | Than when her mournful hymns did hush the night, | | Sonn.102.10 | |
But that wild musick burthens euery bow, | But that wild music burthens every bough | burden, burthen (v.) load down, weigh down | Sonn.102.11 | |
And sweets growne common loose their deare delight. | And sweets grown common lose their dear delight. | common (adj.) average, usual, general, ordinary | Sonn.102.12 | |
Therefore like her, I some-time hold my tongue: | Therefore like her I sometime hold my tongue, | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | Sonn.102.13 | |
Because I would not dull you with my songe. | Because I would not dull you with my song. | song (n.) poem, set of verses, composition | Sonn.102.14 | |
| | dull (v.) bore, make weary, be tedious to | | |
| | | | |
103 | 103 | | Sonn.103 | |
ALack what pouerty my Muse brings forth, | Alack, what poverty my Muse brings forth, | Muse (n.) one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon | Sonn.103.1 | |
That hauing such a skope to show her pride, | That having such a scope to show her pride, | pride (n.) splendour, magnificence, pomp | Sonn.103.2 | |
| | scope (n.) opportunity, liberty, free course of action | | |
The argument all bare is of more worth | The argument all bare is of more worth | argument (n.) subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic | Sonn.103.3 | |
Then when it hath my added praise beside. | Than when it hath my added praise beside. | | Sonn.103.4 | |
Oh blame me not if I no more can write! | Oh blame me not if I no more can write! | | Sonn.103.5 | |
Looke in your glasse and there appeares a face, | Look in your glass, and there appears a face | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.103.6 | |
That ouer-goes my blunt inuention quite, | That overgoes my blunt invention quite, | blunt (adj.) stupid, obtuse, dull-witted | Sonn.103.7 | |
| | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | | |
| | overgo (v.) exceed, surmount, go beyond | | |
Dulling my lines, and doing me disgrace. | Dulling my lines, and doing me disgrace. | dull (v.) make dreary, take the edge off | Sonn.103.8 | |
Were it not sinfull then striuing to mend, | Were it not sinful then, striving to mend, | | Sonn.103.9 | |
To marre the subiect that before was well, | To mar the subject that before was well, | well (adj.) fine, all right, satisfactory | Sonn.103.10 | |
For to no other passe my verses tend, | For to no other pass my verses tend | tend (v.) relate, refer, be relevant | Sonn.103.11 | |
| | pass (n.) issue, end, outcome | | |
Then of your graces and your gifts to tell. | Than of your graces and your gifts to tell. | | Sonn.103.12 | |
And more, much more then in my verse can sit, | And more, much more than in my verse can sit, | | Sonn.103.13 | |
Your owne glasse showes you, when you looke in it. | Your own glass shows you, when you look in it. | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Sonn.103.14 | |
| | | | |
104 | 104 | | Sonn.104 | |
TO me faire friend you neuer can be old, | To me, fair friend, you never can be old, | | Sonn.104.1 | |
For as you were when first your eye I eyde, | For as you were when first your eye I eyed, | | Sonn.104.2 | |
Such seemes your beautie still: Three Winters colde, | Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold | | Sonn.104.3 | |
Haue from the forrests shooke three summers pride, | Have from the forests shook three summers' pride; | | Sonn.104.4 | |
Three beautious springs to yellow Autumne turn'd, | Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned | | Sonn.104.5 | |
In processe of the seasons haue I seene, | In process of the seasons have I seen; | process (n.) progress, course, path | Sonn.104.6 | |
Three Aprill perfumes in three hot Iunes burn'd, | Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burned, | | Sonn.104.7 | |
Since first I saw you fresh which yet are greene. | Since first I saw you fresh which yet are green. | | Sonn.104.8 | |
Ah yet doth beauty like a Dyall hand, | Ah yet doth beauty, like a dial hand, | dial (n.) watch, timepiece, pocket sundial | Sonn.104.9 | |
Steale from his figure, and no pace perceiu'd, | Steal from his figure, and no pace perceived; | | Sonn.104.10 | |
So your sweete hew, which me thinkes still doth stand | So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand, | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | Sonn.104.11 | |
| | hue (n.) appearance, complexion | | |
Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceaued. | Hath motion and mine eye may be deceived; | deceive (v.) delude, mislead, take in | Sonn.104.12 | |
For feare of which, heare this thou age vnbred, | For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred, | | Sonn.104.13 | |
Ere you were borne was beauties summer dead. | Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead. | | Sonn.104.14 | |
| | | | |
105 | 105 | | Sonn.105 | |
LEt not my loue be cal'd Idolatrie, | Let not my love be called idolatry, | | Sonn.105.1 | |
Nor my beloued as an Idoll show, | Nor my beloved as an idol show, | | Sonn.105.2 | |
Since all alike my songs and praises be | Since all alike my songs and praises be | | Sonn.105.3 | |
To one, of one, still such, and euer so. | To one, of one, still such, and ever so. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.105.4 | |
Kinde is my loue to day, to morrow kinde, | Kind is my love today, tomorrow kind, | | Sonn.105.5 | |
Still constant in a wondrous excellence, | Still constant in a wondrous excellence; | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.105.6 | |
Therefore my verse to constancie confin'de, | Therefore my verse to constancy confined, | | Sonn.105.7 | |
One thing expressing, leaues out difference. | One thing expressing, leaves out difference. | | Sonn.105.8 | |
Faire, kinde, and true, is all my argument, | Fair, kind, and true, is all my argument, | true (adj.) constant, faithful in love | Sonn.105.9 | |
| | argument (n.) subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic | | |
| | fair (adj.) handsome, good-looking, beautiful | | |
| | kind (adj.) loving, affectionate, fond | | |
Faire, kinde and true, varrying to other words, | Fair, kind, and true, varying to other words, | | Sonn.105.10 | |
And in this change is my inuention spent, | And in this change is my invention spent, | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | Sonn.105.11 | |
| | spend (v.) use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end | | |
Three theams in one, which wondrous scope affords. | Three themes in one, which wondrous scope affords. | | Sonn.105.12 | |
Faire, kinde, and true, haue often liu'd alone. | Fair, kind, and true, have often lived alone, | | Sonn.105.13 | |
Which three till now, neuer kept seate in one. | Which three till now never kept seat in one. | seat (n.) resting place, region, abode | Sonn.105.14 | |
| | | | |
106 | 106 | | Sonn.106 | |
WHen in the Chronicle of wasted time, | When in the chronicle of wasted time | | Sonn.106.1 | |
I see discriptions of the fairest wights, | I see descriptions of the fairest wights, | wight (n.) [archaism] person, human being | Sonn.106.2 | |
And beautie making beautifull old rime, | And beauty making beautiful old rhyme | | Sonn.106.3 | |
In praise of Ladies dead, and louely Knights, | In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights, | | Sonn.106.4 | |
Then in the blazon of sweet beauties best, | Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best, | blazon (n.) description, representation, delineation | Sonn.106.5 | |
| | blazon (n.) revelation, divulging, publication | | |
Of hand, of foote, of lip, of eye, of brow, | Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow, | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.106.6 | |
I see their antique Pen would haue exprest, | I see their antique pen would have expressed | antic, antick(e), antique (adj.) ancient, olden, former | Sonn.106.7 | |
Euen such a beauty as you maister now. | Even such a beauty as you master now. | master (v.) own, possess, have at one's disposal | Sonn.106.8 | |
So all their praises are but prophesies | So all their praises are but prophecies | | Sonn.106.9 | |
Of this our time, all you prefiguring, | Of this our time, all you prefiguring; | | Sonn.106.10 | |
And for they look'd but with deuining eyes, | And for they looked but with divining eyes, | | Sonn.106.11 | |
They had not still enough your worth to sing: | They had not skill enough your worth to sing: | | Sonn.106.12 | |
For we which now behold these present dayes, | For we, which now behold these present days, | | Sonn.106.13 | |
Haue eyes to wonder, but lack toungs to praise. | Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise. | | Sonn.106.14 | |
| | | | |
107 | 107 | | Sonn.107 | |
NOt mine owne feares, nor the prophetick soule, | Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul | | Sonn.107.1 | |
Of the wide world, dreaming on things to come, | Of the wide world dreaming on things to come, | | Sonn.107.2 | |
Can yet the lease of my true loue controule, | Can yet the lease of my true love control, | | Sonn.107.3 | |
Supposde as forfeit to a confin'd doome. | Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom. | | Sonn.107.4 | |
The mortall Moone hath her eclipse indur'de, | The mortal moon hath her eclipse endured, | | Sonn.107.5 | |
And the sad Augurs mock their owne presage, | And the sad augurs mock their own presage; | presage (n.) foreboding, presentiment, misgiving | Sonn.107.6 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
| | augur, augure (n.) augurer, soothsayer, fortune-teller | | |
Incertenties now crowne them-selues assur'de, | Incertainties now crown themselves assured, | incertainty (n.) uncertainty | Sonn.107.7 | |
And peace proclaimes Oliues of endlesse age, | And peace proclaims olives of endless age. | | Sonn.107.8 | |
Now with the drops of this most balmie time, | Now with the drops of this most balmy time, | balmy (adj.) soothing, healing, restorative | Sonn.107.9 | |
My loue lookes fresh, and death to me subscribes, | My love looks fresh, and death to me subscribes, | | Sonn.107.10 | |
Since spight of him Ile liue in this poore rime, | Since spite of him I'll live in this poor rhyme, | | Sonn.107.11 | |
While he insults ore dull and speachlesse tribes. | While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes. | insult (v.) be insolent, show scorn, triumph scornfully | Sonn.107.12 | |
And thou in this shalt finde thy monument, | And thou in this shalt find thy monument, | | Sonn.107.13 | |
When tyrants crests and tombs of brasse are spent. | When tyrants' crests and tombs of brass are spent. | crest (n.) heraldic device placed above the shield and helmet in a coat-of-arms | Sonn.107.14 | |
| | spend (v.) use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end | | |
| | | | |
108 | 108 | | Sonn.108 | |
WHat's in the braine that Inck may character, | What's in the brain that ink may character | character (v.) inscribe, engrave, write | Sonn.108.1 | |
Which hath not figur'd to thee my true spirit, | Which hath not figured to thee my true spirit? | figure (v.) symbolize, represent, portray | Sonn.108.2 | |
What 's new to speake, what now to register, | What's new to speak, what new to register, | | Sonn.108.3 | |
That may expresse my loue, or thy deare merit? | That may express my love, or thy dear merit? | | Sonn.108.4 | |
Nothing sweet boy, but yet like prayers diuine, | Nothing, sweet boy; but yet, like prayers divine, | | Sonn.108.5 | |
I must each day say ore the very same, | I must each day say o'er the very same, | | Sonn.108.6 | |
Counting no old thing old, thou mine, I thine, | Counting no old thing old, thou mine, I thine, | | Sonn.108.7 | |
Euen as when first I hallowed thy faire name. | Even as when first I hallowed thy fair name. | | Sonn.108.8 | |
So that eternall loue in loues fresh case, | So that eternal love in love's fresh case | case (n.) outer covering, surface appearance | Sonn.108.9 | |
Waighes not the dust and iniury of age, | Weighs not the dust and injury of age, | weigh (v.) consider, take into account | Sonn.108.10 | |
Nor giues to necessary wrinckles place, | Nor gives to necessary wrinkles place, | | Sonn.108.11 | |
But makes antiquitie for aye his page, | But makes antiquity for aye his page, | aye (adv.) always, ever, for eternity | Sonn.108.12 | |
Finding the first conceit of loue there bred, | Finding the first conceit of love there bred, | conceit (n.) notion, idea, thought | Sonn.108.13 | |
Where time and outward forme would shew it dead, | Where time and outward form would show it dead. | | Sonn.108.14 | |
| | | | |
109 | 109 | | Sonn.109 | |
O Never say that I was false of heart, | O never say that I was false of heart, | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Sonn.109.1 | |
Though absence seem'd my flame to quallifie, | Though absence seemed my flame to qualify. | qualify (v.) moderate, weaken, diminish | Sonn.109.2 | |
As easie might I from my selfe depart, | As easy might I from myself depart | depart (v.) separate, part company, take leave of one another | Sonn.109.3 | |
| | easy (adv.) easily | | |
As from my soule which in thy brest doth lye: | As from my soul which in thy breast doth lie. | | Sonn.109.4 | |
That is my home of loue, if I haue rang'd, | That is my home of love: if I have ranged, | range (v.) wander freely, roam, rove | Sonn.109.5 | |
Like him that trauels I returne againe, | Like him that travels I return again, | | Sonn.109.6 | |
lust to the time, not with the time exchang'd, | Just to the time, not with the time exchanged, | | Sonn.109.7 | |
So that my selfe bring water for my staine, | So that myself bring water for my stain. | | Sonn.109.8 | |
Neuer beleeue though in my nature raign'd, | Never believe, though in my nature reigned | | Sonn.109.9 | |
All frailties that besiege all kindes of blood, | All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | Sonn.109.10 | |
That it could so preposterouslie be stain'd, | That it could so preposterously be stained, | stain (v.) corrupt, spoil, taint | Sonn.109.11 | |
| | preposterously (adv.) out of the normal course of events, unnaturally, perversely | | |
To leaue for nothing all thy summe of good: | To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; | | Sonn.109.12 | |
For nothing this wide Vniuerse I call, | For nothing this wide universe I call, | | Sonn.109.13 | |
Saue thou my Rose, in it thou art my all. | Save thou my rose; in it thou art my all. | | Sonn.109.14 | |
| | | | |
110 | 110 | | Sonn.110 | |
ALas 'tis true, I haue gone here and there, | Alas, 'tis true, I have gone here and there, | | Sonn.110.1 | |
And made my selfe a motley to the view, | And made myself a motley to the view, | motley (n.) fool | Sonn.110.2 | |
Gor'd mine own thoughts, sold cheap what is most deare, | Gored mine own thoughts, sold cheap what is most dear, | | Sonn.110.3 | |
Made old offences of affections new. | Made old offences of affections new. | | Sonn.110.4 | |
Most true it is, that I haue lookt on truth | Most true it is that I have looked on truth | | Sonn.110.5 | |
Asconce and strangely: But by all aboue, | Askance and strangely: but by all above, | askance, askaunce (adv.) with disdain, maliciously, scornfully | Sonn.110.6 | |
| | strangely (adv.) like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner | | |
These blenches gaue my heart an other youth, | These blenches gave my heart another youth, | blench (n.) sidelong glance, turning aside | Sonn.110.7 | |
And worse essaies prou'd thee my best of loue, | And worse essays proved thee my best of love. | essay (n.) trial, testing, proof | Sonn.110.8 | |
Now all is done, haue what shall haue no end, | Now all is done, have what shall have no end; | | Sonn.110.9 | |
Mine appetite I neuer more will grin'de | Mine appetite I never more will grind | grind (v.) whet, sharpen, stimulate | Sonn.110.10 | |
On newer proofe, to trie an older friend, | On newer proof, to try an older friend, | try (v.) put to the test, test the goodness [of] | Sonn.110.11 | |
A God in loue, to whom I am confin'd. | A god in love, to whom I am confined. | | Sonn.110.12 | |
Then giue me welcome, next my heauen the best, | Then give me welcome, next my heaven the best, | | Sonn.110.13 | |
Euen to thy pure and most most louing brest. | Even to thy pure and most most loving breast. | | Sonn.110.14 | |
| | | | |
111 | 111 | | Sonn.111 | |
O For my sake doe you wish fortune chide, | O for my sake do you with Fortune chide, | chide (v.), past form chid quarrel, wrangle, fight | Sonn.111.1 | |
| | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | | |
The guiltie goddesse of my harmfull deeds, | The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds, | | Sonn.111.2 | |
That did not better for my life prouide, | That did not better for my life provide | | Sonn.111.3 | |
Then publick meanes which publick manners breeds. | Than public means which public manners breeds. | | Sonn.111.4 | |
Thence comes it that my name receiues a brand, | Thence comes it that my name receives a brand, | | Sonn.111.5 | |
And almost thence my nature is subdu'd | And almost thence my nature is subdued | | Sonn.111.6 | |
To what it workes in, like the Dyers hand, | To what it works in, like the dyer's hand: | | Sonn.111.7 | |
Pitty me then, and wish I were renu'de, | Pity me then and wish I were renewed; | | Sonn.111.8 | |
Whilst like a willing pacient I will drinke, | Whilst like a willing patient I will drink | | Sonn.111.9 | |
Potions of Eysell gainst my strong infection, | Potions of eisel 'gainst my strong infection, | eisel, eisell, esile, eysell (n.) vinegar | Sonn.111.10 | |
| | strong (adj.) great, serious | | |
No bitternesse that I will bitter thinke, | No bitterness that I will bitter think, | | Sonn.111.11 | |
Nor double pennance to correct correction. | Nor double penance to correct correction. | | Sonn.111.12 | |
Pittie me then deare friend, and I assure yee, | Pity me then, dear friend, and I assure ye | | Sonn.111.13 | |
Euen that your pittie is enough to cure mee. | Even that your pity is enough to cure me. | | Sonn.111.14 | |
| | | | |
112 | 112 | | Sonn.112 | |
YOur loue and pittie doth th'impression fill, | Your love and pity doth th' impression fill, | | Sonn.112.1 | |
Which vulgar scandall stampt vpon my brow, | Which vulgar scandal stamped upon my brow, | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | Sonn.112.2 | |
For what care I who calles me well or ill, | For what care I who calls me well or ill, | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | Sonn.112.3 | |
So you ore-greene my bad, my good alow? | So you o'ergreen my bad, my good allow? | allow (v.) approve, sanction, encourage | Sonn.112.4 | |
| | overgreen, over-green (v.) cover over, gloss over, whitewash | | |
You are my All the world, and I must striue, | You are my all the world, and I must strive | | Sonn.112.5 | |
To know my shames and praises from your tounge, | To know my shames and praises from your tongue; | | Sonn.112.6 | |
None else to me, nor I to none aliue, | None else to me, nor I to none alive, | | Sonn.112.7 | |
That my steel'd sence or changes right or wrong, | That my steeled sense or changes right or wrong. | sense (n.) feeling, sensibility, capacity to feel | Sonn.112.8 | |
| | steeled (adj.) hardened like steel, toughened | | |
In so profound Abisme I throw all care | In so profound abysm I throw all care | abysm (n.) abyss, chasm, gulf | Sonn.112.9 | |
| | care (n.) attentiveness, heedfulness, diligence | | |
Of others voyces, that my Adders sence, | Of others' voices, that my adder's sense | | Sonn.112.10 | |
To cryttick and to flatterer stopped are: | To critic and to flatterer stopped are. | | Sonn.112.11 | |
Marke how with my neglect I doe dispence. | Mark how with my neglect I do dispense: | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Sonn.112.12 | |
You are so strongly in my purpose bred, | You are so strongly in my purpose bred | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Sonn.112.13 | |
| | breed (v.), past form bred cherish, nurture, bring into existence | | |
That all the world besides me thinkes y'are dead. | That all the world besides me thinks y'are dead. | | Sonn.112.14 | |
| | | | |
113 | 113 | | Sonn.113 | |
SInce I left you, mine eye is in my minde, | Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind, | | Sonn.113.1 | |
And that which gouernes me to goe about, | And that which governs me to go about | govern (v.) guide, direct, lead | Sonn.113.2 | |
Doth part his function, and is partly blind, | Doth part his function, and is partly blind, | part, part of (adv.) partly, in some measure | Sonn.113.3 | |
Seemes seeing, but effectually is out: | Seems seeing, but effectually is out; | out (adv.) at an end, finished | Sonn.113.4 | |
| | effectually (adv.) in effect, in fact, in reality | | |
For it no forme deliuers to the heart | For it no form delivers to the heart | | Sonn.113.5 | |
Of bird, of flowre, or shape which it doth lack, | Of bird, of flower, or shape, which it doth latch; | latch (v.) catch, receive, take hold of | Sonn.113.6 | |
Of his quick obiects hath the minde no part, | Of his quick objects hath the mind no part, | quick (adj.) living, vital, full of life | Sonn.113.7 | |
Nor his owne vision houlds what it doth catch: | Nor his own vision holds what it doth catch, | | Sonn.113.8 | |
For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight, | For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight, | gentle (adj.) refined, discriminating, sophisticated | Sonn.113.9 | |
| | rude (adj.) rough, wild, harsh-looking | | |
The most sweet-fauor or deformedst creature, | The most sweet favour or deformed'st creature, | favour (n.) [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks | Sonn.113.10 | |
The mountaine, or the sea, the day, or night: | The mountain or the sea, the day or night, | | Sonn.113.11 | |
The Croe, or Doue, it shapes them to your feature. | The crow or dove, it shapes them to your feature. | | Sonn.113.12 | |
Incapable of more repleat, with you, | Incapable of more, replete with you, | incapable of (adj.) unable to take in, unable to hold | Sonn.113.13 | |
My most true minde thus maketh mine vntrue. | My most true mind thus maketh mine untrue. | true (adj.) constant, faithful in love | Sonn.113.14 | |
| | | | |
114 | 114 | | Sonn.114 | |
Or whether doth my minde being crown 'd with you | Or whether doth my mind being crowned with you | | Sonn.114.1 | |
Drinke vp the monarks plague this flattery? | Drink up the monarch's plague, this flattery? | | Sonn.114.2 | |
Or whether shall I say mine eie saith true, | Or whether shall I say mine eye saith true, | | Sonn.114.3 | |
And that your loue taught it this Alcumie? | And that your love taught it this alchemy, | alchemy, alchymy (n.) wondrous transformation, miraculous transmutation | Sonn.114.4 | |
To make of monsters, and things indigest, | To make of monsters, and things indigest, | indigest (adj.) shapeless, deformed, crude | Sonn.114.5 | |
Such cherubines as your sweet selfe resemble, | Such cherubins as your sweet self resemble, | cherubin (n.) celestial being, heavenly beauty | Sonn.114.6 | |
Creating euery bad a perfect best | Creating every bad a perfect best | | Sonn.114.7 | |
As fast as obiects to his beames assemble: | As fast as objects to his beams assemble? | beam (n.) reach, range, line [of the eye, thought of as emitting beams of light] | Sonn.114.8 | |
Oh tis the first, tis flatry in my seeing, | Oh 'tis the first, 'tis flattery in my seeing, | | Sonn.114.9 | |
And my great minde most kingly drinkes it vp, | And my great mind most kingly drinks it up; | | Sonn.114.10 | |
Mine eie well knowes what with his gust is greeing, | Mine eye well knows what with his gust is 'greeing, | gust (n.) relish, taste, inclination | Sonn.114.11 | |
And to his pallat doth prepare the cup. | And to his palate doth prepare the cup. | | Sonn.114.12 | |
If it be poison'd, tis the lesser sinne, | If it be poisoned, 'tis the lesser sin, | | Sonn.114.13 | |
That mine eye loues it and doth first beginne. | That mine eye loves it and doth first begin. | | Sonn.114.14 | |
| | | | |
115 | 115 | | Sonn.115 | |
THose lines that I before haue writ doe lie, | Those lines that I before have writ do lie, | | Sonn.115.1 | |
Euen those that said I could not loue you deerer, | Even those that said I could not love you dearer, | | Sonn.115.2 | |
Yet then my iudgement knew no reason why, | Yet then my judgement knew no reason why | | Sonn.115.3 | |
My most full flame should afterwards burne cleerer. | My most full flame should afterwards burn clearer. | | Sonn.115.4 | |
But reckening time, whose milliond accidents | But reckoning time, whose millioned accidents | accident (n.) occurrence, event, happening | Sonn.115.5 | |
| | millioned (adj.) numbered by the million | | |
Creepe in twixt vowes, and change decrees of Kings, | Creep in 'twixt vows, and change decrees of kings, | | Sonn.115.6 | |
Tan sacred beautie, blunt the sharp'st intents, | Tan sacred beauty, blunt the sharp'st intents, | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | Sonn.115.7 | |
Diuert strong mindes to th' course of altring things: | Divert strong minds to th' course of alt'ring things; | | Sonn.115.8 | |
Alas why fearing of times tiranie, | Alas, why, fearing of Time's tyranny, | | Sonn.115.9 | |
Might I not then say now I loue you best, | Might I not then say now I love you best, | | Sonn.115.10 | |
When I was certaine ore in-certainty, | When I was certain o'er incertainty, | incertainty (n.) uncertainty | Sonn.115.11 | |
Crowning the present, doubting of the rest: | Crowning the present, doubting of the rest? | doubt (v.) fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] | Sonn.115.12 | |
Loue is a Babe, then might I not say so | Love is a babe; then might I not say so, | | Sonn.115.13 | |
To giue full growth to that which still doth grow. | To give full growth to that which still doth grow? | | Sonn.115.14 | |
| | | | |
119 | 116 | | Sonn.116 | |
LEt me not to the marriage of true mindes | Let me not to the marriage of true minds | | Sonn.116.1 | |
Admit impediments, loue is not loue | Admit impediments. Love is not love | | Sonn.116.2 | |
Which alters when it alteration findes, | Which alters when it alteration finds, | | Sonn.116.3 | |
Or bends with the remouer to remoue. | Or bends with the remover to remove. | bend (v.) change, alter, turn in a new direction | Sonn.116.4 | |
O no, it is an euer fixed marke | O no, it is an ever-fixed mark | mark (n.) target, goal, aim | Sonn.116.5 | |
That lookes on tempests and is neuer shaken; | That looks on tempests and is never shaken; | | Sonn.116.6 | |
It is the star to euery wandring barke, | It is the star to every wand'ring bark, | star (n.) pole-star, lodestar, guiding star | Sonn.116.7 | |
| | bark, barque (n.) ship, vessel | | |
| | wandering (adj.) lost, straying from the correct path | | |
Whose worths vnknowne, although his higth be taken. | Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. | height (n.) [navigation] altitude, elevation | Sonn.116.8 | |
Lou's not Times foole, though rosie lips and cheeks | Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks | | Sonn.116.9 | |
Within his bending sickles compasse come, | Within his bending sickle's compass come; | compass (n.) range, reach, limit, scope | Sonn.116.10 | |
Loue alters not with his breefe houres and weekes, | Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, | | Sonn.116.11 | |
But beares it out euen to the edge of doome: | But bears it out even to the edge of doom. | bear out (v.) endure, weather, cope [with] | Sonn.116.12 | |
If this be error and vpon me proued, | If this be error and upon me proved, | | Sonn.116.13 | |
I neuer writ, nor no man euer loued. | I never writ, nor no man ever loved. | | Sonn.116.14 | |
| | | | |
117 | 117 | | Sonn.117 | |
Accuse me thus, that I haue scanted all, | Accuse me thus, that I have scanted all | scant (v.) neglect, stint, withhold | Sonn.117.1 | |
Wherein I should your great deserts repay, | Wherein I should your great deserts repay, | | Sonn.117.2 | |
Forgot vpon your dearest loue to call, | Forgot upon your dearest love to call, | | Sonn.117.3 | |
Whereto al bonds do tie me day by day, | Whereto all bonds do tie me day by day; | bond (n.) tie, binding, obligation | Sonn.117.4 | |
That I haue frequent binne with vnknown mindes, | That I have frequent been with unknown minds, | frequent (adj.) familiar, in habitual company | Sonn.117.5 | |
And giuen to time your owne deare purchas'd right, | And given to time your own dear-purchased right, | | Sonn.117.6 | |
That I haue hoysted saile to al the windes | That I have hoisted sail to all the winds | | Sonn.117.7 | |
Which should transport me farthest from your sight. | Which should transport me farthest from your sight. | | Sonn.117.8 | |
Booke both my wilfulnesse and errors downe, | Book both my wilfulness and errors down, | book (v.) record, list, register | Sonn.117.9 | |
And on iust proofe surmise, accumilate, | And on just proof surmise accumulate; | | Sonn.117.10 | |
Bring me within the leuel of your frowne, | Bring me within the level of your frown, | level (n.) [archery] direct aim, target, range | Sonn.117.11 | |
But shoote not at me in your wakened hate: | But shoot not at me in your wakened hate; | | Sonn.117.12 | |
Since my appeale saies I did striue to prooue | Since my appeal says I did strive to prove | prove (v.) demonstrate, establish, show to be true | Sonn.117.13 | |
The constancy and virtue of your loue | The constancy and virtue of your love. | | Sonn.117.14 | |
| | | | |
118 | 118 | | Sonn.118 | |
LIke as to make our appetites more keene | Like as to make our appetites more keen | like as (conj.) just as | Sonn.118.1 | |
With eager compounds we our pallat vrge, | With eager compounds we our palate urge, | eager (adj.) sour, bitter, acid | Sonn.118.2 | |
| | urge (v.) stimulate, excite, tempt | | |
As to preuent our malladies vnseene, | As to prevent our maladies unseen, | | Sonn.118.3 | |
We sicken to shun sicknesse when we purge. | We sicken to shun sickness when we purge, | | Sonn.118.4 | |
Euen so being full of your nere cloying sweetnesse, | Even so, being full of your ne'er-cloying sweetness, | | Sonn.118.5 | |
To bitter sawces did I frame my feeding; | To bitter sauces did I frame my feeding, | frame (v.) adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate | Sonn.118.6 | |
And sicke of wel-fare found a kind of meetnesse, | And sick of welfare found a kind of meetness, | meetness (n.) fitness, readiness | Sonn.118.7 | |
| | welfare (n.) being well, remaining healthy | | |
To be diseas'd ere that there was true needing. | To be diseased ere that there was true needing. | | Sonn.118.8 | |
Thus pollicie in loue t'anticipate | Thus policy in love, t' anticipate | policy (n.) stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft | Sonn.118.9 | |
The ills that were, not grew to faults assured, | The ills that were not, grew to faults assured, | ill (n.) illness, malady, affliction | Sonn.118.10 | |
| | assured (adj.) certain, definite, sure | | |
And brought to medicine a healthfull state | And brought to medicine a healthful state | | Sonn.118.11 | |
Which rancke of goodnesse would by ill be cured. | Which rank of goodness would by ill be cured. | rank (adj.) growing in abundance, excessively luxuriant [often unattractively] | Sonn.118.12 | |
But thence I learne and find the lesson true, | But thence I learn, and find the lesson true, | | Sonn.118.13 | |
Drugs poyson him that so fell sicke of you. | Drugs poison him that so fell sick of you. | | Sonn.118.14 | |
| | | | |
119 | 119 | | Sonn.119 | |
WHat potions haue I drunke of Syren teares | What potions have I drunk of Siren tears, | Siren (n.) sea demon of Greek mythology, half bird, half woman, whose music lured sailors to destruction on the rocky shores of her island | Sonn.119.1 | |
Distil'd from Lymbecks foule as hell within, | Distilled from limbecks foul as hell within, | limbeck (n.) retort, distilling apparatus, alembic | Sonn.119.2 | |
Applying feares to hopes, and hopes to feares, | Applying fears to hopes, and hopes to fears, | | Sonn.119.3 | |
Still loosing when I saw my selfe to win? | Still losing when I saw myself to win! | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.119.4 | |
What wretched errors hath my heart committed, | What wretched errors hath my heart committed, | | Sonn.119.5 | |
Whilst it hath thought it selfe so blessed neuer? | Whilst it hath thought itself so blessed never! | | Sonn.119.6 | |
How haue mine eies out of their Spheares bene fitted | How have mine eyes out of their spheres been fitted | sphere (n.) (plural) orbits [of the eye], sockets | Sonn.119.7 | |
| | fit (v.) force out of place by a convulsion | | |
In the distraction of this madding feuer? | In the distraction of this madding fever! | madding (adj.) driving one mad, provoking madness | Sonn.119.8 | |
| | distraction (n.) perturbation, agitation, frenzied state | | |
O benefit of ill, now I find true | O benefit of ill, now I find true | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | Sonn.119.9 | |
That better is, by euil still made better. | That better is, by evil still made better. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.119.10 | |
And ruin'd loue when it is built anew | And ruined love when it is built anew | | Sonn.119.11 | |
Growes fairer then at first, more strong, far greater. | Grows fairer than at first, more strong, far greater. | | Sonn.119.12 | |
So I returne rebukt to my content, | So I return rebuked to my content, | content (n.) contentment, peace of mind | Sonn.119.13 | |
And gaine by ills thrise more then I haue spent. | And gain by ills thrice more than I have spent. | | Sonn.119.14 | |
| | | | |
120 | 120 | | Sonn.120 | |
THat you were once vnkind be-friends mee now, | That you were once unkind befriends me now, | | Sonn.120.1 | |
And for that sorrow, which I then didde feele, | And for that sorrow, which I then did feel, | | Sonn.120.2 | |
Needes must I vnder my transgression bow, | Needs must I under my transgression bow, | | Sonn.120.3 | |
Vnlesse my Nerues were brasse or hammered steele. | Unless my nerves were brass or hammered steel. | nerve (n.) sinew, ligament, muscle | Sonn.120.4 | |
For if you were by my vnkindnesse shaken | For if you were by my unkindness shaken | | Sonn.120.5 | |
As I by yours, y 'haue past a hell of Time, | As I by yours, y'have passed a hell of time, | | Sonn.120.6 | |
And I a tyrant haue no leasure taken | And I a tyrant have no leisure taken | | Sonn.120.7 | |
To waigh how once I suffered in your crime. | To weigh how once I suffered in your crime. | weigh (v.) judge, rate, assess the value of | Sonn.120.8 | |
| | weigh (v.) consider, take into account | | |
| | crime (n.) accusation, charge, denunciation | | |
O that our night of wo might haue remembred | O, that our night of woe might have remembered | | Sonn.120.9 | |
My deepest sence, how hard true sorrow hits, | My deepest sense, how hard true sorrow hits, | | Sonn.120.10 | |
And soone to you, as you to me then tendred | And soon to you, as you to me, then tendered | | Sonn.120.11 | |
The humble salue, which wounded bosomes fits! | The humble salve which wounded bosoms fits! | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | Sonn.120.12 | |
| | salve (n.) healing ointment | | |
| | fit (v.) suit, befit, be suitable [for] | | |
But that your trespasse now becomes a fee, | But that your trespass now becomes a fee, | | Sonn.120.13 | |
Mine ransoms yours, and yours must ransome mee. | Mine ransoms yours, and yours must ransom me. | | Sonn.120.14 | |
| | | | |
121 | 121 | | Sonn.121 | |
TIs better to be vile then vile esteemed, | 'Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed, | | Sonn.121.1 | |
When not to be, receiues reproach of being, | When not to be receives reproach of being, | | Sonn.121.2 | |
And the iust pleasure lost, which is so deemed, | And the just pleasure lost, which is so deemed | | Sonn.121.3 | |
Not by our feeling, but by others seeing. | Not by our feeling, but by others' seeing. | | Sonn.121.4 | |
For why should others false adulterat eyes | For why should others' false adulterate eyes | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | Sonn.121.5 | |
| | adulterate (adj.) adulterous | | |
Giue salutation to my sportiue blood? | Give salutation to my sportive blood? | sportive (adj.) amorous, wanton, sexual | Sonn.121.6 | |
Or on my frailties why are frailer spies; | Or on my frailties why are frailer spies, | frailty (n.) moral weakness, shortcoming, liability to give in to temptation | Sonn.121.7 | |
Which in their wils count bad what I think good? | Which in their wills count bad what I think good? | will (n.) desire, wish, liking, inclination | Sonn.121.8 | |
Noe, I am that I am, and they that leuell | No, I am that I am, and they that level | level at (v.) aim for, have as a target | Sonn.121.9 | |
At my abuses, reckon vp their owne, | At my abuses reckon up their own; | reckon up (v.) list, enumerate | Sonn.121.10 | |
| | abuse (n.) offence, wrong, insult, transgression | | |
I may be straight though they them-selues be beuel | I may be straight though they themselves be bevel; | bevel (adj.) crooked, slanting, sloping | Sonn.121.11 | |
By their rancke thoughtes, my deedes must not be shown | By their rank thoughts my deeds must not be shown. | rank (adj.) foul, festering, diseased | Sonn.121.12 | |
Vnlesse this generall euill they maintaine, | Unless this general evil they maintain, | maintain (v.) defend, justify, support | Sonn.121.13 | |
All men are bad and in their badnesse raigne. | All men are bad and in their badness reign. | | Sonn.121.14 | |
| | | | |
122 | 122 | | Sonn.122 | |
TThy guift,, thy tables, are within my braine | Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain | table (n.) writing tablet, memo pad, notebook | Sonn.122.1 | |
Full characterd with lasting memory, | Full charactered with lasting memory, | character (v.) inscribe, engrave, write | Sonn.122.2 | |
Which shall aboue that idle rancke remaine | Which shall above that idle rank remain | idle (adj.) useless, barren, worthless | Sonn.122.3 | |
| | rank (n.) row, line, series | | |
Beyond all date euen to eternity. | Beyond all date even to eternity; | | Sonn.122.4 | |
Or at the least, so long as braine and heart | Or at the least, so long as brain and heart | | Sonn.122.5 | |
Haue facultie by nature to subsist, | Have faculty by nature to subsist, | faculty (n.) function, power, capability | Sonn.122.6 | |
Til each to raz'd obliuion yeeld his part | Till each to razed oblivion yield his part | razed, rased (adj.) obliterating, erasing | Sonn.122.7 | |
Of thee, thy record neuer can be mist: | Of thee, thy record never can be missed. | record (n.) recollection, memory | Sonn.122.8 | |
| | missed (adj.) lost, missing, forgotten | | |
That poore retention could not so much hold, | That poor retention could not so much hold, | retention (n.) means of retaining, way of keeping in mind | Sonn.122.9 | |
Nor need I tallies thy deare loue to skore, | Nor need I tallies thy dear love to score, | score (v.) mark up, chalk up, add to the tally | Sonn.122.10 | |
Therefore to giue them from me was I bold, | Therefore to give them from me was I bold, | | Sonn.122.11 | |
To trust those tables that receaue thee more, | To trust those tables that receive thee more. | | Sonn.122.12 | |
To keepe an adiunckt to remember thee, | To keep an adjunct to remember thee | adjunct (n.) aid, aide-memoire, assistant | Sonn.122.13 | |
Were to import forgetfulnesse in mee. | Were to import forgetfulness in me. | import (v.) signify, mean, suggest | Sonn.122.14 | |
| | | | |
123 | 123 | | Sonn.123 | |
NO! Time, thou shalt not bost that I doe change. | No! Time, thou shalt not boast that I do change. | | Sonn.123.1 | |
Thy pyramyds buylt vp with newer might | Thy pyramids built up with newer might | pyramid (n.) obelisk, pillar | Sonn.123.2 | |
To me are nothing nouell, nothing strange, | To me are nothing novel, nothing strange; | | Sonn.123.3 | |
They are but dressings of a former sight: | They are but dressings of a former sight. | dressing (n.) reworking, refashioning | Sonn.123.4 | |
Our dates are breefe, and therefor we admire, | Our dates are brief, and therefore we admire | admire (v.) marvel, wonder, be astonished [at] | Sonn.123.5 | |
What thou dost foyst vpon vs that is ould, | What thou dost foist upon us that is old, | | Sonn.123.6 | |
And rather make them borne to our desire, | And rather make them born to our desire | | Sonn.123.7 | |
Then thinke that we before haue heard them tould: | Than think that we before have heard them told. | | Sonn.123.8 | |
Thy registers and thee I both defie, | Thy registers and thee I both defy, | register (n.) record, catalogue, inventory | Sonn.123.9 | |
Not wondring at the present, nor the past, | Not wond'ring at the present nor the past, | wonder (v.) marvel [at], be astonished [at] | Sonn.123.10 | |
For thy records, and what we see doth lye, | For thy records, and what we see doth lie, | | Sonn.123.11 | |
Made more or les by thy continuall hast: | Made more or less by thy continual haste. | | Sonn.123.12 | |
This I doe vow and this shall euer be, | This I do vow and this shall ever be: | | Sonn.123.13 | |
I will be true dispight thy syeth and thee. | I will be true, despite thy scythe and thee. | | Sonn.123.14 | |
| | | | |
124 | 124 | | Sonn.124 | |
YF my deare loue were but the childe of state, | If my dear love were but the child of state, | state (n.) condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs | Sonn.124.1 | |
It might for fortunes basterd be vnfathered, | It might for Fortune's bastard be unfathered, | unfathered (adj.) have one's legitimacy rejected, become fatherless | Sonn.124.2 | |
| | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | | |
As subiect to times loue, or to times hate, | As subject to Time's love, or to Time's hate, | | Sonn.124.3 | |
Weeds among weeds, or flowers with flowers gatherd. | Weeds among weeds, or flowers with flowers gathered. | | Sonn.124.4 | |
No it was buylded far from accident, | No, it was builded far from accident; | accident (n.) chance, fortune, fate | Sonn.124.5 | |
It suffers not in smilinge pomp, nor falls | It suffers not in smiling pomp, nor falls | | Sonn.124.6 | |
Vnder the blow of thralled discontent, | Under the blow of thralled discontent, | thralled (adj.) enslaved, imprisoned, held in bondage | Sonn.124.7 | |
Whereto th'inuiting time our fashion calls: | Whereto th' inviting time our fashion calls; | | Sonn.124.8 | |
It feares not policy that Heriticke, | It fears not policy, that heretic, | policy (n.) stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft | Sonn.124.9 | |
Which workes on leases of short numbred howers, | Which works on leases of short-numbered hours, | | Sonn.124.10 | |
But all alone stands hugely pollitick, | But all alone stands hugely politic, | politic (adj.) prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd | Sonn.124.11 | |
That it nor growes with heat, nor drownes with showres. | That it nor grows with heat, nor drowns with showers. | | Sonn.124.12 | |
To this I witnes call the foles of time, | To this I witness call the fools of Time, | | Sonn.124.13 | |
Which die for goodnes, who haue liu'd for crime. | Which die for goodness, who have lived for crime. | | Sonn.124.14 | |
| | | | |
125 | 125 | | Sonn.125 | |
WEr't ought to me I bore the canopy, | Were't aught to me I bore the canopy, | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | Sonn.125.1 | |
With my extern the outward honoring, | With my extern the outward honouring, | extern (n.) exterior, outward appearance | Sonn.125.2 | |
Or layd great bases for eternity, | Or laid great bases for eternity, | base (n.) foundation, supporting structure | Sonn.125.3 | |
Which proues more short then wast or ruining? | Which proves more short than waste or ruining? | | Sonn.125.4 | |
Haue I not seene dwellers on forme and fauor | Have I not seen dwellers on form and favour | | Sonn.125.5 | |
Lose all, and more by paying too much rent | Lose all, and more, by paying too much rent | | Sonn.125.6 | |
For compound sweet; Forgoing simple sauor, | For compound sweet, forgoing simple savour, | simple (adj.) unmixed, without addition, plain | Sonn.125.7 | |
Pittifull thriuors in their gazing spent. | Pitiful thrivers in their gazing spent? | spend (v.) use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end | Sonn.125.8 | |
| | thriver (n.) aspiring person, striver, wannabe | | |
Noe, let me be obsequious in thy heart, | No, let me be obsequious in thy heart, | obsequious (adj.) dutiful [without suggesting servility]; appropriate after a death | Sonn.125.9 | |
And take thou my oblacion, poore but free, | And take thou my oblation, poor but free, | oblation (n.) offering, gift | Sonn.125.10 | |
| | free (adj.) freely given, willing, unconstrained | | |
Which is not mixt with seconds, knows no art, | Which is not mixed with seconds, knows no art, | second (n.) second-rate material, something of inferior quality | Sonn.125.11 | |
| | art (n.) artifice, artificial conduct; or: wile, trick | | |
But mutuall render, onely me for thee. | But mutual render only me for thee. | render (n.) rendering up, surrender, account | Sonn.125.12 | |
Hence, thou subbornd Informer, a trew soule | Hence, thou suborned informer! A true soul | suborned (adj.) bribed, corrupted | Sonn.125.13 | |
When most impeacht, stands least in thy controule. | When most impeached stands least in thy control. | impeach (v.) accuse, charge, challenge | Sonn.125.14 | |
| | | | |
126 | 126 | | Sonn.126 | |
O Thou my louely Boy who in thy power, | O thou my lovely boy, who in thy power | | Sonn.126.1 | |
Doest hould times fickle glasse, his sickle, hower: | Dost hold Time's fickle glass, his sickle, hour; | glass (n.) [sand of the] hourglass | Sonn.126.2 | |
Who hast by wayning growne, and therein shou'st, | Who hast by waning grown, and therein show'st | | Sonn.126.3 | |
Thy louers withering, as thy sweet selfe grow'st. | Thy lovers withering, as thy sweet self grow'st; | | Sonn.126.4 | |
If Nature (soueraine misteres ouer wrack) | If Nature (sovereign mistress over wrack) | wrack (n.) destruction, ruin | Sonn.126.5 | |
As thou goest onwards still will plucke thee backe, | As thou goest onwards, still will pluck thee back, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.126.6 | |
She keepes thee to this purpose, that her skill. | She keeps thee to this purpose, that her skill | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Sonn.126.7 | |
May time disgrace, and wretched mynuit kill. | May Time disgrace, and wretched minute kill. | | Sonn.126.8 | |
Yet feare her O thou minnion of her pleasure, | Yet fear her, O thou minion of her pleasure! | minion (n.) darling, favourite, select one | Sonn.126.9 | |
She may detaine, but not still keepe her tresure! | She may detain, but not still keep her treasure. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.126.10 | |
Her Audite (though delayd) answer'd must be, | Her audit (though delayed) answered must be, | answer (v.) satisfy, discharge, requite | Sonn.126.11 | |
| | audit (n.) account, reckoning [especially: in the face of God] | | |
And her Quietus is to render thee. | And her quietus is to render thee. | quietus (n.) discharge, clearing of accounts, release | Sonn.126.12 | |
| | render (v.) give up, surrender, yield | | |
| | | | |
127 | 127 | | Sonn.127 | |
IN the ould age blacke was not counted faire, | In the old age black was not counted fair, | fair (adj.) handsome, good-looking, beautiful | Sonn.127.1 | |
| | old (adj.) olden, ancient, bygone | | |
| | black (n.) dark complexion | | |
Or if it weare it bore not beauties name: | Or if it were it bore not beauty's name; | | Sonn.127.2 | |
But now is blacke beauties successiue heire, | But now is black beauty's successive heir, | successive (adj.) next in descent, legitimate, succeeding | Sonn.127.3 | |
And Beautie slanderd with a bastard shame, | And beauty slandered with a bastard shame: | | Sonn.127.4 | |
For since each hand hath put on Natures power, | For since each hand hath put on nature's power, | | Sonn.127.5 | |
Fairing the foule with Arts faulse borrow'd face, | Fairing the foul with art's false borrowed face, | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | Sonn.127.6 | |
| | fair (v.) make good-looking, beautify | | |
Sweet beauty hath no name no holy boure, | Sweet beauty hath no name, no holy bower, | | Sonn.127.7 | |
But is prophan'd, if not liues in disgrace. | But is profaned, if not lives in disgrace. | | Sonn.127.8 | |
Therefore my Mistersse eyes are Rauen blacke, | Therefore my mistress' brows are raven black, | brow (n.) eyebrow | Sonn.127.9 | |
Her eyes so suted, and they mourners seeme, | Her eyes so suited, and they mourners seem, | suit (v.) dress, clothe, equip | Sonn.127.10 | |
At such who not borne faire no beauty lack, | At such who not born fair no beauty lack, | | Sonn.127.11 | |
Slandring Creation with a false esteeme, | Sland'ring creation with a false esteem. | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | Sonn.127.12 | |
Yet so they mourne becomming of their woe, | Yet so they mourn, becoming of their woe, | | Sonn.127.13 | |
That euery toung saies beauty should looke so. | That every tongue says beauty should look so. | | Sonn.127.14 | |
| | | | |
128 | 128 | | Sonn.128 | |
HOw oft when thou my musike musike playst, | How oft, when thou, my music, music play'st, | oft (adv.) often | Sonn.128.1 | |
Vpon that blessed wood whose motion sounds | Upon that blessed wood whose motion sounds | | Sonn.128.2 | |
With thy sweet fingers when thou gently swayst, | With thy sweet fingers, when thou gently sway'st | sway (v.) [of an instrument] guide, make yield, manipulate | Sonn.128.3 | |
The wiry concord that mine eare confounds, | The wiry concord that mine ear confounds, | confound (v.) amaze, dumbfound, stun | Sonn.128.4 | |
| | concord (n.) harmony, tunefulness | | |
Do I enuie those Iackes that nimble leape, | Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap | jack (n.) key [in a harpsichord, virginal, etc; strictly, part of the key mechanism] | Sonn.128.5 | |
To kisse the tender inward of thy hand, | To kiss the tender inward of thy hand, | | Sonn.128.6 | |
Whilst my poore lips which should that haruest reape, | Whilst my poor lips, which should that harvest reap, | | Sonn.128.7 | |
At the woods bouldnes by thee blushing stand. | At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand. | | Sonn.128.8 | |
To be so tikled they would change their state, | To be so tickled, they would change their state | | Sonn.128.9 | |
And situation with those dancing chips, | And situation with those dancing chips, | chip (n.) key [of a spinet, harpsichord, etc] | Sonn.128.10 | |
Ore whome their fingers walke with gentle gate, | O'er whom thy fingers walk with gentle gait, | gait (n.) manner of walking, bearing, movement | Sonn.128.11 | |
Making dead wood more blest then liuing lips, | Making dead wood more blessed than living lips. | | Sonn.128.12 | |
Since sausie Iackes so happy are in this, | Since saucy jacks so happy are in this, | saucy (adj.) insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant | Sonn.128.13 | |
Giue them their fingers, me thy lips to kisse. | Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss. | | Sonn.128.14 | |
| | | | |
129 | 129 | | Sonn.129 | |
TH'expence of Spirit in a waste of shame | Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame | | Sonn.129.1 | |
Is lust in action, and till action, lust | Is lust in action; and till action, lust | | Sonn.129.2 | |
Is periurd, murdrous, blouddy full of blame, | Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame, | blame (n.) blameworthiness, culpability, guilt | Sonn.129.3 | |
| | bloody (adj.) bloodthirsty, warlike, ferocious | | |
Sauage, extreame, rude, cruell, not to trust, | Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust, | rude (adj.) violent, harsh, unkind | Sonn.129.4 | |
Inioyd no sooner but dispised straight, | Enjoyed no sooner but despised straight, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | Sonn.129.5 | |
Past reason hunted, and no sooner had | Past reason hunted, and no sooner had | | Sonn.129.6 | |
Past reason hated as a swollowed bayt, | Past reason hated, as a swallowed bait | | Sonn.129.7 | |
On purpose layd to make the taker mad. | On purpose laid to make the taker mad. | | Sonn.129.8 | |
Made In pursut and in possession so, | Mad in pursuit and in possession so; | | Sonn.129.9 | |
Had, hauing, and in quest, to haue extreame, | Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme; | | Sonn.129.10 | |
A blisse in proofe and proud and very wo, | A bliss in proof and proud and very woe; | proof (n.) experience, actual practice, tried knowledge | Sonn.129.11 | |
Before a ioy proposd behind a dreame, | Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream. | | Sonn.129.12 | |
All this the world well knowes yet none knowes well, | All this the world well knows; yet none knows well | | Sonn.129.13 | |
To shun the heauen that leads men to this hell. | To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell. | | Sonn.129.14 | |
| | | | |
130 | 130 | | Sonn.130 | |
MY Mistres eyes are nothing like the Sunne, | My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; | | Sonn.130.1 | |
Currall is farre more red, then her lips red, | Coral is far more red than her lips' red; | | Sonn.130.2 | |
If snow be white, why then her brests are dun: | If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; | dun (adj.) grey-brown | Sonn.130.3 | |
If haires be wiers, black wiers grow on her head: | If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. | | Sonn.130.4 | |
I haue seene Roses damaskt, red and white, | I have seen roses damasked, red and white, | damasked (adj.) having the hue of the damask rose, adorned with colours | Sonn.130.5 | |
But no such Roses see I in her cheekes, | But no such roses see I in her cheeks; | | Sonn.130.6 | |
And in some perfumes is there more delight, | And in some perfumes is there more delight, | | Sonn.130.7 | |
Then in the breath that from my Mistres reekes. | Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. | reek (v.) steam, smoke, give off vapour | Sonn.130.8 | |
I loue to heare her speake, yet well I know, | I love to hear her speak, yet well I know | | Sonn.130.9 | |
That Musicke hath a farre more pleasing sound: | That music hath a far more pleasing sound. | | Sonn.130.10 | |
I graunt I neuer saw a goddesse goe, | I grant I never saw a goddess go; | | Sonn.130.11 | |
My Mistres when shee walkes treads on the ground. | My mistress when she walks treads on the ground. | | Sonn.130.12 | |
And yet by heauen I thinke my loue as rare, | And yet by heaven I think my love as rare | | Sonn.130.13 | |
As any she beli'd with false compare. | As any she belied with false compare. | she (n.) lady, woman, girl | Sonn.130.14 | |
| | belie (v.) slander, tell lies about | | |
| | compare (n.) comparison, simile, analogy | | |
| | false (adj.) defective, weak, inadequate | | |
| | | | |
131 | 131 | | Sonn.131 | |
THou art as tiranous, so as thou art, | Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art, | | Sonn.131.1 | |
As those whose beauties proudly make them cruell; | As those whose beauties proudly make them cruel; | | Sonn.131.2 | |
For well thou know'st to my deare doting hart | For well thou know'st to my dear doting heart | dear (adj.) heartfelt, earnest, zealous | Sonn.131.3 | |
Thou art the fairest and most precious Iewell. | Thou art the fairest and most precious jewel. | | Sonn.131.4 | |
Yet in good faith some say that thee behold, | Yet in good faith some say that thee behold, | | Sonn.131.5 | |
Thy face hath not the power to make loue grone; | Thy face hath not the power to make love groan: | | Sonn.131.6 | |
To say they erre, I dare not be so bold, | To say they err I dare not be so bold, | | Sonn.131.7 | |
Although I sweare it to my selfe alone. | Although I swear it to myself alone. | | Sonn.131.8 | |
And to be sure that is not false I sweare | And to be sure that is not false I swear, | false (adv.) slanderously, faithlessly, with such calumny | Sonn.131.9 | |
A thousand grones but thinking on thy face, | A thousand groans, but thinking on thy face, | | Sonn.131.10 | |
One on anothers necke do witnesse beare | One on another's neck do witness bear | | Sonn.131.11 | |
Thy blacke is fairest in my iudgements place. | Thy black is fairest in my judgement's place. | judgement (n.) opinion, estimation, assessment | Sonn.131.12 | |
In nothing art thou blacke saue in thy deeds, | In nothing art thou black save in thy deeds, | | Sonn.131.13 | |
And thence this slaunder as I thinke proceeds. | And thence this slander as I think proceeds. | | Sonn.131.14 | |
| | | | |
132 | 132 | | Sonn.132 | |
THine eies I loue, and they as pittying me, | Thine eyes I love, and they, as pitying me, | | Sonn.132.1 | |
Knowing thy heart torment me with disdaine, | Knowing thy heart torments me with disdain, | | Sonn.132.2 | |
Haue put on black, and louing mourners bee, | Have put on black, and loving mourners be, | | Sonn.132.3 | |
Looking with pretty ruth vpon my paine. | Looking with pretty ruth upon my pain. | ruth (n.) pity, compassion, sympathy | Sonn.132.4 | |
And truly not the morning Sun of Heauen | And truly not the morning sun of heaven | | Sonn.132.5 | |
Better becomes the gray cheeks of th'East, | Better becomes the grey cheeks of th' East, | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | Sonn.132.6 | |
Nor that full Starre that vshers in the Eauen | Nor that full star that ushers in the even | even (n.) evening | Sonn.132.7 | |
Doth halfe that glory to the sober West | Doth half that glory to the sober West | sober (adj.) subdued in colour, sombre | Sonn.132.8 | |
As those two morning eyes become thy face: | As those two mourning eyes become thy face. | | Sonn.132.9 | |
O let it then as well beseeme thy heart | O let it then as well beseem thy heart | beseem (v.) befit, be fitting [for], be seemly [for] | Sonn.132.10 | |
To mourne for me since mourning doth thee grace, | To mourn for me, since mourning doth thee grace, | grace (v.) favour, add merit to, do honour to | Sonn.132.11 | |
And sute thy pitty like in euery part. | And suit thy pity like in every part. | like (adv.) alike, in the same way, identically | Sonn.132.12 | |
| | suit (v.) dress, clothe, equip | | |
Then will I sweare beauty her selfe is blacke, | Then will I swear beauty herself is black, | | Sonn.132.13 | |
And all they foule that thy complexion lacke. | And all they foul that thy complexion lack. | | Sonn.132.14 | |
| | | | |
133 | 133 | | Sonn.133 | |
BEshrew that heart that makes my heart to groane | Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan | beshrew, 'shrew (v.) curse, devil take, evil befall | Sonn.133.1 | |
For that deepe wound it giues my friend and me; | For that deep wound it gives my friend and me! | | Sonn.133.2 | |
I'st not ynough to torture me alone, | Is't not enough to torture me alone, | | Sonn.133.3 | |
But slaue to slauery my sweet'st friend must be. | But slave to slavery my sweet'st friend must be? | | Sonn.133.4 | |
Me from my selfe thy cruell eye hath taken, | Me from myself thy cruel eye hath taken, | | Sonn.133.5 | |
And my next selfe thou harder hast ingrossed, | And my next self thou harder hast engrossed: | hard (adj.) painful, harrowing, tough | Sonn.133.6 | |
| | engross (v.) collect up, appropriate, monopolize | | |
Of him, my selfe, and thee I am forsaken, | Of him, myself, and thee I am forsaken; | | Sonn.133.7 | |
A torment thrice three-fold thus to be crossed: | A torment thrice threefold thus to be crossed. | cross (v.) afflict, plague, go against | Sonn.133.8 | |
Prison my heart in thy Steele bosomes warde, | Prison my heart in thy steel bosom's ward, | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | Sonn.133.9 | |
| | ward (n.) cell [in a prison] | | |
| | prison (v.) imprison, lock up, confine | | |
But then my friends heart let my poore heart bale, | But then my friend's heart let my poor heart bail; | bail (v.) confine, enclose | Sonn.133.10 | |
Who ere keepes me, let my heart be his garde, | Who e'er keeps me, let my heart be his guard; | | Sonn.133.11 | |
Thou canst not then vse rigor in my Iaile. | Thou canst not then use rigour in my gaol. | | Sonn.133.12 | |
And yet thou wilt, for I being pent in thee, | And yet thou wilt, for I, being pent in thee, | pent (adj.) imprisoned, closely confined | Sonn.133.13 | |
Perforce am thine and all that is in me. | Perforce am thine, and all that is in me. | perforce (adv.) of necessity, with no choice in the matter | Sonn.133.14 | |
| | | | |
134 | 134 | | Sonn.134 | |
SO now I haue confest that he is thine, | So now I have confessed that he is thine, | | Sonn.134.1 | |
And I my selfe am morgag'd to thy will, | And I myself am mortgaged to thy will, | mortgage (v.) pledge, contract, bind | Sonn.134.2 | |
My selfe Ile forfeit, so that other mine, | Myself I'll forfeit, so that other mine | | Sonn.134.3 | |
Thou wilt restore to be my comfort still: | Thou wilt restore, to be my comfort still. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.134.4 | |
But thou wilt not, nor he will not be free, | But thou wilt not, nor he will not be free, | | Sonn.134.5 | |
For thou art couetous, and he is kinde, | For thou art covetous, and he is kind; | | Sonn.134.6 | |
He learnd but suretie-like to write for me, | He learned but surety-like to write for me, | surety-like (adv.) like a guarantor, proxy-like | Sonn.134.7 | |
Vnder that bond that him as fast doth binde. | Under that bond that him as fast doth bind. | fast (adv.) tightly, firmly, securely | Sonn.134.8 | |
The statute of thy beauty thou wilt take, | The statute of thy beauty thou wilt take, | statute (n.) bond securing a debt with the debtor's land; legal security | Sonn.134.9 | |
Thou vsurer that put'st forth all to vse, | Thou usurer, that putt'st forth all to use, | use (n.) profit, interest, premium | Sonn.134.10 | |
And sue a friend, came debter for my sake, | And sue a friend, came debtor for my sake, | | Sonn.134.11 | |
So him I loose through my vnkinde abuse. | So him I lose through my unkind abuse. | abuse (n.) offence, wrong, insult, transgression | Sonn.134.12 | |
Him haue I lost, thou hast both him and me, | Him have I lost; thou hast both him and me: | | Sonn.134.13 | |
He paies the whole, and yet am I not free. | He pays the whole, and yet am I not free. | | Sonn.134.14 | |
| | | | |
135 | 135 | | Sonn.135 | |
WHo euer hath her wish, thou hast thy Will, | Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy Will, | | Sonn.135.1 | |
And Will too boote, and Will in ouer-plus, | And Will to boot, and Will in overplus; | boot, to in addition, as well | Sonn.135.2 | |
| | overplus (n.) surplus, excess, superfluity | | |
More then enough am I that vexe thee still, | More than enough am I that vex thee still, | vex (v.) afflict, trouble, torment | Sonn.135.3 | |
To thy sweet will making addition thus. | To thy sweet will making addition thus. | | Sonn.135.4 | |
Wilt thou whose will is large and spatious, | Wilt thou whose will is large and spacious | will (n.) desire, wish, liking, inclination | Sonn.135.5 | |
Not once vouchsafe to hide my will in thine, | Not once vouchsafe to hide my will in thine? | once (adv.) ever, at any time | Sonn.135.6 | |
Shall will in others seeme right gracious, | Shall will in others seem right gracious, | gracious (adj.) graceful, elegant, attractive | Sonn.135.7 | |
And in my will no faire acceptance shine: | And in my will no fair acceptance shine? | | Sonn.135.8 | |
The sea all water, yet receiues raine still, | The sea all water, yet receives rain still, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.135.9 | |
And in aboundance addeth to his store, | And in abundance addeth to his store; | | Sonn.135.10 | |
So thou beeing rich in Will adde to thy Will, | So thou, being rich in Will, add to thy Will, | | Sonn.135.11 | |
One will of mine to make thy large Will more. | One will of mine to make thy large Will more. | | Sonn.135.12 | |
Let no vnkinde, no faire beseechers kill, | Let no unkind, no fair beseechers kill; | | Sonn.135.13 | |
Thinke all but one, and me in that one Will. | Think all but one, and me in that one Will. | | Sonn.135.14 | |
| | | | |
136 | 136 | | Sonn.136 | |
IF thy soule check thee that I come so neere, | If thy soul check thee that I come so near, | soul (n.) conscience, heart, inner being | Sonn.136.1 | |
| | check (v.) rebuke, scold, reprimand | | |
Sweare to thy blind soule that I was thy Will, | Swear to thy blind soul that I was thy Will, | | Sonn.136.2 | |
And will thy soule knowes is admitted there, | And will, thy soul knows, is admitted there; | | Sonn.136.3 | |
Thus farre for loue, my loue-sute sweet fullfill. | Thus far for love my love-suit sweet fulfil. | love-suit (n.) wooing, courtship | Sonn.136.4 | |
Will, will fulfill the treasure of thy loue, | Will will fulfil the treasure of thy love, | | Sonn.136.5 | |
I fill it full with wils, and my will one, | Ay, fill it full with wills, and my will one. | | Sonn.136.6 | |
In things of great receit with ease we prooue, | In things of great receipt with ease we prove | | Sonn.136.7 | |
Among a number one is reckon'd none. | Among a number one is reckoned none. | reckon (v.) quantify, calculate, measure | Sonn.136.8 | |
Then in the number let me passe vntold, | Then in the number let me pass untold, | | Sonn.136.9 | |
Though in thy stores account I one must be, | Though in thy stores' account I one must be, | | Sonn.136.10 | |
For nothing hold me, so it please thee hold, | For nothing hold me, so it please thee hold | | Sonn.136.11 | |
That nothing me, a some-thing sweet to thee. | That nothing me, a something sweet to thee. | | Sonn.136.12 | |
Make but my name thy loue, and loue that still, | Make but my name thy love, and love that still, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.136.13 | |
And then thou louest me for my name is Will. | And then thou lov'st me for my name is Will. | | Sonn.136.14 | |
| | | | |
137 | 137 | | Sonn.137 | |
THou blinde foole loue, what doost thou to mine eyes, | Thou blind fool Love, what dost thou to mine eyes, | | Sonn.137.1 | |
That they behold and see not what they see: | That they behold and see not what they see? | | Sonn.137.2 | |
They know what beautie is, see where it lyes, | They know what beauty is, see where it lies, | | Sonn.137.3 | |
Yet what the best is, take the worst to be: | Yet what the best is, take the worst to be. | take (v.) suppose, conceive, come to believe | Sonn.137.4 | |
If eyes corrupt by ouer-partiall lookes, | If eyes corrupt by overpartial looks, | | Sonn.137.5 | |
Be anchord in the baye where all men ride, | Be anchored in the bay where all men ride, | | Sonn.137.6 | |
Why of eyes falsehood hast thou forged hookes, | Why of eyes' falsehood hast thou forged hooks, | | Sonn.137.7 | |
Whereto the iudgement of my heart is tide? | Whereto the judgement of my heart is tied? | | Sonn.137.8 | |
Why should my heart thinke that a seuerall plot, | Why should my heart think that a several plot, | several (adj.) [of land] private, enclosed, restricted | Sonn.137.9 | |
Which my heart knowes the wide worlds common place? | Which my heart knows the wide world's common place? | | Sonn.137.10 | |
Or mine eyes seeing this, say this is not | Or mine eyes seeing this, say this is not | | Sonn.137.11 | |
To put faire truth vpon so foule a face, | To put fair truth upon so foul a face? | | Sonn.137.12 | |
In things right true my heart and eyes haue erred, | In things right true my heart and eyes have erred, | | Sonn.137.13 | |
And to this false plague are they now transferred. | And to this false plague are they now transferred. | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | Sonn.137.14 | |
| | | | |
138 | 138 | | Sonn.138 | |
WHen my loue sweares that she is made of truth, | When my love swears that she is made of truth, | | Sonn.138.1 | |
I do beleeue her though I know she lyes, | I do believe her, though I know she lies, | | Sonn.138.2 | |
That she might thinke me some vntuterd youth, | That she might think me some untutored youth, | untutored (adj.) badly brought up, untaught, inexperienced | Sonn.138.3 | |
Vnlearned in the worlds false subtilties. | Unlearned in the world's false subtleties. | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | Sonn.138.4 | |
Thus vainely thinking that she thinkes me young, | Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young, | vainly (adv.) wrongly, falsely, in error | Sonn.138.5 | |
Although she knowes my dayes are past the best, | Although she knows my days are past the best, | | Sonn.138.6 | |
Simply I credit her false speaking tongue, | Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue; | | Sonn.138.7 | |
On both sides thus is simple truth supprest: | On both sides thus is simple truth supprest. | | Sonn.138.8 | |
But wherefore sayes she not she is vniust? | But wherefore says she not she is unjust? | unjust (adj.) inaccurate, incorrect, inexact | Sonn.138.9 | |
And wherefore say not I that I am old? | And wherefore say not I that I am old? | | Sonn.138.10 | |
O loues best habit is in seeming trust, | O love's best habit is in seeming trust, | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | Sonn.138.11 | |
| | seeming (adj.) apparent, convincing in appearance | | |
And age in loue, loues not t'haue yeares told. | And age in love loves not to have years told. | tell (v.) count out, number, itemize | Sonn.138.12 | |
Therefore I lye with her, and she with me, | Therefore I lie with her, and she with me, | | Sonn.138.13 | |
And in our faults by lyes we flattered be. | And in our faults by lies we flattered be. | | Sonn.138.14 | |
| | | | |
139 | 139 | | Sonn.139 | |
O Call not me to iustifie the wrong, | O call not me to justify the wrong | justify (v.) excuse, exonerate, clear | Sonn.139.1 | |
That thy vnkindnesse layes vpon my heart, | That thy unkindness lays upon my heart. | | Sonn.139.2 | |
Wound me not with thine eye but with thy toung, | Wound me not with thine eye but with thy tongue; | | Sonn.139.3 | |
Vse power with power, and slay me not by Art, | Use power with power and slay me not by art. | | Sonn.139.4 | |
Tell me thou lou'st else-where; but in my sight, | Tell me thou lov'st elsewhere; but in my sight, | | Sonn.139.5 | |
Deare heart forbeare to glance thine eye aside, | Dear heart, forbear to glance thine eye aside. | forbear (v.) stop, cease, desist | Sonn.139.6 | |
What needst thou wound with cunning when thy might | What need'st thou wound with cunning when thy might | | Sonn.139.7 | |
Is more then my ore-prest defence can bide? | Is more than my o'erpressed defence can bide? | bide (v.) endure, suffer, undergo | Sonn.139.8 | |
| | overpressed (adj.) overpowered, overwhelmed, overcome | | |
Let me excuse thee, ah my loue well knowes, | Let me excuse thee: ah, my love well knows | | Sonn.139.9 | |
Her prettie lookes haue beene mine enemies, | Her pretty looks have been mine enemies, | | Sonn.139.10 | |
And therefore from my face she turnes my foes, | And therefore from my face she turns my foes, | | Sonn.139.11 | |
That they else-where might dart their iniuries: | That they elsewhere might dart their injuries. | | Sonn.139.12 | |
Yet do not so, but since I am neere slaine, | Yet do not so; but since I am near slain, | | Sonn.139.13 | |
Kill me out-right with lookes, and rid my paine. | Kill me outright with looks, and rid my pain. | | Sonn.139.14 | |
| | | | |
140 | 140 | | Sonn.140 | |
BE wise as thou art cruell, do not presse | Be wise as thou art cruel; do not press | | Sonn.140.1 | |
My toung-tide patience with too much disdaine: | My tongue-tied patience with too much disdain, | | Sonn.140.2 | |
Least sorrow lend me words and words expresse, | Lest sorrow lend me words and words express | | Sonn.140.3 | |
The manner of my pittie wanting paine. | The manner of my pity-wanting pain. | | Sonn.140.4 | |
If I might teach thee witte better it weare, | If I might teach thee wit, better it were, | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | Sonn.140.5 | |
Though not to loue, yet loue to tell me so, | Though not to love, yet, love, to tell me so; | | Sonn.140.6 | |
As testie sick-men when their deaths be neere, | As testy sick men, when their deaths be near, | testy (adj.) irritable, peevish, short-tempered | Sonn.140.7 | |
No newes but health from their Phisitions know. | No news but health from their physicians know. | | Sonn.140.8 | |
For if I should dispaire I should grow madde, | For if I should despair, I should grow mad, | | Sonn.140.9 | |
And in my madnesse might speake ill of thee, | And in my madness might speak ill of thee: | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | Sonn.140.10 | |
Now this ill wresting world is growne so bad, | Now this ill-wresting world is grown so bad, | ill-wresting (adj.) twisting the truth, turning to disadvantage | Sonn.140.11 | |
Madde slanderers by madde eares beleeued be. | Mad slanderers by mad ears believed be. | | Sonn.140.12 | |
That I may not be so, nor thou be lyde, | That I may not be so, nor thou belied, | belie (v.) slander, tell lies about | Sonn.140.13 | |
Beare thine eyes straight, though thy proud heart goe wide. | Bear thine eyes straight, though thy proud heart go wide. | wide (adv.) in error, mistakenly | Sonn.140.14 | |
| | | | |
141 | 141 | | Sonn.141 | |
IN faith I doe not loue thee with mine eyes, | In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, | | Sonn.141.1 | |
For they in thee a thousand errors note, | For they in thee a thousand errors note, | | Sonn.141.2 | |
But 'tis my heart that loues what they dispise, | But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise, | | Sonn.141.3 | |
Who in dispight of view is pleasd to dote. | Who in despite of view is pleased to dote. | | Sonn.141.4 | |
Nor are mine eares with thy toungs tune delighted, | Nor are mine ears with thy tongue's tune delighted, | tune (n.) sound, tone, voice | Sonn.141.5 | |
Nor tender feeling to base touches prone, | Nor tender feeling to base touches prone, | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | Sonn.141.6 | |
Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be inuited | Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be invited | | Sonn.141.7 | |
To any sensuall feast with thee alone: | To any sensual feast with thee alone. | | Sonn.141.8 | |
But my fiue wits, nor my fiue sences can | But my five wits, nor my five senses can | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | Sonn.141.9 | |
Diswade one foolish heart from seruing thee, | Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee, | | Sonn.141.10 | |
Who leaues vnswai'd the likenesse of a man, | Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man, | unswayed (adj.) unwielded, uncontrolled, lacking direction | Sonn.141.11 | |
Thy proud hearts slaue and vassall wretch to be: | Thy proud heart's slave and vassal wretch to be. | vassal (adj.) submissive, abject, yielding | Sonn.141.12 | |
Onely my plague thus farre I count my gaine, | Only my plague thus far I count my gain, | | Sonn.141.13 | |
That she that makes me sinne, awards me paine. | That she that makes me sin awards me pain. | | Sonn.141.14 | |
| | | | |
142 | 142 | | Sonn.142 | |
LOue is my sinne, and thy deare vertue hate, | Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate, | | Sonn.142.1 | |
Hate of my sinne, grounded on sinfull louing, | Hate of my sin, grounded on sinful loving. | | Sonn.142.2 | |
O but with mine, compare thou thine owne state, | O but with mine, compare thou thine own state, | | Sonn.142.3 | |
And thou shalt finde it merrits not reproouing, | And thou shalt find it merits not reproving; | | Sonn.142.4 | |
Or if it do, not from those lips of thine, | Or, if it do, not from those lips of thine, | | Sonn.142.5 | |
That haue prophan'd their scarlet ornaments, | That have profaned their scarlet ornaments, | | Sonn.142.6 | |
And seald false bonds of loue as oft as mine, | And sealed false bonds of love as oft as mine, | oft (adv.) often | Sonn.142.7 | |
| | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | | |
Robd others beds reuenues of their rents. | Robbed others' beds' revenues of their rents. | | Sonn.142.8 | |
Be it lawfull I loue thee as thou lou'st those, | Be it lawful I love thee, as thou lov'st those | | Sonn.142.9 | |
Whome thine eyes wooe as mine importune thee, | Whom thine eyes woo as mine importune thee. | importune (v.) urge, press | Sonn.142.10 | |
Roote pittie in thy heart that when it growes, | Root pity in thy heart that, when it grows, | | Sonn.142.11 | |
Thy pitty may deserue to pittied bee. | Thy pity may deserve to pitied be. | | Sonn.142.12 | |
If thou doost seeke to haue what thou doost hide, | If thou dost seek to have what thou dost hide, | | Sonn.142.13 | |
By selfe example mai'st thou be denide. | By self-example mayst thou be denied. | | Sonn.142.14 | |
| | | | |
143 | 143 | | Sonn.143 | |
LOe as a carefull huswife runnes to catch, | Lo, as a careful housewife runs to catch | careful (adj.) anxious, concerned, worried | Sonn.143.1 | |
One of her fethered creatures broake away, | One of her feathered creatures broke away, | | Sonn.143.2 | |
Sets downe her babe and makes all swift dispatch | Sets down her babe and makes all swift dispatch | dispatch, despatch (n.) management, direction, supervision | Sonn.143.3 | |
In pursuit of the thing she would haue stay: | In pursuit of the thing she would have stay; | | Sonn.143.4 | |
Whilst her neglected child holds her in chace, | Whilst her neglected child holds her in chase, | chase (n.) pursuit, sequence, hunt | Sonn.143.5 | |
Cries to catch her whose busie care is bent, | Cries to catch her whose busy care is bent | care (n.) anxiety, worry, solicitude [about] | Sonn.143.6 | |
| | catch (v.) catch the attention of, attract the notice of | | |
| | bend (v.) aim, direct, level, turn | | |
To follow that which flies before her face: | To follow that which flies before her face, | | Sonn.143.7 | |
Not prizing her poore infants discontent; | Not prizing her poor infant's discontent; | prize (v.) think nothing of, care nothing for | Sonn.143.8 | |
So runst thou after that which flies from thee, | So runn'st thou after that which flies from thee, | | Sonn.143.9 | |
Whilst I thy babe chace thee a farre behind, | Whilst I thy babe chase thee afar behind; | | Sonn.143.10 | |
But if thou catch thy hope turne back to me: | But if thou catch thy hope, turn back to me, | | Sonn.143.11 | |
And play the mothers part kisse me, be kind. | And play the mother's part; kiss me; be kind. | kind (adj.) showing natural feeling, acting by nature | Sonn.143.12 | |
So will I pray that thou maist haue thy Will, | So will I pray that thou mayst have thy Will, | | Sonn.143.13 | |
If thou turne back and my loude crying still. | If thou turn back and my loud crying still. | still (v.) quieten, calm, hush | Sonn.143.14 | |
| | | | |
144 | 144 | | Sonn.144 | |
TWo loues I haue of comfort and dispaire, | Two loves I have of comfort and despair, | | Sonn.144.1 | |
Which like two spirits do sugiest me still, | Which like two spirits do suggest me still: | suggest (v.) tempt, prompt, incite | Sonn.144.2 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
The better angell is a man right faire : | The better angel is a man right fair, | right (adv.) very, altogether, properly | Sonn.144.3 | |
The worser spirit a woman collour'd il. | The worser spirit a woman coloured ill. | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | Sonn.144.4 | |
To win me soone to hell my femail euill, | To win me soon to hell, my female evil | | Sonn.144.5 | |
Tempteth my better angel from my sight, | Tempteth my better angel from my side, | | Sonn.144.6 | |
And would corrupt my saint to be a diuel: | And would corrupt my saint to be a devil, | | Sonn.144.7 | |
Wooing his purity with her fowle pride. | Wooing his purity with her foul pride. | | Sonn.144.8 | |
And whether that my angel be turn'd finde, | And whether that my angel be turned fiend | | Sonn.144.9 | |
Suspect I may, yet not directly tell, | Suspect I may, but not directly tell; | | Sonn.144.10 | |
But being both from me both to each friend, | But being both from me, both to each friend, | | Sonn.144.11 | |
I gesse one angel in an others hel. | I guess one angel in another's hell. | | Sonn.144.12 | |
Yet this shal I nere know but liue in doubt, | Yet this shall I ne'er know, but live in doubt, | | Sonn.144.13 | |
Till my bad angel fire my good one out. | Till my bad angel fire my good one out. | | Sonn.144.14 | |
| | | | |
145 | 145 | | Sonn.145 | |
THose lips that Loues owne hand did make, | Those lips that Love's own hand did make | | Sonn.145.1 | |
Breath'd forth the sound that said I hate, | Breathed forth the sound that said I hate | | Sonn.145.2 | |
To me that languisht for her sake: | To me that languished for her sake; | | Sonn.145.3 | |
But when she saw my wofull state, | But when she saw my woeful state, | | Sonn.145.4 | |
Straight in her heart did mercie come, | Straight in her heart did mercy come, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | Sonn.145.5 | |
Chiding that tongue that euer sweet, | Chiding that tongue that ever sweet | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | Sonn.145.6 | |
Was vsde in giuing gentle dome: | Was used in giving gentle doom, | use (v.) be accustomed, make a habit [of] | Sonn.145.7 | |
| | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | | |
| | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | | |
And tought it thus a new to greete: | And taught it thus anew to greet: | greet (v.) address, offer a salutation, acknowledge in words | Sonn.145.8 | |
I hate she alterd with an end, | I hate she altered with an end, | | Sonn.145.9 | |
That follow'd it as gentle day, | That followed it as gentle day | | Sonn.145.10 | |
Doth follow night who like a fiend | Doth follow night, who like a fiend | | Sonn.145.11 | |
From heauen to hell is flowne away. | From heaven to hell is flown away; | | Sonn.145.12 | |
I hate, from hate away she threw, | I hate, from hate away she threw, | | Sonn.145.13 | |
And sau'd my life saying not you. | And saved my life saying, not you. | | Sonn.145.14 | |
| | | | |
146 | 146 | | Sonn.146 | |
POore soule the center of my sinfull earth, | Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth, | centre (n.) core of being, heart, soul | Sonn.146.1 | |
My sinfull earth these rebbell powres that thee array, | My sinful earth these rebel powers that thee array, | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | Sonn.146.2 | |
Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth | Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth, | | Sonn.146.3 | |
Painting thy outward walls so costlie gay? | Painting thy outward walls so costly gay? | | Sonn.146.4 | |
Why so large cost hauing so short a lease, | Why so large cost, having so short a lease, | | Sonn.146.5 | |
Dost thou vpon thy fading mansion spend? | Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend? | mansion (n.) dwelling-place, home, lodging [not necessarily stately] | Sonn.146.6 | |
Shall wormes inheritors of this excesse | Shall worms, inheritors of this excess, | | Sonn.146.7 | |
Eate vp thy charge? is this thy bodies end? | Eat up thy charge? Is this thy body's end? | charge (n.) expense, cost, outlay | Sonn.146.8 | |
Then soule liue thou vpon thy seruants losse, | Then soul, live thou upon thy servant's loss, | | Sonn.146.9 | |
And let that pine to aggrauat thy store; | And let that pine to aggravate thy store; | | Sonn.146.10 | |
Buy tearmes diuine in selling houres of drosse: | Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; | dross (n.) impure matter, tainted substance, rubbish | Sonn.146.11 | |
Within be fed, without be rich no more, | Within be fed, without be rich no more: | without (adv.) externally, on the outside | Sonn.146.12 | |
So shalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, | So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men, | | Sonn.146.13 | |
And death once dead, ther's no more dying then, | And Death once dead, there's no more dying then. | | Sonn.146.14 | |
| | | | |
147 | 147 | | Sonn.147 | |
MY loue is as a feauer longing still, | My love is as a fever, longing still | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Sonn.147.1 | |
For that which longer nurseth the disease, | For that which longer nurseth the disease, | | Sonn.147.2 | |
Feeding on that which doth preserue the ill, | Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill, | ill (n.) illness, malady, affliction | Sonn.147.3 | |
Th'vncertaine sicklie appetite to please: | Th' uncertain sickly appetite to please. | appetite (n.) desire, longing, inclination, fancy | Sonn.147.4 | |
My reason the Phisition to my loue, | My reason, the physician to my love, | | Sonn.147.5 | |
Angry that his prescriptions are not kept | Angry that his prescriptions are not kept, | | Sonn.147.6 | |
Hath left me, and I desperate now approoue, | Hath left me, and I desperate now approve | approve (v.) prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate | Sonn.147.7 | |
| | desperate (adj.) despairing, hopeless, without hope | | |
Desire is death, which Phisick did except. | Desire is death, which physic did except. | except, except against (v.) object to, take exception to | Sonn.147.8 | |
| | physic (n.) medicine, healing, treatment | | |
Past cure I am, now Reason is past care, | Past cure I am, now reason is past care, | | Sonn.147.9 | |
And frantick madde with euer-more vnrest, | And frantic mad with evermore unrest; | | Sonn.147.10 | |
My thoughts and my discourse as mad mens are, | My thoughts and my discourse as mad men's are, | discourse (n.) conversation, talk, chat | Sonn.147.11 | |
At randon from the truth vainely exprest. | At random from the truth vainly expressed; | | Sonn.147.12 | |
For I haue sworne thee faire, and thought thee bright, | For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, | | Sonn.147.13 | |
Who art as black as hell, as darke as night. | Who art as black as hell, as dark as night. | | Sonn.147.14 | |
| | | | |
148 | 148 | | Sonn.148 | |
O Me! what eyes hath loue put in my head, | O me, what eyes hath love put in my head, | | Sonn.148.1 | |
Which haue no correspondence with true sight, | Which have no correspondence with true sight! | | Sonn.148.2 | |
Or if they haue, where is my iudgment fled, | Or if they have, where is my judgement fled, | | Sonn.148.3 | |
That censures falsely what they see aright? | That censures falsely what they see aright? | | Sonn.148.4 | |
If that be faire whereon my false eyes dote, | If that be fair whereon my false eyes dote, | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | Sonn.148.5 | |
What meanes the world to say it is not so? | What means the world to say it is not so? | world (n.) whole of mankind, human race, mass of society | Sonn.148.6 | |
If it be not, then loue doth well denote, | If it be not, then love doth well denote | | Sonn.148.7 | |
Loues eye is not so true as all mens: no, | Love's eye is not so true as all men's: no, | | Sonn.148.8 | |
How can it? O how can loues eye be true, | How can it? O how can love's eye be true, | | Sonn.148.9 | |
That is so vext with watching and with teares? | That is so vexed with watching and with tears? | watch (n.) sleepless state, wakefulness | Sonn.148.10 | |
| | vex (v.) afflict, trouble, torment | | |
No maruaile then though I mistake my view, | No marvel then though I mistake my view; | | Sonn.148.11 | |
The sunne it selfe sees not, till heauen cleeres. | The sun itself sees not, till heaven clears. | | Sonn.148.12 | |
O cunning loue, with teares thou keepst me blinde, | O cunning love, with tears thou keep'st me blind, | cunning (adj.) knowledgeable, skilful, clever | Sonn.148.13 | |
Least eyes well seeing thy foule faults should finde. | Lest eyes well seeing thy foul faults should find. | | Sonn.148.14 | |
| | | | |
149 | 149 | | Sonn.149 | |
CAnst thou O cruell, say I loue thee not, | Canst thou, O cruel, say I love thee not, | | Sonn.149.1 | |
When I against my selfe with thee pertake: | When I against myself with thee partake? | partake (v.) take sides, take the part of | Sonn.149.2 | |
Doe I not thinke on thee when I forgot | Do I not think on thee when I forgot | | Sonn.149.3 | |
Am of my selfe, all tirant for thy sake? | Am of myself, all tyrant, for thy sake? | | Sonn.149.4 | |
Who hateth thee that I doe call my friend, | Who hateth thee that I do call my friend? | | Sonn.149.5 | |
On whom froun'st thou that I doe faune vpon, | On whom frown'st thou that I do fawn upon? | | Sonn.149.6 | |
Nay if thou lowrst on me doe I not spend | Nay, if thou lower'st on me, do I not spend | spend (v.) expend, express, give vent to | Sonn.149.7 | |
| | lour, lower (v.) frown, scowl, look dark and threatening | | |
Reuenge vpon my selfe with present mone? | Revenge upon myself with present moan? | moan (n.) grief, lamentation, sorrow, complaint | Sonn.149.8 | |
What merrit do I in my selfe respect, | What merit do I in myself respect, | respect (v.) value, have regard for, prize | Sonn.149.9 | |
That is so proude thy seruice to dispise, | That is so proud thy service to despise, | | Sonn.149.10 | |
When all my best doth worship thy defect, | When all my best doth worship thy defect, | defect (n.) deficiency, shortcoming | Sonn.149.11 | |
Commanded by the motion of thine eyes. | Commanded by the motion of thine eyes? | | Sonn.149.12 | |
But loue hate on for now I know thy minde, | But love hate on, for now I know thy mind: | | Sonn.149.13 | |
Those that can see thou lou'st, and I am blind. | Those that can see thou lov'st, and I am blind. | | Sonn.149.14 | |
| | | | |
150 | 150 | | Sonn.150 | |
OH from what powre hast thou this powrefull might, | Oh from what power hast thou this powerful might, | | Sonn.150.1 | |
With insufficiency my heart to sway, | With insufficiency my heart to sway, | | Sonn.150.2 | |
To make me giue the lie to my true sight, | To make me give the lie to my true sight, | | Sonn.150.3 | |
And swere that brightnesse doth not grace the day? | And swear that brightness doth not grace the day? | | Sonn.150.4 | |
Whence hast thou this becomming of things il, | Whence hast thou this becoming of things ill, | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | Sonn.150.5 | |
That in the very refuse of thy deeds, | That in the very refuse of thy deeds | refuse (n.) dross, dregs, leavings | Sonn.150.6 | |
There is such strength and warrantise of skill, | There is such strength and warrantise of skill | warrantise, warrantize (n.) authorization, surety, guarantee | Sonn.150.7 | |
That in my minde thy worst all best exceeds? | That in my mind thy worst all best exceeds? | | Sonn.150.8 | |
Who taught thee how to make me loue thee more, | Who taught thee how to make me love thee more, | | Sonn.150.9 | |
The more I heare and see iust cause of hate, | The more I hear and see just cause of hate? | | Sonn.150.10 | |
Oh though I loue what others doe abhor, | O, though I love what others do abhor, | | Sonn.150.11 | |
With others thou shouldst not abhor my state. | With others thou shouldst not abhor my state. | | Sonn.150.12 | |
If thy vnworthinesse raisd loue in me, | If thy unworthiness raised love in me, | | Sonn.150.13 | |
More worthy I to be belou'd of thee. | More worthy I to be beloved of thee. | | Sonn.150.14 | |
| | | | |
151 | 151 | | Sonn.151 | |
LOue is too young to know what conscience is, | Love is too young to know what conscience is; | | Sonn.151.1 | |
Yet who knowes not conscience is borne of loue, | Yet who knows not conscience is born of love? | | Sonn.151.2 | |
Then gentle cheater vrge not my amisse, | Then, gentle cheater, urge not my amiss, | urge (v.) press, insist on, state emphatically | Sonn.151.3 | |
| | cheater (n.) deceiver, sharper, gamester; also: officer who looks after estates forfeited to the crown | | |
| | amiss (n.) fault, offence, misdeed | | |
| | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | | |
Least guilty of my faults thy sweet selfe proue. | Lest guilty of my faults thy sweet self prove: | | Sonn.151.4 | |
For thou betraying me, I doe betray | For, thou betraying me, I do betray | | Sonn.151.5 | |
My nobler part to my grose bodies treason, | My nobler part to my gross body's treason. | gross (adj.) vile, abhorrent, wicked | Sonn.151.6 | |
My soule doth tell my body that he may, | My soul doth tell my body that he may | | Sonn.151.7 | |
Triumph in loue, flesh staies no farther reason, | Triumph in love; flesh stays no farther reason. | reason (n.) observation, remark, point | Sonn.151.8 | |
| | stay (v.) wait (for), await | | |
But rysing at thy name doth point out thee, | But, rising at thy name, doth point out thee | | Sonn.151.9 | |
As his triumphant prize, proud of this pride, | As his triumphant prize; proud of this pride, | | Sonn.151.10 | |
He is contented thy poore drudge to be | He is contented thy poor drudge to be, | drudge (n.) slave, serf, lackey | Sonn.151.11 | |
To stand in thy affaires, fall by thy side. | To stand in thy affairs, fall by thy side. | | Sonn.151.12 | |
No want of conscience hold it that I call, | No want of conscience hold it that I call | want (n.) lack, shortage, dearth | Sonn.151.13 | |
Her loue, for whose deare loue I rise and fall. | Her love, for whose dear love I rise and fall. | | Sonn.151.14 | |
| | | | |
152 | 152 | | Sonn.152 | |
IN louing thee thou know'st I am forsworne, | In loving thee thou know'st I am forsworn, | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | Sonn.152.1 | |
But thou art twice forsworne to me loue swearing, | But thou art twice forsworn, to me love swearing, | | Sonn.152.2 | |
In act thy bed-vow broake and new faith torne, | In act thy bed-vow broke and new faith torn, | act (n.) activity, action, performance | Sonn.152.3 | |
| | bed-vow (n.) marriage vow | | |
In vowing new hate after new loue bearing: | In vowing new hate after new love bearing. | | Sonn.152.4 | |
But why of two othes breach doe I accuse thee, | But why of two oaths' breach do I accuse thee, | | Sonn.152.5 | |
When I breake twenty: I am periur'd most, | When I break twenty? I am perjured most; | | Sonn.152.6 | |
For all my vowes are othes but to misuse thee: | For all my vows are oaths but to misuse thee, | | Sonn.152.7 | |
And all my honest faith in thee is lost. | And all my honest faith in thee is lost; | | Sonn.152.8 | |
For I haue sworne deepe othes of thy deepe kindnesse: | For I have sworn deep oaths of thy deep kindness, | | Sonn.152.9 | |
Othes of thy loue, thy truth, thy constancie, | Oaths of thy love, thy truth, thy constancy, | | Sonn.152.10 | |
And to inlighten thee gaue eyes to blindnesse, | And to enlighten thee gave eyes to blindness, | enlighten (v.) light up, throw light upon, illuminate | Sonn.152.11 | |
Or made them swere against the thing they see. | Or made them swear against the thing they see; | | Sonn.152.12 | |
For I haue sworne thee faire: more periurde eye, | For I have sworn thee fair; more perjured I, | | Sonn.152.13 | |
To swere against the truth so foule a lie. | To swear against the truth so foul a lie. | | Sonn.152.14 | |
| | | | |
153 | 153 | | Sonn.153 | |
CVpid laid by his brand and fell a sleepe, | Cupid laid by his brand and fell asleep; | brand (n.) ornamental flaming torch [associated with Cupid] | Sonn.153.1 | |
| | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | | |
A maide of Dyans this aduantage found, | A maid of Dian's this advantage found, | Diana, Dian (n.) Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting | Sonn.153.2 | |
| | advantage (n.) right moment, favourable opportunity | | |
And his loue-kindling fire did quickly steepe | And his love-kindling fire did quickly steep | | Sonn.153.3 | |
In a could vallie-fountaine of that ground: | In a cold valley-fountain of that ground; | | Sonn.153.4 | |
Which borrowd from this holie fire of loue, | Which borrowed from this holy fire of love | | Sonn.153.5 | |
A datelesse liuely heat still to indure, | A dateless lively heat still to endure, | dateless (adj.) everlasting, eternal, endless | Sonn.153.6 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
And grew a seething bath which yet men proue, | And grew a seething bath, which yet men prove | prove (v.) demonstrate, establish, show to be true | Sonn.153.7 | |
Against strang malladies a soueraigne cure: | Against strange maladies a sovereign cure. | sovereign (adj.) excellent, excelling, superlative | Sonn.153.8 | |
But at my mistres eie loues brand new fired, | But at my mistress' eye love's brand new-fired, | new-fire (v.) rekindle, ignite again | Sonn.153.9 | |
The boy for triall needes would touch my brest, | The boy for trial needs would touch my breast; | | Sonn.153.10 | |
I sick withall the helpe of bath desired, | I, sick withal, the help of bath desired, | | Sonn.153.11 | |
And thether hied a sad distemperd guest. | And thither hied, a sad distempered guest, | distempered (adj.) disordered, disturbed, diseased | Sonn.153.12 | |
| | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | | |
| | hie (v.) hasten, hurry, speed | | |
But found no cure, the bath for my help lies, | But found no cure. The bath for my help lies | | Sonn.153.13 | |
Where Cupid got new fire; my mistres eye. | Where Cupid got new fire: my mistress' eyes. | | Sonn.153.14 | |
| | | | |
154 | 154 | | Sonn.154 | |
THe little Loue-God lying once a sleepe, | The little love-god lying once asleep | | Sonn.154.1 | |
Laid by his side his heart inflaming brand, | Laid by his side his heart-inflaming brand, | brand (n.) ornamental flaming torch [associated with Cupid] | Sonn.154.2 | |
Whilst many Nymphes that vou'd chast life to keep, | Whilst many nymphs that vowed chaste life to keep | | Sonn.154.3 | |
Came tripping by, but in her maiden hand, | Came tripping by; but in her maiden hand | | Sonn.154.4 | |
The fayrest votary tooke vp that fire, | The fairest votary took up that fire, | votary (n.) devotee, disciple, worshipper [of] | Sonn.154.5 | |
Which many Legions of true hearts had warm'd, | Which many legions of true hearts had warmed, | | Sonn.154.6 | |
And so the Generall of hot desire, | And so the general of hot desire | | Sonn.154.7 | |
Was sleeping by a Virgin hand disarm'd. | Was sleeping by a virgin hand disarmed. | | Sonn.154.8 | |
This brand she quenched in a coole Well by, | This brand she quenched in a cool well by, | by (adv.) near by, close at hand | Sonn.154.9 | |
Which from loues fire tooke heat perpetuall, | Which from love's fire took heat perpetual, | | Sonn.154.10 | |
Growing a bath and healthfull remedy, | Growing a bath and healthful remedy | | Sonn.154.11 | |
For men diseasd, but I my Mistrisse thrall, | For men diseased; but I, my mistress' thrall, | thrall (n.) slave, subject, captive | Sonn.154.12 | |
Came there for cure and this by that I proue, | Came there for cure, and this by that I prove: | | Sonn.154.13 | |
Loues fire heates water, water cooles not loue. | Love's fire heats water, water cools not love. | | Sonn.154.14 | |