First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter the Duke, the Magnificoes, Anthonio, Bassanio, | Enter the Duke, the magnificoes, Antonio, Bassanio, | | MV IV.i.1.1 | |
and Gratiano. | Salerio, and Gratiano with others | | MV IV.i.1.2 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
What, is Anthonio heere? | What, is Antonio here? | | MV IV.i.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
Ready, so please your grace? | Ready, so please your grace. | | MV IV.i.2 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
I am sorry for thee, thou art come to answere | I am sorry for thee. Thou art come to answer | | MV IV.i.3 | |
A stonie aduersary, an inhumane wretch, | A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch, | | MV IV.i.4 | |
Vncapable of pitty, voyd, and empty | Uncapable of pity, void and empty | uncapable (adj.) incapable, unable [to do something] | MV IV.i.5 | |
From any dram of mercie. | From any dram of mercy. | dram (n.) tiny amount, small quantity | MV IV.i.6.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
I haue heard | I have heard | | MV IV.i.6.2 | |
Your Grace hath tane great paines to qualifie | Your grace hath ta'en great pains to qualify | qualify (v.) moderate, weaken, diminish | MV IV.i.7 | |
His rigorous course: but since he stands obdurate, | His rigorous course; but since he stands obdurate, | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | MV IV.i.8 | |
And that no lawful meanes can carrie me | And that no lawful means can carry me | | MV IV.i.9 | |
Out of his enuies reach, I do oppose | Out of his envy's reach, I do oppose | envy (n.) malice, ill-will, enmity | MV IV.i.10 | |
| | oppose (v.) place in opposition, set up as resistance | | |
My patience to his fury, and am arm'd | My patience to his fury, and am armed | | MV IV.i.11 | |
To suffer with a quietnesse of spirit, | To suffer with a quietness of spirit | | MV IV.i.12 | |
The very tiranny and rage of his. | The very tyranny and rage of his. | tyranny (n.) cruelty, barbarity, unmerciful violence | MV IV.i.13 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Go one and cal the Iew into the Court. | Go one, and call the Jew into the court. | | MV IV.i.14 | |
Sal. | SALERIO | | | |
He is ready at the doore, he comes my Lord. | He is ready at the door; he comes, my lord. | | MV IV.i.15 | |
Enter Shylocke. | Enter Shylock | | MV IV.i.16 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Make roome, and let him stand before our face. | Make room, and let him stand before our face. | | MV IV.i.16 | |
Shylocke the world thinkes, and I thinke so to | Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too, | | MV IV.i.17 | |
That thou but leadest this fashion of thy mallice | That thou but lead'st this fashion of thy malice | | MV IV.i.18 | |
To the last houre of act, and then 'tis thought | To the last hour of act, and then 'tis thought | act (n.) activity, action, performance | MV IV.i.19 | |
Thou'lt shew thy mercy and remorse more strange, | Thou'lt show thy mercy and remorse more strange | remorse (n.) pity, compassion, tenderness | MV IV.i.20 | |
| | strange (adj.) special, particular, very great | | |
Than is thy strange apparant cruelty; | Than is thy strange apparent cruelty; | strange (adj.) remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural | MV IV.i.21 | |
| | apparent (adj.) plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious | | |
And where thou now exact'st the penalty, | And where thou now exacts the penalty, | | MV IV.i.22 | |
Which is a pound of this poore Merchants flesh, | Which is a pound of this poor merchant's flesh, | | MV IV.i.23 | |
Thou wilt not onely loose the forfeiture, | Thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture, | loose (v.) revoke, cancel | MV IV.i.24 | |
| | forfeiture (n.) forfeit, penalty | | |
But touch'd with humane gentlenesse and loue: | But touched with human gentleness and love, | touch (v.) affect, move, stir | MV IV.i.25 | |
Forgiue a moytie of the principall, | Forgive a moiety of the principal, | moiety (n.) share, portion, part | MV IV.i.26 | |
Glancing an eye of pitty on his losses | Glancing an eye of pity on his losses, | | MV IV.i.27 | |
That haue of late so hudled on his backe, | That have of late so huddled on his back, | | MV IV.i.28 | |
Enow to presse a royall Merchant downe; | Enow to press a royal merchant down | enow (adv.) enough | MV IV.i.29 | |
| | royal merchant merchant prince | | |
And plucke commiseration of his state | And pluck commiseration of his state | | MV IV.i.30 | |
From brassie bosomes, and rough hearts of flints, | From brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint, | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | MV IV.i.31 | |
| | brassy (adj.) hard as brass, unfeeling, impenetrable | | |
From stubborne Turkes and Tarters neuer traind | From stubborn Turks and Tartars never trained | stubborn (adj.) resistant, hostile, antagonistic | MV IV.i.32 | |
| | Tartar (n.) someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion | | |
To offices of tender curtesie, | To offices of tender courtesy. | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | MV IV.i.33 | |
We all expect a gentle answer Iew? | We all expect a gentle answer, Jew. | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | MV IV.i.34 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I haue possest your grace of what I purpose, | I have possessed your grace of what I purpose, | purpose (v.) intend, plan | MV IV.i.35 | |
| | possess (v.) notify, inform, acquaint | | |
And by our holy Sabbath haue I sworne | And by our holy Sabbath have I sworn | | MV IV.i.36 | |
To haue the due and forfeit of my bond. | To have the due and forfeit of my bond. | due (n.) debt, liability, amount owing | MV IV.i.37 | |
If you denie it, let the danger light | If you deny it, let the danger light | danger (n.) damage, harm, mischief | MV IV.i.38 | |
| | light (v.) alight, descend, fall, come to rest | | |
Vpon your Charter, and your Cities freedome. | Upon your charter and your city's freedom! | | MV IV.i.39 | |
You'l aske me why I rather choose to haue | You'll ask me why I rather choose to have | | MV IV.i.40 | |
A weight of carrion flesh, then to receiue | A weight of carrion flesh than to receive | carrion (adj.) lean as carrion, skeleton-like; or: putrefying | MV IV.i.41 | |
| | carrion (adj.) loathsome, vile, disgusting, corrupting | | |
Three thousand Ducats? Ile not answer that: | Three thousand ducats. I'll not answer that, | ducat (n.) gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries | MV IV.i.42 | |
But say it is my humor; Is it answered? | But say, it is my humour. Is it answered? | humour (n.) fancy, whim, inclination, caprice | MV IV.i.43 | |
What if my house be troubled with a Rat, | What if my house be troubled with a rat | | MV IV.i.44 | |
And I be pleas'd to giue ten thousand Ducates | And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducats | | MV IV.i.45 | |
To haue it bain'd? What, are you answer'd yet? | To have it baned? What, are you answered yet? | bane (v.) poison, kill, put down | MV IV.i.46 | |
Some men there are loue not a gaping Pigge: | Some men there are love not a gaping pig, | gaping (adj.) with mouth open [as on a dish prepared for eating] | MV IV.i.47 | |
Some that are mad, if they behold a Cat: | Some that are mad if they behold a cat, | | MV IV.i.48 | |
And others, when the bag-pipe sings i'th nose, | And others, when the bagpipe sings i'th' nose, | | MV IV.i.49 | |
Cannot containe their Vrine for affection. | Cannot contain their urine; for affection, | affection (n.) emotion, feeling | MV IV.i.50 | |
Masters of passion swayes it to the moode | Master of passion, sways it to the mood | sway (v.) control, rule, direct, govern | MV IV.i.51 | |
Of what it likes or loaths, now for your answer: | Of what it likes or loathes. Now, for your answer: | | MV IV.i.52 | |
As there is no firme reason to be rendred | As there is no firm reason to be rendered | | MV IV.i.53 | |
Why he cannot abide a gaping Pigge? | Why he cannot abide a gaping pig, | | MV IV.i.54 | |
Why he a harmlesse necessarie Cat? | Why he a harmless necessary cat, | | MV IV.i.55 | |
Why he a woollen bag-pipe: but of force | Why he a woollen bagpipe, but of force | force, of necessarily, of necessity, whether one will or not | MV IV.i.56 | |
Must yeeld to such ineuitable shame, | Must yield to such inevitable shame | | MV IV.i.57 | |
As to offend himselfe being offended: | As to offend, himself being offended; | | MV IV.i.58 | |
So can I giue no reason, nor I will not, | So can I give no reason, nor I will not, | | MV IV.i.59 | |
More then a lodg'd hate, and a certaine loathing | More than a lodged hate and a certain loathing | lodged (adj.) deep-rooted, inveterate, ingrained | MV IV.i.60 | |
| | certain (adj.) steady, settled, fixed | | |
I beare Anthonio, that I follow thus | I bear Antonio, that I follow thus | | MV IV.i.61 | |
A loosing suite against him? Are you answered? | A losing suit against him. Are you answered? | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | MV IV.i.62 | |
| | losing (adj.) involving some degree of loss | | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
This is no answer thou vnfeeling man, | This is no answer, thou unfeeling man, | | MV IV.i.63 | |
To excuse the currant of thy cruelty. | To excuse the current of thy cruelty. | current (n.) practice, course, way of behaviour | MV IV.i.64 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I am not bound to please thee with my answer. | I am not bound to please thee with my answers. | | MV IV.i.65 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Do all men kil the things they do not loue? | Do all men kill the things they do not love? | | MV IV.i.66 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Hates any man the thing he would not kill? | Hates any man the thing he would not kill? | | MV IV.i.67 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Euerie offence is not a hate at first. | Every offence is not a hate at first. | | MV IV.i.68 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
What wouldst thou haue a Serpent sting thee twice? | What, wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice? | | MV IV.i.69 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
I pray you thinke you question with the Iew: | I pray you think you question with the Jew. | question (v.) dispute, quarrel [over], call into question | MV IV.i.70 | |
You may as well go stand vpon the beach, | You may as well go stand upon the beach | | MV IV.i.71 | |
And bid the maine flood baite his vsuall height, | And bid the main flood bate his usual height, | flood (n.) sea, deep, waves, rushing water | MV IV.i.72 | |
| | main flood high tide | | |
| | bate (v.) abate, modify, lessen | | |
Or euen as well vse question with the Wolfe, | You may as well use question with the wolf | question (n.) debating, discussion, investigation | MV IV.i.73 | |
The Ewe bleate for the Lambe: | Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb, | | MV IV.i.74 | |
You may as well forbid the Mountaine Pines | You may as well forbid the mountain pines | | MV IV.i.75 | |
To wagge their high tops, and to make no noise | To wag their high-tops and to make no noise | wag (v.) move, stir, rouse | MV IV.i.76 | |
When they are fretted with the gusts of heauen: | When they are fretten with the gusts of heaven; | fret (v.) chafe, be vexed, worry | MV IV.i.77 | |
You may as well do any thing most hard, | You may as well do anything most hard | | MV IV.i.78 | |
As seeke to soften that, then which what harder? | As seek to soften that – than which what's harder? – | | MV IV.i.79 | |
His Iewish heart. Therefore I do beseech you | His Jewish heart. Therefore I do beseech you | | MV IV.i.80 | |
Make no more offers, vse no farther meanes, | Make no more offers, use no farther means, | | MV IV.i.81 | |
But with all briefe and plaine conueniencie | But with all brief and plain conveniency | conveniency (n.) convenience, opportunity, advantage | MV IV.i.82 | |
Let me haue iudgement, and the Iew his will. | Let me have judgement, and the Jew his will. | | MV IV.i.83 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
For thy three thousand Ducates heere is six. | For thy three thousand ducats here is six. | | MV IV.i.84 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
If euerie Ducat in sixe thousand Ducates | If every ducat in six thousand ducats | | MV IV.i.85 | |
Were in sixe parts, and euery part a Ducate, | Were in six parts, and every part a ducat, | | MV IV.i.86 | |
I would not draw them, I would haue my bond? | I would not draw them. I would have my bond. | draw (v.) take up, receive, collect | MV IV.i.87 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
How shalt thou hope for mercie, rendring none? | How shalt thou hope for mercy, rendering none? | | MV IV.i.88 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
What iudgement shall I dread doing no wrong? | What judgement shall I dread, doing no wrong? | dread (v.) fear, anticipate in fear, be anxious about | MV IV.i.89 | |
You haue among you many a purchast slaue, | You have among you many a purchased slave, | | MV IV.i.90 | |
Which like your Asses, and your Dogs and Mules, | Which like your asses and your dogs and mules | | MV IV.i.91 | |
You vse in abiect and in slauish parts, | You use in abject and in slavish parts, | part (n.) action, conduct, behaviour | MV IV.i.92 | |
Because you bought them. Shall I say to you, | Because you bought them. Shall I say to you, | | MV IV.i.93 | |
Let them be free, marrie them to your heires? | ‘ Let them be free! Marry them to your heirs! | | MV IV.i.94 | |
Why sweate they vnder burthens? Let their beds | Why sweat they under burdens? Let their beds | | MV IV.i.95 | |
Be made as soft as yours: and let their pallats | Be made as soft as yours, and let their palates | | MV IV.i.96 | |
Be season'd with such Viands: you will answer | Be seasoned with such viands ’? You will answer, | season (v.) gratify, delight, tease | MV IV.i.97 | |
| | viand (n.) (usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff | | |
The slaues are ours. So do I answer you. | ‘ The slaves are ours.’ So do I answer you. | | MV IV.i.98 | |
The pound of flesh which I demand of him | The pound of flesh which I demand of him | | MV IV.i.99 | |
Is deerely bought, 'tis mine, and I will haue it. | Is dearly bought, 'tis mine, and I will have it. | | MV IV.i.100 | |
If you deny me; fie vpon your Law, | If you deny me, fie upon your law! | | MV IV.i.101 | |
There is no force in the decrees of Venice; | There is no force in the decrees of Venice. | | MV IV.i.102 | |
I stand for iudgement, answer, Shall I haue it? | I stand for judgement. Answer; shall I have it? | | MV IV.i.103 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Vpon my power I may dismisse this Court, | Upon my power I may dismiss this court | power (n.) authority, government | MV IV.i.104 | |
Vnlesse Bellario a learned Doctor, | Unless Bellario, a learned doctor | | MV IV.i.105 | |
Whom I haue sent for to determine this, | Whom I have sent for to determine this, | determine (v.) make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about] | MV IV.i.106 | |
Come heere to day. | Come here today. | | MV IV.i.107.1 | |
Sal. | SALERIO | | | |
My Lord, heere stayes without | My lord, here stays without | stay (v.) wait (for), await | MV IV.i.107.2 | |
A Messenger with Letters from the Doctor, | A messenger with letters from the doctor, | | MV IV.i.108 | |
New come from Padua. | New come from Padua. | | MV IV.i.109 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Bring vs the Letters, Call the Messengers. | Bring us the letters. Call the messenger. | | MV IV.i.110 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Good cheere Anthonio. What man, corage yet: | Good cheer, Antonio! What, man, courage yet! | | MV IV.i.111 | |
The Iew shall haue my flesh, blood, bones, and all, | The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all, | | MV IV.i.112 | |
Ere thou shalt loose for me one drop of blood. | Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood. | | MV IV.i.113 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
I am a tainted Weather of the flocke, | I am a tainted wether of the flock, | wether (n.) sheep, ram | MV IV.i.114 | |
| | tainted (adj.) infected, diseased | | |
Meetest for death, the weakest kinde of fruite | Meetest for death. The weakest kind of fruit | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | MV IV.i.115 | |
Drops earliest to the ground, and so let me; | Drops earliest to the ground, and so let me. | | MV IV.i.116 | |
You cannot better be employ'd Bassanio, | You cannot better be employed, Bassanio, | | MV IV.i.117 | |
Then to liue still, and write mine Epitaph. | Than to live still, and write mine epitaph. | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | MV IV.i.118 | |
Enter Nerrissa. | Enter Nerissa dressed like a lawyer's clerk | | MV IV.i.119 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Came you from Padua from Bellario? | Came you from Padua, from Bellario? | | MV IV.i.119 | |
Ner. | NERISSA | | | |
From both. My Lord Bellario greets your Grace. | From both, my lord. Bellario greets your grace. | | MV IV.i.120 | |
| She presents a letter | | MV IV.i.121 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? | Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? | | MV IV.i.121 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
To cut the forfeiture from that bankrout there. | To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there. | forfeiture (n.) forfeit, penalty | MV IV.i.122 | |
| | bancrout, bankrout, bankerout (n./adj./v.) bankrupt | | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
Not on thy soale: but on thy soule harsh Iew | Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew, | | MV IV.i.123 | |
Thou mak'st thy knife keene: but no mettall can, | Thou mak'st thy knife keen; but no metal can, | | MV IV.i.124 | |
No, not the hangmans Axe beare halfe the keennesse | No, not the hangman's axe, bear half the keenness | | MV IV.i.125 | |
Of thy sharpe enuy. Can no prayers pierce thee? | Of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee? | envy (n.) malice, ill-will, enmity | MV IV.i.126 | |
| | pierce (v.) move, touch, get through to | | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
No, none that thou hast wit enough to make. | No, none that thou hast wit enough to make. | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | MV IV.i.127 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
O be thou damn'd, inexecrable dogge, | O be thou damned, inexecrable dog, | inexecrable (adj.) inexorable, unmoveable, relentless; or: execrable, accursed, damnable | MV IV.i.128 | |
And for thy life let iustice be accus'd: | And for thy life let justice be accused! | | MV IV.i.129 | |
Thou almost mak'st me wauer in my faith; | Thou almost mak'st me waver in my faith, | | MV IV.i.130 | |
To hold opinion with Pythagoras, | To hold opinion with Pythagoras | Pythagoras (n.) [pron: piy'thagoras] Greek philosopher and mathematician, 6th-c BC | MV IV.i.131 | |
That soules of Animals infuse themselues | That souls of animals infuse themselves | | MV IV.i.132 | |
Into the trunkes of men. Thy currish spirit | Into the trunks of men. Thy currish spirit | currish (adj.) mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome | MV IV.i.133 | |
Gouern'd a Wolfe, who hang'd for humane slaughter, | Governed a wolf who, hanged for human slaughter, | | MV IV.i.134 | |
Euen from the gallowes did his fell soule fleet; | Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet, | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | MV IV.i.135 | |
| | fleet (v.) [of souls] leave, pass away, fly off | | |
And whil'st thou layest in thy vnhallowed dam, | And whilst thou layest in thy unhallowed dam, | dam (n.) mother | MV IV.i.136 | |
Infus'd it selfe in thee: For thy desires | Infused itself in thee; for thy desires | | MV IV.i.137 | |
Are Woluish, bloody, steru'd, and rauenous. | Are wolvish, bloody, starved, and ravenous. | | MV IV.i.138 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Till thou canst raile the seale from off my bond | Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond, | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | MV IV.i.139 | |
Thou but offend'st thy Lungs to speake so loud: | Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud. | offend (v.) harm, hurt, pain | MV IV.i.140 | |
Repaire thy wit good youth, or it will fall | Repair thy wit, good youth, or it will fall | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | MV IV.i.141 | |
| | repair (v.) restore, renew, revive | | |
To endlesse ruine. I stand heere for Law. | To cureless ruin. I stand here for law. | cureless (adj.) incurable, fatal, without remedy | MV IV.i.142 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
This Letter from Bellario doth commend | This letter from Bellario doth commend | commend (v.) present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] | MV IV.i.143 | |
A yong and Learned Doctor in our Court; | A young and learned doctor to our court. | | MV IV.i.144 | |
Where is he? | Where is he? | | MV IV.i.145.1 | |
Ner. | NERISSA | | | |
He attendeth heere hard by | He attendeth here hard by | attend (v.) serve at court, wait on royalty | MV IV.i.145.2 | |
To know your answer, whether you'l admit him. | To know your answer whether you'll admit him. | | MV IV.i.146 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
With all my heart. Some three or four of you | With all my heart. Some three or four of you | | MV IV.i.147 | |
Go giue him curteous conduct to this place, | Go give him courteous conduct to this place. | | MV IV.i.148 | |
Meane time the Court shall heare Bellarioes Letter. | Meantime the court shall hear Bellario's letter. | | MV IV.i.149 | |
| CLERK | | | |
YOur Grace shall vnderstand, that at the receite of | Your grace shall understand that at the receipt of | | MV IV.i.150 | |
your Letter I am very sicke: but in the instant that your | your letter I am very sick; but in the instant that your | | MV IV.i.151 | |
messenger came, in louing visitation, was with me a young | messenger came, in loving visitation was with me a young | | MV IV.i.152 | |
Doctor of Rome, his name is Balthasar: I acquained | doctor of Rome. His name is Balthasar. I acquainted | | MV IV.i.153 | |
him with the cause in Controuersie, betweene the Iew and | him with the cause in controversy between the Jew and | | MV IV.i.154 | |
Anthonio the Merchant: We turn'd ore many Bookes together: | Antonio the merchant. We turned o'er many books together. | | MV IV.i.155 | |
hee is furnished with my opinion, which bettred | He is furnished with my opinion which, bettered | furnish (v.) provide, supply, possess | MV IV.i.156 | |
with his owne learning, the greatnesse whereof I cannot | with his own learning, the greatness whereof I cannot | | MV IV.i.157 | |
enough commend, comes with him at my importunity, to fill | enough commend, comes with him, at my importunity, to fill | importunity (n.) persistent solicitation, troublesome persistence | MV IV.i.158 | |
| | fill up (v.) satisfy, fulfil, meet | | |
| | commend (v.) praise, admire, extol | | |
vp your Graces request in my sted. I beseech you, let his | up your grace's request in my stead. I beseech you let his | | MV IV.i.159 | |
lacke of years be no impediment to let him lacke a reuerend | lack of years be no impediment to let him lack a reverend | reverend (adj.) revered, worthy, respected | MV IV.i.160 | |
estimation: for I neuer knewe so yong a body, with so old a | estimation, for I never knew so young a body with so old a | | MV IV.i.161 | |
head. I leaue him to your gracious acceptance, whose trial | head. I leave him to your gracious acceptance, whose trial | | MV IV.i.162 | |
shall better publish his commendation. | shall better publish his commendation. | | MV IV.i.163 | |
Enter Portia for Balthazar. | Enter Portia as Balthasar, dressed like a Doctor of Laws | | MV IV.i.164 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
You heare the learn'd Bellario what he writes, | You hear the learn'd Bellario, what he writes, | | MV IV.i.164 | |
And heere (I take it) is the Doctor come. | And here, I take it, is the doctor come. | | MV IV.i.165 | |
Giue me your hand: Came you from old Bellario? | Give me your hand. Come you from old Bellario? | | MV IV.i.166 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I did my Lord. | I did, my lord. | | MV IV.i.167.1 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
You are welcome: take your place; | You are welcome; take your place. | | MV IV.i.167.2 | |
Are you acquainted with the difference | Are you acquainted with the difference | difference (n.) quarrel, disagreement, dispute | MV IV.i.168 | |
That holds this present question in the Court. | That holds this present question in the court? | question (n.) argument, contention, dispute | MV IV.i.169 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I am enformed throughly of the cause. | I am informed thoroughly of the cause. | throughly (adv.) thoroughly, fully, completely | MV IV.i.170 | |
Which is the Merchant heere? and which the Iew? | Which is the merchant here? And which the Jew? | | MV IV.i.171 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Anthonio and old Shylocke, both stand forth. | Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth. | | MV IV.i.172 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Is your name Shylocke? | Is your name Shylock? | | MV IV.i.173.1 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Shylocke is my name. | Shylock is my name. | | MV IV.i.173.2 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Of a strange nature is the sute you follow, | Of a strange nature is the suit you follow, | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | MV IV.i.174 | |
Yet in such rule, that the Venetian Law | Yet in such rule that the Venetian law | rule (n.) proper discipline, good management | MV IV.i.175 | |
Cannot impugne you as you do proceed. | Cannot impugn you as you do proceed. | | MV IV.i.176 | |
You stand within his danger, do you not? | (to Antonio) You stand within his danger, do you not? | danger, (with)in one's within one's power, at one's mercy | MV IV.i.177 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
I, so he sayes. | Ay, so he says. | | MV IV.i.178.1 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Do you confesse the bond? | Do you confess the bond? | | MV IV.i.178.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
I do. | I do. | | MV IV.i.179.1 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Then must the Iew be mercifull. | Then must the Jew be merciful. | | MV IV.i.179.2 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
On what compulsion must I? Tell me that. | On what compulsion must I? Tell me that. | | MV IV.i.180 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, | The quality of mercy is not strained, | quality (n.) nature, disposition, character | MV IV.i.181 | |
| | strain (v.) constrain, force, press | | |
It droppeth as the gentle raine from heauen | It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | MV IV.i.182 | |
Vpon the place beneath. It is twice blest, | Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest, | blessed, blest (adj.) capable of blessing, full of happiness | MV IV.i.183 | |
It blesseth him that giues, and him that takes, | It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. | | MV IV.i.184 | |
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest, it becomes | 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest, it becomes | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | MV IV.i.185 | |
The throned Monarch better then his Crowne. | The throned monarch better than his crown. | | MV IV.i.186 | |
His Scepter shewes the force of temporall power, | His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, | temporal (adj.) secular, civil, worldly | MV IV.i.187 | |
The attribute to awe and Maiestie, | The attribute to awe and majesty, | | MV IV.i.188 | |
Wherein doth sit the dread and feare of Kings: | Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; | | MV IV.i.189 | |
But mercy is aboue this sceptred sway, | But mercy is above this sceptred sway, | sway (n.) power, dominion, rule | MV IV.i.190 | |
It is enthroned in the hearts of Kings, | It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, | | MV IV.i.191 | |
It is an attribute to God himselfe; | It is an attribute to God himself, | | MV IV.i.192 | |
And earthly power doth then shew likest Gods | And earthly power doth then show likest God's | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | MV IV.i.193 | |
When mercie seasons Iustice. Therefore Iew, | When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew, | | MV IV.i.194 | |
Though Iustice be thy plea, consider this, | Though justice be thy plea, consider this: | | MV IV.i.195 | |
That in the course of Iustice, none of vs | That in the course of justice none of us | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | MV IV.i.196 | |
Should see saluation: we do pray for mercie, | Should see salvation. We do pray for mercy, | | MV IV.i.197 | |
And that same prayer, doth teach vs all to render | And that same prayer doth teach us all to render | | MV IV.i.198 | |
The deeds of mercie. I haue spoke thus much | The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much | | MV IV.i.199 | |
To mittigate the iustice of thy plea: | To mitigate the justice of thy plea, | mitigate (v.) moderate, reduce the severity of | MV IV.i.200 | |
| | plea (n.) claim, argument, issue | | |
Which if thou follow, this strict course of Venice | Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice | | MV IV.i.201 | |
Must needes giue sentence 'gainst the Merchant there. | Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there. | | MV IV.i.202 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
My deeds vpon my head, I craue the Law, | My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, | crave (v.) need, demand, require | MV IV.i.203 | |
The penaltie and forfeite of my bond. | The penalty and forfeit of my bond. | | MV IV.i.204 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Is he not able to discharge the money? | Is he not able to discharge the money? | | MV IV.i.205 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
Yes, heere I tender it for him in the Court, | Yes, here I tender it for him in the court, | | MV IV.i.206 | |
Yea, twice the summe, if that will not suffice, | Yea, twice the sum. If that will not suffice, | | MV IV.i.207 | |
I will be bound to pay it ten times ore, | I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er | | MV IV.i.208 | |
On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart: | On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart. | | MV IV.i.209 | |
If this will not suffice, it must appeare | If this will not suffice, it must appear | | MV IV.i.210 | |
That malice beares downe truth. And I beseech you | That malice bears down truth. And I beseech you, | bear down (v.) overwhelm, put down, overcome | MV IV.i.211 | |
Wrest once the Law to your authority. | Wrest once the law to your authority, | wrest (v.) distort, twist, strain | MV IV.i.212 | |
To do a great right, do a little wrong, | To do a great right, do a little wrong, | | MV IV.i.213 | |
And curbe this cruell diuell of his will. | And curb this cruel devil of his will. | | MV IV.i.214 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
It must not be, there is no power in Venice | It must not be. There is no power in Venice | power (n.) authority, government | MV IV.i.215 | |
Can alter a decree established: | Can alter a decree established. | | MV IV.i.216 | |
'Twill be recorded for a President, | 'Twill be recorded for a precedent, | | MV IV.i.217 | |
And many an error by the same example, | And many an error by the same example | | MV IV.i.218 | |
Will rush into the state: It cannot be. | Will rush into the state. It cannot be. | | MV IV.i.219 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
A Daniel come to iudgement, yea a Daniel. | A Daniel come to judgement! Yea, a Daniel! | Daniel (n.) in the Bible, influential Babylonian administrator and visionary | MV IV.i.220 | |
O wise young Iudge, how do I honour thee. | O wise young judge, how I do honour thee! | | MV IV.i.221 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I pray you let me looke vpon the bond. | I pray you let me look upon the bond. | | MV IV.i.222 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Heere 'tis most reuerend Doctor, heere it is. | Here 'tis, most reverend doctor, here it is. | | MV IV.i.223 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Shylocke, there's thrice thy monie offered thee. | Shylock, there's thrice thy money offered thee. | | MV IV.i.224 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
An oath, an oath, I haue an oath in heauen: | An oath, an oath! I have an oath in heaven; | | MV IV.i.225 | |
Shall I lay periurie vpon my soule? | Shall I lay perjury upon my soul! | | MV IV.i.226 | |
No not for Venice. | No, not for Venice! | | MV IV.i.227.1 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Why this bond is forfeit, | Why, this bond is forfeit, | | MV IV.i.227.2 | |
And lawfully by this the Iew may claime | And lawfully by this the Jew may claim | | MV IV.i.228 | |
A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off | A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off | | MV IV.i.229 | |
Neerest the Merchants heart; be mercifull, | Nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful, | | MV IV.i.230 | |
Take thrice thy money, bid me teare the bond. | Take thrice thy money, bid me tear the bond. | | MV IV.i.231 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
When it is paid according to the tenure. | When it is paid, according to the tenour. | tenor, tenour (n.) meaning, purpose, intention | MV IV.i.232 | |
It doth appeare you are a worthy Iudge: | It doth appear you are a worthy judge, | | MV IV.i.233 | |
You know the Law, your exposition | You know the law, your exposition | | MV IV.i.234 | |
Hath beene most sound. I charge you by the Law, | Hath been most sound. I charge you by the law, | | MV IV.i.235 | |
Whereof you are a well-deseruing pillar, | Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar, | | MV IV.i.236 | |
Proceede to iudgement: By my soule I sweare, | Proceed to judgement. By my soul I swear | | MV IV.i.237 | |
There is no power in the tongue of man | There is no power in the tongue of man | | MV IV.i.238 | |
To alter me: I stay heere on my bond. | To alter me. I stay here on my bond. | stay (v.) linger, tarry, delay | MV IV.i.239 | |
An. | ANTONIO | | | |
Most heartily I do beseech the Court | Most heartily I do beseech the court | | MV IV.i.240 | |
To giue the iudgement. | To give the judgement. | | MV IV.i.241.1 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Why then thus it is: | Why then, thus it is: | | MV IV.i.241.2 | |
you must prepare your bosome for his knife. | You must prepare your bosom for his knife. | | MV IV.i.242 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
O noble Iudge, O excellent yong man. | O noble judge! O excellent young man! | | MV IV.i.243 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
For the intent and purpose of the Law | For the intent and purpose of the law | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | MV IV.i.244 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
Hath full relation to the penaltie, | Hath full relation to the penalty, | | MV IV.i.245 | |
Which heere appeareth due vpon the bond. | Which here appeareth due upon the bond. | | MV IV.i.246 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
'Tis verie true: O wise and vpright Iudge, | 'Tis very true. O wise and upright judge! | | MV IV.i.247 | |
How much more elder art thou then thy lookes? | How much more elder art thou than thy looks! | | MV IV.i.248 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Therefore lay bare your bosome. | Therefore lay bare your bosom. | | MV IV.i.249.1 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I, his brest, | Ay, his breast, | | MV IV.i.249.2 | |
So sayes the bond, doth it not noble Iudge? | So says the bond, doth it not, noble judge? | | MV IV.i.250 | |
Neerest his heart, those are the very words. | ‘ Nearest his heart,’ those are the very words. | | MV IV.i.251 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
It is so: Are there ballance heere to weigh | It is so. Are there balance here to weigh | balance (n.) scales | MV IV.i.252 | |
the flesh? | The flesh? | | MV IV.i.253.1 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I haue them ready. | I have them ready. | | MV IV.i.253.2 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Haue by some Surgeon Shylock on your charge | Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge, | surgeon (n.) doctor, physician | MV IV.i.254 | |
| | charge (n.) expense, cost, outlay | | |
To stop his wounds, least he should bleede to death. | To stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death. | stop (v.) staunch, close up, prevent from bleeding | MV IV.i.255 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
It is not nominated in the bond? | Is it so nominated in the bond? | | MV IV.i.256 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
It is not so exprest: but what of that? | It is not so expressed, but what of that? | | MV IV.i.257 | |
'Twere good you do so much for charitie. | 'Twere good you do so much for charity. | | MV IV.i.258 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I cannot finde it, 'tis not in the bond. | I cannot find it; 'tis not in the bond. | | MV IV.i.259 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Come Merchant, haue you any thing to say? | You, merchant, have you anything to say? | | MV IV.i.260 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
But little: I am arm'd and well prepar'd. | But little. I am armed and well prepared. | | MV IV.i.261 | |
Giue me your hand Bassanio, fare you well. | Give me your hand, Bassanio, fare you well. | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | MV IV.i.262 | |
Greeue not that I am falne to this for you: | Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you, | | MV IV.i.263 | |
For heerein fortune shewes her selfe more kinde | For herein Fortune shows herself more kind | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | MV IV.i.264 | |
Then is her custome. It is still her vse | Than is her custom; it is still her use | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MV IV.i.265 | |
| | use (n.) usual practice, habit, custom | | |
To let the wretched man out-liue his wealth, | To let the wretched man outlive his wealth | | MV IV.i.266 | |
To view with hollow eye, and wrinkled brow | To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | MV IV.i.267 | |
An age of pouerty. From which lingring penance | An age of poverty, from which lingering penance | | MV IV.i.268 | |
Of such miserie, doth she cut me off: | Of such misery doth she cut me off. | | MV IV.i.269 | |
Commend me to your honourable Wife, | Commend me to your honourable wife, | commend (v.) convey greetings, present kind regards | MV IV.i.270 | |
Tell her the processe of Anthonio's end: | Tell her the process of Antonio's end, | | MV IV.i.271 | |
Say how I lou'd you; speake me faire in death: | Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death, | | MV IV.i.272 | |
And when the tale is told, bid her be iudge, | And when the tale is told, bid her be judge | | MV IV.i.273 | |
Whether Bassanio had not once a Loue: | Whether Bassanio had not once a love. | love (n.) very dear friend | MV IV.i.274 | |
Repent not you that you shall loose your friend, | Repent but you that you shall lose your friend, | | MV IV.i.275 | |
And he repents not that he payes your debt. | And he repents not that he pays your debt, | | MV IV.i.276 | |
For if the Iew do cut but deepe enough, | For if the Jew do cut but deep enough, | | MV IV.i.277 | |
Ile pay it instantly, with all my heart. | I'll pay it presently with all my heart. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | MV IV.i.278 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
Anthonio, I am married to a wife, | Antonio, I am married to a wife | | MV IV.i.279 | |
Which is as deere to me as life it selfe, | Which is as dear to me as life itself, | | MV IV.i.280 | |
But life it selfe, my wife, and all the world, | But life itself, my wife, and all the world | | MV IV.i.281 | |
Are not with me esteem'd aboue thy life. | Are not with me esteemed above thy life. | | MV IV.i.282 | |
I would loose all, I sacrifice them all | I would lose all, ay sacrifice them all | | MV IV.i.283 | |
Heere to this deuill, to deliuer you. | Here to this devil, to deliver you. | | MV IV.i.284 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Your wife would giue you little thanks for that | Your wife would give you little thanks for that | | MV IV.i.285 | |
If she were by to heare you make the offer. | If she were by to hear you make the offer. | | MV IV.i.286 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
I haue a wife whom I protest I loue, | I have a wife who I protest I love; | | MV IV.i.287 | |
I would she were in heauen, so she could | I would she were in heaven, so she could | | MV IV.i.288 | |
Intreat some power to change this currish Iew. | Entreat some power to change this currish Jew. | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | MV IV.i.289 | |
| | currish (adj.) mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome | | |
Ner. | NERISSA | | | |
'Tis well you offer it behinde her backe, | 'Tis well you offer it behind her back, | | MV IV.i.290 | |
The wish would make else an vnquiet house. | The wish would make else an unquiet house. | | MV IV.i.291 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
These be the Christian husbands: I haue a daughter | These be the Christian husbands! I have a daughter; | | MV IV.i.292 | |
Would any of the stocke of Barrabas | Would any of the stock of Barrabas | Barrabas (n.) in the Bible, a robber released instead of Christ at the Passover | MV IV.i.293 | |
Had beene her husband, rather then a Christian. | Had been her husband, rather than a Christian. | | MV IV.i.294 | |
We trifle time, I pray thee pursue sentence. | We trifle time. I pray thee pursue sentence. | trifle (v.) waste, squander, spend idly | MV IV.i.295 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
A pound of that same marchants flesh is thine, | A pound of that same merchant's flesh is thine, | | MV IV.i.296 | |
The Court awards it, and the law doth giue it. | The court awards it, and the law doth give it. | | MV IV.i.297 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Most rightfull Iudge. | Most rightful judge! | | MV IV.i.298 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
And you must cut this flesh from off his breast, | And you must cut this flesh from off his breast, | | MV IV.i.299 | |
The Law allowes it, and the Court awards it. | The law allows it, and the court awards it. | allow (v.) bestow, legally assign | MV IV.i.300 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Most learned Iudge, a sentence, come prepare. | Most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare! | | MV IV.i.301 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Tarry a little, there is something else, | Tarry a little, there is something else. | tarry (v.) stay, remain, linger | MV IV.i.302 | |
This bond doth giue thee heere no iot of bloud, | This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood; | | MV IV.i.303 | |
The words expresly are a pound of flesh: | The words expressly are ‘a pound of flesh'. | | MV IV.i.304 | |
Then take thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh, | Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh, | | MV IV.i.305 | |
But in the cutting it, if thou dost shed | But in the cutting it if thou dost shed | | MV IV.i.306 | |
One drop of Christian bloud, thy lands and goods | One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods | | MV IV.i.307 | |
Are by the Lawes of Venice confiscate | Are by the laws of Venice confiscate | | MV IV.i.308 | |
Vnto the state of Venice. | Unto the state of Venice. | | MV IV.i.309 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
O vpright Iudge, / Marke Iew, ô learned Iudge. | O upright judge! Mark, Jew. O learned judge! | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | MV IV.i.310 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Is that the law? | Is that the law? | | MV IV.i.311.1 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Thy selfe shalt see the Act: | Thyself shalt see the act, | | MV IV.i.311.2 | |
For as thou vrgest iustice, be assur'd | For, as thou urgest justice, be assured | | MV IV.i.312 | |
Thou shalt haue iustice more then thou desirest. | Thou shalt have justice more than thou desir'st. | desire (v.) request, wish, ask [for] | MV IV.i.313 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
O learned Iudge, mark Iew, a learned Iudge. | O learned judge! Mark, Jew. A learned judge! | | MV IV.i.314 | |
Iew. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I take this offer then, pay the bond thrice, | I take this offer then. Pay the bond thrice | | MV IV.i.315 | |
And let the Christian goe. | And let the Christian go. | | MV IV.i.316.1 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Heere is the money. | Here is the money. | | MV IV.i.316.2 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Soft, | Soft! | | MV IV.i.317 | |
the Iew shall haue all iustice, soft, no haste, | The Jew shall have all justice. Soft, no haste, | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | MV IV.i.318 | |
He shall haue nothing but the penalty. | He shall have nothing but the penalty. | | MV IV.i.319 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
O Iew, an vpright Iudge, a learned Iudge. | O Jew! An upright judge, a learned judge! | | MV IV.i.320 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Therefore prepare thee to cut off the flesh, | Therefore prepare thee to cut off the flesh. | | MV IV.i.321 | |
Shed thou no bloud, nor cut thou lesse nor more | Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more | | MV IV.i.322 | |
But iust a pound of flesh: if thou tak'st more | But just a pound of flesh. If thou tak'st more | | MV IV.i.323 | |
Or lesse then a iust pound, be it so much | Or less than a just pound, be it but so much | just (adj.) accurate, exact, precise | MV IV.i.324 | |
As makes it light or heauy in the substance, | As makes it light or heavy in the substance | | MV IV.i.325 | |
Or the deuision of the twentieth part | Or the division of the twentieth part | | MV IV.i.326 | |
Of one poore scruple, nay if the scale doe turne | Of one poor scruple, nay, if the scale do turn | scruple (n.) tiny amount, last ounce | MV IV.i.327 | |
But in the estimation of a hayre, | But in the estimation of a hair, | estimation (n.) estimated amount, reckoning | MV IV.i.328 | |
Thou diest, and all thy goods are confiscate. | Thou diest, and all thy goods are confiscate. | | MV IV.i.329 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
A second Daniel, a Daniel Iew, | A second Daniel! A Daniel, Jew! | | MV IV.i.330 | |
Now infidell I haue thee on the hip. | Now, infidel, I have you on the hip! | hip, on / upon the [wrestling] at a disadvantage, in an unfavourable position | MV IV.i.331 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Why doth the Iew pause, take thy forfeiture. | Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture. | forfeiture (n.) forfeit, penalty | MV IV.i.332 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Giue me my principall, and let me goe. | Give me my principal, and let me go. | | MV IV.i.333 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
I haue it ready for thee, heere it is. | I have it ready for thee; here it is. | | MV IV.i.334 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
He hath refus'd it in the open Court, | He hath refused it in the open court. | | MV IV.i.335 | |
He shall haue meerly iustice and his bond. | He shall have merely justice and his bond. | merely (adv.) completely, totally, entirely | MV IV.i.336 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
A Daniel still say I, a second Daniel, | A Daniel, still say I, a second Daniel! | | MV IV.i.337 | |
I thanke thee Iew for teaching me that word. | I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word. | | MV IV.i.338 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Shall I not haue barely my principall? | Shall I not have barely my principal? | | MV IV.i.339 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Thou shalt haue nothing but the forfeiture, | Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture, | | MV IV.i.340 | |
To be taken so at thy perill Iew. | To be so taken at thy peril, Jew. | | MV IV.i.341 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Why then the Deuill giue him good of it: | Why, then the devil give him good of it! | | MV IV.i.342 | |
Ile stay no longer question. | I'll stay no longer question. | question (n.) questioning, interrogation, examination | MV IV.i.343.1 | |
| | stay (v.) put up with, endure, abide | | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Tarry Iew, | Tarry, Jew! | tarry (v.) stay, remain, linger | MV IV.i.343.2 | |
The Law hath yet another hold on you. | The law hath yet another hold on you. | | MV IV.i.344 | |
It is enacted in the Lawes of Venice, | It is enacted in the laws of Venice, | enact (v.) decree, ordain, enter in the records | MV IV.i.345 | |
If it be proued against an Alien, | If it be proved against an alien | | MV IV.i.346 | |
That by direct, or indirect attempts | That by direct or indirect attempts | | MV IV.i.347 | |
He seeke the life of any Citizen, | He seek the life of any citizen, | | MV IV.i.348 | |
The party gainst the which he doth contriue, | The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive | contrive (v.) scheme, plot, conspire | MV IV.i.349 | |
Shall seaze one halfe his goods, the other halfe | Shall seize one half his goods, the other half | seize, seize upon (v.) [legal] take possession of, take hold of | MV IV.i.350 | |
Comes to the priuie coffer of the State, | Comes to the privy coffer of the state, | privy (adj.) private, particular, exclusive | MV IV.i.351 | |
And the offenders life lies in the mercy | And the offender's life lies in the mercy | | MV IV.i.352 | |
Of the Duke onely, gainst all other voice. | Of the Duke only, 'gainst all other voice, | voice (n.) authoritative opinion, judgement | MV IV.i.353 | |
In which predicament I say thou standst: | In which predicament I say thou stand'st, | | MV IV.i.354 | |
For it appeares by manifest proceeding, | For it appears by manifest proceeding | | MV IV.i.355 | |
That indirectly, and directly to, | That indirectly, and directly too, | directly (adv.) plainly, clearly, evidently | MV IV.i.356 | |
Thou hast contriu'd against the very life | Thou hast contrived against the very life | | MV IV.i.357 | |
Of the defendant: and thou hast incur'd | Of the defendant, and thou hast incurred | | MV IV.i.358 | |
The danger formerly by me rehearst. | The danger formerly by me rehearsed. | | MV IV.i.359 | |
Downe therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke. | Down therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke. | | MV IV.i.360 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
Beg that thou maist haue leaue to hang thy selfe, | Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself, | | MV IV.i.361 | |
And yet thy wealth being forfeit to the state, | And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state, | | MV IV.i.362 | |
Thou hast not left the value of a cord, | Thou hast not left the value of a cord, | | MV IV.i.363 | |
Therefore thou must be hang'd at the states charge. | Therefore thou must be hanged at the state's charge. | | MV IV.i.364 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
That thou shalt see the difference of our spirit, | That thou shalt see the difference of our spirit, | | MV IV.i.365 | |
I pardon thee thy life before thou aske it: | I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it. | | MV IV.i.366 | |
For halfe thy wealth, it is Anthonio's, | For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's, | | MV IV.i.367 | |
The other halfe comes to the generall state, | The other half comes to the general state, | | MV IV.i.368 | |
Which humblenesse may driue vnto a fine. | Which humbleness may drive unto a fine. | | MV IV.i.369 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I for the state, not for Anthonio. | Ay, for the state, not for Antonio. | | MV IV.i.370 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that, | Nay, take my life and all! Pardon not that! | | MV IV.i.371 | |
You take my house, when you do take the prop | You take my house when you do take the prop | | MV IV.i.372 | |
That doth sustaine my house: you take my life | That doth sustain my house. You take my life | | MV IV.i.373 | |
When you doe take the meanes whereby I liue. | When you do take the means whereby I live. | | MV IV.i.374 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
What mercy can you render him Anthonio? | What mercy can you render him, Antonio? | | MV IV.i.375 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
A halter gratis, nothing else for Gods sake. | A halter gratis! Nothing else, for God's sake! | halter (n.) rope with a noose [for hanging] | MV IV.i.376 | |
| | gratis (adv.) for nothing, without payment | | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
So please my Lord the Duke, and all the Court | So please my lord the Duke and all the court | | MV IV.i.377 | |
To quit the fine for one halfe of his goods, | To quit the fine for one half of his goods, | quit (v.) remit, release from | MV IV.i.378 | |
I am content: so he will let me haue | I am content, so he will let me have | content (adj.) agreeable, willing, ready | MV IV.i.379 | |
The other halfe in vse, to render it | The other half in use, to render it | use (n.) trust, possession, tenure | MV IV.i.380 | |
Vpon his death, vnto the Gentleman | Upon his death unto the gentleman | | MV IV.i.381 | |
That lately stole his daughter. | That lately stole his daughter. | | MV IV.i.382 | |
Two things prouided more, that for this fauour | Two things provided more: that for this favour | | MV IV.i.383 | |
He presently become a Christian: | He presently become a Christian; | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | MV IV.i.384 | |
The other, that he doe record a gift | The other, that he do record a gift | | MV IV.i.385 | |
Heere in the Court of all he dies possest | Here in the court of all he dies possessed | | MV IV.i.386 | |
Vnto his sonne Lorenzo, and his daughter. | Unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter. | | MV IV.i.387 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
He shall doe this, or else I doe recant | He shall do this, or else I do recant | | MV IV.i.388 | |
The pardon that I late pronounced heere. | The pardon that I late pronounced here. | | MV IV.i.389 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Art thou contented Iew? what dost thou say? | Art thou contented, Jew? What dost thou say? | | MV IV.i.390 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I am content. | I am content. | content (adj.) agreeable, willing, ready | MV IV.i.391.1 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Clarke, draw a deed of gift. | Clerk, draw a deed of gift. | draw (v.) draw up, draft, frame | MV IV.i.391.2 | |
Shy. | SHYLOCK | | | |
I pray you giue me leaue to goe from hence, | I pray you, give me leave to go from hence, | | MV IV.i.392 | |
I am not well, send the deed after me, | I am not well; send the deed after me, | | MV IV.i.393 | |
And I will signe it. | And I will sign it. | | MV IV.i.394.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Get thee gone, but doe it. | Get thee gone, but do it. | | MV IV.i.394.2 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
In christning thou shalt haue two godfathers, | In christ'ning shalt thou have two godfathers. | | MV IV.i.395 | |
Had I been iudge, thou shouldst haue had ten more, | Had I been judge, thou shouldst have had ten more, | | MV IV.i.396 | |
To bring thee to the gallowes, not to the font. | To bring thee to the gallows, not the font. | | MV IV.i.397 | |
Exit. | Exit Shylock | | MV IV.i.397 | |
Du. | DUKE | | | |
Sir I intreat you with me home to dinner. | Sir, I entreat you home with me to dinner. | | MV IV.i.398 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I humbly doe desire your Grace of pardon, | I humbly do desire your grace of pardon. | | MV IV.i.399 | |
I must away this night toward Padua, | I must away this night toward Padua, | | MV IV.i.400 | |
And it is meete I presently set forth. | And it is meet I presently set forth. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | MV IV.i.401 | |
| | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
I am sorry that your leysure serues you not: | I am sorry that your leisure serves you not. | | MV IV.i.402 | |
Anthonio, gratifie this gentleman, | Antonio, gratify this gentleman, | gratify (v.) reward, repay, show gratitude for | MV IV.i.403 | |
For in my minde you are much bound to him. | For in my mind you are much bound to him. | | MV IV.i.404 | |
Exit Duke and his traine. | Exit Duke and his train | | MV IV.i.404 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend | Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend | | MV IV.i.405 | |
Haue by your wisedome beene this day acquitted | Have by your wisdom been this day acquitted | | MV IV.i.406 | |
Of greeuous penalties, in lieu whereof, | Of grievous penalties, in lieu whereof | | MV IV.i.407 | |
Three thousand Ducats due vnto the Iew | Three thousand ducats due unto the Jew | | MV IV.i.408 | |
We freely cope your curteous paines withall. | We freely cope your courteous pains withal. | cope, cope with (v.) give in recompense for | MV IV.i.409 | |
An. | ANTONIO | | | |
And stand indebted ouer and aboue | And stand indebted, over and above, | | MV IV.i.410 | |
In loue and seruice to you euermore. | In love and service to you evermore. | | MV IV.i.411 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
He is well paid that is well satisfied, | He is well paid that is well satisfied, | | MV IV.i.412 | |
And I deliuering you, am satisfied, | And I delivering you am satisfied, | | MV IV.i.413 | |
And therein doe account my selfe well paid, | And therein do account myself well paid: | account, accompt (v.) reckon, judge, consider | MV IV.i.414 | |
My minde was neuer yet more mercinarie. | My mind was never yet more mercenary. | | MV IV.i.415 | |
I pray you know me when we meete againe, | I pray you know me when we meet again, | | MV IV.i.416 | |
I wish you well, and so I take my leaue. | I wish you well, and so I take my leave. | | MV IV.i.417 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Deare sir, of force I must attempt you further, | Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further. | force, of necessarily, of necessity, whether one will or not | MV IV.i.418 | |
| | attempt (v.) tempt, persuade, win over | | |
Take some remembrance of vs as a tribute, | Take some remembrance of us as a tribute, | remembrance (n.) love-token, keepsake, memento | MV IV.i.419 | |
Not as fee: grant me two things, I pray you | Not as fee. Grant me two things, I pray you: | | MV IV.i.420 | |
Not to denie me, and to pardon me. | Not to deny me, and to pardon me. | | MV IV.i.421 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
You presse mee farre, and therefore I will yeeld, | You press me far, and therefore I will yield. | | MV IV.i.422 | |
Giue me your gloues, Ile weare them for your sake, | Give me your gloves, I'll wear them for your sake. | | MV IV.i.423 | |
| Bassanio takes off his gloves | | MV IV.i.424 | |
And for your loue Ile take this ring from you, | And for your love I'll take this ring from you. | | MV IV.i.424 | |
Doe not draw backe your hand, ile take no more, | Do not draw back your hand, I'll take no more, | | MV IV.i.425 | |
And you in loue shall not deny me this? | And you in love shall not deny me this. | | MV IV.i.426 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
This ring good sir, alas it is a trifle, | This ring, good sir, alas, it is a trifle! | | MV IV.i.427 | |
I will not shame my selfe to giue you this. | I will not shame myself to give you this. | | MV IV.i.428 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I wil haue nothing else but onely this, | I will have nothing else but only this, | | MV IV.i.429 | |
And now methinkes I haue a minde to it. | And now methinks I have a mind to it. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | MV IV.i.430 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
There's more depends on this then on the valew, | There's more depends on this than on the value. | | MV IV.i.431 | |
The dearest ring in Venice will I giue you, | The dearest ring in Venice will I give you, | | MV IV.i.432 | |
And finde it out by proclamation, | And find it out by proclamation. | | MV IV.i.433 | |
Onely for this I pray you pardon me. | Only for this, I pray you pardon me. | | MV IV.i.434 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I see sir you are liberall in offers, | I see, sir, you are liberal in offers. | | MV IV.i.435 | |
You taught me first to beg, and now me thinkes | You taught me first to beg, and now methinks | | MV IV.i.436 | |
You teach me how a beggar should be answer'd. | You teach me how a beggar should be answered. | | MV IV.i.437 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
Good sir, this ring was giuen me by my wife, | Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife, | | MV IV.i.438 | |
And when she put it on, she made me vow | And when she put it on she made me vow | | MV IV.i.439 | |
That I should neither sell, nor giue, nor lose it. | That I should neither sell nor give nor lose it. | | MV IV.i.440 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
That scuse serues many men to saue their gifts, | That 'scuse serves many men to save their gifts, | scuse (n.) excuse | MV IV.i.441 | |
And if your wife be not a mad woman, | An if your wife be not a madwoman, | an if (conj.) if | MV IV.i.442 | |
And know how well I haue deseru'd this ring, | And know how well I have deserved this ring, | | MV IV.i.443 | |
Shee would not hold out enemy for euer | She would not hold out enemy for ever | | MV IV.i.444 | |
For giuing it to me: well, peace be with you. | For giving it to me. Well, peace be with you! | | MV IV.i.445 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Portia and Nerissa | | MV IV.i.445 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
My L. Bassanio, let him haue the ring, | My Lord Bassanio, let him have the ring. | | MV IV.i.446 | |
Let his deseruings and my loue withall | Let his deservings, and my love withal, | | MV IV.i.447 | |
Be valued against your wiues commandement. | Be valued 'gainst your wife's commandment. | commandment, commandement (n.) command, instruction, order | MV IV.i.448 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Goe Gratiano, run and ouer-take him, | Go, Gratiano, run and overtake him, | | MV IV.i.449 | |
Giue him the ring, and bring him if thou canst | Give him the ring and bring him if thou canst | | MV IV.i.450 | |
Vnto Anthonios house, away, make haste. | Unto Antonio's house. Away, make haste. | | MV IV.i.451 | |
Exit Grati. | Exit Gratiano | | MV IV.i.451 | |
Come, you and I will thither presently, | Come, you and I will thither presently, | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | MV IV.i.452 | |
And in the morning early will we both | And in the morning early will we both | | MV IV.i.453 | |
Flie toward Belmont, come Anthonio. | Fly toward Belmont. Come, Antonio. | | MV IV.i.454 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | MV IV.i.454 | |