First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Baptista, Vincentio, Gremio, | Enter Baptista with Vincentio, Gremio with the | | TS V.ii.1.1 | |
the Pedant, Lucentio, and Bianca. Tranio, Biondello | Pedant, Lucentio with Bianca, Petruchio with | | TS V.ii.1.2 | |
Grumio, and Widdow: | Katherina, Hortensio with the Widow; followed by | | TS V.ii.1.3 | |
The Seruingmen with Tranio | Tranio, Biondello, and Grumio, with the Servingmen | | TS V.ii.1.4 | |
bringing in a Banquet. | bringing in a banquet | banquet, banket (n.) refreshments, light meal, dessert | TS V.ii.1.5 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
At last, though long, our iarring notes agree, | At last, though long, our jarring notes agree, | agree (v.) become harmonious, be reconciled | TS V.ii.1 | |
And time it is when raging warre is come, | And time it is when raging war is done | | TS V.ii.2 | |
To smile at scapes and perils ouerblowne: | To smile at scapes and perils overblown. | overblow (v.) blow over, pass away, abate | TS V.ii.3 | |
| | scape, 'scape (n.) escape | | |
My faire Bianca bid my father welcome, | My fair Bianca, bid my father welcome, | | TS V.ii.4 | |
While I with selfesame kindnesse welcome thine: | While I with selfsame kindness welcome thine. | kindness (n.) feeling of kinship | TS V.ii.5 | |
Brother Petruchio, sister Katerina, | Brother Petruchio, sister Katherina, | | TS V.ii.6 | |
And thou Hortentio with thy louing Widdow: | And thou, Hortensio, with thy loving widow, | | TS V.ii.7 | |
Feast with the best, and welcome to my house, | Feast with the best, and welcome to my house. | | TS V.ii.8 | |
My Banket is to close our stomakes vp | My banquet is to close our stomachs up | stomach (n.) appetite, desire [for food] | TS V.ii.9 | |
| | close up (v.) finally satisfy, put the finishing touches to | | |
After our great good cheere: praie you sit downe, | After our great good cheer. Pray you, sit down, | cheer (n.) entertainment, fare, food and drink | TS V.ii.10 | |
For now we sit to chat as well as eate. | For now we sit to chat as well as eat. | | TS V.ii.11 | |
| They sit | | TS V.ii.12 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Nothing but sit and sit, and eate and eate. | Nothing but sit and sit, and eat and eat! | | TS V.ii.12 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
Padua affords this kindnesse, sonne Petruchio. | Padua affords this kindness, son Petruchio. | afford (v.) fulfil naturally, offer routinely | TS V.ii.13 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Padua affords nothing but what is kinde. | Padua affords nothing but what is kind. | kind (adj.) loving, affectionate, fond | TS V.ii.14 | |
| | afford (v.) have to offer, be capable of supplying | | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
For both our sakes I would that word were true. | For both our sakes I would that word were true. | | TS V.ii.15 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Now for my life Hortentio feares his Widow. | Now, for my life, Hortensio fears his widow. | | TS V.ii.16 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
Then neuer trust me if I be affeard. | Then never trust me if I be afeard. | afeard (adj.) afraid, frightened, scared | TS V.ii.17 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
You are verie sencible, and yet you misse my sence: | You are very sensible, and yet you miss my sense: | sensible (adj.) endowed with good sense, perceptive, responsible | TS V.ii.18 | |
I meane Hortentio is afeard of you. | I mean Hortensio is afeard of you. | | TS V.ii.19 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
He that is giddie thinks the world turns round. | He that is giddy thinks the world turns round. | | TS V.ii.20 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Roundlie replied. | Roundly replied. | roundly (adv.) bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly | TS V.ii.21.1 | |
Kat. | KATHERINA | | | |
Mistris, how meane you that? | Mistress, how mean you that? | | TS V.ii.21.2 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
Thus I conceiue by him. | Thus I conceive by him. | conceive (v.) understand, comprehend, follow | TS V.ii.22 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Conceiues by me, how likes Hortentio that? | Conceives by me! How likes Hortensio that? | | TS V.ii.23 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
My Widdow saies, thus she conceiues her tale. | My widow says thus she conceives her tale. | tale (n.) remark, statement, utterance | TS V.ii.24 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Verie well mended: kisse him for that good Widdow. | Very well mended. Kiss him for that, good widow. | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | TS V.ii.25 | |
Kat. | KATHERINA | | | |
He that is giddie thinkes the world turnes round, | ‘ He that is giddy thinks the world turns round ’ – | | TS V.ii.26 | |
I praie you tell me what you meant by that. | I pray you tell me what you meant by that. | | TS V.ii.27 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
Your housband being troubled with a shrew, | Your husband, being troubled with a shrew, | | TS V.ii.28 | |
Measures my husbands sorrow by his woe: | Measures my husband's sorrow by his woe. | | TS V.ii.29 | |
And now you know my meaning. | And now you know my meaning, | | TS V.ii.30 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
A verie meane meaning. | A very mean meaning. | mean (adj.) unworthy, insignificant, unimportant | TS V.ii.31.1 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
Right, I meane you. | Right, I mean you. | | TS V.ii.31.2 | |
Kat. | KATHERINA | | | |
And I am meane indeede, respecting you. | And I am mean, indeed, respecting you. | mean (adj.) average, moderate, middling | TS V.ii.32 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
To her Kate. | To her, Kate! | | TS V.ii.33 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
To her Widdow. | To her, widow! | | TS V.ii.34 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down. | A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down. | mark (n.) accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound) | TS V.ii.35 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
That's my office | That's my office. | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | TS V.ii.36 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Spoke like an Officer: ha to the lad. | Spoke like an officer – ha' to thee, lad. | | TS V.ii.37 | |
Drinkes to Hortentio. | He drinks to Hortensio | | TS V.ii.38 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
How likes Gremio these quicke witted folkes? | How likes Gremio these quick-witted folks? | | TS V.ii.38 | |
Gre. | GREMIO | | | |
Beleeue me sir, they But together well. | Believe me, sir, they butt together well. | | TS V.ii.39 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
Head, and but an hastie witted bodie, | Head and butt! An hasty-witted body | hasty-witted (adj.) quick-witted, quick-thinking | TS V.ii.40 | |
| | body (n.) person, individual | | |
| | butt (n.) buttock, bottom | | |
Would say your Head and But were head and horne. | Would say your head and butt were head and horn. | | TS V.ii.41 | |
Vin. | VINCENTIO | | | |
I Mistris Bride, hath that awakened you? | Ay, mistress bride, hath that awakened you? | | TS V.ii.42 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
I, but not frighted me, therefore Ile sleepe againe. | Ay, but not frighted me, therefore I'll sleep again. | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | TS V.ii.43 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Nay that you shall not since you haue begun: | Nay, that you shall not. Since you have begun, | | TS V.ii.44 | |
Haue at you for a better iest or too. | Have at you for a bitter jest or two. | have at (v.) [said at the start of a fencing attack or other confrontation] I come at, let me at [a person] | TS V.ii.45 | |
| | bitter (adj.) sharp, shrewd, keen | | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
Am I your Bird, I meane to shift my bush, | Am I your bird? I mean to shift my bush, | bird (n.) object of prey, quarry | TS V.ii.46 | |
And then pursue me as you draw your Bow. | And then pursue me as you draw your bow. | | TS V.ii.47 | |
You are welcome all. | You are welcome all. | | TS V.ii.48 | |
Exit Bianca. | Exeunt Bianca, Katherina, and Widow | | TS V.ii.48 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
She hath preuented me, here signior Tranio, | She hath prevented me. Here, Signor Tranio, | prevent (v.) take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action | TS V.ii.49 | |
This bird you aim'd at, though you hit her not, | This bird you aimed at, though you hit her not – | | TS V.ii.50 | |
Therefore a health to all that shot and mist. | Therefore a health to all that shot and missed. | | TS V.ii.51 | |
Tri. | TRANIO | | | |
Oh sir, Lucentio slipt me like his Gray-hound, | O sir, Lucentio slipped me like his greyhound, | slip (v.) let go of, allow to leave, unleash | TS V.ii.52 | |
Which runs himselfe, and catches for his Master. | Which runs himself, and catches for his master. | | TS V.ii.53 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
A good swift simile, but something currish. | A good swift simile, but something currish. | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | TS V.ii.54 | |
| | swift (adj.) quick-witted, sharp, ready | | |
| | currish (adj.) mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome | | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
'Tis well sir that you hunted for your selfe: | 'Tis well, sir, that you hunted for yourself. | | TS V.ii.55 | |
'Tis thought your Deere does hold you at a baie. | 'Tis thought your deer does hold you at a bay. | bay (n.) [hunting] last stand, point of capture | TS V.ii.56 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
Oh, oh Petruchio, Tranio hits you now. | O, O, Petruchio! Tranio hits you now. | | TS V.ii.57 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
I thanke thee for that gird good Tranio. | I thank thee for that gird, good Tranio. | gird (n.) taunt, gibe, dig | TS V.ii.58 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Confesse, confesse, hath he not hit you here? | Confess, confess, hath he not hit you here? | | TS V.ii.59 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
A has a little gald me I confesse: | 'A has a little galled me, I confess; | gall (v.) graze, scratch | TS V.ii.60 | |
And as the Iest did glaunce awaie from me, | And as the jest did glance away from me, | glance away (v.) bounce off, ricochet off | TS V.ii.61 | |
'Tis ten to one it maim'd you too out right. | 'Tis ten to one it maimed you two outright. | | TS V.ii.62 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
Now in good sadnesse sonne Petruchio, | Now, in good sadness, son Petruchio, | sadness, in / in good in earnest, seriously | TS V.ii.63 | |
I thinke thou hast the veriest shrew of all. | I think thou hast the veriest shrew of all. | very (adj.) [intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute | TS V.ii.64 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Well, I say no: and therefore sir assurance, | Well, I say no. And therefore for assurance | assurance (n.) security, certainty, confidence | TS V.ii.65 | |
Let's each one send vnto his wife, | Let's each one send unto his wife, | | TS V.ii.66 | |
And he whose wife is most obedient, | And he whose wife is most obedient, | | TS V.ii.67 | |
To come at first when he doth send for her, | To come at first when he doth send for her, | | TS V.ii.68 | |
Shall win the wager which we will propose. | Shall win the wager which we will propose. | | TS V.ii.69 | |
Hort. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Content, what's the wager? | Content. What's the wager? | content (adj.) agreeable, willing, ready | TS V.ii.70.1 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Twentie crownes. | Twenty crowns. | crown (n.) coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings | TS V.ii.70.2 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Twentie crownes, | Twenty crowns? | | TS V.ii.71 | |
Ile venture so much of my Hawke or Hound, | I'll venture so much of my hawk or hound, | | TS V.ii.72 | |
But twentie times so much vpon my Wife. | But twenty times so much upon my wife. | | TS V.ii.73 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
A hundred then. | A hundred then. | | TS V.ii.74.1 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Content. | Content. | | TS V.ii.74.2 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
A match, 'tis done. | A match! 'Tis done. | | TS V.ii.74.3 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Who shall begin? | Who shall begin? | | TS V.ii.75.1 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
That will I. | That will I. Biondello, | | TS V.ii.75.2 | |
Goe Biondello, bid your Mistris come to me. | Go bid your mistress come to me. | | TS V.ii.76.1 | |
Bio. | BIONDELLO | | | |
Igoe. | I go. | | TS V.ii.76.2 | |
Exit. | Exit | | TS V.ii.76 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
Sonne, Ile be your halfe, Bianca comes. | Son, I'll be your half Bianca comes. | half, be one's go half-shares with one, share the stake with one | TS V.ii.77 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Ile haue no halues: Ile beare it all my selfe. | I'll have no halves. I'll bear it all myself. | | TS V.ii.78 | |
Enter Biondello. | Enter Biondello | | TS V.ii.79 | |
How now, what newes? | How now, what news? | | TS V.ii.79.1 | |
Bio. | BIONDELLO | | | |
Sir, my Mistris sends you word | Sir, my mistress sends you word | | TS V.ii.79.2 | |
That she is busie, and she cannot come. | That she is busy and she cannot come. | | TS V.ii.80 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
How? she's busie, and she cannot come: | How? She's busy, and she cannot come! | | TS V.ii.81 | |
is that an answere? | Is that an answer? | | TS V.ii.82.1 | |
Gre. | GREMIO | | | |
I, and a kinde one too: | Ay, and a kind one too. | | TS V.ii.82.2 | |
Praie God sir your wife send you not a worse. | Pray God, sir, your wife send you not a worse. | | TS V.ii.83 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
I hope better. | I hope better. | | TS V.ii.84 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Sirra Biondello, goe and intreate my wife to | Sirrah Biondello, go and entreat my wife | | TS V.ii.85 | |
come to me forthwith. | To come to me forthwith. | | TS V.ii.86.1 | |
Exit. Bion. | Exit Biondello | | TS V.ii.86 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Oh ho, intreate her, | O ho, entreat her! | | TS V.ii.86.2 | |
nay then shee must needes come. | Nay, then she must needs come. | | TS V.ii.87.1 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
I am affraid sir, | I am afraid, sir, | | TS V.ii.87.2 | |
doe what you can / Yours will not be entreated: | Do what you can, yours will not be entreated. | | TS V.ii.88 | |
Enter Biondello. | Enter Biondello | | TS V.ii.89 | |
Now, where's my wife? | Now, where's my wife? | | TS V.ii.89 | |
Bion. | BIONDELLO | | | |
She saies you haue some goodly Iest in hand, | She says you have some goodly jest in hand. | | TS V.ii.90 | |
She will not come: she bids you come to her. | She will not come. She bids you come to her. | | TS V.ii.91 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Worse and worse, she will not come: / Oh vilde, | Worse and worse, she will not come! O vile, | | TS V.ii.92 | |
intollerable, not to be indur'd: | Intolerable, not to be endured! | | TS V.ii.93 | |
Sirra Grumio, goe to your Mistris, | Sirrah Grumio, go to your mistress, | | TS V.ii.94 | |
Say I command her come to me. | Say I command her come to me. | | TS V.ii.95 | |
Exit. | Exit Grumio | | TS V.ii.95 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
I know her answere. | I know her answer. | | TS V.ii.96.1 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
What? | What? | | TS V.ii.96.2 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
She will not. | She will not. | | TS V.ii.96.3 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
The fouler fortune mine, and there an end. | The fouler fortune mine, and there an end. | fortune (n.) chance, fate, [one's ] lot | TS V.ii.97 | |
Enter Katerina. | Enter Katherina | | TS V.ii.98.1 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
Now by my hollidam here comes Katerina. | Now, by my holidame, here comes Katherina. | holidam / holidame, by my what I hold holy; or: Our Lady | TS V.ii.98 | |
Kat. | KATHERINA | | | |
What is your will sir, that you send for me? | What is your will, sir, that you send for me? | | TS V.ii.99 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Where is your sister, and Hortensios wife? | Where is your sister, and Hortensio's wife? | | TS V.ii.100 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
They sit conferring by the Parler fire. | They sit conferring by the parlour fire. | confer (v.) chat, talk together, gossip | TS V.ii.101 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Goe fetch them hither, if they denie to come, | Go fetch them hither. If they deny to come, | deny (v.) refuse, decline, scorn | TS V.ii.102 | |
Swinge me them soundly forth vnto their husbands: | Swinge me them soundly forth unto their husbands. | swinge (v.) beat, thrash, flog | TS V.ii.103 | |
Away I say, and bring them hither straight. | Away, I say, and bring them hither straight. | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | TS V.ii.104 | |
| Exit Katherina | | TS V.ii.104 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Here is a wonder, if you talke of a wonder. | Here is a wonder, if you talk of a wonder. | wonder (n.) miracle, prodigy, marvel | TS V.ii.105 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
And so it is: I wonder what it boads. | And so it is. I wonder what it bodes. | bode (v.) forebode, portend, predict, augur | TS V.ii.106 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Marrie peace it boads, and loue, and quiet life, | Marry, peace it bodes, and love, and quiet life, | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | TS V.ii.107 | |
An awfull rule, and right supremicie: | And awful rule, and right supremacy, | right (adj.) correct [in opinion], right-minded | TS V.ii.108 | |
| | awful (adj.) awe-inspiring, worthy of respect | | |
And to be short, what not, that's sweete and happie. | And, to be short, what not that's sweet and happy. | | TS V.ii.109 | |
Bap. | BAPTISTA | | | |
Now faire befall thee good Petruchio; | Now fair befall thee, good Petruchio! | fair (n.) fortune, happiness, favour | TS V.ii.110 | |
| | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen to, come to | | |
The wager thou hast won, and I will adde | The wager thou hast won, and I will add | | TS V.ii.111 | |
Vnto their losses twentie thousand crownes, | Unto their losses twenty thousand crowns – | | TS V.ii.112 | |
Another dowrie to another daughter, | Another dowry to another daughter, | | TS V.ii.113 | |
For she is chang'd as she had neuer bin. | For she is changed, as she had never been. | | TS V.ii.114 | |
Petr. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Nay, I will win my wager better yet, | Nay, I will win my wager better yet, | | TS V.ii.115 | |
And show more signe of her obedience, | And show more sign of her obedience, | | TS V.ii.116 | |
Her new built vertue and obedience. | Her new-built virtue and obedience. | | TS V.ii.117 | |
Enter Kate, Bianca, and Widdow. | Enter Katherina with Bianca and Widow | | TS V.ii.118.1 | |
See where she comes, and brings your froward Wiues | See where she comes, and brings your froward wives | froward (adj.) perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable | TS V.ii.118 | |
As prisoners to her womanlie perswasion: | As prisoners to her womanly persuasion. | | TS V.ii.119 | |
Katerine, that Cap of yours becomes you not, | Katherine, that cap of yours becomes you not. | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | TS V.ii.120 | |
Off with that bable, throw it vnderfoote. | Off with that bauble, throw it under foot. | bauble (n.) piece of rubbish, worthless trifle | TS V.ii.121 | |
| She obeys | | TS V.ii.122 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
Lord let me neuer haue a cause to sigh, | Lord, let me never have a cause to sigh | | TS V.ii.122 | |
Till I be brought to such a sillie passe. | Till I be brought to such a silly pass! | pass (n.) predicament, juncture, critical point | TS V.ii.123 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
Fie what a foolish dutie call you this? | Fie! what a foolish duty call you this? | | TS V.ii.124 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
I would your dutie were as foolish too: | I would your duty were as foolish too! | | TS V.ii.125 | |
The wisdome of your dutie faire Bianca, | The wisdom of your duty, fair Bianca, | | TS V.ii.126 | |
Hath cost me fiue hundred crownes since supper time. | Hath cost me a hundred crowns since supper-time. | | TS V.ii.127 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
The more foole you for laying on my dutie. | The more fool you for laying on my duty. | lay (v.) wager, stake, bet | TS V.ii.128 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Katherine I charge thee tell these head-strong women, | Katherine, I charge thee, tell these headstrong women | | TS V.ii.129 | |
what dutie they doe owe their Lords and husbands. | What duty they do owe their lords and husbands. | | TS V.ii.130 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
Come, come, your mocking: we will haue no telling. | Come, come, you're mocking. We will have no telling. | | TS V.ii.131 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Come on I say, and first begin with her. | Come on, I say, and first begin with her. | | TS V.ii.132 | |
Wid. | WIDOW | | | |
She shall not. | She shall not. | | TS V.ii.133 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
I say she shall, and first begin with her. | I say she shall. And first begin with her. | | TS V.ii.134 | |
Kate. | KATHERINA | | | |
Fie, fie, vnknit that thretaning vnkinde brow, | Fie, fie, unknit that threatening unkind brow, | unkind (adj.) hostile, cruel, harsh | TS V.ii.135 | |
| | brow (n.) appearance, aspect, countenance | | |
And dart not scornefull glances from those eies, | And dart not scornful glances from those eyes | | TS V.ii.136 | |
To wound thy Lord, thy King, thy Gouernour. | To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor. | | TS V.ii.137 | |
It blots thy beautie, as frosts doe bite the Meads, | It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads, | mead (n.) meadow | TS V.ii.138 | |
| | blot (n.) stain, disgrace, blemish | | |
Confounds thy fame, as whirlewinds shake faire budds, | Confounds thy fame as whirlwinds shake fair buds, | fame (n.) reputation, renown, character | TS V.ii.139 | |
| | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | | |
And in no sence is meete or amiable. | And in no sense is meet or amiable. | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | TS V.ii.140 | |
A woman mou'd, is like a fountaine troubled, | A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, | moved (adj.) in a bad temper, angered, exasperated | TS V.ii.141 | |
Muddie, ill seeming, thicke, bereft of beautie, | Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty, | ill-seeming (adj.) of ugly appearance, unpleasant to look at | TS V.ii.142 | |
| | thick (adj.) foul, nasty, dirty | | |
And while it is so, none so dry or thirstie | And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty | | TS V.ii.143 | |
Will daigne to sip, or touch one drop of it. | Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. | | TS V.ii.144 | |
Thy husband is thy Lord, thy life, thy keeper, | Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, | | TS V.ii.145 | |
Thy head, thy soueraigne: One that cares for thee, | Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee, | | TS V.ii.146 | |
And for thy maintenance. Commits his body | And for thy maintenance; commits his body | | TS V.ii.147 | |
To painfull labour, both by sea and land: | To painful labour both by sea and land, | painful (adj.) painstaking, diligent, laborious | TS V.ii.148 | |
To watch the night in stormes, the day in cold, | To watch the night in storms, the day in cold, | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | TS V.ii.149 | |
Whil'st thou ly'st warme at home, secure and safe, | Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe; | | TS V.ii.150 | |
And craues no other tribute at thy hands, | And craves no other tribute at thy hands | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | TS V.ii.151 | |
But loue, faire lookes, and true obedience; | But love, fair looks, and true obedience – | | TS V.ii.152 | |
Too little payment for so great a debt. | Too little payment for so great a debt. | | TS V.ii.153 | |
Such dutie as the subiect owes the Prince, | Such duty as the subject owes the prince, | | TS V.ii.154 | |
Euen such a woman oweth to her husband: | Even such a woman oweth to her husband. | | TS V.ii.155 | |
And when she is froward, peeuish, sullen, sowre, | And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour, | froward (adj.) perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable | TS V.ii.156 | |
And not obedient to his honest will, | And not obedient to his honest will, | | TS V.ii.157 | |
What is she but a foule contending Rebell, | What is she but a foul contending rebel | foul (adj.) detestable, vile, loathsome | TS V.ii.158 | |
| | contending (adj.) struggling, antagonistic, opposed | | |
And gracelesse Traitor to her louing Lord? | And graceless traitor to her loving lord? | graceless (adj.) wicked, ungodly, immoral | TS V.ii.159 | |
I am asham'd that women are so simple, | I am ashamed that women are so simple | simple (adj.) foolish, silly, stupid | TS V.ii.160 | |
To offer warre, where they should kneele for peace: | To offer war where they should kneel for peace, | offer (v.) make, opt for, declare | TS V.ii.161 | |
Or seeke for rule, supremacie, and sway, | Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, | sway (n.) controlling influence, guiding power, direction | TS V.ii.162 | |
When they are bound to serue, loue, and obay. | When they are bound to serve, love, and obey. | | TS V.ii.163 | |
Why are our bodies soft, and weake, and smooth, | Why are our bodies soft, and weak, and smooth, | | TS V.ii.164 | |
Vnapt to toyle and trouble in the world, | Unapt to toil and trouble in the world, | unapt (adj.) unfit, not suited | TS V.ii.165 | |
But that our soft conditions, and our harts, | But that our soft conditions and our hearts | condition (n.) disposition, temper, mood, character | TS V.ii.166 | |
Should well agree with our externall parts? | Should well agree with our external parts? | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | TS V.ii.167 | |
Come, come, you froward and vnable wormes, | Come, come, you froward and unable worms, | froward (adj.) perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable | TS V.ii.168 | |
| | unable (adj.) weak, feeble, impotent | | |
My minde hath bin as bigge as one of yours, | My mind hath been as big as one of yours, | mind (n.) inclination, desire, wish | TS V.ii.169 | |
My heart as great, my reason haplie more, | My heart as great, my reason haply more, | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | TS V.ii.170 | |
| | heart (n.) courage, spirit, valour | | |
| | great (adj.) full of emotion | | |
To bandie word for word, and frowne for frowne; | To bandy word for word and frown for frown. | bandy (v.) exchange, swap, send to and fro | TS V.ii.171 | |
But now I see our Launces are but strawes: | But now I see our lances are but straws, | | TS V.ii.172 | |
Our strength as weake, our weakenesse past compare, | Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare, | | TS V.ii.173 | |
That seeming to be most, which we indeed least are. | That seeming to be most which we indeed least are. | | TS V.ii.174 | |
Then vale your stomackes, for it is no boote, | Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot, | stomach (n.) pride, obstinacy, stubbornness | TS V.ii.175 | |
| | vail (v.) lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission] | | |
| | boot (n.) good, advantage, profit | | |
And place your hands below your husbands foote: | And place your hands below your husband's foot. | | TS V.ii.176 | |
In token of which dutie, if he please, | In token of which duty, if he please, | | TS V.ii.177 | |
My hand is readie, may it do him ease. | My hand is ready, may it do him ease. | ease (n.) comfort, relief, solace | TS V.ii.178 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Why there's a wench: Come on, and kisse mee Kate. | Why, there's a wench! Come on, and kiss me, Kate. | wench (n.) girl, lass | TS V.ii.179 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Well go thy waies olde Lad for thou shalt ha't. | Well, go thy ways, old lad, for thou shalt ha't. | ways, go thy / your well done | TS V.ii.180 | |
Vin. | VINCENTIO | | | |
Tis a good hearing, when children are toward. | 'Tis a good hearing when children are toward. | hearing (n.) news, report, spectacle | TS V.ii.181 | |
| | toward (adj.) docile, compliant, obliging | | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
But a harsh hearing, when women are froward, | But a harsh hearing when women are froward. | froward (adj.) perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable | TS V.ii.182 | |
Pet. | PETRUCHIO | | | |
Come Kate, weee'le to bed, | Come, Kate, we'll to bed. | | TS V.ii.183 | |
We three are married, but you two are sped. | We three are married, but you two are sped. | speed (v.) deal with, bring to an end, defeat | TS V.ii.184 | |
'Twas I wonne the wager, though you hit the white, | (to Lucentio) 'Twas I won the wager, though you hit the white, | white (n.) [archery] white ring at the centre of a target | TS V.ii.185 | |
And being a winner, God giue you good night. | And being a winner, God give you good night! | | TS V.ii.186 | |
Exit Petruchio | Exeunt Petruchio and Katherina | | TS V.ii.186 | |
Horten. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Now goe thy wayes, thou hast tam'd a curst Shrow. | Now, go thy ways, thou hast tamed a curst shrew. | ways, go thy / your well done | TS V.ii.187 | |
| | curst (adj.) bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross | | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Tis a wonder, by your leaue, she wil be tam'd so. | 'Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tamed so. | | TS V.ii.188 | |
| Exeunt | | TS V.ii.188 | |