The Taming of the Shrew

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Baptista, Vincentio, Gremio, Enter Baptista with Vincentio, Gremio with the TS V.ii.1.1
the Pedant, Lucentio, and Bianca. Tranio, Biondello Pedant, Lucentio with Bianca, Petruchio with TS V.ii.1.2
Grumio, and Widdow:Katherina, Hortensio with the Widow; followed by TS V.ii.1.3
The Seruingmen with TranioTranio, Biondello, and Grumio, with the Servingmen TS V.ii.1.4
bringing in a Banquet.bringing in a banquetbanquet, banket (n.)
refreshments, light meal, dessert
TS V.ii.1.5
At last, though long, our iarring notes agree,At last, though long, our jarring notes agree,agree (v.)
become harmonious, be reconciled
TS V.ii.1
And time it is when raging warre is come,And time it is when raging war is done TS V.ii.2
To smile at scapes and perils ouerblowne:To smile at scapes and perils overblown.overblow (v.)

old form: ouerblowne
blow over, pass away, abate
TS V.ii.3
scape, 'scape (n.)
My faire Bianca bid my father welcome,My fair Bianca, bid my father welcome, TS V.ii.4
While I with selfesame kindnesse welcome thine:While I with selfsame kindness welcome thine.kindness (n.)

old form: kindnesse
feeling of kinship
TS V.ii.5
Brother Petruchio, sister Katerina,Brother Petruchio, sister Katherina, TS V.ii.6
And thou Hortentio with thy louing Widdow:And thou, Hortensio, with thy loving widow, TS V.ii.7
Feast with the best, and welcome to my house,Feast with the best, and welcome to my house. TS V.ii.8
My Banket is to close our stomakes vpMy banquet is to close our stomachs upstomach (n.)

old form: stomakes
appetite, desire [for food]
TS V.ii.9
close up (v.)

old form: vp
finally satisfy, put the finishing touches to
After our great good cheere: praie you sit downe,After our great good cheer. Pray you, sit down,cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
entertainment, fare, food and drink
TS V.ii.10
For now we sit to chat as well as eate.For now we sit to chat as well as eat. TS V.ii.11
They sit TS V.ii.12
Nothing but sit and sit, and eate and eate.Nothing but sit and sit, and eat and eat! TS V.ii.12
Padua affords this kindnesse, sonne Petruchio.Padua affords this kindness, son Petruchio.afford (v.)
fulfil naturally, offer routinely
TS V.ii.13
Padua affords nothing but what is kinde.Padua affords nothing but what is kind.kind (adj.)

old form: kinde
loving, affectionate, fond
TS V.ii.14
afford (v.)
have to offer, be capable of supplying
For both our sakes I would that word were true.For both our sakes I would that word were true. TS V.ii.15
Now for my life Hortentio feares his Widow.Now, for my life, Hortensio fears his widow. TS V.ii.16
Then neuer trust me if I be affeard.Then never trust me if I be afeard.afeard (adj.)

old form: affeard
afraid, frightened, scared
TS V.ii.17
You are verie sencible, and yet you misse my sence:You are very sensible, and yet you miss my sense:sensible (adj.)

old form: sencible
endowed with good sense, perceptive, responsible
TS V.ii.18
I meane Hortentio is afeard of you.I mean Hortensio is afeard of you. TS V.ii.19
He that is giddie thinks the world turns round.He that is giddy thinks the world turns round. TS V.ii.20
Roundlie replied.Roundly replied.roundly (adv.)

old form: Roundlie
bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly
TS V.ii.21.1
Mistris, how meane you that?Mistress, how mean you that? TS V.ii.21.2
Thus I conceiue by him.Thus I conceive by him.conceive (v.)

old form: conceiue
understand, comprehend, follow
TS V.ii.22
Conceiues by me, how likes Hortentio that?Conceives by me! How likes Hortensio that? TS V.ii.23
My Widdow saies, thus she conceiues her tale.My widow says thus she conceives her tale.tale (n.)
remark, statement, utterance
TS V.ii.24
Verie well mended: kisse him for that good Widdow.Very well mended. Kiss him for that, good widow.mend (v.)
amend, improve, make better, put right
TS V.ii.25
He that is giddie thinkes the world turnes round,‘ He that is giddy thinks the world turns round ’ –  TS V.ii.26
I praie you tell me what you meant by that.I pray you tell me what you meant by that. TS V.ii.27
Your housband being troubled with a shrew,Your husband, being troubled with a shrew, TS V.ii.28
Measures my husbands sorrow by his woe:Measures my husband's sorrow by his woe. TS V.ii.29
And now you know my meaning.And now you know my meaning, TS V.ii.30
A verie meane meaning.A very mean meaning.mean (adj.)

old form: meane
unworthy, insignificant, unimportant
TS V.ii.31.1
Right, I meane you.Right, I mean you. TS V.ii.31.2
And I am meane indeede, respecting you.And I am mean, indeed, respecting you.mean (adj.)

old form: meane
average, moderate, middling
TS V.ii.32
To her Kate.To her, Kate! TS V.ii.33
To her Widdow.To her, widow! TS V.ii.34
A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down.A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down.mark (n.)
accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound)
TS V.ii.35
That's my officeThat's my (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
TS V.ii.36
Spoke like an Officer: ha to the lad.Spoke like an officer – ha' to thee, lad. TS V.ii.37
Drinkes to Hortentio.He drinks to Hortensio TS V.ii.38
How likes Gremio these quicke witted folkes?How likes Gremio these quick-witted folks? TS V.ii.38
Beleeue me sir, they But together well.Believe me, sir, they butt together well. TS V.ii.39
Head, and but an hastie witted bodie,Head and butt! An hasty-witted bodyhasty-witted (adj.)

old form: hastie witted
quick-witted, quick-thinking
TS V.ii.40
body (n.)

old form: bodie
person, individual
butt (n.)

old form: But
buttock, bottom
Would say your Head and But were head and horne.Would say your head and butt were head and horn. TS V.ii.41
I Mistris Bride, hath that awakened you?Ay, mistress bride, hath that awakened you? TS V.ii.42
I, but not frighted me, therefore Ile sleepe againe. Ay, but not frighted me, therefore I'll sleep again.fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
TS V.ii.43
Nay that you shall not since you haue begun:Nay, that you shall not. Since you have begun, TS V.ii.44
Haue at you for a better iest or too.Have at you for a bitter jest or two.have at (v.)

old form: Haue
[said at the start of a fencing attack or other confrontation] I come at, let me at [a person]
TS V.ii.45
bitter (adj.)
sharp, shrewd, keen
Am I your Bird, I meane to shift my bush,Am I your bird? I mean to shift my bush,bird (n.)
object of prey, quarry
TS V.ii.46
And then pursue me as you draw your Bow.And then pursue me as you draw your bow. TS V.ii.47
You are welcome all. You are welcome all. TS V.ii.48
Exit Bianca.Exeunt Bianca, Katherina, and Widow TS V.ii.48
She hath preuented me, here signior Tranio,She hath prevented me. Here, Signor Tranio,prevent (v.)

old form: preuented
take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action
TS V.ii.49
This bird you aim'd at, though you hit her not,This bird you aimed at, though you hit her not –  TS V.ii.50
Therefore a health to all that shot and mist.Therefore a health to all that shot and missed. TS V.ii.51
Oh sir, Lucentio slipt me like his Gray-hound,O sir, Lucentio slipped me like his greyhound,slip (v.)

old form: slipt
let go of, allow to leave, unleash
TS V.ii.52
Which runs himselfe, and catches for his Master.Which runs himself, and catches for his master. TS V.ii.53
A good swift simile, but something currish.A good swift simile, but something currish.something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
TS V.ii.54
swift (adj.)
quick-witted, sharp, ready
currish (adj.)
mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome
'Tis well sir that you hunted for your selfe:'Tis well, sir, that you hunted for yourself. TS V.ii.55
'Tis thought your Deere does hold you at a baie.'Tis thought your deer does hold you at a bay.bay (n.)

old form: baie
[hunting] last stand, point of capture
TS V.ii.56
Oh, oh Petruchio, Tranio hits you now.O, O, Petruchio! Tranio hits you now. TS V.ii.57
I thanke thee for that gird good Tranio.I thank thee for that gird, good Tranio.gird (n.)
taunt, gibe, dig
TS V.ii.58
Confesse, confesse, hath he not hit you here?Confess, confess, hath he not hit you here? TS V.ii.59
A has a little gald me I confesse:'A has a little galled me, I confess;gall (v.)

old form: gald
graze, scratch
TS V.ii.60
And as the Iest did glaunce awaie from me,And as the jest did glance away from me,glance away (v.)

old form: glaunce awaie
bounce off, ricochet off
TS V.ii.61
'Tis ten to one it maim'd you too out right.'Tis ten to one it maimed you two outright. TS V.ii.62
Now in good sadnesse sonne Petruchio,Now, in good sadness, son Petruchio,sadness, in / in good

old form: sadnesse
in earnest, seriously
TS V.ii.63
I thinke thou hast the veriest shrew of all.I think thou hast the veriest shrew of all.very (adj.)
[intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute
TS V.ii.64
Well, I say no: and therefore sir assurance,Well, I say no. And therefore for assuranceassurance (n.)
security, certainty, confidence
TS V.ii.65
Let's each one send vnto his wife,Let's each one send unto his wife, TS V.ii.66
And he whose wife is most obedient,And he whose wife is most obedient, TS V.ii.67
To come at first when he doth send for her,To come at first when he doth send for her, TS V.ii.68
Shall win the wager which we will propose.Shall win the wager which we will propose. TS V.ii.69
Content, what's the wager?Content. What's the wager?content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
TS V.ii.70.1
Twentie crownes.Twenty (n.)
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
TS V.ii.70.2
Twentie crownes,Twenty crowns? TS V.ii.71
Ile venture so much of my Hawke or Hound,I'll venture so much of my hawk or hound, TS V.ii.72
But twentie times so much vpon my Wife.But twenty times so much upon my wife. TS V.ii.73
A hundred then.A hundred then. TS V.ii.74.1
Content.Content. TS V.ii.74.2
A match, 'tis done.A match! 'Tis done. TS V.ii.74.3
Who shall begin?Who shall begin? TS V.ii.75.1
That will I.That will I. Biondello, TS V.ii.75.2
Goe Biondello, bid your Mistris come to me.Go bid your mistress come to me. TS V.ii.76.1
Igoe. I go. TS V.ii.76.2
Exit.Exit TS V.ii.76
Sonne, Ile be your halfe, Bianca comes.Son, I'll be your half Bianca comes.half, be one's

old form: halfe
go half-shares with one, share the stake with one
TS V.ii.77
Ile haue no halues: Ile beare it all my selfe.I'll have no halves. I'll bear it all myself. TS V.ii.78
Enter Biondello.Enter Biondello TS V.ii.79
How now, what newes?How now, what news? TS V.ii.79.1
Sir, my Mistris sends you wordSir, my mistress sends you word TS V.ii.79.2
That she is busie, and she cannot come.That she is busy and she cannot come. TS V.ii.80
How? she's busie, and she cannot come: How? She's busy, and she cannot come! TS V.ii.81
is that an answere?Is that an answer? TS V.ii.82.1
I, and a kinde one too:Ay, and a kind one too. TS V.ii.82.2
Praie God sir your wife send you not a worse.Pray God, sir, your wife send you not a worse. TS V.ii.83
I hope better.I hope better. TS V.ii.84
Sirra Biondello, goe and intreate my wife toSirrah Biondello, go and entreat my wife TS V.ii.85
come to me forthwith. To come to me forthwith. TS V.ii.86.1
Exit. Bion.Exit Biondello TS V.ii.86
Oh ho, intreate her, O ho, entreat her! TS V.ii.86.2
nay then shee must needes come.Nay, then she must needs come. TS V.ii.87.1
I am affraid sir, I am afraid, sir, TS V.ii.87.2
doe what you can / Yours will not be entreated: Do what you can, yours will not be entreated. TS V.ii.88
Enter Biondello.Enter Biondello TS V.ii.89
Now, where's my wife?Now, where's my wife? TS V.ii.89
She saies you haue some goodly Iest in hand,She says you have some goodly jest in hand. TS V.ii.90
She will not come: she bids you come to her.She will not come. She bids you come to her. TS V.ii.91
Worse and worse, she will not come: / Oh vilde, Worse and worse, she will not come! O vile, TS V.ii.92
intollerable, not to be indur'd:Intolerable, not to be endured! TS V.ii.93
Sirra Grumio, goe to your Mistris,Sirrah Grumio, go to your mistress, TS V.ii.94
Say I command her come to me. Say I command her come to me. TS V.ii.95
Exit.Exit Grumio TS V.ii.95
I know her answere.I know her answer. TS V.ii.96.1
What?What? TS V.ii.96.2
She will not.She will not. TS V.ii.96.3
The fouler fortune mine, and there an end.The fouler fortune mine, and there an end.fortune (n.)
chance, fate, [one's ] lot
TS V.ii.97
Enter Katerina.Enter Katherina TS V.ii.98.1
Now by my hollidam here comes Katerina.Now, by my holidame, here comes Katherina.holidam / holidame, by my
what I hold holy; or: Our Lady
TS V.ii.98
What is your will sir, that you send for me?What is your will, sir, that you send for me? TS V.ii.99
Where is your sister, and Hortensios wife?Where is your sister, and Hortensio's wife? TS V.ii.100
They sit conferring by the Parler fire.They sit conferring by the parlour fire.confer (v.)
chat, talk together, gossip
TS V.ii.101
Goe fetch them hither, if they denie to come,Go fetch them hither. If they deny to come,deny (v.)

old form: denie
refuse, decline, scorn
TS V.ii.102
Swinge me them soundly forth vnto their husbands:Swinge me them soundly forth unto their husbands.swinge (v.)
beat, thrash, flog
TS V.ii.103
Away I say, and bring them hither straight.Away, I say, and bring them hither straight.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
TS V.ii.104
Exit Katherina TS V.ii.104
Here is a wonder, if you talke of a wonder.Here is a wonder, if you talk of a wonder.wonder (n.)
miracle, prodigy, marvel
TS V.ii.105
And so it is: I wonder what it boads.And so it is. I wonder what it bodes.bode (v.)

old form: boads
forebode, portend, predict, augur
TS V.ii.106
Marrie peace it boads, and loue, and quiet life,Marry, peace it bodes, and love, and quiet life,marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
TS V.ii.107
An awfull rule, and right supremicie:And awful rule, and right supremacy,right (adj.)
correct [in opinion], right-minded
TS V.ii.108
awful (adj.)

old form: awfull
awe-inspiring, worthy of respect
And to be short, what not, that's sweete and happie.And, to be short, what not that's sweet and happy. TS V.ii.109
Now faire befall thee good Petruchio;Now fair befall thee, good Petruchio!fair (n.)

old form: faire
fortune, happiness, favour
TS V.ii.110
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
The wager thou hast won, and I will addeThe wager thou hast won, and I will add TS V.ii.111
Vnto their losses twentie thousand crownes,Unto their losses twenty thousand crowns –  TS V.ii.112
Another dowrie to another daughter,Another dowry to another daughter, TS V.ii.113
For she is chang'd as she had neuer bin.For she is changed, as she had never been. TS V.ii.114
Nay, I will win my wager better yet,Nay, I will win my wager better yet, TS V.ii.115
And show more signe of her obedience,And show more sign of her obedience, TS V.ii.116
Her new built vertue and obedience.Her new-built virtue and obedience. TS V.ii.117
Enter Kate, Bianca, and Widdow.Enter Katherina with Bianca and Widow TS V.ii.118.1
See where she comes, and brings your froward WiuesSee where she comes, and brings your froward wivesfroward (adj.)
perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable
TS V.ii.118
As prisoners to her womanlie perswasion:As prisoners to her womanly persuasion. TS V.ii.119
Katerine, that Cap of yours becomes you not,Katherine, that cap of yours becomes you not.become (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
TS V.ii.120
Off with that bable, throw it vnderfoote.Off with that bauble, throw it under foot.bauble (n.)

old form: bable
piece of rubbish, worthless trifle
TS V.ii.121
She obeys TS V.ii.122
Lord let me neuer haue a cause to sigh,Lord, let me never have a cause to sigh TS V.ii.122
Till I be brought to such a sillie passe.Till I be brought to such a silly pass!pass (n.)

old form: passe
predicament, juncture, critical point
TS V.ii.123
Fie what a foolish dutie call you this?Fie! what a foolish duty call you this? TS V.ii.124
I would your dutie were as foolish too:I would your duty were as foolish too! TS V.ii.125
The wisdome of your dutie faire Bianca,The wisdom of your duty, fair Bianca, TS V.ii.126
Hath cost me fiue hundred crownes since supper time.Hath cost me a hundred crowns since supper-time. TS V.ii.127
The more foole you for laying on my dutie.The more fool you for laying on my duty.lay (v.)
wager, stake, bet
TS V.ii.128
Katherine I charge thee tell these head-strong women, Katherine, I charge thee, tell these headstrong women TS V.ii.129
what dutie they doe owe their Lords and husbands.What duty they do owe their lords and husbands. TS V.ii.130
Come, come, your mocking: we will haue no telling.Come, come, you're mocking. We will have no telling. TS V.ii.131
Come on I say, and first begin with her.Come on, I say, and first begin with her. TS V.ii.132
She shall not.She shall not. TS V.ii.133
I say she shall, and first begin with her.I say she shall. And first begin with her. TS V.ii.134
Fie, fie, vnknit that thretaning vnkinde brow,Fie, fie, unknit that threatening unkind brow,unkind (adj.)

old form: vnkinde
hostile, cruel, harsh
TS V.ii.135
brow (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance
And dart not scornefull glances from those eies,And dart not scornful glances from those eyes TS V.ii.136
To wound thy Lord, thy King, thy Gouernour.To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor. TS V.ii.137
It blots thy beautie, as frosts doe bite the Meads,It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads,mead (n.)
TS V.ii.138
blot (n.)
stain, disgrace, blemish
Confounds thy fame, as whirlewinds shake faire budds,Confounds thy fame as whirlwinds shake fair buds,fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
TS V.ii.139
confound (v.)
destroy, overthrow, ruin
And in no sence is meete or amiable.And in no sense is meet or (adj.)

old form: meete
fit, suitable, right, proper
TS V.ii.140
A woman mou'd, is like a fountaine troubled,A woman moved is like a fountain troubled,moved (adj.)

old form: mou'd
in a bad temper, angered, exasperated
TS V.ii.141
Muddie, ill seeming, thicke, bereft of beautie,Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty,ill-seeming (adj.)

old form: ill seeming
of ugly appearance, unpleasant to look at
TS V.ii.142
thick (adj.)

old form: thicke
foul, nasty, dirty
And while it is so, none so dry or thirstieAnd while it is so, none so dry or thirsty TS V.ii.143
Will daigne to sip, or touch one drop of it.Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. TS V.ii.144
Thy husband is thy Lord, thy life, thy keeper,Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, TS V.ii.145
Thy head, thy soueraigne: One that cares for thee,Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee, TS V.ii.146
And for thy maintenance. Commits his bodyAnd for thy maintenance; commits his body TS V.ii.147
To painfull labour, both by sea and land:To painful labour both by sea and land,painful (adj.)

old form: painfull
painstaking, diligent, laborious
TS V.ii.148
To watch the night in stormes, the day in cold,To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,watch (v.)
stay awake, keep vigil
TS V.ii.149
Whil'st thou ly'st warme at home, secure and safe,Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe; TS V.ii.150
And craues no other tribute at thy hands,And craves no other tribute at thy handscrave (v.)

old form: craues
beg, entreat, request
TS V.ii.151
But loue, faire lookes, and true obedience;But love, fair looks, and true obedience –  TS V.ii.152
Too little payment for so great a debt.Too little payment for so great a debt. TS V.ii.153
Such dutie as the subiect owes the Prince,Such duty as the subject owes the prince, TS V.ii.154
Euen such a woman oweth to her husband:Even such a woman oweth to her husband. TS V.ii.155
And when she is froward, peeuish, sullen, sowre,And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour,froward (adj.)
perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable
TS V.ii.156
And not obedient to his honest will,And not obedient to his honest will, TS V.ii.157
What is she but a foule contending Rebell,What is she but a foul contending rebelfoul (adj.)

old form: foule
detestable, vile, loathsome
TS V.ii.158
contending (adj.)
struggling, antagonistic, opposed
And gracelesse Traitor to her louing Lord?And graceless traitor to her loving lord?graceless (adj.)

old form: gracelesse
wicked, ungodly, immoral
TS V.ii.159
I am asham'd that women are so simple,I am ashamed that women are so simplesimple (adj.)
foolish, silly, stupid
TS V.ii.160
To offer warre, where they should kneele for peace:To offer war where they should kneel for peace,offer (v.)
make, opt for, declare
TS V.ii.161
Or seeke for rule, supremacie, and sway,Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway,sway (n.)
controlling influence, guiding power, direction
TS V.ii.162
When they are bound to serue, loue, and obay.When they are bound to serve, love, and obey. TS V.ii.163
Why are our bodies soft, and weake, and smooth,Why are our bodies soft, and weak, and smooth, TS V.ii.164
Vnapt to toyle and trouble in the world,Unapt to toil and trouble in the world,unapt (adj.)

old form: Vnapt
unfit, not suited
TS V.ii.165
But that our soft conditions, and our harts,But that our soft conditions and our heartscondition (n.)
disposition, temper, mood, character
TS V.ii.166
Should well agree with our externall parts?Should well agree with our external parts?part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
TS V.ii.167
Come, come, you froward and vnable wormes,Come, come, you froward and unable worms,froward (adj.)
perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable
TS V.ii.168
unable (adj.)

old form: vnable
weak, feeble, impotent
My minde hath bin as bigge as one of yours,My mind hath been as big as one of yours,mind (n.)

old form: minde
inclination, desire, wish
TS V.ii.169
My heart as great, my reason haplie more,My heart as great, my reason haply more,haply (adv.)

old form: haplie
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
TS V.ii.170
heart (n.)
courage, spirit, valour
great (adj.)
full of emotion
To bandie word for word, and frowne for frowne;To bandy word for word and frown for frown.bandy (v.)

old form: bandie
exchange, swap, send to and fro
TS V.ii.171
But now I see our Launces are but strawes:But now I see our lances are but straws, TS V.ii.172
Our strength as weake, our weakenesse past compare,Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare, TS V.ii.173
That seeming to be most, which we indeed least are.That seeming to be most which we indeed least are. TS V.ii.174
Then vale your stomackes, for it is no boote,Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,stomach (n.)

old form: stomackes
pride, obstinacy, stubbornness
TS V.ii.175
vail (v.)

old form: vale
lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission]
boot (n.)

old form: boote
good, advantage, profit
And place your hands below your husbands foote:And place your hands below your husband's foot. TS V.ii.176
In token of which dutie, if he please,In token of which duty, if he please, TS V.ii.177
My hand is readie, may it do him ease.My hand is ready, may it do him ease.ease (n.)
comfort, relief, solace
TS V.ii.178
Why there's a wench: Come on, and kisse mee Kate.Why, there's a wench! Come on, and kiss me, Kate.wench (n.)
girl, lass
TS V.ii.179
Well go thy waies olde Lad for thou shalt ha't.Well, go thy ways, old lad, for thou shalt ha't.ways, go thy / your

old form: waies
well done
TS V.ii.180
Tis a good hearing, when children are toward.'Tis a good hearing when children are toward.hearing (n.)
news, report, spectacle
TS V.ii.181
toward (adj.)
docile, compliant, obliging
But a harsh hearing, when women are froward,But a harsh hearing when women are froward.froward (adj.)
perverse, obstinate, wilful, ungovernable
TS V.ii.182
Come Kate, weee'le to bed,Come, Kate, we'll to bed. TS V.ii.183
We three are married, but you two are sped.We three are married, but you two are sped.speed (v.)
deal with, bring to an end, defeat
TS V.ii.184
'Twas I wonne the wager, though you hit the white,(to Lucentio) 'Twas I won the wager, though you hit the white,white (n.)
[archery] white ring at the centre of a target
TS V.ii.185
And being a winner, God giue you good night.And being a winner, God give you good night! TS V.ii.186
Exit PetruchioExeunt Petruchio and Katherina TS V.ii.186
Now goe thy wayes, thou hast tam'd a curst Shrow.Now, go thy ways, thou hast tamed a curst shrew.ways, go thy / your

old form: goe, wayes
well done
TS V.ii.187
curst (adj.)
bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross
Tis a wonder, by your leaue, she wil be tam'd so.'Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tamed so. TS V.ii.188
Exeunt TS V.ii.188
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