First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Prospero, Ferdinand, and Miranda. | Enter Prospero, Ferdinand, and Miranda | | Tem IV.i.1.1 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
If I haue too austerely punish'd you, | If I have too austerely punished you, | austerely (adv.) seriously, sternly, severely | Tem IV.i.1 | |
Your compensation makes amends, for I | Your compensation makes amends, for I | | Tem IV.i.2 | |
Haue giuen you here, a third of mine owne life, | Have given you here a third of mine own life, | | Tem IV.i.3 | |
Or that for which I liue: who, once againe | Or that for which I live; who once again | | Tem IV.i.4 | |
I tender to thy hand: All thy vexations | I tender to thy hand. All thy vexations | tender (v.) offer, give, present | Tem IV.i.5 | |
Were but my trials of thy loue, and thou | Were but my trials of thy love, and thou | | Tem IV.i.6 | |
Hast strangely stood the test: here, afore heauen | Hast strangely stood the test. Here, afore heaven, | strangely (adv.) admirably, wonderfully, marvellously | Tem IV.i.7 | |
| | afore, 'fore (prep.) in the presence of | | |
I ratifie this my rich guift: O Ferdinand, | I ratify this my rich gift. O Ferdinand, | | Tem IV.i.8 | |
Doe not smile at me, that I boast her of, | Do not smile at me that I boast her off, | boast off (v.) boast about, extol, sing praises of | Tem IV.i.9 | |
For thou shalt finde she will out-strip all praise | For thou shalt find she will outstrip all praise, | | Tem IV.i.10 | |
And make it halt, behinde her. | And make it halt behind her. | halt (v.) limp, proceed lamely | Tem IV.i.11.1 | |
Fer. | FERDINAND | | | |
I doe beleeue it | I do believe it | | Tem IV.i.11.2 | |
Against an Oracle. | Against an oracle. | | Tem IV.i.12 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Then, as my guest, and thine owne acquisition | Then, as my gift, and thine own acquisition | | Tem IV.i.13 | |
Worthily purchas'd, take my daughter: But | Worthily purchased, take my daughter; but | | Tem IV.i.14 | |
If thou do'st breake her Virgin-knot, before | If thou dost break her virgin-knot before | virgin-knot (n.) maidenhead, virginity | Tem IV.i.15 | |
All sanctimonious ceremonies may | All sanctimonious ceremonies may | sanctimonious (adj.) holy, sacred, consecrated | Tem IV.i.16 | |
With full and holy right, be ministred, | With full and holy rite be ministered, | | Tem IV.i.17 | |
No sweet aspersion shall the heauens let fall | No sweet aspersion shall the heavens let fall | aspersion (n.) sprinkling, shower, spray | Tem IV.i.18 | |
To make this contract grow; but barraine hate, | To make this contract grow; but barren hate, | | Tem IV.i.19 | |
Sower-ey'd disdaine, and discord shall bestrew | Sour-eyed disdain and discord shall bestrew | bestrew (v.) cover, lie spread over | Tem IV.i.20 | |
The vnion of your bed, with weedes so loathly | The union of your bed with weeds so loathly | loathly (adj.) loathsome, hateful., disgusting | Tem IV.i.21 | |
That you shall hate it both: Therefore take heede, | That you shall hate it both. Therefore take heed, | | Tem IV.i.22 | |
As Hymens Lamps shall light you. | As Hymen's lamps shall light you. | Hymen (n.) [pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute | Tem IV.i.23.1 | |
Fer. | FERDINAND | | | |
As I hope | As I hope | | Tem IV.i.23.2 | |
For quiet dayes, faire Issue, and long life, | For quiet days, fair issue, and long life, | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | Tem IV.i.24 | |
| | fair (adj.) handsome, good-looking, beautiful | | |
With such loue, as 'tis now the murkiest den, | With such love as 'tis now, the murkiest den, | | Tem IV.i.25 | |
The most opportune place, the strongst suggestion, | The most opportune place, the strong'st suggestion | | Tem IV.i.26 | |
Our worser Genius can, shall neuer melt | Our worser genius can, shall never melt | worse (adj.) evil, harmful, wicked | Tem IV.i.27 | |
| | genius (n.) spirit, angel | | |
| | can (v.) be skilled [in], have ability [in] | | |
Mine honor into lust, to take away | Mine honour into lust, to take away | | Tem IV.i.28 | |
The edge of that dayes celebration, | The edge of that day's celebration | edge (n.) keen delight, special enjoyment | Tem IV.i.29 | |
When I shall thinke, or Phobus Steeds are founderd, | When I shall think or Phoebus' steeds are foundered | founder (v.) make lame, cause to break down | Tem IV.i.30 | |
| | Phoebus (n.) [pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo | | |
Or Night kept chain'd below. | Or Night kept chained below. | | Tem IV.i.31.1 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Fairely spoke; | Fairly spoke. | | Tem IV.i.31.2 | |
Sit then, and talke with her, she is thine owne; | Sit then and talk with her: she is thine own. | | Tem IV.i.32 | |
What Ariell; my industrious seruãt Ariell. | What, Ariel! My industrious servant, Ariel! | | Tem IV.i.33 | |
Enter Ariell. | Enter Ariel | | Tem IV.i.34 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
What would my potent master? here I am. | What would my potent master? Here I am. | | Tem IV.i.34 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Thou, and thy meaner fellowes, your last seruice | Thou and thy meaner fellows your last service | mean (adj.) of low rank, inferior in position, less important | Tem IV.i.35 | |
Did worthily performe: and I must vse you | Did worthily perform, and I must use you | | Tem IV.i.36 | |
In such another tricke: goe bring the rabble | In such another trick. Go bring the rabble, | rabble (n.) minions, gang, rest of the mob | Tem IV.i.37 | |
(Ore whom I giue thee powre) here, to this place: | O'er whom I give thee power, here to this place. | | Tem IV.i.38 | |
Incite them to quicke motion, for I must | Incite them to quick motion, for I must | | Tem IV.i.39 | |
Bestow vpon the eyes of this yong couple | Bestow upon the eyes of this young couple | | Tem IV.i.40 | |
Some vanity of mine Art: it is my promise, | Some vanity of mine art. It is my promise, | vanity (n.) trifling display, light-hearted show | Tem IV.i.41 | |
| | art (n.) magic, enchantment, trickery | | |
And they expect it from me. | And they expect it from me. | | Tem IV.i.42.1 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
Presently? | Presently? | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | Tem IV.i.42.2 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
I: with a twincke. | Ay, with a twink. | twink (n.) twinkling, winking of an eye | Tem IV.i.43 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
Before you can say come, and goe, | Before you can say ‘ Come ’ and ‘ Go,’ | | Tem IV.i.44 | |
And breathe twice; and cry, so, so: | And breathe twice, and cry, ‘ So, So,’ | | Tem IV.i.45 | |
Each one tripping on his Toe, | Each one, tripping on his toe, | | Tem IV.i.46 | |
Will be here with mop, and mowe. | Will be here with mop and mow. | mow (n.) derisive grimace, pout, mocking expression | Tem IV.i.47 | |
| | mop (n.) grimace, pout | | |
Doe you loue me Master? no? | Do you love me, master? No? | | Tem IV.i.48 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Dearely, my delicate Ariell: doe not approach | Dearly, my delicate Ariel. Do not approach | | Tem IV.i.49 | |
Till thou do'st heare me call. | Till thou dost hear me call. | | Tem IV.i.50.1 | |
Ar | ARIEL | | | |
Well: I conceiue. | Well, I conceive. | conceive (v.) understand, comprehend, follow | Tem IV.i.50.2 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Tem IV.i.50 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Looke thou be true: doe not giue dalliance | Look thou be true. Do not give dalliance | dalliance (n.) love-talk, flirting, amorous caressing | Tem IV.i.51 | |
Too much the raigne: the strongest oathes, are straw | Too much the rein. The strongest oaths are straw | | Tem IV.i.52 | |
To th' fire ith' blood: be more abstenious, | To th' fire i'th' blood. Be more abstemious, | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | Tem IV.i.53 | |
| | abstenious (adj.) abstemious | | |
Or else good night your vow. | Or else, good night your vow. | | Tem IV.i.54.1 | |
Fer. | FERDINAND | | | |
I warrant you, Sir, | I warrant you, sir, | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | Tem IV.i.54.2 | |
The white cold virgin Snow, vpon my heart | The white cold virgin snow upon my heart | cold (adj.) chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion | Tem IV.i.55 | |
Abates the ardour of my Liuer. | Abates the ardour of my liver. | liver (n.) part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire] | Tem IV.i.56.1 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Well. | Well. | | Tem IV.i.56.2 | |
Now come my Ariell, bring a Corolary, | Now come, my Ariel! Bring a corollary, | corollary (n.) extra one, surplus, supernumerary | Tem IV.i.57 | |
Rather then want a Spirit; appear, & pertly. | Rather than want a spirit. Appear, and pertly. | pertly (adv.) smartly, quickly, briskly | Tem IV.i.58 | |
| | want (v.) lack, need, be without | | |
No tongue: all eyes: be silent. | No tongue! All eyes! Be silent. | | Tem IV.i.59 | |
Soft musick. Enter Iris. | Soft music. Enter Iris | Iris (n.) Greek goddess of the rainbow; messenger of the gods, especially of Zeus and Hera | Tem IV.i.60.1 | |
Ir. | IRIS | | | |
Ceres, most bounteous Lady, thy rich Leas | Ceres, most bounteous lady, thy rich leas | Ceres (n.) [pron: 'seereez] Roman goddess of crops and fruit | Tem IV.i.60 | |
| | lea (n.) meadow, field | | |
Of Wheate, Rye, Barley, Fetches, Oates and Pease; | Of wheat, rye, barley, fetches, oats, and pease; | pease (n.) peas | Tem IV.i.61 | |
| | fetch (n.) type of fodder crop; vetch, tares | | |
Thy Turphie-Mountaines, where liue nibling Sheepe, | Thy turfy mountains, where live nibbling sheep, | turfy (adj.) turf-covered, grassy | Tem IV.i.62 | |
And flat Medes thetchd with Stouer, them to keepe: | And flat meads thatched with stover, them to keep; | mead (n.) meadow | Tem IV.i.63 | |
| | stover (n.) fodder grass, hay, straw | | |
Thy bankes with pioned, and twilled brims | Thy banks with pioned and twilled brims, | pioned (adj.) [unclear meaning] displaying wild orchises ('pionies'); trenched, furrowed, channelled | Tem IV.i.64 | |
| | brim (n.) edge, border, margin | | |
| | twilled (adj.) [unclear meaning] woven with osiers, tangled | | |
Which spungie Aprill, at thy hest betrims; | Which spongy April at thy hest betrims, | hest (n.) command, behest, order | Tem IV.i.65 | |
| | spongy, spungy (adj.) rainy, damp, soggy, moisture-filled | | |
| | betrim (v.) trim about, array, embellish | | |
To make cold Nymphes chast crownes; & thy broome-groues; | To make cold nymphs chaste crowns; and thy broom-groves, | broom-grove (n.) grove of broom [a yellow-flowered shrub] | Tem IV.i.66 | |
Whose shadow the dismissed Batchelor loues, | Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves, | shadow (n.) shade, seclusion, place of retirement | Tem IV.i.67 | |
| | dismissed (adj.) rejected, discarded, spurned | | |
Being lasse-lorne: thy pole-clipt vineyard, | Being lass-lorn: thy pole-clipt vineyard, | pole-clipt (adj.) with twined-round poles; hedged in by poles | Tem IV.i.68 | |
| | lass-lorn (adj.) jilted, forsaken by a sweetheart | | |
And thy Sea-marge stirrile, and rockey-hard, | And thy sea-marge, sterile and rocky-hard, | sea-marge (n.) margin of the sea, coast | Tem IV.i.69 | |
Where thou thy selfe do'st ayre, the Queene o'th Skie, | Where thou thyself dost air – the queen o'th' sky, | air (v.) exercise, take the air, provide with fresh air | Tem IV.i.70 | |
Whose watry Arch, and messenger, am I. | Whose wat'ry arch and messenger am I, | watery (adj.) made of water-drops, aqueous | Tem IV.i.71 | |
Bids thee leaue these, & with her soueraigne grace, | Bids thee leave these, and with her sovereign grace | | Tem IV.i.72 | |
Here on this grasse-plot, in this very place | Here on this grass-plot, in this very place, | | Tem IV.i.73 | |
To come, and sport: here Peacocks flye amaine: | To come and sport. Her peacocks fly amain. | sport (v.) make merry, take pleasure (in) | Tem IV.i.74 | |
| | amain (adv.) in all haste, at full speed | | |
Iuno descends. | Juno descends | Juno (n.) Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity | Tem IV.i.75.1 | |
Approach, rich Ceres, her to entertaine. | Approach, rich Ceres, her to entertain. | entertain (v.) welcome, receive kindly, treat well, show hospitality to | Tem IV.i.75 | |
Enter Ceres. | Enter Ceres | | Tem IV.i.76 | |
Cer. | CERES | | | |
Haile, many-coloured Messenger, that nere | Hail, many-coloured messenger, that ne'er | | Tem IV.i.76 | |
Do'st disobey the wife of Iup iter: | Dost disobey the wife of Jupiter; | Jupiter, Jove (n.) Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno | Tem IV.i.77 | |
Who, with thy saffron wings, vpon my flowres | Who, with thy saffron wings, upon my flowers | saffron (adj.) orange-red in colour | Tem IV.i.78 | |
Diffusest hony drops, refreshing showres, | Diffusest honey-drops, refreshing showers; | | Tem IV.i.79 | |
And with each end of thy blew bowe do'st crowne | And with each end of thy blue bow dost crown | | Tem IV.i.80 | |
My boskie acres, and my vnshrubd downe, | My bosky acres and my unshrubbed down, | bosky (adj.) bushy, full of thickets | Tem IV.i.81 | |
| | unshrubbed (adj.) bare, empty, treeless | | |
| | down (n.) downs, undulating hills | | |
Rich scarph to my proud earth: why hath thy Queene | Rich scarf to my proud earth. Why hath thy queen | | Tem IV.i.82 | |
Summond me hither, to this short gras'd Greene? | Summoned me hither to this short-grassed green? | | Tem IV.i.83 | |
Ir. | IRIS | | | |
A contract of true Loue, to celebrate, | A contract of true love to celebrate, | | Tem IV.i.84 | |
And some donation freely to estate | And some donation freely to estate | estate (v.) endow, settle upon, bestow (up)on | Tem IV.i.85 | |
| | donation (n.) gift, present, favour | | |
On the bles'd Louers. | On the blest lovers. | | Tem IV.i.86.1 | |
Cer. | CERES | | | |
Tell me heauenly Bowe, | Tell me, heavenly bow, | | Tem IV.i.86.2 | |
If Venus or her Sonne, as thou do'st know, | If Venus or her son, as thou dost know, | Venus (n.) Roman goddess of beauty and love | Tem IV.i.87 | |
Doe now attend the Queene? since they did plot | Do now attend the queen? Since they did plot | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | Tem IV.i.88 | |
The meanes, that duskie Dis, my daughter got, | The means that dusky Dis my daughter got, | Dis (n.) Roman god of the underworld; another name for Pluto | Tem IV.i.89 | |
| | dusky (adj.) dark, shadowy | | |
Her, and her blind-Boyes scandald company, | Her and her blind boy's scandalled company | scandalled (adj.) scandalous, disgraceful, shameful | Tem IV.i.90 | |
I haue forsworne. | I have forsworn. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore abandon, renounce, reject, give up | Tem IV.i.91.1 | |
Ir. | IRIS | | | |
Of her societie | Of her society | | Tem IV.i.91.2 | |
Be not afraid: I met her deitie | Be not afraid. I met her deity | | Tem IV.i.92 | |
Cutting the clouds towards Paphos: and her Son | Cutting the clouds towards Paphos, and her son | Paphos (n.) [pron: 'pafos] Cyprus; favourite abode of Venus, goddess of love | Tem IV.i.93 | |
Doue-drawn with her: here thought they to haue done | Dove-drawn with her. Here thought they to have done | | Tem IV.i.94 | |
Some wanton charme, vpon this Man and Maide, | Some wanton charm upon this man and maid, | wanton (adj.) lascivious, lewd, obscene | Tem IV.i.95 | |
Whose vowes are, that no bed-right shall be paid | Whose vows are, that no bed-right shall be paid | bed-right (n.) consummation, conjugal rights | Tem IV.i.96 | |
Till Hymens Torch be lighted: but in vaine, | Till Hymen's torch be lighted: but in vain. | Hymen (n.) [pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute | Tem IV.i.97 | |
Marses hot Minion is returnd againe, | Mars's hot minion is returned again; | minion (n.) darling, favourite, select one | Tem IV.i.98 | |
| | hot (adj.) lecherous, lustful, hot-blooded | | |
| | Mars (n.) Roman god of war | | |
Her waspish headed sonne, has broke his arrowes, | Her waspish-headed son has broke his arrows, | waspish-headed (adj.) peevish, irascible, spiteful | Tem IV.i.99 | |
Swears he will shoote no more, but play with Sparrows, | Swears he will shoot no more, but play with sparrows, | | Tem IV.i.100 | |
And be a Boy right out. | And be a boy right out. | right out outright, ordinary, out-and-out | Tem IV.i.101.1 | |
Cer. | CERES | | | |
Highest Queene of State, | Highest queen of state, | | Tem IV.i.101.2 | |
Great Iuno comes, I know her by her gate | Great Juno comes; I know her by her gait. | gait (n.) manner of walking, bearing, movement | Tem IV.i.102 | |
Iu. | JUNO | | | |
How do's my bounteous sister? goe with me | How does my bounteous sister? Go with me | | Tem IV.i.103 | |
To blesse this twaine, that they may prosperous be, | To bless this twain, that they may prosperous be, | twain (n.) two | Tem IV.i.104 | |
And honourd in their Issue. | And honoured in their issue. | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | Tem IV.i.105 | |
They sing. | They sing | | Tem IV.i.106 | |
Iu. | JUNO | | | |
Honor, riches, marriage, blessing, | Honour, riches, marriage blessing, | | Tem IV.i.106 | |
Long continuance, and encreasing, | Long continuance, and increasing, | | Tem IV.i.107 | |
Hourely ioyes, be still vpon you, | Hourly joys be still upon you! | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Tem IV.i.108 | |
Iuno sings her blessings on you. | Juno sings her blessings on you. | | Tem IV.i.109 | |
| CERES | | | |
Earths increase, foyzon plentie, | Earth's increase, foison plenty, | foison, foizon (n.) [pron: 'foyzn] abundance, plenty, profusion | Tem IV.i.110 | |
Barnes, and Garners, neuer empty. | Barns and garners never empty, | garner (n.) granary, corn storehouse | Tem IV.i.111 | |
Vines, with clustring bunches growing, | Vines with clust'ring bunches growing, | | Tem IV.i.112 | |
Plants, with goodly burthen bowing: | Plants with goodly burden bowing; | | Tem IV.i.113 | |
Spring come to you at the farthest, | Spring come to you at the farthest | | Tem IV.i.114 | |
In the very end of Haruest. | In the very end of harvest. | | Tem IV.i.115 | |
Scarcity and want shall shun you, | Scarcity and want shall shun you, | | Tem IV.i.116 | |
Ceres blessing so is on you. | Ceres' blessing so is on you. | | Tem IV.i.117 | |
Fer. | FERDINAND | | | |
This is a most maiesticke vision, and | This is a most majestic vision, and | | Tem IV.i.118 | |
Harmonious charmingly: may I be bold | Harmonious charmingly. May I be bold | charmingly (adv.) enchantingly, delightfully, fascinatingly | Tem IV.i.119 | |
To thinke these spirits? | To think these spirits? | | Tem IV.i.120.1 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Spirits, which by mine Art | Spirits, which by mine art | art (n.) magic, enchantment, trickery | Tem IV.i.120.2 | |
I haue from their confines call'd to enact | I have from their confines called to enact | enact (v.) bring about, accomplish, perform | Tem IV.i.121 | |
| | confine (n.) prison, place of confinement | | |
My present fancies. | My present fancies. | fancy (n.) imagining, flight of fancy, fanciful thought | Tem IV.i.122.1 | |
Fer. | FERDINAND | | | |
Let me liue here euer, | Let me live here ever! | | Tem IV.i.122.2 | |
So rare a wondred Father, and a wise | So rare a wondered father and a wise | rare (adj.) unusual, striking, exceptional | Tem IV.i.123 | |
| | wondered (adj.) to be wondered at, performing such wonders | | |
Makes this place Paradise. Iuno and Ceres whisper seriously, | Makes this place Paradise. | | Tem IV.i.124.1 | |
Iuno and Ceres whisper, and send Iris on employment. | Juno and Ceres whisper, and send Iris on employment | | Tem IV.i.124 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Sweet now, silence: | Sweet, now, silence! | | Tem IV.i.124.2 | |
| Juno and Ceres whisper seriously. | | Tem IV.i.125 | |
There's something else to doe: hush, and be mute | There's something else to do. Hush and be mute, | | Tem IV.i.126 | |
Or else our spell is mar'd. | Or else our spell is marred. | | Tem IV.i.127 | |
Iris. | IRIS | | | |
You Nimphs cald Nayades of y windring brooks, | You nymphs, called Naiades, of the windring brooks, | windring (adj.) winding, wandering | Tem IV.i.128 | |
With your sedg'd crownes, and euer-harmelesse lookes, | With your sedged crowns and ever-harmless looks, | sedged (adj.) made from sedges, woven from reeds | Tem IV.i.129 | |
Leaue your crispe channels, and on this green-Land | Leave your crisp channels, and on this green land | land (n.) lawn, soil, ground | Tem IV.i.130 | |
| | crisp (adj.) rippling, undulating, curling with waves | | |
Answere your summons, Iuno do's command. | Answer your summons; Juno does command. | | Tem IV.i.131 | |
Come temperate Nimphes, and helpe to celebrate | Come temperate nymphs, and help to celebrate | temperate (adj.) self-restrained, abstemious, gentle-natured | Tem IV.i.132 | |
A Contract of true Loue: be not too late. | A contract of true love. Be not too late. | | Tem IV.i.133 | |
Enter Certaine Nimphes. | Enter certain Nymphs | | Tem IV.i.134.1 | |
You Sun-burn'd Sicklemen of August weary, | You sunburned sicklemen, of August weary, | sickleman (n.) harvester using a sickle | Tem IV.i.134 | |
Come hether from the furrow, and be merry, | Come hither from the furrow, and be merry. | | Tem IV.i.135 | |
Make holly day: your Rye-straw hats put on, | Make holiday; your rye-straw hats put on, | rye-straw (adj.) made of straw from the rye plant | Tem IV.i.136 | |
And these fresh Nimphes encounter euery one | And these fresh nymphs encounter every one | encounter (v.) stand opposite, take a partner | Tem IV.i.137 | |
In Country footing. | In country footing. | footing (n.) dance, measure | Tem IV.i.138 | |
Enter certaine Reapers (properly habited:) they ioyne | Enter certain Reapers, properly habited. They join | habited (adj.) clothed, dressed, clad | Tem IV.i.139.1 | |
with the Nimphes, in a gracefull dance, towards the end | with the Nymphs in a graceful dance, towards the end | | Tem IV.i.139.2 | |
whereof, Prospero starts sodainly and speakes, after | whereof, Prospero starts suddenly and speaks; after | start (v.) jump, recoil, flinch | Tem IV.i.139.3 | |
which to a strange hollow and confused noyse, they | which, to a strange, hollow, and confused noise, they | | Tem IV.i.139.4 | |
heauily vanish. | heavily vanish | heavily (adv.) sorrowfully, sadly, gloomily | Tem IV.i.139.5 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
| (aside) | | Tem IV.i.139 | |
I had forgot that foule conspiracy | I had forgot that foul conspiracy | | Tem IV.i.139 | |
Of the beast Calliban, and his confederates | Of the beast Caliban and his confederates | | Tem IV.i.140 | |
Against my life: the minute of their plot | Against my life. The minute of their plot | | Tem IV.i.141 | |
Is almost come: Well done, auoid: no more. | Is almost come. – Well done! Avoid! No more! | avoid (v.) be off, be gone, go away | Tem IV.i.142 | |
Fer. | FERDINAND | | | |
This is strange: your fathers in some passion | This is strange. Your father's in some passion | passion (n.) emotional state, mental condition | Tem IV.i.143 | |
That workes him strongly. | That works him strongly. | strongly (adv.) greatly, powerfully, violently | Tem IV.i.144.1 | |
| | work (v.), past form wrought affect, stir, act upon | | |
Mir. | MIRANDA | | | |
Neuer till this day | Never till this day | | Tem IV.i.144.2 | |
Saw I him touch'd with anger, so distemper'd. | Saw I him touched with anger so distempered. | distempered (adj.) vexed, troubled, ill-humoured | Tem IV.i.145 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
You doe looke (my son) in a mou'd sort, | You do look, my son, in a moved sort, | moved (adj.) upset, agitated, distressed | Tem IV.i.146 | |
| | sort (n.) way, manner | | |
As if you were dismaid: be cheerefull Sir, | As if you were dismayed. Be cheerful, sir. | | Tem IV.i.147 | |
Our Reuels now are ended: These our actors, | Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | revel (n.) revelry, festivity, courtly entertainment | Tem IV.i.148 | |
(As I foretold you) were all Spirits, and | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | foretell (v.), past form foretold tell earlier, say beforehand | Tem IV.i.149 | |
Are melted into Ayre, into thin Ayre, | Are melted into air, into thin air; | | Tem IV.i.150 | |
And like the baselesse fabricke of this vision | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | baseless (adj.) unsubstantial, lacking a foundation | Tem IV.i.151 | |
The Clowd-capt Towres, the gorgeous Pallaces, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | | Tem IV.i.152 | |
The solemne Temples, the great Globe it selfe, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, | | Tem IV.i.153 | |
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolue, | Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | inherit (v.) occupy, inhabit, live on | Tem IV.i.154 | |
And like this insubstantiall Pageant faded | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | pageant (n.) show, scene, spectacle, tableau | Tem IV.i.155 | |
| | insubstantial (adj.) lacking substance, imaginary, unreal | | |
Leaue not a racke behinde: we are such stuffe | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | rack (n.) shred of cloud, fragment of mist | Tem IV.i.156 | |
| | stuff (n.) substance, composition, quality, essence | | |
As dreames are made on; and our little life | As dreams are made on; and our little life | | Tem IV.i.157 | |
Is rounded with a sleepe: Sir, I am vext, | Is rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vext. | round (v.) finish off, bring to completeness | Tem IV.i.158 | |
| | vext (adj.) vexed | | |
Beare with my weakenesse, my old braine is troubled: | Bear with my weakness; my old brain is troubled. | | Tem IV.i.159 | |
Be not disturb'd with my infirmitie, | Be not disturbed with my infirmity. | | Tem IV.i.160 | |
If you be pleas'd, retire into my Cell, | If you be pleased, retire into my cell | retire (v.) withdraw, take oneself away | Tem IV.i.161 | |
And there repose, a turne or two, Ile walke | And there repose. A turn or two I'll walk, | | Tem IV.i.162 | |
To still my beating minde. | To still my beating mind. | | Tem IV.i.163.1 | |
Fer. Mir. | FERDINAND and MIRANDA | | | |
We wish your peace. | We wish your peace. | | Tem IV.i.163.2 | |
Exit. | Exeunt Ferdinand and Miranda | | Tem IV.i.163 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Come with a thought; I thank thee Ariell: come. | Come with a thought. I thank thee, Ariel. Come! | | Tem IV.i.164 | |
Enter Ariell. | Enter Ariel | | Tem IV.i.164 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
Thy thoughts I cleaue to, what's thy pleasure? | Thy thoughts I cleave to. What's thy pleasure? | cleave to (v.) cling to, adhere to, obey | Tem IV.i.165.1 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Spirit: | Spirit, | | Tem IV.i.165.2 | |
We must prepare to meet with Caliban. | We must prepare to meet with Caliban. | | Tem IV.i.166 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
I my Commander, when I presented Ceres | Ay, my commander. When I presented Ceres, | | Tem IV.i.167 | |
I thought to haue told thee of it, but I fear'd | I thought to have told thee of it, but I feared | | Tem IV.i.168 | |
Least I might anger thee. | Lest I might anger thee. | | Tem IV.i.169 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Say again, where didst thou leaue these varlots? | Say again, where didst thou leave these varlets? | varlet (n.) knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian | Tem IV.i.170 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
I told you Sir, they were red-hot with drinking, | I told you, sir, they were red-hot with drinking. | | Tem IV.i.171 | |
So full of valour, that they smote the ayre | So full of valour that they smote the air | smite (v.), past forms smote, smit strike, hit (often, with great force) | Tem IV.i.172 | |
For breathing in their faces: beate the ground | For breathing in their faces, beat the ground | | Tem IV.i.173 | |
For kissing of their feete; yet alwaies bending | For kissing of their feet; yet always bending | bend (v.) turn, direct one's steps, proceed | Tem IV.i.174 | |
Towards their proiect: then I beate my Tabor, | Towards their project. Then I beat my tabor, | tabor (n.) type of small drum, especially used in revelling | Tem IV.i.175 | |
At which like vnback't colts they prickt their eares, | At which, like unbacked colts, they pricked their ears, | unbacked (adj.) unbroken, untrained, undisciplined | Tem IV.i.176 | |
Aduanc'd their eye-lids, lifted vp their noses | Advanced their eyelids, lifted up their noses | advance (v.) raise, lift up, upraise | Tem IV.i.177 | |
As they smelt musicke, so I charm'd their eares | As they smelt music. So I charmed their ears | | Tem IV.i.178 | |
That Calfe-like, they my lowing follow'd, through | That calf-like they my lowing followed, through | | Tem IV.i.179 | |
Tooth'd briars, sharpe firzes, pricking gosse, & thorns, | Toothed briars, sharp furzes, pricking goss, and thorns, | goss (n.) gorse, spiny shrub | Tem IV.i.180 | |
| | furze (n.) spiny shrub, gorse | | |
Which entred their fraile shins: at last I left them | Which entered their frail shins. At last I left them | | Tem IV.i.181 | |
I'th' filthy mantled poole beyond your Cell, | I'th' filthy mantled pool beyond your cell, | mantled (adj.) covered, surfaced | Tem IV.i.182 | |
There dancing vp to th' chins, that the fowle Lake | There dancing up to th' chins, that the foul lake | | Tem IV.i.183 | |
Ore-stunck their feet. | O'erstunk their feet. | overstink (v.) stink worse than, drown the smell of | Tem IV.i.184.1 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
This was well done (my bird) | This was well done, my bird! | | Tem IV.i.184.2 | |
Thy shape inuisible retaine thou still: | Thy shape invisible retain thou still. | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | Tem IV.i.185 | |
The trumpery in my house, goe bring it hither | The trumpery in my house, go bring it hither, | trumpery (n.) fancy garments, showy rubbish, worthless finery | Tem IV.i.186 | |
For stale to catch these theeues. | For stale to catch these thieves. | stale (n.) [falconry] decoy, lure, stalking-horse | Tem IV.i.187.1 | |
Ar. | ARIEL | | | |
I go, I goe. | I go, I go! | | Tem IV.i.187.2 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Tem IV.i.187 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
A Deuill, a borne-Deuill, on whose nature | A devil, a born devil, on whose nature | | Tem IV.i.188 | |
Nurture can neuer sticke: on whom my paines | Nurture can never stick; on whom my pains, | | Tem IV.i.189 | |
Humanely taken, all, all lost, quite lost, | Humanely taken, all, all lost, quite lost. | | Tem IV.i.190 | |
And, as with age, his body ouglier growes, | And as with age his body uglier grows, | | Tem IV.i.191 | |
So his minde cankers: I will plague them all, | So his mind cankers. I will plague them all | canker (v.) decay, become corrupt, grow malignant | Tem IV.i.192 | |
Euen to roaring: | Even to roaring. | | Tem IV.i.193.1 | |
Enter Ariell, loaden with glistering apparell, &c. | Enter Ariel, loaden with glistering apparel, etc. | glistering (adj.) glittering, shining, sparkling | Tem IV.i.193 | |
| | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | | |
Come, hang on them this line. | Come, hang them on this line. | line (n.) lime tree, linden tree | Tem IV.i.193.2 | |
Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, all wet | Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, all wet | | Tem IV.i.194 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Pray you tread softly, that the blinde Mole may not | Pray you, tread softly, that the blind mole may not | | Tem IV.i.194 | |
heare a foot fall: we now are neere his Cell. | Hear a foot fall. We now are near his cell. | cell (n.) small humble dwelling | Tem IV.i.195 | |
St. | STEPHANO | | | |
Monster, your Fairy, w you say is a harmles | Monster, your fairy, which you say is a harmless | | Tem IV.i.196 | |
Fairy, / Has done little better then plaid the Iacke | fairy, has done little better than played the Jack | Jack (n.) Jack o'lantern, trickster, practical joker | Tem IV.i.197 | |
with vs. | with us. | | Tem IV.i.198 | |
Trin. | TRINCULO | | | |
Monster, I do smell all horse-pisse, at which | Monster, I do smell all horse-piss, at which | | Tem IV.i.199 | |
My nose is in great indignation. | my nose is in great indignation. | | Tem IV.i.200 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
So is mine. Do you heare Monster: If I | So is mine. Do you hear, monster? If I | | Tem IV.i.201 | |
should / Take a displeasure against you: Looke you. | should take a displeasure against you, look you – | | Tem IV.i.202 | |
Trin. | TRINCULO | | | |
Thou wert but a lost Monster. | Thou wert but a lost monster. | lost (adj.) ruined, perished, destroyed | Tem IV.i.203 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Good my Lord, giue me thy fauour stil, | Good my lord, give me thy favour still. | | Tem IV.i.204 | |
Be patient, for the prize Ile bring thee too | Be patient, for the prize I'll bring thee to | | Tem IV.i.205 | |
Shall hudwinke this mischance: therefore speake softly, | Shall hoodwink this mischance. Therefore, speak softly. | mischance (n.) misfortune, calamity, mishap | Tem IV.i.206 | |
| | hoodwink (v.) cover up, hide from sight | | |
All's husht as midnight yet. | All's hushed as midnight yet. | | Tem IV.i.207 | |
Trin. | TRINCULO | | | |
I, but to loose our bottles in the Poole. | Ay, but to lose our bottles in the pool – | | Tem IV.i.208 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
There is not onely disgrace and dishonor in | There is not only disgrace and dishonour in | | Tem IV.i.209 | |
that / Monster, but an infinite losse. | that, monster, but an infinite loss. | | Tem IV.i.210 | |
Tr. | TRINCULO | | | |
That's more to me then my wetting: / Yet this | That's more to me than my wetting. Yet this | | Tem IV.i.211 | |
is your harmlesse Fairy, Monster. | is your harmless fairy, monster. | | Tem IV.i.212 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
I will fetch off my bottle, / Though I be o're | I will fetch off my bottle, though I be o'er | fetch off (v.) rescue, get back, retrieve | Tem IV.i.213 | |
eares for my labour. | ears for my labour. | ears, over drowned | Tem IV.i.214 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Pre-thee (my King) be quiet. Seest thou heere | Prithee, my king, be quiet. Seest thou here, | | Tem IV.i.215 | |
This is the mouth o'th Cell: no noise, and enter: | This is the mouth o'th' cell. No noise, and enter. | | Tem IV.i.216 | |
Do that good mischeefe, which may make this Island | Do that good mischief which may make this island | | Tem IV.i.217 | |
Thine owne for euer, and I thy Caliban | Thine own for ever, and I, thy Caliban, | | Tem IV.i.218 | |
For aye thy foot-licker. | For aye thy foot-licker. | aye (adv.) always, ever, for eternity | Tem IV.i.219 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Giue me thy hand, I do begin to haue bloody | Give me thy hand. I do begin to have bloody | bloody (adj.) bloodthirsty, warlike, ferocious | Tem IV.i.220 | |
thoughts. | thoughts. | | Tem IV.i.221 | |
Trin. | TRINCULO | | | |
O King Stephano, O Peere: O worthy | O King Stephano! O peer! O worthy | | Tem IV.i.222 | |
Stephano, / Looke what a wardrobe heere is for thee. | Stephano, look what a wardrobe here is for thee! | | Tem IV.i.223 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Let it alone thou foole, it is but trash. | Let it alone, thou fool! It is but trash. | | Tem IV.i.224 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Oh, ho, Monster: wee know what belongs to a | O ho, monster! We know what belongs to a | | Tem IV.i.225 | |
frippery, O King Stephano. | frippery. O King Stephano! | frippery (n.) second-hand clothes shop | Tem IV.i.226 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Put off that gowne (Trinculo) by this hand | Put off that gown, Trinculo. By this hand, | gown (n.) loose upper garment worn by men | Tem IV.i.227 | |
Ile haue that gowne. | I'll have that gown! | | Tem IV.i.228 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Thy grace shall haue it. | Thy grace shall have it. | | Tem IV.i.229 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
The dropsie drowne this foole, what doe you meane | The dropsy drown this fool! What do you mean | dropsy (n.) type of disease in which the body retains watery fluids | Tem IV.i.230 | |
To doate thus on such luggage? let's alone | To dote thus on such luggage? Let't alone, | luggage (n.) stuff, trappings, goods | Tem IV.i.231 | |
| | dote on / upon (v.) be infatuated with, idolize | | |
And doe the murther first: if he awake, | And do the murder first. If he awake, | | Tem IV.i.232 | |
From toe to crowne hee'l fill our skins with pinches, | From toe to crown he'll fill our skins with pinches, | pinch (n.) tiny bite, slight nip | Tem IV.i.233 | |
| | crown (n.) head | | |
Make vs strange stuffe. | Make us strange stuff. | | Tem IV.i.234 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Be you quiet (Monster) Mistris line, is not | Be you quiet, monster. Mistress line, is not | line (n.) lime tree, linden tree | Tem IV.i.235 | |
this my Ierkin? how is the Ierkin vnder the line: now | this my jerkin? Now is the jerkin under the line. Now, | jerkin (n.) male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather] | Tem IV.i.236 | |
Ierkin you are like to lose your haire, & proue a bald | jerkin, you are like to lose your hair and prove a bald | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | Tem IV.i.237 | |
Ierkin. | jerkin. | | Tem IV.i.238 | |
Trin. | TRINCULO | | | |
Doe, doe; we steale by lyne and leuell, and't like | Do, do! We steal by line and level, an't like | do (v.) go on, carry on | Tem IV.i.239 | |
| | like (v.) please, suit | | |
| | line and level, by very methodically, with great precision | | |
your grace. | your grace. | | Tem IV.i.240 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
I thank thee for that iest; heer's a garment | I thank thee for that jest. Here's a garment | | Tem IV.i.241 | |
for't: / Wit shall not goe vn-rewarded while I am King of | for't. Wit shall not go unrewarded while I am king of | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | Tem IV.i.242 | |
this / Country: Steale by line and leuell, is an excellent | this country. ‘ Steal by line and level ’ is an excellent | | Tem IV.i.243 | |
passe of pate: there's another garment for't. | pass of pate. There's another garment for't. | pate (n.) head, skull | Tem IV.i.244 | |
| | pass (n.) sally, witty stroke, quip | | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Monster, come put some Lime vpon your | Monster, come put some lime upon your | lime (n.) birdlime | Tem IV.i.245 | |
fingers, and away with the rest. | fingers, and away with the rest. | | Tem IV.i.246 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
I will haue none on't: we shall loose our time, | I will have none on't. We shall lose our time, | | Tem IV.i.247 | |
And all be turn'd to Barnacles, or to Apes | And all be turned to barnacles, or to apes | barnacle (n.) species of goose [believed to begin life as a shellfish] | Tem IV.i.248 | |
With foreheads villanous low. | With foreheads villainous low. | villainous (adv.) villainously, vilely, detestably | Tem IV.i.249 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Monster, lay to your fingers: helpe to beare | Monster, lay to your fingers. Help to bear | lay to (v.) bring into action, put to work | Tem IV.i.250 | |
this away, where my hogshead of wine is, or Ile turne you | this away where my hogshead of wine is, or I'll turn you | hogshead (n.) large cask, barrel [of wine] | Tem IV.i.251 | |
out of my kingdome: goe to, carry this. | out of my kingdom. Go to, carry this! | go to (v.) get moving, get to work, come on | Tem IV.i.252 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
And this. | And this. | | Tem IV.i.253 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
I, and this. | Ay, and this. | | Tem IV.i.254 | |
A noyse of Hunters heard. Enter diuers Spirits in shape | A noise of hunters heard. Enter divers Spirits in shape | divers (adj.) different, various, several | Tem IV.i.255.1 | |
of Dogs and Hounds, hunting them about: Prospero and | of dogs and hounds, hunting them about, Prospero and | | Tem IV.i.255.2 | |
Ariel setting them on. | Ariel setting them on | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | Tem IV.i.255.3 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Hey Mountaine, hey. | Hey, Mountain, hey! | | Tem IV.i.255 | |
Ari. | ARIEL | | | |
Siluer: there it goes, Siluer. | Silver! There it goes, Silver! | | Tem IV.i.256 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Fury, Fury: there Tyrant, there: harke, | Fury, Fury! There, Tyrant, there! Hark! | | Tem IV.i.257 | |
harke. | hark! | | Tem IV.i.258 | |
| Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo are driven out | | Tem IV.i.259.1 | |
Goe, charge my Goblins that they grinde their ioynts | Go, charge my goblins that they grind their joints | charge (v.) order, command, enjoin | Tem IV.i.259 | |
| | grind (v.) torment, afflict, plague | | |
With dry Convultions, shorten vp their sinewes | With dry convulsions, shorten up their sinews | sinew (n.) muscle | Tem IV.i.260 | |
| | convulsion (n.) cramp, spasm, contraction | | |
With aged Cramps, & more pinch-spotted make them, | With aged cramps, and more pinch-spotted make them | pinch-spotted (adj.) discoloured with pinch-marks | Tem IV.i.261 | |
Then Pard, or Cat o' Mountaine. | Than pard or cat o' mountain. | pard (n.) panther, leopard | Tem IV.i.262.1 | |
| | cat-a-mountain, cat o'mountain (adj./n.) mountain-cat, wildcat, panther | | |
Ari. | ARIEL | | | |
Harke, they rore. | Hark, they roar! | | Tem IV.i.262.2 | |
Pro. | PROSPERO | | | |
Let them be hunted soundly: At this houre | Let them be hunted soundly. At this hour | soundly (adv.) severely, strongly, dearly, in full | Tem IV.i.263 | |
Lies at my mercy all mine enemies: | Lie at my mercy all mine enemies. | | Tem IV.i.264 | |
Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou | Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou | | Tem IV.i.265 | |
Shalt haue the ayre at freedome: for a little | Shalt have the air at freedom. For a little | | Tem IV.i.266 | |
Follow, and doe me seruice. | Follow, and do me service. | | Tem IV.i.267 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Tem IV.i.267 | |