First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Timon. | Enter Timon | | Tim IV.i.1 | |
Tim. | TIMON | | | |
Let me looke backe vpon thee. O thou Wall | Let me look back upon thee. O thou wall | | Tim IV.i.1 | |
That girdles in those Wolues, diue in the earth, | That girdles in those wolves, dive in the earth | | Tim IV.i.2 | |
And fence not Athens. Matrons, turne incontinent, | And fence not Athens. Matrons, turn incontinent. | incontinent (adj.) unchaste, unable to restrain oneself | Tim IV.i.3 | |
| | matron (n.) married woman | | |
Obedience fayle in Children: Slaues and Fooles | Obedience fail in children. Slaves and fools | | Tim IV.i.4 | |
Plucke the graue wrinkled Senate from the Bench, | Pluck the grave wrinkled Senate from the bench, | | Tim IV.i.5 | |
And minister in their steeds, to generall Filthes. | And minister in their steads. To general filths | minister (v.) act, govern, officiate | Tim IV.i.6 | |
| | general (adj.) common, of everyone, public | | |
| | filth (n.) whore, slut, harlot | | |
Conuert o'th'Instant greene Virginity, | Convert o'th' instant, green virginity, | instant, on the this very instant, as soon as possible | Tim IV.i.7 | |
| | o' (prep.) on | | |
| | green (adj.) youthful, inexperienced, immature | | |
Doo't in your Parents eyes. Bankrupts, hold fast | Do't in your parents' eyes. Bankrupts, hold fast; | | Tim IV.i.8 | |
Rather then render backe; out with your Kniues, | Rather than render back, out with your knives | | Tim IV.i.9 | |
And cut your Trusters throates. Bound Seruants, steale, | And cut your trusters' throats. Bound servants, steal. | truster (n.) creditor, lender | Tim IV.i.10 | |
| | bound (adj.) indentured, contracted | | |
Large-handed Robbers your graue Masters are, | Large-handed robbers your grave masters are, | large-handed (adj.) grasping, rapacious, avaricious | Tim IV.i.11 | |
And pill by Law. Maide, to thy Masters bed, | And pill by law. Maid, to thy master's bed; | pill (v.) pillage, plunder, rob | Tim IV.i.12 | |
Thy Mistris is o'th'Brothell. Some of sixteen, | Thy mistress is o'th' brothel. Son of sixteen, | | Tim IV.i.13 | |
Plucke the lyn'd Crutch from thy old limping Sire, | Pluck the lined crutch from thy old limping sire, | sire (n.) father | Tim IV.i.14 | |
| | lined (adj.) filled, stuffed | | |
With it, beate out his Braines, Piety, and Feare, | With it beat out his brains. Piety and fear, | | Tim IV.i.15 | |
Religion to the Gods, Peace, Iustice, Truth, | Religion to the gods, peace, justice, truth, | | Tim IV.i.16 | |
Domesticke awe, Night-rest, and Neighbour-hood, | Domestic awe, night-rest, and neighbourhood, | domestic (adj.) appropriate in the home | Tim IV.i.17 | |
| | neighbourhood (n.) neighbourly conduct, neighbourliness | | |
| | awe (n.) reverence, respect, esteem | | |
Instruction, Manners, Mysteries, and Trades, | Instruction, manners, mysteries, and trades, | mystery (n.) trade, office, occupation | Tim IV.i.18 | |
Degrees, Obseruances, Customes, and Lawes, | Degrees, observances, customs, and laws, | degree (n.) rank, station, standing | Tim IV.i.19 | |
Decline to your confounding contraries. | Decline to your confounding contraries, | contrary (n.) opposite condition, opposing state | Tim IV.i.20 | |
| | decline (v.) sink, fall to a low level | | |
| | confounding (adj.) destructive, ruinous, causing total confusion | | |
And yet Confusion liue: Plagues incident to men, | And yet confusion live. Plagues, incident to men, | incident (adj.) likely to happen, applicable, natural | Tim IV.i.21 | |
Your potent and infectious Feauors, heape | Your potent and infectious fevers heap | | Tim IV.i.22 | |
On Athens ripe for stroke. Thou cold Sciatica, | On Athens, ripe for stroke. Thou cold sciatica, | stroke (n.) affliction, blow, misery | Tim IV.i.23 | |
Cripple our Senators, that their limbes may halt | Cripple our senators, that their limbs may halt | halt (v.) limp, proceed lamely | Tim IV.i.24 | |
As lamely as their Manners. Lust, and Libertie | As lamely as their manners. Lust and liberty | liberty (n.) unrestrained act, improper licence, reckless freedom | Tim IV.i.25 | |
Creepe in the Mindes and Marrowes of our youth, | Creep in the minds and marrows of our youth, | | Tim IV.i.26 | |
That 'gainst the streame of Vertue they may striue, | That 'gainst the stream of virtue they may strive, | | Tim IV.i.27 | |
And drowne themselues in Riot. Itches, Blaines, | And drown themselves in riot. Itches, blains, | riot (n.) dissipation, wasteful revelry, extravagance | Tim IV.i.28 | |
| | blain (n.) blister, inflamed sore | | |
Sowe all th'Athenian bosomes, and their crop | Sow all th' Athenian bosoms, and their crop | | Tim IV.i.29 | |
Be generall Leprosie: Breath, infect breath, | Be general leprosy. Breath infect breath, | | Tim IV.i.30 | |
That their Society (as their Friendship) may | That their society, as their friendship, may | | Tim IV.i.31 | |
Be meerely poyson. Nothing Ile beare from thee | Be merely poison. Nothing I'll bear from thee | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne carry away, take as a companion | Tim IV.i.32 | |
But nakednesse, thou detestable Towne, | But nakedness, thou detestable town. | | Tim IV.i.33 | |
Take thou that too, with multiplying Bannes: | Take thou that too, with multiplying bans. | ban (n.) curse, malediction | Tim IV.i.34 | |
Timon will to the Woods, where he shall finde | Timon will to the woods, where he shall find | | Tim IV.i.35 | |
Th'vnkindest Beast, more kinder then Mankinde. | Th' unkindest beast more kinder than mankind. | | Tim IV.i.36 | |
The Gods confound (heare me you good Gods all) | The gods confound – hear me, you good gods all – | confound (v.) destroy, overthrow, ruin | Tim IV.i.37 | |
Th'Athenians both within and out that Wall: | Th' Athenians both within and out that wall. | out (prep.) outside | Tim IV.i.38 | |
And graunt as Timon growes, his hate may grow | And grant, as Timon grows, his hate may grow | | Tim IV.i.39 | |
To the whole race of Mankinde, high and low. | To the whole race of mankind, high and low. | | Tim IV.i.40 | |
Amen. | Amen. | | Tim IV.i.41 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Tim IV.i.41 | |