First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter the Iudges and Senatours with Titus | Enter the tribunes as judges and senators with Titus's | | Tit III.i.1.1 | |
two sonnes bound, passing on | two sons, Martius and Quintus, bound, passing over | | Tit III.i.1.2 | |
the Stage to the place of execution, and Titus going | the stage to the place of execution, and Titus going | | Tit III.i.1.3 | |
before pleading. | before, pleading | | Tit III.i.1.4 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Heare me graue fathers, noble Tribunes stay, | Hear me, grave fathers; noble tribunes, stay! | | Tit III.i.1 | |
For pitty of mine age, whose youth was spent | For pity of mine age, whose youth was spent | | Tit III.i.2 | |
In dangerous warres, whilst you securely slept: | In dangerous wars whilst you securely slept, | | Tit III.i.3 | |
For all my blood in Romes great quarrell shed, | For all my blood in Rome's great quarrel shed, | quarrel (n.) cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim | Tit III.i.4 | |
For all the frosty nights that I haue watcht, | For all the frosty nights that I have watched, | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | Tit III.i.5 | |
And for these bitter teares, which now you see, | And for these bitter tears which now you see | | Tit III.i.6 | |
Filling the aged wrinkles in my cheekes, | Filling the aged wrinkles in my cheeks, | | Tit III.i.7 | |
Be pittifull to my condemned Sonnes, | Be pitiful to my condemned sons, | | Tit III.i.8 | |
Whose soules is not corrupted as 'tis thought: | Whose souls are not corrupted as 'tis thought. | | Tit III.i.9 | |
For two and twenty sonnes I neuer wept, | For two-and-twenty sons I never wept | | Tit III.i.10 | |
Because they died in honours lofty bed. | Because they died in honour's lofty bed; | | Tit III.i.11 | |
Andronicus lyeth downe, and the Iudges passe | Andronicus lieth down, and the judges and others pass | | Tit III.i.12.1 | |
by him. | by him | | Tit III.i.12.2 | |
For these, Tribunes, in the dust I write | For these two, tribunes, in the dust I write | | Tit III.i.12 | |
My harts deepe languor, and my soules sad teares: | My heart's deep languor and my soul's sad tears. | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | Tit III.i.13 | |
| | languor (n.) distress, sorrow, affliction | | |
Let my teares stanch the earths drie appetite. | Let my tears stanch the earth's dry appetite; | stanch (v.) satisfy, quench, allay | Tit III.i.14 | |
My sonnes sweet blood, will make it shame and blush: | My sons' sweet blood will make it shame and blush. | | Tit III.i.15 | |
O earth! I will befriend thee more with raine | O earth, I will befriend thee more with rain | | Tit III.i.16 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt the judges and others with the prisoners | | Tit III.i.16 | |
That shall distill from these two ancient ruines, | That shall distil from these two ancient ruins | distil (v.) trickle down, fall in tiny drops | Tit III.i.17 | |
Then youthfull Aprill shall with all his showres | Than youthful April shall with all his showers. | | Tit III.i.18 | |
In summers drought: Ile drop vpon thee still, | In summer's drought I'll drop upon thee still, | | Tit III.i.19 | |
In Winter with warme teares Ile melt the snow, | In winter with warm tears I'll melt the snow | | Tit III.i.20 | |
And keepe erernall springtime on thy face, | And keep eternal springtime on thy face, | | Tit III.i.21 | |
So thou refuse to drinke my deare sonnes blood. | So thou refuse to drink my dear sons' blood. | | Tit III.i.22 | |
Enter Lucius, with his weapon drawne. | Enter Lucius with his weapon drawn | | Tit III.i.23.1 | |
Oh reuerent Tribunes, oh gentle aged men, | O reverend tribunes, O gentle aged men, | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | Tit III.i.23 | |
Vnbinde my sonnes, reuerse the doome of death, | Unbind my sons, reverse the doom of death, | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | Tit III.i.24 | |
And let me say (that neuer wept before) | And let me say, that never wept before, | | Tit III.i.25 | |
My teares are now preualing Oratours. | My tears are now prevailing orators. | prevailing (adj.) successful, effective, influential | Tit III.i.26 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
Oh noble father, you lament in vaine, | O noble father, you lament in vain: | | Tit III.i.27 | |
The Tribunes heare not, no man is by, | The tribunes hear you not, no man is by, | | Tit III.i.28 | |
And you recount your sorrowes to a stone. | And you recount your sorrows to a stone. | | Tit III.i.29 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Ah Lucius for thy brothers let me plead, | Ah Lucius, for thy brothers let me plead. | | Tit III.i.30 | |
Graue Tribunes, once more I intreat of you. | Grave tribunes, once more I entreat of you – | | Tit III.i.31 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
My gracious Lord, no Tribune heares you speake. | My gracious lord, no tribune hears you speak. | | Tit III.i.32 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Why 'tis no matter man, if they did heare | Why, 'tis no matter, man. If they did hear, | | Tit III.i.33 | |
They would not marke me: oh if they did heare | They would not mark me; if they did mark, | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Tit III.i.34 | |
They would not pitty me. | They would not pity me; yet plead I must, | | Tit III.i.35 | |
| And bootless unto them. | bootless (adj.) useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing | Tit III.i.36 | |
Therefore I tell my sorrowes bootles to the stones. | Therefore I tell my sorrows to the stones, | | Tit III.i.37 | |
Who though they cannot answere my distresse, | Who, though they cannot answer my distress, | | Tit III.i.38 | |
Yet in some sort they are better then the Tribunes, | Yet in some sort they are better than the tribunes, | | Tit III.i.39 | |
For that they will not intercept my tale; | For that they will not intercept my tale. | intercept (v.) interrupt, break in on, cut off | Tit III.i.40 | |
When I doe weepe, they humbly at my feete | When I do weep, they humbly at my feet | | Tit III.i.41 | |
Receiue my teares, and seeme to weepe with me, | Receive my tears and seem to weep with me; | | Tit III.i.42 | |
And were they but attired in graue weedes, | And were they but attired in grave weeds, | weed (n.) (plural) garments, dress, clothes | Tit III.i.43 | |
Rome could afford no Tribune like to these. | Rome could afford no tribunes like to these. | | Tit III.i.44 | |
A stone is as soft waxe, / Tribunes more hard then stones: | A stone is soft as wax, tribunes, more hard than stones. | | Tit III.i.45 | |
A stone is silent, and offendeth not, | A stone is silent and offendeth not, | | Tit III.i.46 | |
And Tribunes with their tongues doome men to death. | And tribunes with their tongues doom men to death. | doom (v.) condemn, pronounce judgement against | Tit III.i.47 | |
But wherefore stand'st thou with thy weapon drawne? | But wherefore stand'st thou with thy weapon drawn? | | Tit III.i.48 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
To rescue my two brothers from their death, | To rescue my two brothers from their death, | | Tit III.i.49 | |
For which attempt the Iudges haue pronounc'st | For which attempt the judges have pronounced | | Tit III.i.50 | |
My euerlasting doome of banishment. | My everlasting doom of banishment. | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | Tit III.i.51 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
| (rising) | | Tit III.i.52 | |
O happy man, they haue befriended thee: | O happy man, they have befriended thee! | | Tit III.i.52 | |
Why foolish Lucius, dost thou not perceiue | Why, foolish Lucius, dost thou not perceive | | Tit III.i.53 | |
That Rome is but a wildernes of Tigers? | That Rome is but a wilderness of tigers? | | Tit III.i.54 | |
Tigers must pray, and Rome affords no prey | Tigers must prey, and Rome affords no prey | | Tit III.i.55 | |
But me and and mine: how happy art thou then, | But me and mine; how happy art thou then | | Tit III.i.56 | |
From these deuourers to be banished? | From these devourers to be banished. | | Tit III.i.57 | |
But who comes with our brother Marcus heere? | But who comes with our brother Marcus here? | | Tit III.i.58 | |
Enter Marcus and Lauinia. | Enter Marcus with Lavinia | | Tit III.i.59 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Titus, prepare thy noble eyes to weepe, | Titus, prepare thy aged eyes to weep, | | Tit III.i.59 | |
Or if not so, thy noble heart to breake: | Or if not so, thy noble heart to break: | | Tit III.i.60 | |
I bring consuming sorrow to thine age. | I bring consuming sorrow to thine age. | | Tit III.i.61 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Will it consume me? Let me see it then. | Will it consume me? Let me see it then. | | Tit III.i.62 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
This was thy daughter. | This was thy daughter. | | Tit III.i.63.1 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Why Marcus so she is. | Why, Marcus, so she is. | | Tit III.i.63.2 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
| (falling to his knees) | | Tit III.i.64.1 | |
Aye me this obiect kils me. | Ay me, this object kills me. | object (n.) spectacle, sight, object of attention | Tit III.i.64 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Faint-harted boy, arise and looke vpon her, | Faint-hearted boy, arise and look upon her. | | Tit III.i.65 | |
| Lucius arises | | Tit III.i.66 | |
Speake Lauinia, what accursed hand | Speak, Lavinia, what accursed hand | | Tit III.i.66 | |
Hath made thee handlesse in thy Fathers sight? | Hath made thee handless in thy father's sight? | | Tit III.i.67 | |
What foole hath added water to the Sea? | What fool hath added water to the sea, | | Tit III.i.68 | |
Or brought a faggot to bright burning Troy? | Or brought a faggot to bright-burning Troy? | Troy (n.) ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion | Tit III.i.69 | |
My griefe was at the height before thou cam'st, | My grief was at the height before thou cam'st, | | Tit III.i.70 | |
And now like Nylus it disdaineth bounds: | And now like Nilus it disdaineth bounds. | Nilus (n.) [pron: 'niylus] River Nile, Egypt | Tit III.i.71 | |
Giue me a sword, Ile chop off my hands too, | Give me a sword, I'll chop off my hands too: | | Tit III.i.72 | |
For they haue fought for Rome, and all in vaine: | For they have fought for Rome, and all in vain, | | Tit III.i.73 | |
And they haue nur'st this woe, / In feeding life: | And they have nursed this woe in feeding life; | | Tit III.i.74 | |
In bootelesse prayer haue they bene held vp, | In bootless prayer have they been held up, | | Tit III.i.75 | |
And they haue seru'd me to effectlesse vse. | And they have served me to effectless use. | effectless (adj.) ineffective, fruitless, useless | Tit III.i.76 | |
Now all the seruice I require of them, | Now all the service I require of them | | Tit III.i.77 | |
Is that the one will helpe to cut the other: | Is that the one will help to cut the other. | | Tit III.i.78 | |
'Tis well Lauinia, that thou hast no hands, | 'Tis well, Lavinia, that thou hast no hands, | | Tit III.i.79 | |
For hands to do Rome seruice, is but vaine. | For hands to do Rome service is but vain. | | Tit III.i.80 | |
Luci. | LUCIUS | | | |
Speake gentle sister, who hath martyr'd thee? | Speak, gentle sister: who hath martyred thee? | martyr (v.) mutilate, torture, disfigure | Tit III.i.81 | |
| | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
O that delightfull engine of her thoughts, | O, that delightful engine of her thoughts, | engine (n.) instrument, implement, organ | Tit III.i.82 | |
That blab'd them with such pleasing eloquence, | That blabbed them with such pleasing eloquence, | blab (v.) prattle, utter innocently | Tit III.i.83 | |
Is torne from forth that pretty hollow cage, | Is torn from forth that pretty hollow cage, | | Tit III.i.84 | |
Where like a sweet mellodius bird it sung, | Where, like a sweet melodious bird, it sung | | Tit III.i.85 | |
Sweet varied notes inchanting euery eare. | Sweet varied notes, enchanting every ear. | | Tit III.i.86 | |
Luci. | LUCIUS | | | |
Oh say thou for her, / Who hath done this deed? | O, say thou for her: who hath done this deed? | | Tit III.i.87 | |
Marc. | MARCUS | | | |
Oh thus I found her straying in the Parke, | O, thus I found her, straying in the park, | park (n.) hunting ground | Tit III.i.88 | |
Seeking to hide herselfe as doth the Deare | Seeking to hide herself, as doth the deer | | Tit III.i.89 | |
That hath receiude some vnrecuring wound. | That hath received some unrecuring wound. | unrecuring (adj.) incurable, terminal, allowing no recovery | Tit III.i.90 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
It was my Deare, / And he that wounded her, | It was my dear, and he that wounded her | | Tit III.i.91 | |
Hath hurt me more, then had he kild me dead: | Hath hurt me more than had he killed me dead. | | Tit III.i.92 | |
For now I stand as one vpon a Rocke, | For now I stand as one upon a rock | | Tit III.i.93 | |
Inuiron'd with a wildernesse of Sea. | Environed with a wilderness of sea, | environ (v.) surround, envelop, encircle, engulf | Tit III.i.94 | |
Who markes the waxing tide, / Grow waue by waue, | Who marks the waxing tide grow wave by wave, | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Tit III.i.95 | |
| | waxing (adj.) incoming, growing, increasing | | |
Expecting euer when some enuious surge, | Expecting ever when some envious surge | envious (adj.) malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity | Tit III.i.96 | |
Will in his brinish bowels swallow him. | Will in his brinish bowels swallow him. | brinish (adj.) salt, bitter | Tit III.i.97 | |
This way to death my wretched sonnes are gone: | This way to death my wretched sons are gone, | | Tit III.i.98 | |
Heere stands my other sonne, a banisht man, | Here stands my other son, a banished man, | | Tit III.i.99 | |
And heere my brother weeping at my woes. | And here my brother, weeping at my woes; | | Tit III.i.100 | |
But that which giues my soule the greatest spurne, | But that which gives my soul the greatest spurn | spurn (n.) hurt, blow, knock | Tit III.i.101 | |
Is deere Lauinia, deerer then my soule. | Is dear Lavinia, dearer than my soul. | | Tit III.i.102 | |
Had I but seene thy picture in this plight, | Had I but seen thy picture in this plight | | Tit III.i.103 | |
It would haue madded me. What shall I doe? | It would have madded me: what shall I do, | mad (v.) madden, exasperate, infuriate | Tit III.i.104 | |
Now I behold thy liuely body so? | Now I behold thy lively body so? | lively (adj.) living, breathing | Tit III.i.105 | |
Thou hast no hands to wipe away thy teares, | Thou hast no hands to wipe away thy tears, | | Tit III.i.106 | |
Nor tongue to tell me who hath martyr'd thee: | Nor tongue to tell me who hath martyred thee. | martyr (v.) mutilate, torture, disfigure | Tit III.i.107 | |
Thy husband he is dead, and for his death | Thy husband he is dead, and for his death | | Tit III.i.108 | |
Thy brothers are condemn'd, and dead by this. | Thy brothers are condemned, and dead by this. | this, by by this time | Tit III.i.109 | |
Looke Marcus, ah sonne Lucius looke on her: | Look, Marcus! Ah, son Lucius, look on her! | | Tit III.i.110 | |
When I did name her brothers, then fresh teares | When I did name her brothers, then fresh tears | | Tit III.i.111 | |
Stood on her cheekes, as doth the hony dew, | Stood on her cheeks, as doth the honey-dew | | Tit III.i.112 | |
Vpon a gathred Lillie almost withered., | Upon a gathered lily almost withered. | | Tit III.i.113 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Perchance she weepes because they kil'd her husband, | Perchance she weeps because they killed her husband, | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | Tit III.i.114 | |
Perchance because she knowes him innocent. | Perchance because she knows them innocent. | | Tit III.i.115 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
| (to Lavinia) | | Tit III.i.116 | |
If they did kill thy husband then be ioyfull, | If they did kill thy husband, then be joyful, | | Tit III.i.116 | |
Because the law hath tane reuenge on them. | Because the law hath ta'en revenge on them. | | Tit III.i.117 | |
No, no, they would not doe so foule a deede, | No, no, they would not do so foul a deed: | | Tit III.i.118 | |
Witnes the sorrow that their sister makes. | Witness the sorrow that their sister makes. | sorrow (n.) mourning, lamentation | Tit III.i.119 | |
Gentle Lauinia let me kisse thy lips, | Gentle Lavinia, let me kiss thy lips, | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | Tit III.i.120 | |
Or make some signes how I may do thee ease: | Or make some sign how I may do thee ease. | | Tit III.i.121 | |
Shall thy good Vncle, and thy brother Lucius, | Shall thy good uncle and thy brother Lucius | | Tit III.i.122 | |
And thou and I sit round about some Fountaine, | And thou and I sit round about some fountain, | | Tit III.i.123 | |
Looking all downewards to behold our cheekes | Looking all downwards to behold our cheeks, | | Tit III.i.124 | |
How they are stain'd in meadowes, yet not dry | How they are stained like meadows yet not dry | | Tit III.i.125 | |
With miery slime left on them by a flood: | With miry slime left on them by a flood? | | Tit III.i.126 | |
And in the Fountaine shall we gaze so long, | And in the fountain shall we gaze so long | | Tit III.i.127 | |
Till the fresh taste be taken from that cleerenes, | Till the fresh taste be taken from that clearness | | Tit III.i.128 | |
And made a brine pit with our bitter teares? | And made a brine-pit with our bitter tears? | | Tit III.i.129 | |
Or shall we cut away our hands like thine? | Or shall we cut away our hands like thine? | | Tit III.i.130 | |
Or shall we bite our tongues, and in dumbe shewes | Or shall we bite our tongues, and in dumb-shows | | Tit III.i.131 | |
Passe the remainder of our hatefull dayes? | Pass the remainder of our hateful days? | | Tit III.i.132 | |
What shall we doe? Let vs that haue our tongues | What shall we do? Let us that have our tongues | | Tit III.i.133 | |
Plot some deuise of further miseries | Plot some device of further misery | | Tit III.i.134 | |
To make vs wondred at in time to come. | To make us wondered at in time to come. | | Tit III.i.135 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
Sweet Father cease your teares, for at your griefe | Sweet father, cease your tears, for at your grief | | Tit III.i.136 | |
See how my wretched sister sobs and weeps. | See how my wretched sister sobs and weeps. | | Tit III.i.137 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Patience deere Neece, | Patience, dear niece; | | Tit III.i.138.1 | |
| (handing Titus his handkerchief) | | Tit III.i.138 | |
good Titus drie thine eyes. | good Titus, dry thine eyes. | | Tit III.i.138.2 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Ah Marcus, Marcus, Brother well I wot, | Ah Marcus, Marcus, brother, well I wot | wot (v.) learn, know, be told | Tit III.i.139 | |
Thy napkin cannot drinke a teare of mine, | Thy napkin cannot drink a tear of mine, | napkin (n.) handkerchief | Tit III.i.140 | |
For thou poore man hast drown'd it with thine owne. | For thou, poor man, hast drowned it with thine own. | | Tit III.i.141 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
Ah my Lauinia I will wipe thy cheekes. | Ah, my Lavinia, I will wipe thy cheeks. | | Tit III.i.142 | |
Ti | TITUS | | | |
Marke Marcus marke, I vnderstand her signes, | Mark, Marcus, mark! I understand her signs: | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | Tit III.i.143 | |
Had she a tongue to speake, now would she say | Had she a tongue to speak, now would she say | | Tit III.i.144 | |
That to her brother which I said to thee. | That to her brother which I said to thee. | | Tit III.i.145 | |
His Napkin with hertrue teares all bewet, | His napkin with his true tears all bewet | bewet (adj.) wet through | Tit III.i.146 | |
Can do no seruice on her sorrowfull cheekes. | Can do no service on her sorrowful cheeks. | | Tit III.i.147 | |
Oh what a simpathy of woe is this! | O, what a sympathy of woe is this, | sympathy (n.) accord, agreement, harmony | Tit III.i.148 | |
As farre from helpe as Limbo is from blisse, | As far from help as limbo is from bliss! | Limbo (n.) domain on the border of hell believed to contain the souls of unbaptised infants and of just people born before Christ | Tit III.i.149 | |
Enter Aron the Moore alone. | Enter Aaron the Moor alone | | Tit III.i.150 | |
Moore. | AARON | | | |
Titus Andronicus, my Lord the Emperour, | Titus Andronicus, my lord the Emperor | | Tit III.i.150 | |
Sends thee this word, that if thou loue thy sonnes, | Sends thee this word: that if thou love thy sons, | | Tit III.i.151 | |
Let Marcus, Lucius, or thyselfe old Titus, | Let Marcus, Lucius, or thyself, old Titus, | | Tit III.i.152 | |
Or any one of you, chop off your hand, | Or any one of you, chop off your hand | | Tit III.i.153 | |
And send it to the King: he for the same, | And send it to the King. He for the same | | Tit III.i.154 | |
Will send thee hither both thy sonnes aliue, | Will send thee hither both thy sons alive, | | Tit III.i.155 | |
And that shall be the ransome for their fault. | And that shall be the ransom for their fault. | | Tit III.i.156 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Oh gracious Emperour, oh gentle Aaron. | O gracious Emperor, O gentle Aaron! | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | Tit III.i.157 | |
Did euer Rauen sing so like a Larke, | Did ever raven sing so like a lark | | Tit III.i.158 | |
That giues sweet tydings of the Sunnes vprise? | That gives sweet tidings of the sun's uprise? | | Tit III.i.159 | |
With all my heart, Ile send the Emperour my hand, | With all my heart I'll send the Emperor my hand. | | Tit III.i.160 | |
Good Aron wilt thou help to chop it off? | Good Aaron, wilt thou help to chop it off? | | Tit III.i.161 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
Stay Father, for that noble hand of thine, | Stay, father, for that noble hand of thine, | | Tit III.i.162 | |
That hath throwne downe so many enemies, | That hath thrown down so many enemies, | | Tit III.i.163 | |
Shall not be sent: my hand will serue the turne, | Shall not be sent. My hand will serve the turn: | | Tit III.i.164 | |
My youth can better spare my blood then you, | My youth can better spare my blood than you | | Tit III.i.165 | |
And therfore mine shall saue my brothers liues. | And therefore mine shall save my brothers' lives. | | Tit III.i.166 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Which of your hands hath not defended Rome, | Which of your hands hath not defended Rome | | Tit III.i.167 | |
And rear'd aloft the bloody Battleaxe, | And reared aloft the bloody battle-axe, | rear (v.) raise, lift up | Tit III.i.168 | |
Writing destruction on the enemies Castle? | Writing destruction on the enemy's castle? | | Tit III.i.169 | |
Oh none of both but are of high desert: | O, none of both but are of high desert. | desert, desart (n.) worth, merit, deserving | Tit III.i.170 | |
My hand hath bin but idle, let it serue | My hand hath been but idle; let it serve | | Tit III.i.171 | |
To ransome my two nephewes from their death, | To ransom my two nephews from their death, | | Tit III.i.172 | |
Then haue I kept it to a worthy end. | Then have I kept it to a worthy end. | | Tit III.i.173 | |
Moore. | AARON | | | |
Nay come agree, whose hand shallgoe along | Nay, come, agree whose hand shall go along, | | Tit III.i.174 | |
For feare they die before their pardon come. | For fear they die before their pardon come. | | Tit III.i.175 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
My hand shall goe. | My hand shall go. | | Tit III.i.176.1 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
By heauen it shall not goe. | By heaven, it shall not go. | | Tit III.i.176.2 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Sirs striue no more, such withered hearbs as these | Sirs, strive no more. Such withered herbs as these | | Tit III.i.177 | |
Are meete for plucking vp, and therefore mine. | Are meet for plucking up, and therefore mine. | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | Tit III.i.178 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
Sweet Father, if I shall be thought thy sonne, | Sweet father, if I shall be thought thy son, | | Tit III.i.179 | |
Let me redeeme my brothers both from death. | Let me redeem my brothers both from death. | | Tit III.i.180 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
And for our fathers sake, and mothers care, | And for our father's sake and mother's care, | | Tit III.i.181 | |
Now let me shew a brothers loue to thee. | Now let me show a brother's love to thee. | | Tit III.i.182 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Agree betweene you, I will spare my hand. | Agree between you: I will spare my hand. | | Tit III.i.183 | |
Lu. | LUCIUS | | | |
Then Ile goe fetch an Axe. | Then I'll go fetch an axe. | | Tit III.i.184.1 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
But I will vse the Axe. | But I will use the axe. | | Tit III.i.184.2 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt Lucius and Marcus | | Tit III.i.184 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Come hither Aaron, Ile deceiue them both, | Come hither, Aaron, I'll deceive them both: | | Tit III.i.185 | |
Lend me thy hand, and I will giue thee mine, | Lend me thy hand, and I will give thee mine. | | Tit III.i.186 | |
Moore. | AARON | | | |
| (aside) | | Tit III.i.187 | |
If that be cal'd deceit, I will be honest, | If that be called deceit, I will be honest, | | Tit III.i.187 | |
And neuer whil'st I liue deceiue men so: | And never whilst I live deceive men so; | | Tit III.i.188 | |
But Ile deceiue you in another sort, | But I'll deceive you in another sort, | | Tit III.i.189 | |
And that you'l say ere halfe an houre passe. | And that you'll say ere half an hour pass. | | Tit III.i.190 | |
He cuts off Titus hand. | He cuts off Titus's left hand. | | Tit III.i.191.1 | |
Enter Lucius and Marcus againe. | Enter Lucius and Marcus again | | Tit III.i.191.2 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Now stay you strife, what shall be, is dispatcht: | Now stay your strife; what shall be is dispatched. | | Tit III.i.191 | |
Good Aron giue his Maiestie me hand, | Good Aaron, give his majesty my hand. | | Tit III.i.192 | |
Tell him, it was a hand that warded him | Tell him it was a hand that warded him | ward (v.) protect, defend, guard | Tit III.i.193 | |
From thousand dangers: bid him bury it: | From thousand dangers. Bid him bury it; | | Tit III.i.194 | |
More hath it merited: That let it haue. | More hath it merited, that let it have. | | Tit III.i.195 | |
As for for my sonnes, say I account of them, | As for my sons, say I account of them | | Tit III.i.196 | |
As iewels purchast at an easie price, | As jewels purchased at an easy price, | easy (adj.) slight, petty, insignificant | Tit III.i.197 | |
And yet deere too, because I bought mine owne. | And yet dear too, because I bought mine own. | | Tit III.i.198 | |
Aron. | AARON | | | |
I goe Andronicus, and for thy hand, | I go, Andronicus, and for thy hand | | Tit III.i.199 | |
Looke by and by to haue thy sonnes with thee: | Look by and by to have thy sons with thee. | look (v.) expect, anticipate, hope, await the time | Tit III.i.200 | |
| | by and by (adv.) shortly, soon, before long | | |
Their heads I meane: Oh how this villany | (Aside) Their heads, I mean. O, how this villainy | | Tit III.i.201 | |
Doth fat me with the very thoughts of it. | Doth fat me with the very thoughts of it. | fat (v.) fatten, feed up, nourish | Tit III.i.202 | |
Let fooles doe good, and faire men call for grace, | Let fools do good, and fair men call for grace; | fair (adj.) pale, of light complexion | Tit III.i.203 | |
Aron will haue his soule blacke like his face. | Aaron will have his soul black like his face. | | Tit III.i.204 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Tit III.i.204 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
| (kneeling) | | Tit III.i.205 | |
O heere I lift this one hand vp to heauen, | O, here I lift this one hand up to heaven, | | Tit III.i.205 | |
And bow this feeble ruine to the earth, | And bow this feeble ruin to the earth. | | Tit III.i.206 | |
If any power pitties wretched teares, | If any power pities wretched tears, | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | Tit III.i.207 | |
To that I call: | To that I call. (Lavinia kneels) | | Tit III.i.208.1 | |
what wilt thou kneele with me? | What, wouldst thou kneel with me? | | Tit III.i.208.2 | |
Doe then deare heart, for heauen shall heare our prayers, | Do then, dear heart, for heaven shall hear our prayers, | | Tit III.i.209 | |
Or with our sighs weele breath the welkin dimme, | Or with our sighs we'll breathe the welkin dim | welkin (n.) sky, firmament, heavens | Tit III.i.210 | |
And staine the Sun with fogge as somtime cloudes, | And stain the sun with fog, as sometime clouds | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | Tit III.i.211 | |
When they do hug him in their melting bosomes. | When they do hug him in their melting bosoms. | | Tit III.i.212 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Oh brother speake with possibilities, | O brother, speak with possibility, | possibility, with within the bounds of possibility, realistically, practically | Tit III.i.213 | |
And do not breake into these deepe extreames. | And do not break into these deep extremes. | extreme (n.) outrageous behaviour, extravagance, exaggeration | Tit III.i.214 | |
| | deep (adj.) subtle, intricate, complex | | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Is not my sorrow deepe, hauing no bottome? | Is not my sorrows deep, having no bottom? | | Tit III.i.215 | |
Then be my passions bottomlesse with them. | Then be my passions bottomless with them. | passion (n.) passionate outburst, emotional passage | Tit III.i.216 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
But yet let reason gouerne thy lament. | But yet let reason govern thy lament. | reason (n.) power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’] | Tit III.i.217 | |
Titus. | TITUS | | | |
If there were reason for these miseries, | If there were reason for these miseries, | | Tit III.i.218 | |
Then into limits could I binde my woes: | Then into limits could I bind my woes. | | Tit III.i.219 | |
When heauen doth weepe, doth not the earth oreflow? | When heaven doth weep, doth not the earth o'erflow? | overflow (v.) flood, become inundated | Tit III.i.220 | |
If the windes rage, doth not the Sea wax mad, | If the winds rage, doth not the sea wax mad, | wax (v.) grow, become, turn | Tit III.i.221 | |
Threatning the welkin with his big-swolne face? | Threat'ning the welkin with his big-swoll'n face? | welkin (n.) sky, firmament, heavens | Tit III.i.222 | |
And wilt thou haue a reason for this coile? | And wilt thou have a reason for this coil? | coil (n.) turmoil, disturbance, fuss | Tit III.i.223 | |
I am the Sea. Harke how her sighes doe flow: | I am the sea. Hark how her sighs do blow. | | Tit III.i.224 | |
Shee is the weeping welkin, I the earth: | She is the weeping welkin, I the earth; | | Tit III.i.225 | |
Then must my Sea be moued with her sighes, | Then must my sea be moved with her sighs, | | Tit III.i.226 | |
Then must my earth with her continuall teares, | Then must my earth with her continual tears | | Tit III.i.227 | |
Become a deluge: ouerflow'd and drown'd: | Become a deluge, overflowed and drowned. | overflow (v.) flood, become inundated | Tit III.i.228 | |
For why, my bowels cannot hide her woes, | For why my bowels cannot hide her woes, | for why, forwhy (adv.) for which reason, because of this | Tit III.i.229 | |
But like a drunkard must I vomit them: | But like a drunkard must I vomit them. | | Tit III.i.230 | |
Then giue me leaue, for loosers will haue leaue, | Then give me leave, for losers will have leave | | Tit III.i.231 | |
To ease their stomackes with their bitter tongues, | To ease their stomachs with their bitter tongues. | stomach (n.) anger, resentment, vexation | Tit III.i.232 | |
Enter a messenger with two heads and a hand. | Enter a messenger with two heads and a hand. | | Tit III.i.233.1 | |
| Titus and Lavinia rise | | Tit III.i.233.2 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
Worthy Andronicus, ill art thou repaid, | Worthy Andronicus, ill art thou repaid | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | Tit III.i.233 | |
For that good hand thou sentst the Emperour: | For that good hand thou sent'st the Emperor. | | Tit III.i.234 | |
Heere are the heads of thy two noble sonnes. | Here are the heads of thy two noble sons, | | Tit III.i.235 | |
And heeres thy hand in scorne to thee sent backe: | And here's thy hand in scorn to thee sent back. | | Tit III.i.236 | |
Thy griefes, their sports: Thy resolution mockt, | Thy grief their sports, thy resolution mocked, | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | Tit III.i.237 | |
That woe is me to thinke vpon thy woes, | That woe is me to think upon thy woes | | Tit III.i.238 | |
More then remembrance of my fathers death. | More than remembrance of my father's death. | remembrance (n.) memory, bringing to mind, recollection | Tit III.i.239 | |
Exit. | Exit, after setting down the heads and hand | | Tit III.i.239 | |
Marc. | MARCUS | | | |
Now let hot Atna coole in Cicilie, | Now let hot Etna cool in Sicily, | | Tit III.i.240 | |
And be my heart an euer-burning hell: | And be my heart an ever-burning hell! | | Tit III.i.241 | |
These miseries are more then may be borne. | These miseries are more than may be borne. | | Tit III.i.242 | |
To weepe with them that weepe, doth ease some deale, | To weep with them that weep doth ease some deal, | deal (n.) amount, quantity | Tit III.i.243 | |
But sorrow flouted at, is double death. | But sorrow flouted at is double death. | flout at (v.) mock, jeer, scoff | Tit III.i.244 | |
Luci. | LUCIUS | | | |
Ah that this sight should make so deep a wound, | Ah, that this sight should make so deep a wound | | Tit III.i.245 | |
And yet detested life not shrinke thereat: | And yet detested life not shrink thereat! | shrink (v.) shrivel up, wither away | Tit III.i.246 | |
That euer death should let life beare his name, | That ever death should let life bear his name, | | Tit III.i.247 | |
Where life hath no more interest but to breath. | Where life hath no more interest but to breathe. | | Tit III.i.248 | |
| Lavinia kisses Titus | | Tit III.i.249 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Alas poore hart that kisse is comfortlesse, | Alas, poor heart, that kiss is comfortless | | Tit III.i.249 | |
As frozen water to a starued snake. | As frozen water to a starved snake. | starved (adj.) frozen-stiff, near-perished with cold | Tit III.i.250 | |
Titus. | TITUS | | | |
When will this fearefull slumber haue an end? | When will this fearful slumber have an end? | | Tit III.i.251 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Now farwell flatterie, die Andronicus, | Now farewell flatt'ry; die Andronicus. | flattery (n.) pleasing plausibility, gratifying deception, self-delusion | Tit III.i.252 | |
Thou dost not slumber, see thy two sons heads, | Thou dost not slumber. See thy two sons' heads, | | Tit III.i.253 | |
Thy warlike hands, thy mangled daughter here: | Thy warlike hand, thy mangled daughter here, | | Tit III.i.254 | |
Thy other banisht sonnes with this deere sight | Thy other banished son with this dear sight | dear (adj.) dire, grievous, hard | Tit III.i.255 | |
Strucke pale and bloodlesse, and thy brother I, | Struck pale and bloodless, and thy brother, I, | | Tit III.i.256 | |
Euen like a stony Image, cold and numme. | Even like a stony image, cold and numb. | | Tit III.i.257 | |
Ah now no more will I controule my griefes, | Ah, now no more will I control thy griefs: | control (v.) curb, restrain, hold back | Tit III.i.258 | |
Rent off thy siluer haire, thy other hand | Rend off thy silver hair, thy other hand | | Tit III.i.259 | |
Gnawing with thy teeth, and be this dismall sight | Gnawing with thy teeth, and be this dismal sight | | Tit III.i.260 | |
The closing vp of our most wretched eyes: | The closing up of our most wretched eyes. | | Tit III.i.261 | |
Now is a time to storme, why art thou still? | Now is a time to storm. Why art thou still? | | Tit III.i.262 | |
Titus. | TITUS | | | |
Ha, ha, ha, | Ha, ha, ha! | | Tit III.i.263 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Why dost thou laugh? it fits not with this houre. | Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour. | | Tit III.i.264 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Why I haue not another teare to shed: | Why? I have not another tear to shed. | | Tit III.i.265 | |
Besides, this sorrow is an enemy, | Besides, this sorrow is an enemy | | Tit III.i.266 | |
And would vsurpe vpon my watry eyes, | And would usurp upon my wat'ry eyes | usurp on / upon take wrongful possession of, misappropriate | Tit III.i.267 | |
And make them blinde with tributarie teares. | And make them blind with tributary tears. | tributary (adj.) paying a tribute, contributory | Tit III.i.268 | |
Then which way shall I finde Reuenges Caue? | Then which way shall I find Revenge's cave? | | Tit III.i.269 | |
For these two heads doe seeme to speake to me, | For these two heads do seem to speak to me, | | Tit III.i.270 | |
And threat me, I shall neuer come to blisse, | And threat me I shall never come to bliss | threat (v.) threaten | Tit III.i.271 | |
Till all these mischiefes be returned againe, | Till all these mischiefs be returned again | mischief (n.) wicked action, evil deed, harmful scheme | Tit III.i.272 | |
Euen in their throats that haue committed them. | Even in their throats that hath committed them. | | Tit III.i.273 | |
Come let me see what taske I haue to doe, | Come, let me see what task I have to do. | | Tit III.i.274 | |
You heauie people, circle me about, | You, heavy people, circle me about, | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | Tit III.i.275 | |
That I may turne me to each one of you, | That I may turn me to each one of you | | Tit III.i.276 | |
And sweare vnto my soule to right your wrongs. | And swear unto my soul to right your wrongs. | | Tit III.i.277 | |
| Marcus, Lucius, and Lavinia surround Titus. | | Tit III.i.278.1 | |
| He pledges them | | Tit III.i.278.2 | |
The vow is made, come Brother take a head, | The vow is made. Come, brother, take a head, | | Tit III.i.278 | |
And in this hand the other will I beare. | And in this hand the other I will bear; | | Tit III.i.279 | |
And Lauinia thou shalt be employd in these things: | And, Lavinia, thou shalt be employed: | | Tit III.i.280 | |
Beare thou my hand sweet wench betweene thy teeth: | Bear thou my hand, sweet wench, between thy teeth. | wench (n.) girl, lass | Tit III.i.281 | |
As for thee boy, goe get thee from my sight, | (To Lucius) As for thee, boy, go get thee from my sight: | | Tit III.i.282 | |
Thou art an Exile, and thou must not stay, | Thou art an exile, and thou must not stay. | | Tit III.i.283 | |
Hie to the Gothes, and raise an army there, | Hie to the Goths and raise an army there, | hie (v.) hasten, hurry, speed | Tit III.i.284 | |
And if you loue me, as I thinke you doe, | And if ye love me, as I think you do, | | Tit III.i.285 | |
Let's kisse and part, for we haue much to doe. | Let's kiss and part, for we have much to do. | | Tit III.i.286 | |
| They kiss. | | Tit III.i.286 | |
Exeunt. Manet Lucius. | Exeunt all but Lucius | | Tit III.i.286 | |
Luci. | LUCIUS | | | |
Farewell Andronicus my noble Father: | Farewell Andronicus, my noble father, | | Tit III.i.287 | |
The woful'st man that euer liu'd in Rome: | The woefull'st man that ever lived in Rome. | | Tit III.i.288 | |
Farewell proud Rome, til Lucius come againe, | Farewell, proud Rome, till Lucius come again: | | Tit III.i.289 | |
Heloues his pledges dearer then his life: | He loves his pledges dearer than his life. | pledge (n.) guarantor, surety | Tit III.i.290 | |
Farewell Lauinia my noble sister, | Farewell, Lavinia, my noble sister: | | Tit III.i.291 | |
O would thou wert as thou tofore hast beene, | O, would thou wert as thou tofore hast been! | tofore (adv.) [archaism] earlier, beforehand | Tit III.i.292 | |
But now, nor Lucius nor Lauinia liues | But now nor Lucius nor Lavinia lives | | Tit III.i.293 | |
But in obliuion and hateful griefes: | But in oblivion and hateful griefs. | | Tit III.i.294 | |
If Lucius liue, he will requit your wrongs, | If Lucius live, he will requite your wrongs, | requite (v.), past forms requit, requited avenge, pay back, take vengeance on | Tit III.i.295 | |
And make proud Saturnine and his Empresse | And make proud Saturnine and his empress | | Tit III.i.296 | |
Beg at the gates like Tarquin and his Queene. | Beg at the gates like Tarquin and his queen. | Tarquin Tarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece | Tit III.i.297 | |
Now will I to the Gothes and raise a power, | Now will I to the Goths and raise a power | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | Tit III.i.298 | |
To be reueng'd on Rome and Saturnine. | To be revenged on Rome and Saturnine. | | Tit III.i.299 | |
Exit Lucius | Exit Lucius | | Tit III.i.299 | |