Click Name to see the plays in ascending or descending alphabetical order.
Click the arrow next to the play title to see Acts, and then its arrow to see Scenes.
Click again on the arrow to return to the main list.
Click on the Name of the Play, Act, or Scene to go to the text. On Chrome, the content is displayed in a new tab. Alternatively, use the back button in the menu to return to the table.
Type a word from one of the play or poem titles in the box below Name and press enter,to bring up that title. You can also use the filter button to bring up a group of titles - for example, if you type ‘Henry’ into the Plays box you’ll see all plays with the word 'Henry' in it.
Click to return to the full table.
Click Lines to show items in ascending or descending order of frequency for plays as wholes, acts or scenes.
Click Words to show items in ascending or descending order of frequency for plays as wholes, acts or scenes.