Work | Aliases |
The Comedy of Errors | The Comedy of ErrorsComedy of ErrorsComedyErrorsCEErrCom ErrCofE |
Hamlet | HamletHam |
Coriolanus | CoriolanusCor |
A Midsummer Night's Dream | A Midsummer Nights DreamMidsummer Nights DreamMidsummerDreamMND |
The Two Gentlemen of Verona | The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTwo Gentlemen of VeronaTwo GentsTGTGV2Gen |
Richard III | Richard IIIRichard 3R3R IIIRich IIIRich3 |
Cymbeline | CymbelineCymCymb |
Antony and Cleopatra | Antony and CleopatraAntony & CleopatraAntonyACAntA&C |
Othello | OthelloOth |
Troilus and Cressida | Troilus and CressidaTroilus & CressidaTroilusTCTroTroiTroilT&C |
King Lear | King LearLearKLLr |
The Tempest | The TempestTempestTemTmpTemp |
Macbeth | MacbethMacMacb |
King Edward III | King Edward IIIKing Edward 3KEEdw |
King John | King JohnJohnKJJn |
Pericles | Pericles, Prince of TyrePericlesPer |
Timon of Athens | Timon of AthensTimonTim |
The Merchant of Venice | The Merchant of VeniceMerchant of VeniceMerchantMVMerchMerV |
Julius Caesar | Julius CaesarCaesarJCJul Caes |
Titus Andronicus | Titus AndronicusTitusTit |
Twelfth Night | Twelfth NightTNTwelTwN |
Richard II | Richard IIRichard 2R2R IIRich IIRich2 |
Much Ado About Nothing | Much Ado About NothingMuch AdoMAAdoMuchMu AdMAN |
The Taming of the Shrew | The Taming of the ShrewTaming of the ShrewTamingShrewTSShr |
Henry VI Part 1 | Henry VI Part 1Henry VI Pt 1Henry 6 Part 1Henry VI 1Henry 6 11H61 H VI1Hen VI |
As You Like It | As You Like ItAs YouAYLAYAYLI |
Measure for Measure | Measure for MeasureMeasureMMMeas |
Love's Labour's Lost | Loves Labours LostLLLLLLoves Labours |
The Merry Wives of Windsor | The Merry Wives of WindsorMerry Wives of WindsorMerry WivesWivesMWWivMWW |
All's Well That Ends Well | Alls Well That Ends WellAlls WellAWAWWAlls W |
Henry VI Part 3 | Henry VI Part 3Henry VI Pt 3Henry 6 Part 3Henry VI 3Henry 6 33H63 H VI3Hen VI |
Romeo and Juliet | Romeo and JulietRomeo & JulietRomeoRJRomR&J |
Henry IV Part 1 | Henry IV Part 1Henry IV Pt 1Henry 4 Part 1Henry IV 1Henry 4 11H41 H IV1Hen IV |
Henry VI Part 2 | Henry IV Part 2 Henry IV Pt 2Henry 4 Part 2Henry IV 2Henry 4 22H42 H IV2Hen IV |
The Winter's Tale | The Winters TaleWinters TaleWTWint TWint |
Henry VIII | Henry VIIIHenry 8H8H VIIIHen VIIIHen8 |
The Two Noble Kinsmen | The Two Noble KinsmenTwo Noble KinsmenTNK2 Nob2NK |
Henry V | Henry VHenry 5H5H VHen VHen5 |
Henry IV Part 2 | Henry VI Part 2Henry VI Pt 2Henry 6 Part 2Henry VI 2Henry 6 22H62 H VI2Hen VI |
Venus and Adonis | Venus and AdonisVenus & AdonisVenusVen |
The Passionate Pilgrim | The Passionate PilgrimPassionate PilgrimPPPassPPassPil |
The Rape of Lucrece | The Rape of LucreceRape of LucreceLucreceLuc |
Sonnets | SonnetsSonnetSonnSon |
A Lover's Complaint | A Lovers ComplaintLovers ComplaintLC |
The Phoenix and Turtle | The Phoenix and the TurtleThe Phoenix & the TurtlePhoenPhTPhoenix and the TurtlePhoenix & the TurtlePhoenix |