Frequently Encountered Words

Several of the content-carrying words in Shakespeare are used so often that we find it helpful to approach them in the manner of a language-teaching phrase-book, singling them out so that readers can more easily develop an intuition about how they are used. We have selected 100 of these words, in particular senses, in the list below, and chosen quotations for them which illustrate several grammatical contexts. We like to think of these words as a preliminary word-list which captures some of the character of basic Early Modern English vocabulary. Readers who familiarize themselves with these items will be many times repaid by a smoother reading of the texts.
It is important to note that a number of these words are also used in other, less frequent, senses in Shakespearean English. We make a reference to any such senses after each entry below. These senses will all be found in their alphabetical place in the Glossary.

afeard (adj.)
afraid, frightened, scared

Cym IV.ii.94 [Cloten to Guiderius] Art not afeard?

1H6 IV.vii.86 [Lucy to all] A phoenix that shall make all France afeard

Mac I.iii.95 [Ross to Macbeth] Nothing afeard of what thyself didst make

MND III.i.107 [Bottom alone, of his companions] This is a knavery of them to make me afeard

anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently

Ham III.ii.272 [Hamlet to Ophelia] You shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago’s wife

1H4 II.iv.31 [Prince Hal to Poins, of Francis the drawer] do thou never leave calling ‘Francis!’, that his tale to me may be nothing but ‘Anon’

apace (adv.)
quickly, speedily, at a great rate

AYL III.iii.1 [Touchstone to Audrey] Come apace

E3 III.i.37 [King John to all, of his confederates] are marching hither apace

RJ III.ii.1 [Juliet alone] Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds

apparel (n.)
clothes, clothing, dress

Ham III.ii.45 [Hamlet to Players] one suit of apparel

Ham I.iii.72 [Polonius to Laertes] For the apparel oft proclaims the man

arrant (adj.)
downright, absolute, unmitigated

Ham III.i.129 [Hamlet to Ophelia] We are arrant knaves all

H5 IV.vii.2 [Fluellen to Gower, of the French behaviour] 'tis as arrant a piece of knavery ... as can be offert

KL II.iv.50 [Fool to Lear] Fortune, that arrant whore

attend (on / upon) (v.)
1 await, wait for, expect

Cor I.x.30 [Aufidius to First Soldier] I am attended at the cypress grove

Cym II.iii.36 [Cymbeline to Cloten] Attend you here the door of our stern daughter?

E3 IV.v.6 [King John to Charles] Silence attends some wonder

TG III.i.186 [Valentine alone] Tarry I here, I but attend on death

aught (n.)
anything; [together with a negative word] nothing

Ham IV.iii.60 [Claudius, as if to the King of England] if my love thou holdest at aught

Ham V.ii.357 [Horatio to Fortinbras] If aught of woe or wonder

TG V.iv.20 [Proteus to Silvia] Though you respect not aught your servant doth

avaunt (int.)
begone, go away, be off

2H4 I.ii.89 [Falstaff to Servant] Hence! Avaunt!

KL [Edgar as Poor Tom, to imaginary dogs] Avaunt, you curs!

Mac III.iv.92 [Macbeth to Banquo’s ghost] Avaunt, and quit my sight!

aye (adv.)
always,ever, for eternity

Cym IV.iv.27 [Belarius to Arviragus and Guiderius] aye hopeless / To have the courtesy your cradle promised

R2 V.ii.45 [York to Duchess of York, of Bolingbroke] Whose state and honour I for aye allow

base (adj.)
1 dishonourable, low, unworthy

AYL II.vii.79 [Jaques to Duke Senior] what is he of basest function

AYL III.ii.64 [Touchstone to Corin] civet is of a baser birth than tar

E3 III.iii.183 [Edward to Prince Edward, of the latter's heart] never base affections enter there

1H6 V.v.49 [Suffolk to all] Disgrace not so your king / That he should be so abject, base, and poor / To choose for wealth

2 low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank

Cor I.i.155 [Menenius to First Citizen] one o'th'lowest, basest, poorest / Of this most wise rebellion

Ham V.ii.60 [Hamlet to Horatio] ’Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes / Between ... mighty opposites

1H6 I.ii.80 [Pucelle to Dauphin, of Our Lady] Willed me to leave my base vocation

KL I.ii.10 [Edmund alone] Why brand they us / With ‘base’?

TNK II.iii.2 [Gaoler's Daughter alone] I am base, / My father the mean keeper of his prison

3 poor, wretched, of low quality

1H6 I.i.137 [Third Messenger to all] A base Walloon ... / Thrust Talbot with a spear into the back

1H6 [Talbot to John Talbot, as if to Orleans] Contaminated, base, and misbegotten blood I spill of thine

TNK III.iii.44 [Palamon to Arcite] Base cousin, / Darest thou break first?

bawd (n.)
pimp, procurer, pander, go-between

Ham III.i.112 [Hamlet to Ophelia] transform honesty from what it is to a bawd

R2 V.iii.66 [York to King Henry, of Aumerle] So shall my virtue be his vice's bawd

become (v.)
1 be fitting, befit, be appropriate to

AYL I.i.74 [Orlando to Oliver] I will no further offend you than becomes me for my good

1H6 V.iii.170 [Suffolk to Reignier] Set this diamond safe / In golden palaces, as it becomes

R2 II.i.140 [King Richard to all, as if to John of Gaunt] let them die that age and sullens have; / For both hast thou, and both become the grave

2 grace, honour, dignify

AC I.i.49 [Antony to and of Cleopatra] whom everything becomes

Cor I.iii.10 [Volumnia to Virgilia, of Marcus] considering how honour would become such a person

1H6 IV.vii.23 [Talbot to his dead son] O thou whose wounds become hard-favoured Death

befall (v.)
1 happen, occur, take place, turn out

AYL IV.iii.103 [Oliver to Rosalind and Celia disguised] Lo, what befell!

2H4 I.i.177 [Morton to Lord Bardolph] What hath then befallen, / Or what hath this bold enterprise brought forth

2H6 V.iii.33 [Warwick to all] more such days as these to us befall!

MND V.i.153 [Snout to all] In this same interlude it doth befall / That I ... present a wall

2 happen to, come to

E3 II.ii.23 [Derby to Edward] Befall my sovereign all my sovereign's wish

R2 II.i.129 [John of Gaunt to Richard] My brother Gloucester ... / Whom fair befall in heaven

R3 I.iii.281 [Queen Margaret to Buckingham] fair befall thee and thy noble house!

R3 I.iv.16 [Clarence to Keeper] a thousand heavy times ... / That had befallen us

belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems

CE IV.i.25 [Antipholus of Ephesus to Angelo] Belike you thought our love would last too long

Ham III.ii.302 [Hamlet to Horatio, of Claudius and the play] belike he likes it not

beshrew, ’shrew (v.)
curse, devil take, evil befall

Cym II.iii.141 [Innogen to Pisanio, of he ring] ’Shrew me, / If I would lose it for a revenue / Of any king’s in Europe

2H6 III.i.184 [Gloucester to his enemies] Beshrew the winners

MND II.ii.60 [Hermia to Lysander] much beshrew my manners and my pride / If Hermia meant to say Lysander lied

Oth IV.iii.77 [Desdemona to Emilia] Beshrew me, if I would do such a wrong

bethink (v.)
past form bethought: call to mind, think about, consider, reflect

MV I.iii.29 [Shylock to Bassanio] that I may be assured, I will bethink me

R2 II.iii.8 [Northumberland to Bolingbroke] I bethink me what a weary way / From Ravenspurgh to Cotswold will be found

TN III.iv.289 [Sir Toby to Viola as Cesario, of Sir Andrew] he hath better bethought him of his quarrel

brave (adj.)
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive

AYL III.iv.36 [Celia to Rosalind, of Orlando] O, that's a brave man! He writes brave verses, speaks brave words, swears brave oaths .. all's brave that youth mounts and folly guides

Ham II.ii.300 [Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern] this brave o'erhanging firmament

1H4 IV.i.7 [Hotspur to Douglas] a braver place / In my heart's love hath no man than yourself

Tem III.ii.97 [Caliban to Stephano, of Prospero] He has brave utensils

brow (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance

Ham III.iii.7 [Claudius to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, of the danger seen in Hamlet] doth hourly grow / Out of his brows

LLL IV.iii.224 [Berowne to King, of Rosaline] What peremptory eagle-sighted eye / Dares look upon the heaven of her brow

LLL IV.iii.183 [Berowne to all] When shall you hear that I / Will praise ... / A gait, a state, a brow

chide (v.)
past form chid: scold, rebuke, reprove

AC I.iv.30 [Caesar to Lepidus, of Antony] to confound such time / ... ’tis to be chid / As we rate boys

AYL III.v.64 [Phebe to Rosalind as Ganymede] I pray you chide a year together; I had rather hear you chide than this man woo

AYL IV.i.32 [Rosalind to Jaques] almost chide God for making you that countenance you are

colours (n.)
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners

Cym I.v.18 [Iachimo to all, of Posthumus' banishment] the approbation of those that weep this lamentable divorce under her colours

E3 IV.vii.2 [Prince Edward to King John] Thy bloody ensigns are my captive colours

1H6 IV.ii.56[Talbot to all] God and Saint George ... / Prosper our colours in this dangerous fight!

commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards<

MM I.iv.88 [Isabella to Lucio] Commend me to my brother

MV III.ii.232 [Salerio to Bassanio] Signor Antonio / Commends him to you

MW I.iv.152 [Fenton to Mistress Quickly, of Anne] If thou seest her before me, commend me

TG II.iv.121 [Proteus to Valentine] Your friends ... have them much commended

content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready

1H6 IV.i.70 [King to Talbot] are you not content? [Talbot] Content, my liege? Yes

1H6 V.iii.165 [Suffolk to himself] I could be well content / To be mine own attorney in this case

corse (n.)
corpse, dead body

Ham V.i.163 [First Clown to Hamlet] we have many pocky corses nowadays

1H6 I.i.62 [Bedford to Messenger] What sayest thou, man, before dead Henry’s corse?

counterfeit (v.)
1 copy, imitate, simulate

E3 II.i.256 [Countess to Edward] He that doth clip or counterfeit your stamp / Shall die

1H6 II.iv.62 [Richard to Somerset] Meantime your cheeks do counterfeit our roses

2 pretend, feign, make believe

AYL III.v.17 [Phebe to Silvius] Now counterfeit to swoon

AYL IV.iii.167 [Rosalind as Ganymede to Oliver, of her fainting] a body would think this was well counterfeited

Cor II.iii.99 [Coriolanus to Fourth Citizen] I will counterfeit the bewitchment of some popular man

course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding

Cym III.iv.113 [Pisanio to Innogen] I have consider'd of a course

R2 II.i.213 [York to Richard] by bad courses may be understood / That their events can never fall out good

crave (v.)
beg, entreat, request

CE I.ii.26 [First Merchant to Antipholus of Syracuse] I crave your pardon

1H6 I.i.159 [Third Messenger to Bedford] The Earl of Salisbury craveth supply

1H6 II.iii.12 [Messenger to Countess] acording as your ladyship desired, / By message craved, so is Lord Talbot come

cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife

AW II.ii.24 [Clown to Countess, of his answer] As fit as ... the cuckold to his horn

Ham IV.v.120 [Laertes to Claudius] Cries cuckold to my father

MW II.ii.297 [Ford alone] Fie, fie, fie! Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold!

Oth III.iii.165 [Iago to Othello] That cuckold lives in bliss / Who certain of his fate loves not his wronger

discover (v.)
reveal, show, make known

Cym III.v.96 [Cloten to Pisanio] Discover where thy mistress is

MA I.ii.10 [Antonio to Leonato] the Prince discovered to Claudio that he loved my niece

TN II.v.154 [Malvolio to himself] Daylight and champain discovers not more!

envious (adj.)
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity

1H6 III.i.196 [Exeter alone, of the peers' agreement] So will this base and envious disCord breed

MM III.ii.137 [disguised Duke to Lucio, of the Duke] he shall appear to the envious a scholar

R2 III.iii.65 [Bolingbroke to all, of King Richard as the sun] he perceives the envious clouds are bent / To dim his glory

TNK II.i.319 [Palamon to Gaoler] Devils take 'em / That are so envious to me

fain (adv.)
[usually with would] gladly, willingly

Ham II.ii.131 [Polonius to Claudius] I would fain prove so

Ham IV.vii.190 [Laertes to Claudius] I have a speech o'fire that fain would blaze

false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious

Ham IV.v.12 [Gertrude to all] this is counter, you false Danish dogs!

1H6 IV.i.63 [Gloucester to all, of Burgundy] such false dissembling guile

R2 I.iii.106 [First Herald to all, of Bolingbroke] On pain to be found false and recreant

fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope

Cym III.i.82 [Cloten to Lucius] if you fall in the adventure, our crows shall fare the better for you

1H6 II.v.4 [Mortimer to Gaoler] So fare my limbs with long imprisonment

E3 [Artois to Prince Edward] How fares your grace?

TS induction.2.100 [Sly to Page dressed as Sly’s wife] I fare well

field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat

H5 III.ii.9 [Pistol to Nym and Bardolph] sword and shield / In bloody field, / Doth win immortal fame

H5 [King Henry to Exeter] yet keep the French the field

1H6 V.iii.12 [Pucelle to the spirits] Help me this once, that France may get the field [i.e. win the battle]

forbear (v.)
1 stop, cease, desist

AYL II.vii.88 [Orlando to all] Forbear, and eat no more

1H6 III.i.106 [Gloucester to his fighting servants] Let me persuade you to forbear awhile

3H6 IV.i.6 [Somerset to Richard and George] forbear this talk

TG III.i.202 [Proteus to Launce] Villain, forbear

2 leave alone, avoid, stay away [from]

AC III.xiii.107 [Antony to Cleopatra] Have I ... / Forborne the getting of a lawful race

AYLII.vii.128 [Orlando to Duke Senior] forbear your food a little while

R3 IV.iv.118 [Queen Margaret to Queen Elizabeth] Forbear to sleep the nights

forsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed

AC V.ii.278 [Clown to Cleopatra, responding to her ‘get thee gone'] Yes, forsooth

1H4 I.iii.138 [Hotspur to Worcester and Northumberland, of King Henry] He will forsooth have all my prisoners

MND III.ii.230 [Helena to Hermia] wherefore doth Lysander … tender me forsooth affection

MW III.ii.5 [Robin to Mistress Page] I had rather, forsooth, go before you like a man

forswear (v.)
1 swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word

MND I.i.240 [Helena to herself] As waggish boys in game themselves forswear, / So the boy love is peRJured everywhere

RJ III.v.196 [Capulet to Juliet] I'll not be forsworn

TG II.v.2 [Launce to Speed] Forswear not thyself

2 abandon, renounce, reject, give up

1H4 II.ii.15 [Falstaff, as if alone, of Poins] I have forsworn his company hourly

3H6 III.ii.153 [Richard to himself] love forswore me in my mother's womb

LLL V.ii.410 [Berowne to Rosaline, of his rhetorical words] I do forswear them

3 deny, repudiate, refuse to admit

1H4 V.ii.38 [Worcester to Hotspur, of King Henry] now forswearing that he is forsworn [first instance]

MA V.i.162 [Don Pedro to Benedick, quoting Beatrice on Benedick] he swore a thing to me on Monday night, which he forswore on Tuesday morning

RJ I.v.52 [Romeo to himself, of seeing Juliet] Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!

fright (v.)
frighten, scare, terrify

Cor I.ix.5 [Cominius to Martius] where ladies shall be frighted / And ... hear more

H5 V.ii.226 [King Henry to Katherine] when I come to woo ladies I fright them

MW II.i.125 [Page to Ford, of Nym] Here's a fellow frights English out of his wits

Per V.iii.3 [Pericles to Diana, of himself] Frighted from my country

gage (n.)
pledge, challenge [usually, a glove or gauntlet thrown down]

H5 IV.i.203 [King Henry to Williams] Give me any gage of thine, and I will wear it in my bonnet

R2 IV.i.34 [Fitzwater to Aumerle] There is my gage, Aumerle, in gage to thine

gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble

Cor II.iii.96 [Coriolanus to Fourth Citizen, of the people] ’Tis a condition they account gentle

1H6 III.ii.135 [Talbot to Burgundy, of Bedford] A gentler heart did never sway in court

1H6 IV.i.44 [Talbot to all] a hedge-born swain / That doth presume to boast of gentle blood

Oth III.iv.118 [Desdemona to Cassio] thrice-gentle Cassio!

R2 II.iii.45 [Bolingbroke to Percy] I thank thee, gentle Percy

glass (n.)
mirror, looking-glass

CE V.i.418 [Dromio of Ephesus to Dromio of Syracuse] Methinks you are my glass

Cym IV.i.7 [Cloten alone] it is not vain-glory for a man and his glass to confer in his own chamber

Ham III.i.154 [Ophelia alone, of Hamlet] The glass of fashion

habit (n.)
dress, clothing, costume

Cym V.i.30 [Posthumus alone] Let me make men know / More valour in me than my habits show

H5 [Montjoy to King Henry] You know me by my habit

KJ I.i.210 [Bastard alone, of himself] not alone in habit and device

TG II.vii.39 [Lucetta to Julia] in what habit will you go along?

haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck

CE V.i.184 [Egeon to Duke] Haply I see a friend will save my life

Ham IV.i.40 [Claudius to Gertrude] So haply slander ... may miss our name

heavy (adj.)
sorrowful, sad, gloomy

R3 I.iv.68 [Clarence to Keeper] My soul is heavy

RJ I.i.137 [Montague to Benvolio, of Romeo] Away from light steals home my heavy son

TG IV.ii.136 [disguised Julia to Host] it hath been the longest night / That e'er I watched, and the most heaviest

hie (v.)
hasten, hurry, speed

AW IV.iv.12 [Helena to Widow and Diana] My husband hies him home

CE III.ii.155 [Antipholus of Syracuse to Dromio of Syracuse] Go, hie thee presently

Ham I.i.155 [Horatio to Marcellus and Barnardo] Th'extravagant and erring spirit hies / To his confine

humour (n.)
mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]

AYL III.ii.29 [Touchstone to Corin, of a shepherd's life] it fits my humour well

CE II.ii.7 [Antipholus of Syracuse to Dromio of Syracuse] Is your merry humour altered?

R2 V.v.10 [Richard alone] these same thoughts people this little world, / In humours like the people of this world

TNK V.ii.36 [Doctor to Wooer, of the Gaoler's Daughter] The melancholy humour that infects her

ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable

AC II.ii.160[Antony to Caesar, of Pompey] I must thank him only, / Lest my remembrance suffer ill report

R2 III.iv.80 [Queen Isabel to Gardener] how / Camest thou by this ill tidings?

ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably

1H6 IV.i.74 [King to Talbot, of Burgundy] Let him perceive how ill we brook his treason

R2 V.iii.98 [York to King Henry] Ill mayst thou thrive if thou grant any grace

intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim

AW I.iii.213 [Countess to Helena] Had you not lately an intent ... / To go to Paris?

KL II.i.63 [Edmund to Gloucester, of Edgar] I dissuaded him from his intent

LLL V.ii.753 [King to the ladies, of their beauty] fashioning our humours / Even to the opposed end of our intents

R3 I.i.149 [Richard alone] if I fail not in my deep intent

issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant

1H6 II.v.94 [Mortimer to Richard] thou seest that I no issue have

KL I.i.66 [Lear to Gonerill] To thine and Albany's issues / Be this perpetual

Mac III.i.64 [Macbeth alone] for Banquo's issue have I filed my mind

2 outcome, result, consequence(s)

H5 V.ii.12 [Queen Isabel to King Henry] happy be the issue ... / Of this good day

Oth III.iii.217 [Iago to Othello] I am to pray you, not to strain my speech / To grosser issues

WT V.iii.128 [Hermione to Perdita] I ... have preserved / Myself to see the issue

knave (n.)
scoundrel, rascal, rogue

Ham V.i.135 [Hamlet to Horatio, of the First Clown] How absolute the knave is!

1H4 II.ii.83 [Falstaff to Travellers] bacon-fed knaves

lief, had as (adj.)
should like just as much

Ham III.ii.3 [Hamlet to the Players] I had as lief the town crier spoke my lines

1H4 IV.ii.17 [Falstaff alone] I press ... such a commodity of warm slaves as had as lief hear the devil as a drum

like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal

Ham I.ii.212 [Horatio to Hamlet] These hands are not more like

Cym IV.ii.236 [Arviragus to Guiderius] use like note and words

3H6 I.ii.75 [York to all, of battles previously won] Why should I not now have the like success?

LLL IV.ii.85 [Costard to Holofernes, of the one most likely to be pierced] he that is likest to a hogshead

like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably

AYL I.ii.17 [Celia to Rosalind] nor none is like to have

Ham II.ii.348 [Hamlet to Rosencrantz] it is most like

livery (n.)
uniform, costume, special clothing

2H4 V.v.12 [Falstaff to Shallow] if I had had time to have made new liveries

MND I.i.70 [Theseus to Hermia] examine well your blood / Whether ... / You can endure the livery of a nun

mark (v.)
note, pay attention to, take notice of

Cor V.iii.92 [Coriolanus to the Volscians] Aufidius and you Volsces, mark

Ham II.i.15 [Polonius to Reynaldo] Do you mark this?

2H4 I.ii.123 [Falstaff to Lord Chief Justice] the disease of not listening, the malady of not marking

Mac IV.iii.169 [Ross to Macduff] Where sighs and groans … / Are made, not marked

marvellous (adv.)
very, extremely, exceedingly

MND III.i.2 [Quince to all] here’s a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal

R3 III.v.1 [stage direction] Enter Richard ... and Buckingham, in rotten armour, marvellous ill-favoured

meet (adj.)
fit, suitable, right, proper

Ham I.v.107 [Hamlet alone] meet it is I set it down

H5 I.ii.255 [Ambassador to King Henry, of the Dauphin] He therefore sends you, meeter for your spirit, / This tun of treasure

Ham I.v.171 [Hamlet to Horatio and Marcellus] As I perchance hereafter shall think meet

2H6 I.iii.158 [Gloucester to King] I say ... York is meetest man / To be your Regent

Mac V.i.16 [Doctor to Gentlewoman, of telling him what she has seen] ’tis most meet you should

mere (adj.)
complete, total, absolute, utter

AYL II.vii.166 [Jaques to all] second childishness, and mere oblivion

Cym IV.ii.92 [Cloten to Guiderius] to thy mere confusion, thou shalt know / I am son to th’ queen

TS induction.1.21 [First Huntsman to Lord, of a hound following a scent] He cried upon it at the merest loss

merely (adv.)
completely, totally, entirely

AW IV.iii.20 [Second Lord to First Lord, of themselves] Merely our own traitors

AYL III.ii.383 [Rosalind to Orlando] Love is merely a madness

see also merely (adv.) 2--3

methinks(t), methought(s)(v.)
it seems / seemed to me

AW II.iii.251 [Lafew to Parolles] Methinkst thou art a general offence

Ham V.ii.98 [Hamlet to Osrick] But yet methinks it is very sultry

Ham V.ii.5 [Hamlet to Horatio] Methought I lay / Worse than the mutines in the bilboes

WT I.ii.154 [Leontes to Hermione] methoughts I did recoil / Twenty-three years

morn (n.)
morning, dawn

Ham I.iii.41 [Laertes to Ophelia] the morn and liquid dew of youth

Mac IV.iii.4 [Macduff to Malcolm] Each new morn / New widows howl

MM II.iv.71 [Isabella to Angelo] my morn prayer

Tem V.i.307 [Prospero to Alonso] In the morn, / I’ll bring you to your ship

morrow (n.)

1H4 II.i.33 [Gadshill to Carriers] Good morrow, carriers

2H4 III.i.32 [Warwick to King Henry IV] Many good morrows to your majesty!

H5 IV.chorus.33 [Chorus, of King Henry and his soldiers] Bids them good morrow

MW II.i.32 [Mistress Quickly to Falstaff] Give your worship good morrow

office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility

MA V.iv.14 [Leonato to Antonio] You know your office

MND II.ii.8 [Titania to Fairies] Sing me now asleep; / Then to your offices

Tem I.ii.312 [Prospero to Miranda, of Caliban] He ... serves in offices / That profit us

TN III.iv.317 [First Officer to Second Officer, of Antonio] This is the man; do thy office

see also office (n.) 2--8, (v.)

oft (adv.)

AC IV.xiv.139 [Anthony to the guards] I have led you oft

Cym V.v.249 [Cornelius to Cymbeline] The queen, sir, very oft importuned me / To temper poisons for her

ope (v.)

CE III.i.73 [Antipholus of Ephesus to Dromio of Ephesus] I'll break ope the gate

Ham I.iv.50 [Hamlet to Ghost] why the sepulchre ... Hath oped his ponderous and marble jaws

Tem V.i.45 [Prospero alone] graves at my command / Have waked their sleepers, oped, and let ’em forth

owe (v.)
own, possess, have

AW III.ii.119 [Helena alone] all the miseries which nature owes

KL I.iv.119 [Fool to Lear] Lend less than thou owest

Mac I.iii.75 [Macbeth to Witches] Say from whence / You owe this strange intelligence

R3 IV.iv.142 [Queen Elizabeth to King Richard] The slaughter of the prince that owed that crown

parle, parley (n.)
negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms]

E3 I.ii.22 [King David to Lorraine] we with England will not enter parley

H5 III.iii.2 [King Henry to the citizens of Harfleur] This is the latest parle we will admit

1H6 III.iii.35 [Pucelle to all, of Burgundy] Summon a parley; we will talk with him

TS I.i.114 [Hortensio to Gremio] the nature of our quarrel yet never brooked parle

pate (n.)
head, skull

CE II.i.78 [Adriana to Dromio of Ephesus] Back, slave, or I will break thy pate across

Cym II.i.7 [First Lord to Cloten, of Cloten’s bowling opponent] You have broke his pate with your bowl

peradventure (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, very likely

AYL I.ii.49 [Celia to Rosalind, of Touchstone] Per adventure this is not Fortune's work

E3 V.i.22 [Edward to Calais Citizens] You, peradventure, are but servile grooms

KJ [Hubert to Bastard, of King John] The King / Yet speaks, and peradventure may recover

perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe

CE IV.i.39 [Antipholus of Ephesus to Angelo] Per chance I will be there as soon as you

KJ IV.i.114 [Arthur to Hubert, of the fire] it perchance will sparkle in your eyes

perforce (adv.)
1 forcibly, by force, violently

CE IV.iii.94 [Courtesan alone, of Antipholus of Syracuse] He rushed into my house and took perforce / My ring away

R2 II.iii.120 [Bolingbroke to York] my rights and royalties / Plucked from my arms perforce

2 of necessity, with no choice in the matter

E3 III.i.182 [Mariner to King John, ofthe navies] we perforce were fain to give them way

R2 V.ii.35 [York to Duchess of York] The hearts of men, they must perforce have melted

physic (n.)
medicine, healing, treatment

AW II.i.185 [King to Helena] thy physic I will try

2H4 IV.v.16 [Prince Henry to Clarence, of King Henry IV] If he be sick with joy, he'll recover without physic

MM [Isabella to Mariana, of the Duke speaking against her] ’tis a physic / That's bitter to sweet end

RJ II.iii.48 [Romeo to Friar, of Juliet] Both our remedies / Within thy help and holy physic lies

place (n.)
position, post, office, rank

3H6 III.i.49 [King to himself] To strengthen and support King Edward's place

Mac I.iv.37 [King to all] Sons, kinsmen, thanes, / And you whose places are the nearest

Oth I.iii.235 [Othello to Duke] I crave fit disposition for my wife, / Due reference of place and exhibition

Per V.i.19 [Helicanus to Lysimachus] what is your place?

post (n.)
express messenger, courier

2H4 II.iv.351 [Peto to Prince Henry] there are twenty weak and wearied posts / Come from the north

2H6 III.i.282 [stage direction] Enter a Post

3H6 V.i.1 [Warwick to all] Where is the post that came from valiant Oxford?

Mac I.iii.97 [Ross to Macbeth] As thick as hail / Came post with post

power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army

Cor I.ii.9 [Aufidius to all, reading a letter about the Romans] They have pressed a power

1H6 II.ii.33 [Burgundy to all, of the French] We'll follow them with all the power we have

1H6 V.ii.5 [Alençon to Charles] keep not back your powers in dalliance

R2 III.ii.211 [King Richard to all] That power I have, discharge

see also power (n.) 2--9

prate (v.)
prattle, chatter, blather

CE II.ii.202 [Luciana to Dromio of Syracuse] Why pratest thou to thyself

Cor I.i.46 [First Citizen to all] Why stand we prating here?

Ham V.i.276 [Hamlet to Laertes] if thou prate of mountains

present (adj.)
immediate, instant

Cor III.i.211 [Brutus to all] Martius is worthy / Of present death

Ham V.i.291 [Claudius to Laertes] We'll put the matter to the present push

presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once

TNK II.i.277 [Gaoler to Arcite] you must presently to th'Duke

CE III.ii.155 [Antipholus of Syracuse to Dromio of Syracuse] Go, hie thee presently

purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan

KL I.iv.235 [Gonerill to Lear] understand my purposes aright

Mac II.ii.52 [Lady Macbeth to Macbeth] Infirm of purpose!

MM V.i.310 [Escalus to disguised Duke] we will know his purpose

quoth (v.)

AW I.iii.83 [Clown to Countess] One in ten, quoth’a!

AYL II.i.51 [First Lord to Duke Senior, of Jaques] ‘’Tis right,’ quoth he

CE II.i.62 [Dromio of Ephesus to Adriana] ‘’Tis dinner-time,’ quoth I

1H4 II.i.49 [Chamberlain to Gadshill] At hand, quoth pick-purse

rail (v.)
rant, rave, be abusive [about]

CE IV.iv.72 [Antipholus of Ephesus to Dromio of Ephesus, of Adriana] Didst not her kitchen-maid rail, taunt, and sCorn me?

H5 II.ii.41 [King Henry to Exeter] Enlarge the man committed yesterday / That railed against our person

R2 V.v.90 [Richard, as if to his horse] Why do I rail on thee

TN I.v.89 [Olivia to Malvolio] There is no slander in an allowed fool, though he do nothing but rail

remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection

AW I.iii.129 [Countess to herself] our remembrances of days foregone

Cym III.i.2 [Lucius to Cymbeline, of Caesar] whose remembrance yet / Lives in men's eyes

LLL V.ii.805 [Princess to King] For the remembrance of my father's death

sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn

MA I.iii.56 [Borachio to Don John] comes me the Prince and Claudio ... in sad conference

MA III.ii.15 [Leonato to Benedick] methinks you are sadder [than you were]

MND II.i.51 [Puck to Fairy] The wisest aunt telling the saddest tale / Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me

MV I.i.1 [Antonio to Salerio and Solanio] In sooth I know not why I am so sad

scape, ’scape (v.)
escape, avoid

1H4 II.ii.59 [Prince Hal to all, of the travellers] if they scape from your encounter, then they light on us

MW III.v.107 [Falstaff to Ford as Brook] It was a miracle to 'scape suffocation

several (adj.)
separate, different, distinct

AC I.v.62 [Alexas to Cleopatra] twenty several messengers

Cor I.viii.1 [stage direction] Enter Martius and Aufidius at several doors

E3 I.i.168 [Prince Edward to all] Then cheerfully forward, each a several way

LLL V.ii.125 [Boyet to Princess, of the King's party knowing their ladies] By favours several which they did bestow

MND V.i.407 [Oberon to all] Every fairy take his gait, / And each several chamber bless

something (adv.)
somewhat, rather

Cym I.ii.17 [Innogen to Posthumus] I something fear my father's wrath

Ham I.iii.121 [Polonius to Ophelia] Be something scanter of your maiden presence

2H4 I.ii.189 [Falstaff to Lord Chief Justice] I was born [with] ... something a round belly

KL I.i.20 [Gloucester to Kent, of Edmund] this knave came something saucily to the world

Tem III.i.58 [Miranda to Ferdinand] I prattle / Something too wildly

see also something (adv.) 2

sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment

AYL I.ii.23 [Rosalind to Celia] I will [be merry], coz, and devise sports

AYL I.ii.124 [Touchstone to Le Beau] what is the sport ... that the ladies have lost?

Ham III.ii.227 [Second Player, as Queen, to her King] Sport and repose lock from me day and night

1H6 II.ii.45 [Burgundy to all] I see our wars / Will turn unto a peaceful comic sport

LLL V.ii.153 [Princess to Boyet] There's no such sport as sport by sport o'erthrown

still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually

Ham III.i.175 [Claudius to Polonius, of Hamlet] his brains still beating

1H4 V.ii.6 [Worcester to Vernon, of King Henry] He will suspect us still

straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once

E3 IV.iv.72 [Herald to Prince Edward, of King John] He straight will fold his bloody colours up

1H6 IV.iv.40 [Somerset to Lucy] I will dispatch the horsemen straight

suit (n.)
formal request, entreaty, petition

CE IV.i.69 [Second Merchant to Officer, of Angelo] arrest him at my suit

Cor V.iii.135 [Volumnia to Coriolanus, of the Romans and Volsces] our suit / Is that you reconcile them

see also suit (n.) 2--4, (v.)

sup (v.)
have supper

1H4 I.ii.191 [Prince Hal to Poins, of Eastcheap] There I'll sup

2H4 II.ii.139 [Prince Henry to Bardolph, of Falstaff] Where sups he?

Oth V.i.117 [Iago to Emilia] Go know of Cassio where he supped tonight

undone (adj.)
ruined, destroyed, brought down

Oth V.i.54 [Cassio to Iago] I am spoiled, undone by villains!

RJ III.ii.38 [Nurse to Juliet] We are undone, lady

WT IV.iv.450 [Shepherd to Florizel] You have undone a man of fours core three

visage (n.)
face, countenance

MV III.ii.59 [Portia to Bassanio, of the Trojan wives] With bleared visages come forth to view / The issue of th'exploit

RJ I.iv.29 [Mercutio to Romeo] Give me a case to put my visage in

see also visage (n.) 2

voice (n.)
vote, official support

Cor II.iii.76 [Coriolanus to Second Citizen] Your good voice, sir. What say you?

Cor II.iii.155 [First Citizen to Sicinius, of Coriolanus] He has our voices

want (v.)
lack, need, be without

Ham I.ii.150 [Hamlet alone] a beast that wants discourse of reason / Would have mourned longer

1H6 I.i.143 [Bedford to Third Messenger, of Talbot] such a worthy leader, wanting aid

warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm

AW III.v.65 [Widow to Diana, of Helena] I warrant, good creature, wheresoe’er she is, / Her heart weighs sadly

AYL I.ii.192 [Charles to Duke] I warrant your grace

Ham III.iii.29 [Polonius to Claudius, of Gertrude and Hamlet] I'll warrant she'll tax him home

1H6 II.v.95 [Mortimer to Richard] thou seest that ... my fainting words do warrant death

TNK [Palamon to Arcite] I'll warrant thee I'll strike home

wench (n.)
girl, lass

Tem I.ii.139 [Prospero to Miranda] Well demanded, wench

Tem I.ii.480 [Prospero to Miranda] Foolish wench!

TNK II.iii.12 [Gaoler’s Daughter alone] I pitied him, / And so would any young wench

wit (n.)
1 intelligence, wisdom, good sense

CE II.ii.93 [Antipholus of Syracuse to Dromio of Syracuse] thou didst conclude hairy men plain dealers, without wit

1H6 I.ii.73 [Pucelle to Dauphin] I am by birth a shepherd's daughter, / My wit untrained in any kind of art

2 mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity

AYL IV.i.151 [Rosalind (as Ganymede) to Orlando] Make the doors upon a woman's wit, and it will out at the casement

AYL V.i.11 [Touchstone to himself] we that have good wits have much to answer for

wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of

CE II.ii.162 [Luciana to Antipholus of Syracuse] When were you wont to use my sister thus?

CE IV.iv.35 [Dromio of Ephesus to Antipholus of Ephesus, of beating] I bear it on my shoulders, as a beggar wont her brat [i.e. habitually does to her child]

1H6 I.ii.14 [Regnier to all] Talbot is taken, whom we wont to fear

3H6 [Warwick to dead Clifford] swear as thou wast wont

wot (v.)
learn, know, be told

AC I.v.22 [Cleopatra to Charmian, as if to Antony’s horse] wot’st thou whom thou mov’st?

1H6 [Talbot to his son] too much folly is it, well I wot

1H6 IV.vii.55 [Lucy to Charles, of the word 'submission'] We English warriors wot not what it means

R3 II.iii.18 [Third Citizen to others] Stood the state so? No, no, good friends, God wot!

WT III.ii.75 [Hermione to Leontes] the gods themselves, / Wotting no more than I, are ignorant


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