
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Ho-boyes. Torches. Enter a Sewer, and diuers Seruants Hautboys. Torches. Enter a Sewer and divers Servantsdivers (adj.)
different, various, several
Mac I.vii.1.1
sewer (n.)
supervisor, chief servant, master of ceremonies
with Dishes and Seruice ouer the Stage. Then enter with dishes and service over the stage. Then enterservice (n.)
table preparations for a meal
Mac I.vii.1.2
Macbeth.Macbeth Mac I.vii.1.3
If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twer well,If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well Mac I.vii.1
It were done quickly: If th' AssassinationIt were done quickly. If the assassination Mac I.vii.2
Could trammell vp the Consequence, and catchCould trammel up the consequence, and catchtrammel (v.)

old form: trammell
entangle, catch up [as in a fishing net]
Mac I.vii.3
catch (v.)
seize, get hold of, capture
With his surcease, Successe: that but this blowWith his surcease success – that but this blowsurcease (n.)
cessation, termination, completion
Mac I.vii.4
Might be the be all, and the end all. Heere,Might be the be-all and the end-all! – here, Mac I.vii.5
But heere, vpon this Banke and Schoole of time,But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,bank (n.)

old form: Banke
coast, shore
Mac I.vii.6
Wee'ld iumpe the life to come. But in these Cases,We'd jump the life to come. But in these casesjump (v.)

old form: iumpe
risk, hazard, imperil
Mac I.vii.7
We still haue iudgement heere, that we but teachWe still have judgement here – that we but teachstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Mac I.vii.8
Bloody Instructions, which being taught, returneBloody instructions, which, being taught, return Mac I.vii.9
To plague th' Inuenter, this euen-handed IusticeTo plague the inventor. This even-handed justice Mac I.vii.10
Commends th' Ingredience of our poyson'd ChalliceCommends the ingredience of our poisoned chaliceingredience (n.)
composition, ingredients, contents
Mac I.vii.11
commend (v.)
commit, entrust, hand over
To our owne lips. Hee's heere in double trust;To our own lips. He's here in double trust: Mac I.vii.12
First, as I am his Kinsman, and his Subiect,First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Mac I.vii.13
Strong both against the Deed: Then, as his Host,Strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Mac I.vii.14
Who should against his Murtherer shut the doore,Who should against his murderer shut the door, Mac I.vii.15
Not beare the knife my selfe. Besides, this DuncaneNot bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan Mac I.vii.16
Hath borne his Faculties so meeke; hath binHath borne his faculties so meek, hath beenfaculty (n.)
function, power, capability
Mac I.vii.17
So cleere in his great Office, that his VertuesSo clear in his great office, that his virtuesoffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
Mac I.vii.18
clear (adj.)

old form: cleere
pure, spotless, faultless
Will pleade like Angels, Trumpet-tongu'd againstWill plead like angels, trumpet-tongued against Mac I.vii.19
The deepe damnation of his taking off:The deep damnation of his taking-off;taking-off (n.)

old form: taking off
killing, elimination, removal
Mac I.vii.20
deep (adj.)

old form: deepe
solemn, weighty, important
And Pitty, like a naked New-borne-Babe,And Pity, like a naked new-born babe Mac I.vii.21
Striding the blast, or Heauens Cherubin, hors'dStriding the blast, or heaven's cherubin, horsedcherubin (n.)
cherub, angel; or: cherubim, angels
Mac I.vii.22
stride (v.)
bestride, sit astride, straddle
blast (n.)
storm, rage, angry breath
Vpon the sightlesse Curriors of the Ayre,Upon the sightless curriers of the air,sightless (adj.)

old form: sightlesse
invisible, unseen, hidden
Mac I.vii.23
currier (n.)

old form: Curriors
runner, messenger, courier
Shall blow the horrid deed in euery eye,Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, Mac I.vii.24
That teares shall drowne the winde. I haue no SpurreThat tears shall drown the wind. I have no spur Mac I.vii.25
To pricke the sides of my intent, but onelyTo prick the sides of my intent but onlyintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
Mac I.vii.26
Vaulting Ambition, which ore-leapes it selfe,Vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itselfoverleap (v.)

old form: ore-leapes
leap too far, overshoot
Mac I.vii.27
And falles on th' other.And falls on the other. Mac I.vii.28.1
Enter Lady.Enter Lady Macbeth Mac I.vii.28
How now? What Newes?How now? What news? Mac I.vii.28.2
He has almost supt: why haue you left the chamber?He has almost supped. Why have you left the chamber?sup (v.)

old form: supt
have supper
Mac I.vii.29
Hath he ask'd for me?Hath he asked for me? Mac I.vii.30.1
Know you not, he ha's?Know you not he has? Mac I.vii.30.2
We will proceed no further in this Businesse:We will proceed no further in this business. Mac I.vii.31
He hath Honour'd me of late, and I haue boughtHe hath honoured me of late, and I have bought Mac I.vii.32
Golden Opinions from all sorts of people,Golden opinions from all sorts of people Mac I.vii.33
Which would be worne now in their newest glosse,Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,gloss (n.)

old form: glosse
deceptive appearance, plausibility
Mac I.vii.34
Not cast aside so soone.Not cast aside so soon. Mac I.vii.35.1
Was the hope drunke,Was the hope drunk Mac I.vii.35.2
Wherein you drest your selfe? Hath it slept since?Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? Mac I.vii.36
And wakes it now to looke so greene, and pale,And wakes it now to look so green and pale Mac I.vii.37
At what it did so freely? From this time,At what it did so freely? From this time Mac I.vii.38
Such I account thy loue. Art thou affear'dSuch I account thy love. Art thou afeardafeard (adj.)

old form: affear'd
afraid, frightened, scared
Mac I.vii.39
To be the same in thine owne Act, and Valour,To be the same in thine own act and valour Mac I.vii.40
As thou art in desire? Would'st thou haue thatAs thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that Mac I.vii.41
Which thou esteem'st the Ornament of Life,Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, Mac I.vii.42
And liue a Coward in thine owne Esteeme?And live a coward in thine own esteem, Mac I.vii.43
Letting I dare not, wait vpon I would,Letting ‘ I dare not’ wait upon ‘ I would ’,wait on / upon (v.)

old form: vpon
accompany, attend
Mac I.vii.44
Like the poore Cat i'th' Addage.Like the poor cat i'the adage?adage (n.)

old form: Addage
proverb, saying, maxim
Mac I.vii.45.1
Prythee peace:Prithee peace. Mac I.vii.45.2
I dare do all that may become a man,I dare do all that may become a man;become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
Mac I.vii.46
Who dares do more, is none.Who dares do more is none. Mac I.vii.47.1
What Beast was't thenWhat beast was't then Mac I.vii.47.2
That made you breake this enterprize to me?That made you break this enterprise to me?break (v.)

old form: breake
reveal, disclose, impart
Mac I.vii.48
When you durst do it, then you were a man:When you durst do it, then you were a man; Mac I.vii.49
And to be more then what you were, you wouldAnd to be more than what you were, you would Mac I.vii.50
Be so much more the man. Nor time, nor placeBe so much more the man. Nor time nor place Mac I.vii.51
Did then adhere, and yet you would make both:Did then adhere, and yet you would make both.adhere (v.)
agree, suit, fit the circumstances
Mac I.vii.52
They haue made themselues, and that their fitnesse nowThey have made themselves, and that their fitness now Mac I.vii.53
Do's vnmake you. I haue giuen Sucke, and knowDoes unmake you. I have given suck, and knowunmake (v.)

old form: vnmake
undo, destroy, make incapable
Mac I.vii.54
How tender 'tis to loue the Babe that milkes me,How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me; Mac I.vii.55
I would, while it was smyling in my Face,I would, while it was smiling in my face Mac I.vii.56
Haue pluckt my Nipple from his Bonelesse Gummes,Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums Mac I.vii.57
And dasht the Braines out, had I so sworne / As youAnd dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Mac I.vii.58
haue done to this.Have done to this. Mac I.vii.58.1
If we should faile?If we should fail? Mac I.vii.58.2
We faile?We fail! Mac I.vii.58.3
But screw your courage to the sticking place,But screw your courage to the sticking place,sticking place (n.)
place on a device at which something is held fast [such as a stringed instrument or crossbow]
Mac I.vii.60
And wee'le not fayle: when Duncan is asleepe,And we'll not fail. When Duncan is asleep – Mac I.vii.61
(Whereto the rather shall his dayes hard IourneyWhereto the rather shall his day's hard journey Mac I.vii.62
Soundly inuite him) his two ChamberlainesSoundly invite him – his two chamberlainschamberlain (n.)

old form: Chamberlaines
bedchamber attendant
Mac I.vii.63
Will I with Wine, and Wassell, so conuince,Will I with wine and wassail so convincewassail (n.)

old form: Wassell
drinking-party, carousal, revels
Mac I.vii.64
convince (v.)

old form: conuince
defeat, overcome, overpower
That Memorie, the Warder of the Braine,That memory, the warder of the brain, Mac I.vii.65
Shall be a Fume, and the Receit of ReasonShall be a-fume, and the receipt of reasonfume (n.)
harmful vapour [rising from the stomach to the brain]
Mac I.vii.66
A Lymbeck onely: when in Swinish sleepe,A limbeck only. When in swinish sleepswinish (adj.)
coarse, gross; or: comparing [one] to pigs
Mac I.vii.67
limbeck (n.)

old form: Lymbeck
retort, distilling apparatus, alembic
Their drenched Natures lyes as in a Death,Their drenched natures lie as in a death,drenched (adj.)
full of drink, drowned
Mac I.vii.68
What cannot you and I performe vponWhat cannot you and I perform upon Mac I.vii.69
Th' vnguarded Duncan? What not put vponThe unguarded Duncan? What not put uponput upon / on (v.)

old form: vpon
ascribe to, impute to, attribute to
Mac I.vii.70
His spungie Officers? who shall beare the guiltHis spongy officers, who shall bear the guiltspongy, spungy (adj.)

old form: spungie
soaked with drink, drunken
Mac I.vii.71
Of our great quell.Of our great quell?quell (n.)
murder, slaying, slaughter
Mac I.vii.72.1
Bring forth Men-Children onely:Bring forth men-children only! Mac I.vii.72.2
For thy vndaunted Mettle should composeFor thy undaunted mettle should composecompose (v.)
make up, produce, fashion
Mac I.vii.73
mettle, mettell (n.)
spirit, temperament, disposition
Nothing but Males. Will it not be receiu'd,Nothing but males. Will it not be received,receive (v.)

old form: receiu'd
consider, believe, regard
Mac I.vii.74
When we haue mark'd with blood those sleepie twoWhen we have marked with blood those sleepy two Mac I.vii.75
Of his owne Chamber, and vs'd their very Daggers,Of his own chamber, and used their very daggers,chamber (n.)
bedchamber, bedroom
Mac I.vii.76
That they haue don't?That they have done't? Mac I.vii.77.1
Who dares receiue it other,Who dares receive it other,other (adv.)
otherwise, in any other way
Mac I.vii.77.2
As we shall make our Griefes and Clamor rore,As we shall make our griefs and clamour roar Mac I.vii.78
Vpon his Death?Upon his death? Mac I.vii.79.1
I am settled, and bend vpI am settled; and bend upbend up (v.)
exert, strain, wind up
Mac I.vii.79.2
Each corporall Agent to this terrible Feat.Each corporal agent to this terrible feat.corporal (adj.)

old form: corporall
bodily, physical
Mac I.vii.80
Away, and mock the time with fairest show,Away, and mock the time with fairest show:mock (v.)
deceive, delude, mislead
Mac I.vii.81
time (n.)
(the) world, (the) age, society
show (n.)
pretence, fabrication, deception
fair (adj.)
plausible, flattering, seductive
False Face must hide what the false Heart doth know.False face must hide what the false heart doth know.false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Mac I.vii.82
false (adj.)
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
Exeunt.Exeunt Mac I.vii.82
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