Much Ado About Nothing

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Iohn and Borachio.Enter Don John and Borachio MA II.ii.1
It is so, the Count Claudio shal marry the It is so; the Count Claudio shall marry the MA II.ii.1
daughter of Leonato.daughter of Leonato. MA II.ii.2
Yea my Lord, but I can crosse it.Yea, my lord, but I can cross it.cross (v.)

old form: crosse
prevent, thwart, forestall
MA II.ii.3
Any barre, any crosse, any impediment, will beAny bar, any cross, any impediment will bebar (n.)

old form: barre
obstruction, barrier, obstacle
MA II.ii.4
cross (n.)

old form: crosse
hindrance, obstacle, stumbling block
medicinable to me, I am sicke in displeasure to him, medicinable to me: I am sick in displeasure to him,medicinable (adj.)
medicinal, healing, curative, restorative
MA II.ii.5
sick (adj.)

old form: sicke
full of loathing, full of repugnance
and whatsoeuer comes athwart his affection, rangesand whatsoever comes athwart his affection rangesaffection (n.)
emotion, feeling
MA II.ii.6
euenly with mine, how canst thou crosse this marriage?evenly with mine. How canst thou cross this marriage?evenly (adv.)

old form: euenly
in an even direction, along the same lines
MA II.ii.7
Not honestly my Lord, but so couertly, that Not honestly, my lord; but so covertly thatcovertly (adv.)

old form: couertly
secretly, stealthily, surreptitiously
MA II.ii.8
no dishonesty shall appeare in dishonesty shall appear in me. MA II.ii.9
Shew me breefely how.Show me briefly how. MA II.ii.10
I thinke I told your Lordship a yeere since, howI think I told your lordship a year since, how MA II.ii.11
much I am in the fauour of Margaret, the much I am in the favour of Margaret, the MA II.ii.12
waiting gentle-woman to Hero.waiting-gentlewoman to Hero. MA II.ii.13
I remember.I remember. MA II.ii.14
I can at any vnseasonable instant of the night,I can, at any unseasonable instant of the night, MA II.ii.15
appoint her to look out at her Ladies chamber window.appoint her to look out at her lady's chamber-window. MA II.ii.16
What life is in that, to be the death of this What life is in that, to be the death of this MA II.ii.17
marriage? marriage? MA II.ii.18
The poyson of that lies in you to temper, goeThe poison of that lies in you to temper. Gotemper (v.)
blend, mix, concoct, compound
MA II.ii.19
you to the Prince your brother, spare not to tell him, you to the Prince your brother; spare not to tell him MA II.ii.20
that hee hath wronged his Honor in marrying the renownedthat he hath wronged his honour in marrying the renowned MA II.ii.21
Claudio, whose estimation do you mightily Claudio – whose estimation do you mightilyestimation (n.)
esteem, respect, reputation
MA II.ii.22
hold vp, to a contaminated stale, such a one as Hero.hold up – to a contaminated stale, such a one as Hero.stale (n.)
prostitute, wanton, harlot
MA II.ii.23
What proofe shall I make of that?What proof shall I make of that? MA II.ii.24
Proofe enough, to misuse the Prince, to vexeProof enough to misuse the Prince, to vexmisuse (v.)
deceive, delude, fool
MA II.ii.25
vex (v.)

old form: vexe
afflict, trouble, torment
Claudio, to vndoe Hero, and kill Leonato, looke you for Claudio, to undo Hero and kill Leonato. Look you forundo (v.)

old form: vndoe
ruin, destroy, wipe out
MA II.ii.26
any other issue?any other issue?issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
MA II.ii.27
Onely to despight them, I will endeauour Only to despite them, I will endeavourdespite (v.)

old form: despight
spite, anger, wreak malice on
MA II.ii.28
any thing.anything. MA II.ii.29
Goe then, finde me a meete howre, to draw onGo, then; find me a meet hour to draw Donmeet (adj.)

old form: meete
fit, suitable, right, proper
MA II.ii.30
hour (n.)

old form: howre
time, moment
Pedro and the Count Claudio alone, tell them that Pedro and the Count Claudio alone. Tell them that MA II.ii.31
you know that Hero loues me, intend a kinde of zeale bothyou know that Hero loves me; intend a kind of zeal bothintend (v.)
pretend, convey, purport, profess
MA II.ii.32
to the Prince and Claudio (as in a loue of your brothersto the Prince and Claudio – as in love of your brother's MA II.ii.33
honor who hath made this match) and his friends honour, who hath made this match, and his friend's MA II.ii.34
reputation, who is thus like to be cosen'd with the semblancereputation, who is thus like to be cozened with the semblancelike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
MA II.ii.35
cozen (v.)

old form: cosen'd
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
of a maid, that you haue discouer'd thus: they of a maid – that you have discovered thus. Theydiscover (v.)

old form: discouer'd
reveal, show, make known
MA II.ii.36
will scarcely beleeue this without triall: offer them will scarcely believe this without trial; offer themtrial (n.)

old form: triall
evidence, proof, grounds
MA II.ii.37
instances which shall beare no lesse likelihood, than to instances, which shall bear no less likelihood than toinstance (n.)
sign, evidence, proof
MA II.ii.38
see mee at her chamber window, heare me call Margaret, see me at her chamber window, hear me call Margaret MA II.ii.39
Hero; heare Margaret terme me Claudio, and bring them Hero, hear Margaret term me Claudio; and bring them MA II.ii.40
to see this the very night before the intended wedding, to see this the very night before the intended wedding – MA II.ii.41
for in the meane time, I will so fashion the matter, that for in the meantime I will so fashion the matter thatfashion (v.)
arrange, contrive, manage
MA II.ii.42
Hero shall be absent, and there shall appeare such seeming Hero shall be absent – and there shall appear such seeming MA II.ii.43
truths of Heroes disloyaltie, that iealousie shall be cal'd truth of Hero's disloyalty that jealousy shall be calledjealousy (n.)

old form: iealousie
suspicion, mistrust, apprehension
MA II.ii.44
assurance, and all the preparation ouerthrowne.assurance, and all the preparation overthrown.assurance (n.)
security, certainty, confidence
MA II.ii.45
Grow this to what aduerse issue it can, I willGrow this to what adverse issue it can, I willissue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
MA II.ii.46
put it in practise: be cunning in the working this, andput it in practice. Be cunning in the working this, andcunning (adj.)
knowledgeable, skilful, clever
MA II.ii.47
thy fee is a thousand ducates.thy fee is a thousand ducats.ducat (n.)
gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries
MA II.ii.48
Be thou constant in the accusation, and my Be you constant in the accusation, and my MA II.ii.49
cunning shall not shame me.cunning shall not shame me. MA II.ii.50
I will presentlie goe learne their day of marriage. I will presently go learn their day of marriage.presently (adv.)

old form: presentlie
immediately, instantly, at once
MA II.ii.51
Exit.Exeunt MA II.ii.51
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