Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Pandarus and Cressid.Enter Pandarus and Cressida TC IV.iv.1
Be moderate, be moderate.Be moderate, be moderate. TC IV.iv.1
Why tell you me of moderation?Why tell you me of moderation? TC IV.iv.2
The griefe is fine, full perfect that I taste,The grief is fine, full perfect, that I taste,full (adv.)
fully, completely, properly
TC IV.iv.3
fine (adj.)
clear, pure
And no lesse in a sense as strongAnd violenteth in a sense as strongsense (n.)
ability to respond to sensation, physical perception
TC IV.iv.4
violent (v.)
rage with violence, seethe, rampage
As that which causeth it. How can I moderate it?As that which causeth it. How can I moderate it? TC IV.iv.5
If I could temporise with my affection,If I could temporize with my affection,temporize (v.)

old form: temporise
negotiate, come to terms, effect a compromise
TC IV.iv.6
affection (n.)
emotion, feeling
Or brew it to a weake and colder pallat,Or brew it to a weak and colder palate,brew (v.)
dilute, water down
TC IV.iv.7
The like alaiment could I giue my griefe:The like allayment could I give my (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
TC IV.iv.8
allayment (n.)
modifying agent, countermeasure, mitigation
My loue admits no qualifying crosse; My love admits no qualifying dross;dross (n.)
impure matter, tainted substance, rubbish
TC IV.iv.9
qualifying (adj.)
moderating, diluting, weakening
admit (v.)
be compatible with, be capable of
Enter Troylus.No more my grief, in such a precious loss. TC IV.iv.10
No more my griefe, in such a precious losse.Enter Troilus TC IV.iv.11
Here, here, here, he comes, a sweet ducke.Here, here, here he comes. Ah, sweet ducks! TC IV.iv.11
(embracing Troilus) TC IV.iv.12
O Troylus, Troylus!O Troilus! Troilus! TC IV.iv.12
What a paire of spectacles is here? let meWhat a pair of spectacles is here! Let mespectacle (n.)
thing to be seen, sight
TC IV.iv.13
embrace too: oh hart, as the goodly saying is;embrace too. ‘ O heart,’ as the goodly saying is –  TC IV.iv.14
O heart, heauie heart,‘ – O heart, heavy heart,heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
TC IV.iv.15
why sighest thou without breaking?Why sigh'st thou without breaking?’ TC IV.iv.16
where he answers againe; where he answers again: TC IV.iv.17
because thou canst not ease thy smart‘ Because thou canst not ease thy smart TC IV.iv.18
by friendship, nor by speaking:By friendship nor by speaking.’ TC IV.iv.19
there was neuer a truer rime; let vs cast awayThere was never a truer rhyme. Let us cast away TC IV.iv.20
nothing, for we may liue to haue neede of such a Verse:nothing, for we may live to have need of such a verse. TC IV.iv.21
we see it, we see it: how now Lambs?We see it, we see it, – How now, lambs! TC IV.iv.22
Cressid: I loue thee in so strange a puritie;Cressid, I love thee in so strained a puritystrained (adj.)
refined, purified, distilled
TC IV.iv.23
That the blest gods, as angry with my fancie,That the blest gods, as angry with my fancy,fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
love, amorousness, infatuation
TC IV.iv.24
More bright in zeale, then the deuotion whichMore bright in zeal than the devotion which TC IV.iv.25
Cold lips blow to their Deities: take thee from me.Cold lips blow to their deities, take thee from me.cold (adj.)
chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion
TC IV.iv.26
Haue the gods enuie?Have the gods envy? TC IV.iv.27
I, I, I, I, 'tis too plaine a case.Ay, ay, ay, ay, 'tis too plain a case. TC IV.iv.28
And is it true, that I must goe from Troy?And is it true that I must go from Troy? TC IV.iv.29
A hatefull truth.A hateful truth. TC IV.iv.30.1
What, and from Troylus too?What, and from Troilus too? TC IV.iv.30.2
From Troy, and Troylus.From Troy and Troilus. TC IV.iv.31.1
Ist possible?Is't possible? TC IV.iv.31.2
And sodainely, where iniurie of chanceAnd suddenly; where injury of chancechance (n.)
falling out of events, fortuitous circumstance
TC IV.iv.32
injury (n.)

old form: iniurie
grievance, wrong, complaint
suddenly (adv.)

old form: sodainely
immediately, at once, without delay
Puts backe leaue-taking, iustles roughly byPuts back leave-taking, jostles roughly byput back (v.)

old form: backe
repulse, reject, refuse
TC IV.iv.33
All time of pause; rudely beguiles our lipsAll time of pause, rudely beguiles our lipsrudely (adv.)
violently, roughly, with great force
TC IV.iv.34
beguile (v.)
deprive by deception, cheat out of
Of all reioyndure: forcibly preuentsOf all rejoindure, forcibly preventsrejoindure (n.)

old form: reioyndure
reunion, reuniting
TC IV.iv.35
Our lockt embrasures; strangles our deare vowes,Our locked embrasures, strangles our dear vowsembrasure (n.)
embrace, clasping
TC IV.iv.36
Euen in the birth of our owne laboring breath.Even in the birth of our own labouring breath: TC IV.iv.37
We two, that with so many thousand sighesWe two, that with so many thousand sighs TC IV.iv.38
Did buy each other, must poorely sell our selues,Did buy each other, must poorly sell ourselves TC IV.iv.39
With the rude breuitie and discharge of ourWith the rude brevity and discharge of one.rude (adj.)
violent, harsh, unkind
TC IV.iv.40
discharge (n.)
performance, fulfilment, execution
Iniurious time; now with a robbers hasteInjurious Time now, with a robber's haste,injurious (adj.)

old form: Iniurious
causing injury, harmful, offending, unjust
TC IV.iv.41
Crams his rich theeuerie vp, he knowes not how.Crams his rich thievery up, he knows not how;cram up (v.)

old form: vp
force into a small space, stuff in
TC IV.iv.42
thievery (n.)

old form: theeuerie
plunder, booty, stolen property
As many farwels as be stars in heauen,As many farewells as be stars in heaven, TC IV.iv.43
With distinct breath, and consign'd kisses to them,With distinct breath and consigned kisses to them,consigned (adj.)

old form: consign'd
entrusted, committed, delivered
TC IV.iv.44
He fumbles vp into a loose adiew;He fumbles up into a loose adieu,loose (adj.)
casual, lax, careless
TC IV.iv.45
And scants vs with a single famisht kisse,And scants us with a single famished kiss,scant (v.)
limit, restrict, constrain
TC IV.iv.46
Distasting with the salt of broken teares. Distasted with the salt of broken tears.distaste (v.)
make distasteful, destroy the relish of
TC IV.iv.47
broken (adj.)
disjointed, fragmentary, disconnected
Enter Aneus.AENEAS  
Aneas within. (within) TC IV.iv.48
My Lord, is the Lady ready?My lord, is the lady ready? TC IV.iv.48
Harke, you are call'd: some say the genius soHark, you are called: some say the Genius sogenius (n.)
attendant spirit, guardian spirit
TC IV.iv.49
Cries, come to him that instantly must dye.Cries ‘ Come!’ to him that instantly must die. –  TC IV.iv.50
Bid them haue patience: she shall come anon.Bid them have patience; she shall come anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
TC IV.iv.51
Where are my teares? raine, to lay this winde,Where are my tears? Rain, to lay this wind,lay (v.)
allay, reduce, moderate
TC IV.iv.52
wind (n.)

old form: winde
sighing, lamenting breath
or my heart will be blowne vp by the root.or my heart will be blown up by the root. TC IV.iv.53
Exit TC IV.iv.53
I must then to the Grecians?I must, then, to the Grecians? TC IV.iv.54.1
No remedy.No remedy. TC IV.iv.54.2
A wofull Cressid 'mong'st the merry Greekes.A woeful Cressid 'mongst the merry Greeks!Greek, foolish / merry

old form: Greekes
buffoon, merry person, silly joker
TC IV.iv.55
When shall we see againe?When shall we see again?see (v.)
meet, see each other
TC IV.iv.56
Here me my loue: be thou but true of heart.Hear me, my love: be thou but true of heart – true (adj.)
constant, faithful in love
TC IV.iv.57
I true? how now? what wicked deeme is this?I true? How now, what wicked deem is this?deem (n.)

old form: deeme
thought, notion, opinion
TC IV.iv.58
Nay, we must vse expostulation kindely,Nay, we must use expostulation kindly,expostulation (n.)
protestation, reproof, remonstration
TC IV.iv.59
kindly (adv.)

old form: kindely
lovingly, gently, affectionately
For it is parting from vs:For it is parting from us. TC IV.iv.60
I speake not, be thou true, as fearing thee:I speak not ‘ be thou true ’ as fearing thee; TC IV.iv.61
For I will throw my Gloue to death himselfe,For I will throw my glove to Death himself TC IV.iv.62
That there's no maculation in thy heart:That there's no maculation in thy heart.maculation (n.)
stain, sport, defilement
TC IV.iv.63
But be thou true, say I, to fashion inBut ‘ be thou true,’ say I, to fashion infashion in (v.)
frame, work in, introduce
TC IV.iv.64
My sequent protestation: be thou true,My sequent protestation: be thou true,sequent (adj.)
following, ensuing, consequent
TC IV.iv.65
And I will see thee.And I will see thee. TC IV.iv.66
O you shall be expos'd, my Lord to dangersO, you shall be exposed, my lord, to dangers TC IV.iv.67
As infinite, as imminent: but Ile be true.As infinite as imminent; but I'll be true! TC IV.iv.68
And Ile grow friend with danger; / Weare this Sleeue.And I'll grow friend with danger. Wear this sleeve. TC IV.iv.69
And you this Gloue. / When shall I see you?And you this glove. When shall I see you? TC IV.iv.70
I will corrupt the Grecian Centinels,I will corrupt the Grecian sentinels,corrupt (v.)
bribe, grease the palms of
TC IV.iv.71
To giue thee nightly visitation.To give thee nightly visitation –  TC IV.iv.72
But yet be true.But yet, be true. TC IV.iv.73.1
O heauens: be true againe?O heavens! ‘ Be true ’ again? TC IV.iv.73.2
Heare why I speake it; Loue:Hear why I speak it, love. TC IV.iv.74
The Grecian youths are full of qualitie,The Grecian youths are full of quality;quality (n.)

old form: qualitie
accomplishment, capacity, ability
TC IV.iv.75
Their louing well compos'd, with guift of nature,Their loving well composed with gifts of nature, TC IV.iv.76
Flawing and swelling ore with Arts and exercise:And flowing o'er with arts and exercise.exercise (n.)
manly sport, martial practice
TC IV.iv.77
How nouelties may moue, and parts with person.How novelty may move, and parts with person,part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
TC IV.iv.78
person (n.)
fine figure, personality
Alas, a kinde of godly iealousie;Alas, a kind of godly jealousy –  TC IV.iv.79
Which I beseech you call a vertuous sinne:Which, I beseech you, call a virtuous sin –  TC IV.iv.80
Makes me affraid.Makes me afraid. TC IV.iv.81.1
O heauens, you loue me not!O heavens, you love me not! TC IV.iv.81.2
Dye I a villaine then:Die I a villain then! TC IV.iv.82
In this I doe not call your faith in questionIn this I do not call your faith in question TC IV.iv.83
So mainely as my merit: I cannot sing,So mainly as my merit: I cannot sing,mainly (adv.)

old form: mainely
greatly, very much, mightily
TC IV.iv.84
Nor heele the high Lauolt; nor sweeten talke;Nor heel the high lavolt, nor sweeten talk,lavolt, lavolta (n.)

old form: Lauolt
lively, high-leaping dance
TC IV.iv.85
Nor play at subtill games; faire vertues all;Nor play at subtle games – fair virtues all,subtle, subtile (adj.)

old form: subtill
crafty, cunning, wily
TC IV.iv.86
To which the Grecians are most prompt and pregnant:To which the Grecians are most prompt and pregnant;pregnant (adj.)
well-disposed, ready, inclined, receptive
TC IV.iv.87
prompt (adj.)
inclined, disposed, prone
But I can tell that in each grace of these,But I can tell that in each grace of thesegrace (n.)
virtue, fine quality
TC IV.iv.88
There lurkes a still and dumb-discoursiue diuell,There lurks a still and dumb-discoursive devildumb-discoursive (adj.)silently persuasive, with compelling silent argumentsTC IV.iv.89
That tempts most cunningly: but be not tempted.That tempts most cunningly. But be not tempted. TC IV.iv.90
Doe you thinke I will:Do you think I will? TC IV.iv.91
No,No. TC IV.iv.92
but something may be done that we wil not:But something may be done that we will not;will (v.), past form would

old form: wil
desire, wish, want
TC IV.iv.93
And sometimes we are diuels to our selues,And sometimes we are devils to ourselves, TC IV.iv.94
When we will tempt the frailtie of our powers,When we will tempt the frailty of our powers,power (n.)
faculty, function, ability
TC IV.iv.95
tempt (v.)
try, test, make trial of
Presuming on their changefull potencie.Presuming on their changeful potency.changeful (adj.)

old form: changefull
changing, variable, unreliable
TC IV.iv.96
presume on (v.)
take insufficiently into account, rely too readily on
potency (n.)

old form: potencie
power, authority, command
Aneas AENEAS  
within. (within) TC IV.iv.97
Nay, good my Lord?Nay, good my lord –  TC IV.iv.97.1
Come kisse, and let vs part.Come, kiss, and let us part. TC IV.iv.97.2
Paris PARIS  
within. (within) TC IV.iv.98
Brother Troylus?Brother Troilus! TC IV.iv.98.1
Good brother come you hither,Good brother, come you hither, TC IV.iv.98.2
And bring Aneas and the Grecian with you.And bring Aeneas and the Grecian with you. TC IV.iv.99
My Lord, will you be true? Exit.My lord, will you be true?true (adj.)
constant, faithful in love
TC IV.iv.100
Who I? alas it is my vice, my fault:Who, I? Alas, it is my vice, my fault: TC IV.iv.101
Whiles others fish with craft for great opinion,Whiles others fish with craft for great opinion,opinion (n.)
reputation, character, honour
TC IV.iv.102
craft (n.)
cunning, deceit, guile
I, with great truth, catch meere simplicitie;I with great truth catch mere simplicity;mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
TC IV.iv.103
Whil'st some with cunning guild their copper crownes,Whilst some with cunning gild their copper crowns,crown (n.)

old form: crownes
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
TC IV.iv.104
With truth and plainnesse I doe weare mine bare:With truth and plainness I do wear mine bare. TC IV.iv.105
Feare not my truth; the morrall of my witFear not my truth: the moral of my witmoral (n.)

old form: morrall
hidden meaning, import, significance
TC IV.iv.106
truth (n.)
loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness
wit (n.)
reasoning, thinking, deliberation
Is plaine and true, ther's all the reach of it.Is ‘ plain and true;’ there's all the reach of it. TC IV.iv.107
Enter the Greekes.Enter Aeneas, Paris, Antenor, Deiphobus, and TC IV.iv.108.1
Diomedes TC IV.iv.108.2
Welcome sir Diomed, here is the LadyWelcome, Sir Diomed; here is the lady TC IV.iv.108
Which for Antenor, we deliuer you.Which for Antenor we deliver you. TC IV.iv.109
At the port (Lord) Ile giue her to thy hand,At the port, lord, I'll give her to thy hand,port (n.)
portal, entrance, gateway
TC IV.iv.110
And by the way possesse thee what she is.And by the way possess thee what she is.possess (v.)

old form: possesse
notify, inform, acquaint
TC IV.iv.111
Entreate her faire; and by my soule, faire Greeke,Entreat her fair, and by my soul, fair Greek,entreat, intreat (v.)

old form: Entreate
treat, handle, deal with
TC IV.iv.112
fair (adv.)

old form: faire
kindly, encouragingly, courteously
If ere thou stand at mercy of my Sword,If e'er thou stand at mercy of my sword, TC IV.iv.113
Name Cressid, and thy life shall be as safeName Cressid, and thy life shall be as safe TC IV.iv.114
As Priam is in Illion?As Priam is in Ilium.Ilion, Ilium (n.)
poetic names for the city of Troy
TC IV.iv.115.1
Faire Lady Cressid,Fair Lady Cressid, TC IV.iv.115.2
So please you saue the thankes this Prince expects:So please you, save the thanks this prince expects. TC IV.iv.116
The lustre in your eye, heauen in your cheeke,The lustre in your eye, heaven in your cheek, TC IV.iv.117
Pleades your faire visage, and to DiomedPleads your fair usage, and to Diomed TC IV.iv.118
You shall be mistresse, and command him wholly.You shall be mistress, and command him wholly. TC IV.iv.119
Grecian, thou do'st not vse me curteously,Grecian, thou dost not use me courteously,use (v.)

old form: vse
treat, deal with, manage
TC IV.iv.120
To shame the seale of my petition towards,To shame the zeal of my petition to theezeal (n.)

old form: seale
ardour, fervour; or: loyalty, devotion
TC IV.iv.121
I praising her. I tell thee Lord of Greece:In praising her. I tell thee, lord of Greece, TC IV.iv.122
Shee is as farre high soaring o're thy praises,She is as far high-soaring o'er thy praises TC IV.iv.123
As thou vnworthy to be cal'd her seruant:As thou unworthy to be called her servant.servant (n.)

old form: seruant
devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover
TC IV.iv.124
I charge thee vse her well, euen for my charge:I charge thee use her well, even for my charge;charge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
TC IV.iv.125
charge (n.)
command, order, injunction, instruction
For by the dreadfull Pluto, if thou do'st not,For, by the dreadful Pluto, if thou dost not,Pluto (n.)
one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld
TC IV.iv.126
dreadful (adj.)

old form: dreadfull
inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting
(Though the great bulke Achilles be thy guard)Though the great bulk Achilles be thy guard,bulk (n.)

old form: bulke
body, trunk, frame
TC IV.iv.127
Ile cut thy throate.I'll cut thy throat. TC IV.iv.128.1
Oh be not mou'd Prince Troylus;O, be not moved, Prince Troilus;moved (adj.)

old form: mou'd
aroused, provoked, exasperated
TC IV.iv.128.2
Let me be priuiledg'd by my place and message,Let me be privileged by my place and messageplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
TC IV.iv.129
To be a speaker free? when I am hence,To be a speaker free. When I am hence, TC IV.iv.130
Ile answer to my lust: and know my Lord;I'll answer to my lust, and know, my lord,lust (n.)
desire, pleasure, delight
TC IV.iv.131
answer (v.)
act along with, sustain, respond to
Ile nothing doe on charge: to her owne worthI'll nothing do on charge. To her own worthcharge (n.)
command, order, injunction, instruction
TC IV.iv.132
She shall be priz'd: but that you say, be't so;She shall be prized; but that you say ‘ Be't so,’ TC IV.iv.133
Ile speake it in my spirit and honor, no.I'll speak it in my spirit and honour: ‘ No.’ TC IV.iv.134
Come to the Port. Ile tell thee Diomed,Come, to the port. – I'll tell thee, Diomed,port (n.)
portal, entrance, gateway
TC IV.iv.135
This braue, shall oft make thee to hide thy head:This brave shall oft make thee to hide thy head.oft (adv.)
TC IV.iv.136
brave (n.)

old form: braue
boast, bravado, blustering threat
Lady, giue me your hand, and as we walke,Lady, give me your hand, and, as we walk, TC IV.iv.137
To our owne selues bend we our needefull talke.To our own selves bend we our needful talk.needful (adj.)

old form: needefull
necessary, needed, indispensable
TC IV.iv.138
bend (v.)
aim, direct, level, turn
Exeunt Troilus, Cressida, and Diomedes TC IV.iv.138
Sound Trumpet.Sound trumpet TC IV.iv.139
Harke, Hectors Trumpet.Hark! Hector's trumpet! TC IV.iv.139.1
How haue we spent this morningHow have we spent this morning!spend (v.)
waste, pass unprofitably
TC IV.iv.139.2
The Prince must thinke me tardy and remisse,The prince must think me tardy and remiss, TC IV.iv.140
That swore to ride before him in the field.That swore to ride before him to the field.field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
TC IV.iv.141
'Tis Troylus fault: come, come, to field with him.‘Tis Troilus' fault; come, come, to field with him. TC IV.iv.142
Let vs make ready straight.Let us make ready straight.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
TC IV.iv.143
Yea, with a Bridegroomes fresh alacritieYea, with a bridegroom's fresh alacrity, TC IV.iv.144
Let vs addresse to tend on Hectors heeles:Let us address to tend on Hector's heels.address (v.)

old form: addresse
prepare, make ready, poise to act
TC IV.iv.145
The glory of our Troy doth this day lyeThe glory of our Troy doth this day lie TC IV.iv.146
On his faire worth, and single Chiualrie.On his fair worth and single chivalry.chivalry (n.)

old form: Chiualrie
knightly prowess, warlike distinction
TC IV.iv.147
Exeunt.Exeunt TC IV.iv.147
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