matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
2H4 V.i.71[Falstaff alone] I will devise matter enough out of this Shallow to keep Prince Harry in continual laughter
AC II.ii.116[Caesar to Antony, of Enobarbus] I do not much dislike the matter, but / The manner of his speech
AC II.v.54[Cleopatra to Messenger] Pour out the pack of matter to mine ear
AW I.iii.106[Steward to Countess, of Helena] Her matter was, she loved your son
AYL II.i.68[Duke Senior to First Lord, of Jaques] I love to cope him in these sullen fits, / For then he's full of matter
AYL III.v.137[Phebe to Silvius, of her letter] The matter's in my head and in my heart
AYL IV.i.67[Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] when you were gravelled for lack of matter ... for lovers lacking ... matter
AYL IV.i.73[Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando, of a hypothetical wooing] she puts you to entreaty, and there begins new matter
AYL V.iii.40[Touchstone to Pages] there was no great matter in the ditty
AYL V.iv.182[Jaques to Jaques de Boys] out of these convertites / There is much matter to be heard and learned
CE IV.ii.42[Dromio of Syracuse to Adriana, of his master's arrest] I do not know the matter, he is 'rested on the case [i.e. what the dispute is about]
Cor III.iii.76[Sicinius to all, of Coriolanus] We need not put new matter to his charge
Cym V.v.243.1[Cymbeline to all] New matter still
H8 III.ii.21[Norfolk to Lord Chamberlain, of Wolsey] The King hath found / Matter against him
Ham II.ii.194[Polonius to Hamlet, referring to his reading] What is the matter, my lord? [interpreted by Hamlet as 'cause for concern' in the next line]
Ham II.ii.440[Hamlet to First Player] there were no sallets in the lines to make the matter savoury
Ham II.ii.95.2[Gertrude to Polonius] More matter, with less art
Ham III.ii.332[Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern] to the matter [i.e. to the point]
Ham IV.v.175[Laertes to all] This nothing's more than matter [i.e. this nonsense conveys more than sense would]
Ham IV.v.93[Claudius to Gertrude] of matter beggared
KL I.ii.64[Edmund to Gloucester, of the letter] If the matter were good
KL III.ii.81[Fool alone] When priests are more in word than matter
KL III.v.14[Edmund to Cornwall, of Gloucester's letter] If the matter of this paper be certain
KL[disguised Edgar to all, of Lear] O matter and impertinency mixed
KL[Gloucester to disguised Edgar] thou speak'st / In better phrase and matter than thou didst
MA II.i.305[Beatrice to Don Pedro] I was born to speak all mirth and no matter
MA II.iii.212[Don Pedro to Leonato, of Beatrice and Benedick] when they hold one an opinion of another's dotage, and no such matter
MA III.i.54[Hero to Ursula, of Beatrice's wit] to her / All matter else seems weak
MM III.ii.46[Lucio to Pompey] What say'st thou to this tune, matter, and method?
RJ[Juliet to Romeo] Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, / Brags of his substance, not of ornament
RJ III.ii.83[Juliet to Nurse, of Romeo] Was ever book containing such vile matter / So fairly bound?
Sonn.86.14[of his friend] when your countenance filled up his line, / Then lacked I matter; that enfeebled mine
TC I.iii.10[Agamemnon to all] Nor ... is it matter new to us / That we come short of our suppose so far / That ... yet Troy walls stand
TC I.iii.71[Agamemnon to Ulysses] be't of less expect / That matter needless ... / Divide thy lips
TC II.iii.94[Nestor to Ulysses] Then will Ajax lack matter, if he have lost his argument
Tem II.i.90[Antonio to Sebastian, of Gonzalo] What impossible matter will he make easy next?
TG I.i.126[Proteus to Speed] open the matter in brief
TN III.iv.141[Fabian to Sir Toby and Maria, of Sir Andrew] More matter for a May morning! [i.e. holiday recreation]
TNK I.i.109.1[Third Queen to Emilia, of her first poor effort at expressing herself] sorrow wanting form / Is pressed with deeper matter
TNK IV.iii.6[Gaoler to Doctor, of his daughter] what broken piece of matter soe'er she's about [i.e. whatever she talks about disconnectedly]
TS I.i.248[Sly to Lord, of the play] A good matter, surely
WT IV.iv.199[Servant to Clown, of Autolycus' songs] some stretch-mouthed rascal would ... break a foul gap into the matter [i.e. insert into the song a gap for some bawdy element]
WT V.ii.60[Third Gentleman to all, of the tale] which will have matter to rehearse, though credit be asleep

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