muse (v.)
wonder, be surprised
1H6 II.ii.19[Talbot to all] I muse we met not with the Dauphin's grace
2H4 IV.i.165[Westmorland to Hastings] I muse you make so slight a question
2H6 III.i.1[King to all] I muse my lord of Gloucester is not come
Cor III.ii.7[Coriolanus to Nobles] I muse my mother / Does not approve me further
KJ III.i.317[Lewis the Dauphin to King Philip] I muse your majesty doth seem so cold, / When such profound respects do pull you on!
Mac III.iv.84[Macbeth to all] Do not muse at me, my most worthy friends
R3 I.iii.304[Rivers to Buckingham, of Queen Margaret] I muse why she's at liberty
TG I.iii.64[Antonio to Proteus] Muse not that I thus suddenly proceed

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