mean (v.) Old form(s): meane , meanes
intend, purpose, mean to act
1H6 II.ii.60[Captain to Talbot, obeying Talbot's command] I do, my lord, and mean accordingly
1H6 V.i.39[King to ambassadors, of the treaty] we mean / Shall be transported presently to France
AW IV.iii.25[First Lord to Second Lord] Is it not meant damnable in us to be trumpeters of our unlawful intents?
Cor I.ix.56[Cominius to Martius] we'll put you - / Like one that means his proper harm - in manacles
KL III.vii.76.2[First Servant to Regan] What do you mean?
MW III.iv.82[Mistress Page to Anne, of Anne's plea not to marry Slender] I mean it not
WT I.ii.146.2[Polixenes to Hermione] What means Sicilia?

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