boot (n.) Old form(s): boote
good, advantage, profit
1H6[John Talbot to Talbot] talk no more of flight; it is no boot
2H6 IV.i.13[Lieutenant to Mate, of a prisoner] make boot of this
AC IV.i.9[Maecenas to Caesar, of Antony] Make boot of his distraction
KL V.iii.299[Albany to Edgar and Kent] You to your rights / With boot
MM II.iv.11[Angelo alone] my gravity ... / Could I, with boot, change for an idle plume
TS V.ii.175[Katherina to Widow and Bianca, of rebellion against their husbands] vail your stomachs, for it is no boot
WT IV.iv.633[Camillo to Autolycus] there's some boot
WT IV.iv.671[Autolycus alone, of exchanging clothes with Florizel] What an exchange had this been, without boot! What a boot is here, with this exchange!

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