motion (n.)
act of moving, movement, stirring
2H4 IV.iii.33[Falstaff to Prince John] Have I in my poor and old motion the expedition of thought?
AW II.iii.232[Lafew to Parolles] I will by thee, in what motion age will give me leave
H8 I.ii.86[Wolsey to King Henry] If we shall stand still, / In fear our motion will be mocked or carped at
LLL V.ii.216[masked King to masked Rosaline] The music plays; vouchsafe some motion to it
Luc.1326[] the eye interprets to the ear / The heavy motion that it doth behold
Oth II.iii.168[Othello to all] He that stirs next ... he dies upon his motion [i.e. the instant he moves]

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