nature (n.)
natural powers, normal state [of mind and body]
Cym III.iv.43[Innogen to Pisanio[ If sleep charge Nature [i.e. if I manage to sleep]
Cym V.v.257[Cornelius to Cymbeline, of the drug] in short time / All offices of nature should again / Do their due functions
KL II.iv.103[Lear to Gloucester] we are not ourselves / When nature, being oppressed, commands the mind / To suffer with the body
KL IV.iv.12[Doctor to Cordelia] Our foster-nurse of nature is repose
KL IV.vii.15[Cordelia to the gods, of Lear] Cure this great breach in his abused nature
Mac I.iii.136[Macbeth to himself, of his imaginings] make my seated heart knock at my ribs / Against the use of nature
Mac II.ii.7[Lady Macbeth alone, of the King's attendants] I have drugged their possets / That death and nature do contend about them / Whether they live or die
Mac V.i.9[Doctor to Gentlewoman, of Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking] A great perturbation in nature
Tim III.i.61[Flaminius alone as if to the gods, of Lucullus] when he's sick to death, let not that part of nature / Which my lord paid for be of any power / To expel sickness
Tim IV.iii.177[Timon alone] That nature, being sick of man's unkindness, / Should yet be hungry!
Tim IV.iii.229[Apemantus to Timon, of wild animals] Whose naked natures live in all the spite / Of wreakful heaven
TNK I.iv.43[Theseus to all, of different events] Hath set a mark which nature could not reach to
TNK III.ii.31[Gaoler's Daughter alone] O state of nature, fail together in me [i.e. my existence]

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