2H4 III.i.1 | [stage direction] Enter the King in his nightgown |
JC II.ii.1.2 | [stage direction] Enter Julius Caesar in his nightgown |
MA III.iv.17 | [Margaret to Hero, comparing gowns] 's but a nightgown in respect of yours |
Mac II.ii.70 | [Lady Macbeth to Macbeth] Get on your nightgown |
Mac V.i.5 | [Gentlewoman to Doctor, of Lady Macbeth] I have seen her ... throw her nightgown upon her |
Mac V.i.58 | [Lady Macbeth as if to Macbeth, while sleepwalking] put on your nightgown |
Oth I.i.161.1 | [stage direction] Enter Brabantio in his nightgown |
Oth IV.iii.33.1 | [Emilia to Desdemona] Shall I go fetch your nightgown? |