crab (n.) Old form(s): Crabbe
crab-apple, sour apple
KL I.v.15[Fool to Lear, of Regan] she's as like this as a crab's like an apple
LLL IV.ii.6[Holofernes to Nathaniel, of the pomewater] anon falleth like a crab on the face of terra, the soil
LLL V.ii.914[Hiems singing, of winter] When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl
MND II.i.48[Puck to Fairy] sometime lurk I in a gossip's bowl / In very likeness of a roasted crab
Tem II.ii.164[Caliban to Stephano] let me bring thee where crabs grow [or: shellfish]
TS II.i.227[Katherina to Petruchio, of looking sour] It is my fashion when I see a crab [also: sour-faced person]

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