contagious (adj.)
pestilential, harmful, noxious
1H4 I.ii.196[Prince Hal alone] the base contagious clouds
2H4 V.v.34[Pistol to Falstaff] Thy Doll ... / Is in base durance and contagious prison
2H6 IV.i.7[Lieutenant to all, of the dragons pulling Hecate's chariot] from their misty jaws / Breathe foul contagious darkness in the air
H5 III.iii.31[King Henry to citizens of Harfleur] the cool and temperate wind of grace / O'erblows the filthy and contagious clouds / Of heady murder
KJ V.iv.33[Melun to Salisbury, Pembroke, and Bigot] even this night, whose black contagious breath / Already smokes about the burning crest ... your breathing shall expire
MND II.i.90[Titania to Oberon] the winds ... have sucked up from the sea / Contagious fogs

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