object (n.) Old form(s): obiect , Obiects
spectacle, sight, object of attention
3H6 II.ii.4[Queen to King, of York's head] Doth not the object cheer your heart, my lord?
Cor I.i.19[First Citizen to all, of the authorities] The leanness that afflicts us, the object of our misery
Ham III.i.173[Claudius to Polonius, of Hamlet] Haply ... countries different, / With variable objects, shall expel / This something-settled matter in his heart
JC IV.i.37[Antony to Octavius, of Lepidus] one that feeds / On objects, arts, and imitations
KL II.iii.17[Edgar alone, of beggars'appearances] with this horrible object
KL V.iii.236[Albany to Kent, of the bodies] See'st thou this object
Luc.1103[of Lucrece] No object but her passion's strength renews
Luc.806[Lucrece to herself] Make me not object to the tell-tale Day
TC II.ii.41[Troilus to Helenus] reason flies the object of all harm
TC IV.v.106[Ulysses to Agamemnon] Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribes / To tender objects
Tit II.iii.204[Martius to Quintus, of what he can see] with the dismall'st object hurt / That ever eye with sight made heart lament
Tit III.i.64[Lucius to Titus, of Lavinia] this object kills me

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