pageant (n.)
show, scene, spectacle, tableau
2H6 I.ii.67[Duchess alone] I will not be slack / To play my part in Fortune's pageant
AC IV.xiv.8.1[Antony to Eros, of signs in the sky] They are black vesper's pageants
AYL II.vii.139[Duke Senior to all] This wide and universal theatre / Presents more woeful pageants than the scene / Wherein we play in
AYL III.iv.47[Corin to Rosalind and Celia disguised, of Silvius] If you will see a pageant truly played
H8 IV.i.11.1[Second Gentleman to First Gentleman, of the citizens] they are ever forward - / In celebration of this day with shows, / Pageants, and sights of honour
MND III.ii.114[Puck to Oberon, of Lysander and Helena] Shall we their fond pageant see?
MV I.i.11[Salerio to Antonio] your argosies with portly sail ... [like] the pageants of the sea
Oth I.iii.18[First Senator to Duke, of the Turkish attack] 'Tis a pageant / To keep us in false gaze
R2 IV.i.320[Abbot of Westminster to all] A woeful pageant have we here beheld
TC III.ii.73[Troilus to Cressida] in all Cupid's pageant there is presented no monster
TC III.iii.272[Thersites to Achilles, of Ajax] I will put on his presence ... you shall see the pageant of Ajax
Tem IV.i.155[Prospero to Ferdinand, of the entities created by the vision] Like this insubstantial pageant faded

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