pale (n.)
fence, paling, enclosure
1H6 IV.ii.45[Talbot to all] How we are parked and bounded in a pale
CE II.i.100[Adriana to Luciana, of her husband] he breaks the pale / And feeds from home
H8 V.iv.89[Porter to one in the crowd] get up o'th' rail; / I'll peck you o'er the pales else
Ham I.iv.28[Hamlet to Horatio] Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason
R2 III.iv.40[First Man to Gardener] Why should we, in the compass of a pale, / Keep law and form and due proportion
TC II.iii.246[Ulysses to Ajax, of his wisdom] Which, like a bourn, a pale, a shore, confines / Thy spacious and dilated parts
Ven.230[Venus to Adonis, of her arms] I have hemmed thee here / Within the circuit of this ivory pale

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