pardon (n.)
permission, consent, approval
3H6 IV.i.87[Post to Edward] few words, / But such as I, without your special pardon, / Dare not relate
AC[Octavia to Caesar, of Antony] I begged / His pardon for return
Ham I.ii.56[Laertes to Claudius, of returning to France] your gracious leave and pardon
Ham III.ii.325[Guildenstern to Hamlet] your pardon and my return shall be the end of my business
Ham IV.vii.45[Claudius reading Hamlet's letter to him] I shall, first asking your pardon thereunto, recount the occasion of my sudden ... return
LLL IV.ii.100[Holofernes to Nathaniel, of the letter] Under pardon, sir, what are the contents?

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