pelting (adj.)
paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant
KL II.iii.18[Edgar alone, of beggars] from low farms, / Poor pelting villages ... / Enforce their charity
MM II.ii.112[Isabella to Angelo, of Jove] every pelting, petty officer / Would use his heaven for thunder
MND II.i.91[Titania to Oberon] Contagious fogs ... falling in the land, / Hath every pelting river made so proud / That they have overborne their continents
R2 II.i.60[John of Gaunt to York, of England] Is now leased out ... / Like to a tenement or pelting farm
TC IV.v.267[Hector to Achilles] We have had pelting wars since you refused / The Grecians' cause
TNK II.i.322[Palamon to Gaoler] Thou bringest such pelting scurvy news continually

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