press (v.) Old form(s): prease , presse, prest
push forward, thrust, come / go boldly
3H6 III.i.19[King to himself] No humble suitors [will] press to speak for right
AYL V.iv.54[Touchstone to Duke Senior] I press in here ... to swear and to forswear
H8 II.iv.186[King Henry to all] many mazed considerings did throng / And pressed in with this caution
JC II.ii.88[Decius to Caesar] great men shall press / For tinctures, stains, relics, and cognizance
JC II.iv.15[Portia to Lucius] take good note / What Caesar doth, what suitors press to him
Tit IV.iii.90[Clown to Titus] God forbid I should be so bold to press to heaven in my young days

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