pursuivant (n.) Old form(s): Purseuants, Pursiuaunt , Pursuiuant, Pursuiuants
royal messenger, state messenger [with power to execute warrants]
1H6 II.v.5[Mortimer to Gaolers, of his hair] these grey locks, the pursuivants of Death
2H6 I.iii.33[Suffolk to servant, of Peter] send for his master with a pursuivant presently
E3 IV.ii.54[King Edward to Percy] we'll have a pursuivant dispatched
H8 V.ii.1.1[stage direction] Pursuivants, pages, and others, attending before the Council Chamber
H8 V.ii.23[Butts to King Henry, of Cranmer] Who holds his state at door, 'mongst pursuivants
R3 III.ii.94[stage direction] Enter a Pursuivant
R3 III.iv.88[Hastings to all] I now repent I told the pursuivant ... how mine enemies ... were butchered

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