and, an (conj.)
if, whether
1H4 I.ii.100 [Falstaff to Prince Hal, of taking a purse] an I do not, call me villain and baffle me
1H4 I.ii.96 [Falstaff to Prince Hal, of giving over his wicked life] Lord, an I do not I am a villain
1H4 II.i.1[First Carrier to himself] An it be not four by the day I'll be hanged
1H4 II.i.29[First Carrier to Second Carrier] An 'twere not as good deed as drink to break the pate on thee, I am a very villain
1H4 II.ii.21 [Falstaff to himself] an 'twere not as good a deed as drink to turn true man ... I am the veriest varlet that ever chewed with a tooth
1H4 II.ii.43 [Falstaff to Prince Hal, of the thieves] An I have not ballads made on you all
1H4 II.ii.97 [Falstaff to himself] An the Prince and Poins be not two arrant cowards there's no equity stirring
1H4 II.iii.23 [Hotspur to himself, of a letter-writer] an I were now by this rascal, I could brain him with his lady's fan
1H4 II.iv.139 [Poins to Falstaff] an ye call me coward... I'll stab thee
1H4 II.iv.276 [Falstaff to Prince Hal, of his running away] Ah, no more of that Hal, an thou lovest me
1H4 II.iv.376 [Falstaff to Prince Hal] an the fire of grace be not quite out of thee, now shalt thou be moved
1H4 II.iv.411[Prince Hal to Falstaff as Henry IV] What manner of man, an it like your Majesty?
1H4 III.i.254 [Hotspur to all] An the indentures be drawn I'll away within these two hours
1H4 III.iii.149 [Falstaff to Prince Hal, of fearing him like the King] Nay, an I do, I pray God my girdle break
1H4 III.iii.7 [Falstaff to Bardolph] An I have not forgotten what the inside of a church is made of, I am a peppercorn
1H4 III.iii.85 [Falstaff to Hostess, of Prince Hal] an he were here I would cudgel him like a dog
1H6 V.iv.10 [Shepherd to all, denying Pucelle's words] an please you, 'tis not so
2H4 I.i.13.1[Northumberland to Lord Bardolph, of news from Shrewsbury] Good, an God will!
2H4 I.ii.51 [Falstaff to Page] An I could get me but a wife in the stews, I were manned, horsed and wived
2H4 II.i.147 [Falstaff to Hostess] an 'twere not for thy humours, there's not a better wench in England
2H4 II.i.20 [Fang to Snare and Hostess, of Falstaff] An I but fist him once, an 'a come but within my vice
2H4 II.ii.90 [Bardolph to all, of the cheeky Page] An you do not make him be hanged among you, the gallows shall have wrong
2H4 II.iv.126 [Doll to Pistol] I'll thrust my knife in your mouldy chaps an you play the saucy cuttle with me
2H4 II.iv.137[Doll to Pistol] An captains were of my mind, they would truncheon you out
2H4 II.iv.188 [Falstaff to Bardolph, of Pistol] an 'a do nothing but speak nothing, 'a shall be nothing here
2H4 II.iv.219 [Doll to Falstaff, of tossing Pistol in a blanket] Do, an thou darest for thy heart. An thou dost, I'll canvass thee between a pair of sheets
2H4 II.iv.272 [Doll to Falstaff, of forgetting him] thou'lt set me a-weeping an thou sayst so
2H4 II.iv.81 [Hostess to Falstaff, of Pistol] an your ancient swagger, 'a comes not in my doors
2H4 III.ii.111 [Mouldy to Fastaff] I was pricked well enough before, an you could have let me alone
2H4 V.iii.49 [Silence to all] An we shall be merry, now comes in the sweet o'th' night
2H4 V.iii.60 [Bardolph to Davy, of London] An I might see you there
2H4 V.iv.8 [Doll to First Beadle] an the child I go with do miscarry, thou wert better thou hadst struck thy mother
2H6 II.i.9 [Suffolk to King] No marvel, an it like your majesty
AW I.iii.83 [Clown to Countess] An we might have a good woman born but one every blazing star or at an earthquake, 'twould mend the lottery well
AW II.i.29 [Parolles to Bertram] An thy mind stand to't, boy, steal away bravely
AW IV.iii.311 [First Lord to Parolles, of a sonnet] An I were not a very coward I'd compel it of you
AYL II.vii.101 [Jaques to Orlando] An you will not be answered with reason
AYL IV.i.28 [Jaques to Orlando] God buy you, an you talk in blank verse
AYL IV.i.35 [Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] An you serve me such another trick, never come in my sight more
AYL IV.i.45 [Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] Nay, an you be so tardy come no more in my sight
CE II.ii.36 [Dromio of Syracuse to Antipholus of Syracuse] An you use these blows long I must get a sconce for my head
CE III.i.39[Dromio of Syracuse to Antipholus of Ephesus] I'll tell you when an you'll tell me wherefore
Cor II.i.125 [Menenius to Volumnia, of Martius and Aufidius] An he had stayed by him, I would not have been so fidiused
Cor II.iii.82 [Second Citizen to other citizens, of giving his voice in support of Coriolanus] An 'twere to give again -
Cor IV.v.195 [First Servingman to other servingmen, of Coriolanus and Aufidius] An he had been cannibally given, he might have boiled and eaten him too
H5 II.i.98[Bardolph to Nym, of his quarrel with Pistol] an thou wilt be friends, be friends
H5 IV.vii.154 [King Henry to Fluellen, of a man wearing a glove] if thou encounter any such, apprehend him, an thou dost me love
H5 IV.vii.159 [Fluellen to King Henry, of seeing a glove being worn] I would fain see it once, an please God of His grace that I might see
H5 IV.vii.161 [Fluellen to King Henry, of Gower] He is my dear friend, an please you
H5 IV.viii.116 [Fluellen to King Henry Is it not lawful, an please your majesty, to tell how many is killed?
H5 IV.viii.43 [Fluellen to King Henry, of Williams wearing a glove] An please your majesty, let his neck answer for it
H8 III.ii.375 [Wolsey to Cromwell] an you weep I am fall'n indeed
Ham V.i.279 [Hamlet to Laertes] Nay, an thou'lt mouth, I'll rant as well as thou
JC I.ii.264 [Casca to Brutus] An I had been a man of any occupation ... I would I might go to hell aong the rogues
JC I.ii.278 [Casca to Cassius, of interpreting Cicero speaking Greek] an I tell you that, I'll ne'er look you i'th' face again
KJ II.i.136 [Bastard to Austria] One that will play the devil, sir, with you / An 'a may catch your hide and you alone
KJ II.i.139 [Bastard to Austria] I'll smoke your skin-coat an I catch you right!
LLL II.i.184 [Boyet to Longaville, of Maria] A woman sometimes, an you saw her in the light
LLL II.i.235 [Boyet to Princess, of Navarre] An you give him for my sake but one loving kiss
LLL IV.i.50 [Costard to Princess] An your waist, mistress, were as slender as my wit
LLL V.i.69 [Costard to Mote] an the heavens were so pleased that thou wert but my bastard, what a joyful father thou wouldst make me
LLL V.ii.577[Costard to all, of Nathaniel] There, an't shall please you, a foolish mild man
MA I.i.178 [Benedick to Claudio, of Beatrice and Hero] there's her cousin, an she were not possessed with a fury, exceeds her
MA I.i.187 [Benedick to Claudio] an thou wilt needs thrust thy neck into a yoke, wear the print of it
MA I.i.73 [Beatrice to Messenger, of Benedick being in her books] an he were, I would burn my study
MA II.iii.159 [Don Pedro to Claudio, of Benedick tormenting Beatrice] An he should, it were an alms to hang him
MA II.iii.80 [Benedick to Don Pedro, of Balthasar's singing] An he had been a dog that should have howled thus, they would have hanged him
MA III.iii.82[Dogberry to all] an there be any matter of weight chances, call up me
MA III.iv.32 [Margaret to Hero, on whether there is harm in a phrase] None, I think, an it be the right husband and the right wife
MA III.iv.50 [Margaret to Beatrice] an you be not turned Turk, there's no more sailing by the star
MA III.v.35 [Dogberry to Leonato] an two men ride of a horse, one must ride behind
MA V.i.199[Dogberry to Conrade or Borachio] an you be a cursing hypocrite once, you must be looked to
MM II.i.154 [Elbow to Esclus] First, an it like you, the house is a respected house
MND I.ii.47 [Bottom to Quince] An I may hide my face, let me play Thisbe too
MND I.ii.70 [Quince to Bottom, of roaring like a lion] An you should do it too terribly you would fright the Duchess and the ladies
MND IV.ii.20 [Flute to all, of Bottom] An the Duke had not given him sixpence a day for playing Pyramus, I'll be hanged
MND V.i.190[Bottom as Pyramus] To spy an I can hear my Thisbe's face
MV I.ii.45 [Portia to Nerissa, of what the County Palatine might say] An you will not have me, choose
MV II.iv.10 [Launcelot to Lorenzo, of a letter] An it shall please you to break up this, it hall seem to signify
Per II.i.78 [First Fisherman to Pericles, of Pericles dying] Now gods forbid it an I have a gown here
Per IV.ii.79 [Bawd to Marina] What would you have me be, an I be not a woman?
RJ I.i.3 [Sampson to Gregory] an we be in choler, we'll draw
RJ I.iii.62 [Nurse to Juliet] An I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish
RJ II.iv.147 [Nurse to Romeo, of Mercutio] An 'a speak anything against me, I'll take him down
RJ III.i.15 [Mercutio to Benvolio, of argumentative fellows] an there were two such, we should have none shortly
RJ III.i.30 [Benvolio to Mercutio] An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man should buy the fee simple of my life for an hour
RJ III.i.40 [Tybalt to Mercutio, of a fight] You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, an you will give me occasion
RJ III.iii.89 [Nurse to Romeo] Stand, an you be a man
RJ III.v.188 [Capulet to Juliet] But, an you will not wed, I'll pardon you!
RJ IV.v.101 [Peter to Musicians] O, an you will have me live, play ‘Heart's ease’
RJ IV.v.119 [First Musician to Peter] An you re us and fa us, you note us
TC I.i.43 [Pandarus to Troilus, of Cressida] An her hair were not somewhat darker than Helen's
TC I.i.68 [Pandarus to Troilus, of Cressida] if she be fair, 'tis the better for her; an she be not, she has the mends in her own hands
TC II.iii.203 [Ajax to Agamemnon, of Achilles] An 'a be proud with me, I'll pheeze his pride
TC II.iii.213 [Ajax to all] An all men were o' my mind –
TC II.iii.217[Nestor, aside to others, of Ajax' saying 'shall pride carry it?'] An 'twould, you'd carry half
TC III.ii.139 [Pandarus to Troilus] An you take leave till tomorrow morning
TC III.ii.43 [Pandarus to Cressida] an you draw backward, we'll put you i'th' fills
TC III.ii.47 [Pandarus to Cressida, of meeting Troilus] An 'twere dark, you'd close sooner
TC III.iii.255 [Thersites to Achilles, of Ajax] there were wit in his head, an 'twould out
Tem II.i.184 [Sebastian to Antonio, of Gonzalo's riposte] An it had not fall'n flat-long
Tim I.i.207 [Timon to Apemantus, of eating lords] An thou shouldst, thou'dst anger ladies
Tim I.ii.159 [Flavius to himself, of Timon] When all's spent, he'd be crossed then, an he could
Tim I.ii.248 [Timon to Apemantus] an you begin to rail on society once, I am sworn not to give regard to you
Tim IV.iii.311 [Apemnatus to Timon] An th' hadst hated meddlers sooner, thou shouldst have loved thyself better now
Tit I.i.495 [Titus to Saturninus] Tomorrow, an it please your majesty / To hunt the panther
Tit II.iv.9 [Chiron to Demetrius] An 'twere my cause, I should go hang myself
Tit IV.iv.40 [Clown to Tamora, of speaking to her] Yea, forsooth, an your mistress-ship be Emperial
TN I.iii.11 [Sir Toby to Maria, of his boots being good enought to drink in] an they be not, let them hang themselves in their own straps
TN I.iii.58[Sir Toby to Sir Andrew] An thou let part so. ... would thou mightst never draw sword again
TN I.iii.60 [Sir Andrew to Maria] An you part so, mistress, I would I might never draw sword again
TN I.iii.85 [Sir Andrew to Sir Toby, of beef harming wit] An I thought that, I'd forswear it
TN I.v.123 [Sir Toby to Olivia, of someone at the gate] Let him be the devil an he will, I care not
TN II.iii.58 [Sir Andrew to Sir Toby and Feste, of singing a catch] An you love me, let's do't
TN II.iii.97 [Malvolio to Sir Toby, of Olivia] an it would please you to take leave of her, she is very willing to bid you farewell
TN II.v.12 [Sir Andrew to Sir Toby, of angering Malvolio] An we do not, it is pity of our lives
TN II.v.132 [Fabian to Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, as if to Malvolio] an you had any eye behind you
TN III.i.41 [Viola as Cesario to Feste] an thou pass upon me, I'll no more with thee
TN III.iv.100 [Maria to Sir Toby, of Malvolio] an you speak ill of the devil, how he takes it at heart!
TN III.iv.276 [Sir Andrew to Sir Toby, of Viol as Cesario] An I thought he had been valiant ... I'd have seen him damned
TN III.iv.384 [Sir Andrew to Sir Toby, of cuffing Viola as Cesario] An I do not -
TN V.i.373 [Feste to Malvolio, reminding him of what he said] an you smile not, he's gagged
TNK III.v.47 [Second Countryman to Schoolmaster, of Cicely] an she fail me once - you can tell
TNK IV.iii.51 [Daughter to herself, of two women howling together] I were a beast an I'd call it good sport
TS I.i.127 [Hortensio to Gremio] there be good fellows in the world, an a man could light on them
TS I.i.79 [Katherina to Baptista, of Bianca] Put finger in the eye, an she knew why
TS I.ii.107 [Grumio to Hortensio, of Petruchio] an she knew him as well as I do
TS I.ii.110 [Grumio to Hortensio, of Petruchio] an he begin once, he'll rail in his rope-tricks
TS I.ii.111 [Grumio to Hortensio, of Petruchio] an she stand him but a little, he will throw a figure in her face
TS I.ii.16 [Petruchio to Grumio, of a door] an you'll not knock, I'll ring it
TS IV.iii.145 [Tailor to Grumio] an I had thee in place where, thou shouldst know it
TS IV.iv.55 [Tranio to Baptista, on where to meet] Then at my lodging, an it like you
WT V.ii.151 [Autolycus to Clown] Ay, an it like your good worship

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