passion (n.)
emotional state, mental condition
CE V.i.47[Adriana to Abbess, of Antipholus of Ephesus] till this afternoon his passion / Ne'er brake into extremity of rage
JC I.ii.48[Cassius to Brutus] I have much mistook your passion
KJ IV.ii.79[Salisbury to Pembroke, of King John] His passion is so ripe it needs must break
Per I.ii.11[Pericles alone] the passions of the mind, / That have their first conception by misdread
Tem IV.i.143[Ferdinand to Miranda] Your father's in some passion / That works him strongly
Tim III.v.21[Alcibiades to Senators, of his friend] with such sober and unnoted passion / He did behove his anger

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