pander, pandar (n.)
pimp, procurer, go-between
Cym III.iv.31[Innogen reading Posthumus' letter to Pisanio] thou art the pander to her dishonour
Cym III.v.82[Cloten to Pisanio] you precious pander
H5 IV.v.14[Bourbon to all, of any who will not follow him] Let him ... / Like a base pander, hold the chamber-door
KL II.ii.19[disguised Kent to Oswald, describing him] art nothing but the composition of a ... pander
MA V.ii.31[Benedick alone] Troilus the first employer of panders
MW V.v.165[Ford to Falstaff, of Master Brook] to whom you should have been a pander
TC III.ii.200[Pandarus to Cressida and Troilus] Let ... all brokers-between [be called] Pandars!
WT II.i.46[Leontes to Lord, of Polixenes] Camillo was his help in this, his pander

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