quick (n.) Old form(s): quicke
sensitive parts [of the body], tender flesh
CE II.ii.139[Adriana to Antipholus of Syracuse] How dearly would it touch thee to the quick / Shouldst thou but hear I were licentious
Ham II.ii.595[Hamlet alone, of Claudius] I'll tent him to the quick
Ham IV.vii.122[Claudius to Laertes] But to the quick o'th' ulcer [i.e. the nub of the matter]
Tem V.i.25[Prospero to Ariel, of his wrongdoers] with their high wrongs I am struck to th'quick [i.e. hurt very deeply]
Tit IV.ii.28[Aaron to himself, of the lines of verse accompanying Titus' weapons] That wound beyond their feeling to the quick
Tit IV.iv.36[Tamora to herself, as if to Titus] I have touched thee to the quick

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