stick (v.) Old form(s): sticke , stickst , stucke
hesitate, linger, think twice
2H4 I.ii.22[Falstaff to Page, of Prince Henry] he will not stick to say his face is a face-royal
Cor II.iii.15[First Citizen to Third Citizen, of Coriolanus] he himself stuck not to call us the many-headed multitude
H8 II.ii.125[Campeius to Wolsey, of people commenting about Pace] They will not stick to say you envied him
Ham IV.v.94[Claudius to Gertrude, of rumour-mongers] necessity, of matter beggared, / Will nothing stick our person to arraign / In ear and ear
PP.18.51[Pilgrim, of his mistress] She will not stick to round me on th'ear
Sonn.10.6[] thou art so possessed with murd'rous hate / That 'gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire

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