suit (n.) Old form(s): Suit, suite , suites , sute
formal request, entreaty, petition
1H6 II.ii.47[Burgundy to Talbot, of the Countess] You may not, my lord, despise her gentle suit
1H6 V.i.34[King to Ambassadors] your several suits / Have been considered and debated on
1H6 V.iii.19[Pucelle to spirits] My body shall / Pay recompense, if you will grant my suit
2H4 II.i.43[Fang to Falstaff] I arrest you at the suit of Mistress Quickly
2H4 II.i.69[Hostess to Lord Chief Justice, of Falstaff] I am a poor widow of Eastcheap, and he is arrested at my suit
2H4 IV.i.76[Archbishop to Westmorland] [we] might by no suit gain our audience [to the King]
2H4 V.i.64[Falstaff alone] If I had a suit to Master Shallow
2H6 I.iii.37[Queen to Petitioners, of Gloucester] Begin your suits anew and sue to him
2H6 IV.i.126[Suffolk to First Gentleman, of the pirates] Far be it we should honour such as these / With humble suit
2H6 IV.vii.3[Dick to Cade] I have a suit unto your lordship
3H6 III.ii.4[Edward toRichard, of Lady Grey] Her suit is now to repossess those lands
3H6 III.ii.81[Lady Grey to Edward] My suit is at an end
3H6 III.iii.142[Queen to Warwick] It was thy device / By this alliance to make void my suit
3H6 IV.viii.40[King to all, of the people] I have not stopped mine ears to their demands, / Nor posted off their suits with slow delays
AW II.iii.75[Helena to First Lord] Sir, will you hear my suit?
AW V.iii.160[Diana to King] My suit, as I do understand, you know
AW V.iii.333[King as Epilogue] All is well ended if this suit be won, / That you express content
AYL I.ii.169[Rosalind to Orlando] we will make it our suit to the Duke that the wrestling might not go forward
AYL II.vii.44.2[Jaques to Duke Senior, of getting a motley coat] It is my only suit
CE IV.i.69[Second Merchant to Officer, of Antipholus of Ephesus] arrest him at my suit
CE IV.i.80[Officer to Antipholus of Ephesus] I do arrest you, sir. You hear the suit
CE IV.ii.43[Adriana to Dromio of Syracuse, of Antipholus of Ephesus] What, is he arrested? Tell me at whose suit [pun: 44]
CE IV.iv.129[Adriana to Officer, of Antipholus of Ephesus] Say now, whose suit is he arrested at?
Cor II.i.230[Brutus to Sicinius, of Coriolanus] the suit of the gentry to him
Cor II.iii.221[Sicinius to Citizens, of Coriolanus] forget not ... / How in his suit he scorned you
Cor V.ii.84[Coriolanus to Menenius] Mine ears against your suits are stronger than / Your gates against my force
Cor V.iii.135[Volumnia to Coriolanus, of the Romans and Volsces] our suit / Is that you reconcile them
Cor V.iii.17[Coriolanus to Aufidius] Fresh embassies and suits, / Nor from the state nor private friends, hereafter / Will I lend ear to
Cor V.iii.6[Aufidius to Coriolanus] You have ... stopped your ears against / The general suit of Rome
Cym V.v.71[Cymbeline to Lucius, of the dead Britons] whose kinsmen have made suit / That their good souls may be appeased with slaughter / Of you their captives
E3 I.ii.5[Countess alone, as if to Montague] I fear thou want'st / The lively spirit sharply to solicit / With vehement suit the king in my behalf
E3 II.ii.182[Countess to King Edward] swear to leave thy most unholy suit
E3 II.ii.26[Derby to King Edward, of the Emperor] hath accorded to your highness' suit
E3 IV.iii.47[Charles to Villiers] Thy suit shall be no longer thus deferred
H8 I.i.186[Buckingham to Norfolk, of the Emperor] his suit was granted / Ere it was asked
H8 I.ii.10[King Henry to Queen Katherine] Half your suit / Never name to us
H8 I.ii.197[Surveyor to King Henry, reporting Buckingham's words about his father approaching Richard III] being at Salisbury, / Made suit to come in's presence
H8 II.iii.85[Old Lady alone] I ... / Am yet a courtier beggarly, nor could / Come pat betwixt too early and too late / For any suit of pounds [i.e. petition for money]
H8 V.iii.160[King Henry to Cranmer] I have a suit which you must not deny me
Ham I.ii.43[Claudius to Laertes] You told us of some suit
JC II.iv.27[Portia to Soothsayer] Thou hast some suit to Caesar, hast thou not?
JC II.iv.42[Portia to Lucius] Brutus hath a suit / That Caesar will not grant
JC III.i.28[Decius Brutus to Brutus, of Metellus Cimber] Let him go, / And presently prefer his suit to Caesar
JC III.i.5[Decius to Caesar] Trebonius doth desire you to o'er-read, / At your best leisure, this his humble suit
KJ IV.ii.62[Pembroke to King John, of Arthur] let it be our suit, / That you have bid us ask, his liberty
KL II.ii.61[Oswald to Cornwall, of disguised Kent] This ancient ruffian, sir, whose life I have spared at suit of his grey beard
LLL II.i.110[Princess to King] Vouchsafe to read the purpose of my coming, / And suddenly resolve me in my suit
LLL V.ii.734[Princess to King] Excuse me so, coming too short of thanks / For my great suit so easily obtained
Luc.898When wilt thou be the humble suppliant's friend, / And bring him where his suit may be obtained?
MM II.ii.28.2[Angelo to Isabella] Well, what's your suit?
MM II.iv.70[Isabella to Angelo] you granting of my suit
MM IV.iii.9[Pompey alone] Then is there here one Master Caper, at the suit of Master Threepile the mercer, for some four suits of peach-coloured satin [first instance]
MM V.i.452[Duke to Mariana] Your suit's unprofitable
MV I.iii.116[Shylock to Antonio] moneys is your suit
MV II.ii.125[Gobbo to Launcelot] my suit is ...
MV II.ii.133[Bassanio to Launcelot] thou hast obtained thy suit
MV II.ii.165.1[Gratiano to Bassanio] I have suit to you
MV IV.i.174[Portia as Balthasar to Shylock] Of a strange nature is the suit you follow
MV IV.i.62[Shylock to Duke, of Antonio] I follow ... / A losing suit against him
MW III.iv.20[Anne to Fenton, of obtaining her father's consent] If opportunity and humblest suit / Cannot attain it
Oth I.i.9[Iago to Roderigo] Three great ones of the city, / In personal suit to make me his Lieutenant, / Off-capped to him
Oth II.iii.331[Iago to Roderigo] 'tis most easy / Th'inclining Desdemona to subdue / In any honest suit
Oth III.i.33[Cassio to Iago, of Emilia] My suit to her / Is that she will to virtuous Desdemona / Procure me some access
Oth III.iii.26[Desdemona to Cassio, of Othello] I'll intermingle everything he does / With Cassio's suit
Oth III.iii.80[Desdemona to Othello] when I have a suit / Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed
Oth III.iv.106[Cassio to Desdemona] my former suit
Oth III.iv.162[Desdemona to Cassio] If I do find him fit, I'll move your suit, / And seek to effect it to my uttermost
Oth III.iv.85[Desdemona to Othello, of fetching her handkerchief] This is a trick to put me from my suit
Oth IV.i.107[Iago to Cassio, of his request] if this suit lay in Bianco's power, / How quickly should you speed!
Oth IV.i.26[Iago to Othello] knaves be such abroad, / Who having by their own importunate suit
Per V.i.259.1[Lysimachus to Pericles] I have another suit
R2 IV.i.154[Northumberland to th elords] May it please you, lords, to grant the commons' suit?
R2 V.iii.129[Duchess of York to King Henry] Pardon is all the suit I have in hand
R3 III.vii.147[Richard to Buckingham] to reprove you for this suit of yours
R3 III.vii.202[Catesby to Richard, of the people] O, make them joyful, grant their lawful suit!
R3 III.vii.213[Buckingham to Richard] whe'er you accept our suit or no, / Your brother's son shall never reign our king
R3 III.vii.45[Buckingham to Richard] Be not you spoke with but by mighty suit
R3 III.vii.62[Catesby to Buckingham, of Richard] in no worldly suits would he be moved / To draw him from his holy exercise
R3 IV.ii.116[Buckingham to King Richard] May it please you to resolve me in my suit?
RJ I.ii.6[Paris to Capulet] what say you to my suit? [or: sense 2]
RJ I.iv.78[Mercutio to Romeo, of Queen Mab] Sometime she gallops o'er a courtier's nose, / And then dreams he of smelling out a suit
Tem I.ii.122[Prospero to Miranda] The King of Naples ... hearkens my brother's suit
Tem I.ii.79[Prospero to Miranda, of his brother] Being once perfected how to grant suits
Tem III.ii.38[Caliban to Stephano] Wilt thou be pleased to hearken once again to the suit I made to thee?
Tit I.i.226[Titus to tribunes] this suit I make
Tit I.i.434[Tamora to Saturninus] at my suit, sweet, pardon what is past
Tit I.i.442[Tamora to Saturninus, of Titus] at my suit look graciously on him
TN I.v.102[Olivia to Malvolio] If it be a suit from the Count, I am sick
TN III.iv.318[Second Officer to Antonio] I arrest thee at the suit of Count Orsino
TN V.i.273[Viola to Orsino, of the Captain] He, upon some action, / Is now in durance at Malvolio's suit
TNK I.i.175[First Queen to Theseus] Our suit shall be neglected
TNK[Emilia to Theseus] you would ne'er deny me anything / Fit for my modest suit
TNK IV.i.27[Second Friend to all] they that never begged / But they prevailed had their suits fairly granted
Ven.336[] when the heart's attorney once is mute, / The client breaks, as desperate in his suit
WT I.ii.402[Polixenes to Camillo] this suit of mine
WT IV.iv.794[Autolycus to Clown and Shepherd, of himself] if it be in man besides the King to effect your suits, here is man shall do it

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