servant (n.) Old form(s): seruant
devotee, one who gives dedicated service, lover
1H6 I.ii.111[Charles to Pucelle] Let me thy servant and not sovereign be
LLL V.ii.277[Maria to all, of Dumaine] my servant straight was mute
R3 I.ii.206[Richard to Anne, of himself] thy poor devoted servant [F; Q suppliant]
TC IV.iv.124[Troilus to Diomedes, of Cressida] She is as far high-soaring o'er thy praises / As thou unworthy to be called her servant
TG II.iv.104[Silvia to Valentine, of Proteus] Too low a mistress for so high a servant
TN III.i.94[Viola as Cesario to Olivia] Cesario is your servant's name
TNK I.i.89[Second Queen to Hippolyta, of Theseus] who is a servant for / The tenor of thy speech
TNK[Palamon to Theseus, of Emilia] Whose servant ... justly / I am
TNK V.iii.72.2[Emilia alone, of Arcite] Poor servant, thou hast lost!

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