success (n.) Old form(s): successe
result, outcome, issue
3H6 II.ii.46[King to Clifford] things ill got had ever bad success [>> PROVERBS, p. 000]
3H6 II.ii.74[Clifford to King, of the battle] The Queen hath best success when you are absent
3H6 III.iii.146[Lewis to Queen] if your title to the crown be weak, / As may appear by Edward's good success
AC II.iv.9.2[Maecenas and Agrippa to Lepidus] Sir, good success
AC III.v.5[Enobarbus to Eros, of the wars] What is the success?
AW[Bertram to all] we cannot greatly condemn our success
AW[Parolles to Bertram, of retrieving his drum] I know not what the success will be
AW IV.iii.85[Bertram to all, of what he has achieved] By an abstract of success
Cor I.i.258[Sicinius to Brutus, of Martius] Such a nature, / Tickled with good success
Cor V.i.63.1[Menenius to all] I shall ere long have knowledge / Of my success
E3 III.ii.27[First Frenchman to First Citizen] Belike you then despair of ill success [i.e. you fear a bad outcome]
E3 IV.iii.64[Charles to King John] I have a prophecy ... / Wherein is written what success is like / To happen us in this outrageous war
JC II.ii.6[Caesar to Servant] Go bid the priests do present sacrifice, / And bring me their opinions of success
KL V.iii.192[Edgar to Albany] Not sure, though hoping, of this good success
Oth III.iii.220[Iago to Othello] My speech should fall into such vile success / Which my thoughts aimed not at
R3 IV.iv.237[King Richard to Queen Elizabeth] so thrive I in my enterprise / And dangerous success of bloody wars
TC I.iii.340[Nestor to Ulysses, of Hector's challenge] the success, / Although particular, shall give a scantling / Of good or bad unto the general
TC II.ii.118[Hector to Troilus] is your blood / So madly hot that no ... fear of bad success in a bad cause, / Can qualify the same?
TNK IV.iii.99[Doctor to Wooer] Let us ... hasten the success [i.e. get a result as soon as possible]

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