sennight, se'nnight, seven-night (n.) Old form(s): Senights , Seue' night , seuen night, Seu'nights
[seven night] week
AYL III.ii.306[Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] If the interim be but a se'nnight
MA II.i.333[Leonato to Claudio, of his marriage] Not till Monday ... which is hence a just seven-night
Mac I.iii.22[First Witch to Witches, of a sailor] Weary sev'n-nights nine times nine / Shall he dwindle, peak, and pine
Oth II.i.77[Cassio to Montano, of Iago] Whose footing here anticipates our thoughts / A se'nnight's speed
WT I.ii.17.1[Leontes to Polixenes, asking him to stay longer] One sev'n-night longer

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